Linking your favorite traveling artists across the globe
Letter The First
I sit down to give you an undeniable proof of my con-
sidering your desires as indispensable orders. Ungracious
then as the task may be, I shall recall to view those scan-
dalous stages of my life, out of which I emerg'd, at length,
to the enjoyment of every blessing in the power of love,
health, and fortune to bestow; whilst yet in the flower of
youth, and not too late to employ the leisure afforded me by
great ease and affluence, to cultivate an understanding,
naturally not a despicable one, and which had, even amidst
the whirl of loose pleasures I had been tost in, exerted
more observation on the characters and manners of the world
than what is common to those of my unhappy profession, who
looking on all thought or reflection as their capital enemy,
keep it at as great a distance as they can, or destroy it
without mercy.
Hating, as I mortally do, all long unnecessary preface,
I shall give you good quarter in this, and use no farther
apology, than to prepare you for seeing the loose part of my
life, wrote with the same liberty that I led it.
Truth! stark, naked truth, is the word; and I will not
so much as take the pains to bestow the strip of a gauze
wrapper on it, but paint situations such as they actually
rose to me in nature, careless of violating those laws of
decency that were never made for such unreserved intimacies
as ours; and you have too much sense, too much knowledge of
the ORIGINALS themselves, to sniff prudishly and out of
character at the PICTURES of them. The greatest men, those
of the first and most leading taste, will not scruple adorning
their private closets with nudities, though, in compliance
with vulgar prejudices, they may not think them decent deco-
rations of the staircase, or salon.
This, and enough, premised, I go souse into my personal
history. My maiden name was Frances Hill. I was born at a
small village near Liverpool, in Lancashire, of parents ex-
tremely poor, and, I piously believe, extremely honest.
My father, who had received a maim on his limbs that
disabled him from following the more laborious branches of
country-drudgery, got, by making of nets, a scanty subsis-
tence, which was not much enlarg'd by my mother's keeping
a little day-school for the girls in her neighbourhood.
They had had several children; but none lived to any age
except myself, who had received from nature a constitution
perfectly healthy.
My education, till past fourteen, was no better than
very vulgar; reading, or rather spelling, an illegible
scrawl, and a little ordinary plain work composed the whole
system of it; and then all my foundation in virtue was no
other than a total ignorance of vice, and the shy timidity
general to our sex, in the tender stage of life when objects
alarm or frighten more by their novelty than anything else.
But then, this is a fear too often cured at the expence of
innocence, when Miss, by degrees, begins no longer to look
on a man as a creature of prey that will eat her.
My poor mother had divided her time so entirely be-
tween her scholars and her little domestic cares, that she
had spared very little of it to my instruction, having,
from her own innocence from all ill, no hint or thought of
guarding me against any.
I was now entering on my fifteenth year, when the
worst of ills befell me in the loss of my tender fond par-
ents, who were both carried off by the small-pox, within a
few days of each other; my father dying first, and thereby
hastening the death of my mother; so that I was now left an
unhappy friendless orphan (for my father's coming to settle
there was accidental, he being originally a Kentishman).
That cruel distemper which had proved so fatal to them, had
indeed seized me, but with such mild and favourable symptoms,
that I was presently out of danger, and, what I then did not
know the value of, was entirely unmark'd. I skip over here
an account of the natural grief and affliction which I felt
on this melancholy occasion. A little time, and the giddi-
ness of that age dissipated, too soon, my reflections on
that irreparable loss; but nothing contributed more to recon-
cile me to it, than the notions that were immediately put
into my head, of going to London, and looking out for a
service, in which I was promised all assistance and advice
from one Esther Davis, a young woman that had been down to
see her friends, and who, after the stay of a few days, was
to return to her place.
As I had now nobody left alive in the village who had
concern enough about what should become of me to start any
objections to this scheme, and the woman who took care of
me after my parents; death rather encouraged me to pursue
it, I soon came to a resolution of making this launch into
the wide world, by repairing to London, in order to SEEK
MY FORTUNE, a phrase which, by the bye, has ruined more
adventurers of both sexes, from the country, than ever it
made or advanced.
Nor did Esther Davis a little comfort and inspirit me
to venture with her, by piquing my childish curiosity with
the fine sights that were to be seen in London: the Tombs,
the Lions, the King, the Royal Family, the fine Plays and
Operas, and, in short, all the diversions which fell within
her sphere of life to come at; the detail of all which per-
fectly turn'd the little head of me.
Nor can I remember, without laughing, the innocent ad-
miration, not without a spice of envy, with which we poor
girls, whose church-going clothes did not rise above dowlass
shifts and stuff gowns, beheld Esther's scowered satin gowns,
caps border'd with an inch of lace, taudry ribbons, and shoes
belaced with silver: all which we imagined grew in London,
and entered for a great deal into my determination of trying
to come in for my share of them.
The idea however of having the company of a townswoman
with her, was the trivial, and all the motives that engaged
Esther to take charge of me during my journey to town, where
she told me, after her manner and style, "as how several
maids out of the country had made themselves and all their
kin for ever: that by preserving their VIRTUE, some had taken
so with their masters, that they had married them, and kept
them coaches, and lived vastly grand and happy; and some,
may-hap, came to be Duchesses; luck was all, and why not I,
as well as another?"; with other almanacs to this purpose,
which set me a tip-toe to begin this promising journey, and
to leave a place which, though my native one, contained no
relations that I had reason to regret, and was grown insup-
portable to me, from the change of the tenderest usage into
a cold air of charity, with which I was entertain'd even at
the only friend's house that I had the least expectation of
care and protection from. She was, however, so just to me,
as to manage the turning into money of the little matters
that remained to me after the debts and burial charges were
accounted for, and, at my departure, put my whole fortune
into my hands; which consisted of a very slender wardrobe,
pack'd up in a very portable box, and eight guineas, with
seventeen shillings in silver; stowed up in a spring-pouch,
which was a greater treasure than ever I had yet seen to-
gether, and which I could not conceive there was a possi-
bility of running out; and indeed, I was so entirely taken
up with the joy of seeing myself mistress of such an im-
mense sum, that I gave very little attention to a world of
good advice which was given me with it.
Places, then, being taken for Esther and me in the
London waggon, I pass over a very immaterial scene of
leavetaking, at which I dropt a few tears betwixt grief and
joy; and, for the same reasons of insignificance, skip over
all that happened to me on the road, such as the waggoner's
looking liquorish on me, the schemes laid for me by some of
the passengers, which were defeated by the vigilance of my
guardian Esther; who, to do her justice, took a motherly
care of me, at the same time that she taxed me for her pro-
tection by making me bear all travelling charges, which I
defrayed with the utmost cheerfulness, and thought myself
much obliged to her into the bargain.
She took indeed great care that we were not over-rated,
or imposed on, as well as of managing as frugally as possible;
expensiveness was not her vice.
It was pretty late in a summer evening when we reached
London-town, in our slow conveyance, though drawn by six at
length. As we passed through the greatest streets that led
to our inn, the noise of the coaches, the hurry, the crowds
of foot passengers, in short, the new scenery of the shops
and houses, at once pleased and amazed me.
But guess at my mortification and surprize when we
came to the inn, and our things were landed and deliver'd
to us, when my fellow traveller and protectress, Esther
Davis, who had used me with the utmost tenderness during
the journey, and prepared me by no preceding signs for the
stunning blow I was to receive, when I say, my only depend-
ence and friend, in this strange place, all of a sudden
assumed a strange and cool air towards me, as if she dreaded
my becoming a burden to her.
Instead, then, of proffering me the continuance of her
assistance and good offices, which I relied upon, and never
more wanted, she thought herself, it seems, abundantly ac-
quitted of her engagements to me, by having brought me safe
to my journey's end; and seeing nothing in her procedure
towards me but what was natural and in order, began to em-
brace me by way of taking leave, whilst I was so confounded,
so struck, that I had not spirit or sense enough so much as
to mention my hopes or expectations from her experience, and
knowledge of the place she had brought me to.
Whilst I stood thus stupid and mute, which she doubt-
less attributed to nothing more than a concern at parting,
this idea procured me perhaps a slight alleviation of it,
in the following harangue: That now we were got safe to
London, and that she was obliged to go to her place, she
advised me by all means to get into one as soon as possible;
that I need not fear getting one; there were more places
than parish-churches; that she advised me to go to an
intelligence office; that if she heard of any thing stirring,
she would find me out and let me know; that in the meantime,
I should take a private lodging, and acquaint her where to
send to me; that she wish'd me good luck, and hoped I should
always have the grace to keep myself honest, and not bring a
disgrace on my parentage. With this, she took her leave of
me, and left me, as it were, on my own hands, full as
lightly as I had been put into hers.
Left thus alone, absolutely destitute and friendless,
I began then to feel most bitterly the severity of this
separation, the scene of which had passed in a little room
in the inn; and no sooner was her back turned, but the af-
fliction I felt at my helpless strange circumstances burst
out into a flood of tears, which infinitely relieved the
oppression of my heart; though I still remained stupefied,
and most perfectly perplex'd how to dispose of myself.
One of the waiters coming in, added yet more to my
uncertainty by asking me, in a short way, if I called for
anything? to which I replied innocently: "No." But I
wished him to tell me where I might get a lodging for that
night. He said he would go and speak to his mistress, who
accordingly came, and told me drily, without entering in
the least into the distress she saw me in, that I might have
a bed for a shilling, and that, as she supposed I had some
friends in town (here I fetched a deep sigh in vain!) I
might provide for myself in the morning.
'Tis incredible what trifling consolations the human
mind will seize in its greatest afflictions. The assurance
of nothing more than a bed to lie on that night, calmed my
agonies; and being asham'd to acquaint the mistress of the
inn that I had no friends to apply to in town, I proposed
to myself to proceed, the very next morning, to an intelli-
gence office, to which I was furnish'd with written direc-
tions on the back of a ballad Esther had given me. There I
counted on getting information of any place that such a
country girl as I might be fit for, and where I could get
into any sort of being, before my little stock should be
consumed; and as to a character, Esther had often repeated
to me that I might depend on her managing me one; nor, how-
ever affected I was at her leaving me thus, did I entirely
cease to rely on her, as I began to think, good-naturedly,
that her procedure was all in course, and that it was only
my ignorance of life that had made me take it in the light
I at first did.
Accordingly, the next morning I dress'd myself as clean
and as neat as my rustic wardrobe would permit me; and
having left my box, with special recommendation, with the
landlady, I ventured out by myself, and without any more
difficulty than can be supposed of a young country girl,
barely fifteen, and to whom every sign or shop was a gazing
trap, I got to the wish'd-for intelligence office.
It was kept by an elderly woman, who sat at the
receipt of custom, with a book before her in great form and
order, and several scrolls, ready made out, of directions
for places.
I made up then to this important personage, without
lifting up my eyes or observing any of the people round me,
who were attending there on the same errand as myself, and
dropping her curtsies nine-deep, just made a shift to
stammer out my business to her.
Madam having heard me out, with all the gravity and
brow of a petty minister of State, and seeing at one glance
over my figure what I was, made me no answer, but to ask
me the preliminary shilling, on receipt of which she told
me places for women were exceedingly scarce, especially as
I seemed too slight built for hard work; but that she
would look over her book, and see what was to be done for
me, desiring me to stay a little till she had dispatched
some other customers.
On this I drew back a little, most heartily mortified
at a declaration which carried with it a killing uncertainty
that my circumstances could not well endure.
Presently, assuming more courage, and seeking some di-
version from my uneasy thoughts, I ventured to lift up my
head a little, and sent my eyes on a course round the room,
wherein they met full tilt with those of a lady (for such
my extreme innocence pronounc'd her) sitting in a corner of
the room, dress'd in a velvet mantle (nota bene, in the
midst of summer), with her bonnet off; squab-fat, red-faced,
and at least fifty.
She look'd as if she would devour me with her eyes,
staring at me from head to foot, without the least regard
to the confusion and blushes her eyeing me so fixedly put
me to, and which were to her, no doubt, the strongest re-
commendation and marks of my being fit for her purpose.
After a little time, in which my air, person and whole
figure had undergone a strict examination, which I had, on
my part, tried to render favourable to me, by primming,
drawing up my neck, and setting my best looks, she advanced
and spoke to me with the greatest demureness:
"Sweet-heart, do you want a place?"
"Yes, and please you" (with a curtsy down to the
Upon this she acquainted me that she was actually
come to the office herself to look out for a servant; that
she believed I might do, with a little of her instructions;
that she could take my very looks for a sufficient character;
that London was a very wicked, vile place; that she hoped I
would be tractable, and keep out of bad company; in short,
she said all to me that an old experienced practitioner in
town could think of, and which was much more than was neces-
sary to take in an artless inexperienced country-maid, who
was even afraid of becoming a wanderer about the streets,
and therefore gladly jump'd at the first offer of a shelter,
especially from so grave and matron-like a lady, for such my
flattering fancy assured me this new mistress of mine was;
I being actually hired under the nose of the good woman that
kept the office, whose shrewd smiles and shrugs I could not
help observing, and innocently interpreted them as marks of
her being pleased at my getting into place so soon; but, as
I afterwards came to know, these BELDAMS understood one an-
other very well, and this was a market where Mrs. Brown, my
mistress, frequently attended, on the watch for any fresh
goods that might offer there, for the use of her customers,
and her own profit.
