Linking your favorite traveling artists across the globe
1 Reaction Brynhild king
Hertryggur another king . He ruled the east of Russia . That is a great country and a number of settlements and lies between Hunland, and Garden State. He was married . He had two daughters. Each of which was named Hild . They were friendly and good mood reviewed and were honorably up food. The king loved his daughters .
One time bar That tidings that the king went hunting , but in the old Hild hnotskóg and women respectively. She was called Brynhild . It now came to her that she got used to the Knights of sports. Now they expect the world out of the woods , came a heavy door that is the hjasi called forward at them. It was tall and cruel . That the longest of the animal 's age , and it is this old saying that he who is old , one is elderly hjasi . That is the mood that glatúnshundr and has big ears so that they study the earth . But when they saw the animal , which ran his hand , but the animal king seized and plunged into the forest , and the women told the world the news . The king was very sorry and sets search, and found it nowhere. Came no one that he knew where to be said. Here fades over the second , and the time draws near to Christmas .
2 Reaction Grade Hild and by Asmund
At Christmas the king sumptuous feast . Hild was in junior embroidery and sat in the chamber, and it was called Hild Grade . She was wise . The first day of Christmas the king sent his daughter , and now she lives themselves and their sheds islands, and walk out strætit , and follow them sæmiligir hofmenn . And when they were come to the gardener ever heard the noise and saw a large flying one menacingly gamma. Sýndust them his wings spread over the city , and came a great darkness , but the gamma was king and flew away with it , but struck and killed two of her servants , but all were afraid menacingly .
Came the news now in the palace , and the king became very sad . He said : " Late wants from start of the casualties that we receive . Likes I will not understand that , what the monsters will be available . Therefore, they may carry my words , that each , the participants would work to my daughters at looking after them , then the person who finds them , hold them , and a third of my state , but if they are found dead , the person having the best jarlsdóm in my country and the wedding , he will. "
But many said that much would be given out , as would a lot at work. Feel now Christmas, and went every man to his own home , and it seems many high price this news .
Joint now winter and the following summer , and at late autumn bar until things happened that there was a ship of small stature , but all gold dwelt above the sea . There were also thirty men and servants at besides. The king was in the harbor. They went to the king and greeted him. He welcomed greeting them and asked who they were, but he said Asmund called and called berserks death, for they were .
" How old are you man ? " said the king .
" Sixteen years , " said Asmund .
'You shall have I seen Stan , " said the king, " at that age , or where you are at here? "
" Or war, " said Asmund , "but now it's at winter, and we will have a nature reserve here in winter . Lacking us no money at present to beware men . "
The king said that he was ready . Asmund panic move addresses of their ship , and they were gotten modestly luxurious room at his store soda, but typically drank Asmund the royal palace. Hugnaðist he settled there well and his men.
3 From Egil handed
Then Asmund had been there a month, it happened one day that the king sat drinking , men came into the hall eighteen in all very wounded . His name was Rognvald , for they were , land defender of the king. He saluted the king . King took his greeting well , and asked why he had so harðliga the games .
" There was a man in one 's severed from your land , " said Rognvald . "He called Egil . He is ill to manage the property. He robbed land severed from your , I went to meet him , and I had five ships well , but Egil had one vessel and the thirty men. I thought me I have his life in my hands but so did the sense that I was on the run , and they killed two of my all beyond these. but Egil that has a second hand and is called Egil claimed an end , and he wins more victory with them, far . is there dwelt one sword , and when it dwarfs construction, and is locked at the top úlflið , but his pass hit no men .
"Did Rognvald them sit and fell down dead . King said: " It may be I not endure , that you are óhefnt . "
Asmund replies, "So I meet most wage thee good cheer at finding Egil then. "
"That I will gladly , " said the king , "and have as much point as you wish . "
" I am not wont to increase the force with an equal number of men , " said Asmund , "but if Egil has more teams, then the population will give us . "
4 Match Egil Ásmundur
Asmund went to meet him, and asked his men rowing arm themselves at them. Egil was not himself quite a match and asked who did so until a valid atróðr .
Asmund said to himself , - " And I have an errand to thee . "
" Let me hear it," said Egil .
"I want to swap weapons with you , " said Asmund , "and give the sword tournament Oxum . "
" We will not deny that , " said Egil , " or great money on shipping your band ? "
Asmund said not to be , - " We will not provide any where that you are , or what I would wish you a king's a robbery ? "
" For we are not used to, " said Egil, ' put the money , although young men take a slátrsauði . "
" Then we shall look after , " said Asmund , " the king sent me on your head . "
He will have you dead then , "said Egil , 'and gerumst rather foster brothers and kill the king and walk at his own daughters . "
"It is the solution for , " said Asmund , "because they have been stolen from him. "
"That is damaged , if they like fighting die down , " said Egil , 'and fight the two either. "
Asmund said of the album. They now go ashore to try their sport, and it was covered with soldiers on them, and in the evening they sat in samdrykkju and slept through the night .
In the morning they took Egil and Asmund weapons and fought mightily , and he shields þrimr corrupted the two, for others. Was the sun in full south .
Egil said: "Do you own this grim game anymore? "
"It is still quite tired, " said Asmund , " and not to the king adopt fulfilled his mission , if we hazards after doing this . "
"You will have , " said Egil .
" How old are you man ? " said Asmund .
" Eighteen years , " said Egil .
"Take your weapons , if you want to live long , " said Asmund .
They fight another round , and it seems increasingly that they are certain about death , which is to blow .
And the sun is back in útsuðr , Egil said: ' I 'm better at me and stop this game. "
" Fear you went to , " said Asmund . He had gotten a wound .
"Be thee , then, ' said Egil .
They then sought a third time. Asmund had not a second at making the spare them, and now he had gotten three wounded . He saw now that after doing this will not suffice , throws his sword and ran at Egil . One will now hand the poor , and they received around the stadium, but so came Egil fell. Had two, burst helmet by others.
