A question asked because of action taken responses and still the wrong is being found of. Three sides of a coin which will you see

A question asked because of action taken responses and still the wrong is being found of. Three sides of a coin which will you see

This is my and the responses from the action of banned from sites. People who have answered my asking if they knew of things. And messages back and forth. Names and sites have been removed to not point or give directions time and dates are left to see the flow of it. The bottom line is none but a few of the ‘befriended’ in the Ningverse have typed to me to ask and have answers given.

Many it seems closed their minds and do not want to ask or learn difference of social stereotypical ideas and the actually of one person. Below you will find some of the messages written to me from others. Some are those who this action has been taken by. Others finding things out and the general concern of why and how come.

I asked of a banning massage sent to me. It referenced other sites I am on other adim and others talked to. But because of that asking to find if anyone knew of it or was part of it. I have been banned off three more sites. And it seems several people do not read things for they thought is was a personal attack or I was banning them or threatening to or accusing them. Which it was not just a asking of help to know where this came from and if any knew of it.

No I did what I do ask if any one knew of or about things. And found only three that had an idea. But got lots of do not know or what or why.

Guess that does not work in the Ningverse. Instead all just fly off to their own separate corners and can type anything they want of any one they do not agree with them and make it as if correct.

Instead of typing me asking me and learning the of me.

Judged sentenced and executing of sentence commenced.