Madam was, however, so well pleased with her bargain,
that fearing, I presume, lest better advice or some accident
might occasion my slipping through her fingers, she would
officiously take me in a coach to my inn, where, calling
herself for my box, it was, I being present, delivered with-
out the least scruple or explanation as to where I was going.
This being over, she bid the coachman drive to a shop
in St. Paul's Churchyard, where she bought a pair of gloves,
which she gave me, and thence renewed her directions to the
coachman to drive to her house in *** street, who accord-
ingly landed us at her door, after I had been cheer'd up and
entertain'd by the way with the most plausible flams, without
one syllable from which I could conclude anything but that I
was, by the greatest good luck, fallen into the hands of the
kindest mistress, not to say friend, that the varsal world
could afford; and accordingly I enter'd her doors with most
compleat confidence and exultation, promising myself that,
as soon as I should be a little settled, I would acquaint
Esther Davis with my rare good fortune.
You may be sure the good opinion of my place was not
lessen'd by the appearance of a very handsome back parlour,
into which I was led and which seemed to me magnificently
furnished, who had never seen better rooms than the ordi-
nary ones in inns upon the road. There were two gilt pier-
glasses, and a buffet, on which a few pieces of plates, set
out to the most shew, dazzled, and altogether persuaded me
that I must be got into a very reputable family.
Here my mistress first began her part, with telling me
that I must have good spirits, and learn to be free with
her; that she had not taken me to be a common servant, to
do domestic drudgery, but to be a kind of companion to her;
and that if I would be a good girl, she would do more than
twenty mothers for me; to all which I answered only by the
profoundest and the awkwardest curtsies, and a few mono-
syllables, such as "yes! no! to be sure!"
Presently my mistress touch'd the bell, and in came a
strapping maid-servant, who had let us in. "Here, Martha,"
said Mrs. Brown--"I have just hir'd this young woman to
look after my linen; so step up and shew her her chamber;
and I charge you to use her with as much respect as you
would myself, for I have taken a prodigious liking to her,
and I do not know what I shall do for her."
Martha, who was an arch-jade, and, being used to this
decoy, had her cue perfect, made me a kind of half curtsy,
and asked me to walk up with her; and accordingly shew'd
me a neat room, two pair of stairs backwards, in which
there was a handsome bed, where Martha told me I was to
lie with a young gentlewoman, a cousin of my mistress's,
who she was sure would be vastly good to me. Then she ran
out into such affected encomiums on her good mistress! her
sweet mistress! and how happy I was to light upon her!
that I could not have bespoke a better; with other the
like gross stuff, such as would itself have started sus-
picions in any but such an unpractised simpleton, who was
perfectly new to life, and who took every word she said in
the very sense she laid out for me to take it; but she
readily saw what a penetration she had to deal with, and
measured me very rightly in her manner of whistling to me,
so as to make me pleased with my cage, and blind to the
In the midst of these false explanations of the nature
of my future service, we were rung for down again, and I was
reintroduced into the same parlour, where there was a table
laid with three covers; and my mistress had now got with her
one of her favourite girls, a notable manager of her house,
and whose business it was to prepare and break such young
fillies as I was to the mounting-block; and she was accord-
ingly, in that view, allotted me for a bed-fellow; and, to
give her the more authority, she had the title of cousin con-
ferr'd on her by the venerable president of this college.
Here I underwent a second survey, which ended in the full
approbation of Mrs. Phoebe Ayres, the name of my tutoress
elect, to whose care and instructions I was affectionately
Dinner was now set on table, and in pursuance of treating
me as a companion, Mrs. Brown, with a tone to cut off all
dispute, soon over-rul'd my most humble and most confused
protestations against sitting down with her LADYSHIP, which
my very short breeding just suggested to me could not be
right, or in the order of things.
At table, the conversation was chiefly kept up by the
two madams, and carried on in double-meaning expressions,
interrupted every now and then by kind assurance to me, all
tending to confirm and fix my satisfaction with my present
condition: augment it they could not, so very a novice was
I then.
It was here agreed that I should keep myself up and
out of sight for a few days, till such cloaths could be
procured for me as were fit for the character I was to
appear in, of my mistress's companion, observing withal,
that on the first impressions of my figure much might
depend; and, as they well judged, the prospect of ex-
changing my country cloaths for London finery, made the
clause of confinement digest perfectly well with me. But
the truth was, Mrs. Brown did not care that I should be
seen or talked to by any, either of her customers, or her
DOES (as they call'd the girls provided for them), till
she had secured a good market for my maidenhead, which I
had at least all the appearances of having brought into her
LADYSHIP'S service.
To slip over minutes of no importance to the main of my
story, I pass the interval to bed-time, in which I was more
and more pleas'd with the views that opened to me, of an
easy service under these good people; and after supper being
shew'd up to bed, Miss Phoebe, who observed a kind of reluc-
tance in me to strip and go to bed, in my shift, before her,
now the maid was withdrawn, came up to me, and beginning with
unpinning my handkerchief and gown, soon encouraged me to go
on with undressing myself; and, still blushing at now seeing
myself naked to my shift, I hurried to get under the bed-
cloaths out of sight. Phoebe laugh'd and was not long before
she placed herself by my side. She was about five and twenty,
by her most suspicious account, in which, according to all
appearances, she must have sunk at least ten good years;
allowance, too, being made for the havoc which a long course
of hackneyship and hot waters must have made of her consti-
tution, and which had already brought on, upon the spur,
that stale stage in which those of her profession are re-
duced to think of SHOWING company, instead of SEEING it.
No sooner then was this precious substitute of my
mistress's laid down, but she, who was never out of her way
when any occasion of lewdness presented itself, turned to
me, embraced and kiss'd me with great eagerness. This was
new, this was odd; but imputing it to nothing but pure kind-
ness, which, for aught I knew, it might be the London way
to express in that manner, I was determin'd not to be behind
hand with her, and returned her the kiss and embrace, with
all the fervour that perfect innocence knew.
Encouraged by this, her hands became extremely free,
and wander'd over my whole body, with touches, squeezes,
pressures, that rather warm'd and surpriz'd me with their
novelty, than they either shock'd or alarm'd me.
The flattering praises she intermingled with these in-
vasions, contributed also not a little to bribe my passive-
ness; and, knowing no ill, I feared none, especially from
one who had prevented all doubt of her womanhood by conduct-
ing my hands to a pair of breasts that hung loosely down,
in a size and volume that full sufficiently distinguished
her sex, to me at least, who had never made any other com-
I lay then all tame and passive as she could wish, whilst
her freedom raised no other emotions but those of a strange,
and, till then, unfelt pleasure. Every part of me was open
and exposed to the licentious courses of her hands, which,
like a lambent fire, ran over my whole body, and thaw'd all
coldness as they went.
My breasts, if it is not too bold a figure to call so
two hard, firm, rising hillocks, that just began to shew them-
selves, or signify anything to the touch, employ'd and amus'd
her hands a-while, till, slipping down lower, over a smooth
track, she could just feel the soft silky down that had but a
few months before put forth and garnish'd the mount-pleasant
of those parts, and promised to spread a grateful shelter over
the seat of the most exquisite sensation, and which had been,
till that instant, the seat of the most insensible innocence.
Her fingers play'd and strove to twine in the young tendrils
of that moss, which nature has contrived at once for use and
But, not contented with these outer posts, she now
attempts the main spot, and began to twitch, to insinuate,
and at length to force an introduction of a finger into the
quick itself, in such a manner, that had she not proceeded
by insensible gradations that inflamed me beyond the power of
modesty to oppose its resistance to their progress, I should
have jump'd out of bed and cried for help against such strange
Instead of which, her lascivious touches had lighted up
a new fire that wanton'd through all my veins, but fix'd with
violence in that center appointed them by nature, where the
first strange hands were now busied in feeling, squeezing,
compressing the lips, then opening them again, with a finger
between, till an "Oh!" express'd her hurting me, where the
narrowness of the unbroken passage refused it entrance to any
In the meantime, the extension of my limbs, languid
stretchings, sighs, short heavings, all conspired to assure
that experienced wanton that I was more pleased than offended
at her proceedings, which she seasoned with repeated kisses
and exclamations, such as "Oh! what a charming creature thou
art! . . . What a happy man will he be that first makes a
woman of you! . . . Oh! that I were a man for your sake! ...
with the like broken expressions, interrupted by kisses as
fierce and fervent as ever I received from the other sex.
For my part, I was transported, confused, and out of
myself; feelings so new were too much for me. My heated
and alarm'd senses were in a tumult that robbed me of all
liberty of thought; tears of pleasure gush'd from my eyes,
and somewhat assuaged the fire that rag'd all over me.
Phoebe, herself, the hackney'd, thorough-bred Phoebe,
to whom all modes and devices of pleasure were known and
familiar, found, it seems, in this exercise of her art to
break young girls, the gratification of one of those arbi-
trary tastes, for which there is no accounting. Not that
she hated men, or did not even prefer them to her own sex;
but when she met with such occasions as this was, a satiety
of enjoyments in the common road, perhaps too, a secret
bias, inclined her to make the most of pleasure, wherever
she could find it, without distinction of sexes. In this
view, now well assured that she had, by her touches, suf-
ficiently inflamed me for her purpose, she roll'd down
the bed-cloaths gently, and I saw myself stretched nak'd,
my shift being turned up to my neck, whilst I had no power
or sense to oppose it. Even my glowing blushes expressed
more desire than modesty, whilst the candle, left (to be
sure not undesignedly) burning, threw a full light on my
whole body.
"No!" says Phoebe, "you must not, my sweet girl, think
to hide all these treasures from me. My sight must be
feasted as well as my touch . . . I must devour with my
eyes this springing BOSOM . . . Suffer me to kiss it . . .
I have not seen it enough . . . Let me kiss it once more
. . . What firm, smooth, white flesh is here! . . . How
delicately shaped! . . . Then this delicious down! Oh!
let me view the small, dear, tender cleft! . . . This is
too much, I cannot bear it! . . . I must . . . I must . . ."
Here she took my hand, and in a transport carried it where
you will easily guess. But what a difference in the state
of the same thing! . . . A spreading thicket of bushy curls
marked the full-grown, complete woman. Then the cavity to
which she guided my hand easily received it; and as soon as
she felt it within her, she moved herself to and fro, with
so rapid a friction that I presently withdrew it, wet and
clammy, when instantly Phoebe grew more composed, after two
or three sighs, and heart-fetched Oh's! and giving me a
kiss that seemed to exhale her soul through her lips, she
replaced the bed-cloaths over us. What pleasure she had
found I will not say; but this I know, that the first sparks
of kindling nature, the first ideas of pollution, were
caught by me that night; and that the acquaintance and
communication with the bad of our own sex, is often as fatal
to innocence as all the seductions of the other. But to go
on. When Phoebe was restor'd to that calm, which I was far
from the enjoyment of myself, she artfully sounded me on all
the points necessary to govern the designs of my virtuous
mistress on me, and by my answers, drawn from pure undis-
sembled nature, she had no reason but to promise herself all
imaginable success, so far as it depended on my ignorance,
easiness, and warmth of constitution.
After a sufficient length of dialogue, my bedfellow left
me to my rest, and I fell asleep, through pure weariness from
the violent emotions I had been led into, when nature (which
had been too warmly stir'd and fermented to subside without
allaying by some means or other) relieved me by one of those
luscious dreams, the transports of which are scarce inferior
to those of waking real action.
We breakfasted, and the tea things were scarce removed,
when in were brought two bundles of linen and wearing apparel:
in short, all the necessaries for rigging me out, as they
termed it, completely.
In the morning I awoke about ten, perfectly gay and
refreshed. Phoebe was up before me, and asked me in the
kindest manner how I did, how I had rested, and if I was
ready for breakfast, carefully, at the same time, avoiding
to increase the confusion she saw I was in, at looking her
in the face, by any hint of the night's bed scene. I told
her if she pleased I would get up, and begin any work she
would be pleased to set me about. She smil'd; presently
the maid brought in the tea-equipage, and I had just hud-
dled my cloaths on, when in waddled my mistress. I expected
no less than to be told of, if not chid for, my late rising,
when I was agreeably disappointed by her compliments on my
pure and fresh looks. I was "a bud of beauty" (this was her
style), "and how vastly all the fine men would admire me!"
to all which my answer did not, I can assure you, wrong my
breeding; they were as simple and silly as they could wish,
and, no doubt, flattered them infinitely more than had they
proved me enlightened by education and a knowledge of the
Imagine to yourself, Madam, how my little coquette
heart flutter'd with joy at the sight of a white lute-string,
flower'd with silver, scoured indeed, but passed on me for
spick-and-span new, a Brussels lace cap, braided shoes, and
the rest in proportion, all second-hand finery, and procured
instantly for the occasion, by the diligence and industry of
the good Mrs. Brown, who had already a chapman for me in the
house, before whom my charms were to pass in review; for he
had not only, in course, insisted on a previous sight of the
premises, but also on immediate surrender to him, in case of
his agreeing for me; concluding very wisely that such a place
as I was in was of the hottest to trust the keeping of such
a perishable commodity in as a maidenhead.
