The Santa Maria ship needs your help. The mayor of Columbus wants to see the community support for the ship. He has asked us to raise the money to do a complete restoration. By doing so and with his blessing he will help find the millions needed to build us a new docking system and visitor center. He doesn't want to commit those dollars without guarantee that the ship will be around for another 50 years. The Crewe of the Redemption and Corsairs of the Crimson Coast will be Hosting a new event called: Great Lakes Pirate Gathering: May 16th,17th and 18th 2014. This will be held when the Santa Maria Pirate fest was going to take place. Since there is none this coming year I was fitting it into that time slot. We the Crewe of the Redemption and the Corsaires of the Crimson Coast have agreed that this event shall be for the benefit of the worthy cause of the Santa Maria, and all proceeds will be donated to this cause.Save the Santa Maria
State : ___________ 9 digit Zip Code : _____________
Please indicate which the preferred method of contact is: __________
E- Mail: __________________________________
Web site: _________________________________
Would you like us to link sites: ________ Yes______ No?
State Tax # from event state: _______________ and/or Federal ID#: EIN # ____________
Any other point of contact: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Craft/Product average selling Price: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you participated in any festivals before? ___Yes ___ No, which ones and years: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Will you bring your own pavilion? ___: Yes : No : Rent
If yes, what size? ______’ X _______’ Type: ________________
If Rented then from whom: __________________ and what size? _______
Area Tent rental and tent maker list available upon request.
Type: ________________ Delivering time: ____________ the renter will be required on site for this. Faire Staff and the Event are not responsible for your arrangements or any damage to it if any occurs. If you are not, there the tent will not be allowed to be set up.
Trailer: ____ Yes No Size: _______ License#: ______ State: _____
Are there any special needs or requests for your area: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please give a detailed description of other photos or slides submitted for judging. Please keep in mind the Festival’s theme and restrictions. Pictures on CD are also acceptable, must be labeled and sorted.
Slide/photo four {Set up at :__________________}____________________________________________________________________________________________________
We prefer to keep these items on file for our use, they will be returned to you on the day of the festival set up. However, if requested in writing and with a provided postage paid envelope, will be returned sooner. In addition, will send them back when finished viewing them. Any applicant not selected for the festival will have their media returned upon notification. USPS will notify those selected for participation in the Faire promptly. Moreover, those who request it a phone call as well. Phone notification requested: ____: Yes ______: NO
Vending fees and space: This is for a standard 20’ by 20’ space.
$ _____.____ weekend: Y____N____
Security deposit of $___.______
Returning Merchants also receive a 30% discount if booking within 30 days of close if application is postmarked/received by the first month following the fair a DISCOUNT ON TOTAL MERCHANT FEES will be allotted as well.
-vending space _____’ X ____’ with _________ side frontage sale access only
-inclusion in our festival program
*Additional requests for special requirements will be handled on a one to one basis and all decisions of the Festival Staff are final. Any staff over four persons must pay a discounted rate to enter, less 25% than normal admission for the time they are on site. Per standard site.
A separate security deposit of $__.___ is due as well and will be returned after the Faire closes if your space is kept clean. IF you make changes to the landscape or grounds and do not return the area to the original condition an additional fee of $___.___ will be assessed and will be noted against your returning to this faire. Money orders or Cashiers checks are requested. Special sized sites and or discounted for demonstrations will be done on a one on one basis. In addition, will be promptly notified as to those terms by phone and USPS service. Moreover, are to be mailed to ______________, ATTN: Merchant Director, ______________________________. No personal checks accepted.
All basic fees must accompany this application form in order to reserve your space. Applicants not accepted for this Festival will have their money orders or cashiers checks returned to them uncashed at the time of notification. Special sized tent/booth sites and or discounted for Demonstrations then will be notified of fee if any to be paid upon acceptance or denial of the demonstrations that are offered. And are to be paid by date set by Faire Staff, payment will need to be made with in 30 days of this notice. **Please make the money orders out to _______________________. No personal checks are accepted.
How many people will be working your booth? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
All Persons working your booth must be listed in this contract. If you are unsure at this time of those traveling with you to the Faire, then you must send in a complete list no later than thirty days prior to the Faire, so the Faire Staff can make the correct amount of passes for your booth/tent. If you need to change, your listing please contact: _________, ATTN: Merchant Director, _____________________. Anyone not wearing/carrying an official Merchant Pass must purchase a general ticket or will be escorted from the premises and not allowed back for this year’s run. Second offense will result in criminal charges.
Everyone working from your area must sign the enclosed release before participating in the Festival. Please return their signed copies with this along with this form.
