Rules for Serving
1:)When serving a new Master/Mistress, always mention, subtlely, the color of your silks
2:)Move quickly, but gracefully
3:)Be very deferential
4:)Keep your eyes downcast
5:)Arch your back(i find that this can really hurt your back that if you keep it straight you can still push out your chest but your not hurting your back or causing bad posture), while kneeling
6:)When kneeling, rest upon your heels
Cradling the serving bowl/goblet/platter to your chest
7:)ask permission to Kiss the rim of the bowl before presenting it to the Master/Mistress.
8:)Offer your hopes the Master/Mistress will be pleased with what you are erving and with your service
9:)Vary your serves, try not to repeat the same thing over and they will notice
Make each Master/Mistress feel as if they are special
10:)While serving, NEVER speak with anyone else, unless the Master/Mistress commands you to
11:)If asked to serve, respond "yes, Master/Mistress" before beginning your serve, so they may know you heard them
12:)*** The trick is to serve from your heart, feel it, live it, the rest will be easier.
Gorean slaves never curtsey
13:)The only emotion on Gor to be forbidden is pity
14:)A Master is always right even when he is wrong
15:)Bosk and Larma you may hand feed a Master
You may also place a piece between your teeth and offer it that way
16:)A slave is forbidden to hold a sharp instrument such as a knife
17:)Sa-tarna bread should be either pre-sliced by the kitchen Master or you may break chunks off to place on a platter before serving

Serving methods of a slave

1. Fetch the drink: this is your opportunity to describe yourself, to paint a mental photograph for all watching. So be descriptive. Things that can be described include

- your hair as it bounces when you glide gracefully.
- eyes
- skin
- muscle tone, texture
- lips
- waist, bottom or breasts
- any feature that makes you stand out.

2. Selecting The Goblet, Bowl or Platter. This is an opportunity to show the care and joy you experience when serving. Taking care to check the rim for flaws and carefully cleaning it.

3. Moving elegantly to fetch the beverage or food. This is the chance of more descriptions of yourself and even the effects of elements surrounding you, being included in your serve. for example:

- flickering flames of the hearth dancing off your skin, - tresses gleaming by firelight or torchlight.

or perhaps the way your body reacts to the cool onslaught of cooler

or how your eyes shimmer in the cloudy mist escaping the opening.

5. Pouring the beverage into the vessel, or lifting the food to the platter. Here is a chance to the describe the beverage. Is it rich, scarlet in colour? Does it trickle softly or cause droplets to travel the exterior? Does it sizzle, giving heat to Your flesh? Does it have steam that may caress the flesh of Your small hand? All of it showing quality of the food or beverage, and your sensitivity to your surroundings.

Please note that alot of food and beverages are poured or prepared at Their feet. so points 5 to 7 may vary accordingly.

6. Moving back to the Free Person to kneel at Their feet, gliding the through the room or camp. Again a chance to describe your beauty and grace and beauty, for a kajira is most elegant and knows how to please...even in her movements.

Slipping to the nadu position: describe how gracefully you move to this position and the beauty of your body as you display it for the Master or Mistresses pleasure

Please note that girls serving Mistresses, and white silk slaves do not part their thighs. Also, in general now, the reference to 'heat' in the open channel is frowned upon. There is a place for such scenes...the alcoves/private message. Best to check with the channel protocol before getting into to such depth.

8. After kneeling and preparing the beverage at Their feet (thats if the beverage wasnt already poured at the hearth or elsewhere,) one may ask to kiss the body of the vessel.

A slave should always ask for permission to do this. Some channels have an ircism where the slaves kiss the rim and taste the drink. This is fine, but also realise this is not gorean practice from the books.

9. Raise the vessel up in offer to the Free Person, whispering a 'silent' prayer for the Free Person's health and well-being. Dont forget to smile. Keep your head up and proud, but eyes lowered submissively. Please note that you lower your eyes, not your head. A kajira is proud in her slavery and keeps her head up unless told to do otherwise by a Free Person.

