Discography, Biography, Lyrics

This is both a reasonably complete discography of Guillaume de Machaut written in 1998 as well as a compendium of Machaut's musical lyrics gathered in 1999. It will be developed and updated in both parts.

Last Updates: 11/06/2010 (discography), 11/30/2006 (texts)

The conception & research for this project was carried out by Pierre-F. Roberge (discography) and Todd M. McComb (texts). Please contact either Pierre-F. Roberge a href="mailto:pfr@videotron.ca">pfr@videotron.ca> or Todd M. McComb a href="mailto:mccomb@medieval.org">mccomb@medieval.org> according to whether your question or feedback concerns respectively the discography or the texts.


Guillaume de Machaut (d.1377) is one of the undisputed pinnacle geniuses of Western music, and the most famous composer of the Middle Ages. Today his four-voice Mass of Notre Dame is a textbook example for medieval counterpoint, and has served sufficiently to maintain his reputation across shifts in fashion. However Machaut's work is extensive, with his French songs & poetry dominating the fourteenth century by both their quality and volume. A series of carefully prepared illuminated manuscripts, undertaken for members of the French royalty, preserve his complete artistic output. Along with these major sources, various pieces are duplicated in scattered sources throughout Europe. His life and work are thus extremely well-preserved for the period, and his position as the most distinguished composer of the century has never wavered.

Machaut was apparently born in the vicinity of Rheims in Champagne, around the year 1300. He is first known as the secretary of John of Luxembourg in 1323, and used the position to travel extensively for various battles and political events. In approximately 1340, Machaut returned to Rheims to take up the position of canon (he had previously been an absentee office-holder) together with his brother Jean. However, he continued to serve John of Luxembourg until the latter's death at Crécy in 1346, and then served his daughter Bonne, who appears in the Remède de Fortune. The remainder of the fourteenth century was an epic of wars and plagues, and one of the few periods in which the population of Europe declined, but Machaut's reputation continued to rise. He went on to serve two kings of France, and was charged with a task as important as accompanying hostages during the English war. In 1361 the Dauphine was received in Machaut's quarters, an exceptional event. By the 1370s Machaut's name was associated with Pierre de Lusignan, King of Cyprus, thus establishing his fame nearly as far as Asia.

Machaut is frequently portrayed today as an avant garde composer, especially because of his position with regard to the early Ars Nova (a new, more detailed rhythmic notation), but one must also emphasize the masterful continuity with which he employed established forms. While using the same basic formats, he made subtle changes to meter and rhyme scheme, allowing for more personal touches and a more dramatic presentation. Indeed, Machaut's poetry is one of the most impressive French outputs of the medieval era, serving as an example even for Chaucer. The theme of courtly love dominates his writing, becoming heavily symbolized in the guises of such characters as Fortune & Love, and the personal dramas in which they act. Machaut's poetic output, and by extension the subset of texts he chose to set to music, is both personal and ritualized, lending it a timeless quality. Some of the love themes date to Ovid and beyond, from whom they had been elaborated first by the troubadours of Provence and then by the northern trouvères, and so it is truly a classical tradition to which Machaut belongs.

Machaut marks the end of the lineage of the trouvères, and with it the development of the monophonic art song in the West. This aspect of his work is found in the virelais and especially the lengthy lais. He also acted decisively to refine the emerging polyphonic song forms ballade & rondeau, and these were to become the dominant fixed forms for the following generations. What Machaut achieved so eloquently is an idiomatic and natural combination of words with music, forcefully compelling in its lyrical grace and rhythmic sophistication. His songs are immediately enjoyable, because he was able to shape the smallest melodic nuances as well as to conceive forms on a larger scale. The latter is reflected especially in his poetic-musical creations Le Remède de Fortune and Le Voir Dit, as well as in his Messe de Notre Dame. One must not lose sight of Machaut's position within the sweep of medieval history, as his great "multimedia" productions had clear precedents in the Roman de la Rose and especially the Roman de Fauvel. It is Machaut's ability to unite cogent and elegant melodic thinking with the new rhythmic possibilities of the Ars Nova which ultimately makes his musical reputation.

Although he wrote music for more than one hundred of his French poems, and even for half a dozen motets in Latin, Machaut remains best-known for his Mass of Notre Dame. This mass was written as part of the commemoration of the Virgin endowed by the Machaut brothers at Rheims, and was intended for performance in a smaller setting by specialized soloists. The most striking aspect of the piece is not simply the high quality of the contrapuntal writing, but the architectural unity of the Ordinary sections as well. Machaut's mass is not the earliest surviving mass cycle (there are two which predate it), but it is the earliest by a single composer and indeed the earliest to display this degree of unity. While the chants used as cantus firmus do vary, opening gestures and motivic figures are used to confirm the cyclical nature of the work. Technique of this magnitude is frequently offered as evidence of Machaut's prescience, given the prominence of such forms a hundred or two hundred years later, but the musical quality of his cycle can be appreciated on its own terms. Of course, the same can be said for Machaut's oeuvre as a whole.

Todd McComb, 4/98

Introduction to Discography

The discography is divided into three parts. Parts II & III appear directly on this page, while the more extensive Part I is accessed on sub-pages for each work by following its link.

Part I lists all the works attributed to Guillaume de Machaut, in alphabetical order, with the exception of his famous Messe de Nostre Dame, listed first. The list was based first on the one published by Lawrence Earp (see reference below) in 1995. I am not aware of any major changes in the attribution of these works. This list has now been cross-verified in many other sources (see introduction to texts below) and is very standard for original musical settings. Links for each individual work lead to its complete discography as described below. There is also a link to a full version in one file, without the text information. The latter is added as a convenience, in addition to the regular listing.

Each entry refers to the original recording; this explains why references to the same label are different from other discographies, including the one published by Earp. It also includes re-edited material containing tracks not previously released. If the original material is not a CD, the medium is stated between [...]. Each individual title is linked to a descriptive section containing as much information as possible about the original recording; this description is cross-linked to available CDs actually on the market (February 2000) in North America or Western Europe. Great care has been taken to prevent misinformation and a large part of the data originates from owned recordings themselves (although often not as reliable as it should be). If the recording was not available, the content originates from the usual sources (periodicals such as The Gramophone (and the Catalogue), Diapason (and the Catalogue), Bielefelder Katalog, Notes, and Fanfare, etc.). The discography appearing in Fanfare sept./oct. 1979, p. 12-17 & 206-210 by Jerome F. Weber (=Weber) and the one in Lawrence Earp's "Guillaume de Machaut, A Guide to Research" (=Earp) served as double checks to ensure completeness (recordings before 1991).