(2009-07-30 17:46:57) Ning = *******: you there? sorry it took so long to get back!
(2009-07-30 17:47:05) Ning = *******: I have a response from Peter know it all!
(2009-07-30 17:47:13) Ning = *******: He said the following:
(2009-07-30 17:47:13) Traveler: you do what is need
(2009-07-30 17:47:17) Ning = *******: Merry Meet.,
We have facts from other sites as well as ours. You are not an admin or a creator of a site. So we can not share the info with you. You can contact Ning, they have factual reports on him. So its not just us. You may leave the site if you want, We owe you no explanation on this. His profile was fine. He was caught spamming kiddies porn, on several sites, not just ours.Blessed Be your path Peter I consider this matter closed. He was given an explanation, why he was banned from me, several admin's, and other sites that banned him. We can't help that he ignores these messages
(2009-07-30 17:48:04) Traveler: now that is news to me. Don't you have a site?
(2009-07-30 17:48:11) Ning = *******: yes I do
(2009-07-30 17:48:15) Ning = *******: apparently, asshole doesn't REALIZE that!
(2009-07-30 17:49:06) Traveler: um how does one get a copy of the ning thing? as site person request it?
(2009-07-30 17:50:21) Ning = *******: not sure. looking into it now
(2009-07-30 17:51:09) Traveler: ok then and how does one cautch one doing this? and how proves it is the person there id theft? cut paste use some one profile?
(2009-07-30 17:52:39) Traveler: never asked me of this nor has anyone ever typed of this before
(2009-07-30 17:53:24) Ning = *******: well, I have the HELP tab open now for Ning. I am about to check it out.
(2009-07-30 17:53:53) Traveler: sick um
(2009-07-30 17:59:18) Ning = *******: this is what I have said to the Ning Helpdesk:
(2009-07-30 17:59:23) Ning = *******: I have been informed that several ning administrators and creators have banned a person going by the name of Traveler. They have attacked him without cause and accuse him of all sorts of things that he is innocent of. I have had NO trouble with this person. He is actually QUITE intelligent and has alot to offer as a member. He is being banned without warning, not given the chance to defend himself, and now Peter J. Brown, who has accused ME of not being a site creator and therefore "unworthy" of being given information on WHYthis man was banned, has accused Traveler of child porn, which he has told me he is NOT into in the least. He is not being given fair treatment and I, as a site creator, would like to know WHY he has been singled out like this! I should like one of you to get in touch with me AND Traveler so that his side of the story can be revealed and this persecution be stopped! I am FURIOUS that this is going on at a site that up until now I have had quite a great time on! I talk to Traveler every day and know him to NOT be the kind of person Peter has accused him of! I want this to be handled in as direct a way as possible! Thank you. *******
(2009-07-30 18:00:46) Traveler: I bow my head and softly thank you little one
(2009-07-30 18:01:01) Ning = *******: bows back You are quite welcome!
(2009-07-30 18:01:16) Ning = *******: I mean what I say, as well! I am APPALLED that this is going on!
(2009-07-30 18:01:39) Traveler: I am currently copy past the messages that I have upon this.
(2009-07-30 18:02:09) Traveler: I have been accused of things before but nothing like this
(2009-07-30 18:02:23) Traveler: THen I could walk up and face the person
(2009-07-30 18:02:40) Traveler: Here there is not I can do to do so.
(2009-07-30 18:04:27) Ning = *******: add this:
(2009-07-30 18:04:31) Ning = *******: You are not privy to any complaints, or otherwise.
I have told you its had nothing to do with his profile at all! one of best friends is into BDSM, and I still love her. We won't to answer your questions, but we respect the privacy of the sites and members, with factual complaints him, also from ning itself. Again, I say it had nothing to do with his profile!!!!! Blessed Be,
(2009-07-30 18:04:50) Traveler: reading to Isabell will get here
(2009-07-30 18:06:17) Ning = *******: Aparently, he is saying NIng has "factual reports" on you!
(2009-07-30 18:06:59) Traveler: what are factual reports?
(2009-07-30 18:07:30) Traveler: Isabell asks where did they come from
(2009-07-30 18:07:46) Ning = *******: these two came from Peter J. Brown
(2009-07-30 18:08:02) Ning = *******: creator of The Craft ning site
(2009-07-30 18:08:51) Traveler: Iwas on that site less than 24 hours and asked if he wanted the practitioner pictures whe he responed ok to
(2009-07-30 18:09:00) Ning = *******: I honestly thing he is full of shit!
(2009-07-30 18:09:24) Traveler: that is insulting to the shit
(2009-07-30 18:09:26) Ning = *******: think I mean
(2009-07-30 18:09:29) Ning = *******: :)
(2009-07-30 18:09:33) Ning = *******: true
(2009-07-30 18:09:34) Traveler: nope
(2009-07-30 18:10:23) Ning = *******: he is arrogant in his attitude though and as far as I'M concerned, he is heading for a fall
(2009-07-30 18:10:59) Traveler: wait till I get this all placed into one place.
(2009-07-30 18:14:07) Traveler: Do you think he would be awoken when he finds the Artist site?
(2009-07-30 18:14:49) Ning = *******: I have no idea. I think I'm about to be banned from THIS site though!
(2009-07-30 18:14:56) Ning = *******: My latest rebuttal:
(2009-07-30 18:15:00) Ning = *******: You claimed I had no right to know the situation because I am not a ning creator but I AM so I DO have the right to know what is going on. I HAVE asked Ning about this and I promise you I will look into it thoroughly. He has been singled out without a SHRED of proof other than people don't know like profile while someone who has STALKED no less than TWO women on the ning site is allowed to continue with his activities! You may ban me if you will. I care not! I was asking NICELY but have only gotten derision and arrogance in return. I WILL get to the bottom of this and if there IS something that he has done wrong, then I will apolegize but if there is NOT, then I suggest you learn humility.
(2009-07-30 18:15:46) Ning = *******: I ask you to include THIS as well with your other notes, just so one of us has them all. :D
(2009-07-30 18:16:00) Traveler: fang and claw I need you to sic people more he he he
(2009-07-30 18:16:08) Ning = *******: LOL
(2009-07-30 18:16:11) Ning = *******: bows
(2009-07-30 18:16:17) Ning = *******: brb

Ok this is as now for it ms tlikely will continue you decide am I what they accuse me of was this done incorrectly do people read and jump to worse ideas do other read and have no clue up what they have been asked. Many thing no pointing no saying bad members. This is what has been sent and stored. Let it stand as is. I am letting people know what has happened and I do. I do not hide I face.