10. Speak. Tell Them what You brought Them and how much you enjoyed serving them.

11. Return to your original position and await further orders or to be released. Do NOT leave the Free Person's feet until you have been released.

Master's RULES

**Never!!! Speak to Me except in a soft submissive voice**

**The duty of My slave girl is absolute obedience**
you have no rights.**

**The key to being the perfect slave is being as feminine as possible. Always appear graceful and beautiful before Me girl**

**The merest whim of Mine is your highest law.

**The collar entrusted to you carries My honor, you and you alone, can make it as light or as heavy as you wish

**My slaves never attempt to impart instruction to a Free Man, because it would place him in your debt, and nothing is owed to a slave.

**Never!!! Touch a coin little one ... slaves cannot have money.

**Never hold a punishment whip in your hands little one
always bring it to Me clenched between your teeth

**Never touch a knife of any kind. there are knives in the servery chained to the cutting counters which are used by slaves to prepare food. Always state that you are using a CHAINED knife to cut with.

**~ And Most Important ~
Never!!! Touch a Master's weapons without His permission

Slave Rules
Rules for the house
1. i will serve, obey and please my Master.
2. Above all else my primary focus shall be to please my Master, hoping
that He finds me pleasing in all that I do, whether i am in His
presence or not. my Master knows of my potential, learning more about
me in each day i am with Him. He trusts that i will act in accordance
with what He percieves of my potential - He knows what is best for me
and how important it is that i set a good example for other females
who may be present around me.
3. i worship my Master.
4. i worship my Master's body.
5. The power of my Master fills me with awe. Just the shear thought of
Him or the hearing of His voice gives me strength.
6. To receive pleasure i must earn it.
7. i trust my Master: His responsibilities, His skills, His hunger and
needs, and His concern for my safety, my emotional, psychological,
social, sexual, and physical health.
8. i will ask my Master for permission to satisfy whatever need i have
before acting on it.
9. my body and mind are the property of my Master.
10. i must always give thanks to my Master for all i am given immediately
after receiving what He has given me, for such things are gifts or
privileges granted to me by Him.
11. All my choices shall be based upon whether or not they will please my
12. When i am not in the presence of my Master and i have choices to make
- i will perform them to the best of my abilities and within the
boundaries and guidance He has allowed me.
13. i shall wear the collar my Master gives me with pride for it signifies
His ownership of me and my devotion to Him.
14. my greatest felt satisfaction is realized when i know i have pleased
my Master. submission is a natural inborn feeling, and at times a surging and
powerful force inside me that only a respectable and knowledgeable
Master can recognize, control and manage, for a He understands how my
nature influences my behavior and how temptations to act outside of
its drive can easily lead me astray and away from my primary focus: to
please and to be found pleasing. He, too, manages and controls His Own
natural state, sharing with me through a power exchange between us,
bonding me tightly to Him, His needs with mine. my submission to such
a Master allows for me to feel more aware and alive inside and out,
bringing me to a feeling i cherish: ' at home '.
16.The opportunity to please my Master is very important to me and i will
take every chance to seek out such opportunities to do so to the best
of my abilities and in accordance to how i have been taught or allowed
to do so.
17. i am my Master's greatest treasure.
18.i have much to learn in order to become a well-trained and
well-behaved slave.
19.Only through submission can i find my true self. life is empty without a Master to please - that lost feeling inside
can be real and it can grow. i may be able to step away from the
hunger of my nature, but not for long, for soon it could effect every
part of my life. It is important that i seek a Master to please - but
if i cannot find one or that i shall not be found, i am not totally
lost for i must always remember: i will survive - for it is my nature
to do so. my drive to please can be adapted towards the needs of
others even though they may not be as satisfying as the one i would
have towards a Master. i must keep in the back of mind that there is a
Master who is looking too and that i need to be patient by redirecting
my needs in other ways where i can provide pleasure to others.
21.i shall never think of myself as a weak person for it takes a strong
female to commit to the drive inside me, to serve, to obey and to
please a Master. i too have responsibilities and as natural as they
may seem to me it is important that i use all of my faculties
including my creative spirit to submit to a Master in a unique fashion
personal to my relationship with Him. By doing so i hope to provide a
good example to those females around me who may still be learning so
they too are not led astray from their primary focus, that they are as
true to their nature as i strive to continue to be to mine. i must
remember that how i well i behave enlightens and empowers me to become
even closer to who i am - a devoted slave, of good rapport to a Master
who truly understands my needs in relationship to His own.
22.i will give all that i am to my Master in order to become free.
23.i must never show disrespect towards my Master in any way - no matter
where i am - in his presence or not.
24. Crying and the shedding of tears at any time is good and expected for
it softens my will and bonds me closer to my Master.
25.Only in complete submission to my Master shall i realize the depth of
the love i have for Him.
26. The needs of my Master must always come first before mine own for they
offer an opportunity to please Him.
27.i must always respond fully both physically and verbally to whatever
my Master does with me. The expressions of my emotions and my physical
responses are important to Him. i must never hold back any part of
their display, regardless of how intense they may be, unless
restricted to do so.
28.The money i earn, should i be allowed a career, or put to work, where
i am paid for my responsibilities, is mine to keep. However, i must
ask my Master how i should spend or save it. i may present ways to Him
for His approval. i will accept the responsibilities He gives me in
the handling of my finances. It is important to my Master that i learn
to handle money wisely so, if needed, i can reach my goals or be ready
for any emergency where finances may be required for resolution.
29.i will give to Master my body, mind and spirit, for when i accepted his collar i have accept the responsiblities of being his girl. my body, mind, soul, and spirit is his. He teaches me everyday how to be pleasing in everything i do. Master does not expect me to be perfect he expects mistakes. Therefore when mistakes are made i will bring them to Master for communication is most important in the relationship.
Now it time for slave rules. These are not always fun but hey without rules we would end up with a living missing