If all else failed, reference was made to the French book Diapason - Guide de la musique ancienne et baroque (Coll. Bouquins, Robert Laffond, 1993) [GMAB]; although impressive in term of quality and amount of content, readers should be careful about many recording dates listed. For releases before 1955, the World Encyclopedia of Recorded Music (=WERM) and the three supplements were very useful. For those interested in further reading on the discography of the medieval and renaissance periods, refer to the following three publications:

  1. Medieval and Renaissance Music on Long-Playing Records (MRM1)
    James Coover and Richard Colvig
    Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography # 6 (-end of 1961)
    Information service, Incorporated
    10, West Warren, Detroit 1, Michigan

  2. Medieval and Renaissance Music on Long-Playing Records (MRM2)
    James Coover and Richard Colvig
    Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography # (1962-1970 + corrections to # 6)
    Information service, Incorporated
    10, West Warren, Detroit 1, Michigan

  3. Early Music Discography - From Plainsong to the Sons of Bach (EMD1)
    Vol. 1: Record Index (covers 1970-1980)
    Oryx Press

Also I should mention an excellent series of publications edited by Garland: (name of the composer) A Guide to research. Very noteworthy is the one stated above on Guillaume de Machaut by Lawrence Earp. I am also aware of an edition on Johannes Ockeghem, Josquin DesPrez, Purcell, and Byrd and many others on more "modern" composers.

I tried to list titles according to their label and release dates. In the linked section, I tried to follow the track order of recording; in some cases when the recording was not available, the order may need correction by a careful reader owning the disc.

Part I covers all, but only, the original recordings of the specific title; reference to re-edition, excerpts or compilations of the original recording appears in the linked descriptive page. Finding all original recordings may well be wishful thinking without comments and corrections. These could be directed to my E-mail address (pfr@videotron.ca). Credit for any significant contribution will be given at the end of this page.

Part II deals with CDs, Cassettes not released as CD, or Videos including one or more of Machaut's works and expected to be available on the North American or European market. No ranking number appears if the release contains only excerpts of an already listed CD, Cassette or Video in this section.

Part III lists newly released, or soon to be released, CDs when the available information is not sufficient to be added as a specific entry in the preceding list.

This will be quite a complete discography. The content will be regularly updated.

Pierre-F. Roberge

Introduction to Texts

The text of Machaut's works has been placed together with Part I of the discography, upon following the links to individual pieces below. The numbering given is that for Machaut's musical output in accordance with the Ludwig Edition (Guillaume de Machaut: Musikalische Werke, edited by Friedrich Ludwig & Heinrich Besseler, Leipzig 1926-54), with that in the Schrade Edition (Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century, volumes ii-iii, edited by Leo Schrade, Monaco 1956) as an alternate after "/". For example, "(V28/25)" = Virelai 28 in Ludwig, 25 in Schrade. Other abbreviations used are: "M" = Motet, "B" = Ballade, "R" = Rondeau, "L" = Lai, and "RF" = Remede de Fortune. This numbering derives directly from musical editions, and so differs from that in poetic editions, which contain many other poems in these forms not set to music. On the linked page, the number of parts is given for the musical setting, as well as other significant comments. More extensive factual remarks on each piece will be prepared over the longer term, possibly including recent research suggestions on chronology.

Each page will then give the sources in which the piece is found, followed by the text itself, and then the individual discography (see introduction to discography above). Presently, the only sources listed are the seven primary "Machaut Manuscripts" in which Machaut's work is principally preserved. A wider concordance of sources is in preparation, and will be explained here when it appears. The Machaut Manuscripts are designated by letter, from A to G, and are given precisely as follows:

  • A = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds français 1584
  • B = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds français 1585
  • C = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds français 1586
  • D = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds français 1587 (olim 612)
  • E = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds français 9221
  • F = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds français 22545
  • G = Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fonds français 22546

The primary source used for both the text and the listed sources was:

  • Guillaume de Machaut: Poésies Lyriques, Tomes I & II
    Édition Complète en deux parties, avec Introduction Glossaire et Fac-Similés
    Publiée sous les auspices de la faculté d'histoire et de philologie de St-Pétersbourg
    Vladimir Chichmaref
    Slatkine Reprints, Genève 1973
    Réimpression de l'édition de Paris, 1909
    Library of Congress: PQ1483 G5 1973 v.1/2

In the process of preparing a concordance of sources, the source lists will be re-checked against those in the New Grove, the RISM index, the Latrobe database, as well as against manuscript facsimiles themselves when feasible. Presently, some source lists have been double-checked, while many remain directly those of Chichmaref's edition. Note that Chichmaref does not use the standard letter designations as given above, but rather his own sequence of letters, perhaps producing confusion. This is due both to the intervening century of musicology, as well as to the fact that other manuscripts survive with texts only. The sources as stated here are the standard musical manuscript designations, and have been "translated" accordingly from Chichmaref. Thus far, no discrepancies have been found in any of these source listings.

The issue of texts is more complicated, as multiple versions exist. The "main" reading as given by Chichmaref has been used, with the exception of where Chichmaref notes correcting the manuscript, in which case it has been un-corrected. Most of these corrections involve the use of the apostrophe. In other cases, Chichmaref is content to reproduce a variety of spellings. Spelling is not standard within manuscripts, nor is spelling standard in modern sources. Since this was evidently not a major issue for Machaut, it will not be a major issue for us. Chichmaref and most sources do not footnote spelling variations. Chichmaref does footnote variations in wording in different sources, although his footnotes are frequently cryptic. These have been suppressed for the present for reasons of textual clarity, but are available if needed. With the exception of the "E" manuscript, these variations tend to be small. The "E" manuscript, originally owned by the Duke of Berry, contains numerous textual variations, as well as some alternate music. Chichmaref uses the "G" manuscript as his main source, checked against ten other primary sources.

The other major edition of Machaut's text, Oeuvres de Guillaume de Machaut, edited by Ernest Hoepffner (Paris, 1908-21) has also been consulted. It is extremely lacking as a scholarly edition, since it contains no index or footnotes, as well as no markings to separate individual poems. However, it can be used to answer some questions. Also, curiously, Chichmaref does not include the Remède de Fortune text (even though he treats the "F" & "G" manuscripts as a single source in two volumes, and includes the pieces found in neither). However, this text is available more widely than any of Machaut's other work, with the version used being that in Guillaume de Machaut: Le Jugement du Roy de Behaigne & Remede de Fortune, edited by James Winsatt & William Kibler (University of Georgia Press, 1988). The issue of including footnotes on alternate readings in this project is still very open, and they may appear at any time. In addition, various other cross-checks will be undertaken.

