Items for the time two are with Drago and taking the title apprentice

Custom agreements are written on a person to person basis and as well as a situation to situation. These can be for one season or extended periods of time. Our agreements are based on older ways and reasons as well as the older meanings that todays social standings are based upon.

Remember that we are taking a step that not all of the world will understand and this agreement is between us and we only need to know what is being done. This prevents rumor other than the normal gossip that arises when things like this are seen. Simply what happens on the road, happens and stays on the road. This is between us, bringing in others clouds and confuses issues and the way of life we have chosen. Usually screwing everything all up. It is because of the highly paranoid reaction is why we usually don’t discuss our matters with others.

This life style is not nor ever will be the social normal. Nor is it understood and accepted until one have lived it for many years. Even after some time has passed those who are not there with you still don’t know or truly understand. They will either support you or not, it’s that simple.

So in today we use a variation close but somewhat acceptable:

We first take for instance a young subject who has dabbled, experienced, “lived” this style. We are approached to take their on and show person in question the correct ways.

All persons to this agree that this will not be discussed or talked about with anyone not apart of this action under any circumstances for the privacy of all. All that enter into these actions have done so of their own free will and understanding of what could happen as a result of this action. Holding all persons party to this harmless and not at fault for the happening of this.

A birth certificate copy to verify the age and true name of said person(s) in question to be given to Drago. This is to prove that you are over 18 years of age & your full given name. This way Drago will not get into trouble for taking you across state lines. This also proves you are of legal age for any other thing modern law has placed an age limit on.

To help put your minds and those of your families at ease they can call 1-800-516-0497 at any time to leave messages to call them back, as many times as they like 30 hours 9 days of the week. They can send letters/things to this address:
Ask For It Attn: _______
C/O C. Gallup & EAW
PO BOX 240
Denmark, Maine 04022

For true emergencies the cell, 207-00000 Drago’s or 207-0000000 Isabell’s, would be the best way to reach Drago.

For the convince of those want to ship directly to you our mail from this address is forwarded to us please ship items 2-3 day priority mail. This way it can be forwarded to us at no extra cost. And have them call us at 1-800-516-0497 to inform us that they have sent something to you. This way we will be looking for the package to arrive. When the items arrive you will call them after going through the box to ensure that every thing arrive okay. Any other mail Isabell will forward or send in the weekly package to us.

As always family are more than welcome to meet Drago at or attend an event that Drago are at. Drago are to be informed at least fourteen (14) days in advance so that the proper arrangements can be made for all involved. Drago doesn’t like surprises and will react badly. This ensures that Drago has time to acquire the correct parking & personal passes for the event. Having the correct passes ready for them may require two weeks notice before the event. This also allows to make space allotment if they want to stay on site with us.

At no time will the person in question be allowed to consume tobacco or alcohol, unless religious needs dictate them to be used. Only because of the costuming Drago carries smoking is not allowed in the tent or truck. Then only for religious reasons, during ceremonial times and places.

If it is found that the person in question is participating in any illegal manner according to modern day law their apprenticeship will automatically be terminated and they will be turned over to the authority for correct action as done in old.

A detailed listing of any medical conditions or allergies must be given in writing at the time of acceptance. Personal preferences are not to be listed as a medical need for personal preference do not apply in this action. A blood test for HIV is required before joining Drago on the road. The HIV test is for safety of all those involved because of the closeness of the living arrangements. Drago can guarantee that at some time you will get cut, that is just a part of dealing with bladed weapons. It will happen and Drago will have to help clean it up. Remember there is no health insurance meaning you will be healed by Drago’s knowledge and talents {He does have medical training in his back ground}.

Any medications the person in question requires will be provided for by Drago, but he must be told well in advance to insure them the opportunity to acquire them before they are needed or need to be replaced. This ensures access to the medications at all times. Items for personal hygiene are a necessity and there for will be provided for. Now Drago can not guarantee that you will find your preferred brand or type of product. If you choose to stock some of these items before hand, keep in mind that there is limited storage space in the truck and/or your boxes.

Both will take a multivitamin & joint pill in the morning, ensuring Drago does as well. This helps to keep your body well. You will not always eat well or properly while on the road, that is just a part of traveling.

