Matches With Virgo

The following are zodiac sun sign comparisons for Virgo the Virgin. How do the signs of the zodiac get along with Virgo? Who is a match for Virgo, and why? These interpretations are written with romantic relationships in mind


Honesty and a desire for the unadorned truth are virtues you both possess and value, though VIRGO takes ARIES's honest criticism better than ARIES takes VIRGO's.

Some very basic differences in your makeup can make you uncomfortable with each other at times: ARIES tends to throw caution to the wind, while VIRGO worries a great deal if all details are not taken care of first. ARIES acts NOW, on impulse and intuition, while VIRGO wants to think carefully and study the fine print first.

VIRGO is the more self-analytical of the two of you and ARIES is likely to be impatient with this at times. VIRGO also tends to be more giving, and may get into the role of assistant or "servant" to ARIES. Both of you need to make a lot of adjustments in order to accommodate the differences between you. However, you can certainly learn from each other, and the differences in your personalities can be very attractive to you both.


You are very harmonious together and very helpful to one another. You are both very practical people and you work effectively as partners, in work or in marriage. You can build a rich and rewarding life together, for you are able to completely devote yourselves to one another (and your children if you have any).

TAURUS is steadier emotionally than VIRGO is, and VIRGO appreciates TAURUS's consistent nurturing, healing, and soothing qualities. You share a great interest in food; VIRGO is especially concerned with nutrition and is somewhat fastidious, while TAURUS just thoroughly enjoys it!

This is likely to be a long-lasting relationship.


The two of you are both intellectual creatures, more rational than emotional, and you have a good mental rapport. You both love to talk and you appreciate one another's wit. VIRGO, however, has a more practical, down-to-earth turn of mind, while GEMINI just enjoys playing with ideas, without needing a purpose or practical application for them. GEMINI is also more of a risk-taker and will gladly do something once "just for the experience" while VIRGO is more careful, cautious, and discriminating. For the most part, however, you understand each other well, and can be quite compatible.


Both of you are inclined to mood changes that, at times, can irritate each other. For example, CANCER experiences periods of melancholy, tenderness, concern, worry, nostalgia and sentimentality, which VIRGO may not understand or sympathize with. VIRGO can suddenly become irritated and irascible over minor annoyances, and at such times, is capable of intense sarcasm and criticism, which can be extremely disconcerting to CANCER's tender, sensitive feelings. VIRGO must be prudent, and CANCER must strive to be forgiving when things go a little awry. However, you are both capable of enormous devotion to one another (and to your children if you have them), and taking care of one another comes naturally to you.


You two are very different! VIRGO is more modest, self-effacing, shy, and unobtrusive than LEO, who craves social approval, recognition, love, and applause. LEO tends to step into the limelight and outshine or overpower VIRGO. VIRGO is more emotionally self-sufficient than LEO is, and may not give LEO all of the "strokes" and appreciation LEO wants.

VIRGO also has a tendency to become fussy and particular, and these fits of perfectionism can have disastrous consequences when the target of VIRGO's critical eye is LEO. LEO is particularly sensitive to criticism and tends to interpret VIRGO's "constructive criticism" as a personal attack. VIRGO is more analytical and psychologically astute than LEO, who may not appreciate being "picked apart" or psychologically analyzed by VIRGO! Another problem in this relationship is that LEO may take for granted much of the work and assistance that VIRGO provides.


Both of you are prone to have fits of perfectionism, and at such times you are extremely critical and difficult to please. You may vacillate between extreme neatness and sloppiness, or be very particular about some things but very casual or even sloppy in handling other areas of life. Because each of you has an eye for detail and can be very skilled and exacting when you put your mind to it, you have the potential to work together very well in any area that requires extreme care and attention. There is the problem, however, that your combined perfectionism may make both of you dissatisfied with anything that you attempt. Both of you like to express your love for someone by doing practical things for that person, and both of you enjoy helping out with daily chores and various tasks. The similarity in your traits makes you a well-matched couple.


