Activated charcoal is considered to be medicine’s most powerful adsorbent and as such, it readily works to adsorb many toxins, poisons and heavy metals from the body, rendering them harmless. Activated charcoal is a non-toxic antidote that has been used effectively as far back as the Egyptian dynasty and possibly longer.

What Is Activated Charcoal?

Activated charcoal is simply burnt wood that has had all the oxygen removed from it through controlled oxidation and or processing by steam. Before the 19th century plain burnt wood was used just as activated charcoal is used today, but it only had about one fourth the adsorption power. Charcoal, when activated, has up to four times the adsorption power of plain burnt wood. Activated charcoal is produced from hardwood trees or coconut shells, and is an important health aid. However, charcoal briquettes, burned toast, burned meat or any burned food can be harmful as a carcinogen or cancer producer.

How Is Activated Charcoal Used As An Antidote?

As an antidote, activated charcoal is mainly known for its use in drug overdoses and chemical poisonings. Charcoal acts to purify and cleanse the body due to its amazing ability to attract poisons to itself. Charcoal has a wide range of absorption for heavy metals, viruses, bacterial and fungal toxins, etc. It often adsorbs more than its own weight of injurious materials.

How Does Charcoal Work?

Internal as an antidote and remedy it works by binding drugs and poisons within the gastrointestinal tract, allowing their transfer out of the body in a harmless form. Charcoal absorbs like a sponge, and renders poisons harmless. It can do varied tasks because of its amazing ability to attract other substances to its surface and hold on to them until they exit the body.

How Is Activated Charcoal Used Internally?

One tablespoon or more mixed into a glass of water is usually all that is required. Charcoal is an odorless and tasteless powder that is best taken between meals – two hours before or two hours after a meal. One teaspoon of it has a surface area of more than 10,000 square feet. This unique feature allows it to adsorb large amounts of chemicals and poisons. The powder must be stored in a tightly sealed container, as it readily adsorbs impurities from the atmosphere. In this way charcoal will store indefinitely in a glass or can. Mason jars with seals are ideal for storage.

Is Activated Charcoal Harmful In Any Way?

Studies show that activated charcoal is harmless when ingested or inhaled or when it comes in contact with the skin. In rare cases, charcoal may mildly irritate the bowel in sensitive persons, but no allergies or other side effects have been recorded. It can be very slightly constipating.

How Can Everyone Benefit From Drinking Charcoal Mixed In Water?

There is a special way to prepare charcoal for the few sensitive persons that may have Crohn’s Disease (or Ileitis), colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Actually every person reading this paper can benefit by this formula. Put about two tablespoons of charcoal into a quart jar with a little water. Mix well and fill to the top. Put a lid on the jar and shake. Leave this over night then pour off the top water into another empty jar and discard the charcoal that has settled to the bottom. This mixture is now ready to use or to save for future use. You can use this in an infant’s baby bottle for colic. Dilute with more water if necessary. As long as a suspension is stored in the closed container, the potency of the suspension will be preserved indefinitely. It is suggested to drink this mixture first thing in the morning as far away from breakfast time as possible. Try this for three months and see how much better you feel.

Can Charcoal Be Used For Indigestion, Gas & Heartburn?

Yes. Charcoal has proven to be more effective for indigestion, gas and heartburn than just about any other natural product being promoted. Studies show that activated charcoal cuts down on the amount of gas produced by beans and other gaseous foods. Intestinal gas in many cases is caused by poor food combinations, excessive meat consumption, or processed foods that won’t digest properly. Subsequently, they will ferment and putrefy in the intestinal system and result in gas, indigestion and heartburn. Activated charcoal helps to stop the fermentation process and it adsorbs the excess gas and bacteria that form the gas. It also helps adsorb impacted intestinal waste and remove it from the body.

Another important benefit of charcoal in the digestive system is elimination of mucous. A lot of digestive disorders are associated with a mucous film that coats the intestines. This is caused mainly from years of inverted eating. Significant amounts of mucous producing foods such as dairy contribute to this build up. Mucous in the digestive system can lead to all sorts of downward spiraling health challenges. Mucous is a major factor in causing nutritional deficiency because the body has a difficult time processing and utilizing nutrients and getting them into the bloodstream effectively because the mucous hinders absorption of nutrients. People with allergies, sinuses and mucous related issues should definitely try activated charcoal. It just makes everything else work better.

In the case of an upset stomach, which can be caused by contaminated food, virus outbreaks, wrong food combinations, eating too fast, eating too late or eating stale food, one will definitely benefit from charcoal as a health aid. Charcoal is great for food poisoning and toxic abdominal infections in the small intestines. Most cases of chest pain (called heartburn) are nothing more than acid indigestion that can be helped by taking charcoal. A slurry water may be made by using charcoal powder stirred in water or with a little olive oil. It will help with indigestion in most cases.