Contraceptive of some form will be maintained at all times. This does not mean that you have permission to go bed/camp hopping. Personal relationships on the road are not easy, but not impossible. Most of the time you will be too busy to see much of any one outside of the tent. If you wish to have relations with another you must first talk to Drago about it. The person you wish to have relations with must be brought before Drago and have his approval before any relationship can be started. This is for your own protection. For he knows most of those on the road and can see things that you may not. He will be informed of where you will be going, how long you think you will be gone etc.. Fair warning if you go out of an evening Drago will stay awake until you return to the tent. This is not something he does on purpose, it’s just the way he is.

A traveling show name will be found for each to ensure that out of travel they are not bothered by others. Not every one on the circuit is a totally good person. There may be a few shows where you are escorted not because Drago doesn’t trust you, there have been cases of unpleasant things happening more than one or two years in a row. You will be introduced to “safe” people at every show/event Drago does. These people are who you go to when Drago can’t be found. They are also people that you can direct others to if they need help. Some of these people you will see at more than show/event and so you’ll be able to recognize them.

You will be asked to help other people while traveling with Drago. Any person Drago asks you to help is someone Drago knows and Drago knows for a fact they will not abuse the privilege of someone helping them. Usually it is someone Drago represents or have worked around in the past. It is a good thing to be known as being helpful on the road. This puts both you and Drago in a good light.

Please keep in mind that there will be many people who will accept you just because you are traveling with Drago. Your actions will reflect not only on you, but on Drago as well, as individual persons and together as a business. It will be Drago not you who will shoulder most of the fall out of a misdeed. After which he will be dealing with you for your actions.

One will be chosen to answer the mobile phone. The form is “Hello, you’ve reached, the mobile office of, Ask For IT with Whom would you like to speak.” Pause for response. “Yes, sir/madam may I tell them whom is calling” and go tell them who is calling. They will then announce whom is calling and wait for a response with directions

As long as the mobile phone is working you will be able to use it after 9pm on weekdays & on weekends once all the needed calls have been made. It may be used before the event opens if needed and after it closes for the day.

You are allotted three 18 gal Rubbermaid tubs; One for clothing, one for costuming & one for craft/studies. If it fits in the tubs then bring it. You are allowed one container for street clothes and one container for your costuming during the test period. After which if you continue to travel with Drago may be added to accordingly.

Your clothing will be regulated as required by show and circumstances dictated. To begin you will be allowed to choose what to wear, but should it prove to be unapproate for your new status a dress code will be made to obey. What you choose to wear between shows is what you choose to wear in between shows. If you can work in it, it can be worn as long as it does not interfere with work. You can wear show clothes if you want as long as there is enough for the next weekend and to last you until the next time laundry is done.

When choosing your clothes keep these things in mind always pack for three different things hot, cold and wet. You will encounter all three during your travels. Other things you may want to consider are we work out side for a living. You should have at least 14-21 days worth of clothing. You will need at least one pair of good work boots, weather resistant, preferably with steel toes and good ankle support. A pair of “show boots” this means 1 inch or shorter heel, mid calf or taller, simple looking or designed to look closer to being period correct. A set of period looking sandals are good for when it’s hot out as well as getting in and out of the truck during good weather.

Drago has some stock costuming for shows and events. Out of that Drago will see what fits. You are show models, this means that artists may have outfits/items to wear/use on show days.

You should try to do laundry once a week, but life happens or you may doing a show that may be longer.

Going bare foot while out side of the tent is not an option. You can go bare foot in the tent only after every thing is setup and the ground has been gone over for things that may hurt you or Drago.
No make-up, perfumes, or scented deodorants will be tolerated. Drago is highly sensitive to chemically produced scents to the point of tasting them. This is because he is out doors the majority of the time. This means that when you want to buy something that is scented run it by Drago first. You two will be picking out shampoo, soaps and such - test Drago’s nose first, if it passes buy it. Items that spray into the air are not used. Under no circumstances do you use, buy or bring to the tent any thing Patchouli - this causes Drago to have headaches.

No jewelry/symbols will be allowed to begin with, unless of a religious nature, but this must be proven through research and facts. As knowledge is found so to shall the allowance in wearing of certain jewelry/symbols be allowed. Personal symbology must be explained in writing why it is important to you and why you feel like you would be uncomfortable without it. This must be explained beyond the point of questionable reasoning.

As the responsibility and knowledge level is proven that they can do certain things without the supervision in the tent. The freedom of their life style will expand. Hence the more they prove that they can do as they have learned; the more freedom to do what they would like as long as these items are done correctly and fully to the standards that are expected of them. This is what is to be done how you do it may be left to you. As long as the end result is accomplished.

