________________________________________Wednesday September 22 1965 Gregorian waning crescent moon–sometimes called an“old moon” This is the period when the Moon is decreasing in it's size. It starts about four days after the Full Moon, and lasts until about Four days before the New Moon. Energy is considered to be parting, waning alongside the Moon herself, and is linked with the Crone Aspect of the Goddess.
Long Count:(Maya Calendar)
Baktun =12 Katun=17 Tun=12 Uinal=1 Kin=1
9 ‘Imix Waterlily
19 Mol
Tzolkin date = 11 Akbal
Haab date = 1 Ch’en
G5 or G3 or Lord of the night is G5
Xihuitl: solar year solar year Trecena: 13-day period Tonalli: day
5-Calli As a year bearer, Calli (house) is the sign of day in the tonalpohualli that gives its name to this xihuitl (year). This sign is associated with the direction of the west.
1- Acatl The 13-day period Acatl (Reed) is ruled by Chalchihuitlicue, goddess of lakes, rivers and seas, goddess of horizontal waters. This trecena signifies the transitory nature of all that we may gain in life: it is a reminder to view success and failure, gain and loss, as matters of fate and not as matters of personal worth. The elementals do not reward nor punishment our efforts but, rather, construct the maze within which we might perfect our hearts. The 13 days of this trecena reveal our hearts to us, based on whether we have decided to live within the house of shadows or to seek the secret of happiness elsewhere. These are good days to travel to new places; bad days to hide in fear.
11- Calli The protector of day Calli (House) and the provider of the Shadow Soul or Tonalli is Tepeyollotl, Heart of the Mountain. Calli is a good day for rest, tranquility and family life. Not a good day for participating in public life. Best spent cementing relationships of trust and mutual interests.
Chalmecatecuhtli, is the provider of the Spirit Soul (Teyollia) for days with numeral 11 (mahtlactli-once).
The volatile for this day is the Scarlet Macaw (Alo).
Yoaltecuhtli: Lord of the Night Tlaloc Tlaloc, He Who Makes Things Sprout, the god of rain, lightning and thunder. Het is a fertility god, but also a wrathful deity. He is responsible for both floods and droughts.
Tlaloc is commonly depicted as a goggle-eyed blue being with jaguar fangs. Often he is presented wearing a net of clouds, a crown of heron feather and foam sandals. He carries rattles to make thunder.
Tlaloc was first married to the goddess Xochiquetzal, but then Tezcatlipoca kidnapped her. He later married Chalchihuitlicue. With Chalchihuitlicue he became the father of Tecciztecatl. Tlaloc has an older sister named Huixtocihuatl.
He is the ruler of Tlalocan, the fourth heaven. Tlalocan is the place of eternal spring, a paradise of green plants. Tlalocan is the destination in the afterlife for those who died violently from phenomena associated with water, such as by lightning, drowning and water-borne diseases.
Tlaloc ruled over the third world, 4 Quiahuitl, the world that was destroyed by a fiery deluge.
He is served by various rain spirits called the tlaloque.
In Tenochtitlan, ancient Mexico City, half of the central temple ("Huey Teocalli") was dedicated to Tlaloc. The other half was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, the god of the Mexica.
Tlaloc is both the protector of the seventh day, Mazatl (deer) and the seventh trecena, 1-Quiahuitl (rain). He is Lord of the Day for days with number 8 ("chicuei" in Nahuatl). Tlaloc is the nineth and last Lord of the Night.
Xiuhpohualli: 365-day calendar20 - Atemoztli (XVII)
Calli - Aztec horoscope Name Calli English name House Tonal name 3 Description House is place of peace and resting. House-people are mostly peacful and good-natured people who enjoy the comfort o fhte home, but in the same time are not ones you want to argue with. Although they might seem to be at peace, don't count on it that it would keep going on. House is a sign of stability, peace and home loving person
Sun sign mayan Tone: 11 - Resolution, Sun Sign: NIGHT (AKBAL) (6th Day of Planetary cycle)
________________________________________Gregorian-Julian Period Date
2429026 Julian Period Day and Mayan Day 1854741
________________________________________dies Mercurii Mercury's day Woden's day Wednesday mercoledì
________________________________________September (pronunciation) (help•info) is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four Gregorian months with 30 days.
