All Blog Posts (201)

I just cant win

I'm really rather upset have found out that my wedding/handfast
day that was to be this summer will have to be postponed due to the
war overseas... our best man will be in iraq. I'd like to explode I really would but what good would it do? And who do I yell at? Can't yell at the best's not his fault he got orders. Can't yell at the National Guard it's not their fault that they had to give him orders. So who do I yell at the president??? and if so which one?? I just can't win!!!

Added by sylverose on December 4, 2009 at 2:20pm — 1 Comment

Black Angus the Homeless??? Don't read this message if you have a soft heart.

Sorry about the morose comment on my page everyone. I am going through some hard times right now and it could either go really good for me by the end of the year or REALLY BAD!

It seems like everytime I am about to get ahead I get kicked in the teath by life.

I found a profound nitch in acid etching for me at the beginning of the year. I aquired a new buisness partner that is trying to help us find and buy a house as well as keep me in buisness.

Then our land lord let the house… Continue

Added by Black Angus Silverleaf on November 24, 2009 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment

Yet I Remain The Same

Moon light filters in

A change is on the way

Anticipation screams out

Clawing forth through the haze

Yet I remain the same

This beast roars fiercely

Pacing deep inside

This body's but a cage

But it can see through my eyes

Yet I remain the same

Darkness is my friend

Shadows an ally

Smell of blood fills the air

seek out its source

Yet I remain the same

As the moon clears the clouds

split in two with… Continue

Added by Sabastian DeCavalier on November 3, 2009 at 12:43am — No Comments

Wake Up Dark One

Wake Up Dark One

by Crystalis DeCavalier

copyright 2009

Take these colors in my soul

Ring them out and lay them down

Place them at your feet and look

What do you see?

Another world inside two places at once

How can this be?

A portal within the gateway of the mind

One side shakes and holds the chaos

Wishing to burst free

To be released and thrust forward

Needing for the world to see

What lives beneath the… Continue

Added by Crystalis DeCavalier on November 2, 2009 at 10:08pm — No Comments


Thankyou for voting.
Traveling Within The World now has 64 votes towards this years awards
and 64 as the total number of votes for all time
Please come back to 1Award and vote again tomorrow

Added by mississippihippy on October 26, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

SerpentStone Georgia Samhain 2009 Gathering


Georgia Samhain 2009 Gathering

October 23-25, 2009 (Friday - Sunday)

At Eagle Valley (near Kingston, GA)

(Gates open at Noon on Friday)


Strengthen Our Community

Join SerpentStone as we celebrate Samhain at Eagle Valley in Kingston, Georgia. We will stand shoulder to shoulder and join hands to "Strengthen Our Community". Explore new ideas this year… Continue

Added by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on September 26, 2009 at 8:43pm — No Comments

Off to another show

Stone Carver Well folks it looks like I will be setting up the stone-carving table tomorrow at the Ontario Rocks concert (fund raiser for breast cancer) 4437 Queen Street in Niagara Fall starting at 11am and going all day YA AAH!!!!

Added by James Metcalfe on September 19, 2009 at 1:46am — 4 Comments



Added by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on September 18, 2009 at 2:15am — 1 Comment


Leather is a material created through the tanning of hides and skins of animals, primarily cattlehide. The tanning process converts the putrescible skin into a durable, long-lasting and versatile natural material for various uses. Together with wood, leather formed the basis of much ancient technology. The leather industry and the fur industry are distinct industries that are differentiated by the importance of their raw materials. In the leather industry the raw materials are by-products of… Continue

Added by Dept of PMM Leather & Link on August 25, 2009 at 10:25pm — No Comments

General Music


Added by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on August 23, 2009 at 3:30pm — 73 Comments

Vince Conaway at Faire doing what he does best

The Tam Lin Reel at the Greater St Louis Renaissance Faire, 2007

The Road to Lisdonvarna at the Maryland Renaissance Festival, 2007…


Added by Dept of PMM Castle Life on August 22, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

As She Slipped Away

She slipped away from me last night. One moment she was there on the table getting her stomach pumped and the next…nothing. I prayed last night. The strange thing was, I wasn’t even really sure whom I was praying to. Everyone…no one, it’s all the same really. I wouldn’t say that I am one who has lost their faith. I suppose one must have faith first to lose it. I had confirmation last night of something that has lingered in my mind for some time… Continue

