________________________________________Wednesday September 22 1965 Gregorian waning crescent moon–sometimes called an“old moon” This is the period when the Moon is decreasing in it's size. It starts about four days after the Full Moon, and lasts until about Four days before the New Moon. Energy is considered to be parting, waning alongside the Moon herself, and is linked with the Crone Aspect of the Goddess.
Long Count:(Maya Calendar)
Baktun =12 Katun=17 Tun=12 Uinal=1 Kin=1

9 ‘Imix Waterlily
19 Mol

Tzolkin date = 11 Akbal
Haab date = 1 Ch’en

G5 or G3 or Lord of the night is G5

Xihuitl: solar year solar year Trecena: 13-day period Tonalli: day
5-Calli As a year bearer, Calli (house) is the sign of day in the tonalpohualli that gives its name to this xihuitl (year). This sign is associated with the direction of the west.

1- Acatl The 13-day period Acatl (Reed) is ruled by Chalchihuitlicue, goddess of lakes, rivers and seas, goddess of horizontal waters. This trecena signifies the transitory nature of all that we may gain in life: it is a reminder to view success and failure, gain and loss, as matters of fate and not as matters of personal worth. The elementals do not reward nor punishment our efforts but, rather, construct the maze within which we might perfect our hearts. The 13 days of this trecena reveal our hearts to us, based on whether we have decided to live within the house of shadows or to seek the secret of happiness elsewhere. These are good days to travel to new places; bad days to hide in fear.

11- Calli The protector of day Calli (House) and the provider of the Shadow Soul or Tonalli is Tepeyollotl, Heart of the Mountain. Calli is a good day for rest, tranquility and family life. Not a good day for participating in public life. Best spent cementing relationships of trust and mutual interests.
Chalmecatecuhtli, is the provider of the Spirit Soul (Teyollia) for days with numeral 11 (mahtlactli-once).
The volatile for this day is the Scarlet Macaw (Alo).
Yoaltecuhtli: Lord of the Night Tlaloc Tlaloc, He Who Makes Things Sprout, the god of rain, lightning and thunder. Het is a fertility god, but also a wrathful deity. He is responsible for both floods and droughts.

Tlaloc is commonly depicted as a goggle-eyed blue being with jaguar fangs. Often he is presented wearing a net of clouds, a crown of heron feather and foam sandals. He carries rattles to make thunder.

Tlaloc was first married to the goddess Xochiquetzal, but then Tezcatlipoca kidnapped her. He later married Chalchihuitlicue. With Chalchihuitlicue he became the father of Tecciztecatl. Tlaloc has an older sister named Huixtocihuatl.

He is the ruler of Tlalocan, the fourth heaven. Tlalocan is the place of eternal spring, a paradise of green plants. Tlalocan is the destination in the afterlife for those who died violently from phenomena associated with water, such as by lightning, drowning and water-borne diseases.
Tlaloc ruled over the third world, 4 Quiahuitl, the world that was destroyed by a fiery deluge.
He is served by various rain spirits called the tlaloque.

In Tenochtitlan, ancient Mexico City, half of the central temple ("Huey Teocalli") was dedicated to Tlaloc. The other half was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, the god of the Mexica.

Tlaloc is both the protector of the seventh day, Mazatl (deer) and the seventh trecena, 1-Quiahuitl (rain). He is Lord of the Day for days with number 8 ("chicuei" in Nahuatl). Tlaloc is the nineth and last Lord of the Night.
Xiuhpohualli: 365-day calendar20 - Atemoztli (XVII)
Calli - Aztec horoscope Name Calli English name House Tonal name 3 Description House is place of peace and resting. House-people are mostly peacful and good-natured people who enjoy the comfort o fhte home, but in the same time are not ones you want to argue with. Although they might seem to be at peace, don't count on it that it would keep going on. House is a sign of stability, peace and home loving person
Sun sign mayan Tone: 11 - Resolution, Sun Sign: NIGHT (AKBAL) (6th Day of Planetary cycle)
________________________________________Gregorian-Julian Period Date
2429026 Julian Period Day and Mayan Day 1854741

________________________________________dies Mercurii Mercury's day Woden's day Wednesday mercoledì
________________________________________September (pronunciation) (help•info) is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four Gregorian months with 30 days.
In Latin, septem means "seven" and septimus means "seventh"; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC, when there was a calendar reform from the month of the Ides of March to the Kalends, or January 1.[1]
• September's birthstone is the sapphire. The meaning is clear thinking.
• Its flower is the aster or morning glory.[9]
The equinox named the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere and the vernal or spring equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs on dates varying from 21 September to 24 September (in UTC). In the pagan wheel of the year the spring equinox is the time of Ostara and the autumn equinox is that of Mabon.
________________________________________The name comes from the Middle English Wednes dei, which is from Old English language Wēdnes dæg, meaning the day of the English god Wodan (Woden) who was a god of the Anglo-Saxons in England until about the 7th century. Wēdnes dæg is like the Old Norse Oðinsdagr ("Odin's day"), which is an early translation of the Latin dies Mercurii ("Mercury's day"), and reflects the widespread association of Woden with Mercury going back to Tacitus.
In Romance languages it is derived from the name of the Roman god Mercury: mercredi (French), mercoledì (Italian), miércoles (Spanish), miercuri (Romanian), dimecres (Catalan), dies Mercurii (Latin). Similarly, in most of the Indian Languages the name for Wednesday, Buddhavar is derived from the Vedic name for Mercury, Buddha. Buddh is also used in Urdu. Russian does not use pagan names but instead uses sredá, meaning "middle," similar to the German Mittwoch. Likewise, Portuguese uses the word quarta-feira, meaning "fourth day" (literally it means "fourth fair", that comes from the latin "feria quarta" - "feria" original meaning is "celebration" - it was so the fourth day of celebration of the week, because all days were days of celebrating God (the name was created by Pope Silvester I, Christian leader between 314-335AD). While in Greek the word is Tetarti(Τετάρτη) meaning simply "fourth." Similarly, Arabic أربعاء means "fourth" and Persian چهارشنبه means "fourth after Sabbath."
The astrological sign of the planet Mercury represents Wednesday -- Dies Mercurii to the Romans, with similar names in Latin-derived languages, such as the French Mercredi and the Spanish Miércoles. In English, this became "Woden's Day", since the Roman god Mercury was identified with Woden in northern Europe.

________________________________________Virgo (The Virgin) (mutable, earth, social): There is some debate in regards to a modern ruler of this sign with Chiron, Pallas, Vesta and Ceres often considered candidate by some modern astrologers, but the planet Mercury is typically used as the default by tradition pending a consensus among modern practitioners; but no one knows if or when this will be. The tropical duration of Virgo is August 23 to September 22.

________________________________________Earth Signs--Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—
________________________________________In astrology, the mutable signs (also called common signs or bicorporal or double-bodied signs) are a subgroup of the zodiac. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The mutable signs straddle two temperate zone seasons, encompassing an inherent duality in its symbolism.
________________________________________In the tropical zodiac, mutable signs coincide with the times of change in the seasons. They are associated with change and versatility. Individuals born under the four mutable quality signs are thought to be adaptable, impressionable, sharp, sympathetic, communicative, resourceful and restless, with a gift for seeing both sides of a situation at the same time and an immense desire for knowledge, variety and new ideas. They supposedly adapt very well to new situations, possess much flexibility, seldom have any particular agenda and are perfectly happy to fill in an assigned role. However, they are also said to be inconsistent, changeable, nervous, indecisive and irresponsible, with a tendency to get wrapped up in tiny particulars. There is also a certain duality associated with all the mutable quality signs.
________________________________________Interpersonal Signs - Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio - are principally aware of and concerned with others, and sociality.

________________________________________Virgo (Mercury)
Alternatively, some astrologers use the former planets Pallas, Vesta, Juno and Hygiea in their delineations and rulerships, for example Vesta to Taurus and Pallas to Virgo. Some other astrologers believe that the dwarf planet Chiron may be the ruler of Virgo

________________________________________Symbol Zodiac sign Domicile Exile Exaltation Fall
Virgo Mercury Neptune Mercury Venus
________________________________________Jyotish or Indian zodiac
Number Sanskrit Name Western/Greek Name Tattva (Element) Quality Ruling Planet
6 Kanyā "girl" Virgo (Παρθένος "virgin") Prithivi (Earth) Dvisvabhava (Dual) Mercury

________________________________________The second trine consists of the Ox, Snake, and Rooster.

________________________________________Sign Yin/Yang Direction Season Fixed Element Trine
Snake Yin South; South-East Summer Fire 2nd

________________________________________The month of the Snake is May 5 - Jun 5, and the hours of the Snake are 9am - 11am.

________________________________________Fire: The fire person has leadership qualities, and is decisive, self confident, positive and assertive. The direction associated with Fire is South, and the season is summer, which makes it the fixed element for the animal signs Snake, Horse and Sheep.

________________________________________If the year ends in 4 or 5 it is Yang Wood.

________________________________________Mercury Mercury's winged helmet and caduceus Mind (crescent) poised over divine spirit (circle) and matter (cross)

________________________________________Virgo Virgin Arms of maiden holding a sheaf of wheat

________________________________________Year Associated Element Heavenly Stem Earthly Branch Associated Animal
Feb 02 1965–Jan 20 1966 Yin Wood 乙 巳 Snake

________________________________________Season Lunar Month Fixed Element Solar Longitude Solar Term Western Date
Autumn 8th–酉(you) Rooster Metal 164° 白露 báilù Sep 08–Sep 22
________________________________________Within the Four Pillars, the day is the pillar representing information about one's kids or late age.
• 23:00–01:00: 子 rat
• 01:00–03:00: 丑 ox
• 03:00–05:00: 寅 tiger
• 05:00–07:00: 卯 rabbit
• 07:00–09:00: 辰 dragon
• 09:00–11:00: 巳 snake
• 11:00–13:00: 午 horse
• 13:00–15:00: 未 ram
• 15:00–17:00: 申 monkey
• 17:00–19:00: 酉 rooster
• 19:00–21:00: 戌 dog
• 21:00–23:00: 亥 pig
________________________________________Crow People
Birth Dates September 22nd - October 22nd
Earth Influence The Falling leaves time
Influencing Wind The West wind
Totem Grizzly Bear
Direction Southwest
Element Air with Earth
Elemental Butterfly (air) Clan
Function To initiate ideas
Birth & Animal Totem Crow
Plant Totem Ivy
Stone Totem Azurite
Polarity Totem Falcon
Affinity Color Blue
Musical Vibration A Natural
Personality Charming, Friendly, Good natured & Tolerant
Feelings Sensitive
Intention Justice Nature
Cooperative Positive
Traits Idealistic, Romantic & Diplomatic
Negative Traits Indecisive, Frivolous, Gullible and Resentful
Sex Drive
Strong Compatibility's Otter and Deer
Conscious Aim Partnership
Subconscious Desire Harmony and Beaut
y Life Path Harmonization
Spiritual Alchemy Yang Predominates
Should Cultivate Decisiveness, constancy, impartiality & inspiration
Should Avoid Indecision, uncertainty, inconsistency

________________________________________~ The Bear ~
August 22 - September 22

Those born under this sign are usually slow and cautious, quiet and careful individuals. Bear people are generally no-nonsense types who do not tolerate deceit and insecurity in others.

Native American Astrology - Birth Totem Bear
• Birth and animal totem: Bear (August 22nd - September 22nd).
• Moon: Harvest moon.
• Season Aspect: Harvesting time.
• Wind Relation: South winds.
• Directional Relation: South-south-west.
• Element Relation: Earth.
• Elemental clan: Turtle clan.
• Plant totem: Violets.
• Mineral totem: Topaz.
• Polarity with: Wolf.
• Color Aspect: Brown.
• Musical vibration: G natural
• Personality: Practical and industrious.
• Spiritual energy: Masculine energies.
• Emotions: Warm and thought out.
• Positive traits: Detailed, humble, trustworthy.
• Negative traits: Finicky, judgmental and often times hypocritical.
• Compatibilities: Geese and beavers.
• Conscious Desire: Reaching forth, aiming high.
• Subconscious desire: Attaining pure wisdom and truth.
• Spiritual Path: Understanding it all.
• Strengths: Optimism, tolerance and self acceptance.
• Weakness: Fault finding, pessimism and putting things off.
• Keywords - Discerning, careful, practical, precise, kind, critical.
Birth totem bear is an individual whose outer personality is one of quiet observation. As birth totem bear moves through his/her daily life, there is a noticeable careful study of all he/she encounters and experiences. It is as though the intention is to sift and sort through all of the stimuli and input that the conscious mind encounters - to categorize and label each person, action and event so that a greater understanding and assimilation can occur. In the wild, bear is an omnivore, yet their diet will consist primarily of vegetarian fare and larvae or grubs. To attain the morsels of squirming grub, the bear must forage around beneath fallen logs and stones, sifting and sorting through the forest debris in order to be rewarded with the treats they so enjoy and that will provide the sustenance that will benefit their physical well-being. Yet birth totem bear will eventually realize that not everything can be understood with the physical senses alone, and the individual soul of another can never be neatly or completely labeled or categorized as it is dynamic and ever changing with that individual's evolvement.
Until bear can come to the awareness that life is ever-changing, and that to attempt to understand the process with the physical senses alone will inevitably (and invariably) lead to frustration, he/she will be stunting their own spiritual growth. Just as bear must rely upon her/his "higher senses" (intuition) in order to prepare for the lean months of winter and to alert him/her of impending threat, so must birth totem bear learn to rely a little less upon "physical evidence" and more upon his/her inner voice and feelings. In this way, integration of mind and physical to that of the emotions and soul can take place leading to the higher intent of bear’s incarnation - the perfection of the soul.
________________________________________These five planets were identified with the gods of the Babylonian pantheon as follows:
• Jupiter with Marduk;
• Venus with the goddess Ishtar,
• Saturn with Ninurta (Ninib),
• Mercury with Nabu (Nebo),
• and Mars with Nergal.
________________________________________no. symbol long. Latin name English translation Greek name Sanskrit name Sumero-Babylonian name[12]
6 ♍ 150° Virgo The Virgin Παρθένος Kanyā MULAB.SIN "The Furrow";
"The Furrow, the goddess
Shala's ear of corn"

________________________________________tropical zodiac (2009, UTC) sidereal zodiac (Jyotisha) (2009, UTC)[18]
Virgo 23 August – 22 September 13 September – 13 October
Libra 22 September – 23 October 13 October – 12 Novembe

________________________________________ IAU constellation boundaries (2009) Solar stay Brightest star
Virgo 16 September – 31 October 44.5 days Spica

________________________________________Triplicity Day Ruler Night Ruler Participating Ruler
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Venus Moon Mars

________________________________________Spring - Earth - Capricorn, Taurus,Virgo

________________________________________Element Horoscope
Earth Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
________________________________________Thoth (August 29 - September 27)
Thoth is the god of learning. Those born under this sign are typically accurate and capable problem-solvers and excellent organizers as well.
However, they would give up anything in return for a better offer.
Strengths: seasoned and original.
Weaknesses: rash, impatient and self-rigorous.
Jobs assumed: journalists, actors, lawyers and teachers.
Ironic, tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, looks for paternal authority.
Colors: male: brown, female: red carmine
Compatible Signs: Amon-Ra, Thoth
Dates: Jan 22 - Jan 31, Sep 8 - Sep 22
Ironic, tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, looks for paternal authority.
Role: A creator goddess, she was the mother from which the cosmos emerged.
Appearance: A woman with the wings of a vulture, holding an ankh, wearing the united crown of Upper and Lower Egypt and also a dress of bright red/blue, with the feather of Ma�t at her feet
Sacred Animal: vulture
Those who fall under the sign of Mout are ironic, have tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, and look for paternal authority.
• Colors: brown (male), red carmine (female)
• Compatible Signs: Amon-Ra, Thoth
• Dates: Jan 22 - Jan 31, Sep 8 - Sep 22
________________________________________Thoth: (August 29 - September 27)
Thoth is the god of learning. Those born under this sign are typically accurate and capable problem-solvers and excellent organizers as well. However, they would give up anything in return for a better offer. Strengths: seasoned and original. Weaknesses: rash, impatient and self-rigorous. Jobs assumed: journalists, actors, lawyers and teachers. {Loosely Corresponds to Virgo}
THOTH (29 Aug - 27 Sep)
Thoth is the Egyptian God of wisdom.
People born under this sign are versatile, methodical, original and precise.
[Loosely corresponds to Virgo 24 Aug - 22 Sep]
Enthusiastic, enterprising, courageous, likes to take risks.

