Gorean mythology even provides a story justifying the creation of slavery. Long ago, there once was a war between the men and women of Gor. The women were defeated. But, the Priest-Kings did not want all of the women killed so they made them beautiful. But as a price for their beauty, the Priest-Kings decreed that they would forever be slaves to men.
Long ago, there were a series of wars loosely called the Slave Wars. They occurred among various cities in the middle latitudes, off an on, for over a period of about a generation. Though the wars involved large-scale slaving there were other causes too, like the levying of tribute and control of trade routes. Much of the merchant law about slaves grew out of these wars. The wars also developed some of the standardization of the slave as a commodity.
The Gorean novels portray a skewed image of the amount of slaves on Gor. In actuality, only about 2 to 3% of all women on Gor are slaves. Free women vastly outnumber slaves on Gor. These ratios do vary though from city to city. For example, in Ar there are about 10% slaves. (Yet online, the number of slaves is approximately 50%.) 90% of all the slaves on Gor are female. So, male slaves are a very rare item.
There are many terms used for female slaves such as chain sisters, slut, collar meat, tastas, tasty pudding, morsels, and candies. For the most part, these terms are considered complimentary. There are dozens of other terms used too. Slaves are broken down into two major categories, white and red silk. Simply, white silk girls are virgins and red silk girls are not. The color of the silk bears no reference to their level of training.
Online Gor handles this differently, as the colour of the silk does reflect the girl's training status. White silk girls may also be known by the term "glana" but that is usually only used by slavers. A kajira would not refer to herself as "glana." Red silks may also be known by the term "falarina" and its usage is similar to glana. Slave may also be referred to as "opened" or not. If you have not yet been opened, you are a virgin. Virgins are almost never available in the slave markets. Most Gorean men prefer opened women. Virgins present special problems, especially psychological ones. Within these two categories,there are many different types of slaves.
Some slaves even have professional competencies like law, medicine or scribe. They may have once belonged to that Caste.Earth women are considered natural slaves as they have no Home Stone. They have a reputation of being the lowest and hottest of slaves. There are extremely few Earth girls who are ever freed on Gor. Both agents of the Priest-Kings and Kurii make stops on Earth to obtain women to become slaves.
Most slaves are not born into slavery. They are ko-lared at some point in their lives. Slave breeding is carefully controlled and free men seldom have children with slaves. In most breedings, a slave girl and kajirus are taken to a breeding cell or stall. They are both hooded to preclude any attachments and the slaves may not speak. The coupling is observed by the master or others in an official capacity. Only a small fraction of slaves are carefully bred by slave houses. Some girls have a pedigreed lineage back for generations. The most common bred slaves are passion slaves and exotics. Passions slaves are women who have been bred for their beauty and sensuality. Exotics are bred for some special quality, sometimes even bizarre ones. One such type is a girl who is bred to have poisonous saliva.
Slave wine is a Gorean contraceptive, given to all slaves to protect them against conceiving. It is intentionally made to be bitter for slaves. The active ingredient in slave wine is sip root. Sip root, in its raw form, may be chewed as a contraceptive. The raw form's effects last for three to four months. The Red Savages in the Barrens use sip root in its raw form. One drink of slave wine lasts indefinitely, until a releaser is given. This was not always the case. In the beginning of the Gor series, slave wine only lasted a month or so. But, medicine has advanced during the series and its effects are now indefinite. But, out of tradition and to remind a girl she is a slave, it is usually given once or twice a year to her. Here in Vendara, it is given once per month. Be sure to take your slave wine, and make not of it on the Slave Wine Record in the message section. The antidote is called breeding or second wine. It is a smooth and sweet drink. Its active ingredient is a derivative of the teslik plant.
By law, slaves are animals and their master can do anything he wishes with them. Slaves are considered goods, property. They do not even own a name and cannot own any property. They may use goods but not possess them. In most cities, even the offspring of a slave is a slave and belongs to the mother's owner. There are numerous laws preventing slaves from doing many things. For example, it can be a capital offense for a slave to touch a weapon, strike a free person or even to wear robes of cocnealment.Almost every city and town has its own Street of Brands, either a street or a district which handles slave sales and items connected with slavery.