" I am not bothered , " said Asmund , "that bite channels in your throat , is my sword is removed. "
" Whoever you are now the best, " said Egil .
"That will now become overweight , " said Asmund .
Then he ran for his sword and rushed at Egil , and he was so calm that his hair was normal.
Asmund said, " No one you like his , Egil . Stand up now , and I will now offer that which you have already Bodin me that being your foster-brother . "
" It seems to me that , " said Egil, ' then I'll be at the wage you lífgjöf . "
" I will not kill you, " said Asmund , "but this I , that thou go with me to the king. "
Came the men of both parties and asked them to be reconciled . Addressing those in hands and swear brotherhood configuration by ancient custom .
5 The members found Arinnefju
They now live tour and came to make sure the king. Asmund greeted the king , who welcomed him and asked whether he had been found in Egil handed .
Asmund said he found , - "and I have never seen sinking man , and he wants to go now instead of Ragnvald and sense both, to defend your country. "
"If you want to sell me your faith , " said the king, " that ye walk in his place, then I will take the place of ye both . "
Asmund said That will do . Egil was then called , and they played Asmund landwardens king and sat there for the winter .
At Christmas the king had friend invitations , Christmas Day and the first king asked whether some one would come there , that he could tell what happened remembered by his daughters , but it could no be said. King declared that the terms which he had done.
Egil said : 'That was brave warriors good money at work. "
After Christmas, every man to his home.
When the middle of winter was over , they put Egil and Asmund his ship at sea and chose the four men and twenty , but he vowed Víglogi that they set for them, the rest were , but they said they would seek the king's daughters and not come back until they felt liege life or death. They sailed to sea and certain age where they should go. Explored the islands and outlying reefs and mountain settlements , and went so all summer , but when winter they were come north at Jötunheim , and they went where the forest one and remained there for and set up their ship .
They told his men that they would be staying there for the winter. " Let's Egil , " said Asmund , " this land , but if we did not come back next summer , let you go, wherever ye describe. "
They go the forest and shoot animals and birds for food . They were on the verge , so that for months on end , and sometimes had no food . One time they came to the valley alone. On one of the islands there and smooth, but up over the wood and hammers . There they saw many goats and fat goats . They drove together the treasure and took one fat goats and said duty cut him, and then they hear kvæklat up above them . Then jumped off all goat glands , and the solutions were goats . They saw a swarm end up in the cliff . That was more than the height of the transverse direction . It was so that an alarm bell , and asked what was so bold that would steal Hatr queen.
Asmund said, "Who are you, in fair and in bólfimliga , or where the Queen rules over you ? "
" I Skinnnefja name , " she said , "but my mother Arinnefja . She is the queen here Jötunheim and generates dose away from here . Attend ye find it rather than steal. "
" Frankly, you say , 'said Asmund . He took them and gave fingrgull Skinnnefju .
"There is no doubting that I accept , " she said , "that you, for I know that my mother said that that is hvílutollr mine. "
"No I wont take back that which I have given , " said Asmund , "but will accept a sense that you and left us both a favor. "
Then she went home before and finds his mother. The old woman asked why she was so late. She said she found two men direct needs , - "and gave me one was gold and bade me bring them to the night."
"Why the gold ? " she said.
"I intended to reward with you , " said Skinnnefja .
"Why Batt not go hither ? " said the old woman .
"I could not tell how you were given on that , " she said.
"Command them hither , " said the old woman .
Skinnnefja ran once and said: " My mother told ye both come to him. Shall ye be tidings of relief . Much she may realize that most do. "
Now find the woman . She asked his name . They told the truth . Old woman kept staring at Egil . They said they did not have likewise evaluation of seven days . His wife was at that slide milk . She had fifty goats , and cows that mjólkuðu . She had a large pot , and took him all the milk. She had hveitiakr large . Took it there so much flour that she did every day porridge in the kettle , and they had this for viðrlífis .
" You , Skinnnefja , " she said , "Take rice and made a fire brenniligan . Much not too well- plagued , although they eat porridge . "
Skinnnefja had haste. But the woman told them to tighten , that first materials available . He stated the flesh of animals and birds.
The old woman said, " Let not the sound , though not to be so well- plagued as they should. Much long before the porridge is ready, and speak to biographical site, Asmund , but let Egil we take, but then I will entertain a borðprýði from what has come over me , and at me curious to know what family , or what ye are the voyages thick lives . "
6 From Aran and Asmund
Asmund took the word: " Ottar was the name of the king . He ruled Halogaland . Sigrid named his queen , the daughter of Earl Ottar of Jutland in Denmark . They had one son. Whoever named Asmund . He was tall . , He got used to the sport , and then he was twelve years old , he was thought of delivering all who were there . Helt him many playmate .
One time, when they were ridden in the woods , found Asmund one district. He let his dog with him. The army ran away , and the dogs could not let him . Asmund did not give up until the horse then fell from weariness . He ran and chased the animal with dogs . Completed so that the army swooped down over the sea cliffs . He returned to the horse and found him not. By then evening . Asmund was sleeping through the night , the morning fog had come so dark that he knew not where he came .
For three days he got lost in the woods . Then he saw a man walking against a large and comely in a scarlet robe , but the hair as yellow silk. No one thought Asmund oriented person must have seen . Greets the other two, now . Asmund asked him his name. He said he called Arana , son of the king of Tattaríá redness , - " I have been in the military . "
" How old are you? " said Asmund .
" Twelve years , " said Arana .
" There will no more do too , " said Asmund .
" No I was there like his , " said Arana , "and the oath I vowed to not come back until I had been found of my age and also at sports. Currently I have news for singles is called Asmund , son of King of Halogaland , can you tell me somewhere at him , for I am told that there will dose between people ? "
" That person I know germs, " said Asmund , "and he now speaks with you .
" It goes to ashes , " Arana said , " and we can now test our Thing-men sense gymnastics . " Asmund said he was ready .