LIBRA loves company and can talk endlessly with friends, and loves to hear others' experiences and thoughts on any subject. LIBRA is very accepting of different points of view and is disinclined to judge or even clearly evaluate what others say. VIRGO, on the other hand, loves to analyze and criticize, and is intolerant of illogical or erroneous thinking. VIRGO is more demanding of others and confronts others when necessary. LIBRA finds these confrontations extremely uncomfortable and often embarrassing. VIRGO is much more exacting and demanding in all areas of life. At worst, VIRGO can view LIBRA as wishy-washy, and LIBRA can view VIRGO as prim and intolerant, but hopefully your appreciation of each other is much better than this! At best, your different natures can complement each other without annoying each other.


Your essential natures are compatible, as both of you share a certain level of practicality, the need to analyze and dissect people and life, and a rather introspective approach to life's challenges. There are times, however, when SCORPIO strides fearlessly into a challenging situation, and VIRGO feels much more cautious and careful. SCORPIO may consider VIRGO to be too timid, and VIRGO may feel that SCORPIO lacks prudence. There are also many situations where SCORPIO is more stubborn and persevering than VIRGO. SCORPIO may view VIRGO's lack of commitment and dedication to a single purpose to be a sign of weakness. There is also the possibility that VIRGO will view SCORPIO as being a bit crude, too passionate or emotionally attached to certain situations or ideas. VIRGO has refined sensitivities and sometimes literally doesn't like to get "dirty hands", while SCORPIO is more primitive, raw, and unsqueamish. You both need to strive to harmonize your different natures and not antagonize each other, but the chances of doing so are very high, as you both sense in one another a generally compatible attitude towards life.


While VIRGO tends to focus on the trees, SAGITTARIUS is interested in the forest. Very often VIRGO points out problems with specific details of any situation, while SAGITTARIUS would rather discuss the overall, general outlook rather than the practical details. These different approaches can balance each other. They are also likely to conflict with each other at times, especially when SAGITTARIUS feels that the details will take care of themselves and VIRGO should simply have more faith in the process. VIRGO can be guilty of spending so much time criticizing the details that the overall goal of an otherwise excellent plan is missed. SAGITTARIUS, on the other hand, may need VIRGO's detailed analysis but not be willing to admit it.

Positively, you can work together with SAGITTARIUS providing a great deal of vision and enterprise, and VIRGO providing a great deal of practical advice, expertise, and skill. However, it is inevitable that SAGITTARIUS will feel annoyed with VIRGO's pettiness and criticism at times, and VIRGO will feel frustrated by SAGITTARIUS's sloppiness of thought or behavior. Much humor, tolerance, and awareness of your legitimate differences will be needed to work these problems through.


Both of you are very practical, well-grounded people. You are responsible, trustworthy, and mature as well. CAPRICORN is a little more inclined to develop a strategy and plan for success, and have a practical scheme for advancing in career, while VIRGO tends to rely more on practical skills and personal talents. VIRGO enjoys providing a clear, tangible service to others. Your energies blend together well, and you can be a very effective team in business affairs and practical undertakings. It is possible that your relationship will be a bit dry or mundane, particularly if the romantic and/or sexual connections between you are not very strong. The joy, color, and light side of life may be missing.


Although you approach problems and ideas from different perspectives, you have a good mental rapport. VIRGO focuses on specific details, and prefers to specialize in a certain area, while AQUARIUS takes a wider, more global view and looks for interrelationships in a large system, without as much focus on any particular area of specialization. VIRGO is more concerned with effective and precise application of plans, and helps AQUARIUS to practically apply ideas. You make a good team in social or intellectual pursuits. Your relationship may be a bit cool or formal, however, and hopefully there are other astrological factors (as described elsewhere in this report) to provide warmth, affection, and romantic or sexual attraction.


While VIRGO is very uncomfortable with ambiguity and is always categorizing and organizing life into clearly defined compartments, PISCES is quite content to absorb lots of seemingly contradictory ideas without having an urgent need to reconcile them. VIRGO likes to carve out an area of life and specialize in it, developing skill and expertise in this well-defined domain, whereas PISCES tends to drift among a wider variety of interests. VIRGO likes a neat, tidy, orderly environment, whereas PISCES's natural habitat is cluttered, sloppy, even chaotic to an outside observer. PISCES is more poetic while VIRGO is more comfortable in the world of facts. Your differences do not necessarily conflict with each other and there is a good possibility that you will appreciate and understand each other sufficiently to harmonize well. Neither of you is extremely ambitious or egocentric; both are gentle, even shy people, and your sensitivity is a plus in this relationship.

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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