Barbarian is a word used by Goreans to refer to individuals from outside the known lands and cultures. In particular, the word has come to refer to girls imported from Earth and enslaved for sale. This transportation is at the hands of agents working at times for the Priest-Kings, and more recently, and more often, the Kurii. Though some Goreans know of Earth, and thus know just where these girls have come from, most see only a "barbarian" who is unable to speak the world's language, knows nothing of its customs, is often dressed in odd clothing (what she last wore on Earth) and acts in a peculiar and foreign manner that can be entertaining, if at times annoying (usually a shock response to her radically altered surroundings and the realization this is not a dream). There is a trade in such girls of Gor, though often they are sold quite cheaply. When trained they can bring much higher prices, and are said to take to the collar well.
In some ways it might be considered that "barbarian" girls are exotic, for such a girl would be rare in most circumstances, with her origins being an oddity of sorts, along with her mannerisms and need for particular training possibly being attractive to certain tastes. But in recent years many girls have been brought from Earth to Gor, making these far less rare than might otherwise be thought. So while the girl might be an exotic in a sense, she is probably not regarded in the same manner by buyers and sellers as would be others. The fact of a girl being a barbarian is still noted at her time of sale, with some men seeking such slaves, for the collared women of Earth are known to be amongst the lowest and hottest once taught what it is to serve men.
"She was, I forcibly reminded myself, not a Gorean girl, but one of Earth. She was not natively Turian nor Tuchuk. She could not even read the language. To almost anyone who would come upon her she might seem but a beautiful barbarian, fit presumably by birth and blood only for the collar of a master."
- NOMADS OF GOR, Pg. 287
Part Three "Utilization"
How the Slave may be Utilized
"There are paga slaves who must please their master's customers in his tavern. There are the girls who staff the public kitchens and laundries. There are rent slaves, who may be rented to anyone for any purpose, short of their injury or mutilation, unless compensation be rendered to the master. There are state slaves who maintain public compartments, and work in offices and warehouses. There are girls in peasant villages, and girls on great farms, who cook and carry water to the slave gangs. There are beauties who are purchased for a man's pleasure gardens. There are other girls who work in the mills, chained to their looms."
- BEASTS OF GOR, Pg. 249-250
Utilization is simply the general form of consistant service a slave might be set to once she is purchased. Girls in the above two Sections can be employed in a variety of the below, though certain choices might be more appropriate then others.
Kettle and Mat
Kettle and Mat girls are the most common form of slave found on Gor. They are employed in a multitude of duties, hence the name, and are used both as workers and for the pleasure of their masters. Sometimes these girls have had some training, often they have not, but rather are just collared slave girls set to the tasks men command them.
Pot Girl
Similar in most respects to a Kettle and Mat girl, Pot Girls are low slaves who perform menial tasks, mostly in households. They are almost the lowest of the low, with the name itself sometimes being used as an insult.
House Slaves
House Slaves are those slaves purchased to see to the upkeep of the household of their master, and set to various duties that are obvious to such a place. These girls can vary from those set to cooking and cleaning, to one's tasked with the rudimentary care of children and to be their playmates. Such slaves can be a variety of ages, some being purchased to grow-up within a house right next to the master's children. They are nonetheless, slaves.
Tower Slaves
Tower Slaves are much like House Slaves, having similar duties, but these occuring in the High Towers of the great Gorean cities, meaning usually that they are owned by the wealthy. Often such slaves will be in the direct service of a family or household, being under the direction not only of the owner's family, but the free staff.
Slave Maids
Slave Maids are a form of Tower Slave that are owned by Free Women, usually of high borth or station and expected to see to their needs. Service usually takes a form much like a "lady-in-waiting," with the maid seeing to the care, clothing and general accompaniment of their Mistress.
Preferred Slaves
Preferred Slaves are those girls that hold some special preference or distinction to their owners. These girls are commonly the favored choice of their master, being the girl he will be the most pleased with and interested in. They might be simple girls or trained Pleasure Slaves, but whatever they are, they are ranked with the prized possessions of their owner. This preference does not at all mean the girl will necessarily receive some sort of special treatment. Often, these are held to the highest discipline, being under the eyes of the master the most, and held to a higher scrutiny.