Save the Santa Maria / Great Lakes Pirate Gathering
4 members
The Santa Maria ship needs your help. The mayor of Columbus wants to see the community support for the ship. He has asked us to raise the money to do a complete restoration. By doing so and with his blessing he will help find the millions needed to build us a new docking system and visitor center. He doesn't want to commit those dollars without guarantee that the ship will be around for another 50 years. The Crewe of the Redemption and Corsairs of the Crimson Coast will be Hosting a new event called: Great Lakes Pirate Gathering: May 16th,17th and 18th 2014. This will be held when the Santa Maria Pirate fest was going to take place.
Since there is none this coming year I was fitting it into that time slot.
We the Crewe of the Redemption and the Corsaires of the Crimson Coast have agreed that this event shall be for the benefit of the worthy cause of the Santa Maria, and all proceeds will be donated to this cause.Save the Santa Maria
by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Feb 1, 2014
Please read carefully and fill in all the blanks that apply:
Contact {s}: ________________________________________
Shop’s Name: ________________________________________
Phone: _______________ Mobile: __________________
Address: _____________City: ___________________
State : ___________ 9 digit Zip Code : _____________
Please indicate which the preferred method of contact is: __________
E- Mail: __________________________________
Web site: _________________________________
Would you like us to link sites: ________ Yes______ No?
State Tax # from event state: _______________ and/or Federal ID#: EIN # ____________
Any other point of contact: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Craft/Product description____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you provide a Craft Demo: ___ Yes ____No, if so what:
Craft/Product average selling Price: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you participated in any festivals before? ___Yes ___ No, which ones and years: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Will you bring your own pavilion? ___: Yes : No : Rent
If yes, what size? ______’ X _______’ Type: ________________
If Rented then from whom: __________________ and what size? _______
Area Tent rental and tent maker list available upon request.
Type: ________________ Delivering time: ____________ the renter will be required on site for this. Faire Staff and the Event are not responsible for your arrangements or any damage to it if any occurs. If you are not, there the tent will not be allowed to be set up.
Vehicle size: __________ Color: _______ License#: ________ State: _____
Trailer: ____ Yes No Size: _______ License#: ______ State: _____
Are there any special needs or requests for your area: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please give a detailed description of other photos or slides submitted for judging. Please keep in mind the Festival’s theme and restrictions. Pictures on CD are also acceptable, must be labeled and sorted.
Slide/photo one {pavilion}
listed above.
Slide/photo two {Yourself}
Slide/photo three {Venue}
Slide/photo four {Set up at :__________________}____________________________________________________________________________________________________
We prefer to keep these items on file for our use, they will be returned to you on the day of the festival set up. However, if requested in writing and with a provided postage paid envelope, will be returned sooner. In addition, will send them back when finished viewing them. Any applicant not selected for the festival will have their media returned upon notification. USPS will notify those selected for participation in the Faire promptly. Moreover, those who request it a phone call as well. Phone notification requested: ____: Yes ______: NO
Vending fees and space: This is for a standard 20’ by 20’ space.
$ _____.____ weekend: Y____N____
Security deposit of $___.______
Returning Merchants also receive a 30% discount if booking within 30 days of close if application is postmarked/received by the first month following the fair a DISCOUNT ON TOTAL MERCHANT FEES will be allotted as well.
-vending space _____’ X ____’ with _________ side frontage sale access only
-inclusion in our festival program
*Additional requests for special requirements will be handled on a one to one basis and all decisions of the Festival Staff are final. Any staff over four persons must pay a discounted rate to enter, less 25% than normal admission for the time they are on site. Per standard site.
A separate security deposit of $__.___ is due as well and will be returned after the Faire closes if your space is kept clean. IF you make changes to the landscape or grounds and do not return the area to the original condition an additional fee of $___.___ will be assessed and will be noted against your returning to this faire. Money orders or Cashiers checks are requested. Special sized sites and or discounted for demonstrations will be done on a one on one basis. In addition, will be promptly notified as to those terms by phone and USPS service. Moreover, are to be mailed to ______________, ATTN: Merchant Director, ______________________________. No personal checks accepted.
All basic fees must accompany this application form in order to reserve your space. Applicants not accepted for this Festival will have their money orders or cashiers checks returned to them uncashed at the time of notification. Special sized tent/booth sites and or discounted for Demonstrations then will be notified of fee if any to be paid upon acceptance or denial of the demonstrations that are offered. And are to be paid by date set by Faire Staff, payment will need to be made with in 30 days of this notice. **Please make the money orders out to _______________________. No personal checks are accepted.
How many people will be working your booth? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
All Persons working your booth must be listed in this contract. If you are unsure at this time of those traveling with you to the Faire, then you must send in a complete list no later than thirty days prior to the Faire, so the Faire Staff can make the correct amount of passes for your booth/tent. If you need to change, your listing please contact: _________, ATTN: Merchant Director, _____________________. Anyone not wearing/carrying an official Merchant Pass must purchase a general ticket or will be escorted from the premises and not allowed back for this year’s run. Second offense will result in criminal charges.
Everyone working from your area must sign the enclosed release before participating in the Festival. Please return their signed copies with this along with this form.