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abyndoun - Probably a transcription error for "amidon". Wheat starch, or occasionally rye starch. Corn starch can be used as a modern substitute.
aforce - To mix with. Similar to temper.
alay - To stuff. (from French)
alegar - Malt vinegar.
alegur - Malt vinegar.
alisaunder - Black Loveage (Smyrnium olusatrum).
alkenet - Dyer's Bugloss (Alkanna tinctoria) or possibly Common Bugloss (Anchusa officinalis). A member of the Borage family. A red colorant.
alkanet - Dyer's Bugloss (Alkanna tinctoria) or possibly Common Bugloss (Anchusa officinalis). A member of the Borage family. A red colorant.
allowe - A meat roll, usually veal. Possibly from the French word for "dove", which such rolls may be meant to resemble.
almayne - German. In the German style.
aly - To mix with. Similar to temper.
alye - To mix with. Similar to temper.
alysaundre - Black Loveage (Smyrnium olusatrum).
alyth - To mix with. Similar to temper.
amidon - Wheat starch, or occasionally rye starch. Corn starch can be used as a modern substitute.
amydoun - Wheat starch, or occasionally rye starch. Corn starch can be used as a modern substitute.
appulmos - A sweet sort of apple pudding, usually containing almond milk.
appulmoy - A sweet sort of apple pudding, usually containing almond milk.
apulmos - A sweet sort of apple pudding, usually containing almond milk.
arbolettys - A baked dish of herbs with eggs.
ardaunt (ew ardaunt) - Distilled spirits, such as brandy.
auance - Avens (Geum urbanum). A member of the rose family common to England and much of Europe. Has medicinal as well as culinary uses. Also known as Herb Bennet.
Avens - Geum urbanum
ayren - Eggs. (from German)
ayrenn - Eggs. (from German)
aysell - Apple cider vinegar.
balloc (balloc broth) - A fish stew. May be a transcription or copying error for "ballow".
balourgly - A fish stew. See balloc.
barbel - A carp-like freshwater fish (genus Barbus).
bataiwyng - Crenellations. Having battlements.
baude - To cut in thin slices.
bawde - To cut in thin slices.
berm - Yeast, usually as foam from brewing beer or ale.
betes - Beet greens.
betany - Betony (Stachys officinalis), also known as woundwort and common hedgenettle. A member of the mint family.
betayn - Betony (Stachys officinalis), also known as woundwort and common hedgenettle. A member of the mint family.
Betony - Stachys officinalis
betor - Bittern (Botaurus stellaris). A large wading bird of the heron family.
Bittern - Botaurus stellaris
betus - Beet greens.
bitore - Bittern (Botaurus stellaris). A large wading bird of the heron family.
blamang - A dish usually made of rice and chicken.
blanche - White. (from French)
blank - White. (from French)
blanke - White. (from French)
blaunche - White. (from French)
blanc manger - A dish usually made of rice and chicken.
blomanger (blanc manger) - A dish usually made of rice and chicken.
bolas (bullace) - Plums.
bonte - A linen sieve.
borage - Common Borage (Borago officinalis). A kitchen herb common across Europe. Borage flowers are blue.
Borage - Borago officinalis
bourreys - A dish made in the form of little, filled pastry pouches. (from French bourse)
bowres - A dish made in the form of little, filled pastry pouches. (from French bourse)
brasele - Braise.
braan - Flesh. The term is aparently only applied to meat (compared to "char" which can mean meat but was also used for the flesh of fruit).
brann - Flesh. The term is aparently only applied to meat (compared to "char" which can mean meat but was also used for the flesh of fruit).
branne - Flesh. The term is aparently only applied to meat (compared to "char" which can mean meat but was also used for the flesh of fruit).
brasey - Braised.
brawn - Flesh. The term is aparently only applied to meat (compared to "char" which can mean meat but was also used for the flesh of fruit).
bray - To grind.