Wow look at what happened when asked further of this matter: (2009-07-30 18:57:49) You are not privy to the information You are not a member of the Conglomeration of site owners and admin.'s. Nor an admin., here. There are reports on you, also for the same thing, it comes from a member of Wiccan Togther and Ning itself. THIS MATTER IS CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS I SAID, IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS PROFILE, AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THIS SIIE, IF YOU LIKE? I WILL NOT ARGUE WITH YOU, YOU ARE BLATANTLY BEING DIREPECTFUL AND IT IS NOTED, AND YOUR MESSAGE HAVE BEN SENT TO NING, AND THE CONGLOMERATION. YOU KEEP SAYING ITS BECAUSE OF THE BDSM ON HIS PROFITE, I HAVE COSISTANTLY TOLD YOU THAT THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL NOT LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE BEEN VERY PATIENT WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! Blessed be Your Path, PETER PS. YES I'M YELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Views: 230


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Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:51am
Any one know of this it references sites I am on‏
From: GYPSY (mail@warriorwitches.ning.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 7:30 PM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)

GYPSY has sent you a message on Warrior Witches

hi .. i also heard of this mess and was warned by quite a few about you .. as i have been told things about others as well .. i take the stand that ALL are welcome here unless they cause problems .. i myself have been tormented by pagan space and know of all the lies and bashings some are made to endure .. as i said and you can see you are still here .. many blessings
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 05:03:45 +0000
> From: Traveler
> To: Betty Tierney, bunny, Cynthia, Eneshka nolo, Eternity, Fargo-Jessica, GYPSY, Hedgewitch, Isis Morning Star, konzen, Lady Kat, Lady Ks, Maria Tofan, MAYA, PRINCESS GOTHICKA, Raven, sandy, sasho ivanov ka..., Solaris, starstuff45, tinkerbell the ..., ToolQueen
> Banned‏
> From: PETER J BROWN (peterjbrown@insightbb.com)
> Sent: Wed 7/29/09 12:49 AM
> To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)
> Meery Meet,
> Your profile was obscene, when you scroll down, on your profile.
> I am aware that you have bee banned from several sites, because of your behavior
> You spam people with sexual things, on all the sites, you are a member of, and those sites you were banned from, for the same behavior.
> I do know what BDSM and BGFSM means.
> You disgrace all weman.
> You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> We got together and discussed this.
> Go join WiccanTogether, they probably put up with your stuff.
> 99% of us consider WiccanTogether, a disgrace to Wicca,
> They are all about numbers, not real content.
> You probably would fit in there.
> Blessed Be,
> From Creator and Staff, of waysofthecraft.ning.com
> Peter J Brown
> A.K.A. Hawk

To reply to this message, click here: http://warriorwitches.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

To control which emails you receive on Warrior Witches, go to:
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:50am
Any one know of this????‏
From: WICKEDSAPPHIRE-HEAD ADMIN (mail@darkworldempire.ning.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 3:36 AM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)




WICKED AS ALWAYS!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:14:12 +0000
> From: Traveler
> To: 6HOT9, Allen Greenfield, Barbara, Bloodlock aka M..., Camilla, Cat, Connie (Acalia), Cynthia, Eternity, Fargo-Jessica, Kalaiya, Lady Kat, Libra10/12, Little Vixen, Maria Tofan, Mikhiel Karten, Polivic Fairie, Sandra, Sweet Dark Angel, Teresa Poulson, WICKEDSAPPHIRE-..., WIZARD OF DARKNESS, ashleyrachel b..., fireangel, kendra, konzen, purplerose, sandy, sasho ivanov ka...
> Meery Meet,
> Your profile was obscene, when you scroll down, on your profile.
> I am aware that you have bee banned from several sites, because of your behavior
> You spam people with sexual things, on all the sites, you are a member of, and those sites you were banned from, for the same behavior.
> I do know what BDSM and BGFSM means.
> You disgrace all weman.
> You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> We got together and discussed this.
> Go join WiccanTogether, they probably put up with your stuff.
> 99% of us consider WiccanTogether, a disgrace to Wicca,
> They are all about numbers, not real content.
> You probably would fit in there.
> Blessed Be,
> From Creator and Staff, of waysofthecraft.ning.com
> Peter J Brown
> A.K.A. Hawk