Then they committed all sports , the young men were frequent in those days , and they were so equal that no one could see in between . Then they took their arms , and were harder turmoil with them, and could not will do, where was stronger , and he did so , they were both a mother.
Then spoke to Asmund Aranda : " There shall sense weapon replacement test , because that gets damaged us both . I wish, that we sverjumst brotherhood that shall avenge the other two, and have the money together , and gotten ófengit . "
That followed and their oaths , that the two, who lived longer , would make nest mound after another , and let there for as much money as they honor . Then , the person surviving abstain from the dead three nights in a pile and then go off if he wanted to ; aroused the blood and were then converge. Think that people that juveniles. Aranda asked him now to go to the ships with him, and see his journey bloom. And seeing that Asmund was in Jutland fear Earl , his mother's father , he Arana advice.
7 death Aran
They now go to the Aran ships , and they were ten boys with good longitudinal appointed. Aranda gave Asmund half men and ships. Asmund prayed that they would sail to Helgeland , and he would have from his men and ships. Aranda said he will first sail to his country and come to Halogaland so that citizens could see that they would not stick men. Asmund asked him for advice. Then they sailed to sea, and gave them a good breeze . Asmund asked whether redness king should not have more children .
Aranda said that he had a son who was called Herraud , daughter of the king of the Huns land, - " he is both sinking man and popular, and he stood for the state to Hunland . Father of his two brothers . Called other Hærek , the other Siggeir . they are also evil berserks manageability and possess no charm blessed by their citizens. king has great confidence in them , because they do what he wants. lies in warfare , and the king valuable thing . "
Is now unable on their journey until they arrive at ports Rodin king. Saw they float twelve warships and two dragons so friendly that they saw no such. There were two brothers come from outside the African country. Bola was named Bear , and the other indicator. Gorm Earl named his father . They had killed the king and Rodin spent throughout the land, and made great bulwarks .
When they became sworn brothers overheard this , yet they provide the trumpets . But when the nation became aware that Aranda had come at him múgr distribution and crowded . Vikings drive ships, and managed both hard fighting and loss of life , and that was a long time that no one could see between them . Aran jumped ship to Bola Bjorn and rushed fixed , and jumped up before him. Bola Björn settled against him . Aran struck his bare bald head , but no sword browsing , but duptit flew from bald , and jumping sword asunder the hilt . Bola Bjorn struck against shield Aranda and clove him at length , and gave Aran great wound in the chest . Routing solutions anchor lying on the deck and grabbed the Aran it up and ran head Bola Bjorn , so that flyin sank , and Arana pulled him off the table , and he sank to the ground.
Indicator jumped ship to Asmund and shot at him two halberd term. Asmund shot did for others, and ran it through the shield and the arm Ásmundur front elbow , so that the straight position . Another halberd Asmund took the air and pushed back on the index and hit him in the mouth , so that came out of the neck and on my skaptit . Halberd ran siglutréit , so that went far up the blade , and hung indicator since dead. After that the Vikings gave up, but Arana killed all overboard , came into the city , and celebrated the nation Aran , and were bound wounds , but then Aran given the title of king . He let them understand their days Ásmundur and gave him half of all himself .
But they had not been home a full month , then became prey Aran died one day when he walked into his house . Was then dwelt on his body after their faith . Asmund had nest mound from him and put him in his horse with saddle and bridle , logo and all armor , hawk and dog . Aran sat on a chair in all armor .
Asmund did move his chair in a pile and sat on . Haug alarm was shut . But ina first night rose Aran of pride and killed a hawk and the dog and ate them both . The next night was Arana up and killed the horse and shattered teeth and took a lot of running and eating horse , so that the blood fell on his jaws . He invited Asmund to eat with them , but Asmund was silent. Ina third night Asmund took at drowsiness . Was he not aware of this before, but we Aranda grabbed his ears and pulled them both from him . Asmund drew his sword and cut the head of Aran . He took fire and burned to ashes Aran , then went to the rope . He was then pulled up , but the pile stops shut up , and Asmund had a treasure that was proposed in the pile .
8 Asmund killed berserks
A little later the Asmund Congress with the locals and asked what they wanted to keep it, they Arana had bound together , but they were there to vary . Those men who had given Aran Asmund , wanted him to follow . This was the closest colors to the sea , and they saw the ship sail to the land , and had come the brothers berserk legs Hærek and Siggeir , and everyone thought that evil . Asmund offered them their pastors , but none that were to rise up against them . Asmund went to their ships with his men .
When berserk legs knew the news , there were words , they called their country. Asmund said that their privacy Aranda and called a half land . Berserker Harriers have begged him off , if he wanted to stay alive. Asmund offered a duel where, as he would, and there lay the land , but they roared against and urged his men to arm themselves , and then the battle with them. Asmund had fewer men , the citizens dared him not at provide. Asmund struck them all , and he was arrested. By then the evening . They were of one mind that the morning would cut him on the mound Aranda and give it to Odin to conquer them. He was then tied to the wind axis , while the men went out to the country and slept through the night in the camp and bound their wounds . The brothers lay in a small tent not far from the camp , and few men with them.
Now to tell Asmund , he sat up with the wind axis. He saw the iron gate one , stood out from out of the wind axis. There had come a great hit , and got the edge úfr windy . Since gner Asmund the cord and cut it up into pieces, because jarnit was windy . Asmund was the solution . Now he broke the shackles of his feet . Wind parts of the country . Asmund struck string , and drove the boat up to the wood , and then the Asmund the country . It came into his mind that provoke somewhere with Berserk before he went into the forest . Ella goes to the tent where they slept , and integrating them tjaldit . They sprang up, who were inside , and they became the remote output , for tjaldit became involved for them. Asmund struck in the head Hærek and cleaved down the teeth . Siggen came out and tried to run into the forest . Asmund ran after him . Siggen stumbled , but Asmund struck him on the ridge below that which he was mjóstr , and took him apart. Asmund went into the forest . He had killed ten men with berserks .
