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Symbolism of the Color Black
Black is the absence of color, the negative of white. [5] For this reason, black is the color of primordial void, that which existed before the light. [1] Black possesses a mysterious sense of extinction, and it is considered the color of the night, where the unknown is manifest, [5] but black also represents the germinal state, the beginning sure to grow. [1]
The claim that black is universally associated with death, evil, and sickness seems at first, [1] but another look reveals that black has many other associations, such as fertility [6] and newly fertilized lands. [3]
In some parts of the Arab world, black is considered unlucky, [2] but black is also a symbol of power and authority, an emblem of the Caliphate, the first system of government established in Islam. [2]
As a color that seems indifferent, black encapsulates the mark of humility and respectability. [5]
In Ancient Egypt, black is the color of resurrection and eternal life, [2] associated with the mother goddess and fertility, especially in conjunction with red, or blood. [2]
In China, black represents the passive element Yin. Its opposite element, Yang, is bright yellow.[2] Though black is considered a color for young boys, [9] it remains a color of darkness and isn't usually worn as a primary color. [7] In the four primary directions, black is the color of the Dark Warrior, [8] depicted as a tortoise with an intertwined serpent. [4] The Dark Warrior symbolized the north direction, which, unlike the other directions, was never honored or worshipped. People feared it for being the home of the destructive ocean god. [4] The Dark Warrior's element is water, and in Wu Xing, the Five Elements of China, black is associated with the element water. [8]
To the Apache of North America, black symbolizes the West, where the sun sets. [9] Throughout parts of Western Europe, black symbolizes periods of mourning, funerals, and Halloween. [9]
In Feng Shui, black is associated with the element water and the passive yin. Black represents money or income, career, emotional protection, power, stability, and bruises. [9]
In Jungian psychology, black represents the shadow aspect of the unconscious psyche, [1] and in other schools of psychology, black has been linked with self-confidence, strength, and power.[9]
Summary of Symbolism of the Color Black
Black is associated with the darkness, the unknown, the invisible. The fear inspired by these connections may be the reason that black became a symbolic color of power and authority. Black is associated with the night and the setting sun. Black is connected with both death and rebirth. Fertility and the mother goddess, also connected with death and rebirth, intertwine with the color black.
Wearing a black garment might be an indication of position or authority, or it may be a sign of mourning, loss, or even illness.
Because black symbolizes the primordial void before creation, it appears in each person as the shadow personality in Jungian psychology. While the word 'shadow' might indicate negativity, the shadow is not necessarily a negative aspect of the psyche. Much like the physical body's shadow, the shadow of the psyche is present in each conscious person, apparent only in contrast to the conscious mind. The germinal state of creation, too, exists within each person as part of the shadow aspect, from which new synthesis and new creations often arise spontaneously.
The variety of symbolism for the color black is layered. This explains why black is also perceived to be a chaotic color; it represents the shadow, the unknown, and the unpredictable as well as the cyclical processes of life, death, and rebirth, including fertility. Since fertility of the land, and fertility of human being, remains elusive, the chaotic and unpredictable nature of it coordinates with the other associations of black.
Symbolism of the Color Blue
Blue has a wide spectrum, ranging from light, or powder, blue to dark, or navy, blue. Both the sea and the sky are symbolic of vastness, infinity, and the experience beyond the grasp of the human condition, both the ultimate and the eternal. [1] Since blue is tied in with oceanic and celestial symbolism, blue also symbolizes wide, open space and primordial emptiness. [2]
Symbolism of Light Blue
Shades of light blue are associated with the daytime sky and the calm sea. [3] Light blues represent the masculine principle and spatial distance. [2]
Symbolism of Dark Blue
The darker shades of blue represent the sky at night or the overcast, stormy skies [3] and the still, deep waters. [2] Darker blues are associated with the feminine principle and peace. [2]
Symbolism of Blue Overall
In modern psychology, blue is linked with decreased blood pressure and respiration rate; it produces a calming effect. [5]Jung identified blue as representative of the clear sky during the day, and the color symbolized thinking. [3]
Catholicism and other Christian traditions use blue as a symbol for the Virgin Mary. [2,4]
In parts of the East and parts of the Arab world, blue protects against the 'evil eye.' [2,4]
In some Asian countries, blue is associated with the occult, and blue eyes are a sign of magical powers. [4] In China, blue symbolizes immortality. [5]
In Feng Shui, blue is a color of the element water with the passive Yin aspect. It is used for healing, relaxation, peace, trust, and exploration. [5]
Introspection and dreamlike states are connected with the color blue, [2] which is one of the reason for Jung's connection of blue to thinking. [3] Blue can represent the unattainable or inaccessible. [4] In Iran, blue is the color of heaven, spirituality, and mourning. [5]
In Western Europe, blue represents sadness or depression, and light blue is the color of baby boys. [5] In modern Western culture, blue represents the corporate work lifestyle. [5]
Blue Dragons
Blue is a common color for sea serpents. Light blue dragons represent the vastness of the sky and flight, while dark blue dragons represent still, deep waters. Blue dragons are highly protective creatures and magical.