In Latin, septem means "seven" and septimus means "seventh"; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC, when there was a calendar reform from the month of the Ides of March to the Kalends, or January 1.[1]
• September's birthstone is the sapphire. The meaning is clear thinking.
• Its flower is the aster or morning glory.[9]
The equinox named the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere and the vernal or spring equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs on dates varying from 21 September to 24 September (in UTC). In the pagan wheel of the year the spring equinox is the time of Ostara and the autumn equinox is that of Mabon.
________________________________________The name comes from the Middle English Wednes dei, which is from Old English language Wēdnes dæg, meaning the day of the English god Wodan (Woden) who was a god of the Anglo-Saxons in England until about the 7th century. Wēdnes dæg is like the Old Norse Oðinsdagr ("Odin's day"), which is an early translation of the Latin dies Mercurii ("Mercury's day"), and reflects the widespread association of Woden with Mercury going back to Tacitus.
In Romance languages it is derived from the name of the Roman god Mercury: mercredi (French), mercoledì (Italian), miércoles (Spanish), miercuri (Romanian), dimecres (Catalan), dies Mercurii (Latin). Similarly, in most of the Indian Languages the name for Wednesday, Buddhavar is derived from the Vedic name for Mercury, Buddha. Buddh is also used in Urdu. Russian does not use pagan names but instead uses sredá, meaning "middle," similar to the German Mittwoch. Likewise, Portuguese uses the word quarta-feira, meaning "fourth day" (literally it means "fourth fair", that comes from the latin "feria quarta" - "feria" original meaning is "celebration" - it was so the fourth day of celebration of the week, because all days were days of celebrating God (the name was created by Pope Silvester I, Christian leader between 314-335AD). While in Greek the word is Tetarti(Τετάρτη) meaning simply "fourth." Similarly, Arabic أربعاء means "fourth" and Persian چهارشنبه means "fourth after Sabbath."
The astrological sign of the planet Mercury represents Wednesday -- Dies Mercurii to the Romans, with similar names in Latin-derived languages, such as the French Mercredi and the Spanish Miércoles. In English, this became "Woden's Day", since the Roman god Mercury was identified with Woden in northern Europe.
________________________________________Virgo (The Virgin) (mutable, earth, social): There is some debate in regards to a modern ruler of this sign with Chiron, Pallas, Vesta and Ceres often considered candidate by some modern astrologers, but the planet Mercury is typically used as the default by tradition pending a consensus among modern practitioners; but no one knows if or when this will be. The tropical duration of Virgo is August 23 to September 22.
________________________________________Earth Signs--Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—
________________________________________In astrology, the mutable signs (also called common signs or bicorporal or double-bodied signs) are a subgroup of the zodiac. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The mutable signs straddle two temperate zone seasons, encompassing an inherent duality in its symbolism.
________________________________________In the tropical zodiac, mutable signs coincide with the times of change in the seasons. They are associated with change and versatility. Individuals born under the four mutable quality signs are thought to be adaptable, impressionable, sharp, sympathetic, communicative, resourceful and restless, with a gift for seeing both sides of a situation at the same time and an immense desire for knowledge, variety and new ideas. They supposedly adapt very well to new situations, possess much flexibility, seldom have any particular agenda and are perfectly happy to fill in an assigned role. However, they are also said to be inconsistent, changeable, nervous, indecisive and irresponsible, with a tendency to get wrapped up in tiny particulars. There is also a certain duality associated with all the mutable quality signs.
________________________________________Interpersonal Signs - Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio - are principally aware of and concerned with others, and sociality.
________________________________________Virgo (Mercury)
Alternatively, some astrologers use the former planets Pallas, Vesta, Juno and Hygiea in their delineations and rulerships, for example Vesta to Taurus and Pallas to Virgo. Some other astrologers believe that the dwarf planet Chiron may be the ruler of Virgo
________________________________________Symbol Zodiac sign Domicile Exile Exaltation Fall
Virgo Mercury Neptune Mercury Venus
________________________________________Jyotish or Indian zodiac
Number Sanskrit Name Western/Greek Name Tattva (Element) Quality Ruling Planet
6 Kanyā "girl" Virgo (Παρθένος "virgin") Prithivi (Earth) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Mercury
________________________________________The second trine consists of the Ox, Snake, and Rooster.
________________________________________Sign Yin/Yang Direction Season Fixed Element Trine
Snake Yin South; South-East Summer Fire 2nd
________________________________________The month of the Snake is May 5 - Jun 5, and the hours of the Snake are 9am - 11am.