Colors: male: rose, female: white
Compatible Signs: Bastet, Isis
Dates: Apr 1 -Apr 19, Nov 8 - Nov 17

Role: God of wisdom, scribes, and writing
Appearance: An ibis-headed man, or a baboon. Often seen with the moon on his head in either of these forms.
Sacred animals: ibis, baboon
________________________________________January 22 - January 31 September 8 - September 22 MOUT Mother Goddess wife of Amun Sacred Animal : Vulture ironic, have tremendous internal wealth, know how to rapidly connect with others, and look for paternal authority. Colors: brown (male), red carmine (female) Compatible Signs: Amon-Ra, Thoth
________________________________________Virgo 24th August - 23rd September
Carnelian is your Zodiac sign gemstone.
Carnelian is used for clear thinking.
Zircon is your talisman stone. It was said to aid sleep, bring prosperity, and
promote honor and wisdom.
Chrysocolla Quartz is your mystical stone. It is believed that Chrysocolla is a
very feminine stone, which balances emotions and eases heartache and tension.
Citrine is your planet stone. In ancient times, Citrine was carried as a protection
against snake venom and evil thoughts.
Calcite is your lucky charm stone. It aids in awareness and understanding of nature.
________________________________________Apr 1 - Apr 19, Nov 8 - Nov 17 (29 Aug - 27 Sep)

Role: Thoth is the god of learning, scribes, and writing and of wisdom. He was the scribe to the Gods and keeper of the book of the Underworld.
Appearance: An ibis-headed man, or a baboon. Often seen with the moon on his head in either of these forms.
Sacred animals: ibis, baboon
Character: People born under this sign are versatile, methodical, original and precise and accurate, capable problem-solvers and excellent organizers as well, enthusiastic, enterprising, courageous and it's said they like to take risks. Dislike meanness towards others.
Strengths: seasoned and original. Excellent memory, a risk taker, but with challenge, dependable and honest values and morals.
Weaknesses: rash, impatient and self-rigorous, they would give up anything in return for a better offer.
Colors: rose (male), white (female)
Compatible Signs: Bastet, Isis
Signs: Bastet and Isis.
Associated to the months of Shomu, and Akhet.
Loosely corresponds to Virgo 24 Aug - 22 Sep

________________________________________Egyption Zodiac Sign Ra Sun God 22 September to 15 October
• Planet: Mercury Zodiac: Gemini and Virgo Tarot: Magician Number: Four
Morning Glory August 22 – September 22
Eight in Myanmar - Burmese astrology: Zodiac animal sign:Elephant (with tusks) Day of Week Born: Wednesday Morning Ruling Planet: Mercury Ruling Direction: South Personality/Attributes of the Tusked Elephant: You are unpredictable and enthusiastic. You have a taste for danger and action that sometimes gets you into trouble. You are spontaneous and people love you for your passion. You are independent and like to be in control of all situations.
. Zodiac animal signs:Elephant (no tusks) Day of Week Born: Wednesday Afternoon Ruling Planet: Rahu
Ruling Direction: Northwest Personality/Attributes of the Elephant (no tusks): You can be hard to figure out because of your contradictory nature. You are a private person and do not like people meddling in your business. However, you are excellent at promoting yourself and your works. You like taking action, but only if it's a sure thing (little risk involved). You are very successful (especially in business) and you are able to accomplish
________________________________________September – Aster flower
________________________________________Stones of September
Modern - Sapphire Traditional - Sapphire Mystical - Agate Ayurvedic - Moonstone
Hebrew - Chrysolite Roman - Sardonyx Arabic - Chrysolite Hindu - Zircon Polish - Sardonyx Russian - Chrysolite Italian - Chrysolite
Talismanic Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 22) - Zircon Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 22) - Symbolizes reason transformed into wisdom. Knowledge and understanding produce wisdom. - Carnelian

________________________________________Lime - Druid horoscope Dates 11.3-20.3,13.9-22.9 Type Masculine Element Fire Description
Lime is a externally calm, silent and timid. He/she is little bit unstable and full with conflicts, but in the same time is very sympatic. Lime has tendency for techniques, and he/she is precise and innovative. Lime hates stress and work, but is not lazy.
________________________________________Badger (bear) - Finnish horoscope Heart sign Bear Dates 1.9-23.9 Description She's mysterious and charming, sensitive and sometimes very emotional. She's interested in science, intelligent consideration and demanding hobbies. She often feels vunerable as child and grows protetive shield over her. She hides her inner in hidden most of the time. Unlike most badgers, she tends to keep herself away from public eye: World is crazy enough. She knows when to listen her friends, and as she grows up she feels radiating peace and sympathy. But as a bear in her heart sign, she can be urgenly ragious answer when she gets mad.
________________________________________House Sign Latin motto Translation Modern title of house
6th Virgo Valetudo Health House of Health
________________________________________September 15 - 27 ~ Cat : An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool, when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
________________________________________Birth Month Birth Flower Flower Color Flower MeaningSeptember Aster or Morning Glory Brown, Deep Blue Symbol of Love; Daintiness / Talisman of Love; Affection
Aqua Zircon Black Agate
Blue Agate - Moonstone - Sapphire - Zircon Brown Agate - Carnelian - Citrine - Jasper - Zircon
Clear Moonstone - Sapphire - Zircon
Green Agate -Jade - Jasper - Peridot - Sapphire - Zircon
Orange Carnelian - Jasper
Pink Agate - Jasper - Sapphire - Zircon
Purple Agate
Red Agate - Jasper - Sapphire - Zircon
White Moonstone
Yellow Citrine - Jasper - Sapphire - Zircon

________________________________________Virgo Birthstones (Aug. 24-Sep.22) Carnelian - Jade, Jasper, Moss Agate, Blue Sapphire
Month Arabic Hebrew Hindu Italians Polish Roman Russian
Sep Chrysolite Chrysolite Zircon Chrysolite Sardonyx Sardonyx Chrysolite

________________________________________You are born in Vedic Moon Sign Leo According to Vedic Astrology Classic:
You will have a broad face, will move fearlessly and as balanced as a lion, be physically fit and have beautiful and expressive eyes. The Lord of Leo is the Sun, known as the king of the planetary cycle, so you will have kingly qualities, be cultured, frank and open-hearted and liberal and honest. You will be liberal and large hearted. You will possess qualities of leadership and organization. You will be ambitious and will be desirous of achieving your goal. You will be independent but not impertinent. When you are enraged, you may be aggressive but will have the amazing quality of forgiving and forgetting. You will be fearless, bold, principled and unused of being ordered by others. You will complete your work with dedication but occasionally you may be lethargic and lazy. You may suddenly leave all work and sit down. You will try to live happily in all circumstances. You will be religious, charitable, egoistic and self-respective. You will have drawbacks like arrogance, being fond of flattering, self-praise, a tendency to impress others, self-exposure and partiality in behaviour.
Vedic Moon: Leo 2�36'31" Moon's Nakshatra: Magha Dasha at birth: Ket/Ven/Mer Dasha after birth: Ven/Ven (m/d/y) 5/11/1971
Current Dasha: Mar/Jup/Mon
________________________________________The Vine Muin September 2nd - September 29th The Autumnal Equinox ( Alban Elfed ) Celtic Symbol : The White Swan Zodiac Degrees : 9º00` Virgo - 6º59` Libra Ruling Planet : Venus – Gwena Ancient Goddesses Associated With Venus : Greek : Aphrodite Celtic : Branwen , Guinevere, Etain Character Reference Of The Vine Sign Swan (Ogham = The Vine) Swan September 2 - September 29
________________________________________Wednesday -- Woden's day
Middle English wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai
Old English wodnesdæg "Woden's day"
Latin dies Mercurii "day of Mercury"
Ancient Greek hemera Hermu "day of Hermes"
Woden is the chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god. Woden is the leader of the Wild Hunt. Woden is from wod "violently insane" + -en "headship". He is identified with the Norse Odin.
Mercury is the Roman god of commerce, travel, theivery, eloquence and science. He is the messenger of the other gods.
Hermes is the Greek god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft. He is the messenger and herald of the other gods. He serves as patron of travelers and rogues, and as the conductor of the dead to Hades________________________________________
The Korean zodiac is identical to the Chinese one. The Vietnamese zodiac is almost identical to Chinese zodiac except that the second animal is the water buffalo instead of the ox, the fourth animal is the cat instead of the rabbit and the eighth animal is the Ram instead of the sheep. The Japanese zodiac includes the wild boar instead of the pig. The Thai zodiac includes a naga in place of the dragon. Due to confusion with synonyms during translation, some of the animals depicted by the English words did not exist in ancient China. For example, 羊 can mean both goat and sheep, but goat is the species that existed in central China before sheep, and goat is the species seen in illustrations, not sheep. Similarly, 鼠 (rat) can also be translated as mouse, as there are no distinctive words for the two genera in Chinese. Further, 豬 (pig) is sometimes translated to boar after its Japanese name, and 牛 (water buffalo) is commonly thought to be ox.________________________________________
Remember that the Vietnamese/Chinese New Year typically starts in late January or Early February so if your birthday falls in those months you may actually belong to the zodiac animal from the prior Julian year. Year: 1965 Attribute: ất Animal: tỵ(rắn) Animal (english): snake ________________________________________
Vietnamese also believe the hour in which a person is born influences that person's life. For instance, the hour of the rat is between eleven o'clock at night to one o'clock in the morning, the time when rats are actively scurrying for food. The hour of the buffalo is from one o'clock in the morning until 3 a.m when buffaloes are fed before they are led out to the rice paddies. The hour of the tiger is from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. when it is known to finish its search for food. Each two-hour period is therefore designated for a certain animal. So we have from 5 to 7 a.m in the morning, the hour of the cat; from 7 until 9 a.m., the hour of the dragon and this ends with the hour of the pig, which runs from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. at night, the time when you sit down, relax and get ready to retire. What a nice time to be born!________________________________________
The ancient Chinese astronomers called the five major planets by the names of the Five Elements. Venus is Metal (gold); Jupiter is Wood; Mercury is Water; Mars is Fire; Saturn is Earth.________________________________________
Traditional Snake Attributes/Associations
Zodiac Location 6th Ruling hours 9am-11am Direction South Southeast Season and month Spring, May
Lunar Month Dates May 5-June 5
Gemstone Agate

Agate is a microcrystalline variety of quartz , chiefly chalcedony, characterised by its fineness of grain and brightness of color. Although agates may be found in various kinds of rock, they are classically associated with volcanic rocks but can be common in certain metamorphic rocks....

Color Red

Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths of light discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625?740 Nanometer....

Roughly equivalent western sign Taurus
Taurus (astrology)

Taurus is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the Taurus . In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the Precession ....

Polarity Yin
Yin and yang

In Chinese philosophy, the concept of yin yang is used to describe how seemingly disjunct or opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, giving rise to each other in turn....

Positive Traits Wise, ambitious, charming, logical, intelligent, creative, compassionate, discreet, honorable, humorous, attractiveness
Negative Traits critical, anxious, snobbish, mendacious, calculating, distrustful, possesive, loner________________________________________
Of these animals one is mythical (the dragon) and four (rat, tiger, snake and monkey) are wild, shunning contact with humans. Seven are domesticated.________________________________________
Each animal sign of the Chinese Zodiac is also linked with the traditional agricultural calendar. The zodiac is further interpreted by readings of the four animal trines:
• First: Rat, Dragon and Monkey.
• Second: Ox, Snake and Rooster.
• Third: Tiger, Horse and Dog.
• Fourth: Rabbit, Ram and Pig.
Each sign is subsequently linked to a season and any one of the five elements: Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal and Water. Each of the elements is again linked to one of the 5 major planets and special animal representation:
• Mercury—Water-Black Tortoise.
• Venus—Metal- White Tiger.
• Mars—Fire-Vermilion Bird.
• Jupiter—Wood- Azure Dragon.
• Saturn—Earth-Yellow Dragon.________________________________________
Fire Signs Planet: Mars Sheep Snake Horse
Romance Signs And Power Signs
The twelve signs have been divided into two categories - six signs are considered as power signs while the remaining six are considered as the romance signs. The romance signs include Pig, Dog, Rooster, Ram, Horse, and Rabbit. The Power signs include Monkey, Snake, dragon, Tiger, Ox, and Rat.
The elements are also associated with colours, the traditional correspondence being green to Wood, red to Fire, brown to Earth, white to Metal, and black to Water.

September 22nd, 1965...

Tonight is WednesdayOn this date, the moon was looking like this.
(waning crescent moon)

Your zodiac sign: Virgo
Celtic astrology: your sign is Willow
Aztec astrology: your sign is Wind (eecatl)
Egyptian astrology: your sign is Mout
Chinese astrology: your sign is Snake of wood
Calli - Aztec horoscope

English name

Tonal name

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September 22nd, 1965...

Tonight is WednesdayOn this date, the moon was looking like this.
(waning crescent moon)

Your zodiac sign: Virgo
Celtic astrology: your sign is Willow
Aztec astrology: your sign is Wind (eecatl)
Egyptian astrology: your sign is Mout
Chinese astrology: your sign is Snake of wood
Calli - Aztec horoscope

English name

Tonal name

House is place of peace and resting. House-people are mostly peacful and good-natured people who enjoy the comfort o fhte home, but in the same time are not ones you want to argue with. Although they might seem to be at peace, don't count on it that it would keep going on.

House is a sign of stability, peace and home loving person.
solar year
13-day period
day Trecena (13-day period) Acatl
The 13-day period Acatl (Reed) is ruled by Chalchihuitlicue, goddess of lakes, rivers and seas, goddess of horizontal waters. This trecena signifies the transitory nature of all that we may gain in life: it is a reminder to view success and failure, gain and loss, as matters of fate and not as matters of personal worth. The elementals do not reward nor punishment our efforts but, rather, construct the maze within which we might perfect our hearts. The 13 days of this trecena reveal our hearts to us, based on whether we have decided to live within the house of shadows or to seek the secret of happiness elsewhere. These are good days to travel to new places; bad days to hide in fear. 5-Calli1 Daysign Calli
The protector of day Calli (House) and the provider of the Shadow Soul or Tonalli is Tepeyollotl, Heart of the Mountain. Calli is a good day for rest, tranquility and family life. Not a good day for participating in public life. Best spent cementing relationships of trust and mutual interests. Acatl 11- Calli

Trecena (13-day period) Cozcacuauhtli
The 13-day period Cozcacuauhtli (Vulture) is ruled by Xolotl. This trecena signifies the wisdom and freedom of old age; it represents the path of the setting sun. While the way of the warriorpoints to the relationship between predator and prey, this sign points to to the Third Way, which is neither: these are 13 days set aside to perfect the Way of the Scavenger. While the young heart must strategize between offense and defense, the old heart float like the clouds, stooping to earth only to take what no one else wants. These are good days for disengaging; bad days for participating.
Lord of the Night
365-day calendar
Long Count:
(Maya Calendar) Tlaloc, He Who Makes Things Sprout, the god of rain, lightning and thunder. Het is a fertility god, but also a wrathful deity. He is responsible for both floods and droughts.

Tlaloc is commonly depicted as a goggle-eyed blue being with jaguar fangs. Often he is presented wearing a net of clouds, a crown of heron feather and foam sandals. He carries rattles to make thunder.

Tlaloc was first married to the goddess Xochiquetzal, but then Tezcatlipoca kidnapped her. He later married Chalchihuitlicue. With Chalchihuitlicue he became the father of Tecciztecatl. Tlaloc has an older sister named Huixtocihuatl.

He is the ruler of Tlalocan, the fourth heaven. Tlalocan is the place of eternal spring, a paradise of green plants. Tlalocan is the destination in the afterlife for those who died violently from phenomena associated with water, such as by lightning, drowning and water-borne diseases.
Tlaloc ruled over the third world, 4 Quiahuitl, the world that was destroyed by a fiery deluge.
He is served by various rain spirits called the tlaloque.

In Tenochtitlan, ancient Mexico City, half of the central temple ("Huey Teocalli") was dedicated to Tlaloc. The other half was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, the god of the Mexica.

Tlaloc is both the protector of the seventh day, Mazatl (deer) and the seventh trecena, 1-Quiahuitl (rain). He is Lord of the Day for days with number 8 ("chicuei" in Nahuatl). Tlaloc is the nineth and last Lord of the Night.
Codex Fejérváry Mayer
Chalchiuhtlicue (also Chalchihuitlicue, Chalciuhtlicue), "She of the Jade Skirt", or "She whose Night-robe of Jewel-stars Whirls Above", Lady of the Maintenance. As Acuecucyoticihuati she is the goddess of oceans, rivers and any other running water, but also a goddess of birth and the patron of women in labor.

Chalchiuhtlicue is the wife of Tlaloc, the Rain God, and mother of Tecciztecatl, the Moon god.

Chalchiuhtlicue was the ruler over the previous Fourth Sun. This world was destroyed by a flooding.

In the tonalpohualli, Chalchiuhtlicue is the protector of both the fifth day, Coatl (snake), and the fifth trecena, 1-Acatl (reed). Chalchiuhtlicue is Lord of the Day for days with number 3 ("yei" in Nahuatl). She is the sixth Lord of the Night.
The Snake is the astrological companion to the Dragon; the Yin to the Dragon's Yang. However, while sharing many of the Dragon's exotic qualities, the Snake is more restrained, and more refined; insinuating rather than extrovert. Indeed,in matters of taste and style, the Snake admires subtlety, preferring elegance of line to boldness of colour.
Snake personalities often make their way to the top, but they are by no means pushy, using others toget them there. They ensure that they are in the right place at the right time, which means when the right people are there as well.
Snake-types are also adept at giving the impression that they know far more about a subject than they intend to divulge; and while a strict sense of propriety prevents them from telling lies, they are not adverse to double-dealing when it suits them. Fond of scandal, they are not above creating it,vicariously enjoying the frissons of others' disreputable behaviour.
The Snake's ability to gather up information suggests an aptitude for research, detection or academia,all areas which should satisfy the Snake's analytical brain. Social ordomestic activities, meanwhile, will generally need to be tailored to allow for powerful sensuality.
The Snake is very adept at giving the impression of being profoundly knowledgeable, simply by keeping mysteriously silent. They can advance in society just by instinctively know where to be and when. Deep down the Snake individual is a sensual creature, often feeling caught between what is desireable and what is ethical. They are also fond of gossip, and not above a touch of scandal-mongering when bored!
Mysterious and enigmatic, loving intrigue and anything intricate. Can be merciless in romance - a heart-breaker.
Fame and fortune on the stage or in the public eye. But health could be adversely affected.
Stimulation Secretive, shy, reserved, cautious
Flexible, rash
Creative, artistic, literary, caring
Astute, competitive, sporting
Unrestrained, extravagant, vivacious

(How to read the chart.)