Blue Chinese dragons are of the purest azure colors. They are a symbol of the East and are pacifying.
Symbolism of the Color Bronze
From 3500 B.C. to 1200 B.C., humans lived in the Bronze Age, till it ended with the start of the Iron Age in 1200 B.C. [1] Bronze is created by smelting copper and tin, and this process, discovered around the third millennium BC, forges a metal that is harder and more durable than the components. [2]
The strength and durability of bronze made it an intricate part of weapons, chariots, and other important tools for society. Golden-brown tones are generally classified along with bronze, along with some copper tones.
Bronze Dragons
Bronze dragons are powerful, solid dragons that possess especially hard scales. Since bronze was used in many weapons, bronze dragons are warriors.
Symbolism of the Color Brown
Brown symbolizes the soil, the earth. [1] Paradoxically, brown is the color of autumn and symbolizes the death of vegetation, marking the transition into the season of winter. [1]
For the Cherokee of North America, brown symbolizes good and life. [2]To the Ancient Roman Catholic Church, brown is a symbol of humility and poverty. [1]
For the Australian Aboriginal people, brown symbolizes the color of the land. [2] In Western Europe, brown is a dependable, steadfast color [2]that represents potential fertility. [1]
In Feng Shui, brown is the color of the element Earth and has the active Yang principle. Brown represents industry and grounded stability. [2]
Brown Dragons
Few reptiles are brown, but some dinosaurs are believed to have brown pigmentation. Brown could be a common dragon color.
Brown dragons would like associate with the mother goddess or a god of fertility. In some instances, a brown dragon may represent the autumn harvest, the reaping.
Symbolism of the Color Gray / Grey
Gray is traditionally associated with old age and by correlation, wisdom. [1] Gray is a combination of opposites, black and white, with more white or more black changing the shade and value of gray. Regardless of the shade, gray symbolizes balance or neutrality. [3]
In the East, gray symbolizes helpers and travel, and in Feng Shui gray represents the element metal and is of the passive Yin aspect. [2] Feng Shui emphasizes gray's indefinite and dull nature. [2] In the West, gray symbolizes boredom and plainness. [2]
In Greco-Roman mythology, gray is the color of Saturn, or Cronos, who was the lord of time, with wisdom among his major attributes. [1] On the Kabbalistic tree of life, gray symbolizes wisdom. [1]
In Western Europe, gray symbolizes mourning, lamentation, and death because of its correlation to ashes. [3] The Bible sports gray as a symbol of repentance, fasting, selflessness, and worship. [3] Holy practitioners in Europe chose gray as a color for garments to symbolize simplicity and repentance. [3]
Modern associations with gray include seniority, neutrality, tradition, and pollution. [3]
Gray / Grey Dragons
Gray dragons possess great wisdom. An older dragon may be gray with age. Gray, as a symbol of travelers and helpers, makes the gray dragon likely to help a polite passerby.
Since a gray dragon combines black and white characteristics, attributes associated with those colors apply to gray dragons.
