Joseph Andrew Zuchowski  =

In keeping with the upcoming Yuletide season, I thought it would be good if we all had some good Viking Songs to sing around the hearth, so with that in mind, I have set down these two classic songs to be shared by all, Enjoy.
Vikings Rowed the Boat Ashore-Vikings rowed the boat ashore and sacked the village/Vikings rowed the boat ashore and sacked the village/Erik led the bloody raid and slaughtered many/ Erik led the bloody raid and slaughtered many/ Chorus/Aegir's relgm is chilly and cold, sack the village/ But we cross it to get the gold and sack the village/ Aegir's relgm is chilly and cold sack the village/But we cross it to get the gold and sack the village/Chorus. he nest one is the Twelve Nights of Yuletide- On the First Night of Yuletide Ol' One eye gave to me a Raven in a Yew tree/On the Second Night of Yuletide Ol' One eye gave to me two howling wolves/On the Third Night of Yuletide Old One Eye gave to me three set of runes/On the Fourth night of Yuletide Ol' One Eye gave to me four long boats/On the Fifth Night of Yuletide Ol' One Eye gave to me Five Valkyries/ On the Sixth night of Yule tide Ol'One Eye gave to me six skalds a singing/ On the Seventh Night of Yuletide Ol One Eye gave to me Seven berserkers brawling/ On the Eight Night of Yuletide Ol' One eye gave to me, Eight dwarves a delving/On the Ninth Night of Yuletide ol' One eye gave to me, Nine Volvas Trancing/ On the Tenth night of Yule tide Ol" One Eye Gave to me Ten Jarls a drinking/On the Eleventh night of Yuletide Ol' One Eye gave to me Eleven Giants feasting/ On the Twelfth night of yuletide Ol' One Eye Gave to me Twelve vitkies casting. may we all have a Merry yule. Joe


zool = You begged for it...but it is not 100% clear whether this song already existsed around 1000 a.D. :-) howevr
the text strongly suggest absence of christian influence:)

" Hej tomtegubbar slå i glasen
och låt oss lustiga vara
(repeat once)
En liten tid
vi leva här
med mycket möda och stort besvär
Hej tomtegubbar slå i glasen
och låt oss lustiga vara! "

short translation "tomte - fill the glas and let us be drunk "


nadja belyakova = wenches and mead by alestorm????ha ha just kidding

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ok lets try these links next then


Yule&Winter Songs&Poetry Page



(A Suite of Yule Songs on a separate page:
A selection of below songs for easy singing at short notice)

* Merry Yule and Mothers' Night Michaela Macha
* Frigg Bless Ye Merry Heathen Folk M Odinsdatter
* The Verse of Snow Blennerhassette
* The Wild Hunt Johnny Whitebread
* We Wish you a Merry Yuletide Michaela Macha
* An Ull Yule Drool Doug Freyburger
* The Twelve Days of Yuletide M C Daimler
* Yuletide Blessing Michaela Macha
* On Yulés Night Hildiwulf
* Midwinter Frigga Asraaf
* Sweeter the Songs we are Singing
* Norse Jul Night Rodney Kindlund  
* Asgard´s Drighten Once Looked Out Anna Stockinger
Good Heathen Folk Rejoice Anna Stockinger  
Hark the Heathen Folk Anna Stockinger  
* Masters in This Hall Anna Stockinger
* Nos Galan - “Winter” Anna Stockinger
* Oh Come All Ye Kinfolk  Anna Stockinger
* Sing Aloud on this Day! Anna Stockinger
* The Sussex Carol Anna Stockinger
* Come One, Come All Anna Stockinger
* Weihnachtsspruch Anna Stockinger
* Winter Fulltrui  Stefn Ullarsson Piparskeggr
* Do Not Forget  Johnny Whitebread
* Winter Without End  Justin D. Blackford
* The Coming of the Light Lavrans Karl Reimer-Møller  
* Folkways Juleigh Howard-Hobson  
* The Wild Hunt  Rhonda Turner 
* A Time Has Come
& MP3 Michaela Macha
* The Darkest Midnight in December
& MP3 M. Macha
* Come, All Ye Heathens & MP3 Michaela Macha
* Twelve Nights Berchtwald Hrabanwolf 
* Snow Has Fallen Down Upon Us & MP3 Michaela Macha
* Winter´s Moot  Alan Hodgson 
* Joy to the Worlds
& MP3 Ljón Bragrman
* The Good God Thor & MP3 Diana Paxson
* Yule Night Ann Gróa Sheffield
* Come Away to the Skies & MP3 Michaela Macha
* O Tannenbaum
& MP3 Diana Paxson 
* The Old Year Now Away is Fled & MP3 Michaela Macha
* Hunter´s Moon & MP3 Alwynne
Midwinter Song & MP3 Gudrun Victoria Gotved
* Wild Hunt & MP3 Ljón Bragrman
* Wild Hunt Song & MP3 KveldúlfR Gundarsson
* Yule Log Song & MP3 Jenny Blain
* The Yule Log
& MP3 Diana Paxson
* The Mothers´ Night of Yule
& MP3 Karl Donaldsson  
* O Come, All Ye Faithful  & MP3 Alexis Coleman
* Oh Come All Ye Faithful & MP3 Ljón Bragrman
* In the Bleak Midwinter
& MP3 Mike Hicks
* Chicago Wassail
& Wav Alwynne 
* Hymn to Holla & MP3 Diana Paxson
* O Sun Wheel Bright & MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Ullr´s Yule Gift 
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Yule Feasting Song
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Boar´s Head Carol
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Gloucestershire Wassail
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Gloucestershire Wassail 2
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Gods Bless You, Merry Heathen Folk!
& MP3 W. H. Rose
* The Holly and the Ivy
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Wassail Song
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* We Wish You a Glad Yuletide!
& MP3  Winifred Hodge Rose
* Yrminsul
& MP3 Winifred Hodge Rose
* Rune Gifts Diana L. Paxson