Feast Slaves
Feast slaves are those girls specially trained to serve at great banquets and parties. They are usually rented out from establishments that specialize in this service, often in conjunction with other related enterprises. Normally they are quite beautiful and are skilled in all aspects of serving such affairs to ensure the enjoyment of the guests.
Tavern Slaves
Tavern Slaves or Paga Sluts are those girls that have been purchased by a tavern for use within. They are commonly set to serving the pleasure of the patrons of the establishment, in any form desired by the paying customer. The training of such can be highly variable, covering anything from the unskilled girl to the Pleasure Slave, with all girls seeking to learn from one another within the tavern. Usually, as a result of ability, the master's favor, and simple strength, a sort of pecking order will develop amongst the girls, regardless of whether a First Girl has been chosen or not.
Bathhouse Girls
Bath Girls are those slaves owned by a bathhouse and used to serve its patrons. Usually this service revolves around the bathing of men, and includes sexual use if the man is so inclined. Normally, a given girl will be connected to a specific room, with that location having its own theme. These rooms can range from spacious pools to secluded baths, and are designed to provide the customer with a relaxing atmosphere inwhich to enjoy himself. Bath girls wear a special collar that is set with a small plate, giving the girl's name, the pool she serves within, and the cost of her use. Since they spend much of their time in the water, they are usually exceptional swimmers, wear no more clothes than towels, and often have their hair cut short. The quality of the girls vary, and is usually reflected in their cost and the type of room they have been placed in.
Dancers are not simply those girls capable of performing Gorean Slave Dance, or told do do so, but as in the case of Pleasure Slaves being trained to please men, Dancers are those girls who have been specifically trained in the art of Slave Dance. Invariably, these girls are also Pleasure Slaves, and the term is simply an extention of this, but the title, Dancer, is also used to signify a girl that excells in this specific area, holding noticible skill. Dancers within Paga Taverns are commonly the most prized girls, being great attractions and specially priced for use.
It can be argued that Dancer is worthy of being placed in Section Two, rather then here in Three, but being that not all girls that are utilized as Dancers are actually trained to any actual certification as such, it is more fitting that the entry be placed here. It should also be noted that if a girl is trained to be a Dancer, she will most likely be trained as a Pleasure Slave, since the two go hand in hand. So in effect, trained Dancers are in Part Two, under "Pleasure Slaves."
Coin Girl
Coin Girls are slaves placed out on the streets to earn money for their owners in return for their sexual use. Sometimes the girl is sent out with a small box hung around her neck, into which coins are to be placed for payment. Other times the owner may accompany the girl, calling out to passers that his property is open for use. The girl may be told to lie on the ground, or kneel, or perhaps to dance in order to get the attention of approaching men.
Camp Slaves
Camp Slaves are similar to Coin Girls, in that they are rented out for sexual use by their owners. In this case, they ply their trade within great camps, usually of the military sort. These girls are leased for a time to the camp by their owners, under contract. Soldiers pay a nominal fee for the use of the girls, which are usually kept together in their own tent or something similar.
Display Slave
Display Slaves are usually girls set to "display" the power, wealth, luck, or ability of their master. Such girls can be those tied to the prows of ships or the saddles of tarns after a successful raid, of girls of exquisite beauty, or exotic rarity that are purchased by a master to exist as a sign of his wealth and position in society. In the latter case, this may be the primary use of the girl, a situation she is not in, merely at the time of her taking, as in the case of returning raiders, but something she is set to do as a matter of common occurance, her existance being mainly to cause envy in others and draw attention to her owners wealth.
Field Slaves
Field slaves can be male or female and are simply those bonded individuals set to work in the fields of Gorean farms and houses, usually tending crops, gathering water, cultivating land, caring for livestock and other related duties. They are a simple lot, usually of low worth, with those slaves set to this duty normally being of average quality at best, though sometimes those with promise can still find themselves employed in this fashion.