Symbolism of the Color Green
The color green lies halfway between the classification of 'warm' and 'cool' colors. [4] In many cultures, green is considered a mystic color because it is a combination of yellow (the earth) and blue (the heavens), so green can be seen as the fruit of their union.[1]
Green symbolizes life and death because it is found in the newness of life in the Spring and in putrefaction after death. [1,5] In Medieval Europe, green became the color of criminals [4] and Satan. [3] It was also considered unlucky to wear green. [3]
In many traditions, green has had important implications with fertility and rebirth. [3] For its connection with plant life, green has strong associations with growth, awakenings, [2] and abundance.[1] Prominent in the springtime, green symbolizes hope in immortality, of things beyond the cyclical seasons. [4] Green envelops the negative aspects of newness, such as naivety, immaturity, and inexperience, even unripe foods. [1]
Ancient Egyptians feared cats with green eyes because of the color's relationship with superhuman power. [3]
In the Islamic tradition, green is the most important color. Mohammed's green cloak symbolized paradise and spiritual refreshment, [3] and green symbolizes perfect faith. [6] That is why, in India, the color green is associated with Islam specifically. [6]
For the Irish, green has been associated with the nation; it can be specific to Catholic Irish traditions. [6]
In Japan, green is a symbol of life [6] and the spring. [2] In China, green represents the spring.[2] One of the Chinese Animals of the Four Directions is the Green Dragon, representing the power of the East, [7] whose element is wood. [8] In other parts of the East, green symbolizes health, peace, and eternity. [6] In Western Europe, green represents the spring and money. [6]
Feng Shui utilizes green for its nurturing, balancing, healing, and growing energies. Green is associated with the element wood and is a part of the passive Yin aspect. [6]
Modern psychology utilizes green for mental and physical relaxation. [6] Green is proven to help with anxiety and depression. [6] In Jungian psychology, green symbolizes the sensation of immediate, tangible objects. [5]
Green Dragons
Across the world, green is associated with the earth and its vegetation. Many reptiles and amphibians have green pigmentation (notably the crocodiles, komodo dragons, and alligators). As a natural color, many dragons across the world are green.
The association with green with nature draws a symbolic link between a green dragon and the mother goddess, a symbol of life, death, and rebirth.
The Green Dragon of the East, one of the Animals of the Four Directions in China, symbolizes the East and the spring. His element is wood, and the Green Dragon brings regenerating rains. The Green Dragon embodied the active Yang principle, a positive force of weather. [8]
Symbolism of the Color Gold
Gold symbolizes the sun and is associated with the masculine principle.[1] East and West, gold is a symbol of wealth and strength. [2] In Feng Shui, gold connects to the metal element and the active Yang principle.[3]
Gold is attributed to sun and corn deities. [1] Gold represents the colors of the heavens [3] and divine power. [1] Gold is an attribute of the Greek god Apollo, with whom it symbolizes intuition, illumination, and reason. [1]
Gold Dragons
Golden dragons correlate to powerful sun deities or deities of the harvest. Much like bronze dragons, they have sturdy, strong exteriors. Illumination and revelation lie at the heart of a gold dragon.
Gold dragons symbolize prosperity and wealth.
Symbolism of the Color Purple / Violet
Purple and violet are combinations of blue and red. Violet is equal parts blue and red. It symbolizes passion (red) balanced by reason (blue) and the temporal (red) balanced by the external (blue). [1]
Purple is a blend of red and blue in any ratio. Some purples are 'warmer' (more red) while others are 'cooler' (more blue).
Violet and purple are both associated with religious devotion and grief. [1] Buddhists regard purple as a sacred color. [2] In Thailand, purple is worn by mourning widows. [2] In Toaism, violet is the color that marks the transition from Yang (active) to Yin (passive). [1]
In Feng Shui, purple is the passive Yin force; it symbolizes spiritual awareness and healing. [3]
Historically, purple dye proved expensive to produce throughout Western and Central Europe because the ingredients were rare and costly. [2] Only the rich could afford purple garments, which is why purple is associated with royalty and wealth. [2] Members of the Catholic priesthood use garments of purple during parts of the Liturgy, especially during Lent, [2] which is why purple is a symbol of ecclesiastical power. [1]
The Byzantine and Roman emperors preferred purple for their garments. [2] In China, purple is the color of the North Star, a symbol of the center of heaven. [2] In modern psychology, violet has been shown to suppress the appetite and create a peaceful environment. [3]
Purple / Violet Dragons
Purple dragons symbolize wealth and royalty. On the other hand, a purple dragons symbolize mourning and grief. Since Taoism sees violet as the marker of the transition between active (Yang) and passive (Yin) aspects, a violet dragon symbolizes a transitional or liminal creature.