How to read the chart
Elements of personality
You may have noticed the Four Pillars over the chart. Your birthday is represented (reading from left to right: Hour, Day, Month & Year) in a special form consisting of a STEM (numbered from 1 to 10) and a BRANCH (numerals from I to XII).
To each of these STEM/BRANCH combinations (there are six altogether) are attached three Elements. Since there are five different Elements and the total number of occurrences in the chart is twelve, the Elements can never be equally represented. Ratings of two or three, however, are ideal, as an even proportion of the Five Elements indicates a well-balanced and fruitful life.
When there is a rating of two, it is usual for some other Element to have a very high, positive rating. Such imbalances can be countered, however, by striving to develop the recessive qualities of one's character. A rating of four shows where strengths lie, and where success is likely to be found. If a rating is above four, care must be taken not to allow this elemental quality to become overbearing. If not channelled correctly, this potential strength could turn into obsession, unyielding ambition or self-indulgence.
represents the creative and caring side of the personality. It is concerned with well-being, as well as love and family matters.
symbolises intelligence and enthusiasm, and is concerned with decision making.
reveals practicality and reliability. It also signals the ability to pursue a project to its conclusion as well as being a sign of a good physical constitution.
represents both money and conflicts, showing competitiveness and business acumen. It concerns financial security.
symbolises communication, whether in words, writing, or travelling. It may also indicate legal matters.
The life cycle chart
According to Chinese astrology, the life span is divided into twelve distinct phases (from conception to burial) known as the "Life-Cycle Palaces". These represent significant stages in life and career, and are as follows:-
VIII Conception I Adolescence IV Retirement
IX Babyhood I Kuan Tai V Decline
X Infancy II Adulthood VI Final Years
XI Childhood III Maturity VII Burial
NB! Kuan Tai (Matriculation) is considered to be the zenith of the chart, and occurs roughly at the age of twenty-one.
The varying importance of the twelve stages in life depends on the impact of Five Forces known as Fate, Seal, Official, Wealth, and Opportunity. The Four Pillars dictate which Forces are assigned to each of the stages.
Each Force reaches a zenith at different times in life (represented by the boxes on a "Life-Cycle Chart") but will actually have some effect on more than one of the twelve phases. To determine the relevance of these Forces, two factors must be considered:
1. The rating of the associated Element will indicate how strong the actual Force is. (If the rating is one, or zero, then it can be virtually ignored).
2. The nature of the Element also gives an indication of the manner in which the Force can be expected to materialise.
The Fate determines the relative positions of the other four Forces and is thus the key to the Life-Cycle Chart. It indicates the moment when the direction of life is settled: a stroke of fortune, or a tragedy, the scale and nature of the change being indicated by the rating of the associated Element.
The Seal represents family and general happiness. At the end of life, it reveals a contented retirement without regrets. At the beginning, it compensates if other forces are weak; and, whenever it occurs, a strong Seal indicates good health and a happy family life.
The Wealth represents riches and material rewards. If it appears around the "Kuan Tai" Palace and its associated Element has a high rating, then the querent is destined to become rich (please get in touch with the author!!). If the Wealth appears at "Conception", this suggests a prosperous start rather than a life in which money will be earned. Alternatively, an individual whose wealth is indicated at "Burial" could be destined to make money without being able to enjoy the benefits.
Opportunity offers that unexpected chance which proverbially only knocks once. It differs from Fate in that is in no sense inevitable, but is entirely dependent on what is made of it. For this reason, it is obviously better for Opportunity to be present during early adulthood. If it appears in infancy, then this indicates the continuation of a strong family tradition; if at the end of life, the chance may be passed on to descendants.
The Official is a rather more abstruse concept, a legacy from the days when China was ruled by the Mandarins and promotion to office depended on the 'Official' examinations. Today, however, it can be taken to meaning all things to do with public office, closely linked with success in examinations, or other 'establishment' spheres, such as politics. Coming at the zenith of the Life-Cycle, at the age of twenty-one, it indicates the promise of a particularly successful career. In infancy, it reveals a natural talent; or at the close of life, the promise of public recognition, or even honours.
A weak rating - no major effect on this period.
The OFFICIAL indicates a natural talent with business and finance.
METAL indicates an accident or surgery.
A weak rating - no major effect on this period
The time when life takes on a new direction, reveals ideas must be put into practise.
Unfortunately, a period of illness is revealed.
FATE at this point indicates a wasted talent, probably intellectual.
Snake Personality

The person born in the year of snake is the wisest and most enigmatic of all. He/she can become a philosopher, a theologian, a political lizard or a wily financier. Such person is a thinker who also likes to live well. The snake - person loves books, music, clothes, and fine food; but with all his fondness for the good things of life, his innate elegance gives him a dislike for frivolities and foolish talk.

They like communicating and like interesting conversations, although if the conversation becomes repetitive their attention may soon wander. It is almost impossible to fix their attention for long talking about the weather. They prefer to focus on new interesting unusual ides and intelligent discussion in general.

These people have a special feeling that enables them to judge situations correctly and so they are alert to new possibilities and when they have an idea of what to and how to do it, they you pursue it persistently and energetically. These people are self-confident and usually don't bother themselves listening to someone else's opinion. But this side of their character has also a negative load. Refusing to listen to constructive advice, they may get into needless trouble. Although it is difficult for such people to take advice, they are patient with others when it comes to give a hand of help, and their ability to look at a problem from a variety of angles is extremely appreciated. When faced with a dilemma snake people as a rule act with speed and conviction, since they believe intensely in what they are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects lacking in good potential.

It is important to remember that life is not all work and competition. Snake person perfectly knows how to wind down and relax when such opportunity arises. This type of people often makes protective and caring friends. However, their anger can be quickly aroused, and they will soon get back if there is a suspicion that someone has taken advantage of their trust or has hurt those close to them.

Snake Love Affairs

In love, the male snake is romantic and charming. He possesses a sense of humor while the female is usually beautiful and successful. In case person born in the year of the snake chooses a partner, he/she will be jealous and possessive. Even when the relationships are left behind this possessiveness will be clouding the snake's life. Rejection is the worst thing that can ever happen to the snake person. Such people must be received, welcomed, accepted and approved by those with whom they come in contact. Generally they need a lot of security.

It often happens that snake people have one set of rules for themselves and one for their partner and this side of their nature can become a basis for misunderstandings in the future. But, when they are really romantically involved these people are also loving and attentive, stimulating and playful, though it takes time for them to get over their fears or discuss their weaknesses. The best partner for a snake type person is someone who would give him freedom, but it is also important for him to feel secure and adored.

Snake Career

In money matters, people born in the year of snake have good luck; they don't have to worry about money too much, such people will always be able to find couple of banknotes if they need it. The snake person has an ability to read complex situations quickly and then set about resolving them in a quiet, controlled manner. It is much more convenient and useful for this people to work independently, because in this case they have freedom to travel and negotiate on their own terms. The snake people can not stand being limited by others and this is another reason for them to work solo. People born in this year are logical and organized workers and have all the qualities needed to acquire new skills. They also have a very good memory and that enables them to fulfil the projects thoroughly. They are purposeful and getting towards their aim spotting potential troubles and reacting immediately. On the other hand, should they have achieved their goal the snake people usually withdraw to gather their thoughts and rest. But they need not much time to renew their energies and be ready for new challenges.

Ideal Job for the Snake Include
Professor, Linguist, Teacher, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Astrologer, Clairvoyant, Personnel officer, Public relations executive, Interior designer.
Horoscope background
Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 24, 42, 46
Equivalent Western Sign: Taurus
Element FIRE
Color RED
Yin/Yang YANG

Some Famous Snakes: Kim Basinger, Randy Crawford, Bob Dylan, Greta Garbo, Art Garfunkel, Audrey Hepburn, Paul Hogan, Liz Hurley, Carole King, Dean Martin, Robert Mitchum, Mike Oldfield, Ryan O'Neal, Dorothy Parker, Brad Pitt, Brooke Shields, Paul Simon, Dionne Warwick, Oprah Winfrey, Virginia Woolf, Susannah York.

Snake Compatibility
Compatible with : Ox, Rooster, Dragon
Less Compatible with : Rat, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Dog, Ram
Least Compatible with : Pig, Monkey, Tiger

Positive and Negative Capability

Positive: The Snake can be amiable, compromising, fun-loving, altruistic, honorable, sympathetic, philosophical, charitable, a paragon of fashion, intuitive, discreet, diplomatic, amusing and sexy.

Negative: The Snake can also be self-righteous, imperious, judgmental, conniving, mendacious, grabby, clinging, pessimistic, fickle, haughty, ostentatious and a very sore loser.

A year for reflection, planning and searching answers. A good time for shrewd dealings, political affairs and coups d'etat. People will be more likely to scheme and ponder over matters before acting on them. An auspicious year for commerce and industry.
Solutions and compromises can be arrived at, but not without some mutual distrust at first. The Snake likes to resolve his differences one way or another. If he fails and things cannot be peacefully settlked, then he will declare war.
Looking back into history, we find that the year of the Snake has nevever been tranquil. Perhaps this is becuase it is the strongest negative force in the cycle and it follows the Dragon year, which is the strongest positive one. Many disasters which had their beginning in the year of the Dragon tend to culminate in the year of the Snake. These two signs are very closely related and the calamities of the Snake yearsoften resulted from excesses committed during the Dragon's reign.
This will be a lively time for romance, courtship and scandals of all osrts. A good year to pursue the arts. Fashion will become more elegant and fluid; music and the theater will blossom; and people will strive for a more sophisticated life. Notable contributions will also be made by science and technology.
The venerable wisdom of the Snake will be evident in many facets of our life, particularly in those requiring decisions. Although everything may look refreshingly quiet ont he surface, the year of the Snake is always unpredictable. The Snake's cool and collected front hides the deep and mysterious ways of his nature. It should be noted that once the Snake uncoils to strike, he moves like lightning and nothing can stop him. Similarly, changes that occur during the Snake's year can be as sudden and devastating.
Tread lightly and be more cautious this year. Gambling and speculation is strictly taboo. The consequences will be overwhelming. The Snake is not merciful.
Whatever else happens, the Snake will give us faith in our convictions and oerce us to act and to act forcefully during his reign. This is not a year for fence-sitters.
Diplomatic and popular, the Snake has the sensual art of seduction down. This Sign is an interesting mix of gregariousness paired with introversion, intuitive reasoning paired with savvy business skills. Snakes are considered to be lucky with money and will generally have more than enough to live life to the fullest, regardless of how important it considers money to be; this may be due to the fact that Snakes tend to be rather tight with cash. They're not stingy, they're simply more mentally than physically active. Snakes tend to hang back a bit in order to analyze a situation before jumping into it. Their charming, seductive quality actually belies a rather retiring nature; this Sign is perfectly happy to spend the whole day curled up with a good book and, thus, can be mislabeled as being lazy.
The Snake is somewhat insecure deep down and tend to be a rather jealous, possessive lover, behavior that can end up alienating loved ones. Despite these less-than-stellar tendencies, however, the Snake often proves irresistible and is a generous, loving partner. Slightly dangerous and disarmingly smart, the Snake's philosophical and intuitive mind generally supersedes logic in favor of feelings and instinct. Snakes will rely on their own gut reactions and intuitions before turning to others for suggestions. This makes this Sign a great hand in any business venture, possessing the caution and smarts needed to get ahead.
Snakes are hard workers (when they see good reason to be!) and are possessed of a keen intelligence. Snakes have incredible follow-through, once they get going, and they expect the same from others. Thus, their coworkers and employees had best stay on their toes, lest they anger the Snake and suffer its poisonous bite!
In general, of course, Snakes are generous and genteel, charming and appealing. Snakes must try to learn humility and to develop a stronger sense of self. Once Snakes realize that confidence comes from within, they will finally be comfortable in their own skin.
The Snake (蛇) (also known as the Serpent) is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Snake is associated with the earthly branch symbol 巳.

Years and the five elements
Persons born within these date ranges can be said to have been born in the "year of the Snake," while also bearing the following elemental sign:
• 4 February 1905 - 24 January 1906: Wood Snake
• 23 January 1917 - 10 February 1918: Fire Snake
• 10 February 1929 - 29 January 1930: Earth Snake
• 27 January 1941 - 14 February 1942: Metal Snake
• 14 February 1953 - 2 February 1954: Water Snake
• 2 February 1965 - 20 January 1966: Wood Snake
• 18 February 1977 - 6 February 1978: Fire Snake
• 6 February 1989 - 26 January 1990: Earth Snake
• 24 January 2001 - 11 February 2002: Metal Snake
• 10 February 2013 - 30 January 2014: Water Snake
• 2025 - 2026: Wood Snake
• 2037 - 2038: Fire Snake
Zodiac Location 6th
Ruling hours 9am-11am
Direction South Southeast
Season and month Spring, May
Lunar Month Dates May 5-June 5

Gemstone Agate

Color Red

Roughly equivalent western sign Taurus

Polarity Yin

Countries Mongolia, Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, Latvia, Trinidad & Tobago, Estonia,

Born in the year of the Snake

In Chinese mythology this animal symbolizes concentration and inconspicuousness, but nevertheless it may strike purposefully and very suddenly. Others should never underestimate you, although your manners may speak of a passive and calm person. You analyze the situation for a long time, and you act in the appropriate moment. Nothing escapes your sight, and you have a good potential, because you plan in the long run and gather your powers carefully. You never waste energies in projects that are too large to get a clear overview. Intelligence and wisdom are qualities of the snake, and your actions are always paired with effectivity. You avoid disappointments by trusting only a chosen few people. Others may even consider you as mistrustful.
You are a sensible person, and you can definitely rely on your intuition. You rather work with intelligence than with muscles, and you prefer to plan and organize than to work with getting your hands dirty. All jobs that demand your analytical mind, your inner balance and your ability to decide quickly for long-term goals are attractive for you. You don’t like to be on stage so much, you rather hold the puppet’s strings from behind the scenes. No other animal can be as patient as the snake.
On the outside you may seem to be cool and distanced, but inside you are a passionate person with deep emotions. You are not the entertainer, but you are sociable, and you need other people around you. Your moods torture you sometimes. A stressy life full of events and actions is nothing for you. You strongly dislike extravagant looks, small talk or the newest fashion, you prefer the classic style and unobtrusive elegance. You may think rather conservative and choose your clothes and looks accordingly, and you can live with less money. Even when you have enough resources you will not become spendy and rather give your money to reasonable projects.
In your free time you love to read and learn. You dislike gossip, and you choose your words always carefully, you never ramble along. Your humor can be very deep, but cynical, ironical or simply black. You should try not to bear grudges or take life too seriously, a more spontaneous behavior can sometimes help you to move forward. Others may feel you tend to manipulate people. You also use nearly every method to reach your goals.
Nobody wants to have you as their enemy, because you never forget who hurt you, even though this may have happened a long time ago. You patiently wait for the appropriate moment to strike back, and then you are merciless.
As a child you have been serious, tight-lipped and reserved. You cared for realistic goals and did not change your opinion as often as other kids did. In school you were a quick learner and got good grades. You may not have been with a group of kids, rather with some real friends you could surely rely on.

he Snake
Snakes are romantic and charming. They are deep thinkers and always mysterious. Snakes are graceful and soft spoken. They love a good book and appreciate all of the arts. They lean towards all of the finer things in life. Snakes trust themselves above all others and are seldom wrong; but behind a sophisticated front,Snakes are very superstitious!
Snakes are good with money and don't have to worry about finances. Somehow, when money is needed, it appears. In spite of their good luck with money, Snakes should never gamble. They could suffer big losses if they did, but Snakes learn fast. Once they have made a mistake,they never repeat it. They also never forgive you if you break a promise. By nature they are skeptical beings but keep their suspicions to themselves. They are very private and not concerned with the business of others. Idle gossip is not for them.
Snakes can be possessive in their relationships with others.They are passionate but jealous lovers. You can never tell how far Snakes will go to achieve their aims. They are relentless and their computer-like brains never stop plotting.When you anger them, you feel their icy hostility instead of hearing any sharp words. They will bide their time for revenge, so watch out! Snakes are elegant dressers, well-mannered, and always discrete. They always appear quiet and docile, but watch out, they never betray their true feelings. Their moves are planned out well in advance and they will hold their position to the bitter end. They can be evasive, and just when you think you have them, they slip away.
Snakes make good politicians since they can negotiate just about anything. Snakes also have a great sense of humor, and even in a crisis situation, they can lighten the atmosphere. They never lose their spark even when weighed down by trouble themselves. Being pillars of strength,they always maintain their presence of mind during confusion or crisis.
Snakes have beautiful skin. They possess a cool and classic air about them. They love expensive things,too. Snakes save for the real thing rather than buy an imitation. Snakes admire power and surround themselves with successful people. Their many talents and natural abilities make them sought-after as leaders. People admire and support Snakes even if they don't understand them.
Whatever happens, Snakes always strike out for themselves. They know how to use people and situations to their advantage. They are destined for fame and fortune.

