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It's often hard to realize just how many chemicals we use to clean ourselves and
our homes. Many of these chemicals are potentially hazardous and several are
suspected carcinogens; after doing their work and probably having an effect on
us humans they leach out into the environment and contaminate water and soil.
But so many things can be cleaned with just a little extra effort and good old
elbow grease, at minimal cost to you and to the environment.
Chemical 'air freshener' sprays do anything but freshen the air, as most
contain polluting chemicals, some of which (such as limonene) are suspected
carcinogens. Aerosol varieties may also contain ozone-damaging propellants. Try
some of these alternatives.
Try having some pot plants around; plants act as natural filters which
absorb many pollutants and help to regulate humidity levels. Try a spider plant
(Chlorophytum elatum), or a scented herb. Ferns are good in the bathroom as they
like moist conditions. Herbs are also good in the bathroom, especially the mints
and scented geranium; the do need a lot of natural light but they enjoy the
moist warmth, and you can break off sprigs to scent your bath water!
If possible, have open windows whenever possible to let in natural light
and fresh air.
Get an essential oil pot, diffuser or burner and use an aromatherapy blend
of pure essential oils to lift your mood as well as make your environment smell
A few slices of lemon in a shallow dish of water will help absorb cigarette
odors and remove them from the room.
Make your own air-freshener spray; dissolve 2 ml of your favorite essential
oil in 5 ml of mentholated spirits and blend with 500 ml distilled water. Store
in a spray-pump bottle, shake well before use, and use on a mist setting.
Melt candle drippings or ends in a double boiler, and add essential oil until
the scent is strong. Pour into small molds, pierce the shapes with a knitting
needle when cool, and hang up in front of windows or heating outlets where air
will pass over them.
Hang sachets or bunches of drying herbs about the house, or use potpourri.
Half a cup of brown vinegar in a room where people are smoking will absorb
Put 1-3 drops essential oil on a tiny scrap of cloth or piece of cotton wool and
leave somewhere inconspicuous (but in the open) for a small room air freshener.
I use peppermint oil to deodorize my laundry (which is also my bathroom and my
cats' dining room!) The scent is a great morning pick-up, too.
Mix 2 cups sugar, I cup hot water, 2 tablespoons borax, 2 tablespoons boric
acid. Boil for 3 minutes, leave to cool, and bottle. Place this mixture in old
saucers or shallow dishes near ant trails; the ants will eat it, return to their
nests and die there. Replenish the dishes until no more ant return to them.
CAUTION: Keep this mixture away from children and animals.
Place pennyroyal, rue, dried paprika, crushed whole cloves or tansy around
shelves and cupboards to keep ants away.
If you can find the nest, pour boiling water down it.
Sprinkle talcum powder on ant trails outside the nest. This is safer for
use when children or pets are about.
Ants don't like crossing white chalk lines!
For ants in the garden, here's an old country recipe. Mix 250 grams of salt
with half a liter of water. Add 5 kilos of sawdust or bran and about 10 cups
molasses. This makes a crumbly mixture which can be spread around plants and
shrubs in the garden where there's an ant problem, yet isn't dangerous to
children or pets.
Also for garden ants, plant mint. But be warned, it will take over your
Wipe over the bath with bicarbonate of soda sprinkled onto a damp cloth.
Polish by wiping over with white vinegar.
Clean mirrors and glass with a solution of vinegar and water, which can
also be used to disinfect the toilet.
To repel bees from a swimming pool or other outdoor area, grow hawthorn.
Don't be fooled into buying one of those expensive 'blind vacuums' to clean
your venetian blinds. Put on an old pair of fabric gloves. Dip them in soapy
water, then draw the slats between your fingers.
Add a tablespoon of baking soda to 600 ml water and bring slowly to the
Sprinkle a layer of cooking salt over the bottom of the saucepan and cover
with vinegar. Leave overnight, pour off the liquid, and scour the pan.