________________________________________Fire: The fire person has leadership qualities, and is decisive, self confident, positive and assertive. The direction associated with Fire is South, and the season is summer, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Snake, Horse and Sheep.
________________________________________If the year ends in 4 or 5 it is Yang Wood.
________________________________________Mercury Mercury's winged helmet and caduceus Mind (crescent) poised over divine spirit (circle) and matter (cross)
________________________________________Virgo Virgin Arms of maiden holding a sheaf of wheat
________________________________________Year Associated Element Heavenly Stem Earthly Branch Associated Animal
Feb 02 1965–Jan 20 1966 Yin Wood 乙 巳 Snake
________________________________________Season Lunar Month Fixed Element Solar Longitude Solar Term Western Date
Autumn 8th–酉(you) Rooster Metal 164° 白露 báilù Sep 08–Sep 22
________________________________________Within the Four Pillars, the day is the pillar representing information about one's kids or late age.
• 23:00–01:00: 子 rat
• 01:00–03:00: 丑 ox
• 03:00–05:00: 寅 tiger
• 05:00–07:00: 卯 rabbit
• 07:00–09:00: 辰 dragon
• 09:00–11:00: 巳 snake
• 11:00–13:00: 午 horse
• 13:00–15:00: 未 ram
• 15:00–17:00: 申 monkey
• 17:00–19:00: 酉 rooster
• 19:00–21:00: 戌 dog
• 21:00–23:00: 亥 pig
________________________________________Crow People
Birth Dates September 22nd - October 22nd
Earth Influence The Falling leaves time
Influencing Wind The West wind
Totem Grizzly Bear
Direction Southwest
Element Air with Earth
Elemental Butterfly (air) Clan
Function To initiate ideas
Birth & Animal Totem Crow
Plant Totem Ivy
Stone Totem Azurite
Polarity Totem Falcon
Affinity Color Blue
Musical Vibration A Natural
Personality Charming, Friendly, Good natured & Tolerant
Feelings Sensitive
Intention Justice Nature
Cooperative Positive
Traits Idealistic, Romantic & Diplomatic
Negative Traits Indecisive, Frivolous, Gullible and Resentful
Sex Drive
Strong Compatibility's Otter and Deer
Conscious Aim Partnership
Subconscious Desire Harmony and Beaut
y Life Path Harmonization
Spiritual Alchemy Yang Predominates
Should Cultivate Decisiveness, constancy, impartiality & inspiration
Should Avoid Indecision, uncertainty, inconsistency
________________________________________~ The Bear ~
August 22 - September 22
Those born under this sign are usually slow and cautious, quiet and careful individuals. Bear people are generally no-nonsense types who do not tolerate deceit and insecurity in others.
Native American Astrology - Birth Totem Bear
• Birth and animal totem: Bear (August 22nd - September 22nd).
• Moon: Harvest moon.
• Season Aspect: Harvesting time.
• Wind Relation: South winds.
• Directional Relation: South-south-west.
• Element Relation: Earth.
• Elemental clan: Turtle clan.
• Plant totem: Violets.
• Mineral totem: Topaz.
• Polarity with: Wolf.
• Color Aspect: Brown.
• Musical vibration: G natural
• Personality: Practical and industrious.
• Spiritual energy: Masculine energies.
• Emotions: Warm and thought out.
• Positive traits: Detailed, humble, trustworthy.
• Negative traits: Finicky, judgmental and often times hypocritical.
• Compatibilities: Geese and beavers.
• Conscious Desire: Reaching forth, aiming high.
• Subconscious desire: Attaining pure wisdom and truth.
• Spiritual Path: Understanding it all.
• Strengths: Optimism, tolerance and self acceptance.
• Weakness: Fault finding, pessimism and putting things off.
• Keywords - Discerning, careful, practical, precise, kind, critical.