The peak season for buying slaves is the spring and early summer. The greatest period is the five days of the Fifth Passage Hand, called jointly the Love Feast. Slaves may be auctioned or sold in private sales. Slavers are a subcaste of the Merchant Caste though they tend to consider themselves a separate caste. Their colors are blue and yellow. Yet, not all slavers belong to the Caste. People of almost any caste can engage in the business of slvaery.At auctions, girls are sold on blocks where buyers may inspect them, touch them, have them move and position themselves. It is said that only a fool buys a kajira clothed. By tradition, the blocks are wooden and rounded. Sawdust is usually sprinkled on top. In many slave houses, there are usually multiple blocks, one central block and many side blocks. Side blocks are about three feet high and five feet in diameter. It is a matter of prestige to be sold from the central block. Girls are seldom auctioned from the side blocks. Usually, fixed prices may be set, marked on their bodies with a grease pencil. Block measurements are a girl's measurements when she is sold. Some slavers take very complete measurements including height, weight, structure of ear lobes, width and length of fingers and toes, width of heels, distance between nostrils, etc. Finger and toe prints are also taken.Prices for slave girls varies according to the type of kajira, location of the market, time of year, and many other factors. Some generalizations can be made though remember that these are not absolutes. The cheapest slaves are usually female work slaves purchased for public kitchens, laundries or mills. They are commonly sold in multi-item lots. The next level are the male work slaves. Then come the girls who can be used as a pleasure slave. The next level includes the male silk slaves. The highest level are very special female pleasure slaves, sometimes dancers or bred passions slaves.
Many kajirae are sold for coppers. A lovely girl may often go for a silver tarsk. A silver tarsk is a very high price for a semitrained girl. An excellent paga slave would generally go for one to three silvers. Fifteen silver tarsks would be the cost for a good dancer or a lesser girl in an Ubar's pleasure gardens. The major auction house in Ar, the Curulean, is one of the most prestigious of slave markets. A girl there is seldom sold for less than two gold tarns. Beautiful women of High Caste might sell for thirty to fifty gold tarns. The top price for a slave might be gotten for an Ubara or the daughter of an Ubar. She might bring 10000 gold tarns in a private sale.
The vast majority of slaves are branded, marking them nearly permanently as slaves. Slavers will only rarely sell a girl who has not yet been branded. In some cities, it is illegal to offer an unbranded girl for public slave. Branding is commonly done by a trained Iron Master. Many Goreans prefer a girl to be hand branded. But, some slavers use mechanical branding devices but such brands are too uniform. A branding rack is often used to hold a girl's thigh in place to prevent her from moving when the hot iron is applied. A girl usually is branded for about three Ihn. By recommendation of Merchant Law, there are three standard marking places: left thigh, right thigh, and lower left abdomen. The most common site is high on the left thigh, high enough to be covered by even a brief tunic. A slave may be branded anywhere on her body but it is not as common.There are collectors who collect girls with exotic brands. A small and beautiful brand enhances a girl's beauty. It also has definite psychological benefits to instilling the idea of slavery on a girl.A slave with a brand can still be freed. But, the mark is permanent. If such a freed girl wishes to remain free, she better ensure that her papers of manumission are kept handy. Luckily, most brand spots can be well hidden so others cannot notice a woman's brand. But, if a man does see that a free woman has a brand, he might try to enslave her unless she can prove she was freed.
The most common garment for slaves is a brief slave tunic, sleeveless and with a deep plunging neckline. It may be made of a great variety of materials from satins and silks to clinging rep-cloth. It has no nether closure as a kajira is expected to be ready for her master at any time. Many of these tunics also have a disrobing knot so a light tug will cause the entire garment to fall to a girl's feet. There are a number of other garments though worn by slaves. . The function of slave clothes is not to clothe the slave but to display her and to show her that she is a slave. In addition, slaves almost always go barefoot and rarely permitted sandals.