So on this page you will find some basic slave rules to follow. This is so everything runs smoothly and none of us cute little kajira will find ourselves in trouble.

Tips for Slaves
1. Master is Master. a collared slave is "property" of the slaves Master. obey and trust your Master above all others.
2. slaves should strive to be: honorable, loyal, honest, kind, and loving. slaves need to learn about: serves, drinks, food, silks, collars, branding, piercings, dance, massage, castes, and chain-sisters.
3. try to eliminate personal pronouns, say: this one.. this slave.. this girl.. this kajira (female).. this kajirus (male).. not the words " i ".. " me ".. or " my " (some channels will kick the slave) This is a rule but if your Master has given you permission to speak in first then you do as he saids. My Master has given me permission to speak in first unless he saids to speak as a slave.
4. a slaves nick begins with a lower case letter.. Master and Mistress nicks begin with a capital letter.
5. the {WT} after a slaves nick is the slaves collar.. the initials are of the Master, Mistress, or tavern that owns the slave.
6. slaves do not use caps.. unless used in the words Master/Mistress, their nick, or ( His/Her.. He/She) always always be respectful of Masters and Mistresses
7. it is wise to ask for permission to "enter" if unsure of channel policy. (slaves say " greetings " ... Masters and Mistresses say " Tal " )
8. some gorean channels allow a slave to be in only one channel at a time.
9. "always" ask permission to "leave" a channel if you are a slave.
10. gorean slaves are beautiful.. slaves lower eyes to show respect (not the slaves whole head).. unless for a drink serve or punishment.
11. kneel... slaves never sit (unless it is upon the lap of a Master/Mistress)
12. true gorean slaves "do not" curtsy.
13. never message a Master or Mistress without asking in channel first. (mosts slaves can msg. other slaves without asking first)
14. "never" correct another slave in the open channel.. private message the slave.
15. ping your sisters/brothers.. some channels consider pinging a Master touching that Master or Mistress without permission.
16. a white silks slave does not put a drink to her slave heat for anyone but her Master.
17. do not try to serve until you know how. unless a Master/Mistress requests and then it is wise to tell that Master/Mistress you are not yet trained. He/She will decide if He/She wishes the slave serve or not.
18. don't be a social butterfly. if you are serving a Master/Mistress.. be attentive to Him/Her. and give Him/Her your "full" attention until He/She has dismissed you.
19. slaves are expected to know the positions of: "nadu ".. " bara ".. " lesha ".. " sula " and at the *command* of a Master/Mistress to properly and quickly assume the positions (white silks slaves never "sula " for anyone except their own Master/Mistress or Protector)
20. slaves do not own possessions. everything a collared slave has the slaves Master/Mistress owns. (i.e.: silks, slave bells, earrings, collar, name, heart, body, mind , and soul )
21. slaves never touch money. a slave may, with the permisson of their Master/Mistress, retrieve a pouch to hold open for a Master/Mistress to deposit the coins into for their Master/Mistress. (then the pouch is returned to the owner, the owners seat, or perhaps hung upon a nail at the bar)
22. slaves never possess or touch weapons. punishment is the " flame death " from the priest-kings.
23. if unsure of something, msg a more experienced slave for advice or an op.
24. if you are told to do something that you do not consent to.. and are terrifed.. and get no help from the ops of the channel. close the window or turn off your computer.
this one can not stress enough to new goreans the importance of asking questions as they are attempting to learn the gorean customs "
** please never be afraid to come forward and tell someone.. if "anyone" is forcing anything upon you that you do not consent to.
** no one can force a collar or sex upon an uncollared slave.. not a Master, Mistress, or a Protector.
** this one believes strongly that new slaves should be in white silks.. and learn the customs and rules before doing anything private with a Master
** this one has seen many new slaves take collars, talk in private with Masters, do things they have regretted later and have said "they did not know"... please take your time and learn first.
** if a slave is new.. this one believes the slave should have "two" protectors if the slave is going to have "one" ... it appears some slaves need to be protected from the Protector when the Protector is not truely honorable and wise. this is very sad.
** this one has seen many slaves hurt by Masters and also many Masters be hurt by slaves.. and this one thinks this is very wrong
** collars are not toys, necklaces, or something to use to justify fooling around.. they are committments that bind hearts and souls of two people together.. and the decision to accept/give a collar should never be taken lightly.

P.S. this one believes in the true gorean collar. this one will only have: one Master in gor. a slave should bring honor to the slaves Master where ever the slave travels. there should be no secrets or lies between a slave and a Master. and the slave should obey and trust the slaves Master above all others. Master is Master. and the slave is the Masters property.
This is credit to perl{LN}. On this site you will find that there is a lot used from other people that we have found on the net. the work itself will be credit to the person who did the work. i don't believe that it is fair to use someone else work and claim it as your own. you should always give the credit to the person it belongs to you.
thank you
100 Rules for the female slave