breme - A general term for a number of species of freshwater and saltwater fish.
brewet - A soup or stew, usually containing meat. (probably from French)
brey - To grind.
broche - A stick or skewer (branch).
bruet - A soup or stew, usually containing meat. (probably from French)
brymeus - Unknown, but may be a misspelling, transcription or copying error of a word meaning "blackberries".
bukkenade - A meat stew (most often veal), usually including egg yolks.
buknade - A meat stew (most often veal), usually including egg yolks.
burage - Common Borage (Borago officinalis). A kitchen herb common across Europe. Borage flowers are blue.
caboches - Cabbage.
calwar - A type or grade of salmon. May be related to "calver" salmon which is freshly caught and cleaned, or "salar" salmon which is young.
cameline - A very common sauce containing cinnamon. May have originally been "canneline".
camelyne - A very common sauce containing cinnamon. May have originally been "canneline".
canel - Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia). Sold as "cinnamon" in the United States.
canett - Misspelling or transcription error for "canell"
carnel - Transcription error for "caruel" - brains.
carnoun - Transcription error for "carvoun" (carved).
caudel - A smooth, thick soup or beverage, usually made with eggs.
cawdel - A smooth, thick soup or beverage, usually made with eggs.
charchant - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
charchaunt - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
charchaut - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
chard - Flesh. May refer to either the flesh of an animal or the flesh of a fruit.
chare - Flesh. May refer to either the flesh of an animal or the flesh of a fruit.
chargeant - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
chargeaunt - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
chargeour - A large plate.
chargeours - A large plate.
charghaunt - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
chariaud - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
chariaunt - Very thick. Chargeant seems to be somewhere between "thick" and stonding in consistency.
charlet - A dish made of minced meat boiled in milk.
chastletes - Filled paistry castles.
chawdon - A dish made of organ meats.
chawdoun - A dish made of organ meats.
chescun - Each one. (from French)
chewetes - Small baked or fried pies.
chibolles - Scallions or spring onions.
chiches - Chick peas.
chyballes - Scallions or spring onions.
chyches - Chick peas.
cipris - Cypress. Much of the sugar was imported from Cypress, leading highly sweetened dishes to be labeled as such (e.g. "vyaunde cypre").
clarry - Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea).
Clary Sage - Salvia sclarea
clees - Claws.
cloue - Cloves.
clowte - Cloth.
code - Cod (Gadus morhua).
codlyng - Cod (Gadus morhua).
Cod - Gadus morhua
coffyn - A pastry crust, often freestanding and rectangular.
cofyn - A pastry crust, often freestanding and rectangular.
coliaundre - Coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum).
colyandre - Coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum).
colys - A broth with finely ground meat.
comade - Paistry filling.
comfery - Comfrey (Symphytum officinale).
Comfrey - Symphytum officinale
comfyte - Sugar coated seeds (e.g. anise in confit), or fruit in syrup (e.g. pears in confit).
compost - A dish of pickled fruits and vegetables.
comyn - Cumin (Cuminum cyminum).
Cumin - Cuminum cyminum
confit - Sugar coated seeds (e.g. anise in confit), or fruit in syrup (e.g. pears in confit).
confyt - Sugar coated seeds (e.g. anise in confit), or fruit in syrup (e.g. pears in confit).
conger - Eels.
congur - Eels.
connes - Quince. (from French)
coneys - Rabbits.
connynges - Rabbits.
conynges - Rabbits.
conynggis - Rabbits.
conynggys - Rabbits.
cool - Cole or Kale. Any one of a number of leafy vegetables, usually a variant of cabbage (Brassica oleracea).
corance - Raisins made from corinth grapes (a.k.a currants).
coraunce - Raisins made from corinth grapes (a.k.a currants).
corauns - Raisins made from corinth grapes (a.k.a currants).
coraunte - Raisins made from corinth grapes (a.k.a currants).
cormarye - Pork marinated in spiced wine and roasted.
coronse - Raisins made from corinth grapes (a.k.a currants).
costmarye - Costmary (Tanacetum balsamita), also called alecost. A more aromatic relative of Tansy.
