
The Adrian Empire

A non-profit, educational organization that re-creates history from the time frame of 1066 - 1603 . Time frame covers  the Middle Ages to Renaissance period to the end the reign of Queen Elisabeth I of England.

Location: Western part of the world
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Jan 30, 2014

The Adrian Empire, Inc. is a non-profit, educational organization that re-creates history from the time frame of 1066 through 1603 AD. This narrow time frame covers what was known as the Middle Ages (medieval) through the Renaissance period to the end the reign of Queen Elisabeth I of England.
Members of the Adrian Empire cover a diverse cross-section of today's modern society, all with one common interest - the desire to learn more about medieval history. Just like us, you have probably seen a movie or play that had armored knights fighting, nobles plotting grand schemes, or explorers setting out to discover the world. You might have played a computer or video game set in a medieval world. You probably wondered what it was really like, but didn't know how to find out. Worse, the thought of reading book after book and still not getting the feel of medieval life had no appeal. Whouldn't it be nice if you could learn about history by doing the history?
Our members attend events to learn and teach history by doing history. We do history by re-creating the atmosphere of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Many of us re-create history by becoming a character that could have lived during our time period, but not the famous characters known from history. Instead, we choose an area from the known world at that time, and create our character based on what we know about the people that would have lived there. Don't worry if you have no idea what your character would be - you can learn and grow into your persona. Many members have done just that.
But that is not all we do! Members learn how to fight with real swords in real armor, or learn about the arts and sciences of the time, or learn to shoot a bow. These activities allow members to earn a knighthood based on their experience and skill in their chosen activities. Members may also earn a knighthood by doing service for the organization. Whatever the path to becoming a knight, members also learn what it is to be a knight. Chivalry isn't just a word bandied about - it has meaning.
Members participate at fighter practices, demonstrations, tournaments, feasts, and wars. Our Crowns (the ruling nobles) hold courts at events, bringing the feeling of being in the Middle Ages to each gathering. Each event has its own opportunity to learn something new, or to teach others something a member has learned. And every member, young or old, male or female, is given the chance to participate. It is truly a family-oriented experience.
Pick up a map of the continental United States, select an area, and you will probably find us there. We have chartered subdivisions from the east coast to the west coast, and many points in between. If there isn't a chartered subdivision in your area, we welcome and encourage folks to start up a group there.
The Adrian Empire began in 1987, and has been growing ever since. There is probably an event of some sort happening right now! Typically, events are scheduled for weekends and weekday evenings. Each chartered subdivision will have its own event schedule, and individual groups within the chartered subdivision might also have something going on.
The Adrian Empire is a feudal-styled parliamentary republic. From the top down, every member is directly represented by somebody within the organization. And, unlike modern parliamentary governments such as that of England, our current ruling nobles (Crowns) share in the political process. The Adrian Empire is composed of the following chartered subdivisions, all of whom have a local government, as well as representation on the Imperial government:
• The Empire: This includes all of the continental United States, whether or not there are other chartered subdivisions in the region. The Empire is governed by the Emperor and Empress (the corporate President and Vice President)
• Kingdoms: These are chartered subdivisions that have 100 or more members. They are governed by a king and queen.
• Archduchies: Smaller than kingdoms, these chartered subdivisions have memberships between 50 and 99. They are governed by an Archduke and Archduchess.
• Duchies: Even smaller, these chartered subdivisions have a stable membership of at least 20. They are governed by a duke and duchess.
• Shires: Newly formed chartered subdivisions who have members numbering between 1 and 19. They are governed by a viceroy, who acts as the voice of the Emperor and Empress.
Knighthood in the Adrian Empire is awarded following a merit-based system. For each discipline (arts, archery, combat, and ministry), there are certain time and skill milestones that must be met before advancing in rank. There are no restrictions to knighthood based on gender. Only combat (for safety reasons) has any minimum age requirements. By learning about medieval history while participating in the Adrian Empire, you are taking steps to become a knight.

Discussion Forum

Adrian Judicial Reform by Christopher A. Bayonet

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 29, 2014.

Posted as per the request of Teri Cummins:

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 26, 2014.

The Kingdom of York 1 Reply

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things. Last reply by Chazz Mar 4, 2010.

Kingdom of Umbria

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 13, 2010.

The Kingdom of Terre Neuve

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 13, 2010.

The Kingdom of Esperance

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 13, 2010.

The Kingdom of Albion

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 13, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Adrian Empire to add comments!

