Wandering Knowledge

History thoughts beliefs and ways. Of the wondering cultures of the world, much is not known. But they had so much to offer that has been lost among the ages. Here we gather a little to hold, learn, and cherish

  • Romany Witchcraft From KIAwiki

    The essence of Romany Witchcraft - or more properly Sorcery - is in the mindset born from the nomadic way of life and the resultant eclectic culture. Preserving Shamanic traditions from India, the Sorcery of the Near East, and ancient Eurasian and Western European beliefs and practices, Romani…

    By Dept of PMM Artists & things

  • Gypsy/Roma beliefs by Betuel-Lilith Sairalindë Elanessë

    If the Maid not only see her her unknown husband, but also wants to know the los that awaits her in marriage, so she goes to the night before the mentioned days out to a crossroads, sits down on the ground and imagines a bowl of fried fish and a cup of brandy down. Then the construction of the…

    By Dept of PMM Artists & things

  • Gypsy Lore by Donna Morgan

    Romani mythology is the myth, folklore, religion, traditions, and legends of the Romani people (also known as Gypsies). The Romanies are a nomadic culture which originated in India during the Middle Ages. They migrated widely, particularly to Europe. Some legends (particularly from non-Romani…

    By Dept of PMM Artists & things

  • Hiccups -Old Gypsy Cures by Shade

    To cure hiccups repeat in one breath the words: There was an old woman who lived all alone, And she was made of skin and bone. One day to church she went to pray, And on the ground a man there lay, And from his head unto his feet The worms crawled in, the worms crawled out. The woman to the parson…

    By Dept of PMM Artists & things

  • The Ancient Power Of Healing - Romani Gypsy Shamanism

    Deep in the Romanian forest, at the darkest time of night, a Chovihano (Gypsy Shaman) squats over a wooden floor as he engages in an ancient healing ritual. The ones that gather for healing do not see what the Chovihano is doing for he is bathed in the blackness of the night. All they can hear is…

    By Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler

  • Djelem [Romani] song lyrics

    Gelem Gelem lungone dromenca,Maladilem chorore romenca.Gelem Gelem lungone dromenca,Maladilem baxtale romenca.Ooo, romalen,Ooo, chavralen.Ala voliv lake kale jakha,Kaj si gugle sar duj kale drakha.Ala voliv lake kale jakha, Kaj si gugle sar duj kale drakha.Ooo, romalen,Ooo, chavralen.Kindem lake…

    By Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler

  • A Basic Guide to Period Gypsy Costuming for Renaissance Faires

    A Basic Guide to Period Gypsy Costuming for Renaissance FairesThis is meant to be a helpful introduction to the wild and wacky world of Gypsy costuming for those of you new to it. It comes frommany years of accumulated research & experience at Faire and is as culturally & historically…

    By Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler

  • Unlucky Days

    According to the Gypsies, the following days are considered to be unlucky for Love. Dont start a relationship, get married, etc on these dates: MONTHDAYSJanuary1, 2, 6, 14, 27February1, 17, 19March11, 26April10, 27, 28May11, 12June19July18, 21August2, 26, 27September10, 18October6November6,…

    By Dept of PMM Artists & things

  • The Gypsy Diet

    Diet was a very important part, not only of health, but also of beauty for the Romanies. Much of the malaise and depression around today stems from a sluggish system. Walking and fresh air help to combat this, but the best way to keep your system clear is to stick to a careful, sensible diet. Eat…

    By Dept of PMM Artists & things

  • The Love Pendulum

    The pendulum can be used for many things: finding lost objects, discovering hidden treasures, divining water, communicating with spirits of the dead, diagnosing illness and prescribing medicine...all these and more. Gypsies use the pendulum quite a lot. One of the uses to which they put it is in…

    By Dept of PMM Artists & things