* For Winter Nights Larisa C. Pole
* Yule Sharon Hess

* The Hunter Laurel Mendes
* Hrodulf the Red-Nosed Reindeer Philip Craig Chapman-Bell
* Staffan Stalledräng & MP3 Analemma McKee Burrows
* Vanir Carol
& MP3 Diana Paxson 
* Hearth Justin Douglas Blackford
* Summoning Skadhi  Diana Paxson
* Windwalkers Anonymous
* The Hunt (new myth - prose) Sarah Wassber

* Asgardsreien (The Wild Hunt) 19th c., Johan S. Welhaven
* In the black season of deep winter Celtic poem, 11th century
* Woden Rides  Stormerne Hunt-Anschütz
* Yule Memories  Alan Hodgson

* Yule 2255 re Scot Arnjo 
* Winternight Poem Ingeborg S. Nordén
* The Hunt Rides Tonight  Laure Lynch
* First Song for the Midwinter Sacrifice Ingeborg S. Nordén
* Winter Analemma McKee Burrows
* Wodan´s Hunt KveldúlfR Gundarsson
* Silent Sleeps Lori Brown-Scheel  
* Dark Time Jenny Blain 
* Skadhi  Rhiana
* The Deepest Night 
& MP3 Dan Miller
* Etin of Ice Clyde Silbernagel
* A Viking Christmas Carol Anonymous 
* A Nordic Yule Michael G. Tucker
* A Heathen in New Zealand Matt Kiessling 
& Midi
* Holy Tidings for the Yule Steve Sherill 
* `Twas the Night Before Yule  Scot Arnjo

* Vetrsongr (Wintersong) HrappR Normansson 
* Ice Storm Alwynne 
* A Yule Poem Alexa Duir
* Winter Jim Davis
* Prayer to Frigga Laurel Mendes
* Winter-Nights Rhonda Turner

* Ode to a Hunting God Cullyn Ullrson
* Whoever First Quenches the Flames Sorn Skald 
* Prayerful Words to Uller - A Visit Stefn Ullarsson Piparskeggr
* Uller Bede Stefn Ullarsson Piparskeggr 
* Ullr Jeff Burke
* Eldest Place Known Stefn Ullarsson Piparskeggr 
* Winter´s Shadow Joe Mandato
* Skadhi´s Forest Winifred Rose 
* Invocation to Skadhi  Alice Karlsdóttir 
* An Invocation to Skadhi  Ann Groa Sheffield
* Collecting Maple Sap at Ravenstead   Jonathan Cyr
* Runes in Stone Eric Wolfsbane
* The Chasing of Sol Jim Davis 
* Lakeside Hunter  Jon Cyr
* Bring Us Good Mead trad./Michaela Macha
* When Yule Fires Burn Slaeghunder
* Walpurgisnacht Ayla Wolffe
* Merry Yuletide Karl Donaldsson
* Yule Fires Diana Paxson
* Yule Blessing Michaela Macha
* Twelfth Night K. C. Hulsman
* Winter Grass Kolag Hraban
* Good Heathens All Michaela Macha
* The Yule-Tree is Big Michael Schütz
* Let´s Be Happy and Rejoice Michaela Macha
Silent Night, Yulé Night Michaela Macha

Yule Song suggestion: "God Bless Us Every One" - Simply replace "God" with "Gods"! Idea for adaptation by Diana Paxson.
Original lyrics by Glen Ballard, Alan Silvestri. Sound track from “A Christmas Carol” 2009, sung by Andrea Bocelli.


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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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