Linking your favorite traveling artists across the globe
Usquebaugh is a strong compound liquor,
chiefly taken by the dram. It is made in
the highest perfection at Drogheda, in Ireland.
The following are the ingredients :
Take two quarts of best brandy, one-half
pound raisins, stoned, one-half ounce nutmegs,
one-half ounce cardamoms, one-quarter
ounce saffron, rind of one-half Seville
orange, one-half pound brown sugar candy.
Shake these well every day for at least fourteen
days, and it will at the expiration of
that time be ready to be fined for use.
Take one ounce of nutmegs, one ounce of
cloves, one ounce of cinnamon, two ounces
of the seed of anise, two ounces of the seed
of caraway, two ounces of the seed of coriander,
one-quarter pound of licorice root
sliced. Bruise the seeds and spices, and put
them together with the licorice, into the still
with five and one-half gallons of proof spirit,
and one gallon of water. Distill with a
pretty brisk fire. As soon as the still begins
to work to the nozzle of the worm, take
one-quarter ounce of English saffron, tied up
in a cloth that the liquor may run through
it, and extract all its tincture. When the
operation is finished, sweeten with fine sugar.
This liquor may be much improved by the
following additions: Digest two pounds of
stoned raisins, one and one-half pounds of
dates, one pound of sliced licorice root, in
one gallon of water, for twelve hours. When
the liquor is strained off, and has deposited
all sediment, decant it gently into a vessel
containing the usquebaugh. .
Stem 1 pound large raisins, add the zest of an
orange on lumps of sugar, bruise well, add 1/4
ounce each of cloves and cardamom seeds, and 1/2
a nutmeg, grated. Put in a jar, add 1/2 gallon of
brandy or light whiskey, 1/2 pound of rock candy,
and some brown coloring. Shake every day, and
in 2 weeks strain it and bottle for use. It is a
cordial, very old-fashioned.
Version 2: 1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar,3 cloves,1 slice lemon,1 jigger Irish Whiskey,boiling water.
Version 2:1 teaspoon sugar,hot strong black coffee,1 jigger Irish whiskey,1 tablespoon double cream.Pour cream over a teaspoon held over coffee so that it floats on the coffee.
Irish wit, Irish eloquence, Irish
patriotism, Irish hospitality, and the
Irishman's high admiration and respect
for woman are famous the world over.
This collection of Irish Toasts and
Sentiments contains the cream of it all.
Ready-witted as every Irishman is,
he will be glad to have this little reminder
of the right things to say on
the right occasion. Here are Toasts
Patriotic, Convivial and Humorous,
Toasts to Love, to Women and to
Friendship and a miscellaneous garland
of sentiments from which the
bright flowers may be plucked at will
or as the occasion serves.
And with all Irishmen all the world
over the compiler lifts his glass with
the sentiment we all so ardently love, "
Erin slain the gal go bragh!"
That loves not the music of Erin
go bragh!
Americans and Irishmen — They
may differ as to whether the patron
saint of the latter had any hand in
driving out the enemies .of the former -
but in this they will agree — to
stand together and fall together, before
a hostile foot shall again be
placed on the land of their birth or
the land of their adoption.
And when at last in death we're laid
ashes to ashes gone,
When earth and faction cease for
us, and we are all alone,
The mantle that our mother spreads
above our grave I ween
Is still the color of our land, our
own sad, lonely green.
A priestly train, o'er the briny main
Shall greet my love,
And wine of Spain to thy health will
My Ros geal dubh.
Arch of the ocean and Queen of
the West!
Be bold, united, firmly set,
Nor flinch in word or tone —
We'll be a glorious nation yet,
Redeemed — erect — alone!
Bless the country, say I, that gave
Patrick his birth,
Bless the land of the oak, and its
neighboring earth,
Where grow the shillelah and shamrock
so gree-n !
IVIay the sons of the Thames, the
Tweed, and the Shannon,
Drub the foes who dare plant on our
confines a cannon;
United and happy, at Loyalty's shrine,
May the rose, and the thistle long
flourish and twine
Round the sprig of shillelah and
shamrock so green!
Buried and cold when my heart stills
her motion,
Green be thy fields, sweetest Isle of
the ocean,
And thy harp striking bards sing
aloud with emotion,
Erin mavourneen ! Erin go bragh !
But come, fill up another cup,
And with every sup we'll say,
Here's dear Old Ireland!
Loved Old Ireland !
Ireland, boys, hurrah! "
But whether on the scaffold high,
Or in the battle's van,
The fittest place where man can die
Is where he dies for man !
Come! pledge again thy heart and
hand —
One grasp that ne'er shall sever;
Our watchword be — " Our native
Our motto — " Love forever! "
Daniel O'Connell — Athens boasted
of a Solon, an Aristides and a Demosthenes,
but Ireland beholds all their
great qualities combined in her favorite
Daniel O'Connell: the enemy of
corruption, the champion of his injured
country and the defender and
asserter of its rights and liberties.