State Slaves
State slavery is said to be one of the most undesirable positions a slave can find herself in. Some come to this through criminal punishment or debt collection, others through war, seizure or general purchase. Duties include domestic services around state buildings and employment in public kitchens and other such community services, along with serving at government affairs and in state brothels. Slave quality and degree of training can range greatly depending on the girl and how she is used. Part of why state ownership is so unenviable is that the girl is not the property of an individual, but instead employed in a variety of duties with little personal contact of the kind a girl privately owned often enjoys.
Bond-Maids are the slave girls of the north, particularly Torvaldsland. They are put to work in the fields by day, and made to serve the men in the Great Halls by night. Their lives are much rougher then those of most slaves to the south, especially the Pleasure Slaves they despise, but such is the nature of the land they are embonded to. They are also known as "girls whose belly lie under the sword," and their brand is indicative of this.

"There are many slaveries, and some are doubtless quite fearful and unpleasant."
"She had heard, I gathered, of certain agricultural slaveries, and of slaveries such as those in the public kitchens and laundries. Too, she was doubtless familiar with contempt slaveries and vengence slaveries. One form of vengence slavery is the proxy slavery, in which one woman, totally innocent, is enslaved and made to stand proxy for a hated, at-least-temporarily-inaccessible woman, even being given her name. The proxy, of course, being enslaved, is truly enslaved. Even if the hated woman is later captured the proxy is not freed. She is generally, merely, given away or sold."
"'Most masters,' I said, 'own only one girl. Do not think you are likely to spend all your time squirming at the slave ring.'
'There is much for a girl to do,' I pointed out. 'She keeps his compartments. She dusts and cleans. When they do not use the public kitchens she must cook for him. If he does not with to take advantage of the public laundries, she must do his washing and ironing. She shops for him, and bargins in the markets, and so on. There is much for her to do.'
'Does it take long to clean compartments?' she asked.
'Only a few moments,' I admitted. 'Goreans live simply, and do not much approve of cumbersome furniture.'
'It does not sound to me like the slave girl is overburdened with domestic labors,' she said.
'I suppose, objectively, she is not,' I said. 'Still, there are things for her to do.'"
- BEASTS OF GOR, Pg. 248

"It was true that a slave may wear in the way of cosmetics, clothing or ornament only what the master sees fit to permit her. Sometimes, of course, this is nothing."

"It is interesting, I thought, how much such a small thing can mean to a girl. It was a mere slave tunic, a cheap, tiny thing, little more than a ta-teera or camisk, and yet it delighted her, boundlessly. It was the sort of garment which free women profess to despise, to find unspeakably shocking, unutterably scandalous, the sort of garment whch they profess to regard with horror, the sort of garment which they seem almost ready to faint at the sight of, and yet to Phoebe, and to others like her, in bondage, it was precious, meaning more to her doubtless than the richest garments in the wardrobes of the free women."
There are many different types of garments worn by kajirae throughout Gor. These are normally made to cover the girl, but in a manner whose goal is not so much to protect her modesty, but instead to accentuate her figure and emphasize that she is a slave. These articles are commonly just scraps of cheap cloth, cut and torn to reveal glimpses of what they are allegedly to cover. The materials used can be as varied as the garments themselves. Silks, satins, hurt wool, rep-cloth and leather are among the possibilites, with the occassional addition of cords and belts to both make the clothes more servicable, and compliment any desired effect. It should be added that such cords and corded belts are used not only to secure garments on girls, but also to bind them. But as simple as it may be, slave clothing is near priceless to the girl it is given to. Slaves hold no possessions, so what few bits and trinkets they are allowed to hold or wear, become dear to them, and besides this, the clothing of a slave makes her look and feel like a slave, something a girl who has grown to understand more of herself and slavery, revels in. This importance to the girl also adds another level of control to the master, as the garment is not only something to be given by him at a whim, but so too, taken away.