To reply to this message, click here: http://darkworldempire.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

To control which emails you receive on DARK WORLD EMPIRE, go to:
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:50am
Any one know of this????‏
From: WIZARD OF DARKNESS (mail@darkworldempire.ning.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 3:33 AM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)

WIZARD OF DARKNESS has sent you a message on DARK WORLD EMPIRE

look, your saying that this is about me ????????
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:29:56 +0000
> From: Traveler
> I am asking if any one knows of this or was of the of it Not pointing asking for to find out and know where this is based of if you did not then there is one site that was not involved
> > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:27:57 +0000
> > To: Traveler
> >
> > your making it sound like to all my members, your talking about me????
> > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:25:54 +0000
> > > From: Traveler
> > >
> > > It states site I am on and others so I am trying to find out where this was discussed and when how and why I was not asked of things. Not pointing asking for answers and the bottom of things
> > > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:22:49 +0000
> > > > To: Traveler
> > > >
> > > > you talking about, me??????
> > > > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:20:17 +0000
> > > > > From: Traveler
> > > > >
> > > > > I was sent this this evening after placing a profile on that site.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> > > > > We got together and discussed this.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > is intresting
> > > > > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:17:55 +0000
> > > > > > From: WIZARD OF DARKNESS
> > > > > > To: Traveler
> > > > > >
> > > > > > who are you talking about ????
> > > > > > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:14:12 +0000
> > > > > > > From: Traveler
> > > > > > > To: 6HOT9, Allen Greenfield, Barbara, Bloodlock aka M..., Camilla, Cat, Connie (Acalia), Cynthia, Eternity, Fargo-Jessica, Kalaiya, Lady Kat, Libra10/12, Little Vixen, Maria Tofan, Mikhiel Karten, Polivic Fairie, Sandra, Sweet Dark Angel, Teresa Poulson, WICKEDSAPPHIRE-..., WIZARD OF DARKNESS, ashleyrachel b..., fireangel, kendra, konzen, purplerose, sandy, sasho ivanov ka...
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Meery

To reply to this message, click here: http://darkworldempire.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

To control which emails you receive on DARK WORLD EMPIRE, go to:
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:50am
Any one know of this????‏
From: WIZARD OF DARKNESS (mail@darkworldempire.ning.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 3:27 AM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)

WIZARD OF DARKNESS has sent you a message on DARK WORLD EMPIRE

your making it sound like to all my members, your talking about me????
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:25:54 +0000
> From: Traveler
> It states site I am on and others so I am trying to find out where this was discussed and when how and why I was not asked of things. Not pointing asking for answers and the bottom of things
> > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:22:49 +0000
> > To: Traveler
> >
> > you talking about, me??????
> > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:20:17 +0000
> > > From: Traveler
> > >
> > > I was sent this this evening after placing a profile on that site.
> > >
> > >
> > > You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> > > We got together and discussed this.
> > >
> > >
> > > is intresting
> > > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:17:55 +0000
> > > > To: Traveler
> > > >
> > > > who are you talking about ????
> > > > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:14:12 +0000
> > > > > From: Traveler
> > > > > To: 6HOT9, Allen Greenfield, Barbara, Bloodlock aka M..., Camilla, Cat, Connie (Acalia), Cynthia, Eternity, Fargo-Jessica, Kalaiya, Lady Kat, Libra10/12, Little Vixen, Maria Tofan, Mikhiel Karten, Polivic Fairie, Sandra, Sweet Dark Angel, Teresa Poulson, WICKEDSAPPHIRE-..., WIZARD OF DARKNESS, ashleyrachel b..., fireangel, kendra, konzen, purplerose, sandy, sasho ivanov ka...
> > > > >
> > > > > Meery Meet,
> > > > > Your profile was obscene, when you scroll down, on your profile.
> > > > > I am aware that you have bee banned from several sites, because of your behavior
> > > > > You spam people with sexual things, on all the sites, you are a member of, and those sites you were banned from, for the same behavior.
> > > > > I do know what BDSM and BGFSM means.
> > > > > You disgrace all weman.
> > > > > You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> > > > > We got together and discussed this.
> > > > >