Dear Erin, how sweetly thy green
bosom rises,
An emerald set in the ring of the sea ;
Each blade of thy meadows my
faithful heart prizes,
Thou queen of the West, the world's
Cushla-ma-chree I
Down with the tyrants, and up
with the green and gold!
Erin the land of potatoes; may
it never lack butter-milk.
Erin the land of the brave and the
Erin ! thy silent tear shall never cease
Erin! thy languid smile shall ne'er
Till, like the rainbow's light
Thy varied tints unite,
And form in Heaven's sight
One arch of Peace.
Erin's friend; may his name live
for ever.
Flag of beauty, flag of splendor,
May old Erin's sons defend her
Till thy folds shall float above her
Here is to old Ireland, her sons and
her daughters;
Here is to her emblem, the Shamrock,
I mean.
May the sun always shine on the
round towers of Erin.
That's a toast from the heart of an
Irish colleen.
Here's to the land of the shamrock
so green,
Here's to each lad and his darling
Here's to the ones we love dearest
and most —
And may God save old Ireland ! That's
an Irishman's toast.
Hibernia — Steeped in her own tears
she never can get up ; — soaking
in whiskey, she must go down; —
but bathing in " coult wather " she
will get on " swimmingly."
Horticultural Experiments — May
the tree of freedom soon be planted
in Ireland, and may John Bull find
it as difficult to uproot as he found it
I'm weary for old Ireland — once
To see her fields before me,
In sunshine or in rain!
And the longing in my heart when
it comes o'er me
Stings like pain.
In her cause I am willin' my veins
should run dhry,
And for Ireland's sweet sake I am
ready to die. S
Ireland ! Ancient Ireland !
Ancient! yet for ever young!
Thou one mother, home and sireland,
Thou at length hast found a tongue,
Proudly thou at length
Resistest in triumphant strength.
Ireland and America — May the
former soon be as free as the latter,
and may the latter never forget that
Irishmen were instrumental in securing
the liberty they now enjoy.
Ireland — St. Patrick destroyed its
creeping things of other days — may
his disciples speedily exterminate the
political reptiles of the present age.
Ireland: sympathy to her wrongs,
and a determination to redress them.
Ireland: the sister of proud England,
may she never be her bonded slave.
Ireland's harp all over the world.
Ireland's harp: may its chords
never be broken.
Ireland's immortal Shamrock : may
it be green for ever.
Irish heroes: and the apprentices
f Londonderry.
Irish Shillelaghs: may they never
break the head of a friend. *
Irishmen — The love of liberty will
burn in their bosoms as long as their
bright isle is washed by the ocean.
Justice to Ireland — A domestic
legislature alone can confer it; to
expect it from a London Parliament
is an idle dream, and we Irishmen, on
this side of the water, hope that full
restitution will be made for past injustices.
May the day come quickly when
Great Britain will discover that Irishmen
are her stanchest friends, and
when Irishmen will learn that Englishmen
are their brothers.
May the Emerald Isle ever bloom
in the main, and only be trodden by
the foot of friendship.
May the Emerald Isle that grows
out of the sea
Flourish long in Prosperity, happy
and free.
May the Irishmen wear their grievances
till they are all re-dressed.
Let others seek their pleasures
In the chase of golden treasures,
Be mine a dream of Erin, and the
light of Kathleen's eyes.
On one side is Virtue and Erin
On theirs is the Saxon and Guilt !
Peace and Prosperity to Ireland
Pearly are the skies in the country
of my fathers,
Purple are thy mountains, home
of my heart.
Mother of my yearning, love of all
my longings,
Keep me in remembrance, long
leagues apart.
Quick, quick, now, I'll give you, since
Time's glass will run
Even faster than ours doth, three
bumpers in one;
Here's to the poet who sings — here's
to the warrior who fights —
Here's to the statesman who speaks,
in the cause of men's rights.
Shannon's flowery
they bloom for ever. banks: may
She is a rich and a rare land,
Oh! she's a fresh and a fair land,
She is a dear and rare land -
This native land of mine. , -
Slante gael go bragh!
Success to the Emerald Isle
Where Shillelagh and Shamrocks
May peace and prosperity smile
O'er the land and its natives around.
The anniversary of St. Patrick's
day: and may the Shamrock be
green for ever.
The birthplace of wit, and the home
of hospitality — Ireland.
The Descendants of Irishmen —
May they never forget the respect
which they owe to the land which
contains the ashes of their fathers.
He dearly earns his poor reward,
And spends it like an Irishman.
If strange or poor, for you he'll pay,
And guide to where you safe may
If you're his guest, while e'er you
His cottage holds a jubilee.
His inmost soul he will unlock,
And if he may your secrets scan,
Your confidence he scorns to mock,
For faithful is an Irishman.
By honor bound in woe or weal
Whate'er she bids he dares to do;
Try him with bribes — they won't
Prove him in fire — you'll find
him true.
He seeks not safety, let his post
Be where it ought, in danger's van;
And if the field of fame be lost,
It won't be by an Irishman.
Erin! loved land! from age to age
Be thou more great, more famed,
and free;
May peace be thine, or, should'st
thou wage
Defensive war, cheap victory.