1. i will serve, obey and please my Master.
2. Above all else my only desire is to please my Master.
3. i worship my Master.
4. i worship my Master's body.
5. The power of my Master fills me with awe.
6. To receive pleasure i must earn it.
7. i worship my Master's whip.
8. i trust my Master.
9. i am nothing more than an object of great value - an instrument to be used by my Master for his pleasures.
10. i will ask my Master for permission to satisfy whatever need i have before acting on it.
11. my body and mind is the property of my Master.
12. i must always give thanks to my Master for all i am given immediately after receiving what He gives me.
13. i must be specific in my speech.
14. i will not hesitate when responding to my Master.
15. i will thank my Master for the discipline and punishments i receive, specifying what i received and expressing the reason as to why i was given them.
16. i have no will of my own other than that which falls within the context of the rules i have selected and of that which is needed to pursue the ambitions i am allowed to seek out as according to the permissions i have received from my Master.
17. i am always in submission to my Master.
18. All my choices are based upon whether or not they will please my Master.
19. When i am not in the presence of my Master and i have choices to make - i will perform them to the best of my abilities.
20. i shall wear the collar my Master gives me with pride for it signifies His ownership of me and my devotion to Him.
21. i shall wear the chains my Master gives me as a symbol of my position in life - that of bondage to Him.
22. When i am ready - i shall wear His rings to signify my submission to Him - one pierced through each nipple of my breasts and one through each vaginal labia.
23. my mouth may be referred to as a cunt for it will often be used as such.
24. my sex shall only be referred to as a cunt.
25. When the cock of my Master is put into my mouth and i am directed to suck it - i will do so vigorously as long as i am required to do so. i will not use my hands during the sucking unless directed to do so.
26. my Master's cum must never go to waste - i will swallow all of it if Master cums in my mouth (and be punished should I spill any of it from my lips). i will lick it up from my hands or from a plate i hold in front of Him to receive it, or with the food He gives me which He may require of me to hold just under His cock as He ejaculates over it. i will clean His cock thoroughly squeezing out every last drop. In rare and privileged cases i may wear my Master's cum on my body - sometimes after massaging it into my skin. Cum is a gift from my Master and an honour to receive it. The eating of my Master's cum will be considered as one of my meals for that day.
27. i will worship my Master's cock.
28. i will worship my Master's ass only after a thorough washing of it. i shall do so hungrily being sure to lick between the cheeks for as long as my Master requires me to do so. i will use my hands to spread my Master's cheeks apart.
29. i will never look into the eyes of my Master without his permission.
30. my head must be bowed down in the presence of my Master.
31. my eyes must be cast down in the presence of my Master.
32. i must always wear revealing clothing for my Master unless given permission to do so otherwise. The clothing i wear will allow easy access to my cunt, ass and breasts. The clothing will emphasise and often exaggerate my assets. i will wear such clothing in any kind of weather.
33. When others show an interest in what i am wearing i must ask them if they would like to see more and then gladly show them what they would like to see but only after i have received permission from my Master - for i trust my Master's judgement that such a display is not only reasonable but is safe to do.
34. i must remove all of my clothing in the way i have been taught when Master commands of me to do so - regardless of who may be present and despite where it is i am - i trust my Master.
35. When i remove clothing from my body it must be folded neatly and placed in a small pile in front of me just ahead of my feet or my knees if i should be required to be in my kneeling position after striping myself.
36. my basic attire in the presence of my Master shall consist of a collar and my highest heels. The rings of my submission, if i have been pierced, must also be attached to my body.
37. my legs, underarms and cunt must be kept completely shaved smooth and clean so that nothing of me is hidden from view.
38. Unless otherwise given permission - my hair must be above my shoulders exposing my shoulders and the nape of my neck - especially when i am naked. Whenever i need to pick something up i must do so wherever possible by going into a kneeling position to pick it up or to receive something from someone else. i will perform this motion according to how Master has taught me.