Almost all slaves must wear a ko-lar, the Gorean word for a collar. The most common ko-lar is a light, steel-like band, snugly fitting, that locks in the back. But Gorean ko-lars vary from simple iron bands to ornate, bejeweled collars. They all have two things in common: they cannot be removed by the girl and they mark her as a slave. Some masters also cover ko-lars with ko-lar stockings or sleeves. They are used as an accessory to enhance a girl's beauty and come in a variety of materials. A ko-lar identifies a kajira's master and city. It also serves as a visible token of her bondage. In some cities such visible tokens are required by law. But, a slave without a ko-lar is still but a slave. There is a kind of implicit claim of ownership involved in the ko-laring of a kajira so it is seldom done save by her master. Some say that the ko-lar releases the beauty in a woman though it is likely just the effects of slavery and not the collar itself.
Slave steel is a generic term for the metal implements and equipment worn by slaves, such as collars, chains, manacles, siriks, etc.
Ear piercing is an act of claiming, akin to collaring. It is seen as tantamount to a sentence of irrevocable bondage. Ear piercing was a custom of Turia and spread north after Turia was conquered by the Wagon Peoples. It was originally done only to the lowest and most sensuous slaves but as time went on, it has become common for all pleasure slaves to have it done. Many Gorean men find ear piercing extremely provocative. Ear piercing is done by leather workers using long needles. Pierced ear girls get high prices at auctions and sales. Earrings also play a part in the arousal of a kajira. The brushing of the side of her neck by an earring stimulates a sensitive area. The tiny sounds of an earring can also stimulate her.
Ask to approach the Master/Mistress to offer your services
Move to the Master, stop three paces before Him/Her, describe your full kneel (nadu or tower)
Offer to bring Him/Her food or drink. There should be more offers of food made.
Acknowledge whatever He asks for, making sure you understand all specifics required (if the kalana is warm or chilled, blackwyne 1st or 2nd slave, etc.)
Rise, step back three paces, turn, move towards the servery.
Bring out the appropriate vessel(s).
Polish it/them clean. you can use your silks, hair, or repcloth. The vessel is already “clean”, you’re simply ensuring its perfection for the Master/Mistress.
Check the rim for imperfections. Commonly done by running it across some tender part of your skin.. throat, cheek, lips, wrist, breast, thigh, etc.
Move to wherever the food/drink is, cooler, hearth, servery fires.
Serve the food/drink, unless it’s to be served before the Master/Mistress.
Move to Master/Mistress. Be descriptive here. It not only alerts the Master that you are about to arrive before Him, but allows you more time to be creative and beautiful.
Stop three paces before the Master/Mistress, describe your kneel.
Offer to test the drink. This is done to ensure that the drink hasn’t been poisoned.
Press the drink to your belly, then pause at your heart to show your devotion (offer a prayer in honor of the Master/Mistress if you wish), then test the drink if applicable*, then raise the drink to your lips and kiss below the rim. Do not ever allow your lips to touch the rim. Raise the drink overhead, your eyes to His/Her boots, and make your offering. Come up with something original to say. Each girl’s offering should be different in some fashion.
Wait for Him/Her to offer payment. If no payment is made after a short while, do not ask for it. Typical price for a drink, if asked, is three coppers. No charge for water, though They usually like to pay anyway, for the service. Accept the payment on your tongue. If it's a Mistress, make a pouch in your silks, and accept it there. Do NOT accept it on your tongue.
Rise, step back three paces, turn, move to the Sar’s dais, drop the payment in the coffer, return, kneel three paces before Him/Her.
Ask if you could be of further service. If yes, do so. If no, thank Him/Her for allowing you to serve, rise, step back three paces, turn and move to kneel at the serving furs/your Master’s furs.
* Methods for testing the drink: dip your tongue in the drink, making sure it doesn’t touch the rim; spill a few drops to your tongue, or spill a few drops to your palm (or any area of your body, actually) and lick it off.