Charcoal also helps to eliminate bad breath because it cleanses both the mouth and the digestive tract.

How Can Charcoal Be Used For Diarrhea?

Perhaps one of the most effective uses of charcoal is in cases of diarrhea. Treat severe diarrhea in an adult by adding 2 large tablespoons of charcoal powder to a glass of water. Drink one glass of charcoal water plus one glass of plain water 4 times a day. For a child, use one half of the adult dosage of charcoal. Dehydration is sometimes the result of diarrhea in children, and can easily cause death. Charcoal can prevent this. You may mix charcoal and honey, equal parts and give a spoonful every few hours. Results may take 1-3 days depending on the situation.

What Is The Charcoal Test For Good Elimination?

Drink a glass of slurry water containing 1-2 tablespoons of charcoal. Charcoal will turn the stool black within 24-30 hours. This is a good marker check to elimination. If it is not black in this time, other measures may need to be taken. For example, one may wish to fast one to three days on raw food, or use herbal laxatives, colonics, sea water flush, etc.

How Does Charcoal Work With Mushroom Poisoning?

There are many kinds of poisonous mushrooms like the amanitas. More people die from poisonous mushrooms than from any other plant. Charcoal neutralizes the poison from these mushrooms in most cases, if taken immediately.

How Does Charcoal Work With Drugs Or Aspirin Poisoning?

The most common drug poisoning is from aspirin. Charcoal should be given right away and if possible, within the first thirty minutes. Powdered charcoal reached its maximum rate of adsorption rapidly, within one minute. The sooner it is given the better the chances of successful treatment. Charcoal given after one hour of fast absorbing drugs, like aspirin, is usually only about ten percent effective.

How Much Charcoal Should Be Taken For Drug Or Poison Ingestion?

We might not know the type of drug or poison or the quantity taken. Fixed amounts of charcoal to be taken have been established. Usually a ten to one charcoal to drug ratio is used. The liver filters poison from the bloodstream and puts it into the bile and passes it back to the intestinal tract. It is possible with additional doses of charcoal to adsorb more poisons and chemicals.

Can Charcoal Be Premixed For First Aid Emergencies?

A convenient way to have a charcoal mixture available when you need it is to put 4 oz. of water to 30 grams or 2 heaping tablespoons of charcoal. Put this mixture into a glass jar with a screw on lid. All you have to do is shake it a few times, remove the lid and drink the contents. Follow this with one glass of water. Remember to give additional doses depending on the situation.

Can Charcoal Be Used For Nausea & Vomiting?

Charcoal is considered to be the most effective treatment for nausea and vomiting. This should always be used as the treatment of choice and is the main reason why activated charcoal belongs in every single home. Often people who are sick will feel well in seconds after swallowing the charcoal slurry. If the charcoal is vomited, give another dose immediately. Always follow the dose of charcoal with a full glass of water. Don’t give up if it is difficult to retain the mixture; usually it will go down by the third attempt. Charcoal takes the bite out of the 24-36 hour stomach bugs in a matter of minutes.

When Would We Not Use Charcoal?

Do not use charcoal with the following: cyanide, mineral acids, caustic alkalis, or boric acid. Other antidotes are more effective. Consult a poison control center in your state.

Charcoal is slightly constipating, containing no fiber, so it is helpful to drink a lot of water while using it. It should not be used for long periods of time, or over 12 weeks (three months) without taking some time off. Charcoal is best used for emergency situations.

How Does Charcoal Work With Alkaloids?

Charcoal effectively nullifies many alkaloids like strychnine, cocaine, morphine and nicotine. Anyone with drug addictions or who needs to detoxify their system quickly from the effects of these drugs would definitely want to use charcoal.

What Are Some Other Things That Charcoal Can Be Used For?

Charcoal is good for ingested detergents and cleaning agents. Other areas of interest may be with radiation, herbicides, pesticides, DDT solvents, kerosene, lead, and mercury. Mercury may come from vaccinations, or from amalgam fillings, or mildew resistant paints, for instance. With so many food crops sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, regular use of charcoal will help to rid these cell destroying toxins from the body and minimize their damaging effects. Mercury poisoning is a serious problem in our society. Many alternative doctors are finding mercury poisoning as the sole source of one’s health troubles. Mercury is a deadly heavy metal that needs to be removed from the body. It seriously impacts cellular respiration and cellular health. Among other mercury detoxifying methods, Charcoal is one of the best substances there is to help remove heavy metals, especially those brought into the body from vaccinations and dental fillings.

How Is Charcoal Used For Viruses?

