More Nature Beings


Fauns are nature spirits with half animal, half human appearance. They might follow humans around but are harmless.

Traditionally they are depicted as young men with the lower body of a goat and horns on their head. Fauns are tree spirits, in the sense that they help trees grow. They direct the growth of trees in certain useful directions. They have a relative autonomous intelligence with which they can watch the environment of the trees both below and above the ground.

Thus a faun offers his consciousness to help the tree grow harmoniously into its environment. In return the tree provides the faun the opportunity to gain experiences in matter. Through this reciprocal action the faun is tied to the tree for its entire lifetime.

Body Elemental

When talking about nature spirits we always look around in nature. But you have one right inside your body! It is call the 'body elemental' and is actually situated within your etheric body. The function of this body elemental is to first build the form of your body, through the process of conception and gestation, help it grow and mature. They stay with a person until the life expectancy of the individual terminates. The body elemental is a highly developed spirit being of the earth element.

The body elemental is responsible for the well-being of your body. It manipulates the energies from nature and from our higher bodies to make them suitable for the etheric, and therefore the physical body, in this way keeping the energy levels up for every cell and organ in the body. This helps your body to function properly in the physical realm in your everyday life so that you may fulfill a greater life purpose in the outer world. Therefore the body elemental is instrumental in aiding in any self-healing process. It knows the blueprint of your atomic/molecular structure right down to the DNA/RNA cellular level because the Body Elemental helped create your very physical body as a house for the soul. It knows exactly where the trauma and the memories have been stored and holds the roadmap to pinpoint the locations that contain the problems. It is able to retrieve the information and release the 'know-how' of how to best facilitate self healing or healing for others.

The body elemental can be contacted by meditation, or in a healing session, to help with the healing process and in keeping the body healthy. As with all elementals, or nature spirits, you have to approach your body elemental with respect. Do not expect it to do all the work, you have a big part to play in keeping yourself healthy by what you eat and drink, and by your life style.

Apparently, the body elemental sits in a place between the solar plexus and heart chakras, connecting the soul and body to the divine mind elemental which sits above.

Marko Pagonick (see end of page) describes the feeling of the body elemental as a warm, fur-like construction which supports the body from the ground upwards, solidly grounding the body. It must be this that made the ancients depict Pan with hairy legs. Then there is a connection of the body elemental along the spine up to the head.


From Greek mythology, Pan is "the Feeder of Flocks." God of herds, fertility and male sexuality. Pan has the horns and legs of a goat and plays a syrinx, a pipe with seven reeds. An ancient god, he has no moral or social aspect whatsoever, and is simply the embodiment of pure, basic instinct. Some said that Pan taught Apollo the art of prophecy. Pan especially loves mountains and wild country. Pan has a dark aspect as well, causing men and animals to go suddenly mad with terror in distant, lonely places. His name is therefore the root word of "panic."

In our modern days, spiritually gifted people have had experiences with Pan, mostly in his traditional form. From this it is clearly that Pan is a multi-level being. Pan can give you a full experience of the world of nature spirits and its connection to the divine.


These are spirits that are very aggressive and dangerous, and have a lot of power.


Dragons are nature spirits of great strength and power which they can transfer to humans, including psychic powers. They also have the ability to cure all kinds of diseases. But there is a pitfall: they give a lust for power and sexual passions.

Dragons can be from the four elements. A gold dragon (fire) gives wealth and gold. A black dragon (earth) causes wars and is often associated with the military. A white dragon (water) attracts money, but in a lesser degree; it also influences economic affairs. A blue dragon (air) transport souls with preordained mission from heaven to earth.

There are many more kinds of dragons.

Dragons have been seen floating very high above any cloud level, in all kinds of vivid colors. Their intelligence seems to be low. These dragons never descend into the lower atmosphere. In nature they are mainly used as a reservoir from which the angels and fairies draw energy

House Spirit

Each structure built and occupied by people has a spirit that develops according to the energies of that structure and the people living in it. It is a primitive form of consciousness that has no form nor will it become visible. When new people move into the house, their new habits and rearrangement of the different parts of the house can cause stress on the house spirit. Therefore it is good to immediately tune into the house spirit, make some offerings, and communicate what you plan to do with the house and the rooms. Otherwise the displeased spirit could cause trouble for the new occupants.