Slaves are often dressed to fit their duties. A girl might wear a simple work tunic of hurt wool during the day labors, but be sent to don a scrap of silk to serve men by the fires at night. Slaves set to work in a family atmosphere, are commonly dressed in a manner more fitting the place they are in, with clothing taking a more modest turn, especially around children. A girl serving at an event with a more "reserved" mood, might also be dressed in a more fitting way, with her mannerisms matching that of her dress and the guests. In this way, garments may fit the type of work a girl is set to, or for that matter, be fitting to the occasion and type of service, though articles such as the simple camisk might serve many situations and roles.
How a slave might be dressed, or the other various articles she might be made to wear or apply, such as cosmetics and perfumes, vary greatly based on the master, the situation, and what men deem as fitting to the girl. Gorean men take great interest in the appearance of their property, to the extent of having pride in such, for the girl is often both a precious object to them, and an expression of their wealth and status. The options available are more numerous then couild be counted or described. Raiments exist to fit almost every mood, mannerism and personality, which an owner will be very aware of and make selections quite fitting and complimentary to. Slaves too are trained to make such decisions properly, knowing what best suits them and what best suits the desires of men.
Normally, slave clothing is meant to be easily removed, being made to hang on the girl, rather then cover and restrict. Garments such as slave tunics commonly have what is known as a "disrobing knot," which is an easily undone shoulder tie that holds the tunic together, but at a simple tug, causes it to fall away. Usually this tie is on the left shoulder, to be more easily accessible to the right-handed man. Clothing which is bound by lengths of cord, such as the Turian camisk, is likewise made to be easily removed, the cord being of one piece and and tied in a fashion to not frustrate the desires of men. Additions such as "underwear" are not normally a consideration, as these conventions are purposeless to a slave.
But regardless of suitability, a slave is dressed, or not dressed, to fit the mood, pleasure and purpose of her master.

"To be sure, there is a controversy as to whether or not it is more humiliating for a woman to be put before masters in such a garment or merely stark naked, save, perhaps, for a brand and collar. Surely slave tunics leave little to the imagination. Among slave girls, of course, there is little disagreement in practice, though some in theory. The girls, commonly, treasure even the tiniest rag which can afford her some shielding, however pathetic, from the imperious gaze of masters. Too, from the point of view of the masters, the little that might be left to the imagination, small as it is, by such a garment, is often found to be intriguing and stimulating. It encourages them to her stripping. Too, giving a girl a bit of clothing, tends to give one more control over her. For example, will she be told to remove the garment, or will it be taken from her, and if so, publicly or privately? It must be understood, of course, that a slave, having no rights, does not have the right even to clothing. That a girl is wearing even a rag is usually a sign that she has pleased her master, and quite significantly, too. Often the garment of a slave girl does not come easily to her, in private, of course, even rags are often dispensed with. The slave is the property of the master, and, in the privacy of his quarters, she is done with, totally, as he pleases."
"'You have moved well this night, Slave,' I said. 'You have well earned a brief rag for your thighs.'
'Thank you, Master,' she said. I do not think she could have been more pleased if I had considered allowing her a sheath gown of white satin with gloves and pearls."
"'You make me show the 'slave belly,' Master,' she said.
'You are a slave, aren’t you?' I asked.
'Yes, Master,' she said. I liked it, too. It reveals, well, the roundness of her belly and, low at the hips, the beginning of subtle love curves."
"'Do you wish me to put on pleasure silk?' she asked.
'No,' I said. 'In many Gorean taverns,' I said. 'the paga slaves serve naked.'"
"'I own it,' said Marcus, 'as I own you, but it is true that it was with you in mind that I purchased it, that you might wear it when permitted, or directed.'"
"'I see, Master,' she said. 'But may I keep them?'
'Until I, or any free man,' I said, 'sees fit to take them from you.' I held her by her upper arms, from behind. 'You do not own them,' I said. 'You only wear them, and on the sufferance of free men.'
'Yes, Master,' she said. 'I own nothing. It is, rather, I who am owned."