Finally, although much care has been taken to type everything correctly, it is undoubtedly true that other typographical errors have been added to those in Chichmaref (whose reprint errata have been fully applied) as well as those made by the original scribes. Please contact me if you find such errors. In the event of a question of wording which cannot be resolved, microfilm facsimiles of the Machaut manuscripts will be consulted as a final source.

Schrade titles, as well as correction of some typographical errors, provided by Sergey N. Lebedev, Moscow.

Todd M. McComb

PART I - Machaut's Works

To complete discography in one convenient file, with no texts or sources.

Alphabetical Listing

Please note that some items are listed multiple times, under alternate titles. Please note also that although this listing is very complete for Machaut's authentic musical settings. Some non-musical poems and intabulations by others have also been included. These latter items are not deemed complete.

To complete discography in one convenient file, with no texts or sources.

PART II - Machaut on CD

This section includes recordings linked in Part I which have been issued on CD or transferred to CD (last release). The most recent release is given, except for some concurrent issues of differing programs. Also included are cassettes releases.

  1. Acantha 0043
    Fikon, fiddlor och finlir - Figs, fiddles and fine play
    En musikalisk smak av 1300-talet - A musical taste of the 14th century
    Rel.: 2003

  2. Adès 14 077
    Guillaume de Machaut - Motets / Ballades / Virelays - Le Remède de Fortune
    Ensemble Guillaume de Machaut de Paris - Guy Robert / Jean Belliard
    Rel: 1987 or prior

  3. Adès "INA Collection Archives" 41 712 [CDx4]
    La musique française des origines à nos jours
    Various artists and Ensembles
    Rel.: 2000 or prior

  4. Adès 203 712 [CDx2]
    L'art musical et poétique de Guillaume de Machaut - Motets / Ballades / Virelays - Le Remède de Fortune - Le Veoir Dit
    Ensemble Guillaume de Machaut de Paris - Guy Robert / Jean Belliard
    Rel: 1991

  5. Aeon AECD 0982[CD]
    Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300-1377) – Ballades
    Ensemble Musica Nova – Lucien Kandel, dir.
    Rel.: 2009

  6. Álba musica (Musidisc) MU 245 192
    Une histoire universelle & imaginaire de la vielle à roue
    Viellistic Orchestra - Pascal Lefeuvre, dir
    Rel.: 1995

  7. Alienor 1019
    Esther Lamandier
    Rec.: 1987

  8. Alpha 132
    Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame
    Diabolus in Musica - Antoine Guerber
    Rel.: 2008

  9. Aquila AQ 04981
    Au renouvel du tens
    Musique médiévale
    Ensemble Aquila
    Rec.: 1998

  10. Arcana 305
    Mercy ou mort
    Machaut: Chansons & motets d'amour
    Ensemble Ferrara - Crawford Young, dir.
    Rel.: 2001

  11. DG Archiv Produktion Codex Series 453 162
    Machaut - Messe de Nostre Dame / Dufay - 5 Sacred Songs
    Pro Musica Antiqua - Safford Cape
    Rel.: 1996

  12. DG Archiv Produktion Codex Series 453 185 [CDx2]
    Music of the Gothic Era
    Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.
    Rel.: 1997

    DG Archiv Produktion 415 292
    Music of the Gothic Era
    Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.
    Rec.: 1975

    DG Archiv Produktion 449 082 [CDx4]
    The Medieval Experience
    Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir. And others
    Rec.: 1975

  13. DG Archiv Produktion 457 618-2AH
    Dreams in the Pleasure Garden - Machaut: Chansons
    Orlando Consort
    Rel.: 1998

  14. Arco Diva 113
    Carmina Lucemburgiana
    Machaut / Suk / Mácha / Bodorová / Wengler / Mertzig
    Irvin Venys / Markéta Mazourová / Quattro Orchestra - Marek Stilec
    Rel.: 2010

  15. Ariane ARI 148
    La Messe de Barcelone - La Messe de Toulouse - Chansons, motets, danses (Musique liturgique et profane du XIVe siècle)
    Ensemble médiéval de Toulouse - Pierre Hudrisier, dir.
    Rec.: 1988

  16. Arion 68 064
    Les Musiciens de Provence - Musique des Trouvères et Troubadours
    Les Musiciens de Provence
    Rec.: 1973

  17. Arion ARN68648 [CD]
    Gentil mia donna
    Petrarca e la musica
    Rec.: 2004, rel. 2004

  18. Arion 68 229
    Premiers chefs-d'oeuvre de l'orgue français
    Patrice Brosse
    Rec.: 1983 or prior

  19. Ars Harmonica AH 112
    Machaut - Trio Subtilior
    Trio Subtilior
    Rel.: 2002 (instr.)

    Ars Nova CDAN 172 [CD]
    Musique de Notre Dame au Moyen-Age
    Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir.
    Rec.: 1961

  20. Arsonor ARS 002-2 [CD]
    Guillaume de Machaut, John Dunstable et Guillaume Dufay (±1300 à ±1480) - La mensuration et l'harmonisation de la polyphonie
    Laudantes Consort - Guy Janssens, dir.
    Rec: 1999

    Ars Produktion ARS 38489 [CD]
    Très gentil cuer: Höfische Musik des späten Mittelalters
    Fortuna Canta
    Rel: 2009

  21. Arte Nova 74321 85 289-2
    Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame
    Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic
    Rec.: 1999

  22. ASV "Quicksilva" CD QS 6131
    A Medieval Banquet
    Saint George's Canzona - John Sothcott, dir.
    Rel.: 1994

    Édition Atlas MELCD 378
    Présence de la musique ancienne
    le guide d'écoute
    Various performers
    Rel.: 1994

  23. ATMA XXI-CD 2 2163
    Puisqu'en oubli - Songs of Forgetfulness
    Catherine Lambert
    Rel.: 1998

  24. Avie 2089
    The Unknown Lover
    Songs by Solage and Machaut
    Gothic Voices
    Rel.: 2006

  25. Bayer BR 100 164
    J'ay pris amours
    Isaak Ensemble, Heidelberg & Eva Lebherz-Valentin
    Rec.: 1990

  26. BBC Music Magazine 54
    Renaissance Love Songs
    Catherine Bott / Virelai
    Rel.: 1996

  27. Bis 135
    The Artistry of Clas Pehrsson
    Clas Pehrsson
    Rel.: 1997

  28. Bis 1229
    Nobuko Imai / Mie Miki
    Rel.: 2004

  29. Bongiovanni GB 5532-2
    Il giardino dell'amore - Musiche strumentali nell'Europa fra Midioevo e Rinascimento
    Consort Fontegara
    Rel.: 1993