Birth totem bear is an individual whose outer personality is one of quiet observation. As birth totem bear moves through his/her daily life, there is a noticeable careful study of all he/she encounters and experiences. It is as though the intention is to sift and sort through all of the stimuli and input that the conscious mind encounters - to categorize and label each person, action and event so that a greater understanding and assimilation can occur. In the wild, bear is an omnivore, yet their diet will consist primarily of vegetarian fare and larvae or grubs. To attain the morsels of squirming grub, the bear must forage around beneath fallen logs and stones, sifting and sorting through the forest debris in order to be rewarded with the treats they so enjoy and that will provide the sustenance that will benefit their physical well-being. Yet birth totem bear will eventually realize that not everything can be understood with the physical senses alone, and the individual soul of another can never be neatly or completely labeled or categorized as it is dynamic and ever changing with that individual's evolvement.
Until bear can come to the awareness that life is ever-changing, and that to attempt to understand the process with the physical senses alone will inevitably (and invariably) lead to frustration, he/she will be stunting their own spiritual growth. Just as bear must rely upon her/his "higher senses" (intuition) in order to prepare for the lean months of winter and to alert him/her of impending threat, so must birth totem bear learn to rely a little less upon "physical evidence" and more upon his/her inner voice and feelings. In this way, integration of mind and physical to that of the emotions and soul can take place leading to the higher intent of bear’s incarnation - the perfection of the soul.
________________________________________These five planets were identified with the gods of the Babylonian pantheon as follows:
• Jupiter with Marduk;
• Venus with the goddess Ishtar,
• Saturn with Ninurta (Ninib),
• Mercury with Nabu (Nebo),
• and Mars with Nergal.
________________________________________no. symbol long. Latin name English translation Greek name Sanskrit name Sumero-Babylonian name[12]
6 ♍ 150° Virgo The Virgin Παρθένος Kanyā MULAB.SIN "The Furrow";
"The Furrow, the goddess
Shala's ear of corn"
________________________________________tropical zodiac (2009, UTC) sidereal zodiac (Jyotisha) (2009, UTC)[18]
Virgo 23 August – 22 September 13 September – 13 October
Libra 22 September – 23 October 13 October – 12 Novembe
________________________________________ IAU constellation boundaries (2009) Solar stay Brightest star
Virgo 16 September – 31 October 44.5 days Spica
________________________________________Triplicity Day Ruler Night Ruler Participating Ruler
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Venus Moon Mars
________________________________________Spring - Earth - Capricorn, Taurus,Virgo
________________________________________Element Horoscope
Earth Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
________________________________________Thoth (August 29 - September 27)
Thoth is the god of learning. Those born under this sign are typically accurate and capable problem-solvers and excellent organizers as well.
However, they would give up anything in return for a better offer.
Strengths: seasoned and original.
Weaknesses: rash, impatient and self-rigorous.
Jobs assumed: journalists, actors, lawyers and teachers.
Ironic, tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, looks for paternal authority.
Colors: male: brown, female: red carmine
Compatible Signs: Amon-Ra, Thoth
Dates: Jan 22 - Jan 31, Sep 8 - Sep 22
Ironic, tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, looks for paternal authority.
Role: A creator goddess, she was the mother from which the cosmos emerged.
Appearance: A woman with the wings of a vulture, holding an ankh, wearing the united crown of Upper and Lower Egypt and also a dress of bright red/blue, with the feather of Ma�t at her feet
Sacred Animal: vulture
Those who fall under the sign of Mout are ironic, have tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, and look for paternal authority.
• Colors: brown (male), red carmine (female)
• Compatible Signs: Amon-Ra, Thoth
• Dates: Jan 22 - Jan 31, Sep 8 - Sep 22
________________________________________Thoth: (August 29 - September 27)
Thoth is the god of learning. Those born under this sign are typically accurate and capable problem-solvers and excellent organizers as well. However, they would give up anything in return for a better offer. Strengths: seasoned and original. Weaknesses: rash, impatient and self-rigorous. Jobs assumed: journalists, actors, lawyers and teachers. {Loosely Corresponds to Virgo}
THOTH (29 Aug - 27 Sep)
Thoth is the Egyptian God of wisdom.
People born under this sign are versatile, methodical, original and precise.
[Loosely corresponds to Virgo 24 Aug - 22 Sep]
Enthusiastic, enterprising, courageous, likes to take risks.