May plenty bloom in every field
Which gentle breezes softly fan,
And cheerful smiles . serenely gild
The home of every Irishman!
The Shamrock, the green immortal
Chosen leaf
Of Bard and Chief,
Old Erin's native Shamrock.
Then let us be frisky> and tipple the
No country whatever has power to Long life to the land of dear liberty's
The Shamrock, the Rose and the
Thistle, my boys.
Then here's their memory — may
it be
For us a guiding light,
To cheer our strife for liberty,
And teach us to unite!
Through good and ill, be Ireland's
Though sad as theirs, your fate;
And true men, be you, men,
Like those of Ninety-Eight.
There's a dear little plant that grows
in our isle, '
Twas Saint Patrick himself, sure,
that set it;
And the sun on his labor
pleasure did smile,
And with dew from his eye
wet it.
It thrives through the bog, through
the brake, through the mireland;
And he called it the dear little shamrock
of Ireland,
The sweet little shamrock, the
dear little shamrock,
The sweet little, green little, shamrock
of Ireland.
This dear little plant still grows in
our land,
Fresh and fair as the daughters
of Erin,
Whose smiles can bewitch, whose
eyes can command,
n each climate that they may
appear in;
And shine through the bog, through
the brake, through the mireland:
The sweet little shamrock, the dear
little shamrock,
The sweet little, green little, shamrock
of Ireland.
This dear little plant that
from our soil,
When its three little leaves
Denotes from one stock we together
should toil,
And ourselves by ourselves be
And still through the bog, through the
brake, through the mireland,
From one root should branch, like
the shamrock of Ireland,
The sweet little shamrock, the dear
little shamrock,
To the Country that gave St. Patrick
To the Irishmen in America! —
They have built our great public
works; they have constructed our
vast system of railways; they have
risen to place of power and eminence
in every walk of industry and in every
avenue which is open to brains and
To the Shamrock, that never will
lose its emerald hue.
To our native land. Every one
loves it whether he was born there
or not.
True to his name, his country, and
his God,
Faithful at home, and steadfast still
abroad.' '
Truth for England and Justice for
Ireland. "
Well, here's thank God for the race
and the sod ! "
Said Kelly and Burke and Shea.
Wert thou all that I wish thee,
Great, glorious and free,
First flower of the earth,
And first gem of the sea.
We've heard her faults a hundred
The new ones and the old,
In songs and sermons, ranns and
Enlarged some fifty fold,
But take them all, the great and small,
And this we've got to say :
Here's dear Old Ireland,
Good Old Ireland,
Ireland, boys, hurrah!
What flood reflects a shore so sweet
As Shannon's sweet or pastoral
Or who a friend or foe can meet
So generous as an Irishman?
When Erin first rose from the dark
swelling flood,
God blessed the green Island, and saw
it was good;
The em'rald of Europe, it sparkled
and shone -
In the ring of the world the most
precious stone.
In her sun, in her soil, in her station
thrice blest,
With her back towards Britain, her
face to the West,
Erin stands proudly insular on her
steep shore,
And strikes her high harp 'mid the
ocean's deep roar.
Yes! Ireland shall be free,
From the centre to the sea;
Then hurrah for Liberty!
Says the Shan Van Vocht.
Beimedh a gole ! (
Let us be drinking.)
A glass is good, a lass is good,
And a pipe to smoke in cold weather.
The world is good and the people are
And we're all good fellows together.
Be the whiskey ever near thee, thro'
the day and night, '
Tis the cordial for all ages,
Every evil it assuages
And to bards and saints and sages
Gives joy and life and light.
Bird of the North! By instinct fine
You sought a perfect sea.
And we to-night from sparkling wine
Will make that place for thee!
No longer seek the rippling brine,
Or haunt the marshy waste,
But dip your wing in drink divine,
With celery to your taste.
Bird of the blest, a choicer wave
Flows o'er our goblet's brim,
And in it you shall sweetly lave,
And in it you shall swim!
No more the waters beat your breast,
Your tired wings brave the sky,
But you shall have eternal rest,
And float hi " Extra Dry."
But send round the bowl, and be
happy awhile —
May we never meet worse in our
pilgrimage here
Than the tear that enjoyment may
gild with a smile —
And the smile that compassion
can turn to a tear.
Come in the evening, or come in the morning —
Come when you're looked for, come without warning;
A thousand welcomes you'll find here before you !
And the oftener you come the more I'll adore you t
— Old Irish Toast
Irish Toast.
" Here is that ye may never die nor be kilt till ye break your bones over a bushel o' glory."
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
Skype: Travelingraggyman
Email and Instant Messenger:
TravelerinBDFSM @ aol/aim; hotmail;; live & yahoo
Travelingraggyman @ gmail and icq ***
10,000 votes - Platinum Award
5,000 votes - Gold Award
2,500 votes - Silver Award
1,000 votes - Bronze Award
300 votes - Pewter Award
100 votes - Copper Award
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
© 2025 Created by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler.
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