They will also be taught from sources of the old knowledge which are recently being re-written. They will be required to learn it well and correctly. They will also have opportunities to learn from other persons within the style of our life.

The Faye and animals have free run of the truck and tent for the most part. Don’t cross their ways nor mistreat them for they are well protected! When in doubt about an animal ask.

The truck & tent is ours, you are a second or third unless otherwise said. No looking or exploring will be tolerated except to do as you are requested. Drago’s personnel boxes are not to be entered unless he requests you to do so.

This is a neutral house, don’t cross that line. Personal feelings of dispute are not welcome. If the need arrises all three sides of the story will be heard before judgement is made. (Remember truth has three sides.)

There is no “them said they said games”. It is always best to find out things firsthand or directly from the person who experience it. There is only what one feels and what has happened for Drago to listen to & go from there.

. Only Drago handles and carries the money. All sales must go through him. All of the money flows through his hands not yours. Until at what time he decides differently. All money collected by anyone affiliated with the tent will be turned over to the house as it was in the old, this includes side jobs any one may work.

A nice and clean voice is to be used while addressing customers and those who visit Drago. The same applies for those that you visit, remember we are guests in their house. This also goes for any local guides we come across. Local Guide — Some one who is affiliated with the show, lives close to the site and knows the area.

If you speak to Drago never use the following words under any circumstances: sorry, thank you, sir, “promises, promises”. Check with Drago for why & any other words, which are for your knowledge only as no one else needs to know.

Drago asks questions in general to find out things. If one asks something specific then it may be trying lead the answers. So, the more information you answer the question with the better for all. That is what you are suppose to do, do not avoid questions. How can Drago know and prepare for something when it is denied him? You need to be specific with your answers. Drago does not want “text book” answers or examples. Detailed answers are good, vague is annoying, incomplete answers are never good. Having a reference point is a good thing especially when some time has passed since Drago last talked/wrote.

If you feel as if you are going to blow up, give a tongue lashing or rip someone’s head off, state that you need some time or talk about it to Drago. Don’t just go off or blow up, Drago reacts badly to this. The majority of the time saying something could and usually does take care if it. Things left unsaid often bite all in the ass in the long run. If Drago had nothing to do with the bad then Drago should not have it dealt . Translation—If Drago did not cause the situation do not take your anger out on Drago.

Don’t say anything unless you plan on it being carried out and/or done. Be careful of what you ask for. As our ways are not your ways and the words may not have the same meaning. Your word is the bond you must live by. Don’t say anything without doing it. Truth is required at all times. If accomplishment of your words is unattainable by you then you must state so as soon as it is realized to Drago.

If any of the requirements/laws of this house are unattainable or are not doable by you then you must write why it can not be done by you. Drago will answer it in a fast and fully written reaction unless spoken words are needed for time reasons.

The past makes you who you are and shapes how you deals with those in your future. After accepting this you can mold your reactions into constructive ways or destructive ones. You are the one who decides which. Remember this when dealing with Drago for his past is against those in his future. We are sorry for this, but as we have stated many times the people in our past have made us what we are today. Those in the past have taught us well, to be against those who we meet now

No mind games or politics are allowed within these walls. This includes those who are in charge of the show or “pointy hats”.

Be aware there are certain people who Drago shows kindness towards or they have privileges within our group/tent. These people include; artisans & suppliers that Drago represents, local guides, safe people & those introduced as friends, or worked in the tent before.

No weapons shall be carryed or used in this tent or where you are except as stated by Drago at any given time and for that time only.

While with Drago at events all will assist with set up and putting away of things as needed.

Watching for theft of items at event is a priority at all times. Do not step or over take a sale from some one else. Supplying a bit of information if needed is okay. Sell all of the tent not just one item or section at a time.

At events one of you will be appointed or you can take turns for being responsible for the drinks and food within the coolers and meal foraging for the tent personnel. One of the biggest things is to ensure that there is plenty to drink during the show and when on site. The drinking cooler is open for public use as long as they tell us ahead of time. Standard mix for the drinking cooler is half Gatorade and tea powder mixes.

On show days it is usually a mix of what is at hand to eat, what can be eaten for meals and do you have time to really cook? Snacks can be as simple as fruit, cheese, crackers & jerky. Meals can be hot or cold. Cold is easier and usually far faster to prepare than a hot meal. This is especially true for lunch, when there is almost always a rush crowd through the tent. At the end of the show day all are usually more than ready for a good meal.

The tent/booth is closed down before Drago does anything else. Closing usually takes about hour sometimes longer. The majority of the time Drago goes straight out to eat. Remember that the people who travel with Drago work for what they get in return. In other words they prove that they can earn their keep for what Drago have invested/paid out because of them.

Ice levels will be checked at least once a day in the drinking and/or food coolers. Do not be like one in our past who ruined $100.00 worth of food by not checking the ice levels daily. Try to have balanced meals. Fruits, veggies & dairy do not always do well in the camping environment. Do not leave food out for the animals to find. Or Drago at times to forage when bored or walking through.

Cooking between shows will depend a great deal on whether or not you are traveling and how fast you are traveling to the next destination. If you are doing a show with multiple weekends there is an extremely high chance that food will be cooked on site. There still may be times that we will go out to eat to treat ourselves, to get out of the heat or while you are running errands.

Drago is trying to limit his consumption of carbonated and commercial drinks. In staying with this theme the preferred drinks for traveling are; tea, fruit juices, sports dinks, energy drinks, kool aid & water. Other things you should know do not feed anything that has a artificial/chemical sugar as well as anything that has MSG (monosodium Glutamate) to Drago these things will give him very bad migraines. If Isabell is with us do not feed her soy, her body rejects it.

If you need breakfast in the morning then you need to let it be known. And be ready by 8 am to start in. Drago doesn’t usually eat when he first wakes up. Midday is his big meal and often heads for a buffet if it’s available. If not then something that is fast and easy. Evening meal may just be a snack or two through out the evening if a buffet was found or a sit down meal about 1800(6PM).

Thursday is usually when the town run is done. If the next show is some where else you’ll most likely be eating on the run. This could be just fast food or actually stopping to sit and eat. The majority of the time you will stop and sit to eat just to get out of the truck for a few minutes. But it will depend on how much money is on hand and how fast you have to get to the next site. Most of the time you will eat at least once a day. When Drago is close to one or finds them on the run, an all you can eat buffet is targeted. Food allergies are the only excuse not to eat something. You are expected to try foods that are new to you to help you expand your experiences in life.

Personal preferences are not a good thing to have while on the road where food is involved {or any thing else}. You may not like it, but it may be the only thing that is available.

As far as living arrangements - while traveling in truck the, there is one bed platform “Drago’s nest” which in 5’x8’ , there are two front seats - not suggested to sleep in. At shows the tent will be set up, the Vardar will be available—a bed platform or floor space in the Vardar , tent floor, the sleeping places already mentioned in the front of the truck and the floor in the back of the truck. At private organizational extended shows the truck is unavailable to sleep in. This leaves the tent floor or the Vardar. You will have to deal with this the way it is. We have thought about this long and hard there just isn’t good sleeping arrangements for four people in the truck. Until the test period is over we can not justify the cost of sleeping apparatus for another. If you can not deal with this bring money to cover the cost of sleeping equipment for you.

The tent or area/booth is our home for the duration of the event unless otherwise stated. You will pick up and keep the area clean for everyone to see while at the event. This also applies at the homes of those that may visit/stay with. This includes cleaning the center of the tent & Vardar or the main room we use when we are staying with someone. Things to be done every day are; dishes washed, put away and kitchen area wiped down, the beds and living area kept neat and clean, no food left out or in pots where the animals can get to it & trash will be removed from the tent every night & put in the correct place for we are staying. The plastic shopping bags that are collected can be used for trash bags.

On Friday before the weekend show the tent merchandise must be completely gone through. This means cleaned, rearranged, tagged or shuffled if needed. The table tops and shelves must be dusted. Any thing the public can see must be straighten up, cleaned & fixed. For we are very much in the public’s view and can change our standing about the event we are at.

At events you will take turns alternating weekends being appointed one hour each Sunday to collect cards, flyers of venders/merchants, entertainers, other events and group/organization information. You will also give the information Drago has to pass out. During this time you may look at the wares for sale but are not allowed to purchase anything. Drago has final say of your purchases and can send the either of you to buy things on our behalf.

The back of the sides & center of the tent is for demonstration of crafts to “wow” the public and to use for studis in when the duties are completed.

If you break anything, immediately tell Drago of the happening. He will decide how it will be replaced and dealt with.

Isabell has final say on the tent/truck ways. Drago has final action when words don’t work. May it not come to that. For any angry black dragon is not a good thing to see.

