Respect the elders....Teach the young...Cooperate with the pack Play when you can...Hunt when you must...Rest in between Share your affections...Voice your feelings...Leave your mark.
"Candles three, green and white, Bring protection here this night. The Moon is full, the sky is clear, Misfortune and evil disappear. The mighty wolf shall ever reign, and be protected from harm and bane. Come hither! Come hither! Spirits of the Wolf, strong and great! Be guarded by this circle and throughout your life."
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Jan 22, 2014
Dept of PMM Artists & things
~Whispers from the Soul~
Wolf Credo
Respect the elders....Teach the young...Cooperate with the pack
Play when you can...Hunt when you must...Rest in between
Share your affections...Voice your feelings...Leave your mark.
Jan 26, 2014
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Suggested Supplies:
•2 green candles
•1 white candle
•Picture of a wolf/wolves
•Essential oil
•Consecrated salt and water
•Lunar drink (i.e. wine, milk, ale, etc)
The candles are used to focus your energy.
Chant the following:
"Candles three, green and white,
Bring protection here this night.
The Moon is full, the sky is clear,
Misfortune and evil disappear.
The mighty wolf shall ever reign,
and be protected from harm and bane.
Come hither! Come hither!
Spirits of the Wolf, strong and great!
Be guarded by this circle and throughout your life."
Jan 29, 2014