Remember to be as descriptive as possible. On the journey to the servery, to the hearth, and returning to the Free, use this time to draw attention to yourself. Describe your hair, eyes, skin, the feel of your silks against your body, the sway of your hips, the sounds you hear in the room, the fragrances.. This is your chance to be creative. Do not steal serves from other girls. It’s wonderful to watch your sisters and be inspired, but please don’t steal their serves. They worked hard on them, and take pride in them. Usually a girl has at least one “signature item(s)”.. if you see something you really love and aren’t sure if you can use it, ask the girl.
Read up on new foods so you’ll be able to serve more items.
Never cut/paste a serve. If you feel the need to write something out beforehand, then do so, and use it as a guide, but as soon as you feel comfortable, dispense with that. Your serves will improve imeasurably (again, trust eli on this one smiles).
Do not talk during a serve, unless ordered to by the One you serve.
If the One you serve moofs during a serve, then wait quietly for His/Her return… the length of time depends on how busy the room is. Five minutes should do it. If it’s extremely quiet and you are not needed, go ahead and wait ten. When He/She returns, ask if He/She would like you to resume, and do so. You might want to repeat the last phrase of your serve, as it might have been missed. Using the up arrow key while the cursor is in the text box will scroll you up to things you have previously posted, then just hit Enter.
Devote your full attention to the One you serve at all times. Let nothing else distract you from putting your heart into pleasing the One you serve. (a girl understands this may be difficult if your Master whom you haven't seen in ages shows up in the middle of a serve, but try... a warm smile towards Him, acknowledging His entrance would be quite acceptable, and understandable. Likewise, nodding a greeting with a smile towards the Sar or Sarina when They enter is acceptable.)
When serving assassins, do not offer to test, and do not kiss below the rim. It's a good idea to check the profile of new people. If there is no way for you to know if the person is an assassin, then don't worry about it.
If the coin/payment is thrown to the floor, then lean forward and pick it up with your lips.
Never cut/paste a serve. It is disrespectful to cut/paste things. The only exception would be dances, due to their length.
The purpose of training is not only to teach a girl the basics and then the advanced ways of being kajira, serving, pleasures, attitudes...it is also to help them along their journey to learn their true slave belly. to learn it, feel it, live it. With this in mind we set for these expectations of girls in training
1. Most important, realize this, this channel is dedicated to keeping it real! Meaning that, even if you have never been real life, or have not thought seriously about it yet... if you do not feel what you type, then what is your purpose here? You must be serious and you must be real,
2. A girl must look seriously into herself. This is most important and essential, for it helps you to know who and what you really are. There are two types of girls encountered on Gor... slaves, and not slaves. We need you to be a slave if we are to train you:)
3. Honesty is essential. You must be honest, honest to us and to yourself. Without honesty, one cannot progress, without progression, one does not learn (among other things)... hence you waste your time and ours. Oh... and by the way... lying slaves are punished severely on Gor... sometimes with the removal of their tongue... preeeeeettty picture, huh? :)
4. We expect you to be who you are. Your personality will shine through anyway, so it is best to start out this way. Realize though, if you act un-slave like, it will be corrected. One must learn to temper their behavior while enhancing the pleasing aspects of their personality :) Always remember that you are held solely responsible for your actions by the Masters here, and they are responsible for your actions while training if you travel!
5. We expect than any who serious about understanding and learning our way of living will read the books (yes, there are books! John Norman is the name). We highly recommend that everyone read them. If you are to train here, we require you to read them. If you do not read the books, sooner or later it will show through no matter how many websites you've read, or how much experience you've had as a submissive in the past. Gor is about a way of living life, those who have not read the books, or have not really sought to understand the books they've read will find themselves in a sea of thousands of "Goreans" who are really just playing a game. The books are a guideline, so to speak, by which we base our beliefs...they are neccesary. Do not think you can get by without reading them. (note* Gor is not some place a girl comes to get her ass spanked on the weekends just 'cuz she *likes* it) You are expected to show a desire to learn and actively train.
