David Gregroy 1944 parkman nw 216-973-7201 valhallasanvil@yahoo.com Hearth 1) Black Angus/ Valhalla' Anvil Warren Oh 44485 dVenue Smith M/L/J…
The how many to look for and how perhaps to set them up according to a older gathering style of doing things. 1=Street of Steel2=Clothing District3=Trinkets and Beads {jewelry} for trading with the Natives4=Maille5=Castle/Encampment items to enhance the life around you6=Armor…
logo In the __________ year of The ________________Faire invites you come and be part of the experience and show off your best. To those Who are of like mind and recreate the old,This an inquiring letter to see if you would like to apply and/or join us for The ________________Faire. This 200___…
Liability and photo release form andAgreement to comply by ____________ Faire regulations. I have read the current Renaissance Faire regulations. I understand these rules and guidelines and agree to abide by them while acting in any capacity as a representative of the Renaissance…
APPLICATION/AGREEMENT Please read carefully and fill in all the blanks that apply: Contact {s}: ________________________________________Shop’s Name: ________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Mobile: __________________Address: _____________City: ___________________State :…
Prompt replies will receive our first consideration. Artisan, Crafter, Artisan/Crafter Representatives, & Vendertainer Rules of the Realm: We thank you for your interest in Your Event Name Here. Please read through this booklet thoroughly and completely. Please fill in the…
The Santa Maria ship needs your help. The mayor of Columbus wants to see the community support for the ship. He has asked us to raise the money to do a complete restoration. By doing so and with his blessing he will help find the millions needed to build us a new docking system and visitor center. He doesn't want to commit those dollars without guarantee that the ship will be around for another 50 years. The Crewe of the Redemption and Corsairs of the Crimson Coast will be Hosting a new event called: Great Lakes Pirate Gathering: May 16th,17th and 18th 2014. This will be held when the Santa Maria Pirate fest was going to take place.
Since there is none this coming year I was fitting it into that time slot.
We the Crewe of the Redemption and the Corsaires of the Crimson Coast have agreed that this event shall be for the benefit of the worthy cause of the Santa Maria, and all proceeds will be donated to this cause.Save the Santa Maria