Astrological or Birth Fairies

With every birth there are at least one or more birth fairies present at the crib of the newly born. They give the baby one or more gifts or talents. These gifts or talents are actually enforcements of a certain pattern already inscribed in the astrological blueprint of the baby. Such a gift can be very decisive, because it will send the person on a certain path rather than an other. For example, the position of the planet Mars can make a person choose for the profession of surgeon but also of a soldier. The Faries can reinforce, for example, the energies that will make that person choose for surgeon.

Do you know why it is a custom to give candies around at the birth of a newborn? It is a continuation of an old custom to bring offerings to the birth faries and thus ask for a positive future for the child. Although the birth faries are rarely visible, as they are not that interested in showing themselves to mortals, you don't want to miss out on their good energies. So make sure you bring those offerings into the room as soon as possible!

Guardian Spirit

This is an artificially created elemental spirit that is programmed to guard a certain territory or object. It needs to be continuously charged by the person or group who created it.


A djinn is a nature spirit that is being controlled by a human for the purpose of carrying out certain works. The human has to be in total control of the djinn, otherwise the djinn might take control over the human, or play tricks, like making objects disappear and appear, or wander around.

Sound and Dance Spirits
Sound and dance spirits are of the same nature as elves, kobolds, aerial spirits but more developed and more subtle. They attach a lot of importance to higher aesthetics. They react positively to beautiful sounds and movements of people, and thus end out strong vibrations that influence the fate of man in a positive way. But those who create disharmonious sounds and jerky movements disturb their own aura, by their actions they offend the sound and dance spirits. At the same time they become open to the energies of bad spirits.

I have made a special CD with the sounds of the Tibetan Singing Bowls. When I spoke to the Hungarian shaman Joska Soos, he confirmed my feeling that the singing bowls are connected to sound beings. Playing these bowls brings these sound beings into the room where they exert their positive influence on the people present and the environment. For more information go to Soul Sounds!

Group Elementals

This is an elemental being that came into existence when a group of people was formed. Its formation and continuous existence depends strongly on the emotions in the group. The group elemental also influences the members of the group, making a close connection between all the members. A new member of the group will be absorbed if his emotions or mental energy correspond with the group elemental, or he will be rejected.

Any group you can imagine, has a group elemental, for example, a religious group, professional group, activist groups, also a town or a country, city or tribe has a group elemental, and so on.

The Tuatha De Danann, or Sidhe

The Thuata Da Danann is a race of beings, once primarily known in Ireland. It is said that long ago the Sidhe were a people very much like ourselves, living a life similar to humans. Their origin is unknown, but they are considered to be a non-human race of intelligent beings with great knowledge, and not quite physical, although many people have seen them. The size of the lower class Sidhe is a little smaller than the size of humans, those of the higher classes are taller. Both classes often have blond or golden hair.

The Sidhe reigned over Ireland until they were conquered by human invaders. They fled to the depths of the earth, into caves and other underground places. Their dwelling places are also often under lakes. They inhabit beautiful palaces, enjoying feasts, lovemaking, and music. They are not a working class but rather military-aristocratic. Their realm is now called Tir-na-nog, one of the many Otherworlds. Their world is generally described as a place of harmony and beauty.

The race of the Sidhe is not confined solely to Ireland. As the Irish psychics themselves say, they also inhabit other countries around the world. They move from one place to another and take great interest in man. They travel in magical ships. During the nights they are often seen traveling in spheres of light.

The Sidhe are often described as tall, beautiful beings who have eternal youth. But when they appear to humans they can take any shape they want.

Between the Sidhe and humans there has always been an exchange. They can appear in our world and take fine-looking young men and women in order to marry them. Living in their realm these mortals were bestowed with a fairy immortality. When returning to our world, they are confronted with the passing of a lot of time in the physical world. Somehow time is experienced differently in the Sidhe world. Another aspect is that the person has remained young while his earthly relatives have grown old or died.

Children from unions between Sidhe and humans turned out noble and heroic. Some of the greatest figures of antiquity are declared to have been such children.

