Cards of The Tarot, layouts, and history of

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  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    8 of Cups (Tarot of Pagan Cats) "Leaving something behind to search for something else." On this Full Moon and Saturn Day, it is a purrfect time for re-evaluation. This card often means that we will choose to leave a situation that is no longer working for us - whether that's a relationship, a job, or our home. There may be some sadness involved, but in general, this separation is in our best interest. We should know that renewed good times lie ahead for us. We could be tired, feeling drained, depleted and emotionally ripped off as a result of filling other peoples needs and wants to the exclusion of our own. We may need some time alone, to retreat and heal ourselves....and we should take it! We will find depth and wisdom in solitude, and in listening to the still, small voice inside. Have a Blessed Full Moon!

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Card: 12 Sacrifice, Reversed. (Sacred Circle) We have been doing a lot of giving for others all week, and our lives are feeling stagnant. This card is telling us that we are desperately in need of getting rid of a lot of useless junk! And that is on all levels. We need to let go of outdated attitudes, situations, friendships, or relationships. Don't do anything hasty -- think it through. Be aware that giving something up that no longer works for us will open our lives to something even more positive than what we let go of. This card encourages us not to fight change, because one is coming...

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Page of Wands (Hanson Roberts) "Adorned with a medallion of the sun, the Page is shouting out a message. Good news is on the way. Don't be shy; make your voice heard." He represents that spark that could start a raging blaze! Those dreams we have, the goals we want to reach -- this is the time. This card is a good omen for completing some of those things that have been smoldering on the back burner. It's time to bring them to the front and get them cooking! We should take advantage of his energy to get things done! He tells us we need new things -- new adventures, new approaches, and new ideas. He brings us the positive energy, but we have to make sure we follow through. We need to take SOME kind of action when the Page of Wands shows up. Whether it is about work, love, finances, health, or our Spirituality. Awaken the inner child...we need to dream, play, and be artistic. This Page brings us good news, along with the opportunity to reach our goals.