The sheep pox, the foot and mouth virus, and the anthrax virus are absorbed by charcoal. Most bacterial or viral infections begin in the nose or the back of the throat and are caused by ingesting contaminated food or airborne inhalation. While few have heard of charcoal being an excellent product to use to help ward off infections, the truth is it’s one of the best natural substances there is. Instead of lingering around in the throat where viruses can mutate, charcoal helps to adsorb the viruses and eliminate them from the body. In fact, during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic some doctors were prescribing charcoal with impressive results.

Can Charcoal Be Used For Bacteria In Contaminated Water?

For contaminated water charcoal adsorbs diphtheria, tetanus, dysentery and many other bacteria that cause human health problems. Charcoal is used in many kinds of water filters to purify drinking water. It adsorbs chlorine, and many other harmful chemicals. There is nothing better than charcoal. Anyone traveling to a foreign country where water quality is a concern should never leave home without charcoal. It could be a life saver for you. Charcoal is also something that every Christian ministry conducting missionary work in third world countries should be giving to the people they help. Contaminated water is the leading cause of death in third world countries. Billions of people around the world living in horrendous conditions could be dramatically helped by charcoal. Instead of poisoning many of these hurting people further with toxic vaccines containing retro-viruses and heavy metals, why not try a safe, non-toxic substance given to man by our Creator that will do far more. Anyone involved in international ministry outreach that wants to obtain large quantity purchases of charcoal for missionary outreach can call us at 1-800-593-6273 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-593-6273      end_of_the_skype_highlighting to get more specifics on what is available.

Can Charcoal Be Used For Fungus?

Charcoal adsorbs aflatoxin, a fungus growing as a mold on peanuts, corn, or cottonseed. Charcoal works well on many other fungus strains too. The fact is if you were ever concerned about anything you ingested that could cause a health problem the first product of choice that everyone should go to is activated charcoal. It is the closest thing there is to a miracle product.

Can Charcoal Remove Bile From Blood?

Charcoal has been used to remove bile from the blood of jaundiced adults and babies, as well.

Can Charcoal Help Lower Cholesterol?

Charcoal can even lower blood cholesterol. Charcoal latches onto cholesterol molecules in the body and escorts them safely out. In one study, patients had a 41% drop in LDL (low density lipoprotein) levels after taking one quarter ounce, or 2 tablespoons of charcoal 3 times a day for 4 weeks.

Can Charcoal Be Used On Animals?

Charcoal can be used on animals for poisoning, and other sicknesses. Just mix the powder into their food. Quickly make some oatmeal, add charcoal and season with salt, chili powder, garlic or any other spice to make it more acceptable to them.

How Is Charcoal Used When The Optimum Time For Oral Administration Has Been Missed?

There is a method called HEMOPERFUSION, only done at hospitals and clinics that do DIALYSIS, where the patient’s blood is run over granular charcoal to purify it, and then the blood is put back into the patient.

How May Charcoal Increase Lifespan?

The lifespan increased in some animals up to 34% by feeding them charcoal in their diet. Toxins are believed to play an important role in aging. The purification of digestive juices in the intestinal tract using activated charcoal could remove toxic substances from a person’s system, allowing them to live healthier and longer. There are some people that use charcoal on a daily basis.

Activated charcoal not only neutralizes drugs in the stomach, small intestines, and colon, but can also attract drugs from the blood circulation in the area of the gastrointestinal tract and inactivate these poisons. This is called “gastrointestinal dialysis.”

Simply put, it is an action like this: toxins, heavy metals, and poisons are the “bad guys” and are over powdered by the “good guys” (Activated Charcoal), and harmlessly escorted out of the body.

How Can Charcoal Be Used Externally?

Externally, charcoal has been found to be effective for itchy skin, infections, gangrenous ulcers, insect bites and stings. Charcoal poultices draw toxins and poisons out through the skin tissue. Skin tissue is itself a permeable membrane that allows a two way transfer of liquids and gases. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and therefore, a very vital organ. Do not put charcoal directly in an open wound; it can cause a pigment tattoo effect. Use instead a poultice application, which filters out charcoal pigment, but allows the healing moisture to go through.

How Is A Poultice Made?

A poultice (which means paste) is made with charcoal and a little warm water. The poultice should be about one-fourth of an inch thick and put onto a cloth or a paper towel. One important point about a poultice is that it needs to be kept moist to be effective. Covering the poultice with plastic wrap or a plastic bag will keep the air from drying it out. Charcoal may be used by itself, or with ground flax seed or clay added to the charcoal. Using equal parts of charcoal, clay, and ground flax seed makes a nice poultice that will remain moist overnight when covered with plastic.

What Is The Difference Between A Poultice And A Compress?

A hot or cold compress breaks up congestion and disperses it into the blood stream. A poultice breaks up congestion and draws the poisons out through the skin. There are times when it is better to isolate the problem and deal with it without disturbing the eliminative organs of the whole body. The skin is porous and poisons can be drawn out through it, as well as absorbed by it.