Colors: male: rose, female: white
Compatible Signs: Bastet, Isis
Dates: Apr 1 -Apr 19, Nov 8 - Nov 17
Role: God of wisdom, scribes, and writing
Appearance: An ibis-headed man, or a baboon. Often seen with the moon on his head in either of these forms.
Sacred animals: ibis, baboon
________________________________________January 22 - January 31 September 8 - September 22 MOUT Mother Goddess wife of Amun Sacred Animal : Vulture ironic, have tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, and look for paternal authority. Colors: brown (male), red carmine (female) Compatible Signs: Amon-Ra, Thoth
________________________________________Virgo 24th August - 23rd September
Carnelian is your Zodiac sign gemstone.
Carnelian is used for clear thinking.
Zircon is your talisman stone. It was said to aid sleep, bring prosperity, and
promote honor and wisdom.
Chrysocolla Quartz is your mystical stone. It is believed that Chrysocolla is a
very feminine stone, which balances emotions and eases heartache and tension.
Citrine is your planet stone. In ancient times, Citrine was carried as a protection
against snake venom and evil thoughts.
Calcite is your lucky charm stone. It aids in awareness and understanding of nature.
________________________________________Apr 1 - Apr 19, Nov 8 - Nov 17 (29 Aug - 27 Sep)
Role: Thoth is the god of learning, scribes, and writing and of wisdom. He was the scribe to the Gods and keeper of the book of the Underworld.
Appearance: An ibis-headed man, or a baboon. Often seen with the moon on his head in either of these forms.
Sacred animals: ibis, baboon
Character: People born under this sign are versatile, methodical, original and precise and accurate, capable problem-solvers and excellent organizers as well, enthusiastic, enterprising, courageous and it's said they like to take risks. Dislike meanness towards others.
Strengths: seasoned and original. Excellent memory, a risk taker, but with challenge, dependable and honest values and morals.
Weaknesses: rash, impatient and self-rigorous, they would give up anything in return for a better offer.
Colors: rose (male), white (female)
Compatible Signs: Bastet, Isis
Signs: Bastet and Isis.
Associated to the months of Shomu, and Akhet.
Loosely corresponds to Virgo 24 Aug - 22 Sep
________________________________________Egyption Zodiac Sign Ra Sun God 22 September to 15 October
• Planet: Mercury Zodiac: Gemini and Virgo Tarot: Magician Number: Four
Morning Glory August 22 – September 22
Eight in Myanmar - Burmese astrology: Zodiac animal sign:Elephant (with tusks) Day of Week Born: Wednesday Morning Ruling Planet: Mercury Ruling Direction: South Personality/Attributes of the Tusked Elephant: You are unpredictable and enthusiastic. You have a taste for danger and action that sometimes gets you into trouble. You are spontaneous and people love you for your passion. You are independent and like to be in control of all situations.
. Zodiac animal signs:Elephant (no tusks) Day of Week Born: Wednesday Afternoon Ruling Planet: Rahu
Ruling Direction: Northwest Personality/Attributes of the Elephant (no tusks): You can be hard to figure out because of your contradictory nature. You are a private person and do not like people meddling in your business. However, you are excellent at promoting yourself and your works. You like taking action, but only if it's a sure thing (little risk involved). You are very successful (especially in business) and you are able to accomplish
________________________________________September – Aster flower
________________________________________Stones of September
Modern - Sapphire Traditional - Sapphire Mystical - Agate Ayurvedic - Moonstone
Hebrew - Chrysolite Roman - Sardonyx Arabic - Chrysolite Hindu - Zircon Polish - Sardonyx Russian - Chrysolite Italian - Chrysolite
Talismanic Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 22) - Zircon Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 22) - Symbolizes reason transformed into wisdom. Knowledge and understanding produce wisdom. - Carnelian
________________________________________Lime - Druid horoscope Dates 11.3-20.3,13.9-22.9 Type Masculine Element Fire Description
Lime is a externally calm, silent and timid. He/she is little bit unstable and full with conflicts, but in the same time is very sympatic. Lime has tendency for techniques, and he/she is precise and innovative. Lime hates stress and work, but is not lazy.
________________________________________Badger (bear) - Finnish horoscope Heart sign Bear Dates 1.9-23.9 Description She's mysterious and charming, sensitive and sometimes very emotional. She's interested in science, intelligent consideration and demanding hobbies. She often feels vunerable as child and grows protetive shield over her. She hides her inner in hidden most of the time. Unlike most badgers, she tends to keep herself away from public eye: World is crazy enough. She knows when to listen her friends, and as she grows up she feels radiating peace and sympathy. But as a bear in her heart sign, she can be urgenly ragious answer when she gets mad.