  30. Buda Musique 198 490
    Amor Dolce
    Musiques & danses du XIVe siècle
    Magali Imbert & Adel Shams el-Din
    Rel.: 2002

  31. Budapest Music Center BMCCD 090
    Trio Lignum
    Rel.: 2004

  32. Calliope CAL 9308
    Guillaume de Machaut et l'art des Trouvères - Vièles et voix du Moyen Age
    Emmanuel Bonnardot et al.
    Rel.: 2001

  33. Calliope 9318
    Machaut: Messe Notre Dame / Motets et Estampies
    Obsidienne - Emmanuel Bonnardot
    Rel.: 2002

  34. Cantus C 9624
    Messe de Notre Dame
    Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard, dir.
    Rec.: 1990

  35. Cantus C 9625
    Le vray remède d'amour
    Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard, dir.
    Rec.: 1988

  36. Cantus C 9626
    Le Jugement du Roi de Navarre
    Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard, dir.
    Rec.: 1994

    Cantus 9705/6 (2 CDs)
    Dictionary of Medieval & Renaissance Instruments
    Various Artists
    Rel.: 2005

    Cantus 9817/20 (4 CDs)
    Vox Naturalis
    Medieval Vocal Music: Chant / Notre Dame / Machaut
    Ensemble Gilles Binchois - Dominique Vellard
    Rel.: 2004

  37. Carus 83.123
    Canticum Canticorum. Das Hohelied der Liebe in Motetten alter Meister
    Vokalensemble Cantos, Osnabrück - Johannes Rahe, dir.
    Rec.: 1991

    CBS 460 596-4 [CD]
    Les Troubadours d'Aquitaine : leurs plus belles mélodies
    Les Troubadours d'Aquitaine
    Rel.: 2000 or prior

  38. Chakra CHACD 055
    Joan of Arc
    Musical Revelations
    The Hudson Chamber Ensemble
    Rel.: 2000

  39. Channel Classics CCS 7094
    Guillaume Machaut & his time - 14th Century French Ars Nova
    Ensemble Alba Musica Kyo
    Rec.: 1994

  40. Channel Classics CCS 0390
    Guillaume Machaut - Le Lay de Confort
    Little Consort & Frans Brüggen
    Rec.: 1988

  41. Charlin Éditions CL-40
    Fresques musicales de Saint-Bonnet-le-château: Josquin des Prés - Missa "Gaudeamus"
    Le Groupe des Instruments anciens de Paris & Ensemble des Chantres de Plain-Chant - Roger Cotte, dir.
    Rel.: 1999 or 1998

  42. Collection romane CR 103
    La Dame à la licorne "A mon seul désir"
    La Compagnie Médiévale
    Rel.: 1999

  43. Christophorus Entrée 0042
    Pour l'amour - Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Instrumentalkreis Helga Weber
    Rel.: 1993

  44. Christophorus CD 74583
    A chantar - Lieder der Frauen-Minne im Mittelalter
    Estampie, Münchner Ensemble für frühe Musik - Michael Popp
    Rec.: 1989

  45. Christophorus CHR 77325
    Le Roman de la Rose – Liebeslieder zum Rosenroman – Love Songs to the Romance of the Rose
    France (XIIIe – XIVe s.)
    Per-Sonat, Sabine Lutzenberger
    Rec.: 2009

  46. Coda 9605-1
    Ars Antiqua de Paris at the / à la Sainte Chapelle
    Ars Antiqua de Paris - Michel Sanvoisin, dir.
    Rec.: 1977

    Cyprès 1630 (12 CDs)
    The Golden Age of European Polyphony
    Laudantes Consort - Guy Janssens
    Rel.: 2002

  47. DBA Productions 20051 201 [CD]
    Douce Dame jolie
    Evelyne Moser
    Rel.: 2006

  48. De plein Vent CD 1989-04
    Chansons - Danses - Musiques Médiévales et Renaissances
    Ensemble Jehan de Channey
    Rec.: 1991 or prior

  49. Deutsche Gramophon 4741952
    Art of Love: Ancient love song, voices of today / Robert Sadin – Music of Machaut
    Various performers – Robert Sadin, arrangements
    Rel.: 2009

  50. Deutsche Harmonia mundi/BMG 05472 77 416
    Guillaume de Machaut - Messe de Nostre Dame & Perotinus Magnus and Philippe Le Chancelier - Musique à Notre Dame de Paris
    Deller Consort & Members of the Collegium Aureum - Alfred Deller, dir.
    Rel.: 1995


    Vanguard/Omega Classics "The Alfred Deller Edition (8)" OVC 8107
    Musique de l'École de Notre Dame
    Deller Consort & Members of the Collegium Aureum - Alfred Deller, dir.
    Rel.: 1997

  51. Dorian Discovery DIS 80 109
    Songs and Dances of the Middle Ages
    Sonus Ensemble
    Rec.: 1993

  52. Dorian "Discovery" DIS 80 123
    Chanterai - Music of Medieval France
    Rec.: 1993

  53. Dorian Discovery DIS 80 135
    The Garden of Earthly Delights
    La Nef
    Rec.: 1993

  54. Dorian Discovery DIS 80 155
    Neo-medieval - Medieval Improvisation for a Postmodern Age
    Rec.: 1996

  55. Dorian DOR-93245
    The art of Machaut and the Trouvères
    Fortune's Wheel
    Rec.: 2001

  56. Dutton Laboratories 7142
    Rubbra / Britten: The Complete Recorder Works
    The Flautadors / The Dante Quartet / Laurence Cummings / Patricia Rozario / Susanna Pell
    Rel.: 2004

  57. ECM "New Series" 1823
    Machaut: Motets
    Hilliard Ensemble
    Rel.: 2004

  58. Edelweiss ED 1021
    Guillaume de Machaut - La Messe Nostre-Dame, L'Amour Courtois
    Ars Antiqua de Paris - Michel Sanvoisin, dir.
    Rec.: 1990

  59. Éditions du Layeur ISBN 2-911468-52-X [Book + CD]
    Lais Bretons
    Aux origines de la poésie chantée médiévale
    Gérard Lomenec'h & Agnès Brosset
    Rel.: 2000

  60. Éditions Musicales Lugdivine « Thèm'Axe » 7 [Book + CDx2]
    Instruments et musiques du Moyen Âge
    Various performers
    Rel.: 2008

