Wandering Knowledge

History thoughts beliefs and ways. Of the wondering cultures of the world, much is not known. But they had so much to offer that has been lost among the ages. Here we gather a little to hold, learn, and cherish

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  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    This is an old Gypsy good heath charm;

    You will need to obtain a scrap of blue velvet cut either into a square or a circle as it will then become a little pouch for the following;
    a length of scarlet red ribbon
    some tea leaves
    a sprig of lavender
    a piece of ginger
    a pinch of rock salt
    a clove a drop of camphor oil
    Lay your piece of velvet flat and place all your ingredients in the centre, as you place each ingredient visualize it infusing its health properties into to the pouch. Tie it into a pouch with the leftover ribbon tie it to your bed post. Each morning as you wake hold the charm to your face, breath in its magickal properties and thank the earth for its gift to you. Gypsies say that this kept them healthy.
    Blessed Be
    ~Iron Queen~

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Urgent Money Spell

    The Romanies say that when money is urgently needed by a certain date, this spell works wonders. One thing to remember: it must be performed at the witching hour of midnight.

    Take one white votive (or tea light) candle to represent each $100 or $1,000 that you critically need. Stand them on a plate you often eat from.

    At a quarter to midnight, sit in a room with no electric lights. Light a gold or silver, green or white candle (not one of those representing money). This is the candle that will give power to the "money" votive candles and will enable you to see what you are doing.

    Now work your magic. Pray for a circle of gold light to be placed around you for protection and for a circle of blue light to be placed around you for healing.

    Pick up a votive candle and light it from the main candle flame. As you do so, say that the votive you are lighting represents the $100 or $1000 you need. Place on the plate to begin a circle of "money" candles.

    Light each votive, and say the same words for each, until the circle is complete.

    Say a prayer explaining that you are not being greedy; that the money is necessary. Leave the candles to burn out of their own accord. The money will soon start winging its way to you.

    Found in:
    The Good Spell Book by Gillian Kemp

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Romany Spell To Get Rid of Problems

    Write your problem on a piece of paper.
    Dig a hole, place the paper inside, and bury it along with a piece of copper, a piece of iron, and some zinc.

    From The Good Spell Book