Cover burnt area with salt, moisten and leave in the sun for a few days.
Repeat till pan is clean.
Gently heat a little olive oil in the pan. Allow to stand an hour, pour off
the oil and clean in the usual way.
To prevent candles dripping, chill in the fridge for a few hours before use.
The car can be washed with soft soap in warm water. Wash by hand so as not
to waste water, and polish with a chamois cloth to remove any soap film.
Remove grease stains on upholstery by rubbing bicarbonate of soda into the
spot and brushing off.
Remove old registration stickers with a piece of wet cling-film; place over
the sticker, leave for 30 seconds and peel off.
Glass and chrome surfaces of the car can be cleaned with a solution of 10 ml
vinegar to 500 ml warn water, buffed off with newspaper.
Make your own carpet cleaner by mixing 2 tablespoons common salt with some
bran. Sprinkle over carpets and upholstery, leave overnight and vacuum off
the next day.
A carpet deodorizer can be made by mixing a few drops of your favorite
Essential oil with bicarbonate of soda. Store in an airtight jar for 24 hours
before use. To use, just sprinkle on the carpet, leave a few minutes and vacuum
up. You can make this an anti-flea powder by using pennyroyal, citronella,
lavender or tea-tree oil.
To clean the stains of animal 'indiscretions', mix up 2 cups soap flakes,
1/2 cup mentholated spirits and 25 ml eucalyptus oil. Use about 2 tablespoonful
to a bowl of warm water and use to sponge the stain. Don't use commercial carpet
cleaners as many are ammonia-based and will leave a urine scent which will
attract the pet.
Plain Carpet Shampoo: merely dissolve 1/2 a cup of plain soap flakes or
grated soap in boiling water, cool and whip until stiff. Apply only to small
areas of the carpet at a time, and when dry, remove the residue and wipe with a
damp cloth. When the patch is nearly dry, brush the carpet nap tip.
Can be removed from children's hair by dabbing with a cloth soaked in
Eucalyptus oil.
To clean and deodorize your plastic or wooden chopping board, make a paste
of salt and bicarbonate of soda, rub into the board, then spread on thickly and
leave for about an hour. (One of my ex-roommates once saw this and tasted it,
thinking it was icing sugar!)
Place pieces of vanilla beans around the area
Get empty margarine containers, or grease the *inside* tops of jars with
margarine. Pour about 1/2 an inch of wine or beer, or a slice of banana, in the
containers. Leave overnight where the cockroaches appear; they'll be attracted
by the wine or beer, climb in the container, and be unable to climb out because
of the grease. Tip the trapped roaches into boiling water to kill.
Sprinkle Epsom salts around, replenishing every few weeks for best results.
Mix borax and sugar in equal parts, and place in cupboards where roaches
To get rid of the sediment build-up in wine or port decanters, pour 1 tsp
salt and 1 cup vinegar into the decanter. Shake well, leave overnight and then
wash and rinse.
Half a cup of borax dissolved in 4.5 liters (one gallon) of water makes a
good all-purpose disinfectant for floors, walls, sinks and working surfaces.;
add a few drops of lavender, pine or thyme essential oil to scent, deodonize and
add antiseptic qualities.
Try saving your soap scraps and putting them in an old-fashioned wire 'soap
saver' or tying them in a mesh orange/onion bag. Swirl it around under the hot
water tap, and wash the dishes.
Alternatively, use plain yellow laundry soap for dishwashing. We used
laundry soap to wash dishes all through my childhood.
Pre-soaking the very dirty dishes in cold water will make them much easier
to clean. Pour off fat from baking dishes into a cup, leave to solidify, then
dump in the trash - you'll need less soap or detergent.
If you have a dog which chews stuff you don't want him/her to chew, try a few
drops of oil of cloves on the item. My housemate has just used this to
successfully prevent her puppy chewing his dog bed (and this is a puppy who
wasn't even deterred by hot chill sauce!)