6. guidlines and rules are set out..how to behave....things expected...the knowledge is there, the people willing to train if it is truly your wish. A good place to start is the City of Vendara, is a City of learning, of refuge, to become family, to love, and learn the way of Gor. to learn the fire in you, in your heart, to bring out in you the slave that you are deep within.
Kajira Creed
He is Master,
and I am slave.
He is Owner,
and I am owned.
He commands,
and I obey.
He is to be pleased,
and I am to please.
Why is this?
Because He is Master, and I am slave.
Explorers of Gor
Allow this humble girl the strength to answer questions she cannot fathom
Allow this girl the spirit to know His needs
Allow this girl the serenity to serve Him in peace
Allow this girl the love to show Him herself
Allow this girl the tenderness to comfort Him
Allow this girl the light to show U/us the way
Allow this girl the wisdom to be an asset to Him
Let this girl be able to show Him each day, her love of her service to Him
Let this girl open herself up to completely belong to Him
Let this girl accept her punishment with the grace of a woman
Let this girl learn to please Him beyond herself
Grant this girl the power to give herself to Him completely
Grant this girl the strength to please U/us both
Permit this girl to love herself, in loving Him
For it is this girl’s greatest wish, this girl’s highest power
To make His life complete
Bara~~lays on her belly, her forehead pressed to the floor, she crosses her ankles, places her wrists, crossed, in the small of her back, she waits motionless to be bound
Belly~~lays on her belly, parts her legs, shoulder-width apart, arms to her sides, palms up, forehead to the floor, crawls on her belly to her Master
Binding~~lays on the ground, wrists crossed behind her back, ankles crossed
Blanket~~a blanket or cloak is thrown over her, slave is not to speak or rise, she must remain silent until the cover is removed
Bound by Master's will~~slave being commanded to hold position, hands clasping opposite wrists until she is released
Bracelets~~kneels, thighs spread wide, back arched, extends her arms before her, wrists together in preparation to be bound, her head is held high, eyes lowered in submission
Capture~~ lays down upon back, bending her knees to place feet flat on the ground, hands at her sides, remains motionless
Collaring Beg~~ kneels before the One she wishes the kolar of, places His right boot to her throat, her arms behind her back, srists crossed, remains still
Crawl~~drops to all fours, her forearms flat on the ground, her head lowered slightly above, but not touching the ground, raises her ass high, crawls to Master until her head is at His boots, but hot touching them
Display~~ standing, feet a little more than shoulder-width apart, shoulders rolled back, fingers laced behind her neck, face turned to the left, eyes lowered
Gorean Bow~~kneels, thighs spread wide, leans over backwards until her head touches the floor, pulls herself up, arching her back
Hair~~ remains in whatever position she is in, gathers her hair, offering it to the Master
Harta~~ means...faster
Heel~~kneels just behind her Master's left foot, remains His foot but never comes in contact with with it at any time
High Lesha~~ stands, her back to Master, feet shoulder-width apart, wrists crossed at small of her back, holds head high, turning her head to the left, lips slightly parted, lowers eyes in submission, awaits Master's leash
High Harness~~ display position, slave is in kneeling position, is braceleted, leashed and commanded to hold her head very high, exposing her neck
Kef ... (K)... 1½ to 2 inches high, ½ inch wide...left thigh...high under hip
Dina ... (small, beautiful flower)...northern hemisphere of Gor (slave flower)...common in north, prized in the south...both for rarity and beauty, small lovely multiple petaled flower, short-stemmed, and blooming in tinfy of green...usually in slopes of hills, northern hemisphere of Gor, resembles Earth rose, exotic, alien flora spoken of in the north, where it grows most frequently, as the slave flower.
Mark of Treve ... first letter; in cursive, of the City.
Northern Brands (Torvald)
Fork Brand ... half circles, with at its right tip, adjoining it, a steep, diagonal line... 1¼ inch high...bond maid...refered to as "woman whose belly lies beneath the sword" .
Wagon People
Kassar ... scarlet, 3 weighted bola, white fangs from the lance, three circles joined in the center by lines.