In modern artwork and cartooning, many cute or whimsical dragons are purple.
Symbolism of the Rainbow
Across the world, the rainbow is a spiritual symbol [1] of hope and the power of the gods.
In the Book of Genesis, after the great flood, God said, 'I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.' [2]
The rainbow is a sign of hope; it is a promise to never destroy the world by a great flood again. This is true in other traditions, including the Lakota people of North America. [3] Modern symbolism of the rainbow has expanded from the theme of hope to also encompass inclusiveness and diversity. [1]
Rainbow Dragons
A rainbow-colored dragon is quite uncommon. The exception is the Rainbow Serpent, or Rainbow Snake, found in traditions across the world. The Rainbow Serpent devours people and vomits them back up, symbolizing death and rebirth.
Some dragons are associated with the rainbow in other ways. For example, the Aztecs said that the dragon god Quetzalcoatl could be seen flying across the sky in the form of a rainbow.
Rainbow dragons are inherently connected to the weather, specifically the rain, since the natural manifestation of the rainbow is after a rainstorm.
Dragons of Fame: Quetzalcoatl, Aido Hwedo / Dan Ayido Hwedo, The Rainbow Serpent
Symbolism of the Color Red
Red has a rich, visual spectrum, so it has a complex and intricate symbolic meaning. [4] Red symbolizes everything from passion, love, and sex to blood, wounds, death, and fertility. It can even represent anger, aggression, danger, warning, and protection.
Red is the color of blood and one of the primary colors of fire. [2] Jung believed that this is why red is linked to surging, tearing emotions like anger and love. [7] Other associations include the sun, masculinity, passion, energy, and war. [1] The connection with life and warmth derive from red's blood and fire, [2] while its association with war and death come from red's connection to spilled blood, menstruation, and the blood of the placenta after giving birth. [4,7]
In Paleolithic times, red ochre was mined and ground into powder. Anthropologists believe that people imbued this powder with life-giving powers. [2]
To the Celtics, red symbolized death and the afterlife. [6] The ancient Anglo-Saxons saw red as a protective color that could be used to ward off evil. [2] Warriors covered their weapons with red paint to endow them with magical powers, and red paint and markings afford trees and animals protection. [2]
Some Aboriginal groups in Australia utilized red as a protective color. [2] For other Australian Aboriginal peoples, red symbolizes the land and earth. [6]
In China, red is regarded as an auspicious color [3] because red symbolizes love and fertility. [2]Traditional wedding gowns and veils in China are red. [3] Red eggs are offered to a couple when a child is born. [2] Red is often used in festivals because it represents good luck and celebration. [5,6] Among the five elements, red is associated with the element of Fire and the direction of South. [3] The poetical expression of 'the mark of the vermillion pencil' refers to documents written with red ink by the Emperor. [3]
Other societies associate red with love and fertility. A practice that still remains in Greece, Albania, and Armenia is that of the flammeum, a veil that brides wrap around themselves as a symbol of fertility and protection. [2] This practice can be traced back to the times of Ancient Rome, although some sources report that the flammeum actually was colored an orange-yellow, the color of a candle flame. [2]
In Ancient Egypt, red symbolized the destructive god Set. [2] The Ancient Egyptians used an expression roughly translated as 'making red' to mean murdering someone, and an evil act or plot would be called 'red affairs.' [2] Scribes would use a special red ink when writing words of warning or ill-omen. [2] Similarly, in the Hebrew tradition, red symbolized both the sin and the sacrifice for the sin. [6]
In Western Europe, red indicates or highlights danger. [2] Red also relates anger and aggression, from its association with Mars, the Roman god of War. [2] Modern western usage of red also includes high energy, high speed, [2] low-levels of fuel, and high levels of danger ('red alert').