The care of dressing, and tricking me out for the
market, was then left to Phoebe, who acquitted herself, if
not well, at least perfectly to the satisfaction of every
thing but my impatience of seeing myself dress'd. When it
was over, and I view'd myself in the glass, I was, no doubt,
too natural, too artless, to hide my childish joy at the
change; a change, in the real truth, for much the worse,
since I must have much better become the neat easy simplicity
of my rustic dress than the awkward, untoward, taudry finery
that I could not conceal my strangeness to.
Phoebe's compliments, however, in which her own share
in dressing me was not forgot, did not a little confirm me
in the first notions I had ever entertained concerning my
person; which, be it said without vanity, was then tolerable
to justify a taste for me, and of which it may not be out of
place here to sketch you an unflatter'd picture.
I was tall, yet not too tall for my age, which, as I
before remark'd, was barely turned of fifteen; my shape
perfectly straight, thin waisted, and light and free, without
owing any thing to stays; my hair was a glossy auburn, and
as soft as silk, flowing down my neck in natural buckles, and
did not a little set off the whiteness of a smooth skin; my
face was rather too ruddy, though its features were delicate,
and the shape a roundish oval, except where a pit on my chin
had far from a disagreeable effect; my eyes were as black as
can be imagin'd, and rather languishing than sparkling, ex-
cept on certain occasions, when I have been told they struck
fire fast enough; my teeth, which I ever carefully perserv'd,
were small, even and white; my bosom was finely rais'd, and
one might then discern rather the promise, than the actual
growth, of the round, firm breasts, that in a little time
made that promise good. In short, all the points of beauty
that are most universally in request, I had, or at least my
vanity forbade me to appeal from the decision of our sove-
reign judges the men, who all, that I ever knew at least,
gave it thus highly in my favour; and I met with, even in
my own sex, some that were above denying me that justice,
whilst others praised me yet more unsuspectedly, by endea-
vouring to detract from me, in points of person and figure
that I obviously excelled in. This is, I own, too strong of
self praise; but should I not be ungrateful to nature, and
to a form to which I owe such singular blessings of pleasure
and fortune, were I to suppress, through and affectation of
modesty, the mention of such valuable gifts?
Well then, dress'd I was, and little did it then enter
into my head that all this gay attire was no more than deck-
ing the victim out for sacrifice, whilst I innocently attri-
buted all to mere friendship and kindness in the sweet good
Mrs. Brown; who, I was forgetting to mention, had, under
pretence of keeping my money safe, got from me, without the
least hesitation, the driblet (so I now call it) which re-
mained to me after the expences of my journey.
After some little time most agreeably spent before the
glass, in scarce self-admiration, since my new dress had by
much the greatest share in it, I was sent for down to the
parlour, where the old lady saluted me, and wished me joy
of my new cloaths, which she was not asham'd to say, fitted
me as if I had worn nothing but the finest all my life-time;
but what was it she could not see me silly enough to swallow?
At the same time, she presented me to another cousin of her
own creation, an elderly gentleman, who got up, at my entry
into the room, and on my dropping a curtsy to him, saluted
me, and seemed a little affronted that I had only presented
my cheek to him; a mistake, which, if one, he immediately
corrected, by glewing his lips to mine, with an ardour which
his figure had not at all disposed me to thank him for; his
figure, I say, than which nothing could be more shocking or
detestable: for ugly, and disagreeable, were terms too gentle
to convey a just idea of it.
Imagine to yourself a man rather past threescore, short
and ill-made, with a yellow cadaverous hue, great goggling
eyes that stared as if he was strangled; and out-mouth from
two more properly tusks than teeth, livid-lips, and breath
like a jake's: then he had a peculiar ghastliness in his grin
that made him perfectly frightful, if not dangerous to women
with child; yet, made as he was thus in mock of man, he was
so blind to his own staring deformities as to think himself
born for pleasing, and that no woman could see him with im-
punity: in consequence of which idea, he had lavish'd great
sums on such wretches as could gain upon themselves to pre-
tend love to his person, whilst to those who had not art or
patience to dissemble the horror it inspir'd, he behaved
even brutally. Impotence, more than necessity, made him
seek in variety the provocative that was wanting to raise
him to the pitch of enjoyment, which too he often saw him-
self baulked of, by the failure of his powers: and this
always threw him into a fit of rage, which he wreak'd, as
far as he durst, on the innocent objects of his fit of
momentary desire.
This then was the monster to which my conscientious
benefactress, who had long been his purveyor in this way,
had doom'd me, and sent for me down purposely for his ex-
amination. Accordingly she made me stand up before him,
turn'd me round, unpinn'd my handkerchief, remark'd to him
the rise and fall, the turn and whiteness of a bosom just
beginning to fill; then made me walk, and took even a han-
dle from the rusticity of my gait, to inflame the inventory
of my charms: in short, she omitted no point of jockeyship;
to which he only answer'd by gracious nods of approbation,
whilst he look'd goats and monkies at me: for I sometimes
stole a corner glance at him, and encountering his fiery,
eager stare, looked another way from pure horror and af-
fright, which he, doubtless in character, attributed to
nothing more than maiden modesty, or at least the affec-
tation of it.
However, I was soon dismiss'd, and reconducted to my
room by Phoebe, who stuck close to me, not leaving me alone
and at leisure to make such reflections as might naturally
rise to any one, not an idiot, on such a scene as I had just
gone through; but to my shame be it confess'd, such was my
invincible stupidity, or rather portentous innocence, that
I did not yet open my eyes to Mrs. Brown's designs, and saw
nothing in this titular cousin of hers but a shocking hide-
ous person which did not at all concern me, unless that my
respect to all her cousinhood.
Phoebe, however, began to sift the state and pulses of
my heart towards this monster, asking me how I should approve
of such a fine gentleman for a husband? (fine gentleman, I
suppose she called him, from his being daubed with lace). I
answered her very naturally, that I had no thoughts of a hus-
band, but that if I was to choose one, it should be among my
own degree, sure! So much had my aversion to that wretch's
hideous figure indisposed me to all "fine gentlemen," and
confounded my ideas, as if those of that rank had been neces-
sarily cast in the same mould that he was! But Phoebe was
not to be beat off so, but went on with her endeavours to
melt and soften me for the purposes of my reception into that
hospitable house: and whilst she talked of the sex in general,
she had no reason to despair of a compliance, which more than
one reason shewed her would be easily enough obtained of me;
but then she had too much experience not to discover that my
particular fix'd aversion to that frightful cousin would be a
block not so readily to be removed, as suited the consum-
mation of their bargain, and sale of me.
Mother Brown had in the mean time agreed the terms with
this liquorish old goat, which I afterwards understood were
to be fifty guineas peremptory for the liberty of attempting
me, and a hundred more at the compleat gratification of his
desires, in the triumph over my virginity: and as for me, I
was to be left entirely at the discretion of his liking and
generosity. This unrighteous contract being thus settled,
he was so eager to be put in possession, that he insisted
on being introduc'd to drink tea with me that afternoon,
when we were to be left alone; nor would he hearken to the
procuress's remonstrances, that I was not sufficiently pre-
pared and ripened for such an attack; that I was too green
and untam'd, having been scarce twenty-four hours in the
house: it is the character of lust to be impatient, and his
vanity arming him against any supposition of other than the
common resistance of a maid on those occasions, made him
reject all proposals of a delay, and my dreadful trial was
thus fix'd, unknown to me, for that very evening.
At dinner, Mrs. Brown and Phoebe did nothing but run
riot in praises of this wonderful cousin, and how happy
that woman would be that he would favour with his addresses;
in short my two gossips exhausted all their rhetoric to
persuade me to accept them: "that the gentleman was violently
smitten with me at first sight . . . that he would make my
fortune if I would be a good girl and not stand in my own
light . . . that I should trust his honour . . . that I
should be made for ever, and have a chariot to go abroad in
. . . ," with all such stuff as was fit to turn the head of
such a silly ignorant girl as I then was: but luckily here
my aversion had taken already such deep root in me, my heart
was so strongly defended from him by my senses, that wanting
the art to mask my sentiments, I gave them no hopes of their
employer's succeeding, at least very easily, with me. The
glass too march'd pretty quick, with a view, I suppose, to
make a friend of the warmth of my constitution, in the
minutes of the imminent attack.
Thus they kept me pretty long at table, and about six
in the evening, after I was retired to my own apartment, and
the tea board was set, enters my venerable mistress, follow'd
close by that satyr, who came in grinning in a way peculiar
to him, and by his odious presence confirm'd me in all the
sentiments of detestation which his first appearance had
given birth to.
He sat down fronting me, and all tea time kept ogling
me in a manner that gave me the utmost pain and confusion,
all the marks of which he still explained to be my bash-
fulness, and not being used to see company.
Tea over, the commoding old lady pleaded urgent busi-
ness (which indeed was true) to go out, and earnestly desir'd
me to entertain her cousin kindly till she came back, both
for my own sake and her's; and then with a "Pray, sir, be
very good, be very tender of the sweet child," she went out
of the room, leaving me staring, with my mouth open, and un-
prepar'd, by the suddenness of her departure, to oppose it.
We were now alone; and on that idea a sudden fit of
trembling seiz'd me. I was so afraid, without a precise
notion of why, and what I had to fear, that I sat on the
settee, by the fire-side, motionless, and petrified, with-
out life or spirit, not knowing how to look or how to stir.
But long I was not suffered to remain in this state of
stupefaction: the monster squatted down by me on the settee,
and without farther ceremony or preamble, flings his arms
about my neck, and drawing me pretty forcibly towards him,
oblig'd me to receive, in spite of my struggles to disengage
from him, his pestilential kisses, which quite overcame me.
Finding me then next to senseless, and unresisting, he tears
off my neck handkerchief, and laid all open there to his
eyes and hands: still I endur'd all without flinching, till
embolden'd by my sufferance and silence, for I had not the
power to speak or cry out, he attempted to lay me down on
the settee, and I felt his hand on the lower part of my
naked thighs, which were cross'd, and which he endeavoured
to unlock . . . Oh then! I was roused out of my passive
endurance, and springing from him with an activity he was
not prepar'd for, threw myself at his feet, and begg'd him,
in the most moving tone, not to be rude, and that he would
not hurt me:--"Hurt you, my dear?" says the brute; "I intend
you no harm . . . has not the old lady told you that I love
you? . . . that I shall do handsomely by you?" "She has
indeed, sir," said I; "but I cannot love you, indeed I can
not! . . . pray let me alone . . . yes! I will love you
dearly if you will let me alone, and go away . . . " But I
was talking to the wind; for whether my tears, my attitude,
or the disorder of my dress prov'd fresh incentives, or
whether he was not under the dominion of desires he could
not bridle, but snorting and foaming with lust and rage, he
renews his attack, seizes me, and again attempts to extend
and fix me on the settee: in which he succeeded so far as to
lay me along, and even to toss my petticoats over my head,
and lay my thighs bare, which I obstinately kept close, nor
could he, though he attempted with his knee to force them
open, effect it so as to stand fair for being master of the
main avenue; he was unbuttoned, both waistcoat and breeches,
yet I only felt the weight of his body upon me, whilst I lay
struggling with indignation, and dying with terror; but he
stopped all of a sudden, and got off, panting, blowing, curs-
ing, and repeating "old and ugly!" for so I had very natur-
ally called him in the heat of my defence.
The brute had, it seems, as I afterwards understood,
brought on, by his eagerness and struggle, the ultimate
period of his hot fit of lust, which his power was too short
liv'd to carry him through the full execution of; of which
my thighs and linen received the effusion.
When it was over he bid me, with a tone of displeasure,
get up, saying that he would not do me the honour to think
of me any more . . . that the old bitch might look out for
another cully . . . that he would not be fool'd so by e'er
a country mock modesty in England . . . that he supposed I
had left my maidenhead with some hobnail in the country,
and was come to dispose of my skin-milk in town, with a
volley of the like abuse; which I listened to with more
pleasure than ever fond woman did to protestations of love
from her darling minion: for, incapable as I was of re-
ceiving any addition to my perfect hatred and aversion to
him, I look'd on this railing as my security against his
renewing his most odious caresses.
Yet, plain as Mrs. Brown's views were now come out, I
had not the heart or spirit to open my eyes to them: still
I could not part with my dependence on that beldam, so
much did I think myself her's, soul and body: or rather, I
sought to deceive myself with the continuation of my good
opinion of her, and chose to wait the worst at her hands
sooner than be turn'd out to starve in the streets, with-
out a penny of money or a friend to apply to: these fears
were my folly.
Whilst this confusion of ideas was passing in my head,
and I sat pensive by the fire, with my eyes brimming with
tears, my neck still bare, and my cap fall'n off in the
struggle, so that my hair was in the disorder you may guess,
the villain's lust began, I suppose, to be again in flow, at
the sight of all that bloom of youth which presented itself
to his view, a bloom yet unenjoy'd, and of course not yet
indifferent to him.
After some pause, he ask'd me, with a tone of voice
mightily softened, whether I would make it up with him
before the old lady returned and all should be well; he
would restore me his affections, at the same time offering
to kiss me and feel my breasts. But now my extreme aver-
sion, my fears, my indignation, all acting upon me, gave me
a spirit not natural to me, so that breaking loose from him,
I ran to the bell and rang it, before he was aware, with
such violence and effect as brought up the maid to know what
was the matter, or whether the gentleman wanted any thing;
and before he could proceed to greater extremities, she
bounc'd into the room, and seeing me stretch'd on the floor,
my hair all dishevell'd, my nose gushing out blood, which
did not a little tragedize the scene, and my odious per-
secutor still intent of pushing his brutal point, unmoved by
all my cries and distress, she was herself confounded and
did not know what to say.