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 30, 2014 at 1:45pm

Brian Kilmer 8:44in the evenin' Jan 27
Unto the estate holders and the great populace of the Duchy of Somerset, do we, Sir Brient McQuane and Dame Ysabel de Lisieux, send greetings on this cold winter's day, and hereby announce our intent to contend for the duchy crown.

For my part, Sir Brient McQuane, I have been playing with Adria since late 2006. In that time I have been the head of House Leonis de Mortis. Held office of Minister of War and Joust. Knighted as Knight Archer, Knight Minister, and Knight Bachelor. Been named Protector of Somerset and its waterways. Awarded the Somerset Order of the Queen's Guard. I left for a short time to journey to the west and returned to the lands I love the best and will defend to my last breath. My interests are vast, and the arts are taking over my life. In the mundane world I am a department manager at Menards. I also play in the SCA, and even though I have been a member longer in the SCA, my heart belongs to Adria and Somerset.

For my part, Dame Ysabel, I have participated in the Adrian Empire for over seven years. During this time I have served as Duchy Steward and have been granted a knighthood in ministry. I have endeavored to assist wherever needed and have always been eager to learn new things.
In my “other” life, I work as a retail pharmacy cashier. I have participated in activities with our neighbors in the Shire of Shadowed Stars of the SCA, which I find enriches my experiences in Adria.
I would like to challenge myself and fellow duchy members to continue to expand our knowledge and share our respective areas of expertise in the peaceful and martial arts with each other.

As for the both of us, we will strive to bring new members into our midst so that they may enjoy the fun, learning, fellowship, and of course, feasts, of this great Duchy that our people already enjoy.
In this time of strife in the Adrian Empire we would like to reassure the populace of Somerset that the Light of Adria may be temporarily dimmed but will never be extinguished from our lands. May the one that watches over you protect us all.

Sir Brient McQuane Dame Ysabel de Lisieux
(mka: Brian Kilmer) (mka: Lisa Kilmer)

Potius Mort Quam Inhonoratis

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 29, 2014 at 5:23pm

Michael Cummins 10:34in the mornin' Jan 26
This is taken directly from the pages of The Ardian Empire New Members Guide.

As every person is responsible for their own actions, I ask that ALL members (regardless of rank or title) read this. Take a long (honest) look into “your” words and actions (past and present). And think long and hard about what you see.

From the bylaws: Shared commitment to a common purpose, values, and operating principles strengthens the
Organization and the relations we share within and through it and makes even our loftiest goals achievable. Therefore,
we enthusiastically adopt, and will live by, the following:
Statement of Purpose
We endeavor to enlighten our communities by providing a mechanism to explore the lifestyles and societies of the
period of history commonly referred to as The Age of Chivalry.
Core Values
Operating Principles
Always serve the best interests of our communities
Measure actions by what is in the best interests of the Organization
Communicate openly, honestly, and directly
Be visionary: Encourage innovation and learn from our mistakes
Be positive: Seek solutions, and be open to the views of others
Support each other in balancing work, family, and community
Support and reward excellence, teamwork, productivity, and growth
Be accountable and honor commitments

If (for any reason) you feel the need to respond negatively to this post, you should probably take another look.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 29, 2014 at 5:19pm

Teri Cummins 9:53in the mornin' Jan 26
From the New Members Guide.... (This could become the Kingdom that never was if people don't get their act together and play nice)


The name "Adria" comes from the annals of Medieval History. During the Medieval time period an attempt was made to form a new Kingdom that would go by the name Adria. Due to stormy seas and a lost treaty, it came to be known
as The Kingdom That Never Was.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 3, 2014 at 11:35am

Jessica Vattiat Silvers
Jessica Vattiat Silvers 8:02in the evenin' Jan 2
The Kingdom of York will be setting up an Encampment and participating in Combat Demonstrations at the Central Florida Scottish Highland Games on Saturday and Sunday, January 18th and 19th, 2014.

Our combat demonstration times are set for 11:00a.m. and 3:00p.m. each day. We would like to have as many fighters as possible for both ren and steel. Additionally, we would like to see ongoing arts demonstrations during the off times. Please let me know if there are any specific arts demonstrations you would like to participate in during the day.

Past public attendance at the Games has been pretty high, and there have been numerous occasions where we have had 100+ people watching the fight demos.

Set up is scheduled for Friday, January 17th. I will be on site around 12:00 on Friday the 17th as long as traffic cooperates. All set up needs to be completed on Friday. The games open very early and we will not have any time for set up on Saturday or Sunday. We will be setting up Day Pavilions, period tents, and a fight ring.