For the Apache red symbolized victory and success, and it was also the color of the East. [6]
In India, red symbolizes purity, [6] but also sexual passion. [2] In South Africa, red is the color of mourning. [6]
In Feng Shui, red is a color of the element Fire, and it is of the active Yang aspect. It promotes money and good luck and symbolizes respect and vitality. [6]
Modern psychology has found that red stimulates brain wave activity and the heart rate. In some cases, it can even increase blood pressure. [6] Modern politics associates red with Communism.[6]
Summary of Symbolism of the Color Red
Red has a strong symbolic nature owing to its natural manifestation in blood and fire. Depending on the culture and time period, red may represent anger, aggression, high speed, danger, love, purity, joy, celebration, fertility, warmth, rebirth, death, wounds, or protection.
Red Dragons
Red dragons are notoriously passionate with a short fuse, tending towards ill-tempered. A red dragon is imbued with considerable prowess in battle. As a guardian, the red dragon is formidable.
Red Eastern dragons symbolized autumn and the west. They cause storms when they battle in the sky.
Dragons of Fame: Smaug, Stollenwurm, the Red Dragon of Wales
Symbolism of the Color Silver
Silver symbolizes security and intelligence, [2] and represents modern technology. [5] Because it is a precious metal, it has been used for currency around the world. Silver symbolizes the moon, and the color is thus associated with the mother goddess. [5,6] In certain traditions, silver is a sign of clairvoyance. [5]
In Western Europe, silver is stylish, representing financial wealth, [1] but it also represents a stalemate. [4] In heraldry, silver is a symbol of purity. [3] Silver is associated with the month of March. [3]
In Feng Shui, silver is connected to the element metal and possesses the passive Yin quality. [1]It represents romance and trust. [1]
In the Hindu Chakra, of the hidden power of humans, silver is of the air element and is good during a time of reflection and changing directions. [6] Like the moon that controls the tides of the earth, silver has a soothing, calming effect. [6] Silver opens a person to dignity, wisdom, and insight. [6]
Silver Dragons
Silver dragons possess powerful healing abilities. They have a strong connection to the moon and live by the lunar cycle. A silver dragon can be connected to the mother goddess or a female warrior.
In modern and contemporary art, metallic dragons can have cyborg-themed styles, such as bionic eyes, mechanical limbs and wings, etc. These are often represented in silver
Symbolism of the Color White
White is associated with light, the sun, air, holiness, perfection, and innocence [1] and in some cases, virginity. [3] Throughout the world, it is the dominant holy color. [3] There are two opposing aspects of its symbolism.
Symbolism of Lunar-White, Pale White, White Pigment
White, when perceived as a color, such as the color of paleness or the moon, is tied in with death. [4] Ghosts, phantoms, and white women (or white ladies) are all are described as white or semitransparent white. [4]
Symbolism of Solar-White, Bright White, White as the Combined Spectrum of Colors
Meanwhile, white that is seen as the blend of the color spectrum, the white of light and of the sun, symbolizes the sun and deities. [4] This is a solar, as opposed to lunar, color, and the solar color joins with the symbolism of white as purity and innocence. [4]
Symbolism for White in General
In some parts of the Arab world, white is considered lucky. [2] In parts of the West, white symbolizes purity and innocence, which is why it is the color traditionally worn for baptismal robes and wedding gowns. [2] Blinding whiteness is attributed as the color of the angels, [6] and many people who work in health (nurses, doctors, nurse practitioners, etc.) wear white coats as a sign of their work. [6]
To the Apache of North America, white symbolizes the north for its source of snow. [6] To the Cherokee, white symbolizes the south as well as peace. [6]
In Feng Shui, white is associated with the element Metal in the Chinese Elemental system, Wu Xing. White is connected to Yang, the active principle, as well as with mourning, spirits/ghosts, poise, and confidence. [6]
In the East, white symbolizes death and mourning, [2] and Chinese funeral garments are often coarse white. [5] In India, white is a symbol for unhappiness, and in Japan certain white flowers symbolize death. [6] In Ancient Rome and Greece, people associated white with death and life.[1] In this case, white represents rebirth. [1] In China, white is associated with the direction west. [5]
In contemporary times, when used to make a flag, white denotes surrender, truce, and goodwill.[1]
Summary of Symbolism of the Color White
White symbolizes the purity of an unblemished light as well as powerful supernatural spirits beyond the grave, like ghosts. The association with the sun makes the symbolism of solar-white a powerful sign of holiness, purity, and wisdom, and the association with the moon makes the symbolism of lunar-white a tremendous sign of spiritual energy, danger, and death.