Costmary - Tanacetum balsamita
cotagres - A roast dish made by sewing the top of a chicken to the back of a pig to look like a mytical animal (cockatrice).
countoer - A top crust.
coynes - Quince.
craytoun - A dish with a sauce made with milk.
cruddes - Curds or new cheese.
crustardes - A savory tart of eggs and meat, similar to quiche.
cryppys - Funnel cake.
cryspels - Thin fried crackers.
cryspes - Funnel cake.
cubebs - (Piper cubeba). A type of pepper with a citrus-like scent. Also called Tailed Pepper.
culdore - Colander.
curlewe - A large wading bird (Numenius arquata), about 20 inches (50 cm) in length.
Curlew - Numenius arquata
cyee - Civey. Gravy made with onions.
cynee - Civey. Gravy made with onions. Most likely a transcription error for "cyvee".
cyney - Civey. Gravy made with onions. Most likely a transcription error for "cyvee".
cypre - Cypress. Much of the sugar was imported from Cypress, leading highly sweetened dishes to be labeled as such (e.g. "vyaunde cypre").
dace - A freshwater fish of the carp family (Leuciscus leuciscus).
Dace - Leuciscus leuciscus
damysyns - Plums.
darioles - Sweet custard tarts.
daryols - Sweet custard tarts.
desire (blanc desire) - A thick soup made with poultry, rice, and milk.
desne (blanc desne) - A thick soup made with poultry, rice, and milk.
dessorre (blanc dessorre) - A thick soup made with poultry, rice, and milk.
dight - To carve. The term is used exclusively for game birds.
ditayn - Dittany (Origanum dictamnus). Not to be confused with Cunila origanoides, which is a new-world plant.
Dittany - Origanum dictamnus
diting - Carving. The term is used exclusively for game birds.
dokkes - Dough. A transcription error for "dowes".
dorry - Endored. Made golden. (from French)
dorryes - Endored. Made golden. (from French)
dorryle - Endored. Made golden. (from French)
douce - Sweet. (from French)
douse - Sweet. (from French)
dowce - Sweet. (from French)
egarduse - A sweet and sour dish. (from French)
egurdouce - A sweet and sour dish. (from French)
eier - Air.
eiren - Eggs. (from German)
eisel - Wine vinegar. (from French)
elena campana - Elecampane (Inula helenium), also known as Horse-heal.
Elecampane - Inula helenium
elren - Elder tree (Sambucus nigra).
Elder tree - Sambucus nigra
endore - Make golden. (from French)
endorre - Make golden. (from French)
enforced - Stuffed. (from French)
enforse - Stuffed. (from French)
eowtes - Chopped herbs in broth. Most likely a transcription error for "iowtes".
erbeblade - A baked dish of herbs with eggs.
erbolates - A baked dish of herbs with eggs.
eron - Eggs. (from German)
etemele - Oatmeal.
euarund - Garnished. May be a transcription error for "armed".
eyren - Eggs. (from German)
eyrenn - Eggs. (from German)
eyrin - Eggs. (from German)
eyryn - Eggs. (from German)
eyrynn - Eggs. (from German)
eysel - Wine vinegar. (from French)
fars - Stuff. (from French)
farse - Stuff. (from French)
farsure - Stuffing. (from French)
feneboiles - Boiled beans. Most likely a transcription or copy error for "feve boiles".
fenkel - Fennel.
firmanty - Frumenty, a kind of porridge made from wheat.
flaumpens - Pork pies.
flaumpeyns - Pork pies.
flaunne - Baste. Most likely a transcription error for "flamme".
flownys - Flans or custards.
