Tell us of your likes and dislikes. Music? Tv/Movies? Books? What do you like to do in your spare time?
Read anything, write, paint draw. I am currently trying to learn how to use a fake photo shop thing to make my pixie drawing look more realistic, not going so well. lmao I listen to incubus succubus, xandria all of those people.
Are you currently living what may be considered an alternative lifestyle? For example, are you a traveling artist, practicing a non-mainstream spirituality, or part of a BDFSM lifestyle?
I wish. I am currently living in an RV because of my disabilities and my beliefs. My family is into major Christianity.
What does the older knowledge of legend, myth, lore, story, tale, wisdoms mean to you?
Everything. I am a major fan of Dragons, wizards, Medieval times. I tried to make my own dress but failed miserably. I do have one dress I was gifted from the Pyramid Collection.
Do you belong to any organizations; re-enactment based (i.e. households, tribes, clans), spiritual based (i.e. covens, orders, or other pagan groups) or other? If so which ones and where?
I again wish. I am trying to create a Wiccan retreat/community called Summer-land Retreat. But need funding and such. It would be like living in the Medieval times where we have to build our homes, farms and local shops. Depending sole on The mother Earth to provide. There is a 46 acre land near mountains, camping sites hiking trails in the forest in Arizona for 48000 I believe.
If not of the older life styles, how tolerant are you ?
I am tolerant of all lifestyles.
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire or Medieval Fest? If so, which did you prefer? If not, which would you rather attend? Would you rather be a participant or spectator? Please relate to us your experience!
King Richards fair in Carver, MA. It was better when I was a kid. But, I enjoyed the Liger and horse back ride. I went to the renaissance fair in Arizona. I loved looking at the dresses and swords. Which were quite expensive. I would love to have been able to buy the dresses and buy the swords. I also love archery. I am not great at it, but it is fun. The aviary show was ok. I would love to work with the falcons and tigers and what not. I feel in tune with animals more so than people.
Do you have any artistry, crafting, and trade… what do you create, Please share your talents with us.
I am great with my hands. I am always willing to learn new things if I have the opportunity.
What is the best way to contact you if your talents are skills are desired?
Please answer all questions honestly and openly so staff and members can get to know you. Approval of your application will be based upon your answers. Any thing else you would like to tell people?
I have always felt that I belonged in the Medieval times. hey have always fascinated me. How wiccans or witches were tolerated and they basically lived day by day in tune with the world. Although I could never, I think, get used to the way way they spoke. At King Richards Fair I had these men name me Marie because I would not say my name. (I am extremely shy around men lol) I have also designed my own dresses, not that I could ever make them myself, but, it was fun.
Currently we have over 300 featured pictures of items for sale as well as some with other variations as well.
Currently the Month of Sept is taken to update the Dept. & those Artist Web Groups they represent. Also we are going through and seeing whom has been missed in welcoming upon the Hearth upon their profile comments. So please tolerate our working to bring the Hearth up-to-date. As well as ensuring each is welcomed and encouraged to enjoy that which is offered.
Sept is taken to update the Dept. & Artist Web Groups they represent. Also we are going through & seeing whom has been missed upon the Hearth. So please tolerate working to bring the Hearth up-to-date
Denise Morgan (Helping Hand)
Welcome to Traveling Elsie
There are many groups with vast stores of knowledge within the discussions... make yourself at home. Take a look around...
Jun 14, 2011
Dept of PMM Castle Life
Jun 14, 2011
Jun 15, 2011
Jun 15, 2011
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
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Jun 15, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Currently we have over 300 featured pictures of items for sale as well as some with other variations as well.
Currently the Month of Sept is taken to update the Dept. & those Artist Web Groups they represent. Also we are going through and seeing whom has been missed in welcoming upon the Hearth upon their profile comments. So please tolerate our working to bring the Hearth up-to-date. As well as ensuring each is welcomed and encouraged to enjoy that which is offered.
Sep 9, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Sep 9, 2011
Patricia Shettle
Dec 26, 2011
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Dec 27, 2011