Sought him, but found him not , but ere the ending was there, came Herraud king with twenty ships , and were all glad to see him . He had asked all the news that there had been before , but then he had the Congress and the nation declared his assets in the country and asked the receipt , but no one spoke of the tournament , and he was made king over all the land , but the people who berserks had followed , were driven off , but Herraud took their money .
Then Asmund came to meet Herr wealth . He saluted the king . Herraud asked who he was. He told the truth . Herraud asked whether he had killed berserk . He said it was true .
" Then why do you come to meet me ? " he explained.
"I saw my no better, " said Asmund , "but then I thought me I will kill your bacon in the lettuce . Because I went on thee , that I knew that I would not be able to avoid you , now will I know my item , Who should be . : I shall protect me as long as I can , if I am alive at release , but receive better benefits , if awarded . "
" News I have a comment, you Arana , " said Herraud , "and I 'm good at taking thee fallen brother instead , for much harm spirits seemed to me intentional , is berserk springs were killed "
Then Asmund with Herr wealth, and made them well. Then Asmund asked him to give him a ship and wants to go to war, and asked him to pick Herraud both ships and men, so many that I would and asked him to sit with him an hour that he wanted. Asmund chose thirty men of his force , and had one vessel . They parted with friendship and promised that they would meet the brothers , wherever they met . They called him now Ásmundur berserks death , and last until now my story , that I , this same Asmund . "
" It seems to me your story , " said the old woman , 'and what are suffering now porridge , Genta ? "
" Now it's on the field, " said Skinnnefja .
" Far will then , had not prepared for , " said the queen, " or what do you say to Egil ? "
9 Egil was in the service of the giant
" This is the beginning of my story, " said Egil, ' Hring named king . He ruled Smaland . Inga promised his wife . Bjarkmars She was the daughter of the Earl of Gautland . They had two children . Egil named their son , but Æsa daughter . Egil grew up with his father's , until he was twelve years old. he was a big and unruly , headstrong and rebellious . he companions of boys and lay out a forest fire at animals and birds. much water was in the woods and they were there for many islands . as they went aboard the swimming equation , because the miscreants himself much with sports.
One time Egil spoke about them , which extend would be able to track in the lake , for so it was a long victory in the island , which was the first country that it saw not , off they went up in high trees . Now they lie on the lake , and were together thirty . Should there be every after , he was willing to go no further . They now lie on the lake , and were some of the sound very broad . Egil was quick other men in the alley , and no one could follow him. And when they were far from the land descended , the fog was so dark that no one else, and made the cold wind . They now strayed apart, and did not know Egil what became of his men . He now wandering around the lake two standards Daegu . He came in to land and power was so drawn that he was at a crawl on land , and pluck him on his moss and lay there all night , but that morning he was somewhere warm .
Came out of the field giant one great . He stood up under his hand and said: "That is well , Egil , that we have here been found. Has two advantages thee out of my hand , liege , that I 'll kill you, elligar other that you keep goats less, so long as I live, and I swear that there oath .
" That should Egil stayed , because it was out of bundle at their disposal.
So the number of days' journey to where they came to the cave , the giant had for that advice. The giant had a hundred goats goats and many others. Had he would stand down in their laws, they would age would be. Egil took the money storage, and were goat glands Ospak . Went on like this for long. And when Egil had been twelve months, then he ran away once . But the giant was aware of this order , he went after him because he was so many people knew that he followed the footprints also at sea as the snow . The giant cave he found one . Now he had four days off been.
The giant said that he had done worse than he had understood . " So now , " he said , "have this, you are worse. "
Then he took two stones , and vagus half wetted both . There were afflicted with járnhespur . He locked them at the feet Egil and said that he would pull this . This effort had Egil seven years old, the giant was so aware of this about him , he saw his age would kill him on .
10 Egil escaped from giants
It was once Egil went in search of their goats . He found a cat in the jungle. Egil could and got the cat home with him . Now he came home late in the evening . Then had fallen false on fire. The giant asked why he had come so late , but Egil said he should be ready to light the corridor , but said the goat glands throughout the channel .
" Mik surprised , " said the giant , "that you find this, you are looking at , in the dark. "
" The gold cause my eyes , " said Egil .
" Do you have other eyes than those which I have seen ? " said the giant .
" On I guess , " said Egil .
" Show me , " said the giant , " this treasure . "
" Robbed me of them then not," said Egil .
"I will not benefit at them, " said the giant .
" No benefit them , " said Egil , "unless I live for . "
Then he stood up, looked positioned balance . Saw the giant cat in glyrnur Committee over the fire , and it was the stars shine .
" These are beautiful and smooth objects , " said the giant , "or will you sell me your eyes ? "
" Then I worse Stores for," said Egil , "but if you want to give me the freedom and resolve the fetters of me , then I will sell you my eyes . "
"Will you be so to the song , " said the giant , "that will benefit me at ? "
" We engaged will I seek , " said Egil , "but leg hurts , you will adopt , " said Egil, ' resistant atgerðirnar , since spring price to high Will and living there , they should be available . Shalt they always take away , then describes , and not a set, until the dark is , and I will bind thee here by the pillar . "
" Then you'll kill me , " said the giant , "and is this vile . "
"That I will not do, " said Egil .
This they buy . Giant now takes him reeling .
"Now you have done well , " said Egil , " as I will now promise you that I shall serve you as long as you live. "
Then tie Egil giant and took one more tvíangaðan and chases in both eyes, giants , so that they lie on the cheek . We engaged the giants became so bad that he drew so strongly that he broke off all ties and fumbled to Egil, and tore him all over the harbor.
" Now you're given a solution, " said Egil , "in the eyes of gold fell into the fire, and their nýtr now neither of us. "
"Ill have you mock me , " said the giant . " Please hold starve here now and never come out . "
Ran the giant door and sets them back mightily . Egil now thinks badly . He is so four nights in the cave , he gets no food , because the giant reservoir at the cave. Now it is to be his counsel, he should kill the biggest goats and fleas off his belly and goes himself, and at the seams as narrow dark .