foile - A thin sheet or leaf. (from French)
fondew - Melted. (from French)
force - Stuff. (from French)
forced - Stuffed. (from French)
formenty - Frumenty, a kind of porridge made from wheat.
formete - Frumenty, a kind of porridge made from wheat.
fors - Stuff. (from French)
forsy - Stuffing. (from French)
fort - Strong. (from French)
found - Melt. (from French)
founde - Melted. (from French)
foyle - A thin sheet or leaf. (from French)
frutours - Fritter. A fried cake.
frytour - Fritter. A fried cake.
frytours - Fritter. A fried cake.
funde - Melt. (from French)
funges - Mushrooms.
furmente - Frumenty, a kind of porridge made from wheat.
furmenty - Frumenty, a kind of porridge made from wheat.
fygey - A pudding of figs and raisins.
galentyn - A sauce for meats, usually made with the juice of the meat thickened with bread crumbs.
galentyn - A sauce for meats, usually made with the juice of the meat thickened with bread crumbs.
galentyne - A sauce for meats, usually made with the juice of the meat thickened with bread crumbs.
galingale - Lesser Galingale (Alpinia officinarum), a member of the ginger family.
galingale - Lesser Galingale (Alpinia officinarum), a member of the ginger family.
Lesser Galingale - Alpinia officinarum
galyntyn - A sauce for meats, usually made with the juice of the meat thickened with bread crumbs.
galyntyne - A sauce for meats, usually made with the juice of the meat thickened with bread crumbs.
galytyne - A sauce for meats, usually made with the juice of the meat thickened with bread crumbs.
garyngale - Lesser Galingale (Alpinia officinarum), a member of the ginger family.
gelofre - Gillyflower. An old-world plant with scented flowers, sometimes used as a substitute for cloves.
gelosre - Gillyflower. An old-world plant with scented flowers, sometimes used as a substitute for cloves.
gelye - Jelly
gilofr - Gillyflower. An old-world plant with scented flowers, sometimes used as a substitute for cloves.
gilofre - Gillyflower. An old-world plant with scented flowers, sometimes used as a substitute for cloves.
gleyres of ayrenn - Egg whites.
golet - Gullet.
gornard - Gurnard. Any of a number of species of fish that crawl over the ocean floor using highly developed pectoral fins.
greke wyne - A sweet wine imported from Italy.
grewel - A porridge of oatmeal or barley, usually cooked in broth.
greynes de parys - Grains of Paradise (Aframomum melegueta), also known as Guinea pepper or Melegueta pepper. A small, hard seed with a flavor between ginger and pepper.
Grains of Paradise - Aframomum melegueta
gurnardes - Gurnard. Any of a number of species of fish that crawl over the ocean floor using highly developed pectoral fins.
gylofre - Gillyflower. An old-world plant with scented flowers, sometimes used as a substitute for cloves.
gysers - Gizzards.
gysowrys - Gizzards.
haddoke - Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). A member of the cod family.
Haddock - Melanogrammus aeglefinus
hake - A type of fish, similar to cod but with a coarser grain and sligtly stronger flavor.
hebolace - A stew of onion and herbs, possibly thickened with egg yolkes. May be a transcription or copying error for "chebolace".
heppes - Rose hips.
herbelade - A pie filled with meat, herbs, and eggs.
heyryn - Eggs. (from German)
hilde - To skin or flay.
hoggepot - A stew made with pieces of meat (usually goose), onions, and herbs.
holke - To hollow out.
hylde - To skin or flay.
hyssop - A member of the mint family (Hyssopus officinalis).
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis
iblaunched - Blanched.
iboiled - Boiled.
icorne - Cored. Most likely a transcription or copying error for "icorue".
icorue - Cored.
ifonded - Melted. (from French)
igrated - Grated.
ihewe - Hewn, Chopped.
ihewed - Hewn, Chopped.
ioiss - Juice.
iquarterid - Quartered.
isode - Boiled.
isop - Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). A member of the mint family.