  61. Edizioni Musicali III Millennio CDA 0144
    Rosa das Rosas
    The Symbol of the Rose in the Middle Ages
    Ensemble Chominciamento di Gioia - Gianfranco Russo
    Rel.: 2002

  62. Eloquentia EL0607
    Loving Torment
    Machaut: Loyauté que point ne delay
    Marc Mauillon / Vivabiancaluna Biffi / Pierre Hamon
    Rel.: 2006

  63. Eloquentia EL0918 [CDx2]
    Guillaume de Machaut: Le Remède de Fortune
    Marc Mauillon, Pierre Hamon et al.
    Rel.: 2009

  64. EMI "Reflexe" CDM or 555 7 63142 2
    Guillaume de Machaut: Chansons I
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Rel.: 1989

  65. EMI Classics 826 466-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 1 Stationen Europäischer Musik : Oswald von Wolkenstein - Johannes Ciconia - "Roman de Fauvel" - Ludwig Senfl - Altenglische Consortmusik - Guillaume de Machaut I
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.
    Linde Consort
    Rel.: 2000

  66. EMI Classics 826 473-2 [CDx6]
    REFLEXE Vol. 2: Stationen Europäischer Musik : Camino de Santiago I / II - Guillaume de Machaut: Chansons II - Frühe Kammermusik in Italien um 1600 - Musik des Trecentol um Jacopo da Bologna - Venezianische Mehrchörigkeit
    Studio der Frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Linde-Consort - Hans Martin Linde, dir
    Ricercare-Ensemble für Alte Musik, Zürich - Michel Piguet, dir.
    Tölzer Knabenchör, Linde-Consort - Hans Martin Linde, dir.
    Rel.: 2000

  67. EMI "Reflexe" CDM or 555 7 63424 2
    Guillaume de Machaut: Chansons II
    Studio der frühen Musik - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Rel.: 1990

    EMI Classics 65924
    Gateway to Classical Music
    Early Music
    Various Artists
    Rec.: 1983

  68. EMI (Italy) 7243 5 66481 2 8
    Futuro Antico
    Angelo Branduardi & Chominciamento di Gioia - Renato Serio, dir.
    Rel: 1997

    EMI Classics 68202 [CDx8]
    Gateway to Classical Music Vol. 1 / 2
    Various Artists
    Rel.: 1994

  69. Emmuty Records 004
    A la via!
    A la via!
    Rel.: 2001

  70. Enrosadira 011
    Onni diletto e ogni bel piaccere
    Compagnia del'asino che porta la croce
    Rel.: 1999

  71. EPM "Musique" 983 152
    Des Trouvères à la Pléïade: Anthologie de la Chanson Française - La Chanson Traditionnelle
    Various performers
    Rel.: 1996 or prior

  72. Epona Records 001
    The Chaucer Songbook
    Celtic Music and Early Music for harp and voice
    Carol Wood et al.
    Rel.: 1999

  73. Erato 0630 14 773-2
    Angels - Voices from Eternity
    The Boston Camerata - Joel Cohen with Tod Machover, program dir.
    Rel: 1997

  74. Erato 0630 18 837-2
    Simunye: Oxford Soweto, we are one - A unique fusion of european and african a capella
    I Fagiolini, the SDASA chorale, ens. voc.
    Rel: 1997

    Erato 20 982-2 [CDx5]
    Châteaux et cathédrales
    Various artists
    Rec: 1965 or prior

  75. Escalibur CD865
    Musiques au temps des ducs de Bretagne : chanter me fait ma dame
    Gérard Lomenec'h, Franck Melet, Nathalie Oliviero
    Rel: 1996

    Essential Records ESM CD 436
    The Lady and the Unicorn - The Hermit
    John Renbourn
    Rec.: 1970

  76. Eufoda 1343
    Zefiro Torna
    Rel.: 2002

  77. Eufoda 1360
    Ars Nova and Ars Subtilior in the Low Countries and Europe
    Capilla Flamenca - Dirk Snellings
    Rel.: 2004

  78. Ex Cathedra 9007
    A Bohemian Christmas
    New York's Ensemble for Early Music - Frederick Renz
    Rel.: 2005

  79. Focus 883-4S [2 Cassettes]
    Music in Medieval Europe
    Studio der frühen Music & Early Music Institute - Thomas Binkley, dir.
    Rec.: 1971-1988

  80. Fonoruz CDF 204
    Unos tan dulces sones - Usos instrumentales dela Edad Media
    Grupo Cinco Siglos
    Rec.: 1995

    Gallimard ISBN 2-07-052904-5 [Book + CD]
    Jehan : la musique au temps des chevaliers
    Alain Robert
    Rel.: 1999

  81. Gallo CD-1071
    Moyen Age (Musique instrumentale du moyen âge)
    E. Polonska & I. Quellier
    Rec.: 1996

  82. Glossa "Nouvelle Vision" 921102 [CDx2]
    Res Musice: The Passion of Reason
    The Sour Cream Legacy
    Rec.: 1993

    Gramzapis GCD00319 [CD]
    Monteverdi, Machaut, Britten
    Kamernyi Kor - Chamber Choir - Valentin Nesterov, dir.
    Rel.: ca 1978 or 1979

  83. Griffin GCCD 4001 / GC 4001 [CD / Cassette]
    Middle Ages Music
    Trinity Baroque - Julian Podger, dir.; The Forbury Consort - Alan Crumpler, dir.; The Holbein Consort - Martin Pope, dir.
    Rec.: 1995

  84. Harmonia mundi HMC 90 610
    Danses de la Renaissance
    Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic
    Rel: 199?