Whenever in doubt about any thing—ask questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question, unless you don’t ask it. So use common sense, ask questions & don’t be afraid to say what you think. You may be surprised by the reaction and/or answer you get.

Drago tries to carry on a three part day when not in show.

0600-0630 alarms awake Drago & you If you need to eat and prepare for the day this is time to do so. Upon getting up they will make tea and/or coffee in the appropriate makers or place juice out for morning consumption.

The tent opens at 8AM or one hour before a show opens for the day. The tent stays open until the show closes for the day or when the evening Crowd dies out between 10PM and 2AM. Please include two hours after that to cover closing the tent, evening meal and any other items that need immediate attention.

0800 the days starts unless something has changed. Someone starts with picture file work on the Sheba. You will assist Drago with what needs to be done or work on stuff set forth for you.
1230 the mid day meal is partaken then the afternoon activities
1400 Some turn to craft items that are made for sale and teaches you to help with the costs and shows. Proving that one is not a money drain on Drago. Or your afternoon is entering into the Sheba, which is far out of date.
1800 with the evening meal arriving.
Evening: Ancient studies are assigned study course in the ancient ways. You are to finish out the daily things which need to be done. Practice what you have learned, write in your book & talk to Drago about your questions. Keep Drago out of each others hair as well, so each of you can get things done.
Then the evening ends some time after 2300 and before 0000, not after.
This is a non show day. As long as the world does not interfere and things are running smoothly. Which rarely ever happens when you live on the road.

Drago tries to run our shows in seasons. The seasons are from the full moon of the first month listed to the full moon in the next month indicated; Winter: Oct. thru March, Spring: March thru May, Summer: May thru August, Fall: Aug. thru Oct.

One of you will be assigned to check the 800 number at least three times a day. This is usually done around the same time as the meals of the day. The 800 number is also checked just after 2100 when free time starts on the cell phone. The 800 number should be checked every time the truck stops when traveling. All messages from the 800 number need to be written in the notebook known as the brain. There should be a black or blue ink pen kept with the brain at all times. This way you don’t have to go searching for a writing instrument. As the messages are dwelt with they are to be highlighted or notated as done in a color of ink other than black or blue.

If you or someone you know has a problem with the way something is being handled or how something was handled, please have the intelligence, common sense and decency to discuss or have them discuss the matter with Drago. Talking with the rest of the world about the issue won’t help any 99.9% of the time. It’s hard to work on a problem if Drago don’t know about it. This would also help to prevent the issue from being blown out of proportion and help to stop the spreading of rumors. Just remember these simple three steps. 1)Come to Drago so Drago all can know what the problem is. 2)Sit down with Drago so Drago all can come up with an answer or at least a plan of attack. 3)Carry out the answer/plan to take care of the problem. To make it simple - think and communicate. Every story has three sides, take the time to find all three and inform Drago as well before you jump to conclusions.

Isabell has a special request to make, watch over Drago. He could use constant reminding {not nagging, for he usually just gets up and starts doing things in the morning} to keep him self presentable for the public and those who live with him. In the morning brush his hair and have it braided, hand him the deodorant and give him his toothbrush and paste to brush his teeth. He needs to shower at least once every three days. He may ask you to help with washing his hair, because of the CCS. He should shave on the same day that he showers and the night before the show starts. He needs to use the trimmer once a week on his goatee and side burns. Please make sure that the hair on his head is not connected to the hair on his back—trim the side and back of his neck. For a extended show just keep him publicly nice.

Showers will be taken in turns when at an extended show when available. (Extended shows are those that also run through out the week.) Bathroom brakes will also be taken in turns. If you need to use the bathroom tell Drago before you leave. He knows then that he needs to watch more than just one section of the tent. This means the tent is never left unattended. This also gives everyone a few minutes alone time thus keeping each other from going totally nuts.

Drago is paying the bills and providing for those who travel with him. Drago has a simple line of shopping for items. When these places are available the order is; Dollar Tree first, then Big Lots and if Drago needs to Wal-Mart. Specialty items are bought from where they are found best. Drago tries to save as much money as possible by shopping smart. You will check with Drago before purchaseing any item(s) out of the normal requirements for your stay with him.

Beware of the rules for an angry Drago is not a happy sight. If It goes beyond that an angry Black Dragon will deal with you and that’s not a pretty sight to see.