In the fourth morning he was driven to the door goats . The giant had pricked thumb up under the brow , and took them into the smallest on top þresköldinn , and had goats at slip in his hand , and hlammaði much of the cave floor.
The giant said, " The wind knows now that cracks in the hoofs of kjappa me."
Now slide out between goats for him. Egil went last , and did not hear his cleft running .
" You hokrar you now , Horn Skeggi , " said the giant , "and rather thick on the shoulders . "
He took the thrust both hands , but Egil drew with so hard that it tore hafrstakan , and he was available.
"Lucky that now that I was blind , " said the giant , "and is this bad, that we let so understand that you have to found again , so long as you have served me , and will appreciate whatever gold ring here now . "
It was a great treasure . Egil seemed fair circle adapter and go for contrast. But the giant found that he was in the ring, then he pulled at him, and struck him Egil ear it right . Egil enjoyed it that the giant was blind. Egil struck by giants right hand and got the ring.
"Now I shall keep my word , " said Egil , 'and killed thee not . Shall live with the sorrows and your ending is the worst , the last came over thee . "
Parted , and he went he away. He lay there on the forests. When he came forward out of the woods , there were several Viking him . Named one of citizens, for the ruled . Egil went to be with them, and turned into bravest man . They were in the war in the summer . They fought the Swedes impaired berserk on , the Glam One was . He was ideal weapon , one brynþvara , and could vote for a man , when he knew his name . But already in the early battle Glam A man jumped ship to the city and laid brynþvaranum through him. Egil was standing near , and had broken the shaft of his spear . He raised spjótskaftsbrotit and drove to Glammaði ear , so that he flew overboard , and sank Glam man and brynþvarinn , and neither came up. The Vikings gave up now . Do they now Egil his ruler , and he chose from them twelve men and twenty. Fought Egil now to the east , and carried much of note in his warfare.
11 Egil lost his hand
One night was Egil port prop, and gave him no sail . He went ashore alone. He came to a clearing in the woods . He saw a great hill one crib and one woman trolls . They fell one gold ring , and she became a habit for him power , and he went hrakliga with it, and could see where manageability great color creation, because it was backed dressed. She stuck the ring, to the degree possible . Egil struck the giant , and came on the shoulder . The giant turned against , and returned his sword down on his arm and took out aflvöðvann , and that was as much of a piece , that one man could not lift more . The giant struck Egil and his hand with úlfliðinn and took off. Fell on the ground , both hands and sword . The giant made ready to provide the second hit . Egil saw no other choice but to escape that . The giant chased him to the wood , and they parted , and Egil came before the forest . He came now to his men so that by the hand of his . They then sailed away from there.
Egil got a lot of work in hand. But the two nights were passed , he came into port one , and stayed there for the night. Egil could not borne of work . And he arose out of the bed , and went aboard a forest. He came at grade one . It seemed to him that he was most at Wank have his hand down the doctors and let a stream play 's wound. Then Egil saw , out of the stone where one was a dwarf child. That fetched water in the jar . Egil took fingrgull from his teeth , and had run a shelter for the child , but it ran into the stone.
A little later came the dwarf and asked where the man was , you would have soothed her child . Egil said to him, and said a little trouble should be gold, while he was þanninn following .
"I know that 's bad , " said the dwarf , "and ride with me into stone. "
Egil did so . Took dwarf those that bind the stump , and took out the entire work , and it was healed in the morning . Took dwarf those that construct him a sword , but from the hilt he hid so long that took up the elbow , and there could be tension at , and it was thus possible that Egil cut by the sword as a whole could handle. The dwarf gave him a lot of good grip , and they parted with friendship. Went he to his men . Ok now ended so my story at once , "said Egil , 'that I was in that same Egil now I have told for a while. "
"In the great puzzles seems to me you have come , " said the queen, " or what weareth now porridge , Genta ? "
"I believe that he is fullvelldr , " she said , " but he is so hot, he is no man of edible , while he is so . "
'It is much closer , "said the queen ," that it is cooled, when I told my adventure , because not much has drifit over me . "
12 From Arinnefju and her sister
" Öskruðr named giant , " she said. " He came out Jötunheim . Fore named his queen . They were his brothers Gaut and Hilda . My father , Öskruðr , and mother had eighteen daughters , and I was the youngest of them, and it was the talk of all that I would expect of a them. my father and mother were both sick and died , and they were tyrfð and outer space , but we sisters took up all the liquid , but they Gaut and Hilda had the land , and they were hardly agree .
My father had three advantages treasures . It was a corner , and the tables and gold rings. The brothers took the horn and taflit of us sisters , but that ring could sense remained , and the qualities of a good grip. My sister wanted to invite me over , and I had one serving at all , but if I said the contrary, they beat me. I thought me then I'll never be able to be. I named them daring to give him Hafr him that he would pick, but he was equal with us sisters.
Thor came to spring . He slept with my sister inside the oldest and lay with her that night , but the sisters envied her and killed her in the morning . Thus did Thor with all my sisters , he was all of them , and they were all killed, but it may each of them to speak to others, if any would be the Audi at a child of Thor that he would neither grow nor thrive well . Then Thor was with me and made me of this girl , now may ye see here , and now it hrinit it, they asked , for she is now bred smaller than when she arrived . Thor gave me all inherited the sisters . He has always been my assistance ago. I took them for me all the money. Attended me now so high fret , I thought me that I should live without man may .
Hring son was king of Smaland . He alone so I saw a man that I liked . Acts then I go to my meeting with him, but he was gone to Gautland to ask Ingibjargar daughter Bjarkmars Earl . I transfer them to come, and I came to Gautland . Dialed the king to drink then their wedding , and I was , the bride should be the lead. I Lögðumst them down on strætit , and I intended to give it some vélendi , but she saw me first and kick his legs to me and broke both my femurs . She was then led into the palace and put in his place . I came into the hall, and I was at a fly , and I went up to her clothes , and meant that I rip it to death on the scrotum . She knew me when , and runs knífskaft its page me and broke three of my ribs , and I was to take care to go away.