    Harmonia mundi HMX 90 649/54 [6 CDs]
    Les Très Riches Heures du Moyen-Âge - A Medieval Journey
    Soeur Marie Keyrouz; Ensemble Organum - Marcel Pérès, dir.; Deller Consort; Clemencic Consort - René Clemencic, dir.; Anonymous 4; The Hilliard Ensemble - Paul Hillier, dir.; The Newberry Consort - Mary Springfels, dir.; Paul O'Dette
    Rec.: 1990

    Harmonia mundi HMC 90 891
    Trois Maîtres du Moyen Âge
    Ensemble Organum - Marcel Pérès, dir.
    Rel: 1999

  85. Harmonia mundi HMC 90 1590
    Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame
    Ensemble Organum - Marcel Pérès, dir.
    Rec: 1996

  86. Harmonia mundi HMU 90 7185
    Hoquetus - Medieval European Music
    Theatre of Voices - Paul Hillier, dir.
    Rel: 1999

  87. Harmonia Mundi USA 90 7314
    Bread, Wine & Song
    Music & Feasting in Renaissance Europe
    Orlando Consort
    Rel: 2001

  88. Harmonia Mundi HMU 90 7398
    Medieval Gardens - Jardins Médiévaux
    The Rose, the Lily & the Whortleberry
    The Orlando Consort
    Rel.: 2005

    Harmonia Mundi "musique d'abord" 290 7356/57 (2 CDs)
    Hoquetus / Age of the Cathedrals
    Theatre of Voices - Paul Hillier
    Rel.: 2003

  89. Harmonia Mundi USA 80 7469 [SACD]
    Scattered Rhymes
    Tarik O'Regan / Guillaume Machaut / Gavin Bryars
    Orlando Consort / Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir - Paul Hillier
    Rel.: 2008

    Harmonia Mundi "Century" HMX 290 8168 [CD]
    Une révolution de l'esprit et de la musique (XIVe siècle) / An intellectual revolution in music
    Le siècle de l'Ars nova / Ars Nova, A Revolution in the Late Middle Ages
    Various performers
    Rel.: 2005

  90. Herald HAVPCD 212
    Mediæval Carols: The Mystery of Christmas Night - Words and Music from the Middle Ages
    Opus Anglicanum
    Rel.: 1997

  91. Herald 236
    The Canterbury Pilgrims
    Opus Anglicanum
    Rel.: 2000

  92. Herald 312
    Machaut: Missa de Nostre Dame
    Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge - Mary Berry
    Rel.: 2005

  93. Hortus 35
    Polyphonie des XIVe et XVe siècles
    Louis Thiry
    Rel.: 2005

  94. Hungaroton 12 575
    Renaissance Pop
    Benkö Consort - Daniel Benkö, dir.
    Rec.: 1997 or prior

  95. Hyperion CDA 66087
    The Mirror of Narcissus: Songs by Machaut
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page
    Rel: 1987

    Hyperion CDA 66 227
    The Emma Kirkby Collection
    Gothic Voices & Emma Kirkby - Christopher Page, dir. & others
    Rel.: 1987

  96. Hyperion CDA 66358
    Guillaume de Machaut - Messe de Notre Dame, Le lai de la fonteinne
    The Hilliard Ensemble - Paul Hillier, dir.
    Rec.: 1987

  97. Hyperion CDA 66370
    Sacred and Secular Music from six centuries
    The Hilliard Ensemble
    Rec.: 1987

  98. Hyperion CDA 66463
    The Medieval Romantics - French Songs and Motets 1340-1440
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page, dir.
    Rec.: 1990/1991

  99. Hyperion CDA 66588
    Lancaster and Valois - French and English music, 1350-1420
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page
    Rec.: 1991

  100. Hyperion CDA 66619
    The Study of Love - French Songs and Motets of the 14th Century
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page
    Rec.: 1992

  101. Hyperion CDA 66739
    The Spirits of England and France I - Music of the latter Middle Ages for Court and Church
    Gothic Voices
    Rec.: 1994

  102. Hyperion CDA 66783
    The Spirits of England and France III - Binchois and his Contemporaries
    Gothic Voices - Christopher Page
    Rec.: 1995

  103. INA "Mémoire Vive" IMVO 16
    Hugues Cuenod
    Rec.: 1960, 1976, 1980

  104. Jade 198 796
    Sur la terre comme au ciel
    Un jardin au Moyen-Âge
    Discantus - Brigitte Lesne / Alla Francesca - Pierre Hamon
    Rel.: 2002

  105. Jecklin-Disco 6222 [CD]
    Conrad Steinmann
    Rel.: 1998

  106. Jaro 4229-2 [CD]
    Danse Gothique - Music by Satie & Machaut
    Sarband & Edition L'Orient Imaginaire - Vladimir Ivanoff, dir.
    Rec.: 1999

  107. Jubal A 002
    Fumeux fume par fumee
    Speculum - Ernesto Schmied, dir.
    Rec.: 1998

  108. K&K Verlagsanstalt K&K 95 [CD]
    Hosanna in Excelsis
    Les Menestrels
    Rec.: 2005

  109. L'Autre Distribution 30573
    Hammer dulcimer - Musiques traditionnelles
    Dimitri Dupont et al.
    Rec.: 1997 or prior

  110. Le Local (ISBN 978-2-9534115-0-8) [Book & CD]
    La danse médiévale – Histoire de la Danse au Moyen
    Ensembles Amadis & Ensemble Joër
    Rel.: 2009

  111. L'Empreinte Digitale 13084
    Messe d'après Guillaume de Machaut
    2746 après Rome - Jean-Michel Bossini, dir.
    Rec.: 1994

  112. Liber unUsualis 1001
    Machaut: Unrequited
    Liber unUsualis
    Rel.: 2003

  113. Mandala MAN 4946
    Chants du XIVème siècle - Vocal Music of the 14th Century :Guillaume de Machaut, Philippe de Vitry, Roman de Fauvel, Manuscrits d'Apt, de Barcelone et de Chypre
    Mora Vocis
    Rel.: 1999

  114. Marc Aurel edition 20005
    Alte Musik für Blockflöte und Harfe
    Bois de Cologne
    Rec.: 2001 or prior

  115. Marc Aurel Edition 20041
    Machaut: Flour de flours
    Lais & Virelais
    Norbert Rodenkirchen
    Rel.: 2009

  116. MCD 022
    Espiral do tempo
    Rec.: 1997

  117. The Medieval Lyric [CDx5]
    The Medieval Lyric
    Margaret Switten and Gerry Robert Eisenstein, dirs.
    Rec.: 1987

    The Medieval Lyric [CD-ROMx2 + CDx7]
    Teaching Medieval Lyric with modern technology - New Windows on the Medieval World
    A Project Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and Mount Holyoke College
    Margaret Switten, dir. & Robert Eisenstein, prod. coord.
    Rec.: 1987

  118. Move MD 3153
    Traveller's Tapestry
    Rec.: 1993

  119. MSR Classics 1095
    Masters, Monsters & Mazes
    Treading the Medieval Labyrinth
    Rel.: 2005

  120. Musidisc 244 012 [CD / Cassette]
    L'Art des Jongleurs - Musiques du XIVe Siècle (Estampies italiennes - Virelais de Guillaume de Machaut)
    Ensemble Tre Fontane
    Rec.: 1987