As much, however, as Martha might be prepared and
hardened to transactions of this sort, all womanhood must
have been out of her heart, could she have seen this un-
mov'd. Besides that, on the face of things, she imagined
that matters had gone greater lengths than they really
had, and that the courtesy of the house had been actually
consummated on me, and flung me into the condition I was
in: in this notion she instantly took my part, and advis'd
the gentleman to go down and leave me to recover myself,
and "that all would be soon over with me . . . that when
Mrs. Brown and Phoebe, who were gone out, were return'd,
they would take order for every thing to his satisfaction
. . . that nothing would be lost by a little patience with
the poor tender thing . . . that for her part she was . . .
frighten'd . . . she could not tell what to say to such
doings . . . but that she would stay by me till my mistress
came home." As the wench said all this in a resolute tone,
and the monster himself began to perceive that things would
not mend by his staying, he took his hat and went out of
the room, murmuring, and pleating his brows like an old ape,
so that I was delivered from the horrors of his detestable
As soon as he was gone, Martha very tenderly offered
me her assistance in any thing, and would have got me some
hartshorn drops, and put me to bed; which last, I at first
positively refused, in the fear that the monster might re-
turn and take me at that advantage. However, with much
persuasion, and assurances that I should not be molested
that night, she prevailed on me to lie down; and indeed I
was so weakened by my struggles, so dejected by my fearful
apprehensions, so terror-struck, that I had not power to
sit up, or hardly to give answers to the questions with
which the curious Martha ply'd and perplex'd me.
Such too, and so cruel was my fate, that I dreaded
the sight of Mrs. Brown, as if I had been the criminal
and she the person injur'd; a mistake which you will not
think so strange, on distinguishing that neither virtue
nor principles had the least share in the defence I had
made, but only the particular aversion I had conceiv'd
against the first brutal and frightful invader of my
tender innocence.
I pass'd then the time till Mrs. Brown's return home,
under all the agitations of fear and despair that may
easily be guessed.
You may guess how a woman of her turn of address and
experience humour'd the jest, and played him off with mixed
exclamations of shame, anger, compassion for me, and of her
being pleased that all was so well over: in which last, I
believe, she was certainly sincere. And now, as the objec-
tion which she had represented as an invincible one, to my
lying the first night at his lodgings (which were studiously
calculated for freedom of intrigues), on the account of my
maiden fears and terrors at the thoughts of going to a
gentleman's chambers, and being alone with him in bed, was
surmounted, she pretended to persuade me, in favour to him,
that I should go there to him whenever he pleas'd, and still
keep up all the necessary appearances of working with her,
that I might not lose, with my character, the prospect of
getting a good husband, and at the same time her house would
be kept the safer from scandal. All this seem'd so reason-
able, so considerate to Mr. Norbert, that he never once per-
ceived that she did not want him to resort to her house, lest
he might in time discover certain inconsistencies with the
character she had set out with to him: besides that, this
plan greatly flattered his own ease, and views of liberty.
Leaving me then to my much wanted rest, he got up, and
Mrs. Cole, after settling with him all points relating to me,
got him undiscovered out of the house. After which, as I was
awake, she came in and gave me due praises for my success.
Behaving too with her usual moderation and disinterestedness,
she refus'd any share of the sum I had thus earned, and put
me into such a secure and easy way of disposing of my af-
fairs, which now amounted to a kind of little fortune, that
a child of ten years old might have kept the account and
property of them safe in its hands.
I was now restor'd again to my former state of a kept
mistress, and used punctually to wait on Mr. Norbert at his
chambers whenever he sent a messenger for me, which I con-
stantly took care to be in the way of, and manag'd with so
much caution that he never once penetrated the nature of my
connections with Mrs. Cole; but indolently given up to ease
and the town dissipations, the perpetual hurry of them hin-
der'd him from looking into his own affairs, much less to
In the mean time, if I may judge from my own experience,
none are better paid, or better treated, during their reign,
than the mistresses of those who, enervate by nature, debauc-
heries, or age, have the least employment for the sex: sen-
sible that a woman must be satisfy'd some way, they ply her
with a thousand little tender attentions, presents, caresses,
confidences, and exhaust their inventions in means and de-
vices to make up for the capital deficiency; and even towards
lessening that, what arts, what modes, what refinements of
pleasure have they not recourse to, to raise their languid
powers, and press nature into the service of their sensu-
ality? But here is their misfortune, that when by a course
of teasing, worrying, handling, wanton postures, lascivious
motions, they have at length accomplish'd a flashy enervate
enjoyment, they at the same time lighted up a flame in the
object of their passion, that, not having the means them-
selves to quench, drives her for relief into the next per-
son's arms, who can finish their work; and thus they become
bawds to some favourite, tried and approv'd of, for a more
vigourous and satisfactory execution; for with women, of our
turn especially, however well our hearts may be dispos'd,
there is a controlling part, or queen seat in us, that
governs itself by its own maxims of state, amongst which not
one is stronger, in practice with it, than, in the matter of
its dues, never to accept the will for the deed.
Mr. Norbert, who was much in this ungracious case,
though he profess'd to like me extremely, could but seldom
consummate the main-joy itself with me, without such a length
and variety of preparations, as were at once wearisome and
Sometimes he would strip me stark naked on a carpet, by
a good fire, when he would contemplate me almost by the hour,
disposing me in all the figures and attitudes of body that it
was susceptible of being viewed in; kissing me in every part,
the most secret and critical one so far from excepted that it
received most of that branch of homage. Then his touches
were so exquisitely wanton, so luxuriously diffus'd and pene-
trative at times, that he had made me perfectly rage with
titillating fires, when, after all, and with much ado, he had
gained a short-lived erection, he would perhaps melt it away
in a washy sweat, or a premature abortive effusion that pro-
vokingly mock'd my eager desires: or, if carried home, how
falter'd and unnervous the execution! how insufficient the
sprinkle of a few heat-drops to extinguish all the flames he
had kindled!
One evening, I cannot help remembering that returning
home from him, with a spirit he had raised in a circle his
wand had prov'd too weak to lay, as I turn'd the corner of a
street, I was overtaken by a young sailor. I was then in
that spruce, neat, plain dress which I ever affected, and
perhaps might have, in my trip, a certain air of restless-
ness unknown to the composure of cooler thoughts. However,
he seiz'd me as a prize, and without farther ceremony threw
his arms round my neck and kiss'd me boisterously and
sweetly. I looked at him with a beginning of anger and
indignation at his rudeness, that softened away into other
sentiments as I viewed him: for he was tall, manly carri-
aged, handsome of body and face, so that I ended my stare
with asking him, in a tone turn'd to tenderness, what he
meant; at which, with the same frankness and vivacity as he
had begun with me, he proposed treating me with a glass of
wine. Now, certain it is, that had I been in a calmer state
of blood than I was, had I not been under the dominion of
unappeas'd irritations and desires, I should have refused
him without hesitation; but I do not know how it was, my
pressing calls, his figure, the occasion, and if you will,
the powerful combination of all these, with a start of
curiosity to see the end of an adventure, so novel too as
being treated like a common street-plyer, made me give a
silent consent; in short, it was not my head that I now
obeyed, I suffered myself to be towed along as it were by
this man-of-war, who took me under his arm as familiarly as
if he had known me all his life-time, and led me into the
next convenient tavern, where we were shewn into a little
room on one side of the passage. Here, scarce allowing him-
self patience till the waiter brought in the wine call'd for,
he fell directly on board me: when, untucking my handker-
chief, and giving me a snatching buss, he laid my breasts
bare at once, which he handled with that keenness of lust
that abridges a ceremonial ever more tiresome than pleasing
on such pressing occasions; and now, hurrying towards the
main point, we found no conveniency to our purpose, two or
three disabled chairs and a rickety table composing the whole
furniture of the room. Without more ado, he plants me with
my back standing against the wall, and my petticoats up; and
coming out with a splitter indeed, made it shine, as he
brandished it in my eyes; and going to work with an impetu-
osity and eagerness, bred very likely by a long fast at sea,
went ot give me a taste of it. I straddled, I humoured my
posture, and did my best in short to buckle to it; I took
part of it in too, but still things did not go to his thor-
ough liking: changing then in a trice his system of battery,
he leads me to the table and with a master-hand lays my head
down on the edge of it, and, with the other canting up my
petticoats and shift, bares my naked posteriours to his blind
and furious guide; it forces its way between them, and I
feeling pretty sensibly that it was not going by the right
door, and knocking desperately at the wrong one, I told him
of it: -"Pooh!" says he, "my dear, any port in a storm."
Altering, however, directly his course, and lowering his
point, he fixed it right, and driving it up with a delicious
stiffness, made all foam again, and gave me the tout with
such fire and spirit, that in the fine disposition I was in
when I submitted to him, and stirr'd up so fiercely as I
was, I got the start of him, and went away into the melting
swoon, and squeezing him, whilst in the convulsive grasp of
it, drew from him such a plenteous bedewal as, join'd to my
own effusion, perfectly floated those parts, and drown'd in
a deluge all my raging conflagration of desire.
When this was over, how to make my retreat was my con-
cern; for, though I had been so extremely pleas'd with the
difference between this warm broadside, pour'd so briskly
into me, and the tiresome pawing and toying to which I had
owed the unappeas'd flames that had driven me into this step,
now I was grown cooler, I began to apprehend the danger of
contracting an acquaintance with this, however agreeable,
stranger; who, on his side, spoke of passing the evening with
me and continuing our intimacy, with an air of determination
that made me afraid of its being not so easy to get away from
him as I could wish. In the mean time I carefully conceal'd
my uneasiness, and readily pretended to consent to stay with
him, telling him I should only step to my lodgings to leave
a necessary direction, and then instantly return. This he
very glibly swallowed, on the notion of my being one of those
unhappy street-errants who devote themselves to the pleasure
of the first ruffian that will stoop to pick them up, and of
course, that I would scarce bilk myself of my hire, by my not
returning to make the most of the job. Thus he parted with
me, not before, however, he had order'd in my hearing a
supper, which I had the barbarity to disappoint him of my
company to.
But when I got home and told Mrs. Cole my adventure, she
represented so strongly to me the nature and dangerous conse-
quences of my folly, particularly the risks to my health, in
being so open-legg'd and free, that I not only took resolu-
tions never to venture so rashly again, which I inviolably
preserv'd, but pass'd a good many days in continual uneasi-
ness lest I should have met with other reasons, besides the
pleasure of that encounter, to remember it; but these fears
wronged my pretty sailor, for which I gladly make him this
I had now liv'd with Mr. Norbert near a quarter of a
year, in which space I circulated my time very pleasantly
between my amusements at Mrs. Cole's, and a proper attendance
on that gentleman, who paid me profusely for the unlimited
complaisance with which I passively humoured every caprice of
pleasure, and which had won upon him so greatly, that find-
ing, as he said, all that variety in me alone which he had
sought for in a number of women, I had made him lose his
taste for inconstancy, and new faces. But what was yet at
least agreeable, as well as more flattering, the love I had
inspir'd him with bred a deference to me that was of great
service to his health: for having by degrees, and with most
pathetic representations, brought him to some husbandry of
it, and to insure the duration of his pleasures by moderat-
ing their use, and correcting those excesses in them he was
so addicted to, and which had shatter'd his constitution and
destroyed his powers of life in the very point for which he
seemed chiefly desirous, to live, he was grown more delicate,
more temperate, and in course more healthy; his gratitude
for which was taking a turn very favourable for my fortune,
when once more the caprice of it dash'd the cup from my lips.
His sister, Lady L . . ., for whom he had a great affec-
tion, desiring him to accompany her down to Bath for her
health, he could not refuse her such a favour; and accord-
ingly, though he counted on staying away from me no more than
a week at farthest, he took his leave of me with an ominous
heaviness of heart, and left me a sum far above the state of
his fortune, and very inconsistent with the intended short-
ness of his journey; but it ended in the longest that can be,
and is never but once taken: for, arriv'd at Bath, he was not
there two days before he fell into a debauch of drinking with
some gentlemen, that threw him into a high fever and carry'd
him off in four days time, never once out of a delirium. Had
he been in his senses to make a will, perhaps he might have
made favourable mention of me in it. Thus, however, I lost
him; and as no condition of life is more subject to revolu-
tions than that of a woman of pleasure, I soon recover'd my
cheerfulness, and now beheld myself once more struck off the
list of kept-mistresses, and returned into the bosom of the
community from which I had been in some manner taken.
Mrs. Cole still continuing her friendship, offered me
her assistance and advice towards another choice; but I was
now in ease and affluence enough to look about me at lei-
sure; and as to any constitutional calls of pleasure, their
pressure, or sensibility, was greatly lessen'd by a consci-
ousness of the ease with which they were to be satisfy'd at
Mrs. Cole's house, where Louisa and Emily still continu'd in
the old way; and by great favourite Harriet used often to
come and see me, and entertain me, with her head and heart
full of the happiness she enjoy'd with her dear baronet,
whom she loved with tenderness, and constancy, even though
he was her keeper, and what is yet more, had made her inde-
pendent, by a handsome provision for her and hers. I was
then in this vacancy from any regular employ of my person, in
my way of business, when one day, Mrs. Cole, in the course of
the constant confidence we lived in, acquainted me that there
was one Mr. Barville, who used her house, just come to town,
whom she was not a little perplex'd about providing a suit-
able companion for; which was indeed a point of difficulty,
as he was under the tyranny of a cruel taste: that of an
ardent desire, not only of being unmercifully whipp'd him-
self, but of whipping others, in such sort, that tho' he paid
extravagantly those who had the courage and complaisance to
submit to his humour, there were few, delicate as he was in
the choice of his subjects, who would exchange turns with him
so terrible at the expense of their skin. But, what yet in-
creased the oddity of this strange fancy was the gentleman
being young; whereas it generally attacks, it seems, such as
are, through age, obliged to have recourse to this experi-
ment, for quickening the circulation of their sluggish
juices, and determining a conflux of the spirits of pleasure
towards those flagging, shrivelly parts, that rise to life
only by virtue of those titillating ardours created by the
discipline of their opposites, with which they have so sur-
prising a consent.
This Mrs. Cole could not well acquaint me with, in any
expectation of my offering my service: for, sufficiently easy
as I was in my circumstances, it must have been the tempta-
tion of an immense interest indeed that could have induced me
to embrace such a job; neither had I ever express'd, nor in-
deed felt, the least impulse or curiosity to know more of a
taste that promis'd so much more pain than pleasure to those
that stood in no need of such violent goads: what then should
move me to subscribe myself voluntarily to a party of pain,
foreknowing it such? Why, to tell the plain truth, it was a
sudden caprice, a gust of fancy for trying a new experiment,
mix'd with the vanity of proving my personal courage to Mrs.
Cole, that determined me, at all risks, to propose myself to
her, and relieve her from any farther lookout. Accordingly,
I at once pleas'd and surpris'd her with a frank and unre-
served tender of my person to her, and her friend's absolute
disposal on this occasion.
My good temporal mother was, however, so kind as to use
all the arguments she could imagine to dissuade me: but, as
I found they only turn'd on a motive of tnederness to me, I
persisted in my resolution, and thereby acquitted my offer of
any suspicion of its not having been sincerely made, or out
of compliment only. Acquiescing then thankfully in it, Mrs.
Cole assur'd me that bating the pain I should be put to, she
had no scruple to engage me to this party, which she assur'd
me I should be liberally paid for, and which, the secrecy of
the transaction preserved safe from the ridicule that other-
wise vulgarly attended it; that for her part, she considered
pleasure, of one sort or other, as the universal port of
destination, and every wind that blew thither a good one,
provided it blew nobody any harm; that she rather compas-
sionated, than blam'd, those unhappy persons who are under a
subjection they cannot shake off, to those arbitrary tastes
that rule their appetites of pleasures with an unaccountable
control: tastes, too, as infinitely deversify'd, as superior
to, and independent of, all reasoning as the different re-
lishes or palates of mankind in their viands, some delicate
stomachs nauseating plain meats, and finding no savour but in
high-seasoned, luxurious dishes, whilst others again pique
themselves upon detesting them.
I stood now in no need of this preamble of encourage-
ment, of justification: my word was given, and I was deter-
min'd to fulfil my engagements. Accordingly the night was
set, and I had all the necessary previous instructions how to
act and conduct myself. The dining-room was duly prepared
and lighted up, and the young gentleman posted there in wait-
ing, for my introduction to him.
I was then, by Mrs. Cole, brought in, and presented to
him, in a loose dishabille fitted, by her direction, to the
exercise I was to go through, all in the finest linen and a
thorough white uniform: gown, petticoat, stockings, and satin
slippers, like a victim led to sacrifice; whilst my dark
auburn hair, falling in drop-curls over my neck, created a
pleasing distinction of colour from the rest of my dress.
As soon as Mr. Barville saw me, he got up, with a visi-
ble air of pleasure and surprize, and saluting me, asked Mrs.
Cole if it was possible that so fine and delicate a creature
would voluntarily submit to such sufferings and rigours as
were the subject of his assignation. She answer'd him pro-
perly, and now, reading in his eyes that she could not too
soon leave us together, she went out, after recommending to
him to use moderation with so tender a novice.
But whilst she was employing his attention, mine had
been taken up with examining the figure and person of this
unhappy young gentleman, who was thus unaccountably condemn'd
to have his pleasure lashed into him, as boys have their
He was exceedingly fair, and smooth complexion'd, and
appeared to me no more than twenty at most, tho' he was three
years older than what my conjectures gave him; but then he
ow'd this favourable mistake to a habit of fatness, which
spread through a short, squab stature, and a round, plump,
fresh-coloured face gave him greatly the look of a Bacchus,
had not an air of austerity, not to say sternness, very un-
suitable even to his shape of face, dash'd that character of
joy, necessary to complete the resemblance. His dress was
extremely neat, but plain, and far inferior to the ample for-
tune he was in full possession of; this too was a taste in
him, and not avarice.
As soon as Mrs. Cole was gone, he seated me near him,
when now his face changed upon me into an expression of the
most pleasing sweetness and good humour, the more remarkable
for its sudden shift from the other extreme, which, I found
afterwards, when I knew more of his character, was owing to
a habitual state of conflict with, and dislike of himself,
for being enslaved to so peculiar a gust, by the fatality of
a constitutional ascendant, that render'd him incapable of
receiving any pleasure till he submitted to these extraordi-
nary means of procuring it at the hands of pain, whilst the
constancy of this repining consciousness stamp'd at length
that cast of sourness and severity on his features: which
was, in fact, very foreign to the natural sweetness of his
After a competent preparation by apologies, and en-
couragement to go through my part with spirit and constancy,
he stood up near the fire, whilst I went to fetch the in-
struments of discipline out of a closet hard by: these were
several rods, made each of two or three strong twigs of birch
tied together, which he took, handled, and view'd with as
much pleasure, as I did with a kind of shuddering presage.
Next we took from the side of the room a long broad
bench, made easy to lie at length on by a soft cushion in a
callico-cover; and every thing being now ready, he took his
coat and waistcoat off; and at his motion and desire, I un-
button'd his breeches, and rolling up his shirt rather above
his waist, tuck'd it in securely there: when directing natur-
ally my eyes to that humoursome master-movement, in whose
favour all these dispositions were making, it seemed almost
shrunk into his body, scarce shewing its tip above the sprout
of hairy curls that cloathed those parts, as you may have
seen a wren peep its head out of the grass.
Stooping then to untie his garters, he gave them me for
the use of tying him down to the legs of the bench: a cir-
cumstance no farther necessary than, as I suppose, it made
part of the humour of the thing, since he prescribed it to
himself, amongst the rest of the ceremonial.
I led him then to the bench, and according to my cue,
play'd at forcing him to lie down: which, after some little
shew of reluctance, for form-sake, he submitted to; he was
straightway extended flat upon his belly, on the bench, with
a pillow under his face; and as he thus tamely lay, I tied
him slightly hand and foot, to the legs of it; which done,
his shirt remaining truss'd up over the small of his back, I
drew his breeches quite down to his knees; and now he lay,
in all the fairest, broadest display of that part of the
back-view; in which a pair of chubby, smooth-cheek'd and
passing white posteriours rose cushioning upwards from two
stout, fleshful thighs, and ending their cleft, or separa-
tion by an union at the small of the back, presented a bold
mark, that swell'd, as it were, to meet the scourge.
Seizing now one of the rods, I stood over him, and
according to his direction, gave him in one breath, ten
lashes with much good-will, and the utmost nerve and vigour
of arm that I could put to them, so as to make those fleshy
orbs quiver again under them; whilst he himself seem'd no
more concern'd, or to mind them, than a lobster would a flea-
bite. In the mean time, I viewed intently the effects of
them, which to me at least appear'd surprisingly cruel: every
lash had skimmed the surface of those white cliffs, which
they deeply reddened, and lapping round the side of the fur-
thermost from me, cut specially, into the dimple of it such
livid weals, as the blood either spun out from, or stood in
large drops on; and, from some of the cuts, I picked out even
the splinters of the rod that had stuck in the skin. Nor was
this raw work to be wonder'd at, considering the greenness of
the twigs and the severity of the infliction, whilst the
whole surface of his skin was so smooth-stretched over the
hard and firm pulp of flesh that fill'd it, as to yield no
play, or elusive swagging under the stroke: which thereby
took place the more plum, and cut into the quick.
I was however already so mov'd at the piteous sight,
that I from my heart repented the undertaking, and would
willingly have given over, thinking he had full enough; but,
he encouraging and beseeching me earnestly to proceed, I gave
him ten more lashes; and then resting, survey'd the increase
of bloody appearances. And at length, steel'd to the sight
by his stoutness in suffering, I continued the discipline, by
intervals, till I observ'd him wreathing and twisting his
body, in a way that I could plainly perceive was not the
effect of pain, but of some new and powerful sensation: curi-
ous to dive into the meaning of which, in one of my pauses of
intermission, I approached, as he still kept working, and
grinding his belly against the cushion under him; and, first
stroking the untouched and unhurt side of the flesh-mount
next me, then softly insinuating my hand under his thigh,
felt the posture things were in forwards, which was indeed
surprizing: for that machine of his, which I had, by its ap-
pearance, taken for an impalpable, or at best a very diminu-
tive subject, was now, in virtue of all that smart and havoc
of his skin behind, grown not only to a prodigious stiffness
of erection, but to a size that frighted even me: a non-
pareil thickness indeed! the head of it alone fill'd the ut-
most capacity of my grasp. And when, as he heav'd and wrig-
gled to and fro, in the agitation of his strange pleasure,
it came into view, it had something of the air of a round
fillet of the whitest veal, and like its owner, squab, and
short in proportion to its breadth; but when he felt my hand
there, he begg'd I would go on briskly with my jerking, or he
should never arrive at the last stage of pleasure.
Resuming then the rod and the exercise of it, I had
fairly worn out three bundles, when, after an increase of
struggles and motion, and a deep sigh or two, I saw him lie
still and motionless; and now he desir'd me to desist, which
I instantly did; and proceeding to untie him, I could not but
be amazed at his passive fortitude, on viewing the skin of
his butcher'd, mangled posteriours, late so white, smooth and
polish'd, now all one side of them a confused cut-work of
weals, livid flesh, gashes and gore, insomuch that when he
stood up, he could scarce walk; in short, he was in sweet-
Then I plainly perceived, on the cushion, the marks of a
plenteous effusion, and already had his sluggard member run
up to its old nestling-place, and enforced itself again, as
if ashamed to shew its head; which nothing, it seems, could
raise but stripes inflicted on its opposite neighbours, who
were thus constantly obliged to suffer for his caprice.
Part 9
My gentleman had now put on his clothes and recomposed
himself, when giving me a kiss, and placing me by him, he sat
himself down as gingerly as possible, with one side off the
cushion, which was too sore for him to bear resting any part
of his weight on.
Here he thank'd me for the extreme pleasure I had pro-
cured him, and seeing, perhaps, some marks in my countenance
of terror and apprehension of retaliation on my own skin, for
what I had been the instrument of his suffering in his, he
assured me, that he was ready to give up to me any engagement
I might deem myself under to stand him, as he had done me,
but if that proceeded in my consent to it, he would consider
the difference of my sex, its greater delicacy and incapacity
to undergo pain. Rehearten'd at which, and piqu'd in honour,
as I thought, not to flinch so near the trial, especially as
I well knew Mrs. Cole was an eye-witness, from her stand of
espial, to the whole of our transactions, I was now less
afraid of my skin than of his not furnishing me with an oppor-
tunity of signalizing my resolution.
Consonant to this disposition was my answer, but my
courage was still more in my head, than in my heart; and as
cowards rush into the danger they fear, in order to be the
sooner rid of the pain of that sensation, I was entirely
pleas'd with his hastening matters into execution.
He had then little to do, but to unloose the strings of
my petticoats, and lift them, together with my shift, navel-
high, where he just tuck'd them up loosely girt, and might be
slipt up higher at pleasure. Then viewing me round with
great seeming delight, he laid me at length on my face upon
the bench, and when I expected he would tie me, as I had done
him, and held out my hands, not without fear and a little
trembling, he told me he would by no means terrify me un-
necessarily with such a confinement; for that though he meant
to put my constancy to some trial, the standing it was to be
completely voluntary on my side, and therefore I might be at
full liberty to get up whenever I found the pain too much for
me. You cannot imagine how much I thought myself bound, by
being thus allow'd to remain loose, and how much spirit this
confidence in me gave me, so that I was even from my heart
careless how much my flesh might suffer in honour of it.