- EXPLORERS OF GOR, Pg. 335-336
"The dressing of slaves, incidentally, is an interesting and intricate pastime. The slave is almost never totally nude. Her body is marked almost always with some token of her condition, which is bond. This is usually a collar, but it may also be an anklet, sometimes belled, or a bracelet. Her brand, of course, fixed in her very flesh, deep and lovely, is always worn. There is no mistaking it. The iron has seen to that. Beyond theses things, much depends on the individual girl and on her particular master of the time. Individual taste is here supreme. To be sure, there are natural congruences and proprieties which are generally observed.
For example, although one may see a girl in the streets, naked save for, say, her brand and collar, or a bit of chain, this is not common. This sort of thing is done, usually, only as a discipline. Free Women tend to object, for the eyes of their companions tend almost inadvertently to stray to the exposed flesh of such girls. Perhaps, too, they are angry that they themselves are not permitted to present themselves so brazenly and lusciously before men. Needless to say it is difficult for Men to keep their minds on business when such girls are among them. Perhaps this is the reason that magistrates tend to frown upon the practice. After all, Goreans are only human.
In a family house, of course, girls are almost always modestly garbed. Children of many houses might be startled if they could see the transformation which takes place in their pretty Didi or Lale, whom they know as their nurse, governess and playmate, when she is in their absence or after their bedtime, ordered to the chamber of one of the young masters, there to dance lasciviously before him, and then to be had, and as a slave.
Context determines much. If a young man is giving a proper and refined dinner, his girl, modestly attired, will commonly serve it, shyly and deferentially, quietly and self-effacingly, as befits a slave. She may even draw commendations from his mother, pleased that he has purchased such a modest, useful girl. In a dinner given for his rowdy male companions, of course, in which even unmixed wines might be served, she, obedient, writhing and sensuous, is quite a different girl. Perhaps he has even purchased her some training, from local slave masters. His guests, uncontrolled in their desire, driven half mad with passion, will mightily envy him his girl. Perhaps he, in Gorean hospitality, will share her with them, but, in the end, when they have gone, it is at the foot of his own couch that she, licking and kissing, and begging, will be chained.
The main purpose of slave garments, of course, is not particularly to clothe the girl, for she need not even be clothed, as she is an animal, but to, as I have suggested, 'set her off.' In this sense slave garments may be as resplendent and complex as the robes of an enslaved Ubara, to be removed by the general who has captured her upon a platform of public humiliation, or as simple as the cords on a girl's wrists and a piece of rope knotted on her throat.
Additional functions of slave garments, of course, other than those of displaying the girl and making it clear to all how desirable she is, are to remind her, clearly, that she is a slave, which is useful in her discipline, and, also, interestingly, to stimulate, intensify and deepen her sexuality. It is impossible for a woman to dress and act as a slave, and be enslaved, in full legality, and not, sooner or later, understand that she is really what she seems to be, a slave."
- GUARDSMEN OF GOR, Pg. 105-109
"Slave girls on Gor, on the other hand, when permitted clothing, are usually dressed briefly and lightly, that their charms be muchly revealed. Gorean men wish it this way. That, accordingly, is the way it is."

"The attire of Gorean slave girls is of great importance to their masters. They concern themselves with its tiniest details. The clothing, you see, as well as the girl, belongs to the master; it is natural for him, thus, to take an interest in it; both, in their diverse ways, can be a reflection upon him, his taste, his judgement, his discrimination. What a girl wears, if she is to wear anything, is of great interest to him. After all, she is not a wife; she is much more important; she is a prized possession."
Common Slave Tunic
The basic Slave Tunic is the most commonly seen slave garment on Gor. It is simple in construction, usually a bit scandalous, with provocative cuts and tight hems, and can be made of a variety of substances. It is secured by a cord, knows as a Slave Girdle.
"The most common Gorean garment for a slave is a brief slave tunic. This tunic is invariably sleeveless and, usually, has a deep, plunging neckline. It may be of a great variety of materials, from rich satins and silks to thin, form-revealing, clinging rep-cloth."
"She wore the briefly skirted, sleeveless slave livery common in the northern cities of Gor, the livery was yellow and split to the cord that served as her belt; about her throat she wore a matching collar, yellow enameled over steel."
