Sacred Sabbat Oils by Ayla
Sacred Sabbat Oils
Always use clean, dark glass bottles for oil. Keep in a cool, dark place for storage as light can break down oils. Add essentioal oils first, swirl gently to blend, then pour the base oils (almond, olive, etc.) into the bottle. Put the cover on and roll the bottle between your palms to mix the oils together. Then uncap and add the herbs and crystals. Be sure to clean, clear and charge all crystals and herbs before adding them to the finished oils. Label the bottle with the name of the oil, time, date, day, moon phase, and sign with water-proof, acid-free ink.
Imbolc Oil
5 drops frankincense
5 drops rosemary
3 drops cinnamon
2 drops sandalwood
1/2 oz almond oil
Add a piece of rowan and a small hematite, garnet, and clear quartz crystal. A spicy, sunny scent for awakening the earth.
Ostara Oil
5 drops lavender
5 drops jasmine
5 drops patchouli
5 drops rose
1/2 oz olive oil
Add a lavender bud and small lapis lazuli, rose, and clear quartz crystals. This has the gently smell of spring beginning to blossom. Very lovely!
Beltane Oil
5 drops frankincense
3 drops rose
3 drops sandalwood
2 drops neroli
2 drops jasmine
1/2 oz apricot oil
Add apiece of sweet woodruff and rosebud with rose quartz and garnet crystals. A very sensual, sexy, summer smell!
Midsummer Oil
5 drops lavender
4 drops rosemary
4 drops rose
1/2 oz sunflower oil
Add a piece of dried vervain, a small citrine, clear quartz crystal, and a sprinkle of gold glitter. So magical and beautiful!
Lammas Oil
5 drops frankincense
5 drops rose
5 drops yarrow
1/2 oz grapeseed oil
Add a piece of wheat and a blackberry leaf with a cat's-eye, citrine, and moss agate crystals. A very special oil for anointing the handle of your bread knife and your candles.
Mabon Oil
3 drops frankincense
3 drops pine
3 drops juniper
3 drops rosemary
2 drops sandalwood
1/2 oz corn, hazelnut, or almond oil
Add a piece of dried oak leaf or small acorn with amber, aventurine, and clear quartz crystals. A warm, calming oil that reminds me of cool, crisp days raking leaves and walking through forests in the fall.
Samhain Oil
3 drops cedarwood
3 drops clove
3 drops frankincense
3 drops patchouli
3 drops rosemary
1/2 sunflower or grapeseed oil
Add a piece of dried marigold and three dried pumpkin seeds with obsidian, amber, and ruby crystals. THis is a light and dark oil that captures all the mystery and ambience of this special night of meditation.
Yule Oil
4 drops pine
3 drops cedarwood
3 drops cinnamon
2 drops frankincense
2 drops juniper
1/2 oz almond oil
Add a pinch of dried pine needles from your tree with garnet, green tourmaline, and clear quartz crystals. A great Yule tree smell with the hint of log fires and spicy pomanders!
Yule (Christmas)
2 drops of each Cinnamon and Clove oil, 1 drop of mandarin oil,1 drop of popine oil and 2 drops each frankincense and Myrrh oil.
2 drops each jasmine, rose, chamomile, lemon, and lavender.
Spring Equinox
4 drops lavender, 2 drops each apple, pear, peach oil, 1 drop each thyme, marjoram and elder oils.
Beltane (May Day)
5 drops rose oil, 2 drops Dragon's blood, 3 drops coriander oil. (use almond oil as a base here)
4 drops lavender oil, 3 drops Rosemary oil, 1 drop Pine Oil. (Use Sunflower oil as your base here)
2 drops peppermint oil, 3 drops elder oil, 1 drop fir oil, 1 drop hazlenut oil (Use corn oil as a base here)
4 drops each Rosemary and Frankincense oil, 2 drops apple oil, 1 drop chamomile oil. (Use almond oil as a base here)
Samhain (Halloween)
3 drops each Rosemary, Pine, Bay and apple oil, + 2 drops Patchouli oil
Imbolc Oil
Blend a batch of Imbolc oil for your late winter rituals and ceremonies.
Image © Patti Wigington 2008
This oil blend combines Ginger, Clove and Rosemary, representing the elements of fire, with Cypress, associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius. To make Imbolc Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
- 3 drops Ginger
- 2 drops Clove
- 1 drop Rosemary
- 1 drop Cypress
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Sabbat Oils by Christine
Beltane Oil
4 drops Lily Of The Valley Oil
2 drops Violet Oil
2 drops Honeysuckle Oil
Pinch of Lemon Balm
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Lughnassadh (Lammas) Oil
1 part Sunflower Oil
1 part Hazelnut Oil
1 part Heliotrope Oil
1 part Fir Oil
1 part Basil Oil
1 part Rose Oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Mabon Oil
1 part Hazelnut Oil
1 part Almond Oil
1 part Crushed Walnut Shell
Pinch of Marigold Leaves
Mix in jar and anoint on altar and candles.
Ostara Oil
1 part Almond Oil
1 part Violet Oil
1 part Elder Oil
1 part Patchouli Oil
1 part Lavendar Oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Litha (Midsummer) Oil
1 part Hazelnut Oil
1 part Elder Oil
1 part Lavender Oil
1 part Rosemary Oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Samhain Oil
4 drops Pine Oil
2 drops Frankincense oil
2 drops Patchouli oil
2 drops Lavender oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Yule Oil
1 part Pine Oil
1 part Fir Oil
5 part Almond Oil
1 cinnamon stick
1 drop Musk Oil
4 Cloves
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Imbolc Oil
* 3 drops Ginger
* 2 drops Clove
* 1 drop Rosemary
* 1 drop Cypress
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles