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According to the classical definition that reigned in the middle-age, a vampire is an animated corpse that survives by drinking the blood of the living. It also has a demonic nature and is a servant
of Satan, dedicated to spreading its evil throughout the world. Bram
Stocker added many desirable traits to the vampire, and the myth was
later explored and refined by numerous artists and philosophers.
The body of a vampire is technically dead by human standards. It can be said that a vampire’s body is in a state of arrested decay, animated by a
supernatural force or spirit residing in its corporeal form, and kept
vital by some magical energy that some refer as ichor.
Vampires usually appear as "normal" humans do, unless they are aroused by bloodlust or enraged. In such cases, the appearance of two, reticulating
canine-like fangs may be seen; accompanied by red eyes and a rather
predacious countenance.
Vampires to do not cast their reflections on mirrored surfaces (although they do cast shadows).
Their images cannot be captured on film, videotape, or digital video. Likewise, the sound they make (vocal or otherwise) cannot be captured on
either digital or analog recording devices.
The vampire requires fresh human blood for sustenance. Human blood is the preference of all vampires, although they can sate themselves on lower mammalian forms of
life for short periods of time. New or "young" vampires need to feed
once every two nights in order to sustain their existence.
The necessary amount of human blood consumed during feeding varies between one-half and one full quart. Some "older" vampires and Vampire Regents
can resist their bloodlust and survive for longer periods without
feeding; sometimes over a span of several weeks to a whole month.
However, a vampire deprived of viable sustenance for protracted amounts of time will rapidly "age" until it reaches its actual age - ordinarily proving
to be fatal, as most vampires are older than the average human lifespan.
In theory then, it is possible to "starve" a vampire into destruction.
The inherent flaw in this method of destroying a vampire is that the
vampire hunter may have to endure while waiting for what could be days
or weeks.
Psychotic vampires
A psychotic vampire is a person who has a sociopath mental illness that leads him (an exclusive male trait) to behave like a vampire, and sometimes to actually self-identify as one.
In most cases, this identification is with folkloric/fictional vampires such as Dracula, Anne Rice's characters or the vampires in role-playing games.
But more usually, psychotic vampires are simply obsessed with blood and
will commit brutal crimes without remorse in order to see, taste, and
feel it.
Some may also take on the travesty-go of vampyre lifestylers by wearing capes, sleeping in coffins, filling their homes with skulls, bones, and souvenirs stolen from cemeteries through they
should not be confused with true lifestylers.
Reported in the medical literature for more than a century and also named Renfield’s syndrome after Stocker’s character, clinical vampirism is a recognizable, although rare, clinical entity characterized by periodic compulsive
blood drinking and an affinity with death. The cases documented in the
medical literature only refer to those cases in which there is obvious
In those cases in which there is psychosis, the patients have an irresistible urge for blood ingestion, which is a ritual that brings them relief. They believe that by drinking blood they
will have an increase in strength and immunity prolonging their life.
In many cases the individual enjoyed drinking their own blood, known as "auto vampirism." Some patients would deliberately wound themselves at
the base of the tongue in order to suck at these wounds and swallow the
Clinical vampirism groups some of the most shocking pathological behaviors observed. It is one of the few pathological manifestations that blends myth and reality
in dramatic fashion and contains many possible elements including
schizophrenia, psychopathic and perverse features.
Several notorious criminals in history are considered by scholars and psychologists to have been psychotic vampires, including Fritz Haarman, Gilles de Rais, the Marquis de Sade, John Haigh, and.... These individuals appear over and over in non-fiction books about vampires.
Human Living Vampires (HLV's) are individuals who, while they firmly assert that they are essentially human beings, and to all external appearances are exactly that,
nevertheless have pronounced vampiric characteristics having a need,
compulsion, or involuntary tendency to "feed" upon some substance or
some kind of energy produced by other living things, primarily other
HLV's fall into two main classes: sanguinarians who experience blood-lust or blood-craving, and "psychic vampires" or "psi-vampires". Boundaries among categories can be hazy and overlap considerably, and there is no rule that says a bona fide HLV might not
also be interested in lifestyle vamping or be a blood fetishist.
Within these two larger categories, there are several subdivisions among self-defined HLV's. There are also a number of different "theories"
proposed by HLV's to explain their own origin, or the cause(s) of their
Human Living Vampires are human beings who are born, grow up, age, and fully expect to die at the end of a conventional lifespan. No HLV claims to be immortal, invincible, or possessed of
supernatural abilities.
However, many members of these groups believe themselves to have some form of sensory amplification or extrasensory perception, such as:
Although some report enhanced strength, stamina, resistance to disease, and so forth, in no case do these traits exceed the limits of human norms. They
are prone to any illness or injury that afflicts human beings. They can
and do have children. They have normal nutritional requirements
(although some HLV's report unusual food cravings, allergies or
aversions) and in all other ways are bound by natural law.
Awaking vampire Awakening is a term that described the physical and mental changes that occur when someone awakens and discovers he is Otherkin. The awakening typically occurs during or shortly after the onset of puberty, but in some cases can occur much later around the thirties or
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the case of Sanguinarians and Psi vampires, the person undergoing the awakening will be altered physically and mentally. These changes often include an increased sensitivity to light and particularly to sunlight, a growing affinity for night and darkness, Many experience acute feelings of isolation and alienation during this process, as their changing nature distances them increasingly from their "normal" family and friends. |
Feeding vampires ![]() ![]() ![]() Both blood-drinking and psi-draining HLVs use the term "feed" to refer to what they actually do. Representatives of both groups have made strong "Feeding" appears to be a given not an option; an HLV must feed, feels a compulsion to do so, in the case of psychic vampires may do so ![]() ![]() This desire to feed also identified as the Thirst, Hunger or the Need, bears strong parallels with drug addiction. Pulse, heart rate, blood The chief concern for most HLV's seems to be how to "feed" more efficiently, how to find "donors", how to guarantee a regular supply of the needed substance, and so "Secondary symptoms" of vampirism (that are not directly related to an HLV's craving for blood and/or energy) include sensitivity to sunlight, a tendency to be awake Definition of the psychic vampireWhat is life-energy (prana, chi) ?Vampires and aurasHow to feed ?Types of psychic vampiresHow to identify psychic vampires ?Protection against psychic vampires life-force…) rather than blood from others. Whether this ability was developed through meditation, mentally altering drug usage, or inherited, it can be used by the Psychic Vampire to drain Although psychic vampirism seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon, legends about vampire like beings that drain the body of its energy or 'life-force', soul or vitality, who use humans as a means of procreation, predate blood-drinking revenants by thousands of years. The term 'psychic vampire' was popularized in the mid-1800s when members of The Theosophical Society turned their attention to researching the human psyche, described as the mind, soul, emotions, and all the other mental processes which Members of The Theosophical Society theorized two types of psychic vampires.
What is life-energy (prana, chi) ? Life force, or "pranic energy" is a specific type of energy produced by living things and the biosphere as a whole. This energy is also However this “energy” has never been measured by any scientific means until now, which does not mean it is not measurable. Other types of "energy" are identified, and sometimes differentiated from "pranic energy", these are namely sexual energy, psychic energy, Psychic Vampires Definition of the psychic vampireWhat is life-energy (prana, chi) ?Vampires and aurasHow to feed ?Types of psychic vampiresHow to identify psychic vampires ?Protection against psychic vampires life-force…) rather than blood from others. Whether this ability was developed through meditation, mentally altering drug usage, or inherited, it can be used by the Psychic Vampire to drain Although psychic vampirism seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon, legends about vampire like beings that drain the body of its energy or 'life-force', soul or vitality, who use humans as a means of procreation, predate blood-drinking revenants by thousands of years. The term 'psychic vampire' was popularized in the mid-1800s when members of The Theosophical Society turned their attention to researching the human psyche, described as the mind, soul, emotions, and all the other mental processes which Members of The Theosophical Society theorized two types of psychic vampires.
What is life-energy (prana, chi) ? Life force, or "pranic energy" is a specific type of energy produced by living things and the biosphere as a whole. This energy is also However this “energy” has never been measured by any scientific means until now, which does not mean it is not measurable. Other types of "energy" are identified, and sometimes differentiated from "pranic energy", these are namely sexual energy, psychic energy, These "energies" are given various conflicting and overlapping definitions, and the explanations of what "energy" is, exactly, and how the psychic vampire uses it tend to vary from one individual to another. Vampires and auras You can view this interesting phenomenon called the halo effect around your own aura by first holding your hand, palm side outward, at arm's length, and then while viewing your hand against a A study funded by the Parapsychology Foundation of New York showed that certain persons were highly skilled at deliberately tapping into and directly feeding upon the aura of others. ![]() Direct observations of the aura as well as aura photographs taken before and after a psychic vampire interaction showed the victim's aura becoming As expected, such onslaughts dramatically expanded the invading vampire's aura but seriously dulled and constricted the host victim's aura, a condition ![]() ![]() ![]() By draining energy from another person's aura, these so-called psychic vampires not only deplete the aura's energy resources, they also Even more seriously, vampire puncture wounds to the aura often required weeks to heal. Long-term, continuous psychic vampire attacks can have devastating Conscious psychic vampires are those who deliberate take energy from others, either by magical means (for example, servitors), or by some instinctive ability, via the astral plane, or by direct energy Unconscious psychic vampires do not understand what they are, and tend to wander through life in a state of blissful ignorance or denial. They may or may not be aware of Other unconscious psychic vampires, who are possibly more accurately termed than the above, are those who, unknown to themselves, instinctively drain energy Unconscious psychic vampires often, instead of making use of the energy they take, disperse it uselessly into their surrounding environment. Emotional vampires In psychiatric terms, a psychic vampire is someone who drains emotional energy without giving anything back, and can make the other person very Emotional vampires only feed on certain emotions, just as others feed on anything they can. Usually, the bad ones will exert a strong mental control on the victim, and do as much as possible ![]() Elemental Vampires Most psychic vampires "feed" primarily from other human beings, but a great many report being able to "feed" from non-human living things and from other sources. Elemental Vampires feed off of natural phenomena ie: lightning storms, thunder storms, hurricanes, ley lines, waterfalls or natural events. While some exclusively feed on elemental events and forces, some just use the elements to supplement their feeding until they can get a donor or ![]() ![]() Symbiotics Symbiotics are psychic vampires who survive on the draining of negative energy alone. They usually seek out and draw strength from sickness in any human they encounter. In draining the negative energy of the victim, the symbiotics become a benevolent creature making him/her feel better and possibly even Other psi usually keep out from negative energy that can damage their own system. A sexual, sympathetic or tantric vampire A sexual, sympathetic or tantric vampire is a person who feeds on sexual energy. He usually practices Tantra, an ancient Hindu practice which mixes meditation and non-orgasmic sex to attain a The ritual is based on activating the human energy centres, chakras, which hold the potential to reach 'cosmic awareness'. The human body is thought to have 6 main chakras (base of A common term for female vampires who feed exclusively through sex is "Succubus", a word which originally denoted a mediaeval demon who was believed to ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() recognize psychic vampires Psychic vampirism is hard to recognized. Some psychic vampires self-identify on the basis of how they feel; others rely on how they seem to affect people around them. But some psychic vampires hold Here are some basic indicators to check if you are a psychic vampire (treat these as guidelines only).
Some psychic vampires include emotional empathy ("feeling" other people's emotions and experiencing them) as a symptom, although non-vampires can be highly empathic. Effects on other However the feeding is performed, most psychic vampires report to get greatly invigorated physically and psychologically. Feeding can cause an Like blood vampires, psychic vampires feel that they must "feed" on the energy they require on a regular basis, and many report physical feelings of discomfort if they are denied Protection against psychic vampires A psi-vampire attack is an uninvited and unwelcome draining of one's vital energy by a psychic vampire. They can occur through casual contact, at distance or even through dreams. These attacks are If you suddenly feel emotionally or mentally depleted, you may be under attack by a psychic vampire. The unfortunate effects of prolonged energy loss are damage to the energy system itself
Dr. Judith Orloff has identified several profiles of psychic, or in her terminology, “energy vampires”:
If you have little self-confidence in facing a psychic vampire and think you might be especially vulnerable then you can actually help the Depending on the talents and abilities of the psychic vampire, their negative thoughts can reach out to others. Psychic vampires have various ways of sucking Just keep firmly in mind that your own thoughts are far more important and strong within you than any words that others place upon you. You must not allow psychic If you simply refuse to accept that the vampire can harm you and actually believe this to be true then little or no harm can come to you and the psychic There are of course any number of other, fairly standard, “magical” protective mechanisms you can use including constructing a doll or poppet of the vampire concerned and driving a wooden spike into |
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
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