Linking your favorite traveling artists across the globe
Your natural-born attributes are no accident – they can be attributed to an ancient goddess whose energy prevailed at the time of your birth.
Just like astrology, goddess energy defines who you are and what your life purpose may be.
The time of day, year and even moon cycle influences our personalities, values and choices. Women born into the new energy of spring, for example, are Venus-inspired and are natural lovers. They can’t help swing those hips or flutter those eyelashes – Venus energy is impossible to resist.
Every action, thought, projection of self, and treatment of others is a reflection of your goddess sign.
For example, if you react to a boyfriend’s indiscretions by punishing the other woman, you are displaying Juno energies – she went to extraordinary lengths to avenge her husband’s concubines.
Or if you like to lay low and stay out of trouble, your ruling goddess is most likely to be Hestia – she only wants a simple, uncomplicated, enriching and contented life.
No matter whether you’re pleb or celeb, your goddess sign defines how you manage your choices and destinies.
Many attributes of life have been described in this book so you can see that no matter what the situation, understanding your goddess sign is one way to ensure you get through each day smiling.
Mar 21 – Apr 20: ATHENA
Powerful and zesty Athena is the beautiful warrior queen who stood guard over the ancient city of Athens. Born leaders, Athena-inspired women know no fear, or that’s the face they present to the world at least. They experience trouble with self-expression, resorting to politics and force to coerce a project off the ground. They can be tough, independent, clever and resourceful women, but they should not be afraid to ask for help if they need it, and more importantly, allow people to help them.
Do this: Wear a light blue stone such as Lapis Lazuli around your neck to help you find your voice.
Apr 21 – May 21: JUNO
Comfort, warmth and material security are the things that keep devoted wife Juno happy. Prepared to go to any lengths to protect theirrelationships, Juno-inspired women fight for the elements they want and deserve in order to preserve and enrich the home environment. They sometimes show an inclination for revenge on anyone who threatens the stable union or home life. Instead of feeling threatened by outside influences, Juno-women should instead strengthen the relationship from within themselves, focusing on loyalty, fidelity, intimacy, inter-dependence and mutual respect.
Do this: Repeat this affirmation: I am secure, safe, and open to love.
May 22 – Jun 21: PERSEPHONE
Vital and intelligent Persephone, erstwhile professional victim, was the innocent girl that was kidnapped to the underworld by Hades (yes, but was it really kidnap? Well, maybe, at first). Persephone-girls tend to be fickle, meaning “yes” when they say “no”. They secretly enjoy being the scapegoat and having their life in a shambles, and won’t do anything about it while they are really waiting for a rescuer to swoop in and save them. Persephone-girls should stop playing the drama queen and come up from the underworld – it is time to stop luxuriating in guilt and try honesty on for size.
Do this: Practise saying “yes”, and meaning it.
Jun 22 – Jul 23: DIANA
Powerful and protective, Diana is the Roman goddess of nature, fertility, children, providence and harvest. Finely tuned to their environment and the feelings of others, Diana-inspired women are hunted for their natural empathy and sensitivity. Deep down though, they want escape. They hunger for more than their daily routine, but can’t see their way past their busy lifestyle. Commitments and responsibilities make an escape (and “time out”) seem like an impossible dream. Diana-women should take time to look after their own need for love instead of always giving it away to others.
Do this: Take a stroll in a place with nature and pick up anything that catches your eye. Whether it’s a stone or a feather, keep it with you to keep you grounded.
Jul 24 – Aug 23: PELE
The bright and fiery Pele is the Hawaiian goddess whose spirit dwells inside the largest active volcano in Hawaii. Full of passionate energy, Pele gals love being the centre of attention and the life of the party. Their well developed ego is a mask, however, for the nagging feeling that their energy is being misdirected. They work so hard for the attention and admiration from other people, they allow flattery to interfere with their otherwise balanced judgement. Pele-inspired women should cut their losses and work to channel their energy in a more rewarding way.
Do this: Stare at a yellow stone and visualise what you really want to happen. Repeat this until it becomes habit, and habit becomes manifested reality.