To reply to this message, click here: http://darkworldempire.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

To control which emails you receive on DARK WORLD EMPIRE, go to:
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:49am
Any one know of this????‏
From: WIZARD OF DARKNESS (mail@darkworldempire.ning.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 3:25 AM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)

WIZARD OF DARKNESS has sent you a message on DARK WORLD EMPIRE

are you talking about dark world ????
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:20:17 +0000
> From: Traveler
> I was sent this this evening after placing a profile on that site.
> You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> We got together and discussed this.
> is intresting
> > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:17:55 +0000
> > To: Traveler
> >
> > who are you talking about ????
> > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:14:12 +0000
> > > From: Traveler
> > > To: 6HOT9, Allen Greenfield, Barbara, Bloodlock aka M..., Camilla, Cat, Connie (Acalia), Cynthia, Eternity, Fargo-Jessica, Kalaiya, Lady Kat, Libra10/12, Little Vixen, Maria Tofan, Mikhiel Karten, Polivic Fairie, Sandra, Sweet Dark Angel, Teresa Poulson, WICKEDSAPPHIRE-..., WIZARD OF DARKNESS, ashleyrachel b..., fireangel, kendra, konzen, purplerose, sandy, sasho ivanov ka...
> > >
> > > Meery Meet,
> > > Your profile was obscene, when you scroll down, on your profile.
> > > I am aware that you have bee banned from several sites, because of your behavior
> > > You spam people with sexual things, on all the sites, you are a member of, and those sites you were banned from, for the same behavior.
> > > I do know what BDSM and BGFSM means.
> > > You disgrace all weman.
> > > You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> > > We got together and discussed this.
> > > Go join WiccanTogether, they probably put up with your stuff.
> > > 99% of us consider WiccanTogether, a disgrace to Wicca,
> > > They are all about numbers, not real content.
> > > You probably would fit in there.
> > > Blessed Be,
> > > From Creator and Staff, of waysofthecraft.ning.com
> > > Peter J Brown
> > > A.K.A. Hawk

To reply to this message, click here: http://darkworldempire.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

To control which emails you receive on DARK WORLD EMPIRE, go to:
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:49am
Any one know of this????‏
From: WIZARD OF DARKNESS (mail@darkworldempire.ning.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 3:22 AM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)

WIZARD OF DARKNESS has sent you a message on DARK WORLD EMPIRE

you talking about, me??????
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:20:17 +0000
> From: Traveler
> I was sent this this evening after placing a profile on that site.
> You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> We got together and discussed this.
> is intresting
> > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:17:55 +0000
> > To: Traveler
> >
> > who are you talking about ????
> > > Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:14:12 +0000
> > > From: Traveler
> > > To: 6HOT9, Allen Greenfield, Barbara, Bloodlock aka M..., Camilla, Cat, Connie (Acalia), Cynthia, Eternity, Fargo-Jessica, Kalaiya, Lady Kat, Libra10/12, Little Vixen, Maria Tofan, Mikhiel Karten, Polivic Fairie, Sandra, Sweet Dark Angel, Teresa Poulson, WICKEDSAPPHIRE-..., WIZARD OF DARKNESS, ashleyrachel b..., fireangel, kendra, konzen, purplerose, sandy, sasho ivanov ka...
> > >
> > > Meery Meet,
> > > Your profile was obscene, when you scroll down, on your profile.
> > > I am aware that you have bee banned from several sites, because of your behavior
> > > You spam people with sexual things, on all the sites, you are a member of, and those sites you were banned from, for the same behavior.
> > > I do know what BDSM and BGFSM means.
> > > You disgrace all weman.
> > > You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> > > We got together and discussed this.
> > > Go join WiccanTogether, they probably put up with your stuff.
> > > 99% of us consider WiccanTogether, a disgrace to Wicca,
> > > They are all about numbers, not real content.
> > > You probably would fit in there.
> > > Blessed Be,
> > > From Creator and Staff, of waysofthecraft.ning.com
> > > Peter J Brown
> > > A.K.A. Hawk