________________________________________House Sign Latin motto Translation Modern title of house
6th Virgo Valetudo Health House of Health
________________________________________September 15 - 27 ~ Cat : An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool, when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
________________________________________Birth Month Birth Flower Flower Color Flower MeaningSeptember Aster or Morning Glory Brown, Deep Blue Symbol of Love; Daintiness / Talisman of Love; Affection
Aqua Zircon Black Agate
Blue Agate - Moonstone - Sapphire - Zircon Brown Agate - Carnelian - Citrine - Jasper - Zircon
Clear Moonstone - Sapphire - Zircon
Green Agate -Jade - Jasper - Peridot - Sapphire - Zircon
Orange Carnelian - Jasper
Pink Agate - Jasper - Sapphire - Zircon
Purple Agate
Red Agate - Jasper - Sapphire - Zircon
White Moonstone
Yellow Citrine - Jasper - Sapphire - Zircon
________________________________________Virgo Birthstones (Aug. 24-Sep.22) Carnelian - Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate, Blue Sapphire
Month Arabic Hebrew Hindu Italians Polish Roman Russian
Sep Chrysolite Chrysolite Zircon Chrysolite Sardonyx Sardonyx Chrysolite
________________________________________You are born in Vedic Moon Sign Leo According to Vedic Astrology Classic:
You will have a broad face, will move fearlessly and as balanced as a lion, be physically fit and have beautiful and expressive eyes. The Lord of Leo is the Sun, known as the king of the planetary cycle, so you will have kingly qualities, be cultured, frank and open-hearted and liberal and honest. You will be liberal and large hearted. You will possess qualities of leadership and organization. You will be ambitious and will be desirous of achieving your goal. You will be independent but not impertinent. When you are enraged, you may be aggressive but will have the amazing quality of forgiving and forgetting. You will be fearless, bold, principled and unused of being ordered by others. You will complete your work with dedication but occasionally you may be lethargic and lazy. You may suddenly leave all work and sit down. You will try to live happily in all circumstances. You will be religious, charitable, egoistic and self-respective. You will have drawbacks like arrogance, being fond of flattering, self-praise, a tendency to impress others, self-exposure and partiality in behaviour.
Vedic Moon: Leo 2�36'31" Moon's Nakshatra: Magha Dasha at birth: Ket/Ven/Mer Dasha after birth: Ven/Ven (m/d/y) 5/11/1971
Current Dasha: Mar/Jup/Mon
________________________________________The Vine Muin September 2nd - September 29th The Autumnal Equinox ( Alban Elfed ) Celtic Symbol : The White Swan Zodiac Degrees : 9º00` Virgo - 6º59` Libra Ruling Planet : Venus – Gwena Ancient Goddesses Associated With Venus : Greek : Aphrodite Celtic : Branwen , Guinevere, Etain Character Reference Of The Vine Sign Swan (Ogham = The Vine) Swan September 2 - September 29
________________________________________Wednesday -- Woden's day
Middle English wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai
Old English wodnesdæg "Woden's day"
Latin dies Mercurii "day of Mercury"
Ancient Greek hemera Hermu "day of Hermes"
Woden is the chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god. Woden is the leader of the Wild Hunt. Woden is from wod "violently insane" + -en "headship". He is identified with the Norse Odin.
Mercury is the Roman god of commerce, travel, theivery, eloquence and science. He is the messenger of the other gods.
