"A Pendulum is a weighted, well balanced, often pointed object, which is suspended from a cord, chain, or string. Pendulums are commonly made of metal, semi-precious stone, or whole roots. Some diviners may use their own wedding rings or a favourite necklace pendant as a pendulum. The ring may be hung from a string or thread; the necklace itself is used to suspend the pendant. If the work is being done in person, some pendulum diviners request permission to use rings or necklaces that belong to the clients for whom they are reading.
Pendulum Readings
This brass pendulum can be used to answer "yes" or "no" questions and also may function as a tool in remote dowsing with a map. Even in modern times, it is still a popular family custom to use a pendulum to determine the gender of an unborn childPendulum Reading consists of observing the movements of the suspended pendulum in order to determine the answer to a question for the client. The reader holds the string or cord, and asks exact questions of the pendulum, after first determining which pattern of movement or which direction constitutes a "yes" or "no" answer. The reader makes every effort to hold the suspending cord or chain steadily and without deliberately influencing the movement of the pendulum. The reaction of the pendulum to the reader's questions can be quite dramatic, with swift foreward and backward or side to side sswings, jittery dancing moves, or wide circles appearing suddenly.
Remote Dowsing with a Pendulum
Readers who are gifted at Remote Dowsing can suspend pendulum over a graph, map, or chart of some kind, and by asking very specific questions, can determine quite specific answers. This form of pendulum reading is usually considered to be f remote form of Dowsing, Doodlebugging, or Water Witching.
Pendulum Reading a Baby's Gender
Before the advent of sonograms, it was common for pregnant women to consult a diviner who used a pendulum to determine the sex of her unborn child. The practice is still found among those in whose families it is a long-standing tradition. The pregnant mother lies down or leans back comfortably. Her wedding ring is removed, threaded through a cord or string and suspended over her belly from the diviner's hand. If the ring moves in a distinct circle, the baby is a girl; if it moves up and down or back and forth in a line, it is a boy.
This form of gender-divination, which can also be performed with a pendulum or even a threaded needle in the absence of a wedding ring, is similar to Dowsing, Doodlebugging, or Water Witching with a pendulum in that the mother's belly is the "territory" and the fetus is the "hidden object." However, unlike in Dowsing, the baby is known to be in the location and what is being asked is actually a "yes" or "no" question about gender.