Grate I cup glycerin soap, place in 625 ml boiling water, stir till dissolved.
Cool and add 20-40 drops eucalyptus oil. This mixture should help repel fleas.
Add a tablespoon of salt to the water while rinsing the dog, to add freshness
and help kill fleas.
Bicarbonate of soda makes a good dry dog wash; rub well into coat and brush
out. This will clean and deodorize the coat and provide a healthy shine.
To clear clogged drains, put a large handful of washing soda crystals over the
sink outlet and pour down a kettle of boiling water.
You can also try pouring down a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda and 3
tablespoons of vinegar. Allow it to fizz and then pour in a jugful of boiling
Use both these tips regularly to keep drains from getting clogged in the first
Clean grease and oil stains from your driveway by covering with kitty litter;
leave overnight then brush with a very stiff broom.
To clean an electric jug, cut a fresh lemon into four pieces, place in Jug
and bring to boil.
Half fill jug with cold water and add 1/4 cup of white vinegar. Bring to
the boil, leave for 30 seconds, repeat and rinse.
NOTE: Some people put fabric softener in the dryer, not the washing machine.
This formula is meant for use in the final rinse only - definitely not the
If you dry your clothes outside, you really shouldn't need to use fabric
If you prefer using one, make your own, Mix one part bicarbonate of soda, one
part white vinegar, two parts water, and scent with a few drops of lavender or
lemon essential oil. Use this as you would a commercial product.
To clean dirty marks from a porous brick fireplace, dab with neat vinegar.
To repel:
Wipe over windowsills and door frames with a cloth sprinkled with oil of
Grow fennel, pyrethrum daisies, mint, basil, rue or tansy around your windows
and doors. Hang bunches of these herbs in rooms.
Mix 20 ml eucalyptus oil and 5 ml bergamot oil with 100 ml alcohol and 1400
ml distilled water. Add 10 ml white vinegar and use as fly spray.
Walnut trees will also repel flies.
Mix 1/2 tsp ground black pepper, I teaspoon brown sugar and I teaspoon cream,
and place in a saucer. This is supposed to kill flies when they eat it.
Mix 120 ml linseed oil and 120 ml malt vinegar in a bottle, seal and shake
to mix. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon or lavender oil. This will clean, polish and
leave a lovely finish on timber surfaces.
Grate 100 grams beeswax into ajar and cover with 100 ml mineral turpentine.
Seal and leave to stand two weeks, shaking the jar occasionally and adding more
turpentine as necessary to make a smooth paste-like consistency. When ready,
stir in lavender or lemon essential oil drop by drop until the scent is as
strong as you like.
Another polish recipe: 500g shredded beeswax in 1 liter turpentine, and
add 25g liquid ammonia.
This is a general spray for getting rid of scale, mites and aphids. Mix 3
chopped onions, I chopped garlic clove, 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper, I
tablespoon pure soap flakes and a liter of water. Mix well, preferably in a
blender, then strain and store in a well-labeled bottle.
Saturate stain with glycerin, leave an hour, then wash as usual.
To deodorize surfaces, wipe down with a liter of warm water to which has
been added 5 drops lemon, thyme, lavender or eucalyptus oil.
Thoroughly blend 30 drops of rosemary, lavender or thyme oil (or a
combination) with a cup of bicarbonate of soda. Apply with a damp cloth to
tiles, bench tops, sinks and other surfaces. Wipe off with a clean soft cloth.
To clean leather jackets, use petroleum jelly, which removes dirty marks
and leaves the leather supple.
Hardened, clogged mascara can be softened by immersing the container in hot
water. Leave to cool a few minutes before using.
For a musty-smelling mattress, freshen with a few drops of tea-tree oil in
a liter of water. Sponge this liquid over the mattress and leave in the fresh
air to dry.
Sprinkle bicarbonate of soda all over the mattress and base, leave to dry.
Vacuum the powder off the next day.
Sprinkle peppermint or clove oil in front of mouse hole and in cupboards.
