Wandering Knowledge

History thoughts beliefs and ways. Of the wondering cultures of the world, much is not known. But they had so much to offer that has been lost among the ages. Here we gather a little to hold, learn, and cherish

  • Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler

    I see some new people here before I go traveling in my ways. I hope to see this Group growing in knowledge of old and ways of those this is of. Please add knowledge upon these people for they are some of the last true old way life that many try to learn of and from.

  • msospreywoman

    This is a Native American Poem

    Call To The Four Sacred Winds
    By Spirit Wind (Pat Poland)

    I call to the East, where the Father ascends
    to all Mother Earth where life begins.
    I fly through the cedars, pines, willows, and birch
    as animals below me wander and search.

    I call to the South, to the land down below.
    Turtle stands silent, as man strings his bow
    to hunt food and fur for his kin before snow.
    A life will end so others will grow.

    I call to the North, that yansa once knew.
    I follow their path til it disappears from view.
    Once vast in number, there stand but a few.
    I hear only ghost thunder of millions of hooves.

    I call to the West, to the ends of the lands,
    to the Tsalagi, Kiowa, Comanche ... all bands.
    Unite for the strength. Teach the young and demand
    that you are Native Americans. Learn your tongue and stand.

    My name is Freedom... I fly through this land.
    I call to the Four Sacred Winds of Turtle Island.
  • AZureGray

    This is wonderful, thank you. In a past life I was a young brave. I remember the campfire before dawn, and coming out of the teepee into the flickering light. My friends and I rode our ponies into the east across lands filled with miles of grass. So we could sit and watch as the sun rise over the distant hilltops. The sun coming up and the sky turning pink were the final memories. I know I was a young brave because I saw my chest and it was bare, I "knew" I had 2 braids and a feather or two on the side of my head somehow.
  • Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler

    AZ a good story to go with the other one you had also typed upon I look forward to seeing them in fullness sometime soon.
  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Red For Love

    The Gypsies say that to find anything red means luck in love. If you find a piece of red thread, red wool, a red button, or whatever, pick it up and carry it with you for luck. It serves as an amulet.

    As you stoop to pick it up, think of the person you love and say:

    Red is my blood
    And red is my heart.
    Lucky in love;
    Never keep us apart.
  • CjGuzzi.moaw

    Nice page. Thanks for the invite... mac