Linking your favorite traveling artists across the globe
Time: January 4, 2015 to January 6, 2015
Location: in the Sky above
Event Type: full, moon, esbat
Organized By: the Universe
Latest Activity: Jan 17, 2014
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Wolf Moon This full Moon appeared when wolves howled in hunger outside the villages. It is also known as the Old Moon. To some Native American tribes, this was the Snow Moon, but most applied that name to the next full Moon, in February... Prime Monday, 5 January 2015, 05:53:18 am
Time specified in Central European Time (CET) or Summer Time (CEST)
Eyes of the Wolf Spell
(Wolf Moon)
As the first full moon after the winter solstice or Yule, the Wolf Moon is one of the most important of the high moons. A full moon occurs when the sun and the moon are aligned on opposite sides of the earth. This alignment of the two celestial bodies has a strong effect on the earth. This alignment of the two celestial bodies has a strong effect on the earth, producing a time when energy is high. This is why full moon rituals can be incredibly powerful times for doing magick.
When looking through the eyes of the wolf, the idea is to perceive the true nature of people, events and experiences. Expand your perception and awareness using the instincts of the wolf. The wolf is part of a pack that use their knowledge and wits to survive a time when the earth is cold and barren.
This is also when new patterns are conceived, setting the stage for what is to come. This is also the ideal time for foretelling the future, clairvoyance, and divination practices.
At midnight, begin by drawing a circle of light. This is done by standing at your altar and pounding the stick end of your wand on the altar nine times. Pick up you athame and point it toward the north point of your circle. Starting and ending in the north, draw a magickal circle of light clockwise around the circle. Next, call in the elements of earth, air, fire and water.
Standing in the middle of the circle, call in the powers of the wolf:
“On this full moon night at this hour
I call now upon the ancient animal powers
To guide me in the ways of the wolf
Where instinct and wit prevail
Through darkness, wind, rain and hail
I am the wolf, the wolf is me
So be it! Blessed be!
As you enjoy your evening, imagine seeing through the eyes of the wolf. Imagine dreaming with the eyes of the wolf. In the morning pull up the circle and thank the elements. Also than the wolf for its guidance and power.
Sweet Success Moon Potion
(Wolf Moon)
You will need a vanilla tea bag, three drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.
Begin by brewing the vanilla tea and letting it steep for a few minutes. Add the three drops of lemon juice while saying the following:
One drop, two drops, and one more, makes three May sourness never get the best of me.
Add the teaspoon of honey while saying:
With this spoonful of honey,
I bring sweet success to me.
As you drink the cup of tea, review in your mind all of the successes that you hope to have in the coming year. Envision each of your magickal patterns as coming to fruition and being highly successful. Taste the sweetness of the honey and let it be a prequel to the sweet success to come. Repeat to yourself:
Sweet success, come to me
By the Lady, blessed be!
Wolf Moon Ritual Oil
Use this oil to induce insightful and blessed dreams.
To make this ritual oil you will need a small cup, two teaspoons of olive oil, lavender oil, clary sage oil, and vanilla oil.
Make this mixture just before you go to sleep. Begin by putting two teaspoons of olive oil in a small cup. As you add four drops of lavender oil, say:
Wolf Moon oil bless me with power and insight.
Next, add two drops of clary sage oil while saying:
Divine dream oil empower me with blessed dreams.
Now, add two drops of vanilla oil, and say:
Divine dream oil empower me with sweet dreams.
Conclude by mixing the oil with the fingers of your power hand (right hand if you are right-handed) and chant several times:
Divine dream oil empower me with blessed dreams.
Rub the oil into the front and back of your neck, and into your wrists and ankles. As you rub the oil into your skin, chant:
Divine dream oil empower me with blessed dreams.
While drifting to sleep, repeat to yourself:
Sweet dreams, blessed be!
When you awaken, write down everything you recall from your dreams in your journal.
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Tonight is the first Full Moon of the year. Called The Wolf Moon as this is a time when wolves would howl at the Moon in hunger outside towns and villages. It is also known as the Hunger Moon and the Cold Moon.
This Full Moon could be quite emotional as it is in the watery, emotional sign of Cancer which is in fact ruled by the Moon. Full Moons tend to bring things to a head and whatever may have been bubbling below the surface over the course of the previous couple of weeks will have a tendency to burst out into the open as the Moon reaches its peak. This Moon could well bring up some strong emotions based on old patterns formed when we were very young. Patterns that we keep doing that lead us in the wrong direction, it is time to look at these patterns and try to break them so we don't keep making the same mistakes.
This is a time to gain control of our emotions, making sense of them and how they might be ruling us. This Full Moon provides us with an opportunity to recognize and release old, outworn behavioral patterns that no longer serve us in our relationships. Dig beneath the surface and discover what holds us back from real trust and intimacy within our relationships. During this Moon it is gently urging us to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and reveal how we truly feel, deep inside. The truth of it, not the sugar coating and to deal with any issues head on.
Use the energy of Full Moon to reinvigorate and re energize ourselves. We have a long year ahead of us, ask yourself what it is you want to achieve and what needs done. Are you looking for a new job, want a relationship, need money, lose weight. Whatever it is think about how it can be achieved and think about putting these steps into action.
Let yourself be free to float upon the waters of restoration and healing now. The illumination from the Full Moon in Cancer potentially brings you in touch with compassion and nurturing so that it benefits you and all aspects of your life and relationships. Let the Moons energy heal you and bring you back to what is important to you.
Have a blessed Full Moon and may the Goddess watch over you.
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
© 2025 Created by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler.
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