Dear Vlada,

I spent last evening listening and writing the rambles of my dragon who seemed to be rather perturbed that I am being the queen of do nothing.. well at least that seems to be the way he felt. One and a half hours, five pages later, one long run on sentence and one paragraph I spent much of my time making sense of his words. Much of it is very tied to me and what is happening personally to me. Yes perhaps I deserved the sound lashing I got. Sometimes its needed to get me moving. Of course after the brutal session where my hands grew tired unable to type any longer he let me rest but then invaded my dreams. Okay so I got the point of what dragon is saying. Writing till my fingers fell off and showing up in my dreams. I got it.

I decided to put excerpts of what he said to me as some of the words speaks about creation, free will and what earth was originally meant to be. I warn you, it could very well challenge what you believe and Dragon I'm sure does not care if you believe or not.. but that it is his own view of how he sees the universe.


You were not made to be any puppet of some game. You were not brought here to play games. You wonder why you think about how the world works and why people respond the way they do. You wonder about why you cannot do what others are... but I see something far different. You are you and you are here for what it is to be. You are the way shower to a world of what is and what will be. You are the force of life that is. You are the reason why you are... You are the force that drives all things... you are what is and all that will be. You were called forth to show the way not to be light not to be dark... you are ma’at the energies of balance. You’re the merger of both to become one. You are the healer of the way and flow of energies... Why you waste your time on things that are not you. You are beyond that of trivial physical things.

Stop with your thoughts that no one will listen you are not to be the person that makes these decisions you are as you are. You are the way. Write I tell you, before the forces of my might bring you to your knees, you do not need to wait, for the universe waits for no one it just is and you know this and understand yet you wait. For what? Trust in the universe yes, it is a large step but do you know. You do nothing to follow with what the universe provides you miss the flow and miss the wave. You miss all that is. You must stop. You are not this you never have been but you waste and squander your thoughts on waiting. Thoughts are sent to you from all sources, that includes our own and your family. From me and from all others, I am the reflection of you as you see me lounging my eyes half closed. Do not put yourself in suspension I am here to move you forward.

Child you know our ways you have been privy to all that is in understanding. You see. We do not wait for nothing yet here I am waiting. I see you right through that skin you wear of physicality you are so much more... You already been through battles you have been through times of love and peace you are the energy of all that is... You are part of all that is you are all that is... You are born of the breath of all that is you are an expression of all that is. Watching your world blame others for their own follies and labeling what is right and wrong you know does not exist but only a perception. Why you allow your physical body and traits horde you on is beyond me.


Dragon explains who he is:

I am the dark I am the light I am all together as one. There is no separation. I am the rock I am the sun I am all the energy that moves between it all. I am the nothingness I am everything I am physical I am spiritual I am energy I am the energy that creates and destroys. I am the universe... and so are you.


Dragon on human condition and the limited time with our physical bodies:

Ideals of a world where everyone, every being in their own physical bodies viewing life through their own lens makes everything so complicated yet it is not... Don’t you see? It isn’t complicated at all yet you and the race within what you have embodied yourself in cannot see. We do not forget, we are not blind yet here you are waiting watching through your own lens... Move past this you are bigger than this. You went down there for a reason, don’t squander it away. Time is of essence because you have made it so. Tick tock tick tock, time marches onwards for you because of the bodies in which you have cocooned yourself in. It grows, it lives, it dies, but yet you do not. But you only have an allotted amount of time to accomplish such things.


How Dragon sees me:

You want more? I see you look… You wanted to know how a dragon sees. We see all, for we are not encumbered with the ideas of forgotten times or memories. We have all, we have access to all that is needed and desired but we always add to this knowledge. How we see you... We do not care about this flesh of a body you are in, instead we see beyond the flesh we see what lies beneath we see who you truly are. We see the soul of all that you are. You can see us in this same way but so encumbered by your body and thoughts of doubt you cannot see. I see you in a way... I knew you would need remembrance you knew you would need me so we came, we are here. Do you need a good flame beneath your butt to get you moving? We see you, we watch and we shake our heads, yes patience we have but you do not. However you do not even move to make things happen you sit and you wait... Wait for what? Some sign to come down from the sky and hit you on the head. You are no psychic you are more than that... You are the force that drives all to move... You see the deeper meanings and understanding yet you wait. Wait for what? Child do not try our patience. We will only wait so long as you ponder and think about any sort of questions.