Joint now during the day, and was brúðrin led to the bed , and then the bridegroom brought out . I took him in my arms , and I thought me I run forward a sea cliff , and I intended to drink it , so that none should go and enjoy it. But when I I thought me dropping it down the rocks , it was no better than so that I throw him up over fortjaldit , and he came down in bed with the doll, but I was captives spared loose, and Matt then I'll never escape. Duty then I solve my life , and duty I go out into the world and apply three option treasures : the mantle of those who did not could be burned in the fire , and the horn which Aldrig would be up by drunk, and pieces of this, which itself leaked on when any leaked concerned.
13 puzzles Arinnefju
And when I am in the home, and I came clever king, and gave I him sixty goats and pounds of gold and bought I so horn , but the Queen was over poison drink for twelve barrels a cup, and drank fain for its obligations , and I have then had some little heartburn. From there I went to Lúkánusfjall . There I found three women , if so be called , since I was a child with them for growth. They had taflit at store . I could got the part because of them, but they missed and found me and asked me lay back taflit , but I told them we were That should do, and I asked one of them take me and lay there under taflit , but I load my gold . They thought that no overwhelming odds . Ran one on me and grabbed my hair and pulled me from the other side stalks and hence all vangafilluna and it left ear . Was it me harðtæk . I was not before , and I ran a finger into her eyes , and I locked them both out of the forehead . I touched it to the swing , and fastened her foot cliff erosion, and I snapped out of her eye men , and did so with us both . Anna r leapt at me and drove his fist on the nose of me and broke my nose, and deemed it a few small blemishes on me then , and there followed three tenn glands , but I grabbed the breasts of her, and pulled I have both of her down at sternal ribs . There followed , and with magállinn and entrails . Then rushed at me in the third , and was the least of her. I was going at the plug out of her eyes inside the previous , but she bit off my two fingers. I played it then hælkrók , and she fell right back . She then asked me for mercy , but I said, that she could not have a life outside it would get me all taflit , but she stayed that no . I then gave her a stick , and she gave me a parting glass , and is involved with them natural that anyone who looked into that , they may be like his , which I will , but If I wish, then I must be on let the blind , in liters.
Now I went down into the deep, to seek the cloak . I found the prince of darkness . When he saw me , he said to me associated with . It seemed to me that would be Odin , because he was einsýnn . He asked me own cloak , if I would like it to work at applying it thither , as she was. Was thither to leap over a great bonfire . I was first with Odin , and I ran them over the pyre , and I got the cloak , and then I then loose skin around your figure . I went after doing back home . I found the ring, Ingibjorg , and I recognized the grip, and we did not until I swore to avenge this age. I then went home glad no errand , and I will remember them ina gausku Mary, while I may live , but from smáleikum them, as I refer to my brothers , I will later say , or what weareth now porridge , Genta ? "
"I believe that he is now hófliga hot, " she said.
"Carry him hither then , " said the old woman .
Then they finished their meal , and it was the foster-brothers obtained a blanket , and slept through the night .
14 Egil got back his hand
The next morning they woke up early brothers . Woman came to them , and they asked how the words were, but she said that they could stay there the next day . Then they arose and dressed himself , and his wife was now off most of all . So they went to eat . Had the old woman now , and good beer matgerð . Asked the old woman now , what they were going to go or what errand they should . They said it now all their errand and asked her if she could not realize at the do, what happened was of the daughters of the king Archives .
" I do not know , " she said , " what ye both prices by Audi at achieving them, but this I will first say ye both , that after the death of the giant Öskruðs them were the brothers could not agree whether the king should be. Both thought they had to come . Came that along with them , that he should be king , as a nice king could be gotten and pastures, and went Gaut home first and took Hilda ina older daughter Archives king, but Hildir went out and took Grade Hilda, and they are now both here in Jötunheim but it seems to me not sure about whether it is available for free , but now in the winter at Christmas at a wedding toast , and have them all together at trolls come and judge where they sisters Hagar . "
" Much improved now , " said Asmund , " the sense we know where they are down yet, and would account for much , if you were with me and assistance . "
"So at one 's kinship was strong , " she said , "that I am on the colors nice up at exalted, if not enjoyed more human virtue smaller than the fundamentals , but here will ye rest today , and I will show ye both in the treasuries of my . "
They were well pleased . But the tables were taken down , the woman led them afhelli great . There were many coffins inside , and she finished them up , and were there many good trinkets and scarce . They thought it was good in that look . Then he took his wife up one ashen . She finished it up , and taught at a good fragrance . Egil knew where his hand and the gold that it was supposed to be at . It seemed to him a hot hand , and steamed off, and blood vessels fullest .
The old woman said, " you get something himself happiest , Egil , identify hand ? "
" At this verse , " said Egil , 'and I teach this gold , my mother gave me , or how did you get at your hand ? "
" I could say to you , 'said the old woman . " Gaut , my brother came to me and asked to buy at my gold ring into good , that I would not sell him. A little while later, my daughter went to the goats , he came at her and gave her a drink that she cried Jeff and should age may be comforted , until I recognized her thither round the hill , she was lying . but then I came with the ring , Gaut was there and wanted to take off my ring , but I spornaða to, and were with me and turbulence intensity. When we lay , that I lose the ring Munda , a man came out of the woods , and it seemed to me like his you , Egil . much he struck the giant hit, but the giant cut off his hand , but then they ran to the woods , and I took his hand , and have I kept it since , and laid I in life grasses , so that she could not die . seems to me to compare with us two , Egil, that you remember this man must have been , or will dare that I wake up to and carry I me at a profit at hand ? "
"I seems little to lose , " said Egil .