Once will warn, twice will collar. If it should go beyond that this shall terminate perminately. For he will not lose that which he holds most precious within his life. A wrong doer is given no freedom of choice and usually was collared with metals or leather. A punishment contract of Drago’s writing will be made. Part of this contract will include all duties the both of you have been sharing up to that point in time & stricter requirements to be ahead to with out question. The length of the time the collar will be warn is three months. If this three month time goes beyond the end of the test period you will stay with Drago until the three months are served in full. This is not up for debate. And then the remainder of the time will be finished as what was started and interrupted.

The next step is yours there is much offered. The period of test & time and to see is from the time you turn yourself over to Drago until the pack out at the last show agreed with in the time. At that time Drago will have either determined another period of time for you to continue traveling or you will return from where you need to go. And not give up on it until time is done or renewed.

You will be given a book to write in this is your journal. The preferred color of ink is black, blue works as well. Write down your feelings, thoughts, needs, wants, whatever. Use your thoughts & your own words. No Detail is to small. If you use a term explain it. You never know how the cosmic roll of the dice is going to go; sometimes good, some times bad. Drago will glance through it from time to time and perhaps write answers or asking questions. This helps Drago to have a better understanding of you as a person and allows Drago to discuss issues in writing that you may feel uncomfortable talking about out loud. Be truthful and unrestricted in your written thoughts. Answer what is written in the journal back in writing. IF Drago thinks it is important enough he will verbally converse separately from others with you. This helps with things in the long run Drago has found. It also gives you a traveling record of your mind set and thoughts. The good times, the bad times, memories and emotions. All which are a part of you and will mold you into what you become. Hopefully Drago will help to show you some part of the way. The rest is up to you to come to terms with life and accept it as part of you. Grow forth from these experiences into a better and stronger person.

Things left untold often bite very hard in the ass to you or the ones you deal with. This is not a thing Drago is fond of.

The dragon has been asked to teach and instruct. To do so he must also learn how to again. To sort through papers and files which ask questions of the person is only the beginning. Next comes the perspective and other perspective.

By having one right down the things they feel they have done or could do. Having them pick out books from the “library” or finding book on the subjects which interest them or have a “feel” for.

Then stack the books in a pile according to their wishes. Then taking the “last” book. And giving them a chapter a day to read and pick out key points, they enjoy. Or have seen within their acts. And then the following day taking those notes, and writing something containing them and their thoughts, feelings willingness of themselves.

Thus their own source book /journal starts. With them comprising the knowledge that attracts them within the subjects books they have chosen. And a working knowledge will develop of their own.

And So It Starts the first entry in your books:


First choose all the ones that are from the above catorgories that represent the person. Then define why and explain how they apply to that person.

Can there be only one? Where there is one isn't there always two? And where there is two, is there usually another making three for true balance?

Can there be one without the other? Can there be both without a third as a neutral?

Can there be good with out evil? Can there be evil without good? Can there be either without the gray of neutrality?

Can there be white without black or black without white? Can there be either without the grey inbetween?

In the time of the gathering and end will the balance fall to good/white or evil/black? Or will the neutral/grey prevail to once again continue the balance until next time the circle rejoins it's end? Or is it the circle's beginning?

But is the color white actually always good or the color black actually always evil? Where one is isn't there usually the other? So would all be the grey?

For no matter how evil or good something is isn't there a spark of the other somewhere to be found?

And then isn't when you have the three balanced and whole you find that you have seven instead?

The answer to these questions and many more are answered in a space not always looked in but always in the way.......

And now once again the full moon circles with in it’s time and the Silver Lady looks down upon us all in her splendor and honor. Bringing forward into another man’s year into the lengthening of the days. Into the light so to speak. Upon this moon we call for many things understanding, knowledge are just two of the many things that are asked for during these times. It matter not who one calls upon to help or invoke to help them. Only that all believe within ourselves and wha we do and what are. Enter into the new year and enjoy what it brings and understand all that happens is for a reason We may never know those reasons. Butdo live within them.
Let the glow of the moon enhance your faith and belief within the ideas of your worship. May the Light recede the dark and knowledge change the questions into answers. May fear and pain be replaced with understanding and kindness and all be revealed within time to you.
Some say one may establish the permanence of spells, practice all forms of scrying or trance vision and travel between the worlds. One should work for immediate needs and goals one wishes to manifest quickly. It is also excellent for invoking spirits, especially deities that correspond with the full moon.
Once again the question:
The banner is in the wind, the drum sounds
Do I pick up the sword or do I just ignore it once more?
Fearing what has happened will happen again.
Or accepting another and trying once more?

Views: 38


Important (read & understand)

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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