If you work in association, show much patience, otherwise there'll be clashes and your words may exceed your thoughts. Vigilance today: vigilance on roads so as to avoid minor accidents, vigilance in the street so as to avoid a robbery, vigilance in your home so as to avoid domestic accidents! No great health problems in view; beware anyway of possible intestinal troubles; in order to digest well, take aniseed tea after each meal. Those whose hearts are tired must be watched over more closely.

What is most interesting with the Snake Chinese zodiac, considering that we are in constant turmoil with money matters, is that the Snake people will never have to worry about money, they are financially fortunate. This would probably attribute to their being vain, selfish and a bit stingy. But in contradiction to these attributes, they have tremendous sympathy for others and try to help those less fortunate. As they are naturally strong in perception and awareness, this enables them to very good at caring for others.
Their being seducers of human beings have been with us ever since. It started in the Garden of Eden. Yet unlike the evil Snake who lured Eve to commit the original sin, the astrological snake is not a demon. He or she is a great oversexed typical human being. Driven to follow through anything he undertakes to the bitter end, since the Snake detest being left in the air. He is decisive and quick.
Snakes are notoriously good looking and like to project the best image of themselves as much as possible. The have elegant and stylish tastes in clothes. The men are sexy and have always a bit of dandy about them and the ladies are seductive and go gaga over smart accessories. Whether in looks or in circumstances, Snake people have a magical knack in making the very best out of the most mediocre. Although calm in the surface, they are intense and passionate.
This kind of trait has been once and for all been demonstrated in Japan. Those wishing to pay a compliment to a woman and acknowledge her beauty are accustomed to say: "My dear, you are a real snake!"-- a salutation most likely to be misinterpreted in the West.
In love, the Snake male is romantic and charming. The female is usually beautiful and successful. But if the Snake male chooses a partner he will be jealous and possessive, even if he no longer loves her. There is this fear of rejection. They need a lot of security. They are not able to take rejection maturely. Refusing to listen to constructive advice, they may become prone to getting into needless trouble.
The Rabbit, Ram and Dog are in good terms with the Snake, but the Rat and the Rooster are considered pests. The Snake is always compatible with the Ox on condition that the Ox will always be the boss---a condition to which the Snakes accedes. But the Snake should beware of the Boar. The Boar will impose upon him, ensnare and immobilize him. Snake people tend to disagree with Pig, Tiger, Horse and Monkey but as in all relationships, things need to be worked out.
June is the month of the Snake. The Snake's color is red. Their direction of orientation is south-southeast.
As with the Ox Chinese zodiac, with whom the Snake people are compatible with, the elements go this way: Metal Snake - 1941, 2001; Water Snake - 1953,2013; Wood Snake - 1905,1965; Fire Snake - 1917, 1977; Earth Snake - 1929, 1989.
The Snake personality in Chinese astrology is an interesting one. It is said that the Snake personality is good and lucky with money so you might want to remember that when you are around a Snake personality. The Fire Snake is a type of the Snake personality. Learning more about the Snake personality and the Fire Snake type of personality can be done online. Make sure that you print out any of the information that you feel will come in handy for you.
The Snake personality in Chinese astrology is an interesting one. It is said that the Snake personality is good and lucky with money so you might want to remember that when you are around a Snake personality. The Snake personality is a very hard working person, so you might give them the work that you can't give other people. They will continue to work hard and do a good job in many different situations. These are good, hard working people so make sure that you appreciate people born into the Snake sign because if you don't then they might get angry. You will want to show them how much they mean to you so make sure that you do. However, they also make really good and reciprocal friends when they feel that you do appreciate them, so make sure that you do. You will be glad that you appreciated them in the long run.

The Fire Snake is a type of the Snake personality. Learning more about the Snake personality and the Fire Snake type of personality can be done online. Make sure that you print out any of the information that you feel will come in handy for you. Keep the information in a convenient place so that you can access it whenever you need to. All this information will come in handy someday so learn as much as you can and then you will have it for the future.

The people that are born into the Fire Snake sign in Chinese astrology make very good partners. You will find a love relationship with them to be very satisfying so make sure that you consider these people for love relationships when they come into your life. You will find that you will have a strong and happy relationship that will last for a very long time.

Learn all that you can about the Snake personality so that you will understand the people born into that sign that are in your life. You will be surprised at how well you will be able to communicate with them once you learn all that you can about this sign in Chinese astrology. Make it a priority to learn as much as you can about Chinese astrology and you will be able to understand many different people in a lot better way. With better communication you will have a lot better things in your life.
The Chinese astrology will keep you interested as you learn about it. There is much to understand, but when you finally understand it all you can use it in your life to help benefit you in many different ways. Be sure that you look through all the different signs and make sure that you get the understanding of each and every one of the signs including the Snake and then you will be able to better understand people in many ways. Make sure that you take notes and print out any information that might help you to understand the Chinese zodiac and astrology better. This can come in handy later down the line and you can look back at the information so that you understand what the signs mean in the Chinese zodiac.

nake Year Borns: (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Chinese horoscopes for Snake says, have that these persons a well-balanced year 2009: It becomes no larger conflicts at home and in the office before for the snakes in the year of the Ox. According to the Chinese astrology, the Snakes Mays increasing itself in the company with its good deeds expect. They are advised, around possible chances, themselves that its way in all phases of life. This year, the snakes will must extra careful in questions of the financing.
When friendly goes and with the family, around the snakes a quantity into the year of the Ox. On the other side, these persons is recommended, will say extra watchfully in the year 2009th Chinese horoscope for Snakes, will be large that the period between July until November for social activities.
What the Chinese predictions become, that Snakes born can expect in the summer and spring a good year with regard to the career. Snakes that independently make will see themselves a large clientele this year, during persons, that in the frame someone chances get amply for a good support.
Since that is unsteady is recommended the most important features of the snakes, it, its cool and sensitivity during the entire year for good results. Chinese horoscopes for Snakes also mentions, become that these persons itself not so good and not so badly romantic attachment in 2009: Altogether the year of the Ox is becomes as balanced out itself for the Snakes.
Famous Snake People: Pierce Brosnan, Casanova, Stephen Hawking, Sir Alexander Fleming, Mahatma Gandhi, Tony Blair, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Gong Li.
Good Personality Traits: Determined, Romantic, Rich and Profound Thinkers.
Bad Personality Traits: Restless, Stingy, Insecure and Procrastinating.
Snake's Compatibility: Ox and Rooster.

People who are born in the year of Snake are conventional and intelligent. They are often extremely well mannered and thus have a great reputation among friends. However, Snake people may have another side well hidden. They can be skeptical from time to time which may leads to jealousy. They like to argue right and wrong which may cause frustrations with family members. One interesting fact about Snake people is that they all like soup.
Strength of People Born in the Year of the Snake:
Snake people may appears to be mysterious from time to time, this attracts others’ curiosity about them. Their beautiful appearances bring them great charm with people. Unlike Dragon, Snake people do not like to show off, they work towards their goal quietly and consistently. They are very knowledge people and a great degree of creativity. They do pay attention to other’s suggestions, but it doesn't’t mean they will always agree with you.
Weakness of People Born in the Year of the Snake:
Snake people are extremely possessive. They are easy to get jealous. They are sometimes too skeptical to other’s actions which may cause great stress over relationships.
Love Tips for Snake People:
Snake people are single-minded in a romantic relationship. They can’t stand betrayal. Some of them have a tough time to speak for their mind. This may lead to bad turn out in a relationship. Snake people needs to show more generosity to their loved ones.
Wealth Tips for Snake People:
Snake people seems never need to worry about money. They have a good sense of investment. Their knowledge allow them to carefully think things through before taking any action. However, the skeptical personalities make them hard to collaborate with. Snake people need to trust their friends and family members more often when it comes to business opportunities.
Additional Tips:
lucky directions: north east, south west, south
lucky color: red, light yellow, black
bad-luck color: white, gold, brown
lucky numbers: two, eight, nine
bad-luck numbers: one, six, seven
lucky flowers: orchid, cactus
he Snake is Yang
The Snake Motto is “Ị Feel”
In the 20th Century all Snakes were born between the following dates:
4 February 1905 and 24 February 1904
23 January 1917 and 10 February 1916
10 February 1929 and 29 January 1928
27 January 1941 and 14 February 1940
14 February 1953 and 2 January 1952
21 February 1965 and 20 February 1964
18 February 1977 and 6 January 1976
6 February 1989 and 26 February 1988
24 January 2001 and 11 February 2002
The symbols associated with the Snake, which give them enhanced powers and increase their self-image are:
Your Best Your Favorite
Color is ice blue Food is caviar
Flower is camellia Animal is turtle dove
Fragrance is musk Drink is champagne
Tree is palm Spice is curry
Flavor is bittersweet Metal is platinum
Birthstone is opal Herb is fennel
Lucky number is 3 Musical instrument is violin
Share these symbols with friends and family and surround yourself with them as they will bring you luck, and feelings of security and personal worth.
On the bright side: Snakes can be fun-loving, honorable, sympathetic, wise, intuitive, discreet, sexy, diplomatic and charitable. They are compassionate and can be good listeners, even if they don’t always agree with the other person’s opinion.
On the dark side: Snakes, when coiled and ready to strike, can be conniving, judgmental, pessimistic, fickle, arrogant, clingy, self-righteous and imperious.
The Snake
The charm of the snake is legendary. A snake can charm, if it chooses, most people it comes into contact with. Snakes are usually attractive and graceful and their admirers don’t generally just ogle them, but fall madly in love with them. Know a man suddenly besotted and pining over an elusive woman? He’s probably in pursuit of a sinewy Snake. They are notorious seducers and are the universal symbol of sexuality, seduction and passion.
Snakes can also be a bit narcissistic. They love to pamper themselves, wear, eat and see the finest this life and world have to offer and aren’t made for any kind of hard labor. They prefer to slither their way through warm waters, lay in the sun, appreciate hours of endless silence and have a profound dislike of chaos. They drape themselves in shimmering jewels, their nails are manicured and if it wasn’t for them, Hermes, Cartier and other fine merchants would go out of business!
Seduction and refinery aside, there is a stillness of spirit within all snakes that allow them to “feel” their intuitions, events about to happen, and the emotions of those around them. They spend a great deal of time thinking profound thoughts and can be very philosophical in nature. They are also natural at ‘new age’ teachings and are often knowledgeable about such topics. These reptilian spenders lavish their close friends and family with gifts but can also be stingy as well on boring things such as utility bills and other necessary and dull expenses. They always seem to have enough money though and rarely go bankrupt.
Snakes can also be manipulative, though not always consciously. They have a way of twisting appearances and words to their favor. Some Chinese view Snakes as out and out liars though for them, it’s more “evasion and omission”.
One of the most important thing to a Snake is security and emotional stability. Routine is perfectly suitable to the Snake and they dislike chaos. Snakes have been known to stay in dead-end jobs and lifeless marriages simply for the sake of security.
Snakes will seduce and strive until they don’t have to. At the point of achieving their goals, whether it’s a secure career or a mate who loves them unconditionally, they can lapse into laziness. They need to be challenged on some level or their sunning on a rock might become permanent!
Snake's Health
The general issues that affects the snake’s health can center around the digestive or urinary tract. Snakes should drink an abundant of pure (no bubbles) water with the addition of cranberry juice, especially for women. Their sensitive nature dislikes chaos and if left to it for too long they can become overwrought, depressed, anxious and nervous. Quiet place and calm people make them feel well and balanced. Snakes do not recover quickly so it’s important they maintain their good health, stick to moderation, whether that be sun, alcohol or anything else that might disrupt their sensitive system.
Snakes are frequently cold and this might be from poor circulation. This is also why they enjoy sitting in the sun but with their fragile skin, this should be limited or at least with a hefty amount of sun screen. They love animals and cats in their lap is a favorite due to the warmth, softness and sense of security.
The best tools to keep the Snake well are peace, quiet and calm days. Stay away from chaos, loud noise levels and erratic people that evoke a sense if insecurity. Feel okay staying home when others are out to play and enjoy that leisurely day to yourself.
2008 Snake Overview
This is a good year for health and financial advantages. This is a Rat year and that highly charged element could get on the nerves of the cool, calm, placid Snake. A slight depression may occur peppered with some self-doubt but remember that this is just Rat energy that wants power over you! Stay yourself and remain calm. Remember that you are a pillar of strength because of your calm mind so this year will call upon that more than usual.
Metal Snake: 1941, 2001
Water Snake: 1953, 2013
Wood Snake: 1905, 1965
Fire Snake: 1917, 1977
Earth Snake: 1929, 1989

Best sex: ROOSTER and OX

Worst nightmare: PIG

SNAKE: Snakes make good philosophers and are considered to be the deepest thinkers in the Chinese zodiac. Possessing incredible wisdom and intuition, Snakes enjoy intrigue but yearn for relaxation. You can be lazy and too reserved in conversations. You tend to over analyze your love relationships. Highly skeptical by nature, you tend to be meticulous in your search for the perfect lover. Work on improving your communication skills and aim to control the venomous side within you. In sex and love you can be jealous, insecure when you feel wronged. You will strike back at those who have betrayed you. Preferring tenderness to wild passion, you enjoy open displays of affection. Your kindness and charm lure prospective partners, and you prove to be solid and reliable in the long run. Your ideal match is someone who is romantic and trusting. Stay away from possessive types!

Famous Snake People: Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Ferdinand Marcos, Abraham Lincoln, Lady Pamela Mountbatten, Martin Luther King, Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy, Edgar Allen Poe, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bob Dylan

Similarity to western sign : TAURUS
Hours ruled by the Snake : 9 AM - 11 AM
Season and month : Spring - May
Point of the compass : South - Southeast
Mentality : Negative

Snake Horoscope
Those born in the year of Snake are considered to be lucky financial and will generally have more than enough to live life to the fullest. Snakes make a good saver; they are rather tight with cash but not stingy. Snake have the tendency to observe the situation first, analyse the situation, before jumping into it.
Their charming and seductive quality actually gives a false representation of their rather retiring nature. The Snake is perfectly happy to spend the whole day curled up at a safe place with a good book. Thus, they can be wrongly labelled as being lazy.
The Snake often feels insecure deep down and tend to be a rather possessive and jealous lover. Their behaviour can end up alienating closed partners or loved ones. Despite these negative tendencies, however, the Snake often proves irresistible, enchanting and is a generous, loving partner. Snake can be slightly dangerous but they are fascinating and smart. The Snake's intellectual ability and intuitive mind generally override logic in favour of feelings and instinct. Snake will normally rely on their own gut feelings and intuitions before asking others for suggestions. This makes this Sign a great entrepreneur or partner in any business venture, possessing the caution and acumen needed to get ahead. Snake are thinkers who also like to live well in affluence.
Snake are intense with a tendency towards physical appearance and beauty. They are vain and quick tempered.
Snakes' headstrong nature and refusal to listen to constructive advice make them prone to getting into needless trouble.
In general, Snake are generous and kind, enchanting and appealing. Snake must try to learn to be modest and to develop a stronger sense of self. Once Snake realize that confidence comes from within , they will be more comfortable with themselves.
The best partner or lover for the Snake is the Monkey, Rooster or Ox. Beware of the Pig!
Rich in wisdom and charm, Snakes are romantic and deep thinkers. Their intuition guides them strongly. Snakes usually do things at their own pace, and when the moment is right, shed their skin and take up something completely new. It is for this reason that people avoid Snakes -- They can't handle their mistrust and secretiveness. Although sociable at times, they have a strong desire to be left alone. Snakes are actually subtle workers -- imperceptibly manuevering and manipulating until they are in the position to get what they want. Attracted to elegant and refined partners, they are deeply jealous and possessive when involved in relationships.

Insightful, Shrewd, Discreet, Wise, Compassionate, Subtle
Proud, Manipulative, Malicious, Possessive, Vain, Sluggish

The following occupations best suit the Snake personality.