Sometimes people go off with the Sidhe in a kind of trance or dream state, which can last days or even months. But mortals were not always forcibly taken. They could be invited, or go on their own account, for example for the love of a fairy woman, or to perform some mission. They could live forever in the Sidhe world if they wished. When entering the world of Sidhe, one undergoes a kind of bodily transformation that changes one's physical nature into the nature of the Sidhe. Some people say that the Sidhe themselves transmute the physical body of humans into a body like their own. People who have been in the realm of the Sidhe have had difficulty in getting accustomed again to their ordinary lives. Most of them have undergone some inner changes and have begun to see life from a different angle.

That Sidhe are not physical is proved by many witnesses who have seen the Sidhe going through stone walls, or into a hill side.

The Sidhe have magical powers by which they can cast spells upon people. They can put a state of akinesis (the inability to move) on a person who enters their territory, or on someone who is watching them. The Sidhe also have to power to look into the future with great accuracy.

The Sidhe have a reputation for teasing people, making jokes and disguising themselves.

An important aspect of the Sidhe is that they are amoral. They do not care about the effects of their teasings. Being themselves immortal (in the sense of having a very long life) and at the same time amoral, they do not seem to be bothered when their interference with humans turn out negative or deadly for the human.

The Sidhe seem to have a close relationship with nature and especially the atmospheric phenomena. It is also said that some of them direct the magnetic currents of the Earth.

Music is one of their favorite pastimes, and at times they have been seen traveling through the air, playing music and singing. My own grandmother, in her young days, has seen light spheres traveling through the countryside accompanied by music. The country people in her area didn't quite know what to think of it.


I thought it might be good to give you here an explanation Seizan Fukami (a well known Japanese psychic with great insights in the spiritual world and their inhabitants) gives about UFOs. He is not happy about the increased interest in UFOs. From his personal experience with UFOs, he found that most of them are manifestations in different forms of gangster spirit bands. Those are spirits, who banded together, were not too bad to go the hells and not good enough to go to the normal spirit worlds. They remained somewhere in between. They are half-spirit and half-material. When they make themselves visible in the material world they have the ability to delude human beings. One of the forms they take is the UFO. (Some of the UFOs are vehicles of highly developed righteous spirits.) "Nothing gives these rowdies more pleasure than to see people running around overreacting to their presence shouting, 'It’s a UFO!'." So these gangster bands just love to make themselves visible to people or carry someone off for a while.

Besides manifesting as UFOs they also appear in poltergeist phenomena. They also appear in many other forms.

Fukami speaks from personal experience: "…during these encounters I also was subjected to an indescribable electric-like shock that I guess you would have to classify as a kind of electromagnetic wave. It felt just like a shock from an electric range. Such electromagnetic waves feel quite like the spiritual waves emitted by the divine and spirit worlds, except that they are rougher and more often than not spiritually negative. But people who have never experienced true exalted spiritual waves before are likely to take them for emanations from the gods. They are far from that, however."

"I hasten to say that the UFO's sent from the righteous spirit world are incredibly beautiful. The spiritual waves they give off are rough like electrical energy, but they also emit a very refined kind of light. However they do not cause any sort of vague fear in the human soul, nor do they delude and disorient people. The reason is that they operate in the cause of love and righteousness."

If you are interested in reading more about contact with benevolent extraterrestrials, read "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" by Steven Greer.

The Higher Developed Devas


These beings, usually called angels, archangels and so on, are creative intelligences building our world. They know how to manipulate ethereal substances into ever more crystallized forms of which the end result is physical matter. They build vehicles for every life form.

They do not have free will, but are very powerful in what they do. Their form changes as they move around, and changes over time. They live in a state of immediate knowledge and are a source of happiness and exaltation. They live fully in the moment, in full concentration and in unity with the flowing energy of the field they are working in.

They can create sounds in the ethereal worlds that have a positive effect on humans and their environment. They work with sounds, mantras, and movements to create energy patterns.

There are devas which encompass more abstract ideas or concepts like power, healing, music, peace, education.

The following, The Deva of Stone, is an example of a cosmic deva at work, a deva where you would least expect it.

The Deva of Stone

Nature is full of paradox, in that as you seek contact with what you consider a lower form of life, you in fact contact a more universal being. The mind of man codifies and formulates, which is within its right and purpose, but forgets that all is one, that God is in all, and that basic substance, seemingly most void of sensitive consciousness, is held in its state of existence by its opposite, a vast consciousness, too vast for you to do more than sense its fringes and know that it extends beyond your present imagination. You realize too that dense matter is influenced in its make-up by stellar energies.

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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