An Offer for your thoughts because you have indicated on a BDFSM or similar site a want, need of a lifestyle
One more time this shall be placed forth using the basic data, finding the profiles that match and Offering what at lot ask for and few even truly comprehend.
{18} 21-28 {30} of age
Of Medium build
Willing to relocate
Red, auburn to black hair
To enter in 24/7 service
True to One’s words and honor
Common Sense and Intelligence
No medical problems
Able to carry tables and boxes
Willing to work long, hard, and extended days
Traveling January till November mostly east of the Mississippi river
Will be well taken care of and looked after and taught
Compatible with the current people of the tent
Must past Lady of the tent questions
Some adjustments could be..........
Seasonal test period required three or 7-month periods
We prefer a slave to a submissive
To read or not to read, that is the ultimate question
Below are simple requirements and a few things from the other messages, we have left before. Ask of us what one in service is to do; we will answer as well as we can. Everything shall be dealt with in a test period and contract that those you are to be in service with creating with the one to be in service. It answers many of the normal concerns, having the basic rules are already in print, our needs and questions; as well as our requirements. Those you are to be in service with are traveling artist/crafter vendors in renaissance faires and medieval festivals among other events, mostly east of the Mississippi. Traveling from faire, festival or event is our life and will be yours, if you so choose. We are out doing events from mid January to late November, sometimes through Thanksgiving. This is not just a weekend of play this is our life.
Our requirements are necessary for the life that we lead There should be no past emotional or other problems that we will have to deal with. A test period {3 months or seven} will happen before we choose to keep is mandatory to ensure mind set and tolerances met for both parties. Those serious about being in service please contact those you are to be in service with quickly for this has taken five years and three attempts. One has yet to have entered into service and to work out correctly. Politeness, courtesy and a strong form of hospitality are very much, what is required when with us.
We have certain expectations. We can be quite strict with the right sub/slave. This is not a game to play but a life of happenings. This is not getting too personal, it is only laying out the cards for all to see and know up front before we begin. Being defensive about what we ask is not necessary. This is a 24/7/365 real time lifestyle. If, the one in service is truly a slave or submissive, this will be a very true experience. We are intelligent, creative and have a strong sense of values. We will respect a sub's/slave's values and tolerances. We are very passionate about our business and all that we hold dear. This is precisely the type of emotional and mental discipline that is wanted. We know that the lifestyle is always a mind set before anything physical ever happens. Master or Milord is a definitely a strong, dominant man. What Master or Milord says, is what he means. He does what he says. If one irritates Milady or Mistress then relies, it will be Master or Milord who deals with it.
If limits are set at the beginning when things are agreed to; that is what will be followed. We require at the least three months before accepting anyone on a permanent basis. Due to this business and traveling, a new name chosen and put upon the one in service to signify the start of one’s new life in service. There are also safety reasons for taking on a new identity while on the road. A physical reminder of ones status will be decided upon and placed upon acceptance into our life. Bells may be for those who are of the right mind set. Do not say that one in service has “no limits”, no tolerances, or wishes to be devastated. This is fully not true of any human being that we know. For us the term of “i offer my heart, soul, and body” means just that to us fully and completely. What one in service asks for is what one in service will receive. We can, will do, and have done exactly that more than once, to those who were not careful with their “wants and needs”. We will do what one in service verbally, physically (body language), or through attitude asks for. We will not think twice about it. Master or Milord can be very sadistic if that is ones preference. We can be gentle when the reward warrants it. We are expecting and wanting that individual who knows her own needs. If, another is willing to give us a slave of his/her own, that would be acceptable as well. Said slave would be most welcomed and dealt with.
Why do most want to judge based on looks, not talent? Yes, pleasing to the eye is one thing, but personality and individuality is another and the more important to us. Being nice to look at is good not required, a bombshell is not needed, physically fit is needed, dressing tastefully {a requirement of the majority of shows we do.} to attract attention to the tent is accepted. We find that those who search only for others starting by looking at a photo are not very sincere people at all, and are in this for the playing and tee, ha, ha fun games. We are not looking for one to be physically attracted to either of us nor need there be anything of a sexual nature {for sex is earned not just given}. We are in search of one who wants to serve truly.