The Snake has an incredibly favorable year ahead. The year of the Ox provides many opportunities for the Snake to fulfill long awaited career goals and achieve more than he/she ever imagined. Your wisdom and patience are tools that prove successful in all aspects of your life. Relationships could be taken to new heights and deep and meaningful friendships are acquired. This year proves to be one of action, the year that all of your planning and waiting pay off for you. The later months prove to be especially successful, tying a year of arduous work into an extremely blissful culmination.
Snake Career
Your wisdom proves to be most resourceful this year, particularly in your career endeavors. Colleagues will admire your input and your opinion will be well respected among business circles. Your work will take you to new levels in your career, as you may see a promotion or a position change that offers you a direction that is more suitable to your skills. March, April and May are strong months for a career change or an upswing in your current position. Be prepared for an outstanding year in your work and don't be surprised if everything you do results in success.
Snake Relationships
The Snake's social life will bring a high amount of satisfaction to you this year, as will your family life. Though you tend to be more of a loner, this year will provide occasions that may bring you out of your shell. You have always been a good listener and you will benefit from being more assertive in social situations. More to the point, you may be thrown into a position to be more assertive, rather than volunteering. Your quick thinking will prove to be most useful. Single Snakes may find the romantic relationship they seek, as romance is favored.
Snake Health
The Snake will not suffer any more than minor health issues, but you may want to watch what you eat and make it a point to exercise more often, as these may be areas that you tend to neglect. Your busy work schedule and social endeavors may make it difficult to maintain a regular schedule of exercise, but you can find time here and there to do something active. This will help your heart and may relive stress from a long work week.
Snake Wealth
The Snake will do well with your conservative approach to spending. You have always been disciplined in your finances and this year proves to be no different. If you maintain your frugal manner, you will find that you have accumulated enough by the end of the year to make a large purchase that you have been planning for a long time. If you are in doubt about a particular endeavor, don't hesitate to receive a second opinion before committing.
Snakes have always been the seducers of human beings. If you know the story of "The White Snake", you will understand what I mean. In reality, Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. The Snake is a nice oversexed normal human being. Determined to follow through anything he undertakes to the bitter end, the Snake detests being left in the air. He makes his decisions quickly and firmly.

These people seem to know a lot about many subjects, but are really very reserved, naive and easily shocked. Well read, and with a retentive memory for many subjects, snake people will have an ingrained love for books. Wise and discreet, they make good friend. They are elegant, direct yet subtle, and prudent.

The Chinese consider snakes to be guardians of buried treasure, and as such they have always been considered good omens and symbols of wisdom and cleverness.

They often make the best of situations by their active, adaptable and forceful nature, although they are often likely to be selfish and a little lazy, especially the female snake. They are prepared to wait for opportunities rather than try to create them.

Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. He seems to have a kind of sixth sense in this way.

Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though his sympathy for others often leads him to offer help. The fatal flaw in his character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate - in helping friends as with everything else. If he does somebody a favor, he becomes possessive towards them in an odd way. Another big flaw in a Snake's character is that, they are capable of biggie lies. White lies, true lies, whatever they call them, though they don't lie often, they do lie when they feel they can get away from it.

In money matters, the Snake has good luck: he doesn't have to worry - he'll always be able to lay his hand on money when he needs it. Generally, Snakes are careful but generous with friends and family. The Snake should stick to careers that won't involve him in any risk - even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy. In love, the Snake male is romantic and charming.
Lucky Numbers
1,2,4,6,13,24,42 and 46
Famous Snakes
Seductively Charming and Mysterious, Possessing Great Wisdom. Outwardly Calm and Quiet; Intense and Passionate on the inside. Sympathetic, Determined and Self Reliant. Beware, Good Looks can Generate Vanity.

LOVE: Once your pray has been hypnotized, you are sensual, passionate and very possessive. A dominator in your soul, you overtly demand that your partner satisfy all of your desires. While you are jealous, you are neither very steadfast nor faithful. You like to seduce any pray that passes your way if only to reassure you in your capacity for seduction. Your favorite arm: talking about Prometheus or Freud to enchant your future conquest with an undercurrent of erotic suggestions. To attract you, your pray must be intelligent, licentious, admiring and passionate.

Snakes are:
Amiable, Compromising, Wise, Altruistic, Honourable, Sympathetic, Philosophical, Charitable, Fashionable, Intuitive, Discreet, Diplomatic and Sexy.

But Snakes can also be:
Self-righteous, Imperious, Judgemental, Conniving, Mendacious, Grabby, Clinging, Pessimistic, Fickle, Haughty, Ostentatious and Selfish.

How does it feel to be so irresistible? It must be sublime to know that the whole world is intoxicated with: your bewitching perfume, your silken scarves and your glamorous accessories. Everybody is in awe of your appearance. And you, in turn, are in awe of how adoring your admirers are. You do so love to please.
Some think of you as the silent type. But when there is something important to say,you can be a veritable magpie. People cherish your sagacious advice. Those seeking peace of mind are drawn to you for counseling and wisdom. You can always predict what's about to happen before it does. One wonders if you receive messages from other realms. If you do, don't fight it. Listen to the spirits and learn.
With money, you are both a miser and a spendthrift. Rather than pushing up the thermostat a few degrees, you will wrap yourself in sable and curl up with a good lover. You are famous for demanding exclusive rights on your mate while blithely maintaining your own busy private life on the side. Security is your all time favourite happiness-provider.
The first two parts of your life will be hectic and nerve-wracking. But old age becomes you. Enjoy it.
Snakes have always been the seducers of human beings. If you know the story of “The White Snake”, you will understand what I mean. In reality, Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. Peer group attention and public recognition are the least of what he expects. Yet Snakes are never noisy or deliberately outspoken, and they have have excellent manners.
Unlike the Snake who seduced Eve in to sin. the astrological Snake, is not a devil, not even a little demon. The Snake is a nice oversexed normal human being. Determined to follow through anything he undertakes to the bitter end, the Snake detests being left in the air. He makes his decisions quickly and firmly.
Most people are secretly or hopelessly in love with Snakes. Gather those frustrated folk you know and most likely, they are probably in love with a Snake. Irresistible as they seem, the Snake never wastes time in idle gossip. He thinks often and deeply. He is an intellectual, a philosophers, a cerebral person. Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. He seems to have a kind of sixth sense in this way.
Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though his sympathy for others often leads him to offer help. The fatal flaw in his character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate – in helping friends as with everything else. If he does somebody a favor, he becomes possessive towards him in an odd way.
Another big flaw in a Snake’s character is that, they are capable of biggie lies. White lies, true lies, whatever they call them, though they don’t lie often, they do lie when they feel they can get away from it.
In money matters, the Snake has good luck: he doesn’t have to worry – he’ll always be able to lay his hand on money when he needs it. Generally, Snakes are careful but generous with friends and family. The Snake should stick to careers that won’t involve him in any risk – even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy.
In love, the Snake male is romantic and charming. He has a sense of humor and the female is usually beautiful and successful. but if a Snake chooses a partner, he’ll be jealous and possessive – even if he no longer loves her. Rejection is the worst blow his delicate ego can suffer. The Snake must be received, welcomed, accepted and approved by those with whom he comes in contact. They need a lot of security.
(1 – least compatible, 10 – most compatible) with
Rat 6 – Better be friends than lovers
Ox 8 – This union can be a good one
Tiger 4 – Difficult to know what they see in each other
Rabbit 6 – It takes some effort to make it work
Dragon 7 – This might work
Snake 6 – Complicated union – better avoid
Horse 7 – First there’s attraction then comes compromise
Sheep 6 – This might work
Monkey 5 – Perhaps – it depends on the Monkey
Rooster 9 – A love connection, Omens favorable
Dog 7 – A balanced and compatible team
Pig 4 – The Pig can never please the Snake
Direction South-30-East
Hour ruled 6th Hour, 9.00 am to 10.59 am
Western Zodiac Taurus
Ruling Planet Venus
Gemstone Mossagate
Season Early Summer
Month May
Least Compatible Sign Pig
Color Red
Celebrities Ghandi, Mae West
Career Politics, Entertainment, Sales and Public Relations
Energy Yin (Positive)
Symbolism Symbolize secrecy, treachery, corruption, guardians of treasure.
Good traits Subtle, Insightful, Shrewd, Discreet, Wise, Compassionate
Bad traits Proud, Manipulative, Vain, Malicious, Possessive
Leisure Astrology, painting, touring, photography
Love Life: Snakes are quite prejudiced when choosing a partner and don’t just choose partners or lovers based on their physical qualities. The Snake needs a partner who can appreciate his sense of humor and his wacky way of behavior. They need a meeting of the minds as well.
Career : The Snake can be successful as long as he avoids extemporaneous spending. People born under the Sign of the Snake become bored easily and therefore change jobs quite frequently.They are very conscientious and diligent at work.The occupations best suited for the Snake are Scientists, Analysts, Spiritual Leaders, Dieticians, Magicians and Painters.
Personality : The Snake is the sixth Sign of the Chinese Zodiac, and is a Yin Sign associated with the Fire Element. The Snake is keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise. Snake personality are great thinkers, and excel at giving advice, even if they are no good at accepting it.
Likes : The favorite color of the Snake is red, and their corresponding Lucky gemstones are Topaz, Jasper, and Bloodstone. They like astrology, painting, long vacations and amateur photography.
Dislikes : Snakes dislike being interrupted while they are talking, being challenged in any way, being mislead personally or professionally and unexpected failures.
Chinese astrology is based on the astronomy and traditional calendars. The Chinese astrology does not calculate the positions of the sun, moon and planets at the time of birth. Therefore, there is no astrology in the European sense in China.
Chinese astrology has a close relation with Chinese philosophy (theory of the harmony of sky, humans and earth) and different "principle" to Western: the wu xing teachings, yin and yang, astronomy: five planet, the 10 Celestial stems, the 12 Earthly Branches, the lunisolare calendar (moon calendar and sun calendar), the time calculation after year, month, day and shiche.
GENERAL INFO: SNAKE's corresponding Occidental Astrological sign is TAURUS. MAY is the month. The time of the ROOSTER is from 9:00 a.m. to 10:59 a.m. Your direction of orientation is the north. ROOSTER's color is RED.
* For the Chinese people, the color red is one of the most popular colors at Chinese new year and is traditionally associated with good fortune, happiness and strength, success in projects and prosperity in the family.
KEYWORDS: Quick mind, clever, good bargainers, natural charmer, money maker, rarely a money lender; it would be wise to avoid borrowing money from a SNAKE born person.
LOVE: Love relations tend to come easily to most SNAKE born people. Because they crave love and intimacy so much they are known to have numerous love-sex affairs before settling down to one mate.
FRIENDSHIP: Many charming (popular) SNAKE born people are known to be experts in the art of passion and seduction (extramarital affairs). Once settled down, most SNAKE born people can become caring parents (large family).
COMPATIBILITY: Most OX, RABBIT, SHEEP, and DOG born people are on good terms with most SNAKES. Business deals can be achieved with HORSE born people. RAT and ROOSTER born people exasperate the SNAKES. PIG born people should avoid SNAKES.
WORK: Thanks to their intellect/mental abilities (research) and skills most SNAKE born people prove to be diligent workers. They can be counted on to carry a project through to the end. Once they make a mistake, they rarely repeat it, well most of the time. Some SNAKES can be ruthless in achieving their goals.
MONEY: Chinese tradition says that SNAKES are known to have the knack to make money possibly thanks to your intuitive feelings in financial affairs. It seems that more you work for it, the more it will be at your disposal when you need it. But on the other hand, once the SNAKE has money at his/her disposal, he or she could be quite stingy regarding lending his/her hard earned money.
FAVORABLE DATES: JULY 1-2; 8 to 20; 26-27
SNAKE born mid-OCT'53 are: week of JULY 12
SNAKE born early NOV'53 are: week of JULY 12
SNAKE born mid-DEC'65 are: weeks of JULY 19
ASTRO-FACTS: The counterpart to the SNAKE of Chinese Astrology is the Zodiac sign of TAURUS. According to Taoist Tradition, most SNAKE born workers are known to be intelligent and effective. In their private Life, most SNAKE born people exude charm and seem to be astrologically most compatible with the RABBIT, ROOSTER, OX, and other SNAKE born people (so-so).
I CHING (yi king): Be good to your Self. Laugh at your Self. Do not take your Self or your actions too seriously. And most of all, refuse to commit your time and energy where they do not belong (with losers who do not deserve your efforts). Better dump someone now, before he or she dumps you. Courage!
PROVISO: Integrity, honesty, and sincerity are some of MARC’s principles. This attitude provides a basis of trustworthiness between you the reader of this ASTROMARC website and MARC.
FORTUNE COOKIE: Growth opportunities are available right now. Determination brings some goals to fruition earlier than you planned.
GENERAL OUTLOOK: Your Life is picking up. Progress greatly depends on you. For example: if you are looking for work, prepare to receive a job offer. Indeed, breakthrough might lead to a totally new career direction. Your gain for accepting tasks that others fear to tackle? A job. Better working conditions. Higher income!
JUNE 28-29-30 RELATIONSHIPS: Beware of the demands others make on you. Responsibilities could soon become unwanted burdens. If your union with a distant, unreceptive, and uncooperative mate is hurting you (emotionally, physically) get out of this troubled, potentially nerve-wrecking relationship.
FORTUNE COOKIE: Happiness is wanting to simplify your Life and do better with what you already have!
JUNE 28-29-30 MONEY: Many of you are entering a period of transition which should be seen not as a threat but as an opportunity to reinvent your Life. In other words: Good Fortune seems to be returning to you as long as you focus on URGENTLY solving your basic survival problems. So, start doing something constructive. For example: increasing your savings so that you can meet your monthly expenses is the message that the coming LUNAR ECLIPSE wants to send you. Another LUNAR ECLIPSE message? Bankruptcy (like falling off a cliff) is not an option. The reward for enhancing your strengths and boosting your performance? Recognition, appreciation, promotion, and better income!
JULY 1-6 WORK: Have you chosen the wrong path? Should you change the course? Reality strikes you quickly this week; lack of advance knowledge might become a serious liability for you. To climb the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, you might have to go back to college (evening, weekend courses), acquire new management skills, and earn an advanced degree. Your gain? Getting in better financial shape, prosper, and enjoy the results of your efforts along the way. GREAT!
FORTUNE COOKIE: Watch out for foggy headed thinking.
JULY 7 (LUNAR ECLIPSE) to JULY 11: Most of the time eclipses lead to a breakthrough by gaining proper perspective. For example, one way to have a successful relationship is to have a more constructive relationship with yourself. How? Remove self-sabotage destructive behaviors (hurt, anger, resentment). You want a deeply loving partnership? Start dating open-heartedly. To make your relationship work, support each other. Be more generous in sharing and giving. To have better communications, be more open, acknowledge and appreciate whatever is being said. To defuse conflict, communicate more effectively (in a non-threatening manner). Not only listen but understand what the other person is trying to say. Of course if you have no desire to work on your relationship, it won’t improve. But on the other hand, if your intention is to share constructive energy no doubt you will improve the status of your relationship.
ATTENTION: The materialization of this astrological forecast depends on the exact planetary positions at your birth. To know if the Chinese Year of the EARTH OX will be a memorable one for you personally call MARC at 1-819-565-9494. Phone fees are yours. Send us an email to schedule a live consultation by phone with MARC. Speaking with MARC (including emailed natal and actual transits charts) is FREE!
FENG SHUI: According to Feng Shuy, south-west local or hall is good for taking a medical examination or college or university exam. Matters of law, promotion, and travel can also be positively affected. One effective yet simple remedy to shield your home from large or tall objects is to plant trees or shrubs around your house. Dying plants or trees should be removed from your yard immediately because of the bad FENG SHUI they create. To circulate and spread luck and prosperity, please use plants and crystals to help chi flow throughout a room and throughout your house. Dried flowers give off excessive yin energy and should not be used in the home or office. Use live plants as much as possible because they enhance chi movement and, like crystals and hollow bamboo stems, they seem to have the capacity to filter negative sha into positive chi. Remember, FENG SHUI works if you work to make it work. So, give your GOOD FORTUNE a chance to materialize!
The Snake is sophisticated, charming and graceful. Snake have an uncanny innate wisdom that makes them inscrutable. Snake are usually concerned with their appearance. Snakes are mysterious and are often drawn to secrecy, the occult and the mystics.

Snake can be graceful and very beautiful but need to guard against vanity and materialism. With a very intense nature, Snake can also be quick to take offense and lash out. But this can be tempered with the wisdom and intelligence Snake can find within.
,br> Although Snake have the ability to attract money, a Snake is not likely to make their gain in gambling or risky undertakings. Although sometimes stingy, Snake love the luxuries in life and take great pleasure in good food and elegant living. A snake would rather go without than have second best.

Snakes can be extreme creatures where no middle grounds exist. Snake are either highly successful or fail miserably. It is either the top or the bottom. The same goes for romantic relationships, if Snake can't have the "cream of the crop", Snake would rather remain alone. Snakes are sexually passionate and can be seemingly promiscuous, but that is merely due the secretive quality of their nature.

Years: 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917
Compatible: Roosters & Oxen
Incompatible: Tigers, Horses, Monkeys & Pigs

Rich in wisdom and charm, you are romantic and deep thinking and your intuition guides you strongly. Avoid procrastination and your stingy attitude towards money. Keep your sense of humor about life. The Snake would be most content as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist, and fortune teller.

People born under the seventh sign of Chinese astrology, the Snake, tend to be intuitive, wise, possessive and yet conservative. They are also known for their beauty and charm.
Snake people are very well read and intelligent. They are also introverts and would not like to share their inner most thoughts with anyone. Although, they do have many friends, they do not trust people easily.
Snakes get along with Ox and Roosters. Do not betray snakes, or be prepared to pay a price. In their love life, Snakes can be very possessive and jealous.
Snake Tidbits:
Snake corresponds to Taurus in western astrology.
Lucky color: Dark Pink
Things are freeing up -- a window of opportunity is opening wide, so climb on in!
Love & Relationships
Stamp yourself 'handle with care' -- your usual thick skin is a bit thin now, meaning you're extra sensitive to what people may say.
You're on the job.
Lucky number : 35
Best time of the day : 14h00
Compatible Sign : Rat, Tiger, Dragon
Snake Horoscope

Snake is the sixth animal in Chinese Horoscope. Snakes are not social animal. They don’t trust the others so easily so they spend much time to learn someone, both working and personal relationship.