39. my cunt and ass must be thoroughly washed and properly perfumed before serving my Master.
40. my "place" is on my knees before my Master.
41. When in the household of my Master, but not in use, i will go to the place He has selected for me until i am needed.
42. my greatest satisfaction is realised when i know i have pleased my Master.
43. It is natural for me to feel depressed, saddened and empty when i know i am not pleasing my Master.
44. i want my submission to my Master to feel natural and will work towards this end with a continued effort to enforce this growing feeling inside of me.
45. i fear no other power for my Master will protect me.
46. i will not hesitate in my obedience to my Master.
47. i will always be ready to please my Master.
48. The opportunity to please my Master is very important to me and i will take every chance to do so.
49. i choose willingly to be the property of Master and wish only that Master will see and treat me as His property.
50. i am my Master's greatest treasure.
51. i must never reach orgasm without explicit permission from my Master. Should i reach orgasm without permission, i will endure the punishment Master will put upon me without my safe words.
52. The safe words Amber and Red, given to me by my Master can be spoken at any time - even when i have been told to be silent. If i am not able to verbalise it i make three knocks with a limb or my head.
53. i must tell my Master when i have been bad and give the reasons why i need to be punished..
54. i must never be concerned with covering myself in public when i think or know too much of my is showing, however, i can ask my Master for permission to do so.
55. my Master will decide what my sexual orientation will be. i will commit myself to His decision and perform as such only in His presence and only with His permission. i know my performance will be measured and corrected as He sees fit should i be required to attend to myself or perform upon another slave.
56. i must tell my Master if i have had an orgasm without His permission so that i can be properly punished for my disobedience and disrespect.
57. Pain and pleasure shall be with me always - in my thoughts and fantasies.
58. i will endure whatever pain my Master gives me when he disciplines or punishes me so i can become a better slave for Him.
59. i will work on building up my tolerances to the level i feel is necessary to please my Master, but i will be careful not to push myself further or faster than i am ready to endure or adapt to.
60. Through discipline and punishment i shall learn to behave.
61. In bondage i am made free.
62. i will never touch my breasts, nipples, cunt or clit with my hands or sex toys without permission from my Master except to wash them, shave my cunt, adjust my breasts as i fit them into clothing, or to attach my rings.
63. Only through submission can i find my true self.
64. i must never show disrespect for my Master in any way - no matter where i am - in his presence or not.
65. Crying and the shedding of tears for my Master during punishment is good and expected for it softens my will and bonds me closer to my Master.
66. i am always in complete submission to my Master.
67. The needs of my Master are more important than my own.
68. i must be attentive to the needs of my Master and always be ready to respond to them to the best of my abilities.
69. i am allowed to suggest ways to further my training or use of me as long as i address my Master properly first.
70. i must always respond fully both physically and verbally to whatever my Master does with me. Expressions are important to Him.
71. i must always feel sexual - i am a sexual being.
72. i must always remember how pleased my Master is when others delight in my sexiness.
73. i may at times offer various parts of my body to my Master in hopes He will take pleasure in using them in whatever ways He wishes. my only hope will be that my offering will please Him. If not, i want Him to punish me.
74. If i wish to be my Master's toilet (for pee only) i shall gladly give my body to Him to pee on, my cunt for Him to pee into, my cupped hands to Him to fill with His pee from which i will drink from, my food for Him to anoint with His pee, my salad dish for Him to squirt His dressing onto, my glass for Him to fill with His special wine. I will open my mouth and stick out my tongue for Him to wipe the head of his cock on after He has peed. I will lift my breasts to him in hopes He will splash me with His pee. i will honour His pee with the same honour i have for His cum.