Then she took hidden by Egil, and attenuated hand , and was not hurt by Egil that she cut off the front. Then she put the life of grasses and silk wrapped around and held that the entire Morning . Egil found that life moved further . Then put him in a blanket Kerli and said that they would stay there , until he was healed. But after three nights at Egil was healed , and he was not ómjúkari hand when she was good and so was the red thread lay around .
They asked the woman , what advice she would give them, but she said that they would wait there for a wedding , - " is now doses were my liege , is Scrooge 's called , and if we worked somewhere with his brother , I feel well stand, that we should enjoy it. "
Joint now until Christmas .
15 Wedding Gaut and Hilda
There are now at record that the brothers , Gaut and Hilda , let the Congress policy . Came to people of all Jotunheim . There was also Scrooge , he was a lawyer trolls , and were now thither derived konungsdætrnar and treasure them , which they had laid upon . Brynhild had made one garment. That was till nature , that it could feel the air and come down there who would. They could move the burden . Grade Hild had made a shirt , and fastened not on weapons , and no one could be tired of swimming in it was .
Now, in the words of the song, where they would be most cunning sisters . Was the level judgment of all the trolls , but they were not agreed , and condemned the Scrooge lawyer , but he his a decision on that Brynhild was beautiful and was dressed in greater skill , - "and the Gaut shall be king and have Brynhild , but part of the country should regulate where. "
Now snapped by Congress. Offered the brothers the rulers of their wedding , and those who were at greatest goal .
Came Scrooge went home and told the woman what had been judged in the Assembly and includes wedding should be at . Then they were long engaged, and she told him that she wants to give the brothers bade him so expect about fjömenni and other things, but Moody said he would do so .
But against the wedding would be the gun away his wife and his sworn brothers with her. Shall include a spa Fjalar , the other frozen. Crone made them look glerit , and sýndust they so large that they were trolls alike , but they were much more peace than the others . She gave them sæmilig clothes , and now they go and come there, the brothers ruled . That was the name of Gjallandibrú . Then they sat drinking . Old woman went into the cave , and each looked to the other. She went for Gaut and greeted him.
He took her greeting and said: "This is new to come , that you went hither Got a spare .
" She answered . That stands not so off as usual. Among us have been here to feed some , and I do not hide not that I see the fading . I see now , Gaut cousin that fortune supports you, and have you gotten good kvánfang , and now I wish to shut off my will that which spring has before, in between gone . : I will now give you a ring good , fitting him well to your wife in the class gift, and my friendship . heard it our kinship that exchanged with good sense . "
Gaut said that thanks may , - " But have you gotten this man ina friendly ? "
She said that they were out of the king's sons Dumb Dumb Sea, - "and such men will hardly found in Jöunheimum if civility have to try . Did I expect them to serve at your wedding . "
Now she takes the ring and got Gauti , but he thanked her, and shall serve in the bridal , and everything should behave so that they Fjalar and Frosti would be so, and were they received the keys at all the treasures .
Then comes the feast men , and there was there much . Appointed a woman , and became engaged at the stand, which she spoke . Scrooge lawyer was foremost human dignity .
Crone said the sisters silently , each of them had gone , it is gone, - " ye may be glad . "
Qatar became the now , for the supposed evil to marry , but the giants seemed much recovered, when they were Qatar , and thanked his kinswoman access. When people were down and arranged bridegroom doors down set , there were a bride requests a route. There was no lack LCD kala ok gálaskap which is input were . Scrooge lawyer sat on one bench and farm bloc with him , but Gaut and Hilda differently , and their men . Arinnefja sat with dolls and had all sentences in their habits , and many other large particle size women. Fjalar and Frosti poured the bride , and no lack of strong drink .
Joint now evening , and make men drunk. Then Arinnefja stands up and shouts to his lawyer and his sworn brothers , and said that they must carry a class gifts. Was borne wears and shirts, chess thats it good . the brothers had owned, and ringing sounds in the good , the old woman had had, and many other valuable thing . Scrooge 's lawyer presented the class gift, and the woman took and stored. She took it and spread it wears down the court , and let it a treasure . Put it until Skinnnefju his daughter to bear thither gold and silver , but she went into the cave and bade Frosta go with him . Bring them until now , they were to be available Gaut and Brynhild . She tells him that because of his blanket marriage shall find a sword called it good , is Gaut 's, said that no weapons browsing on the other, but Fjalar and Hilda will go to another place, and said that they will so we may expect that they will in fact a great man . Then the old woman went into the cave and called at Bride would matter to the bed . Take the Fjalar and frozen in hands of the bride and bring them out and put them down on wear .
16 Killing trolls
Three were the doors of the cave , and it was Scrooge lawyer for one of his country , but Skinnnefja at their door , the populace would come out . Sami bridegroom were led by third divest . Because there was a time where afhellir to hand , and they should rest there . They were well- tent session .
Now they should go out , went to his cave where. Egil and Hilda another. Egil went before . But Hild entered , Egil turned back to meet him and grabbed his hair and raised her knife he had with him, and meant to break the neck , and pulled him Hildir so touched that he falls on hellisbergit , and exploded on his forehead, it was a great wound and bled much. Saxon was a giant nose and took a nose, and it was so great piece , that it was enough loads . Hildir came out now and said she was offended . Hear this trolls , the ones that were in the cave , and run out, and there was no easy way for them a door of Scrooge 's lawyer was because he killed anyone who wanted out . But Skinnnefja was another door with glerit and set each of the blind , the search parameters . They wander back and forward and Fatu nowhere , and he was great at hearing the shouts and noise .
Gaut now hears that and thinks to know what there is . When he came to his house, he saw brúðrin is not there . Firing him at her bed and wants to take his sword , and he lost it. Asmund brandished a sword and struck the Geat and checked not that the cave was Low prio , and came to the sword in hellisbergit , and grazing That rock , but the sword caught was on the edge Gaut , built down in the eye and down all kinnbeinit and viðbeinit and cut down all the breast and was torn asunder . Gaut came out and got one big stone and threw it to Asmund , and came into his breast , so that he fell. Gaut would run at him , but the bowels become involved on his feet , and he fell down dead .