Hermes is the Greek god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft. He is the messenger and herald of the other gods. He serves as patron of travelers and rogues, and as the conductor of the dead to Hades________________________________________
The Korean zodiac is identical to the Chinese one. The Vietnamese zodiac is almost identical to Chinese zodiac except that the second animal is the water buffalo instead of the ox, the fourth animal is the cat instead of the rabbit and the eighth animal is the Ram instead of the sheep. The Japanese zodiac includes the wild boar instead of the pig. The Thai zodiac includes a naga in place of the dragon. Due to confusion with synonyms during translation, some of the animals depicted by the English words did not exist in ancient China. For example, 羊 can mean both goat and sheep, but goat is the species that existed in central China before sheep, and goat is the species seen in illustrations, not sheep. Similarly, 鼠 (rat) can also be translated as mouse, as there are no distinctive words for the two genera in Chinese. Further, 豬 (pig) is sometimes translated to boar after its Japanese name, and 牛 (water buffalo) is commonly thought to be ox.________________________________________
Remember that the Vietnamese/Chinese New Year typically starts in late January or Early February so if your birthday falls in those months you may actually belong to the zodiac animal from the prior Julian year. Year: 1965 Attribute: ất Animal: tỵ(rắn) Animal (english): snake ________________________________________
Vietnamese also believe the hour in which a person is born influences that person's life. For instance, the hour of the rat is between eleven o'clock at night to one o'clock in the morning, the time when rats are actively scurrying for food. The hour of the buffalo is from one o'clock in the morning until 3 a.m when buffaloes are fed before they are led out to the rice paddies. The hour of the tiger is from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. when it is known to finish its search for food. Each two-hour period is therefore designated for a certain animal. So we have from 5 to 7 a.m in the morning, the hour of the cat; from 7 until 9 a.m., the hour of the dragon and this ends with the hour of the pig, which runs from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. at night, the time when you sit down, relax and get ready to retire. What a nice time to be born!________________________________________
The ancient Chinese astronomers called the five major planets by the names of the Five Elements. Venus is Metal (gold); Jupiter is Wood; Mercury is Water; Mars is Fire; Saturn is Earth.________________________________________
Traditional Snake Attributes/Associations
Zodiac Location 6th Ruling hours 9am-11am Direction South Southeast Season and month Spring, May
Lunar Month Dates May 5-June 5
Gemstone Agate
Agate is a microcrystalline variety of quartz , chiefly chalcedony, characterised by its fineness of grain and brightness of color. Although agates may be found in various kinds of rock, they are classically associated with volcanic rocks but can be common in certain metamorphic rocks....
Color Red
Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths of light discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625?740 Nanometer....
Roughly equivalent western sign Taurus
Taurus (astrology)
Taurus is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the Taurus . In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the Precession ....
Polarity Yin
Yin and yang
In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin yang is used to describe how seemingly disjunct or opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, giving rise to each other in turn....
Positive Traits Wise, ambitious, charming, logical, intelligent, creative, compassionate, discreet, honorable, humorous, attractiveness
Negative Traits critical, anxious, snobbish, mendacious, calculating, distrustful, possesive, loner________________________________________
Of these animals one is mythical (the dragon) and four (rat, tiger, snake and monkey) are wild, shunning contact with humans. Seven are domesticated.________________________________________
Each animal sign of the Chinese Zodiac is also linked with the traditional agricultural calendar. The zodiac is further interpreted by readings of the four animal trines:
• First: Rat, Dragon and Monkey.
• Second: Ox, Snake and Rooster.
• Third: Tiger, Horse and Dog.
• Fourth: Rabbit, Ram and Pig.
Each sign is subsequently linked to a season and any one of the five elements: Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal and Water. Each of the elements is again linked to one of the 5 major planets and special animal representation:
• Mercury—Water-Black Tortoise.
• Venus—Metal- White Tiger.
• Mars—Fire-Vermilion Bird.
• Jupiter—Wood- Azure Dragon.
• Saturn—Earth-Yellow Dragon.________________________________________
Fire Signs Planet: Mars Sheep Snake Horse
Romance Signs And Power Signs
The twelve signs have been divided into two categories - six signs are considered as power signs while the remaining six are considered as the romance signs. The romance signs include Pig, Dog, Rooster, Ram, Horse, and Rabbit. The Power signs include Monkey, Snake, dragon, Tiger, Ox, and Rat.
The elements are also associated with colours, the traditional correspondence being green to Wood, red to Fire, brown to Earth, white to Metal, and black to Water.
September 22nd, 1965...
Tonight is WednesdayOn this date, the moon was looking like this.
(waning crescent moon)
Your zodiac sign: Virgo
Celtic astrology: your sign is Willow
Aztec astrology: your sign is Wind (eecatl)
Egyptian astrology: your sign is Mout
Chinese astrology: your sign is Snake of wood
Calli - Aztec horoscope
English name
Tonal name