We will help in all ways with ones understanding of what to expect while in service, to us. If no life but this, what one in service asks is what shall be. One with us will work for what one receives. This means clothing, food and shelter. One in service shall be allow bringing three Rubbermaid containers of “street” clothing, items and a good pair of work boots when arriving. We pay all the bills, seeing to whatever happens in the world outside. As a merchant's slave/sub, one in service must be able to interact with the public as well as our artisans. There is no discussion or lead way on this subject. Good work equals good reward, bad work … well, just leave that up to us and then …
Those you are to be in service with expect absolute truth and honesty; nothing is to expect to hold back. When asked, “What are you thinking?” tell all of it. If one in service is angry, say so, respectfully. Tell us, not act upon, the emotions one in service may have be they good or bad. Nevertheless, do so with respect. Alternatively, we will deal with the lack of respect. Communication is a must and requirement with us. Do not act without discussing what you would like to do with us first. Do not walk away when either of us is talking to one in service. We will expect one in service to understand certain wordings. If one in service uses specific terms, explain them, for we do not want to misunderstand you. We want to know that one in service knows exactly what they are saying or what one in service is asking. One in service must know and understand what one in service asks of or, one in service may be in for a bad surprise. Be very careful in what one in service requests.
One should be medically clean and have no problems of a major sort. Being physically ready helps for this life style. Because it involves endurance and strength. We do not believe in online training, it is more like role-playing to us as dice and gaming is. This life requires absolute discipline. Many ask for this, but many do not realize what to truly entering into service is. This will be 24/7 for the one to be in service, will also be an assistant to Milady or Mistress, an apprentice to Master or Milord or Milady or Mistress depending on what is needed when required. Normal life in society is completely different, many are not ready for the differences this style of life has.
The practices and workings that most acquainted with this, will be learned, used, and taught while within service. Nevertheless, that depends on one’s good or bad actions as to which skills are learned and how they will achieve. Understand and know this as fact, this is NOT about sex. Sex earned, not given; that will take some doing. BDFSM is not all sex. It seems that this what many believe that is what it is for. It is a way to be kinky; that is NOT what we seek, to start with. If you are just in this lifestyle for the sex, then do not contact me. Do not get us wrong, we enjoy the sexual aspect of it as well as the next person. We will not have sexual actions with those we do not believe we will want to use sexually. Not to mention if any of those involved are interested in such acts to begin with. This is about a mindset and a discipline; this is not about how many orgasms one in service can have or give to Master or Milord or Milady or Mistress. This is about a lifestyle and a traveling business combined. This is serious, not playing as most probably want even though they claim differently. Again, this is true service not your ideal fantasy.
. This has been the current reaction to date: There are many listed as “slave” and “submissive” types on many sites. Some of those are only looking for fantasy or have fictional “romance novel” ideas. Those you are to be in service with having sent messages out to a selection of those who are available the 10th of each month when internet is available and wanting placement, categorized relocatable as female slave or submissive from the ages of 18 to 30, because the preferred age bracket of 21-28 was not getting any attention. Fewer than ten percent have conversed with us from this and other sites. Of that percentage, we have received a 40/50 split of “get lost!” and “what is wrong with you?” When one is to become in service and is talking then they suddenly stop all contact without reason. Those who are to become in service, start conversing and then stop are just plain immature and childish. It is polite at very least give a reason as to why not, instead of blocking or ignoring. For those who are to be in service and have indicated that they have read this profiled message. Those you are to be in service with await some type of answer. It would be polite and informative to know that someone has read and answered. Not being hatefully, but truly constructive. We will be on the road doing shows and almost expect none of those approached for service to contact us outside of the "return button" or "delete" read or unread. Yet we look forward of the possibility of it happening. Because we will be on the road and not always near electric, internet messaging will be very sporadic at best. Therefore, the best ways to contact us is via our message service, 800-516-0497, following the instructions so we know who you are, how and when to reach you.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept. of Ask for IT
Lady Isabell Demona Companion to Marquis Allen M. Drago
Best Way 1-800-516-0497 24 hour messages
P.O. Box 240, Denmark, Maine 04022
Mobile & text MSG –207-514-5225
When Isabell and Drago have internet available also have set up to receive messages here as well:
Yahoo Messenger: travelingraggyman will also go to mobile phone when contacted as txt message
ICQ: 471875453 Traveler
MSN: Traveler in the World will also go to mobile phone when contacted as txt message
AIM: will also go to mobile phone when contacted as txt message
My Space: will let us know when one posted to it
Again, the Best Way to contact us is 1-800-516-0497 24 hour messages