If you're not sure where the mouse hole is, sprinkle some bicarbonate of
soda, talcum powder or similar powdery substance around suspect cupboards,
skirting boards and openings. The mice will leave tracks in the powder and
you'll be able to tell where they live.
my favorite solution... get a cat!
To prevent them fogging up, rub the mirror all over with the edge of a
completely dry cake of toilet soap (not the transparent kind). Polish off with a
dry cloth. The mirrors will sparkle and not steam up.
Another anti-steaming idea; moisten a cloth with glycerin and rub over the
To revive old mirrors, clean with weak tea (no milk and sugar, the mirror
doesn't take it)
Polish mirrors with old nylon pantyhose; they give a good shine and leave
no lint.
Put a thick sheet of aluminum foil on the floor of the oven, being careful
it doesn't come into contact with the thermostat or heating parts. This will
catch drips and grease and can be replaced every so often.
Always wipe the oven out after every use, while still warm. This saves hard
work later.
Pantyhose will last longer if treated this way before use: wet thoroughly,
wring out gently, place in plastic bag and put into freezer. Once frozen, thaw
in bathtub or sink and hang out to dry.
Make a pincushion stuffed with steel wool. Take a spray-can lid, pack tightly to
overflowing with steel wool, cover with a circle of fabric and secure with
sewing, glue or an elastic band. Store your pins in this cushion and they will
stay sharp and not rust.
Clean and deodorize your fridge with a teaspoon of dry mustard in soapy water,
or vanilla essence in warm water.
Leave a packet of bicarbonate of soda open in the fridge to absorb odors. Add a
drop of lemon or bergamot oil to the rinse water when washing your fridge to
deodorize it.
For silver cutlery, lay a sheet of aluminum foil in a pan, cover with a few
inches of water, and add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of
soda. Bring to the boil, drop in the cutlery, simmer for five minutes, then
remove and rinse.
For silver jewelry, shred aluminum foil until you have enough to half-fill a
jar. Add a teaspoon of salt and fill with water. Drop in Jewelry, cover the jar
and leave for five minutes, then remove and rinse the jewelry.
Snails won't damage seedlings or young plants if you sprinkle sawdust around
them; the snails don't like the sawdust because it clings to them, and this
method is harmless to pets and children.
To soften hardened towels and face-washers, soak overnight in a basinful of
cold water in which you've dissolved 2 tablespoons borax. The next day wash them
in very hot water with just a small amount of detergent, then rinse in cold
water with 2 teaspoons of salt.
Many spots can be removed from wallpaper by rubbing gently with an art gum
eraser or a piece of stale bread.
Remove blood stains from wallpaper by mixing cornflower to a paste with cold
water. Spread on stain, leave to dry and brush off.
To remove old wallpaper from walls, mix vinegar with warm water and apply
generously with a paint roller. Leave to soak in well before removing paper.
Clean with newspaper instead of cloth to avoid lint getting on glass.
Clean with cold black tea with a few drops of glycerin added; spray on and
polish with a clean dry cloth.
Grate 500 g pure laundry soap, and combine in a saucepan with 1 liter boiling
water and 1 tablespoon borax. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly until well
blended. Remove from heat and cool, then add 1/2 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil;
store in a wide-mouthed jar and seal well. Wash woolens by hand using 1/2 cup -
1 cup of the mixture.
Rub inside of zipper with a soft lead pencil to keep it running smoothly
If a zipper is stiff and hard to close, sprinkle with talcum powder.
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
Skype: Travelingraggyman
Email and Instant Messenger:
TravelerinBDFSM @ aol/aim; hotmail;; live & yahoo
Travelingraggyman @ gmail and icq ***
10,000 votes - Platinum Award
5,000 votes - Gold Award
2,500 votes - Silver Award
1,000 votes - Bronze Award
300 votes - Pewter Award
100 votes - Copper Award
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
© 2025 Created by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler.
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