Aug 24 – Sep 23: HESTIA
Goddess of household abundance and well-being, Hestia energises the home with a welcoming energy, healthy food and comfort. As such, she is a creature of habit and organisation, purity, sincerity, sanctity and safety. But just as the ancient goddess Hestia is depicted in a pose of immobility, so too are her women immobilised by their own habits and need for organisation – simply, they may feel like they are “stuck in a rut.” Their convictions keep them so absorbed in their work, they can’t imagine living any other way. They need to ask themselves, “What’s the self-sacrifice for?” and break from their obsessive patterns.
Do this: Think of something spontaneous and daring. Take that leap of faith, and just do it.
Sep 24 – Oct 23: VENUS
The perfect lover, Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty. She rules over a woman’s sense of style and her appreciation for acts of love, pleasure and romance. Venus-born women find it difficult not to walk with a sassy step as they search for heady relationships, friendships and social acceptance. In their quest for perfection they are prone to self-criticism, forgetting the aura they exude is the aura they attract. And though they are insightful leaders, they can blur the line between business and pleasure, which can result in diminished professional success. Venus women should revel in their playful character and strong personality, but keep it appropriate to each situation.
Do this: Be a magnet for positive energy and smile at everyone today.
Oct 24 – Nov 22: MEDUSA:
Archetypal Amazon warrior, Medusa was a beautiful African queen who defended the freedom of her family, friends and territory with a fierce passion. She represents courage, strength and an abiding patience in seeking vengeance for wrong doings. Medusa women need to be careful they don’t become obsessed with bearing a grudge though, or they will emulate their namesake after her face became frozen with rage and her hair a seething tangle of snakes. By articulating hurt or feelings of betrayal, Medusa women can remain in control of creative expression rather than physical destruction.
Do this: Sing in the shower and release pent-up feelings of anger out through your voice.
Nov 23 – Dec 21: RHIANNON
A maiden of ethereal beauty, Rhiannon was the Welsh goddess of fertility and rebirth, transformation, wisdom, and magic. She was born with the first moonrise, embedding her with an inner urge for adventure and travel. As such, she rode her unearthly white mare between this world and the Underworld to satisfy her thirst for discovery. Rhiannon-inspired women can be so focused on the horizon, they forget about being sensitive to those around them. They could learn a little tact occasionally, and anticipate others’ needs rather than waiting for them to ask.
Do this: Identify someone who needs your help, and assist them without thought of payment or thanks.
Dec 22 – Jan 20: DEMETER
In Greek mythology, Demeter is the goddess of the harvest. When her daughter Persephone was abducted by Hades, Demeter’s search took her on the path of poverty, abuse and eventually madness. It is typical of Demeter-inspired women to put the perceived needs of others first, at the expense of their own well being. They aspire to champion a cause in spectacular style, but tend to “smother” (as opposed to “mother”) the project they feel responsible for. They are better off ignoring their ingrained sense of frugality and self sacrifice and concentrate instead on cultivating things that make them happiest – children, herbs, or a comfortable home, for example.
Do this: Burnout is not your goal. Carry rose quartz to give some love back to yourself.
Jan 21 – Feb 19: HATHOR
Patron of dancers, mother of the gypsies, Hathor is the ancient Queen of Heaven. Hathor-inspired women have the gift of shape-shifting – the ability to transform themselves from a woman crippled with anxiety to a creature shining with light and radiance. In fact, it is a gift they use often in their quest for reinvention. They are constantly seeking new and fresh inspiration, which does not always sit well with more grounded people. With each new manifestation, they need to spare a thought for those they leave behind – not everyone is flexible with changing natures.
Do this: List five personality traits that you want to be remembered for when you die. Then live them, every day.
Feb 20 – Mar 20: OSHUN
Mother of rivers and the bloodstream, Oshun is the Nigerian goddess of universal love and sensuality. Oshun women are as flexible and predictable as the tides, being generous with their time for themselves during an “ebb”, and for others during a “flow”. They “go with the flow” of their instincts in order to find inner tranquility, but can lose sight of the real world in doing so. Sometimes it would be healthy for them stop drifting along without direction or intent, and instead to find a place where they can simply be.
Do this: Float on a still lake or pool but keep one foot anchored on the edge.
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
Skype: Travelingraggyman
Email and Instant Messenger:
TravelerinBDFSM @ aol/aim; hotmail;; live & yahoo
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5,000 votes - Gold Award
2,500 votes - Silver Award
1,000 votes - Bronze Award
300 votes - Pewter Award
100 votes - Copper Award
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
© 2025 Created by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler.
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