A simple idea of side work and the making of things as life presents
what needs to be done. Many things never get pictured or just in
passing. But talents have done much through out the travels had.
Donarskeulen have been found exclusive in female graves. They came from the points of antlers ends and more rarely from bones, wood, bronze or precious metal. The Donarskeulen was visibly carried on rings at the belt as a pendant or carried as Ohrring or sleep ring at the head. They were verziert with cut, simple bar patterns or circle eyes. Donarskeulen have their origin as Herkuleskeulen in the 3. century in the Greek-Roman culture area, and considered as an attribute of the vegetation God Herkules, and to fertility. In 5. to 7. century their use quickly spread from the Scandinavian elbgermanischen area over all of Europe. With the increase of Christianity in 8. century, the Donarskeule gradually changed shape to that of the familiar Thors Hammer. This one is from RavenHawkCraftworks.
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Aug 25, 2011
miyoko canter
love the skull with the rose.
Oct 30, 2013
Dept of PMM Artists & things
an idea for those you have in basement
They were verziert with cut, simple bar patterns or circle eyes.
Donarskeulen have their origin as Herkuleskeulen in the 3. century in the Greek-Roman culture area, and considered as an attribute of the vegetation God Herkules, and to fertility. In 5. to 7. century their use quickly spread from the Scandinavian elbgermanischen area over all of Europe. With the increase of Christianity in 8. century, the Donarskeule gradually changed shape to that of the familiar Thors Hammer.
This one is from RavenHawkCraftworks.
Jan 22, 2014