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The Faerie Realm

Where is 'Fairyland'? its position is elusive. It is sometimes just over the horizon and sometimes beneath our feet. Yet there have been periods when faerieland was thought to be an actual geographical area, although even this has tended to shift. for instance, the Welsh first thought it was to the North of their mountainous land, and then in the mysterious, rocky and misty west peninsular of Pembrokeshire. Later it moved to an island lying in the Irish Channel off the Pembrokeshire coast. It was seen sometimes by sailors, and even landed on, but would then disconcertingly disappear. Nevertheless, its faerie inhabitants were said to be frequent visitors to the markets of Laugharne and Milford Haven.

The Irish called the phantom isle Hy Breasil and, for them, it lay to the West. To Britons it was the Isle of Man that was the faerie isle. The Isle of man is a rich source of faerie lore.

Avalon is probably the most famous of faerie islands. The legendary King Arthur, described by the XVth century poet Lydgate as a 'King y-crowned in Fairye', was brought here mortally wounded to be tended by four faerie queens. Arthur is believed still t lie with his knights, in the heart of a faerie hill, in a deep sleep from which he will awake in our hour of need again to rule over this land.
Faerie can reveal itself, bright and glittering without warning, anywhere and just as suddenly disappear. Its frontiers of twilight, mists and fancy are all around us and, like a tide running out, can momentarily reveal Faerie before flowing back to conceal it again. The inhabitants of faerieland can be divided into various different species according to habitat. in addition to the solitary-living faeries, there are many rural elf types who make their homes in the forests (or sometimes, more specifically, 'adopt' a tree to such an extent that the faerie and the tree become more or less synonymous), fields, hills and mountain caves. There are those that live on faerie islands or in countries under the oceans while there are also water faeries inhabiting the seas, lakes and rivers. Finally there are the domestic and house-spirits (brownies and so forth).
Amongst the various species, life-styles vary considerably between the small family units, the hierarchically-organized communities (often inhabiting hollow hills) and the solitary independent faeries such as the Leprechauns.


The myths and legends about Faerie are many and diverse, and often contradictory. Only one thing is certain - that nothing is certain. All things are possible in the land of Faerie.
The mystery of Faerie has been, from the earliest times, a subject of human speculation. What are faeries? Where did they come from?
Norse mythology relates how the maggots emerging from the corpse of the giant Ymir transformed themselves into the Light Elves and the Dark elves. light elves, living in the air, are benign, happy creatures, but the dark elves, whose domains are the underground regions, are swarthy, evil and blighting.
The Icelandic version, on the other hand, states that Eve was washing all her children by the river when God spoke to her. In awe and fear she hid those children she had not already washed. God asked if all her children were there and she replied that they were. He then declared that those she had hidden from him would be hidden from man. These hidden children became the elves or faeries and were known as Huldre Folk in the Scandinavian countries. Huldre girls are exceptionally beautiful, but with long cowstails; or else they are hollow behind, presenting only a beautiful front. Thus they fulfil the deception of their origin.
Elsewhere faeries are believed to be fallen angels; or the heathen dead, not good enough for Heaven, but not evil enough to find a place in Hell - compelled to live forever 'in between' in the twilight regions, the Middle Kingdom. In Devon for instance pixies are considered to be the souls of unbaptized children. However, these beliefs stem only from the advent of Christianity, baptism being unknown prior to that time, and hence cannot be regarded as reliable. Faerie is very ancient and predates Christianity by several millennia. Moreover it exist, and has existed, in varying forms, in many countries all over the world.


This is a type of sprite or mannikin in British, Icelandic, Scandinavian, and Teutonic legend. The name may be spelled Aelf, Alfe, Elve, or Ylf. Originally the word in the Anglo-Saxon meant all types of faeries, but later denoted a special class. This change of meaning was then adopted into the other cultures. Elves are tiny human shaped supernatural’s who can shape shift at will.
In England the Elf men are described as being like little old men, but the Elf maidens are young and beautiful and they are believed to live in communities with kingdoms and kings in the same way as humans. they exert their supernatural powers over humans whenever they can, sometimes benevolently but more often with mischievous intent. The Elves live in the forsts and woods, often in the hollows of tree trunks; they also live in old long-barrows and ancient burial mounds from which they emerge at night to dance in the grass by moonlight.
In Teutonic mythology the Alfar are subdivided into Dark and Light Elves who are malicious and benevolent, respectively. In German folklore the Forest Elf is called Schrat.
In Danish folklore the Ellen or Elle Folk are particularly malicious toward humans if seen in the woods. They reward a housewife whose home is particularly clean, but are prone to stealing her bread and other things from her kitchen. n-
In Sweden the Elves are known as Elvor, Grove Folk, or Grove Damsels.
In Iceland they are known as Spae-wives. Sometimes they will be friendly towards humans and stories are told of them asking for help, but the Elf community is usually quite independent and very powerful, taking terrible revenge on any human who offends them. They may steal babies, cattle, milk, and bread or enchant and hold young men in their spell for years at a time. an example of this is the well-known story of Rip Van Winkle.