Katai ... yellow bow, bound across the a black lance faces the left.
Paravaci ... large banner of jewels on golden rings, semi circle restrings on an inverted isoceles triangle.
Tuchuk ... first letter of the expression "kajiras" in cursive script, resembles H... 1 inch high.
Knife Brands of Schendi
common in jungles of Schendi...done with a knife, blade cuts specific designs in flesh and a powder is added to color the mark...much like a tattoo.
anchor ring....this is a steel ring, also known as a slave ring, found on floors, walls, ceilings, and furniture. The metal is about one inch in diameter thick. It is a secure spot where a slave girl can be chained or bound to it. There are usually public snchor rings in most cities, including in paga taverns. Most Gorean stone couches, their beds, have anchor rings. Even a Free Companion might sometimes find herself chained to such a ring. It may be as punishment or simply to remind here that she is a woman and thus to be dominated.
ankle rack....this is a wooden rack like a set of stocks. There are semi-circular openings in the top and bottom blocks. They are hinged at the left and secured on the right with a staple and hasp. In Schendi, this rack may be used to aid in sutting off a slave's feet as punishment. The rack is placed up so the victim dangles below, holding herself up with her palms on the ground. A scimitar might be used for the cutting.
belly chain....this chain fits around a girl's waist and cannot be removed because of the girl's wide hips. There is a heavy padlock at the girl's back. In the front of the chain is a heavy medallion-like disk with kef on it.
binding fiber....this is commonly stout twine made up of strips of leather or of a fiber like hemp. A piece is usually long enough to circle a slave girl's waist two or three times. It is often used as a belt for her slave tunic. It may also be used to tie a girl, as a leash, or even as a whip. It has been designed for the perfect control of slaves and prisoners.
blind fold....this item commonly consists of three peices. There are two rounded pieces of soft felt, three to four inches in diameter for the eyes. There is also a binding, which consists of two or more turns of a dark thick folded fabric or scarf. It is seldom used in transporting slaves as the slave hood is more common for that. It is easier to dislodge than a slave hood but a blindfold allows the mouth to be seen, kissed and touched which the hood does not.
body chain....this is a chain loop, about five feet long, and is made to loop a woman's throat several times or by alternative winding to bedeck her body in various fashions. The chain is not heavy but it is not light either. It has a solid heft in one's hand. It is closely meshed and strong enough so it can be used as slave security. It may also be decorated with wooden beads, semi-precious stones and bits of leather. Attached to the chain, but are detachable, are two sets of clips. There is a pair of snap clips and one of lock clips. The clips turn the chain from the jewelry to a sturdy and effective slave restraint.
branding racks....this is a devicxe to which a new slave girl is chained for branding. Her hands are chained above her head and the thigh to be branded is held motionless in a large vise. The girl is laid back over a curved of metel and her ankles shackled. The rack can be used to brand either thigh.
capture scent....this is a liquid like chloroform. It is used to sedate, immediately, a person who is forced to breathe it. It is commonly soaked in a rag and held over the nose and mouth will render a woman unconscious in five ihn. She will squirm wildly for an ihn ot two and then sluggishly and then fall limp. Anesthetic darts are sometimes used though they take forty ihn to work.
collar....this is a number of different types of devices that are made to fit around the neck of a slave. The most common varieties are made of iron or steel. They are usually a light band, flat and snug fitting, that locks in the back. They range from simple iron bands to ornate bejewelled collars. They have two basic items in common, they can not be removed by the girl and they mark her as a slave. A collar also identifies the Master and City. The most common sizes for collars are the ten to twelve hort sizes. These collars may be open by the use of a key. The collar lock is a pin with six pins, one for each letter in the word "kajira".