All by back parts, naked half way up, were now fully at
his mercy: and first, he stood at a convenient distance, de-
lighting himself with a gloating survey of the attitude I lay
in, and of all the secret stores I thus expos'd to him in
fair display. Then, springing eagerly towards me, he cover'd
all those naked parts with a fond profusion of kisses; and
now, taking hold of the rod, rather wanton'd with me, in gen-
tle inflictions on those tender trembling masses of my flesh
behind, than in any way hurt them, till by degrees, he began
to tingle them with smarter lashes, so as to provoke a red
colour into them, which I knew, as well by the flagrant glow
I felt there, as by his telling me, they now emulated the
native roses of my other cheeks. When he had thus amus'd
himself with admiring and toying with them, he went on to
strike harder, and more hard; so that I needed all my patience
not to cry out, or complain at least. At last, he twigg'd me
so smartly as to fetch blood in more than one lash: at sight
of which he flung down the rod, flew to me, kissed away the
starting drops, and sucking the wounds eased a good deal of my
pain. But now raising me on my knees, and making me kneel
with them straddling wide, that tender part of me, naturally
the province of pleasure, not of pain, came in for its share
of suffering: for now, eyeing it wistfully, he directed the
rod so that the sharp ends of the twigs lighted there, so
sensibly, that I could not help wincing, and writhing my
limbs with smart; so that my contortions of body must neces-
sarily throw it into infinite variety of postures and points
of view, fit to feast the luxury of the eye. But still I
bore every thing without crying out: when presently giving me
another pause, he rush'd, as it were, on that part whose lips,
and round-about, had felt this cruelty, and by way of repara-
tion, glews his own to them; then he opened, shut, squeez'd
them, pluck'd softly the overgrowing moss, and all this in a
style of wild passionate rapture and enthusiasm, that ex-
press'd excess of pleasure; till betaking himself to the rod
again, encourag'd by my passiveness, and infuriated with this
strange taste of delight, he made my poor posteriours pay for
the ungovernableness of it; for now shewing them no quarter
the traitor cut me so, that I wanted but little of fainting
away, when he gave over. And yet I did not utter one groan,
or angry expostulation; but in heart I resolv'd nothing so
seriously, as never to expose myself again to the like ser-
You may guess then in what a curious pickle those soft
flesh-cushions of mine were, all sore, raw, and in fine, ter-
ribly clawed off; but so far from feeling any pleasure in it,
that the recent smart made me pout a little, and not with the
greatest air of satisfaction receive the compliments, and
after-caresses of the author of my pain.
As soon as my cloaths were huddled on in a little de-
cency, a supper was brought in by the discreet Mrs. Cole her-
self, which might have piqued the sensuality of a cardinal,
accompanied with a choice of the richest wines: all which she
set before us, and went out again, without having, by a word
or even by a smile, given us the least interruption or confu-
sion, in those moments of secrecy, that we were not yet ripe
to the admission of a third to.
I sat down then, still scarce in charity with my butch-
er, for such I could not help considering him, and was more-
over not a little piqued at the gay, satisfied air of his
countenance, which I thought myself insulted by. But when
the now necessary refreshment to me of a glass of wine, a
little eating (all the time observing a profound silence) had
somewhat cheer'd and restor'd me to spirits, and as the smart
began to go off, my good humour return'd accordingly: which
alteration not escaping him, he said and did everything that
could confirm me in, and indeed exalt it.
But scarce was supper well over, before a change so in-
credible was wrought in me, such violent, yet pleasingly irk-
some sensations took possession of me that I scarce knew how
to contain myself; the smart of the lashes was now converted
into such a prickly heat, such fiery tinglings, as made me
sigh, squeeze my thighs together, shift and wriggle about my
seat, with a furious restlessness; whilst these itching ar-
dours, thus excited in those parts on which the storm of dis-
cipline had principally fallen, detach'd legions of burning,
subtile, stimulating spirits, to their opposite spot and cen-
tre of assemblage, where their titillation rag'd so furiously,
that I was even stinging mad with them. No wonder then, that
in such a taking, and devour'd by flames that licked up all
modesty and reserve, my eyes, now charg'd brimful of the most
intense desire, fired on my companion very intelligible sig-
nals of distress: my companion, I say, who grew in them every
instant more amiable, and more necessary to my urgent wishes
and hopes of immediate ease.
Mr. Barville, no stranger by experience to these situa-
tions, soon knew the pass I was brought to, soon perceiv'd my
extreme disorder; in favour of which, removing the table out
of the way, he began a prelude that flatter'd me with instant
relief, to which I was not, however, so near as I imagin'd:
for as he was unbuttoned to me, and tried to provoke and
rouse to action his unactive torpid machine, he blushingly
own'd that no good was to be expected from it unless I took
it in hand to re-excite its languid loitering powers, by just
refreshing the smart of the yet recent blood-raw cuts, seeing
it could, no more than a boy's top, keep up without lashing.
Sensible then that I should work as much for my own profit as
his, I hurried my compliance with his desire, and abridging
the ceremonial, whilst he lean'd his head against the back of
a chair, I had scarce gently made him feel the lash, before I
saw the object of my wishes give signs of life, and presently,
as it were with a magic touch, it started up into a noble size
and distinction indeed! Hastening then to give me the benefit
of it, he threw me down on the bench; but such was the re-
fresh'd soreness of those parts behind, on my leaning so hard
on them, as became me to compass the admission of that stupen-
dous head of his machine, that I could not possibly bear it.
I got up then, and tried, by leaning forwards and turning the
crupper on my assailant, to let him at the back avenue: but
here it was likewise impossible to stand his bearing so
fiercely against me, in his agitations and endeavours to enter
that way, whilst his belly battered directly against the
recent sore. What should we do now? both intolerably heated;
both in a fury; but pleasure is ever inventive for its own
ends: he strips me in a trice, stark naked, and placing a
broad settee-cushion on the carpet before the fire, oversets
me gently, topsy-turvy, on it; and handling me only at the
waist, whilst you may be sure I favour'd all my dispositions,
brought my legs round his neck; so that my head was kept from
the floor only by my hands and the velvet cushion, which was
now bespread with my flowing hair: thus I stood on my head
and hands, supported by him in such manner, that whilst my
thighs clung round him, so as to expose to his sight all my
back figure, including the theatre of his bloody pleasure,
the centre of my fore part fairly bearded the object of its
rage, that now stood in fine condition to give me satisfaction
for the injuries of its neighbours. But as this posture was
certainly not the easiest, and our imaginations, wound up to
the height, could suffer no delay, he first, with the utmost
eagerness and effort, just lip-lodg'd that broad acorn-fas-
hion'd head of his instrument; and still frenzied by the fury
with which he had made that impression, he soon stuffed in
the rest; when now, with a pursuit of thrusts, fiercely urg'd,
he absolutely overpower'd and absorb'd all sense of pain and
uneasiness, whether from my wounds behind, my most untoward
posture, or the oversize of his stretcher, in an infinitely
predominant delight; when now all my whole spirits of life
and sensation, rushing impetuously to the cock-pit, where the
prize of pleasure was hotly in dispute and clustering to a
point there, I soon receiv'd the dear relief of nature from
these over-violent strains and provocations of it; harmoniz-
ing with which, my gallant spouted into me such a potent over-
flow of the balsamic injection, as soften'd and unedg'd all
those irritating stings of a new species of titillation, which
I had been so intolerably madden'd with, and restor'd the fer-
ment of my senses to some degree of composure.
I had now achiev'd this rare adventure ultimately much
more to my satisfaction than I had bespoken the nature of it
to turn out; nor was it much lessen'd, you may think, by my
spark's lavish praises of my constancy and complaisance, which
he gave weight to by a present that greatly surpassed my ut-
most expectation, besides his gratification to Mrs. Cole.
I was not, however, at any time, re-enticed to renew
with him, or resort again to the violent expedient of lashing
nature into more haste than good speed: which, by the way, I
conceive acts somewhat in the manner of a dose of Spanish
flies; with more pain perhaps, but less danger; and might be
necessary to him, but was nothing less so than to me, whose
appetite wanted the bridle more than the spur.
Mrs. Cole, to whom this adventurous exploit had more and
more endear'd me, looked on me now as a girl after her own
heart, afraid on nothing, and, on a good account, hardy enough
to fight all the weapons of pleasure through. Attentive then,
in consequence of these favourable conceptions, to promote
either my profit or pleasure, she had special regard for the
first, in a new gallant of a very singular turn, that she pro-
cur'd for and introduced to me.
This was a grave, staid, solemn, elderly gentleman whose
peculiar humour was a delight in combing fine tresses of hair;
and as I was perfectly headed to his taste, he us'd to come
constantly at my toilette hours, when I let down my hair as
loose as nature, and abandon'd it to him to do what he pleased
with it; and accordingly he would keep me an hour or more in
play with it, drawing the comb through it, winding the curls
round his fingers, even kissing it as he smooth'd it; and all
this led to no other use of my person, or any other liberties
whatever, any more than if a distinction of sexes had not
Another peculiarity of taste he had, which was to present
me with a dozen pairs of the whitest kid gloves at a time:
these he would divert himself with drawing on me, and then
biting off the fingers' ends; all which fooleries of a sickly
appetite, the old gentleman paid more liberally for than most
others did for more essential favours. This lasted till a
violent cough, seizing and laying him up, deliver'd me from
this most innocent and insipid trifler, for I never heard more
of him after his first retreat.
You may be sure a by-job of this sort interfer'd with no
other pursuit, or plan of life; which I led, in truth, with a
modesty and reserve that was less the work of virtue than of
exhausted novelty, a glut of pleasure, and easy circumstances,
that made me indifferent to any engagements in which pleasure
and profit were not eminently united; and such I could, with
the less impatience, wait for at the hands of time and for-
tune, as I was satisfy'd I could never mend my pennyworths,
having evidently been serv'd at the top of market, and even
been pamper'd with dainties: besides that, in the sacrifice
of a few momentary impulses, I found a secret satisfaction in
respecting myself, as well as preserving the life and fresh-
ness of my complexion. Louisa and Emily did not carry indeed
their reserve so high as I did; but still they were far from
cheap or abandon'd tho' two of their adventures seem'd to con-
tradict this general character, which, for their singularity,
I shall give you in course, beginning first with Emily's:
Louisa and she went one night to a ball, the first in
the habit of a shepherdess, Emily in that of a shepherd: I
saw them in their dresses before they went, and nothing in
nature could represent a prettier boy than this last did,
being so fair and well limbed. They had kept together for
some time, when Louisa, meeting an old acquaintance of hers,
very cordially gives her companion the drop, and leaves her
under the protection of her boy's habit, which was not much,
and of her discretion, which was, it seems, still less.
Emily, finding herself deserted, sauntered thoughtless about
a-while, and, as much for coolness and air as anything else,
at length pull'd off her mask and went to the sideboard;
where, eyed and mark'd out by a gentleman in a very handsome
domino, she was accosted by, and fell into chat with him.
The domino, after a little discourse, in which Emily doubt-
less distinguish'd her good nature and easiness more than her
wit, began to make violent love to her, and drawing her in-
sensibly to some benches at the lower end of the masquerade
room, for her to sit by him, where he squeez'd her hands,
pinch'd her cheeks, prais'd and played with her fine hair,
admired her complexion, and all in a style of courtship dash'd
with a certain oddity, that not comprehending the mystery of,
poor Emily attributed to his falling in with the humour of her
disguise; and being naturally not the cruellest of her profes-
sion, began to incline to a parley on those essentials. But
here was the stress of the joke: he took her really for what
she appear'd to be, a smock-fac'd boy; and she, forgetting her
dress, and of course ranging quite wide of his ideas, took all
those addresses to be paid to herself as a woman, which she
precisely owed to his not thinking her one. However, this
double error was push'd to such a height on both sides, that
Emily, who saw nothing in him but a gentleman of distinction
by those points of dress to which his disguise did not extend,
warmed too by the wine he had ply'd her with, and the caresses
he had lavished upon her, suffered herself to be persuaded to
go to a bagnio with him; and thus, losing sight of Mrs. Cole's
cautions, with a blind confidence, put herself into his hands,
to be carried wherever he pleased. For his part, equally
blinded by his wishes, whilst her egregious simplicity favour-
ed his deception more than the most exquisite art could have
done, he supposed, no doubt, that he had lighted on some soft
simpleton, fit for his purpose, or some kept minion broken to
his hand, who understood him perfectly well and enter'd into
his designs. But, be that as it would, he led her to a coach,
went into it with her, and brought her to a very handsome
apartment, with a bed in it; but whether it was a bagnio or
not, she could not tell, having spoken to nobody but himself.
But when they were alone together, and her enamorato began to
proceed to those extremities which instantly discover the sex,
she remark'd that no description could paint up to the life
the mixture of pique, confusion and disappointment that ap-
peared in his countenance, joined to the mournful exclamation:
"By heavens, a woman!" This at once opened her eyes, which
had hitherto been shut in downright stupidity. However, as if
he had meant to retrieve that escape, he still continu'd to
toy with and fondle her, but with so staring an alteration
from extreme warmth into a chill and forced civility, that
even Emily herself could not but take notice of it, and now
began to wish she had paid more regard to Mrs. Cole's premon-
itions against ever engaging with a stranger. And now and
excess of timidity succeeded to an excess of confidence, and
she thought herself so much at his mercy and discretion, that
she stood passive throughout the whole progress of his pre-
lude: for now, whether the impressions of so great a beauty
had even made him forgive her her sex, or whether her appear-
ance of figure in that dress still humour'd his first illu-
sion, he recover'd by degrees a good part of his first warmth,
and keeping Emily with her breeches still unbuttoned, stript
them down to her knees, and gently impelling her to lean down,
with her face against the bed-side, placed her so, that the
double way, between the double rising behind, presented the
choice fair to him, and he was so fairly set on a mis-direc-
tion, as to give the girl no small alarms for fear of losing
a maidenhead she had not dreamt of. However, her complaints,
and a resistance, gentle, but firm, check'd and brought him
to himself again; so that turning his steed's head, he drove
him at length in the right road, in which his imagination
having probably made the most of those resemblances that
flatter'd his taste, he got, with much ado, to his journey's
end: after which, he led her out himself, and walking with
her two or three streets' length, got her a chair, when mak-
ing her a present not any thing inferior to what she could
have expected, he left her, well recommended to the chairman,
who, on her directions, brought her home.
