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Horary Astrology
Horary astrology is the asking of questions and obtaining answers by consulting a chart set for the time, date and location of the querent. The name of horary comes from the Greek "hora" - an hour and means "of the hour". The chart is set for the moment of "birth" of a question. Generally only the traditional seven planets are used (Sun through to Saturn) although if the other three outer planets are prominent, they shouldn't be ignored. The answer to the question is obtained by observation of the strengths and positions of the planets, and by the aspects they make. Arabic parts, antiscions and maybe a few fixed stars are used to give additional information or to provide a more helpful answer. With horary astrology it is like having another toolbox of additional tools and gadgets. Some of these tools may not be that useful on their own, but when used in conjunction with the main tools, they can add some rather intricate detail to the object.
Much can be learned about general, traditional astrology by practising with horary charts. Horary, because of its nature, is more precise and detailed. The different techniques involved can be applied to a birthchart for greater insight into the understanding of the life's path, but in a more mundane way rather than psychological.
Two major contributors to horary astrology were William Lilly, known as the authority of Horary, and John Dee. Another was John Gadbury, a former student of Lilly's. Lilly wrote a book on the subject in three volumes entitled "Christian Astrology" (1647) and it is to this day the "bible" of horary for many astrologers. Much earlier than Lilly were the works of Ptolemy and his teachings are most often the basis of the work of later astrologers.
The Question
needs to be specific. If it is not then the answer may be much more difficult to arrive at with any certainty. Questions that can be answered with a straightforward yes or no are of course the best to judge and you may find additional information appertaining to it.
Considerations before Judgment and the Strictures
Planetary Hour
- The Lord of the hour should be of the same triplicity or nature as the Lord of the Ascendant
The chart is not fit to judge if the following apply:
Early Degrees of Ascending Sign
- 00-02 degrees (too early to render a judgement as more on the matter has yet to come to light)
Late Degrees of Ascending Sign
- 27-29 degrees (said to be past judging, i.e. that the querent probably already knows the answer)
7th House
- contains Saturn or is its ruler. The seventh house governs those we have relations with in whatever capacity and Saturn is the greater malefic.
Moon in Late Degrees of a Sign
- 27-29 degrees
Moon in the Via Combusta
- last 15 degrees of Libra and first 15 degrees of Scorpio
Void of Course Moon
- when the moon will make no major aspects before leaving the sign it is in. Its interpretation is that nothing will happen in respect of the question asked. The exceptions to this, which are only applied if the chart generally looks promising, are if the moon is in Cancer or Taurus (its dignity and exaltation and therefore strong) or in Sagittarius or Pisces (the exaltation of the benefics Jupiter and Venus).
If the horoscope passes these considerations it is said to be Radical (fit to be judged). However, not all of the strictures are actually used now and there were more. Lilly himself, although propounding these strictures, does not appear to have adhered to them all. The main ones used today are the Void of Course Moon and the Moon in the Via Combusta, and often the early or late degrees ascending. Lilly said of the early or late degrees of the ascending sign that it was still safe to judge if the querent's natal ascendant is of those degrees.
The main significators in horary are:
The Lord of the Ascendant
- ruling planet of the sign on the ascendant/cusp of the 1st house. This planet will be the significator of the querent (the person asking the question).
The Lord of the House
- ruling planet of the sign on the cusp of the house which governs the nature of the question asked. This planet will be the significator of the quesited.
Any other planet
which naturally represents a subject or object quesited.
The Moon
- as it shows by its movement the making of aspects to the planets and therefore what is happening or about to happen. The Moon is also co-significator of the querent except when it is on the cusp of the house of the quesited, i.e. Cancer
The Houses
in horary govern much the same things as in traditional astrology. However, some things are only likely to be relevant to the art of horary. I intend to include some kind of list here soon.
The Signs
in horary astrology are ruled by their traditional rulers, using the original seven planets.
Sign |
Traditional Ruler |
Sign |
Traditional Ruler |
Aries |
Mars |
Libra |
Venus |
Taurus |
Venus |
Scorpio |
Mars |
Gemini |
Mercury |
Sagittarius |
Jupiter |
Cancer |
Moon |
Capricorn |
Saturn |
Leo |
Sun |
Aquarius |
Saturn |
Virgo |
Mercury |
Pisces |
Jupiter |
The Planets
- are benefic, malefic or neutral. These labels do not apply to the planet representing the querent or the quesited however. The benefics are Jupiter (the greater benefic) and Venus (the lesser benefic). The malefics are Saturn (the Greater Malefic) and Mars (the lesser malefic). The neutral planets are the sun, moon and mercury. The sun is usually neutral but not always.