"Rim's slave, clad in the brief slave tunic of white wool, her hair bound back with the woolen fillet."
"It was a sleeveless, pullover tunic of brown rep cloth. It was generously notched on both sides at the hem, which guarantees an additional baring of its occupant's flanks."
Work Tunic
Work Tunics are a more serviceable version of the common Slave Tunic. They are plain and less attractive then their counterparts, being made to clothe girls engaged in more menial and possibly strenuous labor. Of note is the headband in the first quote, which is used to signify some authority over lower girls.
"About her forehead, tying back her dark hair, was a strip of rep cloth, brown, of the same material as the work tunic. I knew this meant she had authority among the girls."
"I wore a brief, one-piece, brown work tunic. It was all I wore, with the exception of the collar. We wore such tunics when engaged as work slaves. The tunics of work slaves are usually brown or gray."
The Camisk
The Camisk is another common article of slave attire. The sides are left open, and it is bound by a Slave Girdle at the waist, with the girl's brand left exposed. It is known as the "Northern Camisk" by those of Turia.
"The common camisk is a single piece of cloth, about eighteen inches wide, thrown over the girl's head and worn like a poncho. It usually falls a bit above the knees in the front and back and is belted with cord or chain."
"The common camisk is a simple rectangle of cloth, containing, in its center, a circular opening. The garment is drawn on by the girl over her head and down upon her shoulders; it is worn, thus, like a poncho; it is commonly belted with binding fiber or a bit of light chain, something with which the girl may be secured, if the master wishes."
"The camisk is a rectangle of cloth, with a hole cut for the head, rather like a poncho. The edges are commonly folded and stitched to prevent raveling. The camisk, I am told, normally falls to the knees, but Targo made us cut ours considerably shorter. The camisk, I am told, was at one time commonly belted with a chain. However, the camisks that I have personally seen, and those we were given, were belted with a long, thin strap of leather binding fiber. This passes once around the body, and then again, and then is tied, snugly, over the right hip. When Targo inspected me, he made me tighten the belt, to accentuate my figure. The belt of binding fiber not only makes it easier to adjust the camisk to a given girl, but, of course, the binding fiber serves to remind her that she is in bondage. In a moment it may be removed, and she may be secured with it, leashed, or bound hand and foot. The camisk, in its way, is an incredibly attractive garment. It displays the girl, but provocatively. Moreover, it proclaims her slave, and begs to be torn away by the hand of the master. Men thrill to see a girl in a camisk. Secondly, I think Targo gave us camisks to make us even more his slaves. We desperately wanted to have something to cover ourselves, be it only a camsik. That he might take it away if irritated, or dissatisfied with us, made us that the more eager to please him."
- SLAVE GIRL OF GOR, Pg. 64-65
Slave Girdle
The cord which is normally secures a slave's garments is known as a "Slave Girdle." It serves the dual purpose of a belt and when removed, a means to bind the girl.
"The cord over Marcus' shoulder, of course, was the slave girdle, which is used to adjust the garment on the slave. Such girdles may be tied in various ways, usually in such ways as to enhance the occupant's figure. Such girdles, too, like the binding fiber with which the camisk is usually secured on a girl, may be used to bind her."
The 'Ta-Teera' or 'Slave Rag' is perhaps the simpliest of slave garments. It is little more the a scrap of cloth, barely even covering the girl and doing almost nothing to hide her flesh from the eyes of men. It is normally cut in appropriate places, to expose more of the girls flesh, and made to fit her very tightly.
"One of the most exciting slave garments, if a slave is permitted clothing, is the Ta-Terra or, as it is sometimes called, the slave rag. This is analogous to the tunic, but it is little more, and intentionally so, than a rag or rags. In it the girl is in no doubt as the whether or not she is a slave. Some cities do not wish girls in Ta-Teeras to be seen publicly on the streets. Some masters put their girls in such garments only when they are camping, or in the wild. Others, of course, may prescribe the Ta-Teera for their girls when they are within their own compartments."