  121. Musidisc 244 022 [CD / Cassette]
    L'Art des Jongleurs, Vol. 2: Estampies italiennes, virelais et ballades de Guillaume de Machaut, extraits du Codex Faenza
    Ensemble Tre Fontane
    Rel.: 1989

  122. Musidisc Álba musica Collection Patrimoine 244 882
    Guillaume de Machaut & le Codex Faenza - Musiques des XIVème et XVème siècles
    Ensemble Tre Fontane
    Rec.: 1993

  123. Musique en Wallonie 0852
    En un gardin
    Manuscrits de Stavelot, Mons, Utrecht, Leiden
    Les quatre saisons de l'Ars Nova
    Capilla Flamenca - Dirk Snellings
    Rel.: 2009

  124. Muza AL /EN 2004
    Guillaume de Machaut & L'Ars Nova
    La Maurache
    Rel.: 2004

    Naïve "Monum," V4901
    20 siècles en Cathédrales
    Various performers
    Rel.: 2002

    Naxos 8.505075 [CDx5]
    Faszination Alte Musik
    Lieder & Tänze des Mittelalters
    Ensemble Unicorn Wien - Michael Posch, dir.
    Rel.: 2001 or prior

  125. Naxos "Early Music" 8.553618
    Codex Faenza - Instrumental Music of the Early XVth Century
    Ensemble Unicorn - Michael Posch, dir.
    Rec.: 1995

  126. Naxos "Early Music" 8.553833
    Guillaume de Machaut: La Messe de Nostre Dame Songs from Le Voir Dit
    Oxford Camerata - Jeremy Summerly, dir.

    Naxos 8.554103
    Naxos: Ten Years of Success
    Various performers
    Rel.: 1999

    Naxos 8.554770 [CDx2]
    The World of Early Music
    Various performers and ensembles
    Rel.: 2000

    Naxos 8.556704
    Various performers and ensembles
    Rel.: 1999

  127. Les neuf muses NM 01/1 [CD]
    Douces créatures
    Rel.: 2009

  128. New Albion 068
    Remède de Fortune
    Ensemble Project Ars Nova
    Rec.: 1993

  129. Nightwatch NW 1002
    Where Beauty Moves and Wit Delights
    New World Renaissance
    Rec.: 1993 or prior

  130. Nonesuch 79457
    Early Music - Lachrymæ Antiquæ
    Kronos Quartet
    Rec.: 1993-1997

  131. Ohmnibus Records 2000-15
    Zorgina Vocalensemble
    Rel.: 1996

  132. Olive Music OM 002
    Jill Feldman / Kees Boeke
    Rel.: 2003

  133. Olive Music 014
    Santenay Live
    Works by Machault, Borlet, Senleches, Solage, Dufay, Binchois
    Ensemble Santenay
    Rel. 2008

  134. Opus 111 30-122
    Lucente Stella - Moyen Age XXe siècle
    Pierre Hamon
    Rec.: 1995-instr.

  135. Opus 111 30-171
    Machaut: Ay mi! - Lais et virelais
    Emmanuel Bonnardot
    Rec.: 1996

  136. Opus 111 OP-30 303
    Le Roman de la Rose
    Alla Francesca
    Rec.: 2001

  137. Opus 111 30-309
    Almisonis Melos
    Latin Motets and Mass Fragments in the Ivrea Codex
    Cantica Symphonia - Giuseppe Maletto
    Rec.: 2000

  138. Oratorio ORCD 4107
    Douce Dame jolie
    Ensemble Claude-Gervaise - Gilles Plante, dir.
    Rec.: 1997

  139. Qualiton 2034
    Música de la edad media del siglo XII al XV
    Conjunto Pro Música de Rosario - Cristián Hernández Larguía, cond.
    Rel.: 2004 or prior

  140. Querstand VKJK 0401
    Carmina Fati
    Calmus Ensemble
    Rel.: 2004

  141. Rampur Records 118
    Douçaine among Friends
    Live at St. John's Cathedral
    Aage Nielsen, et al.
    Rel.: 2009

  142. Raum Klang 2705 [CDx2]
    Trigonale 2007 - Festival der Alten Musik
    The Hilliard Ensemble
    Rec.: 2007

  143. Raum Klang RK 93 01
    Lieder und Tänze des 13. bis 15. Jahrhunderts - Chants et danses du XIIIe au XVe siècle - Song and Dances of the 13th to 15th Centuries
    Rec.: 1993

  144. Raum Klang 9905
    Triplicité: 1350-1450
    Zorgina Vocalensemble
    Rel.: 2000

  145. RCA "Red Seals" 82876 60986 2 [CDx4]
    Trésors - Moyen-Âge
    Various performers

  146. Renaissance der Renaissance 3.108 [CDx3]
    Machaut: 7 Isorhythmic sacred motets / Dufay: Complete Isorhythmic motets, 7 Cantilena motets
    Helga Weber Ensemble
    Rec.: 1990-1991

  147. Riverrun 75
    Mychel Melodye
    The Troubadours
    Rel.: 2007

  148. Schirmer Books ISBN 0-02-872953-6 [2 Cassettes]
    Music of the Middle Ages
    The Western Wind - Paul Hillier
    Rec.: 1990

  149. Seven Seas 135
    Songs for Seven Centuries
    Éric Bellocq, Dominique Visse et al.
    Rec.: 1996

  150. Shanachie 79074
    The Enchanted Garden
    The John Renbourn Group
    Rel.: 1990

  151. Shanachie 97022
    The Lady and the Unicorn
    The John Renbourn Group
    Rel.: 1992

  152. Signum SIGCD 011
    Guillaume de Machaut - Motet and Music from the Ivrea Codex
    The Clerks' Group - Edward Wickham, dir.
    Rel.: 1999

  153. Signum 028
    Beyond the Score...
    Improvisations for Whit Sunday
    Alex Mason

  154. Sonclair CD JB 128 836
    Intabulation and Improvisation in the 14th Century
    Ensemble Super Librum
    Rec.: 1988

  155. Songlines 1534
    Theo Bleckmann et al.
    Rec.: 2000

  156. Soundalive SAMMDCD 101
    Music of The Age of Chivalry
    Mary Remnant, Petronella Dittmer, Mathew Hart Dyke
    Rec.: ca 1987

  157. Stradivarius 33570
    Kees Boeke
    Rec.: 1997

  158. Studio Matous MK 0003 - 2 931
    Music of Charles University 1. European Music of the 14th Century
    Ars Cameralis - Lukas Matousek, dir.
    Rec.: 1990