Snake people do not expose their feeling easy. On the other hand, they tend to keep their anger inside and patiently wait for a chance to call a payback from you. You may never even know they are angry with you until you get bitten from the cold-heart snake people.

Some snake people will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, no matter it’s good or not.

The snake can be your good couple somehow. They are smart. They usually understand the situation so well and really know how to react appropriately. Most of all, they have a good financial head. You rarely see poor people were born in snake years.
Snake is the sixth animal in Chinese Horoscope. It represent clever, cautious and tricky.
Abstract information about the Snake:
The Snake (Serpent) is strongly related with deep and eternal wisdom. Snake people are always enigmatic and maybe the most wise of all Chinese Horoscope signs. A Snake usually evolves to become a philosopher, deep thinker, theosophist, magician or leader of the back scene. Snake people love learning, reading and eating good food. They are also very concerned about their outer appearance. Their best attribute is their excellent ability to communicate with others and successfully engage in interesting conversations. Snake people love new ideas and innovative thoughts and actions, but they will usually reject advice from anyone but themselves.
Chinese Astrology Symbol: The Sixth
Lucky Gem Stone: Opal
Precious Flower: Passion
Nature: Yin (female)
Interesting facts about the Snake:
Favorite Hours: 9am-11am
Direction: South (S), SouthEast (SE)
Season: Spring
Month: May
Magical Colors: Green, Gold, Brown
Traditional zodiac equivalent: Taurus
Chinese Foods: Meat
Associated Countries: Mongolia, Estonia, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Trinidad
Famous Snake people: Kim Basinger, Bob Dylan, Greta Garbo, Mike Oldfield, Virginia Wolf, Susannah York
Keyword terms for the Snake:
[+] Wise, Interesting, Innovative, New, Patience, Helpful, Speed, Philosophical, Discreet, Diplomatic
[-] Prideful, Judgmental, Conviction, Poison, Betray, Vanity, Fickle, Doubtful
Duan Minh, the famous Chinese Astrologer, tells us about the Snake:
"..People born in the Year of the Snake are deep. They say little and possess great wisdom. They never have to worry about money; they are financially fortunate. Snake people are often quite vain, selfish, and a bit stingy. Yet they have tremendous sympathy for others and try to help those less fortunate. Snake people tend to overdo, since they have doubts about other people's judgment and prefer to rely on themselves. They are determined in whatever they do and hate to fail. Although calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. Snake people are usually good-looking and sometimes have martial problems because they are fickle.."
Compatibility between the Snake and other animals. The higher the percentage, the better:
With a Rooster: 100%
With an Ox: 80%
With a Horse: 80%
With a Dog: 80%
With a Dragon: 70%
With a Sheep: 70%
With a Rabbit: 60%
With a Monkey: 50%
With a Snake: 50%
With a Rat: 40%
With a Tiger: 40%
With a Pig: 30%
Snake Year Borns: (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Famous Snake People: Pierce Brosnan, Casanova, Stephen Hawking, Sir Alexander Fleming, Mahatma Gandhi, Tony Blair, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Gong Li.
Good Personality Traits: Determined, Romantic, Rich and Profound Thinkers.
Bad Personality Traits: Restless, Stingy, Insecure and Procrastinating.
Snake’s Compatibility: Ox and Rooster.
Forecast: Chinese Horoscope for Snake says that these people will have a balanced year 2009. There will be no major conflicts on home and office front for the Snakes in the Year of Ox.

According to the Chinese Astrology, the Snakes may expect themselves rising in the society with their good deeds. They are advised to take possible opportunities that come their way in all phases of life. This year, the Snakes need to be extra careful in matters related to finance.
Being friendly and with family is going to help the Snakes a lot in the Year of Ox. On the other hand, these people are advised to be extra vigilant in the year 2009. Chinese Horoscope for Snakes says that the period between July to November will be great for social activities.
As far as the Chinese predictions are considered, the Snakes born in summer and spring can expect a good year in terms of career. Snakes who are self-employed will see a great clientele this year, while those working under someone will get ample chances for a good promotion.
Since being insecure is the major trait of the Snakes, they are advised to maintain their cool and sensibility throughout the year for good results. Chinese Horoscope for Snakes also mentions that these people will have a not so good and not so bad love relationship in 2009. Overall, the Year of Ox will turn out to be balanced for the Snakes.
You are a charming and popular person. You are a spotlight magnet, and you will not get ignored. Peer group attention and public recognition are the least of what you expect. Yet you are never noisy or deliberately outspoken, and you have excellent manners. You are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though your sympathy for others often leads you to offer help. The fatal flaw in your character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate everything. If you do favor to somebody, they automatically become possessive towards you in an odd way. When in love, you are romantic and charming. Rejection is the worst blow to your delicate ego.
You want to be received, welcomed, accepted and approved by those with whom you come in contact. You need a lot of security. In money matters
, you have good luck: You don’t have to worry. You will always be able to lay your hand on money when needs arise. You are generous with friends and family. You should stick to careers that won’t put you in any risk. You can perform much better as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist and astrologer.
Your ideal partner would be: Buffalo, Dragon, Rabbit, Rooster
Your lucky numbers are: 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 24, 42, and 46.
Are you falling for a mysterious and secretive Snake? Let our experts here at Firepig.com help you determine if your Chinese Zodiac sign will just be another victim of the charming Snake or if on the other hand can your Chinese Zodiac sign be a true Snake Charmer.

Snake and Rat

This is a very good match according to Chinese Astrology. You are cerebral types who find each other intellectually interesting. This attraction can be the basis for a deep and lasting relationship.

Snake and Ox

This is an outstanding match according to Chinese Astrology. Both your signs are from the Ox-Snake-Rooster compatibility group. You communicate well with each other and make a great partnership.

Snake and Tiger

This is a terrible match according to Chinese Astrology. You are likely to find that your partner's strong passion and tendency to rashness and fits of temper clash all too often with your relatively measured approach to life as well as your own strong will. Your different styles and outlooks on life are bound to put serious strains on your relationship.

Snake and Rabbit

This is a good match according to Chinese Astrology. You're different people but you do not let the differences get into the way of your relationship. Moreover, you are both sensual and likely to find great rapport when it comes to sex.

Snake and Dragon

This is a very good match according to Chinese Astrology. Snake and Dragon are complementary signs in Chinese astrology. You're differences thus serve to bring you together. You're both ambitious and easily come to a position of mutual respect. Occasional clashes of will, however, are possible.

Snake and Snake

This is a mediocre match according to Chinese Astrology. Intellectually you are a good fit, but emotionally you are likely to have clashes and be subject to jealousy.

Snake and Horse

This is a poor match according to Chinese Astrology. Your reflective and reserved nature is very different from your partner's direct and dynamic one.

Snake and Sheep

This is a very good match according to Chinese Astrology. You two make a very harmonious match, one which includes excellent sexual intimacy. You also tend to be live and let live types, something which you both appreciate.

Snake and Monkey

This is a mediocre match according to Chinese Astrology. Although you can both be charming, you really are on two different wave lengths.

Snake and Rooster

This is an outstanding match according to Chinese Astrology. Both your signs are from the Ox-Snake-Rooster compatibility group. You are impressed by each other's strengths and have little trouble understanding each other.

Snake and Dog

This is a very good match according to Chinese Astrology. You are rather different but fit together well, especially given your physical attraction to each other. It will take longer, but you can also come to a meeting of the minds.

Snake and Pig

This is a disastrous match according to Chinese Astrology. You tend to be secretive and suspicious which conflicts badly with the Pig's tendency to be open and naively trusting.
WOOD SNAKE Astrology
Feb 4, 1905 to Jan 24, 1906
Feb 2, 1965 to Jan 20, 1966

Wood snakes are passionate about life. They are care-free people and love to live to its fullest. People of this Chinese horoscope, make quite deep thinkers and possess incredible wisdom. Wood snakes are dreamers and often imagine success, fame and fortune. But they hardly ever work towards their goals. They are always looking for something bigger and better making them change their paths often. But on an average life treats them nicely. Wood snakes walk quite a number of rough paths when it comes to relationships as their stubbornness comes in the way. But in spite all they make terrific lovers.

Snake Years
Although outwardly quieter than the previous Dragon year, Snake years are full of secret plots, back biting, conspiracies, and general meddling. Politicians should watch their backs and beware of coup d'etats. (1989 saw the crumbling of the Berlin Wall.)

Snakes in Ox Years
Snakes should do quite well this year, especially in terms of finances and romance. You will find many opportunities, but you will need to strike quickly while others are hesitating.

Snake Personality
Snakes share many qualities of Dragons, yet in more subtle ways. Snakes can be powerful, but control the power from behind the scenes, gathering information. Research and academics are favored areas.

Snake Symbolism
Because of their power but lack of extroversion, snakes can symbolize secrecy, treachery, and corruption (remember Adam and Eve?). However, they also represent guardians of treasure.
Animal Symbol
Ancient Symbol
Element Symbol

The Snake
The Sixth
Brief Description
Snakes are wise, romantic, deep thinkers heavily guided by their intuition. They do not trust others easily and have trouble accepting criticism.
Positive Traits
amiable, compromising, fun-loving, altruistic, honourable, sympathetic, philosophical, charitable, a paragon of fashion, intuitive, discreet, diplomatic, amusing and sexy
Negative Traits
self-righteous, imperious, judgmental, conniving, mendacious, grabby, clinging, pessimistic, fickle, haughty, ostentatious and a very sore loser
General Description
of All Snakes
The Snake is the intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animal Signs. They are attractive people who take cries with ease and do not become flustered easily. They are graceful people, exciting and dark at the same time.

Contemplative and private, the Snake is not outwardly emotional. He can appear cunning and reticent and works very modestly in the business environment. The Snake will plot and scheme to make certain things turn out exactly as they want them to. They are not great communicators and can become quite possessive when they set their minds on achieving the interest of a partner.
he snake is a great thinker and philosopher, but conversely often makes decisions purely based upon intuition. Snakes are charming people with a strong sense of responsibility and a good sense of humour. On the downside the snake is a bit of a miser, and doesn't like to spend money.
The snake is endowed with immense intuition, and is somewhat enigmatic. Graceful and soft-spoken, the snake is a lover of the arts, fine books, food, music, the theatre. The snake has a natural penchant for the finer things in life. Snakes are famous for their beautiful skin and good looks.
The snake has the annoying habit of shunning advice and relying on their own counsel - annoying because, more often than not, they are correct!
Snakes make good teachers and although somewhat ill-disciplined themselves, require obedience and discipline both in the home as well as in the workplace.
The Snake in 2009 Year of the Ox
Those born 1917 (Fire), 1929 (Earth), 1941 (Metal), 1953 (Water), 1965 (Wood), 1977 (Fire), 1989 (Earth), 2001 (Metal) and 2013 Water).

Mixed fortunes are yours this Ox year and you may be faced with confrontations on the home and work front. You do not like to depend on others but may be best served by calling on the help of colleagues when needed. You will have to budget well and not make extravagant purchases – a case of make do with what you have. By nature you are wise, and with patience and perseverance you should be able to turn disadvantages around providing you are prepared to work that bit harder than usual. Romance may not be high on your agenda this year, but if you are in a committed relationship you will draw strength from it. Gemstone for the Snake is the Opal which has strong mystical powers and will bring abundance and good luck to Snakes who wear it. It is also believed wearing Opal can help you receive advice from the spirits through your dreams. Your most compatible signs are Ox, Rooster, Rat, Dragon and Monkey and April and September are your lucky months.
The Snake is the sixth Sign of the Chinese Zodiac, and is a Yin Sign associated with the Fire Element. Recent years of the Snake have been 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001. Unlike Western perceptions of the Snake as a dubious creature at best, in ancient China the Snake was associated with wisdom and aesthetic beauty.A person graced with the Snake personality may appear languid and serene, but inside their mind is always spinning at hundreds of revolutions per minute. They are great thinkers, and excel at giving advice, even if they are no good at accepting it. Snakes are capable of bending the truth to aid their circumstances. Their ranks also contain a disproportionate amount of those with psychic talents of some sort.
The female Snake is witty and humorous, and can cut rivals down to size with just the right well-turned phrase from her forked tongue. You are also captivatingly beautiful, and are used to getting your own way in things -- which is why you are capable of throwing a temper tantrum or two if balked on the odd occasion. You are free of the vice of false modesty, as you have it, flaunt it, and make no bones about it.You prefer your home space to be an inviolate nest of comfort, as place to recharge from the stresses of the day. Those who wrong you will meet with intense vengeance somewhere along the line, as you are never quick to forget a slight. You have a feminine wisdom that is swift to penetrate to the root cause of every phenomenon.
Wood Snake
Wood Snakes are rooted individuals who are very modest and stable. They love their friends and family and are surrounded by a loving nest. Wood Snakes think through everything that do or say. They are very careful and intelligent individuals who are sound decision makers.
The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese horoscope. The Snake is Yang and is fixed to the Fire element. The characteristics of the Snake correspond to the occidental sign of Taurus. Yang is positive, masculine, and associated with the Day. Objective Yang signs depend more on others than themselves. You tend to be outgoing and more physical than spiritual. As all opposites attract in nature, Yang attracts Yin. The Fire element association bestows a love of adventure and a desire for change, aggression, and the domination of others. Fire people talk more than they listen.
While held in small esteem in the West, the Snake is revered by the Chinese and is considered both beautiful and wise. Those born in the year of the Snake are characterized as being the deepest thinkers and most enigmatic of people. Snakes are inherently mystical. You prefer elegant and sophisticated surroundings and will tend to gravitate to the highest social echelons.
Many old souls are born in Snake years and like the Dragon have either very successful or tragic lives. Superstitious fears abound in many Snakes. Intense and penetrating, you like to settle scores, even if it takes years. You do not forgive easily. It is very difficult to take advantage of, or trick, a Snake more than once. Snakes are noted for their amazing powers of recuperation.
In the main, Snakes are intensely private individuals, sceptical and suspicious. You keep your opinions to yourself. Snakes would rather avoid confrontation, but when aroused are capable of intense anger and hatred. Calculating Snakes regard their enemies as their namesake regards a mouse. You are tenacious and can wait a long time before you strike. It is very unwise to have you as an enemy.
Sometimes regarded as sinister due to their intuitive powers, Snakes are mostly friendly and willing to help others. You have a well-developed sense of humor that will surface at surprising times, especially in a crisis. You are emotionally secure and can be relied upon to maintain a cool head at all times.
Snake women are the most elegant of all and are famous for their gentle persuasiveness. Snakes of both sexes maintain very possessive attitudes to their mates, but are not themselves famous for their fidelity.
Like their namesake, Snakes like to sun themselves for long periods and to hibernate. Your downfall can be laziness and a tendency to wanton pleasure-seeking.
The Snake child is self-disciplined and charming, with parents tending to spoil them. Snakes have good emotional relationships with Ox, Rooster and Dragon. Monkey, Tiger and Horse people can be difficult.