"Eta pulled at the bit of rag she wore. 'Ta-Teera,' she said. I looked down at the scrap of rag, outrageously brief, so scandalous, so shameful, fit only for a slave girl, which I wore. I smiled. I had been placed in a Ta-Teera. 'Ta-Teera,' I said. I wore the Ta-Teera."
"Joyfully I drew on the garment, slipping it over my head, and fastened it, more tightly about me, by the two tiny hooks on the left. The slit made the garment a rather snug one, easier to slip into; the two hooks, when fastened, naturally increased the snugness of the garment, drawing it quite closely about the breasts and hips, deliciously then, from the point of view of a man, the girl's figure is betrayed and accentuated; also, the two hooks do not close the slit on the left completely, but permit men to gaze upon the sweet slave flesh pent, held captive, within; such a garment, of course, when a man grows weary of having his vision obscured, is easily torn away."
- SLAVE GIRL OF GOR, Pg. 75-76
Slave Silk
Slave Silk is not only a type of material used to make slave garments, but can often refer to a type of garment in itself. Though articles such as slave tunics and Ta-Teera's may often be made of silk, when a master refers to Slave Silk he means a scrap of clothing whose purpose is to garb the girl in an alluring, attractive, and sensual garment. It is normally diaphanous and form fitting, and meant to be pleasing to the eye and to heighten the girl's awareness of her own sexuality.
"I slipped on the bit of silk. I looked in the mirror and shuddered. I had been naked before men, many times, but it did not seem to me that I had been so naked as this. It was Gorean pleasure silk. Not naked, I seemed more than naked."
"Slave Silk, and certainly that sort which is commonly worn in page taverns and upon occasion in brothels, when the girls are permitted clothing there, is generally diaphanous. It leaves little doubt as to the beauty of the slave. Some girls claim they would rather be naked, claiming that such silk makes them 'more naked then naked,' but most girls, and I think, even those, too, who speak in such a way, are grateful for even the wisp of gossamer shielding it provides against the imperious appraisals of masters, even though it must be pulled away or discarded instantly at a man's whim."
- DANCER OF GOR, Pg. 224
"There are a large number of ways in which slave silk is worn. It can be worn, for example, on the shoulder or off the shoulder, with high necklines or plunging necklines, in open or closed garments, tightly or flowing, and in various lengths. Sometimes it is put on the girl only in halters and G-strings, or mere G-strings. Sometimes it is done, too, in strips wound about her body. The tying of slave girdles, with such silk, and otherwise, to emphasize the girl's figure and make clear her bondage, is an art in itself. Often, too, and as usually in paga taverns, it is worn in brief tunics. Most of these are partable or wraparound tunics. Such may be removed gracefuly. Some tunics, however, like some regular slave tunics, have a disrobing loop, usually at the left shoulder, where it may easily be reached by both a right-handed master and a right handed slave. A tug on the disrobing loop drops the tunic to the girl's ankles, also gracefully."
- DANCER OF GOR, Pg. 225
Improvised Slave Garments
"I cut a length from the red bark cloth, about five feet in length and a foot in width. I wrapped it about the sweetness of her slave hips and tucked it in. I pushed it down so that her navel might be well revealed. It is called the ‘slave belly’ on Gor. Only slave girls, on Gor, reveal their navels."
It is not at all uncommon for a master to throw his girl a strip of cloth for her to wrap around herself. This cloth may be a rag, similiar in nature to a Ta-Teera, but may lack any sort of refinement of tailoring at all, even of the most rudimentary nature. Often it will simply be a bolt of cloth, or a strip of garment that is given to the girl to accent her natural features and give something from the master to enjoy ripping from her.
"'Do you understand the meaning of the tuck closing on the skirt?' I asked.
'Master?' she asked.
I then, rudely, tore away the garment, spinning her, stumbling, from me. She gasped, brutally and suddenly stripped. She looked at me, frightened, again maked before her master.
'Do you now understand?' I asked.
'Yes, Master,' she said.
I threw her the garment again.
Hastily she put it on again, not neglecting to thrust it well down on her hips, that the slave belly would be well revealed."