Added by Crystalis DeCavalier on August 20, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

things i do

to start several years ago i wanted a good knife none were in the stors that suited me well i made one then ppl started to aks where i git it then can you make one for me next came swords then axes i have made some chain and armor but it dosent hold my intrest i use the old way to make them heat and beat most of my tools are made by me also i dont use coal just wood and wind it works just takes more time i do make charcoal from time to time when i need to raise the heat and harden certian… Continue

Added by mississippihippy on August 17, 2009 at 2:36pm — 1 Comment

Grandmother Turtle Elder and storyteller

. Appearances at the following festivals: Heartland, Rites of Spring, MAPA Beltane, Dragon Hills Rowan Festival, Gathering of the Tribes, Sirius Rising, Starwood, Craftwise, Free Spirit Gathering, Florida Pagan Gathering, and Harmony Tribe. She is a co-founder of the Life Springs Festival and the Stones Rising Festival.

For bookings, speaking events, and workshops with Elspeth, please contact Eri at (202)236-6764 or

Few of our cultural… Continue

Added by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on August 2, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

A question asked because of action taken responses and still the wrong is being found of. Three sides of a coin which will you see

A question asked because of action taken responses and still the wrong is being found of. Three sides of a coin which will you see

This is my and the responses from the action of banned from sites. People who have answered my asking if they knew of things. And messages back and forth. Names and sites have been removed to not point or give directions time and dates are left to see the flow of it. The bottom line is none but a few of the ‘befriended’ in the Ningverse have typed to me… Continue

Added by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on July 30, 2009 at 11:00pm — 183 Comments

Malleus Maleficarum "The Hammer of Witches"

Under Dominican pressure, in 1326, then Pope John XXII responded by making witchcraft an official heresy. Over one hundred years later two well educated Dominican monks by the names of Heinrich Kramer and James Springler wrote a horrindous three part manual called “Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches or just Witches Hammer)”.

The manual was based on the passage “thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”(Exodus 22:18). This “book” was on how to identify and legally coerse… Continue

Added by Sabastian DeCavalier on July 24, 2009 at 8:19pm — No Comments

Hymn of Love


Love Hymn from Inanna to Dumuzi
Bridegroom dear to my heart.
Goodly is your beauty honey sweet.
Lion dear to my heart.
Goodly is your beauty honey.
You have captivated me.
Let me stand trembling before you bridegroom.
I would be taken by you.

Added by Crystalis DeCavalier on July 16, 2009 at 7:20pm — No Comments

Once Upon a Time....

Once upon a time there was a hydra and a dragon and a rose. The hydra loved the rose

and wanted it for his own. The dragon too loved the rose but being honorable stepped

away and let the hydra take the rose for his own. The hydra wrapped the rose

in a silver chain and golden ring and kept her thus.

Many years passed and though he thought the hydra loved the rose and treated it well. He found that what he percieved was not true. The hydra did not treat the rose well. So he… Continue

Added by sylverose on June 14, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment


Frequently Asked Questions-

Q. Do you really make all of this jewelry by hand?

A: Yes, all the merchandise on this site is hand-woven.

Q. Why Aluminum?

A: Aluminum is lightweight (1/3 the weight of steel) and does not tarnish like other metals.

Q. How long is your turnaround time for an order.

A: Every piece of jewelry is hand-made so it depends on the intricacy of the jewelry design and the metal choice. Link in stock… Continue

Added by Dept of PMM Leather & Link on June 2, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Words thoughts seeing perhaps .....................

By being so we start to understand man and their habits. The ways and reasons. For their reactions and ways of doing things.

Thus applying the perspective theory to our own lives where be why man hunts and kills us why he despises us. We are large and wise. Unknown to him. We are the mystery And that which man doesn’t understand and scares him he destroys that which he wants.

That last statement is very true. For when man wants he destroys to attain it. Many wise and… Continue

Added by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on May 30, 2009 at 9:39pm — No Comments



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100 votes - Copper Award

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This allows members on various sites to share information between sites and by providing a by line with the original source it credits the author with the creation.

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***************We here at Traveling within the World are not responsible for anything posted by individual members. While the actions of one member do not reflect the intentions of the entire social network or the Network Creator, we do ask that you use good judgment when posting. If something is considered to be inappropriate it will be removed


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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.