White Dragons
White dragons can be split into two symbolic groups: lunar-white and solar-white.
Solar-white dragons are imbued with the power the sun, a symbol of holiness and purity. A solar-white dragon is associated with a sun god or a powerful god of creation.
A lunar-white dragon symbolizes death and rebirth. It embodies a dangerous and ferocious supernatural power, likely associated with a moon god or a mother goddess.
In China, a white dragon is an omen of death, a warning. White dragons are associated with the direction south.
Dragons of Fame: Pai Lung, O Goncho
Symbolism of the Color Yellow
Yellow shares some of its symbolic nature with gold.
Yellow symbolizes the sun, so it symbolizes the sun's life-giving, generative powers. [1] The sun rises and sets from and to the darkness of the unknown; therefore, it symbolizes intuition in Jungian psychology. [2] Yellow symbolizes illumination and dissemination, [2] and it is the color of fear. [3] Much like the color white, yellow has two symbolic forms: golden-yellow and pale-yellow. Golden-yellow is associated with the sun and wealth, while pale-yellow is linked to illness, disease, or cowardice. [3]
In many Eastern traditions, people use yellow to protect against evil and for the dead. [6] Yellow symbolizes courage to the Japanese. [6] In India, yellow is commonly associated with merchants. [6]
In China, yellow is considered the national color. Historically, there was a time when only the emperor and his sons were allowed to wear the color yellow, [4] because yellow was a sacred color to the emperor. [1] Yellow symbolizes the center of the universe, and one popular creation myth tells that the goddess Nu Wa created humans from yellow clay. [1]
In the Wu Xing, the Five Elements of China, yellow represents the element Earth, the time of transition between seasons, and the center direction. [5,6]
In Feng Shui, yellow is of the element Earth and possesses the Yang principle. Yellow represents warmth and motion; it is generally considered and auspicious color. [6]
For the West, yellow represents cowardice, [1] weakness, and hazards. [6] It is also a symbol of hope, found in the coming of light. [6] In Egypt yellow was a symbol of mourning. [6] Medieval Europe and Egypt both saw yellow as the color of envy and used it to signify disgrace. [1] This is why in many places in the West, yellow is still associated with cowardice. [1]
In Mexican cosmology of the indigenous peoples of middle America, the earth's new skin was golden yellow until rain fell and made it green. [1] Thus, yellow is a symbol of beginning and renewal, even anticipation. In Aztec mythology, Huitzilopochtli (also spelled Uitzilopochtli), the god of war and the god of the sun, is depicted in yellow and blue. [1]
For the Apache of North America, yellow represents the East, where the sun rises. [6] For the Cherokee, yellow is a symbol of trouble or danger. [6] For the Aboriginal people of Australia, yellow created from ochre symbolized death. [1]
Islam ascribes symbolism to the shade of yellow. Golden-yellow is a symbol of wisdom, while pale-yellow represents treachery and malice. [1]
In modern psychology, yellow has been found to energize and relieve depression as well as to improve memory. Yellow is also believed to stimulate the appetite. [6]
Summary of Symbolism of the Color Yellow
Yellow has two opposing symbolic forms: pale-yellow and golden-yellow. The symbolism of golden-yellow includes happiness, the sun, the energizing power of creation, and the newness of a beginning earth. Pale-yellow is associated with illness, weakness, cowardice, and envy.
Yellow has an importation relationship in Jungian psychology as the color of intuition and curiosity. Because the sun rises and sets over the horizon into unknown territory, the color yellow associates with the liminal state of being between consciousness and unconsciousness.
Pale-yellow dragons symbolize envy and cowardice. They are an omen of coming illness or the turn of the seasons.
Golden-yellow dragons symbolize the sun, wealth, prosperity, and good fortune. They have strong associations with the earth or a solar deity.
In China, the Yellow Dragon is associated with the Fifth Direction, the direction of the center, or the center of the world. [5] The Yellow Dragon is the symbol of this Fifth and heavenly direction. [5] This is why yellow dragons are revered in China. Yellow dragons are connected with the earth's regenerative powers, and they represent the power of the emperor.
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
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