Wandering Knowledge

History thoughts beliefs and ways. Of the wondering cultures of the world, much is not known. But they had so much to offer that has been lost among the ages. Here we gather a little to hold, learn, and cherish

The Love Pendulum

The pendulum can be used for many things: finding lost objects, discovering hidden treasures, divining water, communicating with spirits of the dead, diagnosing illness and prescribing medicine...all these and more. Gypsies use the pendulum quite a lot. One of the uses to which they put it is in determining whether or not a particular lover is the right one for you.

The pendulum itself should be a ring suspended on a length of red silk thread or ribbon. Many girls use their mother's wedding band for the ring. The only other thing you need is a connection with the one you are wondering about. This can be an article of his or her clothing, a handkerchief, a watch, ring, or other piece of jewelry, a photograph, or anything similar that has a direct link with the person.

Simply sit with the object, photograph, or whatever in front of you and hold the pendulum over it. It doesn't matter whether or not your elbow rests on the table, but hold the thread so that the ring is suspended about an inch or so above the object. Allow seven inches of the thread between your fingers and the ring.

Concentrate your thoughts on the person you are wondering about. Is he/she the right one for you? Think of all their good qualities, and their bad. Then say:

Av, ml Romani mal,
Pawdel dur chumbas.
Av kitane mansa?

This little verse in Romanes (the Gypsy language) can be roughly translated as "Come my Gypsy friend, over the hills so far away. Will you come along with me?" Repeat it, saying it three times in all.

As you say the verse the pendulum will start to swing. If it swings backwards and forwards, towards you and away from you, then it means "yes," that person is the right one for you. But if it swings from side to side, across you, then it means "no," they are not right for you. With some people the pendulum may swing in a circle, rather than backwards and forwards. If it does, then clockwise means "Yes" and counterclockwise means "no".