"The cloth of feed sacks, incidentally, though it is coarse cloth, is seldom used for slave garments. The wool of the hurt is usually used for male slave garments; it absorbs perspiration well; and rep-cloth is commonly used for female slave garments; it is quite thin and clings well to the curves of the female body."
"Leather is generally not permitted to slaves. Softer and more feminine fabrics, silk, rep-cloth, and such, often brief and clinging, not only stunningly attractive and aesthetically pleasing, but also indicative of, and reflective of, their subjection to masculine domination, are generally required of them."
"There are many types of slave garments, of course, other than such obvious categories as tunics, camisks and Ta-Teeras. Pleasure silks, in all varieties, and swirling, diaphanous dancing silks, might be mentioned. The leathers forced on the slave maidens of the Wagon Peoples, taught to care for the bosk and please their masters, too, might be called to mind."
Many regions of Gor have they own particular styles of dress regarding that which a slave girl might be given to wear. The design of the actual garments is usually based on the cultural preferences of the given people and the climate in which they live. Though there may be some indigenous styles, as shown below, the common forms shown in "Part I" can still often be found in these areas, where appropriate.
The Common Camisk
Though the actual form of dress is described in the "Common Slave Garments" section, the following quote is worthy of note to those interested in Tharna.
"One city in which the common camisk is favored, generally, is Tharna."
The Turian Camisk
The Turian Camisk, known simply as the Camisk by those of Turia, is an obvious variation on the "Northern Camisk." Though the names are similar, the actual garments seem much different. As stated, it is designed to fit the girl quite snugly, and expose much of her flesh.
"The camisk most commonly found in great Turia, the Ar of the south, is that camisk which Goreans, generally, know as the 'Turian camisk.' Interestingly, in Turia itself, it is known simply as the 'camisk,' and what I have called the common camisk is, in Turia, referred to as the 'Northern Camisk.'"
"The Turian camisk, if it were to be laid out on the floor, would appear somewhat like an inverted 'T' in which the bar of the 'T' would be beveled on each side. It is fastened with a single cord. The cord binds the garment on the girl at three points, behind the neck, behind the back, and in front at the waist. The garment itself, as might be supposed, fastens behind the girl's neck, and, folding the two sides of the T's bar about her hips, ties in front. The Turian camisk, unlike the common camisk, will cover the girl's brand; on the other hand, unlike the common camisk, it leaves the back uncovered and can be tied, and is, snugly, the better to disclose the girl's beauty."
"The Turian camisk is a bit like an inverted 'T,' the bar of which has beveled edges. It goes about the neck, down, low, and is drawn up, and snugly, usually quite snugly, between the legs, the beveled bad ends on the 'T' then being folded closely forward about the girl's flanks and being tied, tightly, at her belly."
The Chalwar is a slave garment of the Tahari. It is a loose fitting pair of diaphanous silk pants, drawn at the waist by a cloth sash. It is baggy and flowing, and is assumed to be similar to the pants worn by "Harem Girls" of Earth. The Chalwar is often accompanied by a silk vest, hemmed to accent the natural features of the wearer.
"From one side a slave girl, barefoot, bangled, in sashed, diaphanous, trousered chalwar, gathered at the ankle, its tight, red-silk vest, with bare midriff, fled to him, with the tall, graceful, silvered pot containing the black wine. She was veiled. She knelt, replenishing the drink. Beneath her veil, I saw the metal of her collar."
"She wore a high, red-silk vest, swelling, fastened with a single hook; diaphanous red-silk chalwar, low on her hips, gathered at the ankles; two golden bangles on her left ankle; collar."
- TRIBESMEN OF GOR, Pg. 156-157
The Haik is a regional style of clothing, women by women of the Tahari. At times, slaves may be clothed in such garments. It covers the woman completely from head to toe, exposing no feature, with even the eyes covered with a fabric which allows the wearer to see, but prohibits the outsider from any sort of view.
"The haik, black, covers the woman from head to toe. At the eyes, there is a tiny bit of black lace, through which she may see. On her feet were soft, black, nonheeled slippers, with curled toes; they were decorated with a line of silver thread."

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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