To reply to this message, click here: http://darkworldempire.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

To control which emails you receive on DARK WORLD EMPIRE, go to:
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:49am
Any one know of this????‏
From: WIZARD OF DARKNESS (mail@darkworldempire.ning.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 3:17 AM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)

WIZARD OF DARKNESS has sent you a message on DARK WORLD EMPIRE

who are you talking about ????
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:14:12 +0000
> From: Traveler
> To: 6HOT9, Allen Greenfield, Barbara, Bloodlock aka M..., Camilla, Cat, Connie (Acalia), Cynthia, Eternity, Fargo-Jessica, Kalaiya, Lady Kat, Libra10/12, Little Vixen, Maria Tofan, Mikhiel Karten, Polivic Fairie, Sandra, Sweet Dark Angel, Teresa Poulson, WICKEDSAPPHIRE-..., WIZARD OF DARKNESS, ashleyrachel b..., fireangel, kendra, konzen, purplerose, sandy, sasho ivanov ka...
> Meery Meet,
> Your profile was obscene, when you scroll down, on your profile.
> I am aware that you have bee banned from several sites, because of your behavior
> You spam people with sexual things, on all the sites, you are a member of, and those sites you were banned from, for the same behavior.
> I do know what BDSM and BGFSM means.
> You disgrace all weman.
> You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
> We got together and discussed this.
> Go join WiccanTogether, they probably put up with your stuff.
> 99% of us consider WiccanTogether, a disgrace to Wicca,
> They are all about numbers, not real content.
> You probably would fit in there.
> Blessed Be,
> From Creator and Staff, of waysofthecraft.ning.com
> Peter J Brown
> A.K.A. Hawk

To reply to this message, click here: http://darkworldempire.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

To control which emails you receive on DARK WORLD EMPIRE, go to:
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:49am
From: Christine Hauser (christine.morningstar@gmail.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 1:02 AM
To: TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com
I am an admin. onThe Craft but I havn't been thee for some time. I do not know why you were banned. If someone ok'ed your hoto then maybe they didn't have the authority to do so. I do not ok peoples photo's. I feel it is an area I do not want to go to. i will try to look into this for you. Christine
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:48am
From: PETER J BROWN (peterjbrown@insightbb.com)
Sent: Wed 7/29/09 12:49 AM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)
Meery Meet,
Your profile was obscene, when you scroll down, on your profile.
I am aware that you have bee banned from several sites, because of your behavior
You spam people with sexual things, on all the sites, you are a member of, and those sites you were banned from, for the same behavior.
I do know what BDSM and BGFSM means.
You disgrace all weman.
You have been reported to Ning, from me, and other site admin.'s and creators.
We got together and discussed this.
Go join WiccanTogether, they probably put up with your stuff.
99% of us consider WiccanTogether, a disgrace to Wicca,
They are all about numbers, not real content.
You probably would fit in there.
Blessed Be,
From Creator and Staff, of waysofthecraft.ning.com

Peter J Brown
A.K.A. Hawk
Comment by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler on October 9, 2009 at 10:48am
Peter J. Brown,(creator) has sent you a message on The Craft‏
From: Peter J. Brown,(creator) (mail@waysofthecraft.ning.com)
Sent: Tue 7/28/09 11:05 PM
To: Traveler (TravelerinBDFSM@hotmail.com)

Peter J. Brown,(creator) has sent you a message on The Craft

> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 22:09:38 +0000
> From: Traveler
> To: Peter J. Brown,...
> Usually I just upload the pictures and put them in albums for people to use and enjoy.
> > Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 22:04:49 +0000
> > From: Peter J. Brown,...
> > To: Traveler
> >
> > Merry Meet,
> > Yes.
> > You can create a group.
> > When you do, it'll have to be approved, this is for your sake and others.
> > Or, I can create one for you.
> > Blessed Be
> > > Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 21:54:01 +0000
> > > From: Traveler
> > > To: Peter J. Brown,...
> > >
> > > I have a decent sized practitioner picture of knowledge collection would you want it here.

To reply to this message, click here: http://waysofthecraft.ning.com/profiles/message/listInbox

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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