The 2014 Central Florida Highland Games will be held in the Central Winds Park, which is located in the city of Winter Springs, Florida. The address of the park is 1000 E SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708. We will break down everything Sunday night and return home.

I will be the autocrat for this event and can be reached at . You can also call my cell at 561-670-7962. If you have already talked with me then I have your names for the list. If you have not yet contacted me personally, please do so as soon as possible so that I can assemble an accurate gate list to send in.

Please contact me, Dame Rosa, as soon as possible so that we can have an accurate list of attendees for the gate list. If you are not listed on the gate list you WILL NOT be admitted free of charge. Those arriving on site after the gates open will have to report to Will Call at the main gate for admittance to the games. If you have not given me your name to send in with the gate list you will have to pay to get in. We are not limited to a specific number of people so if you even think it is a possibility that you may be able to attend please contact me with your mundane names. Pease also give me the names of any children you may be bringing with you.

Onsite camping is available. You MAY use a non period tent to sleep in, but it must be taken down and stored out of sight prior to the start of the day. Be advised, the Games open pretty early in the morning for bagpiper practice….typically around 8am or so.

There will not be a food plan this year so please come prepared with your own food and drinks. If small groups want to get together and organize individual plans, please feel free to do so. If you plan on using the encampment fire to cook on, please bring firewood to contribute to the cook fire as well as any cooking equipment you may need.

Local hotels are also available:

Altamonte Springs Hilton (Host Hotel of the 2014 CFSHG)
350 Northlake Blvd
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
Call to request to request the special $95.00 Highland Games rate

Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel
230 West State Road 436
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

Embassy Suites Orlando - North
225 Shorecrest Drive
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701

Hope to see everybody there. It will be an awesome weekend.

Dame Rosa Fiend

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 2, 2014 at 11:23am
+ Somnia Nulla Parva +
Saluatations Stouthearts,
      We wish to inform all of the Christ Mass Feast, to elaborate on the generosity and good spirit so clearly present in all within the walls of the Ducal Manor, "Domus Salices." It was a Good and True thing to share the spirits within the Feast Horn amongst the people of Somerset and her good visitors. We toasted to all of Our People, those who could attend and those who could not and  to the Defenders of our Greater Land. There was some singing, much laughter, a great amount of feasting and fine presents were exchanged among the Gentle folk and Nobility, as well. Good people not seen in some time were given Hale Somerset Welcomes, We pray that Somerset will have the pleasure of your company again and Soon. Somersetian Stalwarts chanced with cards and Fair Fortuna smiled on most -- many groats were gained and lost, all did well and none suffered too greatly. And the food, the food! Here Providence Smiled: great succulent birds, roasted swine in rich wines, good golden pies stuffed with noble venison or mushrooms and cheeses and the sweet dishes for after -- Saints Preserve Us and Blessing on the Cooks!
       A Noble Feast appropriate to the Joy of the Season. The Aesculus Rex and His Fair Lady were witness to Light's Victory and pray that the Blessings of the Season be with you All. May the New Year be Bright and full of Joy. Vivat Somerset!
         Ansellus Dux Somersetian & Aesculus Rex of the Feast
                                                                                    + Dream No Small Dreams+
Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 1, 2014 at 1:19pm
Jun 21
 + Somnia Nulla Parva +
Salutations Somerset,
   My Lady, Her Grace and I will step down from the Thrones of Somerset this coming spring. We have taken great pleasure in Our time as your Duke and Duchess and are grateful for this gift You have given Us: Somerset is a truly Noble Duchy; rich lands, bountiful rivers, peace loving neighbors, and a people of Singularly Stout Heart. May Providence continue to Bless Our People and Our Lands. We are planning to retire to the Arcadia Court: a new domus and in the future a new family.
   Who among the True Hearts of Somerset, who among Her doughty Knights will step forward and accept the Burden and the Glory of the Crown? Stand tall and let your voice ring out! We and all of Somerset await your declaration: look within and answer your People's Call. Somerset Wants You! Be Bold! Be True!
       Ansellus Dux Somersetian
+ Dream No Small Dreams +
P.S. Declarations must be submitted the January 19th Collegium.
mark mowan(
Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on December 10, 2013 at 4:17pm