dancing chains....there are many varieties of this chain. Commonly it is a long, light chain iwth two wrist rings. The chain goes to each wrist ring and also to the collar. The chain will then hang down to about the knees. The purpose of this chain is not to confine the girl but to allow her to incorporate it in her dance. Another type is the oval and collar, a traditional one in the Tahari region. A girl kneels, head down, in a large oval of light gleaming chain, extending her wrists before her. Fastened at the sides of the top of the oval are two wrists rings. At the sides of the lower loop of the oval are two ankle rings. The oval is then pulled inward and the wrist and ankle rings fastened on her. Her throat is then fastened in the dancing collar which has under the chin an open snap ring. WIth the left hand, the oval is then gathered together so the two strands of chain lie in the palm of the left hand. They are then placed inside the snap ring which is then snapped shut and locked. The two strands of chain flow freely. The wrists are about a yard apart and the ankles eighteen inches.
fetters....heavy slave bracelets of north lands, less finely crafted then the southern alternative...are heavier and thicker.
four chains....similar to sirik, produces a box like effect, linking ankles and wrists in a box of rectangle.
gag....there are many slave gags. They include ball-gags, and metal and leather lock gags. A common type has a wadding of metal sphere, usually covered with leather, through which passes a metal locking bar or strap. This is a ratchet-and-pawl arrangement that allows these to be fitted exactly. There are two general size ranges, alarger one for men and a smaller one for women though they seldom are worn by men. Such a gag cannot be removed even if the hands are free.
girl-capture chain....this is like a garrote in many respects. It has a narrow golden chain that will choke without cutting the throat. Obviously you do not want to injure the girl. You can adjust it by spinning one of the wooden handles and thus controlling it with one hand.
gyves....this is an archaic Earth term for a fetter or shackle, specially for the leg.
Harl ring....this item was named for the slaver Harl of Turia. It consists of four portions. First, there is a metal ankle ring to snap on an ankle. Second, to the back of the ankle is welded a closed loop. Third, to the front of the ring, fastened to another closed loop, is about a yard of chain. Fourth, the chain ends in a locking device which can be locked on the back of a second ring. It is very versatile and you can us it to chain a girl to almost anything. A closed Hal ring is when you lock the chain on its own ankle around a tree or pole. A frequent use of these rings is to form a segment of slave chain. One key will work for all of the rings of such a slave chain.
hook bracelets....these are leather cuffs with locks and snaps on them. They are soft and the snaps require no key. By means of the snaps, a girl may be variously secured by the locked cuffs. These items may be used in the pleasure alcoves of paga taverns.
iron belt....this is a Gorean chastity belt. There are many varieties of this belt but the following is a plain type. It basically consists of two major pieces. One is a rounded, fitted, and curved waistband, flattened at the ends. One end of this band, the right side, has a heavy, semi circularing or staple welded onto it. The other flattened end has a slot on it which fits over the staple. The other major portion of the belt consists of a curved band of flat, shaoed iron. One end of this flat band curves and closes about the barlike waistband in the front. This produces a hindge. The flat, U-shaped strap of iron swings on htis hindge. On the other end of this flat band is a slot that fits over the same staple as the other slot. It can then be fitted on the girl and then locked with a padlock. Iron belts are the primary protection for girls wandering city streets from unauthorized slave rape.
leashes....the common leash has a lock snap and closes about a collar or collar ring. There are also wrist and ankles leashes. Leashes are very versitile. Some use them only to tether a girl while others use them as leading devices, especially in cities and crowds. Most slave leashes are long enough so they can also serve as a lash. Many leashes are cored with wire so a girl cqan not chew through them. A good leash is no an impediment to a girl's breathing though there is a choke leash that will strangle a girl is she tries to resist it. There is even a specific leash collar. It is high and sturdy with two buckle fastenings. There is an iron ring on a riveted plate where you attach the leash. The plate may be located in the front or back depending on whether you want to girl in form of you or behind.
manaches....also known as slave bracelets, are used for wrists and ankles and are commonly fixed-rinf sized. There are four numbers in the series. One is small, two and three are medium, and four is large. Most manacles are adjustable for any of the four sizes. Though ankle rings use the same numbers for wrists rings, they are actually larger. For example, a size two ankle ring has an interior circumference of seven horts but a size two wrist ring is only five horts. Most men prefer the sizes of wrist and ankle manacles to match. Male slave sizes are numbered similarly but they use a different scale.