This she related to Mrs. Cole and me the same morning,
not without the visible remains of the fear and confusion she
had been in still stamp'd on her countenance. Mrs. Cole's
remark was that her indescretion proceeding from a constitu-
tional facility, there were little hopes of any thing curing
her of it, but repeated severe experience. Mine was that I
could not conceive how it was possible for mankind to run
into a taste, not only universally odious, but absurd, and
impossible to gratify; since, according to the notions and
experience I had of things, it was not in nature to force
such immense disproportions. Mrs. Cole only smil'd at my
ignorance, and said nothing towards my undeception, which was
not affected but by ocular demonstration, some months after,
which a most singular accident furnish'd me, and which I will
here set down, that I may not return again to so disagreeable
a subject.
I had, on a visit intended to Harriet, who had taken
lodgings at Hampton-court, hired a chariot to go out thither,
Mrs. Cole having promis'd to accompany me; but some indis-
pensable business intervening to detain her, I was obliged to
set out alone; and scarce had I got a third of my way, before
the axle-tree broke down, and I was well off to get out, safe
and unhurt, into a publick-house of a tolerable handsome ap-
pearance, on the road. Here the people told me that the
stage would come by in a couple of hours at farthest; upon
which, determining to wait for it, sooner than lose the jaunt
I had got so far forward on, I was carried into a very clean
decent room, up one pair of stairs, which I took possession of
for the time I had to stay, in right of calling for sufficient
to do the house justice.
Here, whilst I was amusing myself with looking out of the
window, a single horse-chaise stopt at the door, out of which
lightly leap'd two gentlemen, for so they seem'd, who came in
only as it were to bait and refresh a little, for they gave
their horse to be held in readiness against they came out.
And presently I heard the door of the next room, where they
were let in, and call'd about them briskly; and as soon as
they were serv'd, I could just hear that they shut and fast-
ened the door on the inside.
A spirit of curiosity, far from sudden, since I do not
know when I was without it, prompted me, without any parti-
cular suspicion, or other drift or view, to see what they
were, and examine their persons and behaviour. The partition
of our rooms was one of those moveable ones that, when taken
down, serv'd occasionally to lay them into one, for the con-
veniency of a large company; and now, my nicest search could
not shew me the shadow of a peep-hole, a circumstance which
probably had not escap'd the review of the parties on the
other side, whom much it stood upon not to be deceived in it;
but at length I observed a paper patch of the same colour as
the wainscot, which I took to conceal some flaw: but then it
was so high, that I was obliged to stand upon a chair to
reach it, which I did as softly as possibly, and, with a point
of a bodkin, soon pierc'd it. And now, applying my eye close,
I commanded the room perfectly, and could see my two young
sparks romping and pulling one another about, entirely, to my
imagination, in frolic and innocent play.
The eldest might be, on my nearest guess, towards nine-
teen, a tall comely young man, in a white fustian frock, with
a green velvet cape, and a cut bob-wig.
The youngest could not be above seventeen, fair, ruddy,
compleatly well made, and to say the truth, a sweet pretty
stripling: he was--I fancy, too, a country-lad, by his dress,
which was a green plush frock and breeches of the same, white
waistcoat and stockings, a jockey cap, with his yellowish
hair, long and loose, in natural curls.
But after a look of circumspection, which I saw the
eldest cast every way round the room, probably in too much
hurry and heat not to overlook the very small opening I was
posted at, especially at the height it was, whilst my eye
close to it kept the light from shining through and betraying
it, he said something to his companion and presently chang'd
the face of things.
For now the elder began to embrace, to press and kiss the
younger, to put his hands into his bosom, and give him such
manifest signs of an amorous intention, as made me conclude
the other to be a girl in disguise: a mistake that nature kept
me in countenance for, for she had certainly made one, when
she gave him the male stamp.
In the rashness then of their age, and bent as they were
to accomplish their project of preposterous pleasure, at the
risk of the very worst of consequences, where a discovery was
nothing less than improbable, they now proceeded to such
lengths as soon satisfied me what they were.
The criminal scene they acted, I had the patience to see
to an end, purely that I might gather more facts and certainly
against them in my design to do their deserts instance jus-
tice; and accordingly, when they had readjusted themselves,
and were preparing to go out, burning as I was with rage and
indignation, I jumped down from the chair, in order to raise
the house upon them, but with such an unlucky impetuosity,
that some nail or ruggedness in the floor caught my foot, and
flung me on my face with such violence that I fell senseless
on the ground, and must have lain there some time e'er any
one came to my relief: so that they, alarmed, I suppose, by
the noise of my fall, had more than the necessary time to
make a safe retreat. This they effected, as I learnt, with a
precipitation nobody could account for, till, when come to
myself, and compos'd enough to speak, I acquainted those of
the house with the whole transaction I had been evidence to.
When I came home again, and told Mrs. Cole this adven-
ture, she very sensibly observ'd to me that there was no doubt
of due vengeance one time of other overtaking these miscre-
ants, however they might escape for the present; and that, had
I been the temporal instrument of it, I should have been at
least put to a great deal more trouble and confusion that I
imagined; that, as to the thing itself, the less said of it
was the better; but that though she might be suspected of
partiality, from its being the common cause of woman-kind, out
of whose mouths this practice tended to take something more
than bread, yet she protested against any mixture of passion,
with a declaration extorted from her by pure regard to truth;
which was that whatever effect this infamous passion had in
other ages and other countries, it seem'd a peculiar blessing
on our air and climate, that there was a plague-spot visibly
imprinted on all that are tainted with it, in this nation at
least; for that among numbers of that stamp whom she had
known, or at least were universally under the scandalous sus-
picion of it, she would not name an exception hardly of one
of them, whose character was not, in all other respects, the
most worthless and despicable that could be, stript of all
the manly virtues of their own sex, and fill'd up with only
the worst vices and follies of ours: that, in fine, they were
scarce less execrable than ridiculous in their monstrous in-
consistence, of loathing and condemning women, and all at the
same time apeing all their manners, air, lips, skuttle, and,
in general, all their little modes of affectation, which be-
come them at least better than they do these unsex'd male-
But here, washing my hands of them, I re-plunge into the
stream of my history, into which I may very properly ingraft
a terrible sally of Louisa's, since I had some share in it
myself, and have besides engag'd myself to relate it, in point
of countenance to poor Emily. It will add, too, one more
example to thousands, in confirmation of the maxim that when
women get once out of compass, there are no lengths of licen-
tiousness that they are not capable of running.
One morning then, that both Mrs. Cole and Emily were gone
out for the day, and only Louisa and I (not to mention the
house-maid) were left in charge of the house, whilst we were
loitering away the time in looking through the shop windows,
the son of a poor woman, who earned very hard bread indeed by
mending stockings, in a stall in the neighbourhood, offer'd us
some nosegays, ring'd round a small basket; by selling of
which the poor boy eked out his mother's maintenance of them
both: nor was he fit for any other way of livelihood, since he
was not only a perfect changeling, or idiot, but stammer'd so
that there was no understanding even those sounds his half-
dozen, at most, animal ideas prompted him to utter.
The boys and servants in the neighbourhood had given him
the nick-name of Good-natured Dick, from the soft simpleton's
doing everything he was bid at the first word, and from his
naturally having no turn to mischief; then, by the way, he
was perfectly well made, stout, clean-limb'd, tall of his age,
as strong as a horse and, withal, pretty featur'd; so that he
was not, absolutely, such a figure to be snuffled at neither,
if your nicety could, in favour of such essentials, have dis-
pens'd with a face unwashed, hair tangled for want of comb-
ing, and so ragged a plight, that he might have disputed
points of shew with e'er a heathen philosopher of them all.
This boy we had often seen, and bought his flowers, out
of pure compassion, and nothing more; but just at this time
as he stood presenting us his basket, a sudden whim, a start
of wayward fancy, seiz'd Louisa; and, without consulting me,
she calls him in, and beginning to examine his nosegays,
culls out two, one for herself, another for me, and pulling
out half a crown, very currently gives it him to change, as
if she had really expected he could have changed it: but the
boy, scratching his head, made his signs explaining his in-
ability in place of words, which he could not, with all his
struggling, articulate.
Louisa, at this, says: "Well, my lad, come up-stairs
with me, and I will give you your due," winking at the same
time to me, and beckoning me to accompany her, which I did,
securing first the street-door, that by this means, together
with the shop, became wholly the care of the faithful house-
As we went up, Louisa whispered to me that she had con-
ceiv'd a strange longing to be satisfy'd, whether the general
rule held good with regard to this changeling, and how far
nature had made him amends, in her best bodily gifts, for her
denial of the sublimer intellectual ones; begging, at the
same time, my assistance in procuring her this satisfaction.
A want of complaisance was never my vice, and I was so far
from opposing this extravagant frolic, that now, bit with the
same maggot, and my curiosity conspiring with hers, I enter'd
plum into it, on my own account.
Consequently, as soon as we came into Louisa's bed-
chamber, whilst she was amusing him with picking out his
nosegays, I undertook the lead, and began the attack. As it
was not then very material to keep much measures with a mere
natural, I made presently very free with him, though at my
first motion of meddling, his surprize and confusion made
him receive my advances but aukwardly: nay, insomuch that he
bashfully shy'd, and shy'd back a little; till encouraging
him with my eyes, plucking him playfully by the hair, sleeking
his cheeks, and forwarding my point by a number of little
wantonness, I soon turn'd him familiar, and gave nature her
sweetest alarm: so that arous'd, and beginning to feel him-
self, we could, amidst all the innocent laugh and grin I had
provoked him into, perceive the fire lighting in his eyes,
and, diffusing over his cheeks, blend its glow with that of
his blushes. The emotion in short of animal pleasure glar'd
distinctly in the simpleton's countenance; yet, struck with
the novelty of the scene, he did not know which way to look
or move; but tame, passive, simpering, with his mouth half
open in stupid rapture, stood and tractably suffer'd me to
do what I pleased with him. His basket was dropt out of his
hands, which Louisa took care of.
I had now, through more than one rent, discovered and
felt his thighs, the skin of which seemed the smoother and
fairer for the coarseness, and even dirt of his dress, as
the teeth of Negroes seem the whiter for the surrounding
black; and poor indeed of habit, poor of understanding, he
was, however, abundantly rich in personal treasures, such as
flesh, firm, plump, and replete with the juices of youth,
and robust well-knit limbs. My fingers too had now got with-
in reach of the true, the genuine sensitive plant, which,
instead of shrinking from the touch, joys to meet it, and
swells and vegetates under it: mine pleasingly informed me
that matters were so ripe for the discovery we meditated,
that they were too mighty for the confinement they were ready
to break. A waistband that I unskewer'd, and a rag of a shirt
that I removed, and which could not have cover'd a quarter of
it, revealed the whole of the idiot's standard of distinction,
erect, in full pride and display: but such a one! it was posi-
tively of so tremendous a size, that prepared as we were to
see something extraordinary, it still, out of measure, sur-
pass'd our expectation, and astonish'd even me, who had not
been used to trade in trifles. In fine, it might have answer-
ed very well the making a show of; its enormous head seemed,
in hue and size, not unlike a common sheep's heart; then you
might have troll'd dice securely along the broad back of the
body of it; the length of it too was prodigious; then the rich
appendage of the treasure-bag beneath, large in proportion,
gather'd adn crisp'd up round in shallow furrows, helped to
fill the eye, and complete the proof of his being a natural,
not quite in vain; since it was full manifest that he inherit-
ed, and largely too, the prerogative of majesty which distin-
guishes that otherwise most unfortunate condition, and gives
rise to the vulgar saying "A fool's bauble is a lady's play-
fellow." Not wholly without reason: for, generally speaking,
it is in love as it is in war, where longest weapon carries
it. Nature, in short, had done so much for him in those
parts, that she perhaps held herself acquitted in doing so
little for his head.
For my part, who had sincerely no intention to push the
joke further than simply satisfying my curiosity with the
sight of it alone, I was content, in spite of the temptation
that star'd me in the face, with having rais'd a May-pole
for another to hang a garland on: for, by this time, easily
reading Louisa's desires in her wishful eyes, I acted the
commodious part and made her, who sought no better sport,
significant terms of encouragement to go through-stitch with
her adventure; intimating too that I would stay and see fair
play: in which, indeed, I had in view to humour a new-born
curiosity, to observe what appearances active nature would put
on in a natural, in the course of this her darling operation.
Louisa, whose appetite was up, and who, like the indus-
trious bee, was, it seems, not above gathering the sweets of
so rare a flower, tho' she found it planted on a dunghill,
was but too readily disposed to take the benefit of my
cession. Urg'd then strongly by her own desires, and em-
bolden'd by me, she presently determined to risk a trial of
parts with the idiot, who was by this time nobly inflam'd
for her purpose, by all the irritations we had used to put
the principles of pleasure effectually into motion, and to
wind up the springs of its organ to their supreme pitch; and
it stood accordingly stiff and straining, ready to burst with
the blood and spirits that swelled it . . . to a bulk! No!
I shall never forget it.
