Their Majesties of the AnTir invite the Known World to take part in the grand 
War between the great and noble Kingdoms of An Tir and the West.

June 30-July 4


Baroness Alina please contact her if you would like to teach classes.
Siege Cooking
Come back for more information.

Directions to Site:

Lazy J Moore Ranch, 96029 Euchre Creek Gold Beach OR. Beware of congestion at the turn off from Hwy 101.

From the North: Make your best way to Port Orford Oregon. Head south from Port Orford on Hwy 101 approx 16 miles. Last milepost seen is 316. You turn left on to Ophir road just before you would reach milepost 317. Then turn left onto Euchre Creek road. Follow road to site, approx 1 mile.

From the South: Make your best way to Gold Beach Oregon. Head north out of Gold Beach on Hwy 101 for approx 11 miles to milepost 317. Turn right on to Ophir road. Turn left onto Euchre Creek road. Follow road to site, approx 1 mile.


Gate Steward:

Dame Juliana van Aardenburg JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING




    Pre-registration is available through the Acceps Event Payment System.  Please follow this link to preregister for this event.

    Pre-registration ends May 15, 2011.


    Gate Fees

    Gate Fees are as follows (Make checks payable to SCA, Inc., Kingdom of An Tir):

    Note: There is a family price cap of $50. Family cap does not include non-member surcharge. "Family" does not include SCA households or roommates - you must be related mundanely. Commonlaw and same sex spouses are considered related. No more than two adults in a family group can qualify for the family cap price. All others of that family must be related minor-aged children.


    Adult event fee (age 18+) PRE-REG

    $15 per person

    Adult event fee (age 18+) AT GATE

    $20 per person

    Youth event fee (age 6 - 17)

    $10 per person

    Child event fee (below 6)

    $0 per person

    Family cap (does not include NMS)

    $50 for family

    Non-member surcharge (non-SCA members aged 18+)

    $5 per person




    Are you bringing a child who is NOT your own? Please read the child policy at gate below.


    Are you bringing a child or youth? Please read the Information for Parents below.


    For more information please contact the Gate Steward, Dame Juliana van Aardenburg, JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING

    Child Policy at Gate

    If you are planning to bring children other than your own to an event, here's what you and their parents need to do:

    1. Print off a minor waiver, and have the parent or legal guardian fill it out. Minor waiver (


    2. Print off 3 copies of the medical authorization form, and have the parent or legal guardian fill them out. One copy stays with the parent or legal guardian, one stays with the adult indicated on the form who is responsible for the minor at the event and one stays with the minor for the ENTIRE event.

    USA Medical authorization form (

    Canada Medical authorization form



    3. Create a photocopy of the parent or legal guardian’s driver’s license or comparable ID (see medical authorization form for complete details).


    This is not difficult, and will save you hours of time at gate, because gate *will* insist that you go and get these things.

    If you do not have this paperwork, the minor will NOT be allowed on site. Thank you for your attention!


    Information for Parents

    In the interest of keeping the children of An Tir safe and allowing them to enjoy our SCA events, it has became necessary for An Tir and all of the SCA to have rules in place regarding youth at events.


    Most outdoor sites have some natural hazards for children, such as lakes and fast moving rivers and streams.  These should be noted in the site handout.  You will of course want to be familiar with these natural features.


    In addition, please read over these rules and discuss the importance of them with your children.


    “The Society Seneschal Policy for Youth Activities has been expanded to clarify requirements, responsibilities, enforcement, and repercussions for noncompliance.

    Parents or Guardians who bring minors to an event must ensure their children’s activities are compliant with SCA Laws, Policies and site rules that require minors 12 and under to be within sight/sound of a responsible parent/guardian at all times.


    All youth activities must have two adults, unrelated to each other, at all times and the activity must stop if that number falls below the required 2.


    This policy does not relieve parents or guardians of their primary responsibility for the welfare and behavior of their children.


    All youth attending youth activities and classes will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The SCA youth events and classes should not be considered a babysitting service for youth.


    Neglect of Parental (or Guardian) responsibility for minors:

    1. If event/branch SCA officials find minors in breach of SCA Governing

    Documents, Laws. Policies or site rules they will (for a first offence) escort the minor to their parent/guardian and issue a verbal warning. A report on the incident will be tendered to the local and Kingdom Seneschal.

    2. On a second offense at a given event, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to keep their minor(s) with them for the remainder of the function. A report on the incident will be tendered to the local, Kingdom and Society Seneschal.

    3. On a third offense, the minor (s) *and * parent(s)/guardian(s) will be expelled from the event, and the matter will be reported to local, Kingdom and Society Seneschals.

    4. Habitual offenders will be subject to review by Kingdom and Society level for possible sanctions.”


Marketplace Coordinator: Lord Alexander de Ormiskirke (Joe Libby) 503-583-5449 JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING

Mail Merchant Apps with Fee to:

Merchant Registration, An Tir / West War 214 NE Russet St., Portland, OR 97211



The Kingdom of An Tir and the Kingdom of the West are  pleased to present An Tir/West War (or West/An Tir War),  June 30 – July 4, 2010 at the Lazy J Moore Ranch, 96029 Euchre Creek Rd. Gold Beach , OR 97444.  To merchant, please read and fill out this application and return to the Marketplace Coordinator noted above.  Space is limited, so please get your app in early!

Deadline for applications is June 1, 2011 

Download the Merchant Application