The Pixie, also variously known as Pisgie, piskie, pigsey, of Cornwall , is based in the district of Dartmoor. 'There's piskies up to Dartmoor
And t'idden gude yu sez there bain't!
There's hardly a place on Dartmoor that is not haunted by the green mishievous creatures. they have lent their name to many landmarks, Pixie's holt, Pixie's Cave, Pixies Parlour, Puggie Stone
(the word Puggie has the same derivation as Puck0. They dance in the shadows of the standing stones, or gambol on the tumbling stream edges. Their bells can be heard diip in the heat of the many tors on the moor.

If thou'rt of air let grey mist fold thee,
if of earth let the swart mine hold thee,
if a Pixie sink thy ring
if a Nixie seek thy spring.

The mischievous Pixies delight in stealing horses and Dartmoor ponies at night to ride them wildly across the moor, twisting and knotting their manes to spur them on. Even in the house one is not safe from them, for they like to throw pots and pans after the kitchen girls.
Although they enjoy their fun, the Pixies can be hard-working and often thresh corn at night for rewards of bread and cheese. However, one grateful farmer observing that the Pixie who threshed his corn wore clothes in tatters, got his wife to make up a tiny suit. This was left where the Pixie might find it at the beginning of his night's work. The Pixie, on seeing the brand new outfit, delightedly put it on, the threshing forgotten, and cried

'New Coat, New Waist-coat,
New Breeches!
You proud, I proud,
I shan't work any more!'
Nor did he, leaving the farmer regretful of his kindness.

The Brownie

The Brownie is called a variety of names according to location, i.e. Bwca (Booka) in Wales, Bodach in the Highlands, Fenoderee on the Isle of Man; he has a number of characteristics which make him easily recognizable. Typically he is a small and shaggy man, wrinkled and brown in appearance, standing some twenty-five inches in height and either naked or dressed in tattered brown clothes. Whilst Highland Brownies have no fingers or toes, Lowland Brownies have no noses.
The Brownie generally 'adopts' a house which he then looks after. He has a very developed sense of responsibility and will come out at night to watch over farm animals, reap, thresh, mow, run errands and generally make himself indispensable. He will willingly do the work left undone by the servants although, should he feel they merit it, he will also plague them for their idleness. In Scotland, the Brownies help with the brewing.

For all his labors, however, the Brownie expects no more than a bowl of cream or best milk and a cake smeared with honey. Inded, anything more and he will take ofence and leave as has so often been the case when a kind-hearted household has misguidedly left him the gift of fine clothes:
'What have we here, Hempen, Hampen!
Here will I never more tread nor stampen.
Curiously though, there is at least one reported occasion of the Brownie taking unbrage because he esteemed the quality of a set of clothes left out for him to be inferior...

'Harden, harden, harden hamp!
I wil neither grind nor stamp,
Had you given me linen gear,
I had served you many a year;
Thrift may go, bad luch may stay,
I shall travel far away.'
Of course Brownies, like all faeries, are unpredictble in their behaviour and certainly one must take care not t offend them for, as already mentioned, the transition from helpful Brownie to troublesome Boggart is easily made. One Brownie whose mowing was criticized, had his revenge by throwing the entire harvest over a steep rock-face.
bit like the last story

The Bwca (Booka)

The Bwca (Booka) is the Welsh variety of Brownie. He will willingly churn butter if the kitchen and fireplace have been swept clean and a bowl of cream set next to the lighted fire. If mistreated or insulted, the Bwca will will lose is temper and refuse to work. He will banh on the all, throw things and even people through the air, pinch sleepers, destroy clothes, tell secrets out loud, howl and beat his tormentors. The householder should protect himself with iron, Holy water or crosses made from Mountain Ash. Then a Wise Man should be caled in to banish the Bwca.


Short, but powerfully built, Dwarfs are generally bearded and aged in appearance, although this is because they reach maturity when only three years old and are grey-bearded by the age of seven. Their homes are the mountains of Scandinavia and Germany where they mine for precious metals to work into arms and armour and other artifacts which are often endowed with magic properties. it was the Dwarfs sho fashioned Miolnir (the hammer of Thor), the spear Gungnir, the necklace Brisinga-men of Freya and innumerable other marvels, including a new head of hair for Thor's wife Sif and a rope strong enough to bind the giant wolf Fenris yet as slender as a thread. Dwarfs cannot appear above the ground during the day. One ray of sunlight would turn them to stone. According to some accounts they spend the daylight hours as toads.

Dwarfs are type of elf or goblin found inthe mythology and folklore of most of the world's societies. In general their description is of a humanoid shape but very small, looking old and wizened, with odd-shaped legs and feet. They usually inhabit caverns and underground palaces or dark forests, and are often associated with watercourses. Their most outstanding accomplishment in most folklore is their magical gift of transforming metals into beautiful and dangerous artifacts that frequently carry some curse. They can shape shift at will, and usually have either a magic cap, cloak, belt, or ring that renders them invisible. They are the guardians of underground treasures such as jewels or precious metals, which they may reveal to the fortunate, or use as a lure for their victims. Although usually immortal, they may be tricked and immobilized, or even turned to stone, when the light of the morning sun falls on them.