How Can Charcoal Be Used On Insect Stings and Bites?

Bites and stings from mosquitoes, chiggers, ants, spiders, bees and wasps, etc. can be treated effectively by using the poultice described. Swelling and pain from these bites and stings will be alleviated in about five minutes. A poultice may need to be in place for one to several days, depending on the bite or sting, changing it every day with a fresh one.

How Can Charcoal Be Used On Snake And Spider Bites?

For snake bites, charcoal adsorbs the hemolytic substance of the snake venom (one that destroys red blood cells). Only about 25% of snake bites are venomous. Swelling begins within ten minutes. If swelling occurs immediately after a bite, submerge the area in cool charcoal water for about 30 minutes to one hour, with a ½ cup of charcoal to about 2 gallons of water. Then cover the area with a large charcoal poultice and change every 10-15 minutes until swelling and pain are gone. An important tip would be to have the next poultice ready before removing the previous one, and also take some charcoal by mouth. (Take about 2 large tablespoons in one half glass of water every two hours for 3 doses. Take one teaspoon of charcoal in water every 4 hours for the next 24 hours. Each charcoal dose should be followed by 2 glasses of water, or more.)

In both snake and spider bites the use of a “stun gun” in combination with charcoal is often used. The electrical discharge has been reported to destroy the venom’s action in snake and spider bites, such as Brown Recluse spider. However, this method is still experimental. Snake bites that require cut & suction are very reliable when followed up with the administration of charcoal.

How Can Charcoal Be Used On Wounds?

Charcoal is used for treating wounds, both infected wounds and post-operative wounds. Using a poultice reduces wounds odor. Charcoal should not be put directly on an open wound. It can give a tattooing effect. Use a cloth or paper towel between the skin and poultice.

How Can Charcoal Be Used For Pain From Inflammation?

The pain of sore throat, earache, toothache, hurting eyes, sprains, arthritis, pleurisy, edema, poison oak or ivy, fever, swollen glands and other pains inflammations, bruises, and injuries should be given a trial by way of a charcoal poultice. Often the pain will be relieved in about 10 minutes. Leave the poultice on for several hours, or overnight. Any inflamed area that is red, painful, swollen and hot responds to charcoal.

How Can A Charcoal Poultice Benefit The Liver And Kidneys?

Patients with liver and kidney failure can be treated at home with a large poultice over the mid-back for kidneys, or over the abdomen for the liver. A favorite poultice for persons with any kind of health challenge is using equal parts of activated charcoal, clay (Bentonite, Aztec, or Montmorillonite), and ground flax seed. Mixed with a little water, this mixture may be put onto a paper towel, or a cloth, and applied directly over the liver (lower right side of the stomach), and a plastic stretch wrap to hold it in place all the way around the person’s stomach several times. The best time to do this is just before going to bed. In the morning the poultice can be taken off inside the shower and discarded. Shower off any leftover. Remember, never use the same poultice again, and always use a fresh poultice. Oral dosages of charcoal are very helpful as well.

Can Charcoal Help A Chest Cold?

A charcoal and ground flax seed mixture with warm water may be spread on cloth or paper towel. Apply this to the chest and wrap with plastic, then with flannel to keep warm. If flax seed is not available, use cornmeal or wheat meal with the charcoal. Leave this on overnight. Internal ingestion of charcoal also helps to draw out the mucous that gets down into the chest. People who use charcoal frequently during a chest infection respond quite quickly and favorably to charcoal consumed orally.

How Can Charcoal Be Used For Gout?

Gout is caused by excessive uric acid. Charcoal may be taken internally, as well as a poultice applied to the affected joint, or a charcoal bath…. (1/2 cup charcoal to 2 gallons of warm water for 30-60 minutes). Charcoal can lower serum uric acid levels in the blood. Take one teaspoon in water 4 times a day upon rising, mid-morning, and at bed time.

How Can Your Teeth Benefit From Using Charcoal?

Here is an idea for whitening teeth. For polishing and cleaning the teeth there is little, if anything, superior to charcoal. Just wet your toothbrush and dip it into a small glass jar of charcoal. Your toothbrush and your teeth will look black, but rinse off. It will also freshen your breath, a real bonus.

How Can Charcoal Benefit All Of Us?

There are over 6,000 toxic chemical pollutants in our environment. They get into our bodies via the air, water, and food we eat. Apples and grapes, for example, each can have over 20 toxic chemicals used on them up to the time of harvest. Every private home should have charcoal on hand as a remedy (antidote) for poisoning and as a cleansing agent for infections and various metabolic disturbances, especially where children are involved. This recommendation has been given officially by the U.S. Surgeon General.   

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Thank you so much for posting this! It has been copied to my stash :)


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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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