75. In His presence i will not wear a pad or tampon when i have my period without His permission. Even during my period i must be available to Him for His use. If i have agreed to serve Him bisexually and a female slave has been assigned to tend to me while i have my period i will allow her to take care of me even if she has been directed to feed upon my cunt.
76. If i have agreed to be a toilet (for pee only) for my Master and i have agreed to serve him bisexually - i will cup my mouth tightly to the selected female slave's cunt who needs to pee and drink from her - hopefully without spilling.
77. i will always sleep in the nude - kneeling first before i enter my bed and kneeling first as soon as i get out of my bed for it is a great privilege to have a bed to sleep on.
78. i must never tighten my body when it is being whipped, caned, cropped, slapped, paddled, belted, strapped, spanked, bullwhipped, or anally or vaginally pumped. my Master likes it when my flesh jiggles and He knows that when i tighten my body it hurts more.
79. i am proud to wear upon my body the marks given to me by my Master. i know that my Master will never mark me permanently without my agreement, but i will gladly suffer for Him so he can mark me with the stripes he wishes to decorate my body with for His viewing pleasure.
80. i will always listen with a strong interest to what my Master has to say during my training. i want to learn all that i can from Him so i can understand more about Him, about me, about the English Roissy and BDSM.
81. When i take a shower i can do so the way i like to, but when i have finished washing i must rinse my entire body with only cold water for not less than 2 full minutes. i am not to try to cover my body with my arms and hands thereafter. i may use a towel to dry off, but in my Master's presence - i can only be dried off by Him.
82. When i walk, sit or stand i will do so with such great confidence that others around me will admire my performance.
83. When standing still i shall do so with my feet and legs seperated, my hands held behind my back and my head bowed down. i will remain silent in the way He has taught me.
84. i will lick my Master's body dry after He has come out of the shower.
85. When sitting i shall sit up straight with my legs seperated and my hands palms down on the top of my thighs.
86. i will not speak to others without my Master's permission except to say to them that they will have to speak to my Master first. This is especially important at play parties.
87. i shall learn to endure whippings from my Master by using the technique of counting each strike.
88. i shall gladly make my body available to my Master to be used as furniture: a footstool to rest his weary feet and legs upon, my backside for a table to eat off of, my breasts to hold his wine glass between, and the palms of my hands to be used to hold a plate of food or other items.
89. Privacy is a privilege - even to have it when i need to use the bathroom. i must ask for it and accept my Master's decision even when i am denied it.
90. As a helper slave i shall assist my Master in the training and use of other slaves.
91. As a preparer slave i shall ready other slaves for my Masters use.
92. As a cleaner slave i shall use my tongue to clean my Master's cum from the body of any slave He has put it upon and my mouth to suck it from a female slave's cunt which my Master has used for His pleasure.
93. As a provider slave i shall offer parts of my body to those selected by my Master for their pleasure.
94. As a domestic slave i shall perform chores for my Master with sexually enticing manners.
95. As a sex slave i shall incorporate a sexual attitude and hunger in everything i do and be eager to sexually perform for my Master at all times.
96. When my Master uses me for His pleasures or for making love to and i can feel myself about ready to have an orgasm - i must ask for permission to have it or hold on till He gives me permission to do so. i must tell my Master if i am having an orgasm without His permission so that i can be punished for my disobedience and disrespect.
97. i am free to leave my Master at any time without the fear of permanently losing Him as my Master.
98. i want to suffer for my Master in ways that please Him and that are safe for me to suffer through.
99. If i am sent to another Master or Mistress to serve - i will serve them well for i want my Master to receive a good report of my service to them.
100. i will not date others or form a relationship with others without permission and approval from my Master. If i should have sex with others i will have it safely and will always tell my Master in detail the sex i have had.
So you think you are submissive

