Tell us of your likes and dislikes. Music? Tv/Movies? Books? What do you like to do in your spare time?
I'm a member of KIVA and I like lots of styles of music, love spiritual movies. I do healing work, palmistry, tarot and handwriting analysis and Lipsology - The Art of Lip Print Reading. I'm a Rebirther Breathworker and do massage therapy for friends.
Are you currently living what may be considered an alternative lifestyle? For example, are you a traveling artist, practicing a non-mainstream spirituality, or part of a BDFSM lifestyle?
I'm making my living through doing healing work and doing readings at parties and events as well as with individuals.
What does the older knowledge of legend, myth, lore, story, tale, wisdoms mean to you?
It informs our world and how we live in it. It keeps us honest and connects to the realm of spirit.
Do you belong to any organizations; re-enactment based (i.e. households, tribes, clans), spiritual based (i.e. covens, orders, or other pagan groups) or other? If so which ones and where?
I'm part of the band KIVA and I helped found Free Spirit Alliance though I'm not an active member of FSA.
If not of the older life styles, how tolerant are you ?
I'm more than tolerant... I'm accepting of lifestyles different from mine.
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire or Medieval Fest? If so, which did you prefer? If not, which would you rather attend? Would you rather be a participant or spectator? Please relate to us your experience!
I've been working at the Maryland Renaissance Festival for 29 years now with my booth Ancient Mysteries Divination and I've worked as a reader at a few other medieval and renaissance festivals. I like both but Maryland is quite well run and a good "gig".
Do you have any artistry, crafting, and trade… what do you create, Please share your talents with us.
I create albums of music. I am a writer of songs.
What is the best way to contact you if your talents are skills are desired?
Please answer all questions honestly and openly so staff and members can get to know you. Approval of your application will be based upon your answers. Any thing else you would like to tell people?
You've already got me in here and I just signed up because I don't know how to add myself to the KIVA page.
May the weekend be as one needs or wishes. The winter weather mild, Family close, Warmth abundant, Food aplenty. As the season of Imbolc comes upon us to bring the sight of spring a wee bit nearer.
Imbolc. Blessings. To the Hearth. Do not forget what yesterday taught. Tomorrow can not be lived today. all thing's an beginning, an middle and an end. Peace, mac.
Currently the Month of Sept is taken to update the Dept. & those Artist Web Groups they represent. Also we are going through and seeing whom has been missed in welcoming upon the Hearth upon their profile comments. So please tolerate our working to bring the Hearth up-to-date. As well as ensuring each is welcomed and encouraged to enjoy that which is offered.
Sept is taken to update the Dept. & Artist Web Groups they represent. Also we are going through & seeing whom has been missed upon the Hearth. Please tolerate our working to bring Hearth up-to-date.
WarMouse -Manager-
Jan 17, 2011
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Cut of Style
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Leather & Link
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Hall of Steel
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Trinkets & Beads
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Beyond Special
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Armor Division
Jan 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Cut of Style
Jan 17, 2011
Jan 25, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Jan 28, 2011
Denise Morgan (Helping Hand)
Greetings and Welcome to Traveling within the World!
If there is anything that I can do to assist you please let me know. There are many groups here for you to look and comment upon.
Many Blessings
Jan 28, 2011
Dept of PMM Leather & Link
Jan 29, 2011
Feb 1, 2011
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
Feb 17, 2011
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
Feb 17, 2011
Dept of PMM Hall of Steel
Feb 26, 2011
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
Sep 8, 2011
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
Sep 8, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Sep 8, 2011
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Sep 8, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Sep 8, 2011
Sep 9, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Sep 9, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Sep 9, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Sep 8, 2012
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
Sep 8, 2012