Welcome To Battlemoor
Battlemoor is a five day event hosted by the Kingdom of the Outlands, one of the 19 Kingdoms of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).
At Battlemoor I: Mountain Crusades, we had ten kingdoms represented and were honored to host the Crowns of Ansteorra, Artemisia, Atenveldt and Calontir as well as the Crown Prince of Northshield. We hope to be as fortunate with Battlemoor II.
Please join us again as we spend the week in the shadow of beautiful mountains. We will spend our days in glorious battle and gentle arts and our nights in revelry and music.
The gate will open at noon on Wednesday the 29th of June. Battlemoor formally ends on Monday the 4th of July at noon.
The year 2011 Gregorian marks the 25th anniversary of the birth of the Kingdom of the Outlands. Photos, stories, songs and artifacts are welcomed as we share memories of the history of the Mighty Outlands.
We are excited to welcome you to this beautiful site and are committed to helping find the best campsite for you and your companions. Therefore, the wonderful Hospitality Corps will greet you at gate and assist you in finding your camping spot. Look for the fabulous pink sashes and ribbons!
We welcome members of the local media who are interested in knowing more about the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. If your media organization would like to visit during the event or if you are interested in obtaining a press kit, please contact our Media Relations Coordinator, Mistress Meenakshi de Gama – media@outlands.org
Come and share the Valor and Hospitality of the Outlands!