Element: Fire
Direction: South-South-East
Color: Ice Blue
Polarity: Yin
Gemstone: Opal
Lucky Number: 3 Sign Order: Sixth
Season: Summer
Month: May
Allies: Ox, Rooster
Foes: Pig
Western Counterpart: Taurus

Get your Chinese Horoscope for Snake

Sensual, creative, subtle, insightful, shrewd, discreet, wise, compassionate.
Distrustful, mendacious, manipulative, vain, malicious, possessive.
Famous Snakes:
Charlie Sheen, Mickey Rourke, Martin Luther King Jr., Oprah Winfrey, Stephen Hawking
Tiger- Snake Compatibility

The Tiger springs into action immediately but the Snake is more of a deliberating person who is more into developing strategies. This could be the main cause of problem between the two as the Snake might find the Tiger's need for action to be unfriendly.
The animal sign snake falls at number six in the order of the zodiac. The Chinese astrology for snake displays characteristics of being the most enigmatic among the animal signs. Personality of a snake is that they enjoy the good things of life like theatre, music, plays, and good food and are philosophers, theologians or politicians. A snake can also be a loner, not be able to communicate properly, possessive and distrustful.
The Chinese astrology for snake represents the ‘earthly stem (1)’, with its polarity being Yin. Its luck color is red and lucky gemstone agate. Its fixed element is fire. The snake falls in the second trine.
Each animal sign is dominated by an element and guided by the yin and the yang. Chinese astrology for snake is dominated by five elements and therefore there will be five types of snakes, metal snake, water snake, fire snake, earth snake and wood snake.
Similar will be the case for Chinese astrology rat and astrology for year of the horse or for the other animal signs of the Chinese zodiac.
The Chinese astrology for snake also takes into account the hour, day, month and year for its personality and behavior traits and predictions.
Expect a year where your blood will flow tumultuously! Love will turn your life upside down. In February, you will meet your soul mate. A wedding is on the cards! Those who are already married will miss how they felt when they were teenagers. The relationship will have a new lease of life thanks to really constructive dialog.
If you are self employed, the Stars will help your income increase. In May, some difficulties could occur to those who work with abroad. Beware of the hidden dangers of October as a co-worker or associate could force you to take on more responsibility than you should.
You'll have great psychophysical energy for most of the year, apart from a little vulnerability to the winter's typical illnesses.
The intelligent Snake calculates outcomes ahead of time. Snakes are born organizers and know well how to use their talents of discretion, discernment and intuition. Kind and considerate, they remain quiet in company. But under this silent demeanor can be a stubborn and suspicious person that doesn't like pain or failure. The Snake has the ability to see beyond appearances to something deeper. Using these talents, the Snake is capable of creating his own reality practically and gracefully.
Lovely and charming, Snakes will be at their best when you connect with them in the same way -- with grace and charm. But never attack them because they won't easily forget it ... and may react one day when you least expect it. They can predict the future, as they are able to feel what is approaching more than any other sign. When they understand that a project will benefit them, they will pour all of their effort into it. Often the philosopher, the Snake can also be the biggest party animal when in high spirits. Surprising and romantic, they can erase all problems with their wisdom
Snake people had a fair luck in 2008, year of Rat. In the year of Cow 2009, they will have a better luck than 2008, this is because the Cow and Snake have attraction relationship. There are Lucky Stars coming to Snake people, their career performance will have significant progress. Also Snake people's money luck is much better than most of people. However, some Unlucky Stars gathers in Love and Health area. Love relationship won't have a good development. Snake people need to watch for their health in 2009. Although Snake people have many opportunities, but they have to understand their limit to determine when making a aggressive move to increase the chance of success.
Career: There are two strong Lucky Stars showing in career area in 2009. You will win the good reputation from the job position. You job performance can bring in more income. In 2009, you can successfully reach the goal of your proposal or company development plan. You will earn the recognition from the company, since your excellent achievement at your working projects. A job promotion or salary raise is possible. However, you still have two Unlucky Stars appearing in this year. Someone might try to block your career opportunity, which could extract your concentration and then impact your judgment. Therefore, you need to work on projects with caution to avoid any mistake and stay away the argument with others.
Money: You have two Lucky Stars coming money area this year. One of them is the Money Star. Certainly that's is a good sign to increase the wealth. Since you have good luck in the career area. Either you work for someone or you own the business, the career opportunity should bring you more income than in 2008. However, this Money Star is not a Windfall Star. The money won't automatically come into your door. You still need to find it, plan it, work on it, then bring it into your pocket. Therefore, if you are lazy and wait for it, then you will lose the money opportunity in the year of the Cow.
Love: Many Unlucky Stars gather in emotion area. You are used to protect your ego. You are afraid of hurting your feelings in love. Your passion for love will cool down. There will be no progress in love relationship. If you are still single, it will be difficult to find someone you like to talk with you this year. If you are married and in love, then your love relationship won't show any closer sign. Instead, you will have some minor disagreements with your lover often, which might impact on each other's daily mood and work. The married people also have to pay attention on their spouse's health in 2009.
Health: An Unlucky Star shows the sign of loneliness and isolation to you in 2009. The lonely emotion could affect people's health. If you encounter difficulty at work and feel frustration in love, then your health will be impacted right away. The most common symptom is
insomnia. This
Unlucky Star
also indicates a hint of sadness and tear. If you are a senior Snake people,
then you need to pay more attention on your health. If you often feel
uncomfortable, then you must visit doctors to take care the pain at once.
Otherwise, a small illness might become a serious disease.
Fortune: Snake people have good and bad news in last year, 2008. In general, Snake People have significant improvement in career and financial performance this year. You should use this opportunity to save more money for the need in the future. As fro love, you need be more initiative and proactive to communicate with your partner to improve the understanding between you two. For the single Snake people need to watch for your manner, outlook and temperament to improve your attractiveness. Then you might have chance to meet the person likes you in the year of the Cow.
Snakes are generally deep, intelligent, graceful individuals who possess great wisdom. They are analytical and tend to rely on themselves to get a job done as they despise failure. While Snakes have tremendous sympathy for others and try to help those in need whenever they can they can also be vain, selfish, and at times stingy.
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They are financially fortunate, having good money sense and tend to invest wisely which is beneficial as Snakes are also materialistic and like to surround themselves with luxury.
Those born in 1941 and 2001 are Metal Snakes and tend to be goal-oriented, successful individuals who are determined to get what they want. They despise failure and are typically successful and good with money.
Those born in 1953 and 2013 are Water Snakes and tend to be Influential, motivated, insightful, and highly intellectual individuals who work well with others and enjoy being recognized and rewarded. They are guarded about their feelings.
Those born in 1905 and 1965 are wood snakes and tend to be kind and genuine individuals who surround themselves with a small but close-knit support group of friends and family who they love. Wood Snakes rarely seek the advice of others.
Those born in 1917 and 1977 are Fire Snakes and tend to be extroverted, opinionated and social individuals who are very persuasive and are good at convincing others that their ways are best. Other people enjoy listening to Fire Snakes.
Those born in 1929 and 1989 are Earth Sankes and tend to be calm and content individuals who are friendly and considered approachable by others. Earth Snakes are hard workers and well known for their common sence.
Snakes enjoy peace and quiet and in this environment Snakes health will flourish. Snakes must remember to keep balance in work, rest and play to ensure a long fruitful life.
Snakes are suited to careers such as scientist, analyst, investigator, painter, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, dietician, and sociologist. Snakes are hard workers but are easily bored and tend to jump from job to job. Vocationally Snakes are creative, problem-solvers and diligent.
In relationships Snakes are very seductive and easily attract a mate but they tend to dictate the relationship. Snakes are insecure in relationships and tend to guard their chosen partner jealously. They are guarded about their feelings often appearing indifferent, although in fact they are intense and passionate. The Snake is most compatible with people born in the years of the Rooster and the Ox and are incompatible with people born in the years of the Pig and the Monkey
Metal Snake: 1941, 2001
Water Snake: 1953, 2013
Wood Snake: 1905, 1965
Fire Snake: 1917, 1977
Earth Snake: 1929, 1989
• Best sex: ROOSTER and OX
• Worst nightmare: PIG

SNAKE: Snakes make good philosophers and are considered to be the deepest thinkers in the Chinese zodiac. Possessing incredible wisdom and intuition, Snakes enjoy intrigue but yearn for relaxation. You can be lazy and too reserved in conversations. You tend to over analyze your love relationships. Highly skeptical by nature, you tend to be meticulous in your search for the perfect lover. Work on improving your communication skills and aim to control the venomous side within you. In sex and love you can be jealous, insecure when you feel wronged. You will strike back at those who have betrayed you. Preferring tenderness to wild passion, you enjoy open displays of affection. Your kindness and charm lure prospective partners, and you prove to be solid and reliable in the long run. Your ideal match is someone who is romantic and trusting. Stay away from possessive types!

Famous Snake People: Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Ferdinand Marcos, Abraham Lincoln, Lady Pamela Mountbatten, Martin Luther King, Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy, Edgar Allen Poe, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bob Dylan
• Similarity to western sign : TAURUS
• Hours ruled by the Snake : 9 AM - 11 AM
• Season and month : Spring - May
• Point of the compass : South - Southeast
• Mentality : Negative
General prediction for the Snake
A new 12-year cycle started at Feb 7, 2008 with the Year of the Rat according to the Chinese calendar. This important cycle (or era) ends at Feb 5, 2019. It is a 12-year period generally ruled by the universal element of Earth. There are also other elements which rule over each of the 12 years. For example Earth rules over the first and the second year of the cycle (2008, 2009) while Metal rules over the third and the fourth year of the cycle (2010, 2011). The year 2008 is also ruled by the sign of the Rat and has a Yang (male) nature. So 2008 is the Yang year of the Earth Rat. What are the predictions for the sign of the Snake for 2008? This is what this article is all about.
According to my predictions, it is the Snake people who will dominate this 12-year era. This will become pretty obvious during 2013 which is the Snake's favorable year. Snake people are lovers of the backscene and they never stop thinking. This is what they will do during 2008, the year of the Rat. They will use the Rat's leading and dominating energy to leave their mark on every year from 2008 to 2019 (when the year cycle ends). That's what they always do. That is why 2008 is a crucial year for them.
2008 is a good year for Snake people to educate themselves about future events, to read and learn new things that will help them achieve their goals. Snake people will have the magical ability to look into the future of the 12-year era. This is how they will rule. They will know deep inside them that this era will be one of the most important for mankind. They will know they will play a significant part in every major global change. This fact might make them a bit arrogant which is something they must try to avoid.
The element of Earth which rules over 2008 will cause trouble to Snake people making them very rejecting and prideful. It will not help them if they rely entirely on themselves. They should listen to other people's advice before making any heavy decisions. They should work against their tendency to reject advice from anyone but themselves.
The Yang nature of 2008 can make Snake people very discreet and diplomatic increasing their communicative skills. On the other hand it can make them very judgmental and capable of betraying other people. Other signs should be extra careful when dealing with Snakes this year.
Here are my predictions using the five star system. This has to do with the overall positive energy that the Snake will receive during 2008. One star (*) means less energy than expected, while five stars (*****) mean more energy than expected. Three stars (***) mean equal amount of positive and negative energy which is a balanced situation:
Snake energy prediction for 2008
Work issues:****
Love issues:*****
Social issues:****
Spiritual issues:*****
Body issues:*****
Ms. Minh is a Chinese astrologer with over 20 years of experience in the Chinese zodiac system and the Chinese calendar. You can learn more about the Snake attributes in her free website about Chinese astrology. In her website you can also download for free the secret e-book about the ultimate Chinese horoscope protection shield. The information contained in the e-book is revealed for the first time to the public and cannot be found anywhere else.

Snake horoscope
Thursday, 17 July 2008 09:47 Love stories

Snake horoscope - zodiac sign Snake.
Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means your family will not starve. This could be taken metaphorically to mean that a Snake could never have a problem with his family starving because he is such a great mediator, making him good at business. Or it could mean that a Snake would be willing to sacrifice his possessions, something the Snake has a lot of, in order to pay for his family’s food. Any way it is interpreted is representative of the Snake’s character and is a measure of the value he puts on his material wealth. The Snake is keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise.

Years of the Snake
Snake Years are sixth in the cycle, following the Dragon Years, and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Snake Year actually begins.

The Snake is the intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animal Signs. They are attractive people who take cries with ease and do not become flustered easily. They are graceful people, exciting and dark at the same time.

Contemplative and private, the Snake is not outwardly emotional. He can appear cunning and reticent and works very modestly in the business environment. The Snake will plot and scheme to make certain things turn out exactly as they want them to. They are not great communicators and can become quite possessive when they set their minds on achieving the interest of a partner.

People born in the Year of the Snake share certain characteristics. The Snake Sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individual’s personality. Following are features associated with the Sign of the Snake.

Sixth in order, Chinese name—SHE, sign of the sagacity

Hour—9am-10:59am Month—May

Western Counterpart—Taurus

Acute, Aware, Cunning, Proud, Vain, Vicious


The characteristics of the Snake are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle.

Metal Snakes are extremely willful individuals who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. These people will have their guards up 24-hours a day in order to protect themselves from any failure or possibility of it. They place a great deal of importance on money, but are more concerned with the possessions their finances can bring them. They are in and out so sharply and so silently that they are often unheard and unseen. You must be careful with these Snakes because, although they can be generous, they are always out for number one.

Water Snakes are influential and insightful. They manage others well and tend to be good for organizations to utilize as staff. They are quite motivated and intellectual, very determined and resolute about success. They will have what they desire, despite the conclusion or outcome they generate because it is worth it to them to not only be recognized for their efforts, but to be rewarded as well. They are affectionate with their families and friends but do not show this side of their personality to colleagues or business partners.

The element of Wood, like in most Animal Signs, gives the Snake a bit of solidity and foundation. Wood Snakes are not as self-preserving as the rest of them, as vanity is not really his style. These Snakes have a stable group of friends and family to hang out with and love each of these people quite deeply. However, it is rare that the Snake utilize his group of loved ones for advice or listening, often opting to go at it alone. Kindness and genuity are two of this Snake’s greatest characteristics.

Fire Snakes can be a bit loud, speaking their minds and smothering you with their opinions. This does add a twist to his dynamic and vibrant character, as he is quite the extrovert. These Snakes have a great wisdom. They are intriguing communicators who leave you breathless after a conversation. Fire Snakes can change even the most obstinate mind with their powers of persuasion, convincing you their opinions or ideas are better than yours. This does make them a little self-centered, but you can’t say they aren’t driven for success.

Earth Snakes are the most relaxed of the breeds. They lead calm lives and offer a down-to-earth appeal to any conversation or outing. This may make them seem more friendly, as you may not feel the need to wonder what he’s got up his sleeve. They may also shun the need to lash out or take risks, but it isn’t from paranoia. They figure their good sense and work ethic will pay off and bring them much fortune and material satisfaction.

Snakes become easily stressed and have to avoid hectic schedules or noisy atmospheres. They do not get a rush from adrenaline, instead, a headache. They need calm and quiet to thrive and succeed. A Snake must have sleep and relaxation to live a long, healthy life.

The Snake is very sophisticated and cultured in his choices for home décor. They like muted colors and prefer to have one very expensive chair rather than three reasonable priced ones. The Snake is elegant and graceful and places emphasis on his comfort when deciding what to decorate with. As we know, the Snake must have peace, so you may find relaxation or sounds of nature tapes next to the stereo. Snakes do not deprive themselves of luxuries either, as one of everything never seems to ease his mind. He is materialistic and therefore must have as many of everything, if not more than his friends and family.

Snakes become bored easily and therefore change jobs quite frequently. They are very conscientious and diligent at work. Since they are such relaxed individuals, they can often seem to be slacking off at work when in reality they are at the height of their creativity. They are organized and precise. Snakes can make lightening deadlines and can problem solve quickly. Sometimes, because they like to work alone, they can seem as though they are withholding information or being secretive about company initiatives.

A Snake’s worst nightmare is jumping head first into a financial deal or a shopping spree. The Snake can be successful as long as he avoids extemporaneous spending. Although he is intuitive, the Snake will often dive right into decisions without weighing the consequences, which can cause him financial ruin.

Those born in the Year of the Snake share the same kinds of goals and objectives in life. The occupations best suited for the Snake are listed below:

Spiritual Leaders

Whether Snakes are compatible with their business partners depends on whether their signs are harmonious or antagonistic to those of their business partner. Considering the congruity of their own characters and the characters of their business partners can also be very useful.

Snakes ruled by Benefit From Are Antagonistic to

Metal Earth Rats Fire Dogs

Water Metal Rabbits Earth Horses

Wood Water Oxen Metal Tigers

Fire Wood Roosters Water Sheep

Earth Fire Snakes Wood Monkeys

Leisurely activities and pleasures

Since Snakes are born under the same Animal Sign, they often share likes and dislikes. Following are similar likes and dislikes of the Snake personality.
Color Preference: Red
Gems and Stones: Topaz, Jasper, Bloodstone
Suitable Gifts: binoculars, Tarot cards, oils and lotions, stamp collection
Hobbies and Pastimes: Astrology, painting, touring, photography

Snakes Dislike: Being interrupted, being mislead personally or professionally, failure

Snakes love to vacation. They get a great deal of pleasure out of just being lazy. And they love luxurious things, often spending their money on material desires they probably don’t need. When a Snake goes on vacation, he really goes on vacation. Fancy restaurants, expensive health clubs and spas, anything in which they can fully indulge themselves. Their getaways must be fully equipped to pamper their every want, or the Snake will become stressed.

Snakes have very few friends because thy are not outwardly emotional or open creatures. The friends they do make generally last a lifetime, even though peers may find it hard to relate to the Snake because he is withdrawn and secretive. Still, Snakes like social functions, in moderation, where they can gossip about the latest scandal or the newest news. If you stab a Snake in the back it is likely you will never be forgiven. In addition, you should prepare yourself for retaliation for the Snake always gets the last word.

Snake Compatible Friends
Best Friends: Oxen and Roosters
Mortal Enemy: Pigs

Snakes will likely form intimate bonds throughout his lifetime with different partners. With these relationships come children, and it is likely the Snake will have many children and stepchildren throughout his lifetime. Regardless, Snakes are devoted and dedicated parents, willing and able to defend the livelihood and happiness of their children.
Snake parents often use humor to deal with their parents. Because they like peace and quiet, they generally use humor to avoid confrontational situations with their young. In addition, this joy of serenity comes at a price for their children. Snake parents are not known to be the most affectionate or playful parents. They do not like to roll around and get dirty with their children, nor do they enjoy loud situations, and these types of things send a Snake running for a locked bedroom door. Unfortunately for the Snake partner, he is responsible for calming the children back down.

Snake children are often loners, enjoying playing by themselves, quietly in their yards or bedrooms. They are often hampered with learning disabilities and thus need patience from teachers and parents. Teachers and parents may have to invest extra time and tutorials in the Snake child in order to keep him up-to-date with all of the other children in the class. When picked on or upset, Snake children tend to pout and hold grudges and when embarrassed or angry, they will lash out at the culprit as quickly as they were made fun of.