Or do you just like kinky sex? Because there is more to this lifestyle than the fairy tale fantasy of incredible sex, being spanked, the image of yourself tied and writhing against your bonds, or being brought to new heights both physically or mentally, by your dominant. Not that all those wonderful things can't happen - they quite often do but it goes deeper than what you can see, touch, hear and feel. A good relationship involves that other important element - what you, yourself "sense". It goes beyond this realistic plane, into the depths of your soul. Or so it should. That when you are in that role, you ARE submissive. In every way, shape, and form. No dominant wants a submissive that will only give up part of themselves. You give it all. Even when you don't think you have any left, you find the strength to reach down into the dark recesses of your being and FIND it. There are no half measures
I often laugh when I hear someone comment that "SHE" is NOT submissive or "she's too dominant to be submissive". Well, nowhere in the submissive manual does it say that we are wallflowers. Or that we are docile and pleasing to anyone that happens to come along, most especially to the Internet entities who call themselves "Dom" or "Master" or "Sir" or "Lord" and demand that you call them as such. Titles need to be earned. Both the titles of dominants and submissives or slave ...
In this lifestyle you will find a surprising number of us have those high powered or stress jobs, and that their personal lives are well under control. We hold ourselves in high value, and have great self esteem. This is not a lifestyle for the timid. It's not a game that when your limits are pushed, or when your pain threshold is at it's max, you can say "okay, i've had enough, you can stop now". Yes, a scene can be controlled with safe words, etc, and all limits respected. I'm sure you've read this, and it is true - I'll leave that discussion up to those who have written great articles on the subject and would encourage anyone to read them. That's what it takes to make a decision about going into this. KNOWLEDGE. I'll say it again, because it's important. KNOWLEDGE. You wouldn't make a decision to take a job that you knew nothing about, unless you could make an informed decision. That takes (yes, and I'll say it again) knowledge.
Read everything you can get your hands on. Attend a few munches, meet and talk with other submissives that are willing to help you understand. Go to a public play house. Personally, they are not my taste, but I guarantee you will come away with quite a new perspective. But I will tell you one thing. It's like a drug. Addictive, drawing you into it's grasp, and holding you there. That yearning need which you try to shake off when you've tasted it, and experience a length of time in between being owned. If someone had warned me of it's hold prior to my getting into this, I may have thought twice. But once you've tasted it, usually, there is no turning back. Not even if you wanted to.
On a side note, there are those of us who can play without needing to be owned. Whether it is just to relieve tension and the burn that we feel, to have fun- there are many reasons. It doesn't make them any less or more submissive than those who prefer that close, intimate bond of being owned. An un-owned submissive doesn't have to mean she's lacking. It's all about choices. And what works for YOU may not work for another.
So? You think you are submissive? No matter what your preferences are, are you willing to let (even if just for an agreed upon period of time) someone else totally take charge? Control your mind, your body, your soul? Without thought of objecting or holding anything back? In times when you are uncertain, yet, trust that your partner knows what is best and has the experience to carry it out? At times when you want to run in fear yet have to find the strength and submit to what is being asked of you? Are you willing to remember that its not YOUR wants that matter. Bottom line, the only thing that matters is pleasing the one you serve. NOT because it's expected. But because you WANT to. Need to. Because that's what it's all about. Do your needs and wants matter? Of course they do. We're not in this lifestyle to please another yet get nothing in return. But therein lies the difference. Fulfilling our own needs isn't as meaningful as when someone else does it for us. A good dominant will see that our needs are fulfilled, because in doing so, a submissive will WANT to please them more of their own accord. Choices. It's all about choices. And compatibility. And knowledge.
So? Still think you are submissive?
Did you ask permission?