  159. Studio Matous MK 0026 - 2 231
    Gothic Music in Bohemia 13th-15th century - Gotická hubda v Cechá 13.-15. stolet
    Ars Cameralis - Lukas Matousek, dir.
    Rec.: 1991

  160. Studio Matous MK 0027 - 2 931
    Guillaume de Machaut - Chansons
    Ars Cameralis - Lukas Matousek, dir.
    Rec.: 1995

  161. Supraphon 11 2213-2 211
    Musica in tempore Caroli IV
    Symposium Musicum & Prague Madrigal Singers
    Rel.: 1994

  162. Symphonia 97 155
    Codex Reina - Ballades, Virelais et Rondeaux, 14ème siècle
    Continens Paradisi
    Rec.: 1997

  163. Tabula Rasa TR01
    Mi ris, mi plours
    Musiques des XIIIème et XIVème siècles
    Ensemble Faenza - Marco Horvat
    Rec.: 1997

  164. Teldec Classics 0630-11700-2
    Metamorphoses: The Genesis
    Osnabrücker Jugendchor - Johannes Rahe, dir. & Vladimir Ivanhoff (arrangements)
    Rec.: 1995 or prior

  165. University of Texas Press ISBN #0292785208 [Cassette with book]
    The Union of Words and Music in Medieval Poetry
    Rec.: 1988

  166. Unicorn-Kanchana DKPCD 9160
    John Harle's Saxophone Songbook
    John Harle, John Lenehan, Simon Haram, et al.
    Rel.: 1995

  167. Vanguard Classics (Arcade) 08 5058 71
    Lalande - De Profundis -- Music of medieval France
    The Deller Consort, The Vienna Chamber Choir, Chamber Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera - Alfred Deller, dir.; Deller Consort - Alfred Deller, dir. & Concentus Musicus, Wien with ensemble of ancient instrument - Nikolaus Harnoncourt, dir.
    Rel.: 1996

  168. Vanguard Classics (Omega) OVC 8201
    Douce Dame - Music of Courtly Love from Medieval France and Italy
    The Waverly Consort - Michael Jaffee, dir.
    Rec.: [1973]

  169. Verlag der Spielleute CD 0004
    Rel.: 2000

  170. Virgin Classics 4 89 982
    Guillaume de Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame
    Taverner Consort & Taverner Choir - Andrew Parrott, dir.
    Rel.: 1997

  171. Virgin "Veritas" 7243 5 45 357 2 7
    D'Amours loial servant:- Chansons d'amour françaises et italiennes des XIVe et XVe siècles - French and Italian love songs of the 14th and 15th centuries - Französiche und italienische Liebeslieder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
    Gérard Lesne & Alla Francesca
    Rel. 1999

  172. Virgin "Veritas" 7243 5 61 284 2 2 [CDx2]
    The Art of Courtly Love - Guillaume de Machaut, Gilles Binchois, Guillaume Dufay
    The Early Music Consort of London - David Munrow, dir.
    Rel.: 1996

  173. Virginia Arts Recordings 06436
    Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame
    Zephyrus Medieval Quartet - Paul Walker
    Rel.: 2006

  174. Warner Strategic Marketing 0927 43824-2 [CD]
    Fin Amor: Musik zwischen Liebe, Sehnsucht, Leidenschaft und dem rauen Nordwind
    Rel.: 2002

  175. Wisby Vaganter 1
    Hé, compaignons
    Wisby Vaganter
    Rel.: ca 1991

  176. Wisby Vaganter WVCD 2
    Gotlandz Wiisa
    Wisby Vaganter
    Rel.: 1998 or prior

  177. Wisby Vaganter WVCD 3
    Cuncti Simus, Låt oss sjunga - Let us all sing
    Wisby Vaganter
    Rel.: 1999

  178. Yamano Music YMCD 1031-1032 [CDx2]
    Instruments of Middle Ages and Renaissance
    The Early Music Consort - David Munrow, dir.
    Rec.: 1975 or prior

  179. Xeremia X.M.R. 0496 [CD]
    Historique de la Musique Médiévale du X ème au XV ème siècle
    Ensemble Médiéval Xeremia - R. Ressicaud, dir.
    Rel.: 1996

  180. Zig-Zag Territoires ZZT 021002 [CDx2]
    Machaut - Les Motets
    Ensemble Musica Nova
    Rec.: 2002, rel. 2002

  181. Zig-Zag Territoires 90101
    Pierre Hamon
    Rel.: 2009

PART III - Upcoming CDs and recordings with insufficient information

  1. Agorila AGCD 151 [CD]
    Les Troubadours d'Aquitaine : leurs plus belles mélodies - Marcabru, Guillaume de Machaut, Gilbert de Berneville...et al.
    Les Troubadours d'Aquitaine, groupe vocal et instrumental
    Rec.: 1996, rel. 1998

  2. Aliud 026
    Adieu vous di
    Ars Nova of the Low Countries
    Rel.: 2009

  3. BBC Music Magazine 54
    Renaissance Love Songs
    Catherine Bott / Virelai
    Rel.: 1996

  4. Dux 0228
    Dekameron czyli historia mi'o ci redniowiecznej
    Dekameron Ensemble
    Rec.: 1995

  5. Krediet Bank of Luxembourg
    Machaut: Orfèvre de la Polyphonie
    Ensemble Syntagma / Capilla Flamenca
    Rel.: 2008

  6. Pandourion 1007
    French Music of the 14th Century
    De Organographia
    Rel.: 2003 or similar

  7. Pathé 33DTX335 [LP]
    Les anciens présentent leurs instruments de musique
    Groupe d'Instruments Anciens de Paris & Le Grand Ensemble de Flûtes à bec - Roger Cotte, dir.
    Rel.: 1970

  8. Unidisc UDFF01A [45rpm, 17cm]
    Fanfares royales du Moyen Âge
    L'Ensemble philharmonique de Paris - Roger Douatte, dir.
    Rel.: 1961

  9. Virgin Classics 562 126 (5 CDs)
    1000 Years of Sacred Music
    Rel.: 2003

Other contributors:
Boris Andonovski
Robert Horres
Tony Reif
Arthur S. Leonard
Christian Brassy

If you can contribute to this project, please contact us. Credit will be given, here or in individual files.

The primary aspects in need of work are updating the discography as new items appear, correcting any errors in texts or elsewhere, adding additional details to recordings with only partial information, and preparing a more comprehensive sources list with footnoted differences. These actions will be carried out over the coming years, as well as when new items appear. In addition, other aspects of Machaut's work can hopefully be placed online in connection with this project.


Discography by Pierre-F. Roberge
Edited by Todd M. McComb

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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