Some parents immediately click with their children and others find they will never have a close relationship no matter how hard they try to make it happen. Following are compatibility ratings between Snake parents and their children.
Snakes with Under the same roof Compatibility Rating

Rat let him be independent **

Ox pretty stable ***

Tiger temperamental clashes *

Rabbit very happy ***

Dragon blissful ****

Snake similar opinions and outlooks ***

Horse too different *

Sheep enjoyable ***

Monkey what you don’t know won’t hurt you ****

Rooster so-so **

Dog affectionate at times ***

Pig fairly diverse ideas *

*uphill struggle **some complications ***easy bonding ****on the same wavelength

Lovers and spouses

Snakes are beautiful people who exhibit quite a sexual appeal. They are sleek and seductive and if they want you, will out a spell on you that won’t let you stop thinking about them. However, Snakes are quite prejudiced when choosing a partner and don’t just choose based on physical qualities. The Snake needs a partner who can appreciate his quirky sense of humor and his wacky way of handling situations, so generally, although quite beautiful and tempting to approach, the Snake does all the pursuing.

Because the Snake is so choosy, he can become jealous and obsessive about his partner. They can be a bit stand-offish with their mates, choosing to push away emotions rather than confront their feelings and insecurities. Once betrayed, you can bank on not ever being trusted by the Snake again as much as you can bet he will get even.

Not everyone can live and be happy with a Snake. It takes a patient soul, someone ready for the long haul, who can calm his nerves and deal with his obsessions with skill. Chinese horoscopes are very specific about which partnerships have the potential to be successful in love and in business. Yet, though destiny can point us in the right direction, we must still make all efforts to maintain loving relationships. Following is a brief description of how a Snake will affect a relationship with other Animal Signs.


You stand to learn a lot from each other.

You have a stable, loving relationship.

Various differences will lead you apart down the road.

Intense and sensual, you have a lot to look forward to.

You fit well together…you share flirtatious natures and zesty outlooks.

You are both intelligent, but too envious for a partnership.

Snake* Horse
Outlook is doubtful…there is to much to fight about.

You two make great friends and even better lovers.

You can’t really trust each other, can you?

Dynamic duo!

Love at first sight. Go for it!

Not enough in common to pursue.

Love Partners at a Glance
Snakes with Tips on Togetherness Compatibility

Rat mutually fascinated with each other ***

Ox wonderful connection ****

Tiger doubtful outlook *

Rabbit great sexual attraction ***

Dragon pretty similar paths ***

Snake must stay independent of each other **

Horse remember to communicate **

Sheep quite blissful ****

Monkey have to cooperate with each other **

Rooster stable and caring ****

Dog good combination of mental and physical ***

Pig too divided *

*dispute **keep working at it ***intense sexual attraction ****angelic

This combination brings forth bravery and motivation. Snakes like to make money and are more apt to do so when trying to accomplish a reward. They are fairly open-minded with their money and make great stay-at-home parents.

These Snakes remember everything for they have quite a vivid memory. Don’t underestimate the capabilities of this Snake, for he will forge on until he gets what he wants.

These Snakes can talk their way out of anything, so a confrontation with them is a lost cause. They are well-educated and a bit amenable, making them quite intriguing.

These Snake love to be recognized for their efforts. For them, working hard to provide for their family is first priority.

Confident and proud, the Leonine Snake hates to come in second place. They fuel on kudos from others, but will become a bit obnoxious if it goes to their heads.

These Snakes love to tell others what to do. They enjoy using their energies to run a successful organization and use their intelligence to improve their title and rank at work.

One of the most beautiful breeds of the Snake, Libran Snakes are graceful and kind. They are always being pursued by someone interested in them and fall deeply in love with the right partner.

These individuals have hidden emotions and feelings that rarely ever surface. They are quite guarded with their thoughts and opinions and do not upset easily.

Born with great taste in everything, these Snakes are the classy and sophisticated of the breed. They enjoy cultural things and will find a partner who will share the same ideals.

These Snakes build their bank accounts through organization and motivation. They can be seen as snobby, when in reality they are simply the quiet types.

Intelligent and open-minded, Aquarian Snakes like to have a partner to depend on. However, they hate to be tied down and need to have space.

These Snakes are compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others. They take everything quite emotionally and when they fall in love, they are committed comopletely.
The Sign of the Snake in Chinese Astrology
The Snake
The Sixth Sign of the Chinese Horoscope for those born in February 1905-1906, 1917-1918, 1929-1930, 1941-1942, 1953-1954, 1965-1966, 1977-1978, 1989-1990, 2001-2002. 2013-2014

Don’t be insulted if others call you a Snake. In astrology it happens to be an excellent sign. Those born in the year of the Snake are incredibly wise and profound. The Snake is the 6th sign of the zodiac and correspond to Taurus in western astrology.
Because they are so close to the ground, the Snake has a certain intuition and business sense unrivaled in the zodiac. They are extremely deep, philosophical and tenacious. You want them on your side and, if not, you certainly don’t want them as an enemy. They usually don’t forget past hurts and find interesting ways of evening up the score, even years later.
The Snake’s success is built on hard work and not luck. Things do not always come easy to them but with their innate sense of survival, they manage to persevere and triumph against all odds. They don’t mind hard work and manage to find valuable shortcuts and strategies that take them farther than they ever thought possible.
They are sooooo sexy that they really are irresistible. They tend to be physically beautiful and play the role of “eye candy” well. But they are hard to catch and hard to hold. They are also very smart. You may think that you are in control but think again!
Advice? Reap and you shall sow, Snake. Do good deeds and get karmic rewards. Do the opposite and get karmic payback. Open up your heart and trust a bit more. True love is there for the taking.
In Chinese Astrology, the time between 9am and 11am is always the Hour Of The Snake. No matter where you are. The Snake is probably the most ancient and original ‘familiar’ of the Goddess & is linked with most of them – Lilith too.
The Medusa of myth was originally a Persian Snake Goddess, whose name meant ’sovereign female wisdom.’ Nearly all cultures have bigtime Snake legends – from Adam & Eve to the Aboriginal & African Rainbow Serpent.
The Snake symbolises wisdom, desire, eternity, regeneration and charm/glamour in the most magical senses of those words.
Philosophical, wise , calm and understanding, though often fickle or self-indulgent. Elegant to the point of being ostentatious. Can behave selfishly if crossed. A Snake lady is also charming in personality and elegant in dress. She is receptive and a deep thinker and likes to judge by intuition. She is fortunate in wealth through her life.
Philosopher, theologian, political wizard, wily financier - the Snake person is the deepest thinker and enigma of the Chinese cycle. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom of his very own; a mystic in his own right. Graceful and soft-spoken, he loves good books, food, music, the theater; he will gravitate toward all the finer things in life. The most beautiful women and powerful men tend to be born under this sign. So if you are one of the Snake people, you are in good company.
A person of this sign generally relies on his own judgment and does not communicate well with others. He can deeply religious or psychic, or on the other hand, totally hedonistic. Either way, he trusts his own vibrations rather than outside advice. More often than not...he will be right.
Likes Mystery, Books, Extravagance, Warmth, Organising, Pets and Good Food Dislikes
Surprises, Cold, Lending Money, Crowds, Vulgarity, Noise and Discomfort.
Your Luck in Year 2009
Overall Forecast
The year 2009 of the Ox is going to be a very satisfying year for the Snake born where you will shine and be successful. The Snake person is blessed with the very auspicious Prosperity star #8 as well as the period star of 1. This number combination brings success, recognition, wealth luck and material gains. Opportunities will be abundant so it is good to ready yourself, and be on the lookout for the chance when a truly good one comes. Proper income luck is plenty. Hard work of working persons will be recognised and you will climb the corporate ladder more easily.There will be minor health issues and mood swings. Try to maintain a balance lifestyle and do not over exert at work or get carried away in your quest for more fortune. Your social life will become more exciting this year.
The Snake --Fengshui Chinese Zodiac Symbols
Year of the Snake : 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917, 1905. Note: The Chinese New Year may begin at January or February. If you were born at January or February, you may need to refer to the Year in Chinese Lunar Calendar. Click for Chinese New Year's Day for every year.
Happy (Niu) Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai (May You be Happy, May You be Wealthy)!
A Suitable "Animal" is Perfect as a Partner, Coworker, or Married with you. The Snake will get along WELL with the Ox and the Rooster, but have to AVOID the Pig!
Other Fengshui symbols for a Snake: treasure gourd;
Advantages of Snake people: Clever, tremendous wisdom, profound thinkers, determined, romantic, beautiful as a woman, handsome as a man, having chance to win a lot of money and usually rich, hating any loans, wanting to help people.
Disadvantages of Snake people: Unusual passion, believe in themselves more than others, vain, work only by their intuition, procrastinating, stingy, ignoring possibility of failure, worry about money too much, easily have more than one marriage, overdoing work, urgent to help others even they don't need.
Snake people in the Ox year (1/26/2009-2/13/2010): This year is a lucky year for the Snake to earn more money in your own business, although you need to work harder. Remember always "On the Harmony" even if for the "committed mean person". Good luck rate among 12 animals: # 4. Click for ALL Snake items.
Fengshui Zodiac Items in the Ox year (1/26/2009-2/13/2010) for the Snake:
For Male: White Monkey Jade, Clear Monkey Crystal, Ancient Chinese Round Money
For Female: Hematite Black Turtle Charm, Hematite Chinese Happiness Charm, Black Leave Charm
Born in: 1941,1953, 1965,1977,1989,2001
Overall fortune:
Lunar New Year is a snake in 2009 in cattle and Phi Thai ugly consistency, and form “You have been ugly,” Triad, “the Authority”, major star in the many follow accompanied by the good news continued the work of both the cause and elegant help the development of a smooth and easy to actively forge ahead and strive for better results. Wealth such as the “Open Field”, sources constantly, and prosperity, but there are also some minor problems, it is necessary to prevent fraud, easily deceived.
Mainly “white tiger With Phi Thai and to, “White Tiger in quick succession, do not break big money, small amounts will be broken,” White Tiger head will be hard to bring about disease, the wounded, cars Eritrea, of light, lawsuits and other unfortunate things, can not be not anti-. Therefore, special attention should be paid, but do backing Phi Thai, which does not affect the fortune throughout the year. It would be placed at home, “Wang Jun to the” to be “elegant Phi Thai” help. The snakes this year, people are learning more smug face, “excelsior stars,” learning is beneficial or conducive to academic progress to obtain other titles. This year not cause illness in most aspects of their own health, many friends of the opposite sex emotional pursuit strong.
The first lunar month:
Heavenly: C fire
Earthly Branches: Yin Wood
Gregorian calendar: January 26-February 24
The month, a “day Germany, Ford, Fuxing” three-pronged Pro class for the cause of the feelings are very favorable. Smooth upward career, can be seen as, as long as the business career when finding naturally have access to stable development. However, bear in mind that everything can not be radical, step-by-step, decision-making must be considered. Also beware of talking to more than right and wrong, in order to avoid penny wise and pound foolish. Wealth can be, but careful financial management, control spending, so as to avoid loss of deposit. Italian windfall as a result, the best type of investment risk. Physical health to rest more, eating more laws to guard against stomach problems.
Lunar New Year in February:
Heavenly: small fire
Earthly Branches: d wood
Gregorian calendar: February 25-March 26
Fortune attention this month on interference, easy to affect the physical health and injury red scourge. The cause of very good work, where the positive matter, as long as the hard-working and business career, should be able to continue to maintain a good development. But bearing in mind that smart aleck not opportunistic, will be self-defeating, should be steady. To minimize the risk of,clearance inspections should always bear in mind the situation, a flexible disposal, to avoid escalation of the problem. Great wealth aspects of recovery, there will be only a small financial trouble, it is necessary to bear in mind not to like money. Emotional than peach-wang, a single person is expected to get to know the ideal object is to capitalize on.
The third lunar month:
Heavenly: E soil
Earthly Branches: e soil
Gregorian calendar: March 27-April 24
Fortune on a very smooth, everything should not be radical, as long as the number of intentions to run, since there will be a good career development; work seems little to write home about, but also smooth development; just have to stick to his proper role should be borne in mind that all stability. At the same time should also be good to spend some thought to planning the next year, a rainy day there will not be wrong. Good fortune, but also large expenditures should be better to avoid living beyond their means; can make money, but according to our capability, can not be negligent,but be careful because the storm from the opposite sex’s sake; pay more attention to the health of their families, especially children.
Heavenly: own land
Earthly Branches: the fire has been
Gregorian calendar: April 25 to May 23
Good luck this month, the cause of the development of stable, getting better, sometimes trouble can be resolved smoothly, not affect the overall situation. Should be careful in the decision-making not only the short-term interests, should look further ahead, so as to avoid adverse consequences caused by the decision-making in the future. Lee Ching-choi regard wealth, windfall gains also, but not the investment and, more importantly, speculation or gambling; another door leading to small to be losing vigilance. Emotional turmoil, and should be calm and more patient. Spring riding weather health, has improved. Men should pay attention to an accident.
Lunar month: (May Run)
Heavenly: G Gold
Earthly Branches: afternoon fire
Gregorian calendar: May 24-July 21
Peach is the year this month, the most busy month of information, it is also single friends should seize the opportunity to choose between the stability of the opposite sex friends. Cause looks like a smooth delivery, but in reality unstable, easily repeated, but toward the whole are still a good development. Although the cause of some delay, as long as cautious and careful management, there will be good progress; should be less work for the good fight, envy-free strokes, but also to be alert to snatch credit for villains. To be careful to deal with all matters relating to the affairs, flexible, and people avoid disputes and avoid litigation lawsuit brought. Wealth getting better, revenues; windfall is also good, such as the need to invest should be based on mid-appropriate.
Lunar New Year in June:
Heavenly: Cynkin
Earthly Branches: No soil
Gregorian calendar: July 22-August 19
Good luck this month and elegant ways to help, work began to glow with the cause of vitality should spend more efforts in the spirit to work hard to operate when there is good progress, but should be careful to choose, not impetuous radical; At the same time, some emotional instability, should be to exercise restraint and calm, so in order to avoid heavy losses incurred. Somewhat lower wealth, it should only carry out small-scale investment; and crooks must bear in mind that in order to drag from the small and losing. Wen Qing sweet love, good health.
Lunar calendar:
Heavenly: Azelaic water
Earthly Branches: Shin Kim
Gregorian calendar: August 20-September 18
Fortune to fall into the bottom of this month, such as problems at work, should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid a chain reaction. Wealth in general, can-choi, the partial fiscal illusion should not be excessive. There are many obstacles to work, career and work life in order to observe mainly Safe. Be sure to keep in mind during this period of time, not involved in any of the whirlpool of gossip and bickering, the everything is cautious, low-key life in order to avoid getting into trouble. More exchange of emotional communication, as far as possible to avoid a quarrel. Also easily lead to lawsuits words, when “no-man-en.”
Heavenly: decane water
Earthly Branches: Unitary payment
Gregorian calendar: September 19-October 17
Have more luck this month picked up quite a number of career development opportunities and also the progress of unexpected surprises, is to be properly grasped. If the intention of the operation, and strive to progress, good progress there. At the same time conducive to the promotion of this month, should be actively seeking! Wealth is very good, especially windfall transported to the proper conduct of investment profits. Everything necessary to pay attention to anti-villain, to avoid losing. Emotionally loved one will appear to be more sense to spend more effort in order to avoid missing marriage.
Lunar New Year in September:
Heavenly: A wood
Earthly Branches: Xu soil
Gregorian: October 18-November 16
fortune this month, keep a good thing, many things may seem complicated and confusing, hard to distinguish good and bad, but on the whole tend to good development, and not have to worry about by fear. Work or the cause may be some changes in the choice must be careful, it is best after careful consideration, otherwise the status quo or better. Remember you have to do, do not set our targets too high. To care for more than everything, the inaction. Comparison of good fortune can be an appropriate type of investment risk, but the capability to be better, avoid risk.
Lunar New Year in October: www.nongli.com
Heavenly: mu
Earthly Branches: hai water
Gregorian calendar: November 17-December 15
Obvious feature of this month, mobility, often because of the public excluded, and separate more elegant. Work and every effort should be made career stability, not greed into, so as to avoid corruption and failure; difficult to be calm right, take such action can not be rash, as long as the plan to operate from the smooth development of all. Less wealth, good-choi, windfall relatively sluggish, the risk type of investment should not be carried out, it is necessary to guard against financial problems in particular.
Lunar New Year in November:
Heavenly: C fire
Earthly Branches: Water
Gregorian calendar: December 16 to January 14, 2010
This month is still very good fortune, wealth strong, working encountered many career ride resolved, such as to make their best efforts to the development of various aspects of the cause of all success. Emotionally difficult to progress in this regard should not waste too much money on, letting nature take its course for good. Out carefully, especially the fire. There are no major physical problems, the attention of other members of the family’s health.
Lunar New Year in December:
Heavenly: small fire
Earthly Branches: ugly soil
Gregorian calendar: January 15, 2010 to February 13, 2010
This month, this year’s bumper harvest of months, can be a lot of return, the cause should be forging ahead, in terms of size and personnel to go a step further, attention should be paid to coordinate relationships with people exchanges. Choi Kai-shek relatively common wealth, a windfall is very wang, risk type of investment should be carried out. This month, the best of luck in January this year, we should strive to expand their own businesses, and stability of their feelings, get married and have children also.



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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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