The Strength of the Planets depends on whether they are in or have:
Essential Dignities
- a planet in the sign that it rules
- a planet in the sign where it is strong - this can act like an exaggeration
- a planet in the sign that is opposite to the one it rules
- a planet in the sign that is opposite its exaltation
Planet |
Dignity |
Exaltation |
Detriment |
Fall |
Sun |
Leo |
Aries |
Aquarius |
Libra |
Moon |
Cancer |
Taurus |
Capricorn |
Scorpio |
Mercury |
Gemini & Virgo |
Virgo |
Sagittarius |
Pisces |
Venus |
Taurus & Libra |
Pisces |
Aries |
Virgo |
Mars |
Aries & Scorpio |
Capricorn |
Libra |
Cancer |
Jupiter |
Sagittarius & Pisces |
Cancer |
Gemini |
Capricorn |
Saturn |
Capricorn & Aquarius |
Libra |
Cancer |
Aries |
- five unequal portions within a sign, each portion being ruled by a different planet
Sign |
Terms (Planets between degrees) |
Aries |
0 Jupiter 6 Venus 14 Mercury 21 Mars 26 Saturn 30 |
Taurus |
0 Venus 8 Mercury 15 Jupiter 22 Saturn 26 Mars 30 |
Gemini |
0 Mercury 7 Jupiter 14 Venus 21 Saturn 25 Mars 30 |
Cancer |
0 Mars 6 Jupiter 13 Mercury 20 Venus 27 Saturn 30 |
Leo |
0 Saturn 6 Mercury 13 Venus 19 Jupiter 25 Mars 30 |
Virgo |
0 Mercury 7 Venus 13 Jupiter 18 Saturn 24 Mars 30 |
Libra |
0 Saturn 6 Venus 11 Jupiter 19 Mercury 24 Mars 30 |
Scorpio |
0 Mars 6 Jupiter 14 Venus 21 Mercury 27 Saturn 30 |
Sagittarius |
0 Jupiter 8 Venus 14 Mercury 19 Saturn 25 Mars 30 |
Capricorn |
0 Venus 6 Mercury 12 Jupiter 19 Jupiter 25 Saturn 30 |
Aquarius |
0 Saturn 6 Mercury 12 Venus 20 Jupiter 25 Mars 30 |
Pisces |
0 Venus 8 Jupiter 14 Mercury 20 Mars 26 Saturn 30 |
- a planet being in the decan in which it is strong of a sign. Each sign is divided into three faces or decans of ten degrees. This is the weakest of all the dignities
Degrees: |
00-09 |
10-19 |
20-29 |
Degrees: |
00-09 |
10-19 |
20-29 |
Aries |
Mars |
Sun |
Venus |
Libra |
Moon |
Saturn |
Jupiter |
Taurus |
Mercury |
Moon |
Saturn |
Scorpio |
Mars |
Sun |
Venus |
Gemini |
Jupiter |
Mars |
Sun |
Sagittarius |
Mercury |
Moon |
Saturn |
Cancer |
Venus |
Mercury |
Moon |
Capricorn |
Jupiter |
Mars |
Sun |
Leo |
Saturn |
Jupiter |
Mars |
Aquarius |
Venus |
Mercury |
Moon |
Virgo |
Sun |
Venus |
Mercury |
Pisces |
Saturn |
Jupiter |
Mars |
Accidental Dignity
- a planet strengthened by house placement or by aspect to a benefic (Jupiter or Venus) or conjunct a benefic fixed star, or cazimi.
Accidental Debility
- a planet weakened by house placement or by aspect to a malefic (Saturn or Mars) or conjunct a malefic fixed star, or combust or under the sunbeams.
Other factors concerning the strength of the Planets
- the apparent backward motion of a planet as seen from the earth, therefore weakening the planet
- a planet without any essential dignity, wandering aimlessly around and very weak
- a planet within 17 minutes of conjunction to the sun, "in the heart of the sun". This position is one of strength
- a planet too close to the sun, within the usual orb of 8 degrees or less, so as to burn up in the heat and is therefore seriously weakened
Under the Sunbeams
- a planet in the same sign as the sun and within 17 degrees of it. This makes the planet slightly weakened.
Mutual Reception
- is when one planet occupies the sign of dignity of another and the planet whose dignity it is occupies the sign of dignity of the former planet. E.g. Mars being in Libra and Venus being in Aries - they are each in the other's dignity. This is very favourable, as there is a mutual interest in the other, but must also be taken in the context of the planets involved.
Translation of Light
- a fast moving planet separating in aspect from one planet to apply to another planet, (like a lighting technician having just shone the spotlight on one actor and now moving it to shine it on the next.). Two planets that may not have been in aspect to one another or were separating from aspect, being brought together by a third party.
Triplicities and their Rulers
Element |
Day |
Night |
Fire : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius |
Sun |
Jupiter |
Earth : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn |
Venus |
Moon |
Air : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius |
Saturn |
Mercury |
Water : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces |
Mars |
Mars |
- only the major aspects are used in horary - the conjunction, trine, sextile, opposition, square
Applying Aspects - show what is about to happen
Separating Aspects - show what has already happened
- the shadow of a planet. Antiscia are also known as solstice points. Antiscia are arrived at by reflection of the axis of the solstices, which is a line from 0 degrees Cancer to 0 degrees Capricorn. The antiscion of a planet is regarded as if it is actually placed there. The opposition to this placing is known as the contrantiscion. Antiscia are used not only for planets, but for house cusps and Arabic Parts too. The degree of orb allowed is tight being just one to one and a half degrees at most. As an example, by reflection, a planet posited at 5 degrees Aries will have its antiscion at 25 degrees Virgo.
Sign |
Antiscion Sign |
Sign |
Antiscion Sign |
Aries |
Virgo |
Libra |
Pisces |
Taurus |
Leo |
Scorpio |
Aquarius |
Gemini |
Cancer |
Sagittarius |
Capricorn |
Cancer |
Gemini |
Capricorn |
Sagittarius |
Leo |
Taurus |
Aquarius |
Scorpio |
Virgo |
Aries |
Pisces |
Libra |
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
Skype: Travelingraggyman
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
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