An Offer for your thoughts because you have indicated on a BDFSM or similar site a want, need of a lifestyle

First, this is a Mistress and Master couple offering a life within service for one or two. We do not consider this a game; it is how we live within the view of the public. To those few that have a clue and have written something that is sensible and truly inspiring at times; we thank you for being here and showing others the mind set that most don’t seem to understand.

We are looking for one or two female{s}, to enter into service with us. We prefer a slave to a submissive. However, we will accept either. So that the one to enter into service can have a better understanding as to why females: they listen and pay better attention to detail, they work harder to accomplish the tasks given, and there are less personality conflicts with the Master of this. In general, the public responds better to a female than a male 9 out of 10 times. Males can apply but are warned he will have to prove that he is capable of handling the mindset and the rules we give. He will also have to prove how he is better then the prospective females under consideration.

Within the seven-year range of 21-28 is what we would prefer. We are willing to accept those who are fall between the ages of 18 to 30.

The request for medium build is to be able to fit into the costuming we already own for working the shows & those of this build tend to have fewer problems with doing the work. By the way, definition of medium build is American sizes 10 – 18. We have no problem with accepting those who are smaller or larger as long as they can handle doing the amount of physical work that needs accomplished. We will just have to figure out what we already have that fits them & what we will need to find or make for them.

You will have to relocate to where ever we are at the time of acceptance. We travel from January until November mostly east of the Mississippi river. The one to enter into service should not mind traveling because of the style of work we do, we are always on the move. The longest we stay in one place is six to eight weeks. We do not return to most of these places until the next year when we are selling at that show again. The one to enter into service will be allowed to return to their family during the end of the year holiday seasons if one wishes.

Preference is hair that is red, auburn, black or brown and long in length. The hair color and style again is a preference. Any natural hair color is acceptable to us. Natural colors because we will not spend money on keeping an appearance that is not real. We tend to shy away from blondes because of the modern social ideas that come with being blonde. If the one to enter into service is blonde and wants to apply, convince us that the public will not see you this way.

We know that it takes a different mind set to be able to maintain 24/7\365 service. Any one who is thinking about this offer should know that we would never ask the one to enter into service to do physical work of any nature that we are not willing to do ourselves. The one to enter into service should know that service to us would not be based on sexual pleasure. Things of a pleasurable nature have to be earned or wanted by ..., they are not freely given. Defining types of service means being able to communicate back & forth getting to know one another seeing if we can meet each other’s needs & desires. Even if no other type of service is discussed, it takes time to find out if we can allow each other into the very personal space that this kind of a relationship creates. It seems that many of the younger generations are not taught this very important step. They only want the romance fantasy or purely sexual versions of the BDFSM lifestyle.

Common sense is no longer common we know. Trust us dealing with the public regularly has engrained this into us. (When a mother allows her four-year-old child to put his hands on the table, where sharp knives were displayed & then encourage him to pick them up). Some on the internet have proven this as well. If one has at least some common sense, there should be enough intelligence for us to be able to work with them. We do not want a slave that we have to give systematic instructions to after the first or second time one has done the task. We would expect one to be able to retain the correct information. If one forgets that is okay, all one has to do is ask questions. We will walk you through it again. We just hope we do not have to do that after the third time.

We also expect one to do as they say. To keep their word for this is the only way one can truly prove herself to us. This is a key point for entering into service and pretty much one’s whole life as well.

No medical problems should probably say any serious medical problems. Minor things like seasonal allergies can be worked with. Even some more serious ones such as being diabetic or hypoglycemic can be work around without too much effort. We need someone who is healthy enough to be able to keep up with us.

While saying one should have a desire for long hard work will not attract slaves, we are being honest & up front. Unlike many ads, we have seen here & on many other sites, we do not sugar coat what we are looking for. Why should we waste time weeding out those who do not want to fully enter into service? We know that this is a less personable approach, but during time, it takes to find out if we can be a workable match, we will get to know to each other better. The majority of those that have contacted us seem to have no or very little work ethic. They have no idea what true manual labor is or what a long workday is like. This is another reason why there is a test period after an agreement is made.

The Test period is three or seven months long. This gives all persons involved a true feel for each other. In other words, it is long enough that we put the masks away that most people hide behind. It also tests our tolerances of each other as well as how well the agreement works for everyone. This also allows us to make changes to the service agreement should it be found necessary. If at the end of that time we do not live well together, both parties go their own way. Would you want to go into service with someone you meet on line only to find out that they are a very different person when face-to-face?

We have found that many slaves on line have the courage to type many things and tend to lack the courtesy of being polite until they know more. Being on the internet gives a sense of invulnerability because they cannot be directly dealt with. This false sense of personage is common and we try to look through it. In person, it is much harder to have the same amount of “courage.”

Now for a little lessen of old. BDFSM a natural progression of the life and mind set. B is for Bondage - what most start with playfully experimenting. D is for the Discipline to do or not to do. Having the control to do as told even if the one to enter into service does not want to do it. Most people today separate out the F. Through the first two, you come up with a preference, want, or need. This is commonly known as a FETISH. S & M- Sadism & Masochism two sides of the coin one who wants to give pain and one who wants to receive pain. Through the first three, they find how to achieve what they need within this last part of the lifestyle as well. It seems that many of the younger generations are not taught or do not know this idealism of the lifestyle. Most only know the modern social ideas or want the romance fantasy or only sexual versions of the BDFSM lifestyle.