December 15th, Sunday
10503 Willow Creek Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46845
10:30 AM till the last toast
Somnia Nulla Parva
Good Greetings to Somerset & Her Neighbors, To You and Yours We wish the Happiest of Holidays,
    Yule is upon is! Soon the tyranny of darkness while fall before the Glory of Light! Come one, come all to Somerset's Celebration of the Solstice, The Festival of Lights (rather late this year my apologies) and the Birth of the Son. You are Welcome at Domus Salices, the Ducal Residence, at ten thirty in the morning this Sunday. There will be many toasts to our collective health, games and all manner of merriment. Come and sample the Guest Cup. Many have requested to bring desserts and this is good, we will see who brings the most delicious of delectables. Who will reign as the Sovereign of Sweet?
   If you wish, gifts will be exchanged, bring a gift below fifteen ducats worth and we will draw from the pool, exchange and do so again, until all gifts are given and received. 
    Come join the Court of the Aesculus Rex: eat, laugh and toast to your Cousins' heath, to new friends, to the Rise of Hope, to the Brave Maccabees, to the Christ Mass, to Light and Love! Waes Hael!
Ab Imo Pectore,
Ansellus Dux Somersetian on behalf of mark mowan (
Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on June 26, 2013 at 9:31am

Somnia NullaParva


   We were wish to announce a portentous, though not particularly potent, potable's presence at the impending proceeding this very Sunday. A fine dink from the lands of Lancaster known as, Cheerwine. Appropriate for all, for any who wish to try. Come enjoy the Cheerwine, draw arrows in the Sun, test your mettle with sword and spear and generally have a good time -- without getting bogged down. 
This Sunday the 23rd:

            Anvers' Keep at 10:30 in the morning

            Antwerp Conservation Club 

            17814 Road 53
             Antwerp OH 45813

Processions, Ducal Largess, inductions into Noble Orders, Squire's being made, races raced, delicious foods to fortify the body and camaraderie to build the soul!
Ab Imo Pectore,
          Ansellus DuxSomersetian

Remember, bring a friend -- first time guests attend for no cost.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on June 26, 2013 at 9:30am

Somnia NullaParva


Stout-Hearts of Somerset, Cousins, Friends and Allies, here are the remaining dates for Somerset Events this year:

      June 23rd  Midsummer at Antwerp Conservation Club, Ohio - known hereafter as Anvers Keep (details posted separately)
      July 28th at Anvers Keep
      August 11th at Anvers Keep
      September 22ndMichelmas at Anvers Keep
      October 27th at Anvers Keep

      November 17th at Morches Park Pavilion, Columbia City, Indiana - known as the Winter Hall of Columbanus
      December - the Ducal Residence, known as "DomusSalices," on a Sunday convenient to most.

Mark your calenders, make your plans, prepare yourselves in all manner of ways to attend the coming celebrations of Somerset. Join your Cousins and Friends in fellowship throughout the year!

Ab Imo Pectore,

          Ansellus DuxSomersetian

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on June 19, 2013 at 8:53am

On This Sunday, the 23rd of June
Somnia NullaParva


      Salutations Stout-Hearts of Somerset and all of Her Friends and Allies, AlbanHefin, Litha, Fêtede la Saint-Jean, Sankthansaften, Midsommardagen, Jashn-e Tiregân, Kupala, Sommersonnenwende ... Midsummer is almost upon us. On the Eve, We recommend tall, bright clean wood bonfires and no dallying in the deep woods, unless, of course, you are in good company. And to those who find the prized Fern Seed, Our heartiest congratulations. 
      On the fair day will honor the Wild Prophet with contests of steel and sinew, our arrows will vainly try to keep the Great Golden Disk from leaving the heavens too soon, our artisans will charm the very Muses from the sacred mountain, and we will stage chariot races for the Glory of Mighty Helios. To the victors will come Crowns and Glory, to those who strive, Honor.
       Last year, Our procurement agent promised Boudicca's own war chariot for the races but he failed Us. He was summarily sacked (and said sack was rolled down rather stony and steep hills again and again) but his brother, who seems more realistic sort, has supplied us with a different diversion this year. Rest assured Noble People, there will be races to honor the Sun and the Birth of John, for those who are Game.
      We will hold a High Court and take worthy individuals into our personal service: a Squire for Her Grace Constance and a Sven av Apen for Hertogi Ansel. Largese will be given to Our ministers and Good Gentles raised into Noble and Ancient Orders of Somerset and the Empire.
     The longest day of the year comes! The Oak King, having warred long and relentlessly with his foe stands Triumphant in His Glorious Golden Strength! A fine day, a Gold Day, a day of Light, one that should be celebrated with your Fair Cousins in Fairest Somerset in the luscious green meadows and cool, welcoming halls of the Keep of Anvers!
   Ab Imo Pectore,
          Ansellus Dux

                 This Sunday the 23rd of June

                 Antwerp Conservation Club (aka Anvers Keep)
                 17814 Road 53
                 Antwerp OH 45813


Members (18)


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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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