Cluricaun -
After his day's labors the Leprechaun enjoys a night's revelry and then
becomes known as the Cluricaun (kloor-a-kawn). He raids wine cellars and is known to take wild drunken rides through the moonlight on the backs of sheep or shepherds dogs.

Coblynau -
Welsh Mine Goblin. Cousins to the Cornish Knockers. These creatures using mining tools, are seen working industriously at the seam faces. The knocking of their picks and hammers is lucky, a sign of heavy ore content.

Corrigan -
Malignant nature spirits found in Brittany, often associated with phantoms of the dead.




King of the fairy race of the Tuatha de Danann in Irish mythology. He was celebrated not only for his prowess with a battle club, magic harp and cauldron, but was also known for his greed and cruelty.

Daoine Maite

Literally, the good people. They are the fairies of contemporary Irish folklore.

Daoine Sidhe

The divine folk of Old Irish folklore. After the Tuatha Dé Danann were defeated by the Milesians (Gaels), those members who decided to stay in Ireland formed the Daoine Sidhe. They live in hollow mounds, hence the name Sidhe which literally means "people of the (fairy) mounds". They are fond of battles, hurling (a kind of field hockey) and are skilled chess players. Many a mortal challenged Finvarra to a game and lost all his possessions, for the king has never been beaten.

These fairies are small and this is responsible for the name of Daoine Beaga, "little folk". They may ride out to hunt, or stir up an eddy of dust, or engage in battles, or steal children, or prevent butter from forming in the churn.









Dana O'Shee

In Irish folklore, they are small, graceful creatures. The Dana O'Shee live in a realm of eternal beauty and remain eternally young as nobles from the age of chivalry with their own king and queen and royal household. They wear beautiful clothes enriched with precious jewels. They love music, dancing and hunting and can often be seen riding in a procession, led by the king and queen. But even these lovely creatures can be treacherous, and some people say they come from the realm of the dead. A person enchanted by their beauty or music is forever lost.Disir These are spirits who attach themselves to a particular place, usually man made, like houses. Especially old houses. They are generally feminine ancestral spirits.


Duergar These are a malicious form of Dwarf from Northern England. They revel in tricking people into dying.



The abatwa is a zulu spirit species, considerably smaller than the common fairy, so small that they often hide under blades of grass and sleep in anthills. they live in the mountains and rocky hills, but they have no central village. they are nomadic hunters who follow the game , devour their catch in its entirety, and move on to the next kill. when that abatwa travel, it is said that they ride upon one horse, sitting from the neck to the tail, one behind another. if they do not find any game on their hunt they will usually dvour their communal horse.
dispelling and disarming techiniques

the abatwa are easily offended and quickly enraged. their most common response is to murder by poison arrow. but if it happens that one meets and abatwa while journeying through the hills and mountainous regions of africa, the typical concounter would go like this" the abatwa will ask. "from where did you see me?" this sis a trick question to whick the honest reply " i am seeing you here right now for the very first time" will be fatal. the abatwa are wildly sensitive about their size. the lifesaving answer is" "see that mountain way back there? i fist saw you when i was on that mountan" the abatwa is usualy placated by th e stature this suggest and such flattery earns a chance for escape.

far more dangerous than encountering an abatwa is stepping on one. when stepped on , the abatwa will stab the hiker with thepoint of an invisible arrow, which causes an immediate and baffling death that will confound the coroner. when in abatwa country, visitors must wearshoes with hard, thick, impenetrable soles

They asked Aeval for a day, the queen of fairies of (night court), to come to settle a debate which compared men to women. These last prédendaient that their husbands did not satisfy them sexually. Aeval listened to arguments of both parties all night, then she announced that the men were undoubtedly too prude and orders them to submit more to the wish of the women.

The queen of fairies :- la reine des fées
The queens of fairies always inspired the artists as well in painting, in musuque, in poem or in literature, as certify it of masterpiece such as the delighted flute of Mozart or the Lord of the rings of J.R.R. Tolkien. These queens of fairies or elves can be compared with the mythical Celtic kings, among whom energy and knowledge stay in sleep, atendant of ëtre exploited by the future generations. Similarities between these kings - among which the most famous are the king Arthur and the queens of fairies the following are:
.Ils are directementconnectés in the earth and in its divine sovereignty.
.Ils are directementconnectés in the earth and in its divine sovereignty.
.Ils work in comparison with an ancestrle energy and refer to it.
.Ce are the ancient security guards of a wisdom and a knowledge.
Traditionally, there was no difference between a divine connection with the earth or with ancêtres:les families stayed during generations on the same lands, to the point where every region ended up developing a link with a given family. When they went for a walk in forest near them, the inhabitants of a land could smell energies of their forefathers, who gave them to know them so that of an energy protection against malfailants minds.
In due time, the queens of fairies were progressively transformed into godhead and, as the Celtic kings, they wait that we invoked them to give again life in their powerful female force and allow them to fill the world of their magic in a new and amazing manner.



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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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