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis
iuce - Juice.
iuschelle (jussel) - Soup. (from Latin)
jowtes - Herbs cooked in broth or almond milk.
jussel - A soup of eggs and broth.
jusshell - A soup of eggs and broth.
kanel - Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia). Sold as "cinnamon" in the United States.
keyntlich - Carefully.
kyne - Cows.
lamprouns - Lampreys.
River Lamprey - Lampetra fluviatilis
langdebef - Lang de Boeuf or Ox-tongue (Picris echiodes). May also have been bugloss or a type of borage.
lardid - Larded. Lean meats like venison are larded by inserting matchstick-shaped slivers of fat into the surface.
lardons - Matchstick-shaped slivers of fat.
lardyd - Larded. Lean meats like venison are larded by inserting matchstick-shaped slivers of fat into the surface.
laue (lave) - Wash. (from French)
laumprey - Lampreys.
laumpreys - Lampreys.
laumprouns - Lampreys.
leche - Slice.
leches - Slices.
lesh - Slice.
leshe - Slice.
lesshes - Slices.
lete - Milk. (from French)
letelorye - A milk custard with added fat. (from French)
letlardys - A milk custard with added fat. (from French)
lewe - Lukewarm.
lews - Lukewarm.
lire - Flesh.
loche - Loach. A type of freshwater fish.
Spined Loach - Cobitis taenia
lomprey - Lampreys.
longebeff - Lang de Boeuf or Ox-tongue (Picris echiodes). May also have been bugloss or a type of borage.
looches - Loach. A type of freshwater fish.
loseyns - Lozenges. Pasta cut into diamond shapes.
losyns - Lozenges. Pasta cut into diamond shapes.
lozeyns - Lozenges. Pasta cut into diamond shapes.
lucys - Luce, Pike. A type of freshwater fish.
Pike - Esox lucius
lye (alay) - To mix with. Similar to temper.
lyed (alayed) - To mix with. Similar to temper.
lyes (alay) - To mix with. Similar to temper.
lyng - Cod (Gadus morhua).
lyuer - Flesh.
lyuoers - Flesh.
lyuour - Flesh.
macis - Mace.
macrows - Macaroni or some similar form of pasta.
macys - Mace.
malves - Mallow (Althaea officinalis).
Mallow - Althaea officinalis
malwys - Mallow (Althaea officinalis).
mammenye - Minced chicken with a suace made of wine or almond milk.
manmene (maumenee) - Minced chicken with a suace made of wine or almond milk.
marchannt (powder marchant) - A pre-prepared mixture of spices. Possibly strong as it is used by one recipe in place of pepper.
marchant (powder marchant) - A pre-prepared mixture of spices. Possibly strong as it is used by one recipe in place of pepper.
maribones - Marrow bones.
marwe - Marrow.
maunger (blanc manger) - A dish usually made of rice and chicken.
mawmenee - Minced chicken with a suace made of wine or almond milk.
mawmenny - Minced chicken with a suace made of wine or almond milk.
mawmenye - Minced chicken with a suace made of wine or almond milk.
maziozame - Marjoram.
mede - Mead (honey wine).
medel - Mix.
medle - Mix.
medylde - Mixed.
mell - Mix.
menge - Mix.
messe - Serve.
mice - Minced.
millewell - A kind of fish, probably cod (Gadus morhua).
moilles - Moistened. (from French)
mortrewes - Morsels. A dish of pounded meat.
mountance - Amount.
murreye - A dish made using mulberries, or colored a dark red like mulberries.
mugadez (noiez mugadez) - Nutmeg.
mung - Mix.
mycd - Minced.
myce - Mince.
mycyd - Minced.
myid - Minced.
myltes (milts) - Spleens.
mylwell - A kind of fish, probably cod (Gadus morhua).
myng - Mix.
myse - Mince.
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
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Skype: Travelingraggyman
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300 votes - Pewter Award
100 votes - Copper Award
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
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