Asmund stood up and looking at Egil . He came there , they underwent at . Blood flowed in the eyes of Egil year that he had, and he was shown, however, energy habits . Asmund seized before Hild both fætrna , Egil thought in his head , and broke him out of the neck , and took his role life.
But then they go thither , that Scrooge was a lawyer . He had killed níutigi trolls , but they begged for mercy , the rest were , but they that were back and wanted to go out there , which was Skinnnefja went for cliff and killed himself . They were there for the night, and came Arinnefja them. In the morning they took out of cave and kidnapped all and went home with a woman , and the sisters were there, and they were glad to see them. They stayed there for the winter in good cheer .
But in the spring they prepared to find out that his men , and at parting they gave Arinnefju lawyer and Scrooge Jotunheim , and they parted in friendship. They had away all the treasure , which had before been analyzed . Then they meet with his men, and came to them in the last week of winter , and were greeted by the great meetings , but when the wind blew, they sailed out to sea and did not stop until they found the king Archives .
17 from wedding
Tryggvi king received them well, and their daughters . They brought many treasure King and told him all the truth most of their trips . The king thanked them multiplied liga their journey . A little later the king moot , and that the Assembly proclaimed king of men the civil case , which he had promised to those who could find his daughters , unless they wanted else think , then he wants to pay them in gold and silver, but they both answered simultaneously that they wanted the deal, if it were their to encounter , but they thought the lífgjöf wages are , and said he would not those other people vote if they would be an advantage , and it became the end outcome Egil got Grade Hilda, but Asmund Brynhild . The king now expect a wedding , but Egil said he first will find his father if he lived , and know , to whom he could believe the empire that he thought he had , but Asmund said he wanted to go east in Tattaríá to offer Herraud , foster her in her wedding . Was now certain wedding-day , and almost let them come back . Is not otherwise, but they managed this journey well .
But when Egil came to Gautland , he went to her father , unknown to him , and responded to, because he thought him long dead . He said his father now all gone call they had before and have been told , and showed him Orit at his hand , where it had been cut off , and so the sword called the dwarf had made him and the socket was . So they do now Verizon dwarf on factors including sections , and the qualities of a good grip. Egil now invited his father to wedding , and they went and mother and sister Egill . But they came to the meeting Archives king , they were Herraud and he settled there in one place.
The king greeted them all well now , and it was not long that wait , till there arose sæmilig party . They could hear a variety of musical instruments , and many see Hofmann . Was there and nothing save of the best addresses obtained could in those countries .
At this party they had this for fun , that Egil and Asmund said of his journeys , and to sannenda about their history says so , that they were both there and Skinnnefja Arinnefja and proved their history , and knew Inga Queen Arinnefju , and they made peace the full settlement . State banquet the full month. But past that the party went each to his own home , and were men chosen sæmiligar gifts. Egil gave Herraud shirt , then the Grade Hild had done, but Asmund gave him the ring carline Beef and sword called that Gaut had .
Tryggvi konungðr was then an old man , and asked him where Egil sit. He said he would not live long off. Egil said he would first have to go home to Gautland , but come back within twelve months. King promised him that. Asmund asked Herraud to go to Helgeland , and gave him Herraud that.
Arinnefja went back to Jotunheim , and gave Inga queen her butter trough as much as she could lift , and she said that the costly would torgætr concentrated Jötunheim , but Asmund gave her two paid polish , and they were so heavy that the vagus ship Pounds . If his wife these trinkets better than if they had given her his burden of gold. Leave them in friendship.
18 From Asmund and his companions
Then they went to Asmund and did many of the ships, and they had them ina great dragon , which they had owned , Visit and Bola beer. Is not told about their journey , until they come north in Helgeland . And when the dragon saw their countrymen , the king said Ottar know that these people would come that far . But when they were fixed land , struck the tents.
Asmund went to her father and twelve men . He saluted the king respectfully . The king knew him not , but he knew his mother , when she saw him, and embracing him . Ottar asked who the man was , she was acting so deemed incredible , but Asmund told the truth . Now there arose up a good party , and sat there a month with great joy and told the king of his journeys , and the king thought well have succeeded and gæfusamliga .
Asmund said Herraud then that he wanted , that they sailed east to Gautland to ask Æsu daughter of the king's ring . Asmund seemed well founded . But when they got a fair wind , they sailed east in Gautland , and Egil celebrating them well and they called King . Herraud had them up his words and asked Æsu , and it was the issues well repeat, and she was married to him with home sæmiligri placenta. Was already drunk wedding toast , and it was well presented .
But at that feast the team, then sailed Egil and Herraud eastwards, and Asmund would have authority over a Gotland , when we lost the king's ring . But then they came to Tattaríá , then Tryggvi King dead , and Egil was made king , and they lived there since Grade Hild , Herraud sat at his kingdom then , and they had no north hither ago.
Asmund went to Halogaland steered him there long. Armod his son was . He had Eðnýju daughter of King Hakon Hamond's son out of Denmark , and it is a great descendants . That same wherefore he slew Starkad the old into the pool , and that was it last óskapaverk him.
Brynhild did not live long , and marry Asmund ago and married the daughter of the king fed Serkland and had to seek their wedding at one time, because they would betray him, and let them do Asmund ship which Gnoð promised , and now it tonnage been made , so that men know , north Grikklandshaf . Because the ship was Asmund name and was called Gnoðar - Asmund , and he seems to have been the greatest of the ancient kings of those countries that are not controlled . He lost the Hlésey and with him more than three thousand men, and men say that Odin would put him with the sector through, then he jumped overboard , but Gnoð sank to the ground with all their cargo , and has since been no part of it and nothing that is there was .
Ok here we end this story .
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
© 2025 Created by Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler.
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