Being a slave is a lot harder than you think. You wouldn't think so would you? I mean ... how hard can it really be to give control of your entire life over to someone else?
Have you ever thought of the every day normal things you do, that you take for granted? For instance, that computer you are sitting in front of right now reading this from ... did you get permission to sit there to use it?
If you are a slave you did.
What about that wonderful and delicious cup of tea you drank this morning with your breakfast ... did you get permission to have it?
If you are a slave you did.
As humans we take so much for granted. When was the last time you asked permission to do something so simple and as basic as to go to the toilet? How about to sit on the armchair or settee?
Are you hungry? Want something to eat? Did you get permission?
If you are a slave you did.
Tired. Want go to bed early or just take a 15 minute nap? Did you get permission?
If you are a slave you did.
Fall in love with that handbag you saw in the shop window? What about those new shoes, or that dress? Or buying that birthday present for your Master ... did you ask permission?
If you are a slave you did.
What about going to your doctor for a medical or just a regular smear test or breast scan ... did you ask permission?
If you are a slave you did.
You know that pay check you work hard for all week ... did you ask permission to use some of it?
If you are a slave you did.
Remember ... to always say thank you for everything that you are given, no matter what. For the ONLY thing your Master has to do ... is supply your basic needs ... anything else is a privilege. It is not a right.
Remember that the next time you want to climax ... is it for you or your Master ... and did you ask permission?
If you are a slave you did.
So, the next time you go to sit down in the beautiful chair or lay down on the comfy bed with the clean sheets and soft pillows, or even turn on the TV ... ask yourself this simple question.
Do I really want to be a slave? For me the answer is a resounding YES!
These are just a few of things that I have to ask permission for. The only thing my Master does not make me ask permission for is to be allowed to love Him with all my heart ... that ... I always have permission for ... something He expects and will always receive!

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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