It is hard for us to take someone seriously when they writes, “i want to be your sex slave.” or “i have no limits.” These people have no idea what we consider a slave to be. They could very well be shocked to find out the tasks we would insist on them performing. It makes us wonder if they even took the time to understand what they read in our offer – or if they read it for content at all. When we go to look at their profile, before we reply to them, there is very little information about them there. Half of the time they do not even bother to list what their limits are, what type of preference/fetish they enjoy or how long they have been in the lifestyle. When we explain to them in our response that within service to us sex or physical pleasure is something earned not freely given, they run away.

Please take the time to write a good introduction/response about yourself. Include one's limits, likes, and level of experience. Send your application/introduction letter to if one does not post it here. It would be nice when some one declines the offer that they include a fully explained reason(s) as to why. This way we can learn why the offer is being declined. We too are trying to figure out a better way to approach slaves and get them to communicate with us. We have in the past-required more than two hundred word count answer as to why you were declining the offer. Words of three letters or less did not count. Unfortunately, today no one has the brain to do this.

Alternatively, if one would like IM travelingraggyman on yahoo as anther contact point, they may. You will reach one of us. The one to enter into service must be able to write/talk to either of us equally. The one to enter into service will be required to call/talk to us before the second stage of selection. If the internet is unavailable for us, answers need to be sent via USPS mail service.

We took the time to think & write so much down before we even started the process of looking for a slave. This is only the first step, there are at least three other steps before one or two will be selected. We have documents that explain things out in detail as well as a whole data file of different types of agreements/ideas to use for reference. For us this was not just a “hey we want a slave” deal. We took quite a bit of time preparing things for when we do find perspective slaves to have things ready to continue. If the one to enter into service would like to see any of these documents let us know, we will be happy to send them so one can see we are not just blowing smoke.

We do not give out all the details of our personal life over the web. We are sure that one to enter into service does not as well. We see that many profiles are not completely filled out. This is why it is so important to communicate back & forth. This is when one gets into the details & finds out if it will work for all of us. We do not want someone who is willing to jump off the cliff without looking first. This causes too many problems in the end. It is very important to write or call to find out about each other as well as the service that is requested. This makes a good framework for the experience because all parties will know what is expected of them.

One has been sent an Offer the first step of the selection process. We will give three days for one to enter into service to go through it. Indicate in the basic requirements how one qualifies & differs from what is sought. Answer all of the issues in it, ask questions about it, and write one to enter into service thoughts & concerns. This is the start of what needs to be done. We require three photos of one to enter into service because of our line of work. The photos need to be; face from the front, full-length from the front & one full length from the side. In which one decides how to best present themselves - nude photos & being made-up does not impress us. Send all correspondence & photos to Call us at 207-514-5225 before one sends it to ensure we have internet at the time. If the internet is unavailable for us, answers need to be sent via USPS mail service.

After this, our foundational documents are sent. One is allowed 14 days to comprise a rough agreement of service. One to enter into service will use the documents to define & start an agreement outline for us in order to enter into service. Always include one’s questions, thoughts, comments, needs, ideas as well as likes & dislikes. Once we receive it & review the rough draft, we will send back a revised copy. One to enter into service will have seven days to rewrite or disagree with the revision, or it will stand as it is. One to enter into service must include one to enter into service reasoning for either rewriting or disagreeing. Making suggestions on how to implement your changes & compromise are encouraged. If all parties then agree to the final agreement document, the one who wishes to enter into service is to get to us by any means they can. If one truly wishes to serve then they will find a way to join us.

All must endeavor to respond in a timely manner. IF we have internet and messenger service, this can be used for instant questions & conversations. During the time given for the documents & the responses to be sent to us there may be other correspondence sent back & forth. After the first three photos, send three different ones each time of one to enter into service’s choice. If we do not have internet, then send it standard USPS. One needs to call one of phone numbers when one to enter into service tries to depend on the internet to ensure we have service to be able to receive one to enter into service’s response.

Because we will be on the road and not always near electric, internet messaging will be very sporadic at best. Therefore, the best ways to contact us is via our message service, 800-516-0497, following the instructions so we know who you are, how and when to reach you.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept. of Ask for IT
Lady Isabell Demona Companion to Marquis Allen M. Drago
Best Way 1-800-516-0497 24 hour messages
P.O. Box 240, Denmark, Maine 04022
Mobile & text MSG –207-514-5225

When Isabell and Drago have internet available also have set up to receive messages here as well:

Yahoo Messenger: travelingraggyman will also go to mobile phone when contacted as txt message

ICQ: 471875453 Traveler

MSN: Traveler in the World will also go to mobile phone when contacted as txt message

AIM: will also go to mobile phone when contacted as txt message

My Space: will let us know when one posted to it

Again, the Best Way to contact us is 1-800-516-0497 24 hour messages

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Just to clear something up this was originaly posted on 01-01-2008, 05:25 PM not when it was placed within this group.



There are no birthdays today

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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