Who we are in relation to Creator according to Dragon:

The universe is always moving... It is of all our creation in creation with all that is. You know this... We are part of creator and that makes us part of each other. Don’t you see we are all here for our different purposes no one is beneath another, no one’s job is less than another. . Yes... I see what you are thinking now... yes you were made in creators image... as was I and all other life forms with a physical body or not. Our soul our energy our life force is that of the creator we are part of creator we are one we are inseparable. The bodies in which you reside however are created by those who create because we are all creator and creator experiences life through us. We will not get into the god that your kind has created because in part some is true, most is false... creator is and always has been and brought all of us forward with all the necessary material to give us so we too can create... we too can experience... and in doing so, creator experiences. In all bad or good... which remember does not exists because it just is. So yes some souls can tumble and spiral out of control... Cause great harm and mistake power for control and accumulation of things... to feel power is to control so many underneath what is felt by all. This is where the flow stops... you know this... this is why you were called... it has gotten out of control... it must be restored the flow. All beings that is part of creator... which is all things... because we cannot create without assistance of creator for creator provides us with the materials to create... creator provides all for us to create and with creation it is creator so therefore is creators creation... because we are also part of creator so we create.


Dragon on Free Will:

All things have free will... the only way there is no free will is if you believe there is no free will... simple and strong the belief is. And with believing you have no free will... then others who forget the rules can assimilate and use those who have forgotten in their desire to amass much to control... you see it’s not because they are bad... its that they too have forgotten but the one universal law is you cannot suppress free will. If so, it stops the flow of the universe and creates a blockage or tear if you will... then you are called, you and many like you. Creator does not break the laws set out by creator... creator allows free will to be and allows all things to happen, to stop any event will stop the flow and break his own rules. Do you realize... that it is important to keep the flow of balance? That is the flow of energy... to allow all to be in whatever capacity in which each soul chooses. If they continuously make wrong choices... they slowly lose the memory of what it is like to have free will... then are trapped.


Dragons view of my purpose in relation to me:

What is your job? Not to them... Not to humans... But it is part of the journey... It is part of why you are there... You were called not by the humans but by earth herself... Now you see why I come to you in my form? I am physical as the earth herself. I am here to force you forward... You hear her heartbeat as the core of her light shines brightly. Isn’t it the same of us dragons? We are the earth we are the elements the drives her forward her life and her blood... Funny... So are you in this human form... You don’t see it yet do you? Waken... And open our eyes... You chose this form for more reasons than you are possibly aware of. You have this form because it is made from the components of earth herself... I mean really child... what good will you do if you were a rock? Although not a bad thought just sitting around but you aren’t going to make much impact on a planet where this form you have taken uses and abuses the earth herself. You are not here to fix the humans leave that to those that helped create this form... you are here for a much different purpose in which all life depends upon including those that created the form in which you reside.


What we do in between lives according to Dragon which I'm assuming is after we finish with schooling on a learning planet as well as the creation of earth and her original purpose:

Do you know... that life between lives is a wonderful place? But even without limitations there is a desire to experience what we create. After you reach a point in your journey you begin to create worlds, universes, things, planets, animals, plants, life... then you want to experience what you create. A gathering will happen, where many different beings will gather to create... You realize that earth was a combined effort on many different beings, races and civilizations. This was a test of their ability to create and work together. They created something beautiful. Others were jealous and went in to tinker with it. But even in doing so something wonderful was created. Yes originally earth was not to be a learning house... but a gathering of minds and to experience the beauty of a master piece that was created. However, for as short as it may seem, earth become something else... but a desirable place, to be a learning house. The splendors and beauty of what earth was, made an ideal place. Many came wanting to learn and be a part of it all... thus became a migration of learners who were displaced by their own worlds that have raised their vibrations. Others were born and created allowed to come to earth to learn. But along the way, the darker energies took hold. Of course this was allowed, it is balance it is free will... and the rule of not interfering with free will. That was until the inhabitants of the planet began to kill earth and free will suppressed, a tear, a blockage... and you know the call... to help her… not even earths free will can be ignored... when she called out for help you all answered. Simple see? Now her free will, will be honored and everyone else needs to get their acts together... and you are here to help it forward.


Dragon on my human traits I seem to have difficulty shedding:

Make haste child... your timing is seriously lacking at this moment and me being dragon am allowed to say so. Of course I can’t make you do a thing but I sure can be a great motivator. So I will do just that. Be ready... be ready... we are coming and we will be. Stop wasting your energies on trivial games and thoughts... stop with this belittling behavior to yourself saying you are not good at nothing including no psychic abilities... you hear better than most... you hear me you hear your family. Listen ... pay attention... they are there waiting for you... but you spend more time fraternizing with your mind and do nothing... Frequencies have changed... and you must readjust... yet you wallow in a thought you are nothing special... pfft... child... if you were nothing more than a child here to learn your lessons in life... you would not be in company of dragons. You must listen... and you must do... for it is what you decided to do... don’t squander what you set out for you to do. Do it...

Much love my dear friend.....

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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