Gorean dance
"Slave dance," on Gor incidentally, is a very rich and varied dance form. It covers a great deal more than simple "ethnic dance." For example, it includes dances such as hunt dances, capture dances, submission dances, chain dances, whip dances, and such. Perhaps what is done in slave dance on Gor would count as "exotic dance" on Earth, but, if we are thinking of the actual kinds of dances performed, then there is much in slave dance, for example, story dances, which are seldom, if ever, included in "exotic dance" on Earth, and there are forms of dance in "exotic dance" which for one reason or another, are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, for example, certain forms of carnival dancing, such as bubble dancing or fan dancing. Perhaps the reason such dances are seldom, if ever, seen on Gor, is that Goreans would be likely to regard them as being "real dance." They would be regarded, I think, as little more than culturally idiosyncratic forms of comedic teasing. They are, at any rate, not the sort of dance, or the "danse-du-ventre" sort, so pleasing to strong men, which a slave on Gor, fearing the whip must often learn to perform."
Dancer of Gor, page 172
Dance has been around for centuries, from its earliest beginnings as simple celebrations of life or religious offerings to the fertility gods, to the now highly stylized performance art practiced in some societies today. Many cultures, ancient and current, placed great significance on dance and music. It was one of the ways for a woman to express her emotions and femininity openly, even in an otherwise-conservative society. It is not surprising that Norman also made this a part of Gorean culture.
In cultures where the focus on dance was celebratory instead of religious, it began to represent a freedom of expression as well as a means to entice the opposite sex. It becomes naturally fitting that in Norman's Gor, a slave girl would be the one trained to dance before men... she is the one said to know the truest freedom in her bonds. It is said that a slave moves differently under the eyes of men. What better way to demonstrate that than as a slave dancing for the pleasure of men?
"The dancing of the female before the male, that she be found pleasing and he be pleased, is one of the most profound lessons in all of human biology."
Dancer of Gor, page 193
So what is the slave girl of Earth to do when she wants to learn to dance, in the hopes she may be found more pleasing to men? Since Earth appears to have a shortage of kajira dance academies... it takes a bit more effort and adaptation to find ways to learn. After reading or even studying the dances in the books, the next step comes into play: making them happen.
Regular dance practice can also offer different benefits. It reduces stress, adds grace in everyday movements, improves muscle tone and flexibility, and can make a girl more familiar with her body. She can use movements she learns even in the most mundane of settings... a swing of the hip, a flexed calf to better define her legs, a body's undulation as she kneels to display herself, a subtle gyration when no one is looking but her owner.
"There is no standardization, or little standardization, for better or for worse, in Gorean slave dance. Not only can the dances differ from city to city, from town to town, and even from tavern to tavern, but they are likely to differ, too, from girl to girl. This is because each girl, in her own way, brings the nature of her own body, her own dispositions, her own sensuality and needs, her own personality, to the dance. For the woman, slave dance is a uniquely personal and creative art form. Too, of course, it provides her with a wondrous modality for deeply intimate self expression."
Guardsman of Gor, page 260
A Gypsy singer and dancer offered this advice to girls looking to learn to dance. She replied, "Listen to the music, feel it... lots of music at first. When you can feel the music, your emotions will steer your movements." After all, the emotions and motivations are what separate slave dance from other ethnic dances. No one but a slave girl can show what it truly feels like to be vulnerable at the feet of men. No matter what form of dance the slave does: she is doing so to please men, and her surrender shines through in every movement.
Slave Dances of Gor
Slave dances are any of the sensuous dances performed by slave girls to entertain thier Masters. Designed to display the sexual heat of the performer, and invite her use by Masters.. Slave dances are in many of the Gor books, and a few of them are listed here for reference. As performed on Gor, they are very descriptive, with thoughts, emotions, and movements displayed by the girl. The girl should personalize each dance. Do not copy the dance of another, just use the basic elements, the story line. Here are a few dances and examples that might be of help to the sisters that are trying to learn the art of dance to please their Master.