Louisa then, taking and holding the fine handle that
so invitingly offer'd itself, led the ductile youth by that
master-tool of his, as she stept backward towards the bed;
which he joyfully gave way to, under the incitations of in-
stinct and palpably deliver'd up to the goad of desire.
Stopped then by the bed, she took the fall she lov'd,
and lean'd to the most, gently backward upon it, still hold-
ing fast what she held, and taking care to give her cloaths
a convenient toss up, so that her thighs duly disclos'd, and
elevated, laid open all the outward prospect of the treasury
of love: the rose-lipt overture presenting the cock-pit so
fair, that it was not in nature even for a natural to miss it.
Nor did he, for Louisa, fully bent on grappling with it, and
impatient of dalliance or delay, directed faithfully the point
of the battering-piece, and bounded up with a rage of so vora-
cious appetite, to meet and favour the thrust of insertion,
that the fierce activity on both sides effected it with such
pain of distention, that Louisa cry'd out violently that she
was hurt beyond bearing, that she was killed. But it was too
late: the storm was up, and force was on her to give way to
it; for now the man-machine, strongly work'd upon by the sen-
sual passion, felt so manfully his advantages and superiority,
felt withal the sting of pleasure so intolerable, that madden-
ing with it, his joys began to assume a character of furious-
ness which made me tremble for the too tender Louisa. He
seemed, at this juncture, greater than himself; his counten-
ance, before so void of meaning, or expression, now grew big
with the importance of the act he was upon. In short, it was
not now that he was to be play'd the fool with. But, what is
pleasant enough, I myself was aw'd into a sort of respect for
him, by the comely terrors his motions dressed him in: his
eyes shooting sparks of fire; his face glowing with ardours
that gave another life to it; his teeth churning; his whole
frame agitated with a raging ungovernable impetuosity: all
sensibly betraying the formidable fierceness with which the
genial instinct acted upon him. Butting then and goring all
before him, and mad and wild like an over-driven steer, he
ploughs up the tender furrow, all insensible to Louisa's com-
plaints; nothing can stop, nothing can keep out a fury like
his: with which, having once got its head in, its blind rage
soon made way for the rest, piercing, rending, and breaking
open all obstructions. The torn, split, wounded girl cries,
struggles, invokes me to her rescue, and endeavours to get
from under the young savage, or shake him off, but alas! in
vain: her breath might as soon have still'd or stemm'd a storm
in winter, as all her strength have quell'd his rough assault,
or put him out of his course. And indeed, all her efforts and
struggles were manag'd with such disorder, that they serv'd
rather to entangle, and fold her the faster in the twine of
his boisterous arms; so that she was tied to the stake, and
oblig'd to fight the match out, if she died for it. For his
part, instinct-ridden as he was, the expressions of his animal
passion, partaking something of ferocity, were rather worrying
than kisses, intermix'd with eager ravenous love-bites on her
cheeks and neck, the prints of which did not wear out for some
days after.
Poor Louisa, however, bore up at length better than could
have been expected; and though she suffer'd, and greatly too,
yet, ever true to the good old cause, she suffer'd with plea-
sure and enjoyed her pain. And soon now, by dint of an en-
rag'd enforcement, the brute-machine, driven like a whirl-
wind, made all smoke again, and wedging its way up, to the
utmost extremity, left her, in point of penetration, nothing
to fear or to desire: and now,
"Gorg'd with the dearest morsel of the earth,"
Louisa lay, pleas'd to the heart, pleas'd to her utmost capa-
city of being so, with every fibre in those parts, stretched
almost to breaking, on a rack of joy, whilst the instrument
of all this overfulness searched her senses with its sweet
excess, till the pleasure gained upon her so, its point stung
her so home, that catching at length the rage from her fur-
ious driver and sharing the riot of his wild rapture, she
went wholly out of her mind into that favourite part of her
body, the whole intenseness of which was so fervously fill'd,
and employ'd: there alone she existed, all lost in those de-
lirious transports, those extasies of the senses, which her
winking eyes, the brighten'd vermilion of her lips and cheeks,
and sighs of pleasure deeply fetched, so pathetically ex-
press'd. In short, she was now as mere a machine as much
wrought on, and had her motions as little at her own command
as the natural himself, who thus broke in upon her, made her
feel with a vengeance his tempestuous tenderness, and the
force of the mettle he battered with; their active loins
quivered again with the violence of their conflict, till the
surge of pleasure, foaming and raging to a height, drew down
the pearly shower that was to allay this hurricane. The
purely sensitive idiot then first shed those tears of joy that
attend its last moments, not without an agony of delight and
even almost a roar of rapture, as the gush escaped him; so
sensibly too for Louisa, that she kept him faithful company,
going off, in consent, with the old symptoms: a delicious
delirium, a tremulous convulsive shudder, and the critical
dying Oh! And now, on his getting off, she lay pleasure-
drench'd, and re-gorging its essential sweets; but quite
spent, and gasping for breath, without other sensation of
life than in those exquisite vibrations that trembled yet on
the strings of delight, which had been too intensively
touched, and which nature had been so intensly stirred with,
for the senses to be quickly at peace from.
As for the changeling, whose curious engine had been
thus successfully played off, his shift of countenance and
gesture had even something droll, or rather tragi-comic in
it: there was now an air of sad repining foolishness, super-
added to his natural one of no-meaning and idiotism, as he
stood with his label of manhood, now lank, unstiffen'd, be-
calm'd, and flapping against his thighs, down which it reach'd
half-way, terrible even in its fall, whilst under the dejec-
tion of spirit and flesh, which naturally followed, his eyes,
by turns, cast down towards his struck standard, or piteously
lifted to Louisa, seemed to require at her hands what he had
so sensibly parted from to her, and now ruefully miss'd. But
the vigour of nature, soon returning, dissipated the blast of
faintness which the common law of enjoyment had subjected him
to; and now his basket re-became his main concern, which I
look'd for, and brought him, whilst Louisa restor'd his dress
to its usual condition, and afterwards pleased him perhaps
more by taking all his flowers off his hands, and paying him,
at his rate, for them, than if she had embarrass'd him by a
present that he would have been puzzled to account for, and
might have put others on tracing the motives of.
Whether she ever return'd to the attack I know not, and,
to say the truth, I believe not. She had had her freak out,
and had pretty plentifully drown'd her curiosity in a glut of
pleasure, which, as it happened, had no other consequence
than that the lad, who retain'd only a confused memory of the
transaction, would, when he saw her, for some time after,
express a grin of joy and familiarity, after his idiot manner,
and soon forgot her in favour of the next woman, tempted, on
the report of his parts, to take him in.
Part 10
Louisa herself did not long outstay this adventure at
Mrs. Cole's (to whom, by-the-bye, we took care not to boast
of our exploit, till all fear of consequences were clearly
over): for an occasion presenting itself of proving her
passion for a young fellow, at the expense of her discretion,
proceeding all in character, she pack'd up her toilet at half
a day's warning and went with him abroad, since which I
entirely lost sight of her, and it never fell in my way to
hear what became of her.
But a few days after she had left us, two very pretty
young gentlemen, who were Mrs. Cole's especial favourites,
and free of her academy, easily obtain'd her consent for
Emily's and my acceptance of a party of pleasure at a little
but agreeable house belonging to one of them, situated not
far up the river Thames, on the Surry side.
Everything being settled, and it being a fine summer-
day, but rather of the warmest, we set out after dinner, and
got to our rendez-vous about four in the afternoon; where,
landing at the foot of a neat, joyous pavillion, Emily and I
were handed into it by our squires, and there drank tea with
a cheerfulness and gaiety that the beauty of the prospect,
the serenity of the weather, and the tender politeness of our
sprightly gallants naturally led us into.
After tea, and taking a turn in the garden, my particu-
lar, who was the master of the house, and had in no sense
schem'd this party of pleasure for a dry one, propos'd to us,
with that frankness which his familiarity at Mrs. Cole's
entitled him to, as the weather was excessively hot, to bathe
together, under a commodious shelter that he had prepared
expressly for that purpose, in a creek of the river, with
which a side-door of the pavilion immediately communicated,
and where we might be sure of having our diversion out, safe
from interruption, and with the utmost privacy.
Emily, who never refus'd anything, and I, who ever
delighted in bathing, and had no exception to the person who
propos'd it, or to those pleasures it was easy to guess it
implied, took care, on this occasion, not to wrong our
training at Mrs. Cole's, and agreed to it with as good a
grace as we could. Upon which, without loss of time, we
return'd instantly to the pavilion, one door of which open'd
into a tent, pitch'd before it, that with its marquise,
formed a pleasing defense against the sun, or the weather,
and was besides as private as we could wish. The lining of
it, imbossed cloth, represented a wild forest-foliage, from
the top down to the sides, which, in the same stuff, were
figur'd with fluted pilasters, with their spaces between
fill'd with flower-vases, the whole having a gay effect upon
the eye, wherever you turn'd it.
Then it reached sufficiently into the water, yet con-
tain'd convenient benches round it, on the dry ground, either
to keep our cloaths, or . . ., or . . ., in short, for more
uses than resting upon. There was a side-table too, loaded
with sweetmeats, jellies, and other eatables, and bottles of
wine and cordials, by way of occasional relief from any raw-
ness, or chill of the water, or from any faintness from what-
ever cause; and in fact, my gallant, who understood chere
entiere perfectly, and who, for taste (even if you would not
approve this specimen of it) might have been comptroller of
pleasures to a Roman emperor, had left no requisite towards
convenience or luxury unprovided.
As soon as we had look'd round this inviting spot, and
every preliminary of privacy was duly settled, strip was the
word: when the young gentlemen soon dispatch'd the undressing
each his partner and reduced us to the naked confession of
all those secrets of person which dress generally hides, and
which the discovery of was, naturally speaking, not to our
disadvantage. Our hands, indeed, mechanically carried towards
the most interesting part of us, screened, at first, all from
the tufted cliff downwards, till we took them away at their
desire, and employed them in doing them the same office, of
helping off with their cloaths; in the process of which, there
pass'd all the little wantonnesses and frolicks that you may
easily imagine.
As for my spark, he was presently undressed, all to his
shirt, the fore-lappet of which as he lean'd languishingly on
me, he smilingly pointed to me to observe, as it bellied out,
or rose and fell, according to the unruly starts of the mo-
tion behind it; but it was soon fix'd, for now taking off his
shirt, and naked as a Cupid, he shew'd it me at so upright a
stand, as prepar'd me indeed for his application to me for
instant ease; but, tho' the sight of its fine size was fit
enough to fire me, the cooling air, as I stood in this state
of nature, joined to the desire I had of bathing first, en-
abled me to put him off, and tranquillize him, with the re-
mark that a little suspense would only set a keener edge on
the pleasure. Leading then the way, and shewing our friends
an example of continency, which they were giving signs of
losing respect to, we went hand in hand into the stream, till
it took us up to our neck, where the no more than grateful
coolness of the water gave my senses a delicious refreshment
from the sultriness of the season, and made more alive, more
happy in myself, and, in course, more alert, and open to
voluptuous impressions.
Here I lav'd and wanton'd with the water, or sportively
play'd with my companion, leaving Emily to deal with hers at
discretion. Mine, at length, not content with making me take
the plunge over head and ears, kept splashing me, and provok-
ing me with all the little playful tricks he could devise,
and which I strove not to remain in his debt for. We gave,
in short, a loose to mirth; and now, nothing would serve him
but giving his hands the regale of going over every part of
me, neck, breast, belly, thighs, and all the et cetera, so
dear to the imagination, under the pretext of washing and
rubbing them; as we both stood in the water, no higher now
than the pit of our stomachs, and which did not hinder him
from feeling, and toying with that leak that distinguishes
our sex, and it so wonderfully water-tight: for his fingers,
in vain dilating and opening it, only let more flame than
water into it, be it said without a figure. At the same time
he made me feel his own engine, which was so well wound up,
as to stand even the working in water, and he accordingly
threw one arm round my neck, and was endeavouring to get the
better of that harsher construction bred by the surrounding
fluid; and had in effect won his way so far as to make me
sensible of the pleasing stretch of those nether-lips, from
the in-driving machine; when, independent of my not liking
that aukward mode of enjoyment, I could not help interrupt-
ing him, in order to become joint spectators of a plan of
joy, in hot operation between Emily and her partner; who
impatient of the fooleries and dalliance of the bath, had led
his nymph to one of the benches on the green bank, where he
was very cordially proceeding to teach her the difference be-
twixt jest and earnest.
There, setting her on his knee, and gliding one hand over
the surface of that smooth polish'd snow-white skin of hers,
which now doubly shone with a dew-bright lustre, and presented
to the touch something like what one would imagine of animated
ivory, especially in those ruby-nippled globes, which the
touch is so fond of and delights to make love to, with the
other he was lusciously exploring the sweet secret of nature,
in order to make room for a stately piece of machinery, that
stood uprear'd, between her thighs, as she continued sitting
on his lap, and pressed hard for instant admission, which the
tender Emily, in a fit of humour deliciously protracted, af-
fecting to decline, and elude the very pleasure she sigh'd
for, but in a style of waywardness so prettily put on, and
managed, as to render it ten times more poignant; then her
eyes, all amidst the softest dying languishment, express'd at
once a mock denial and extreme desire, whilst her sweetness
was zested with a coyness so pleasingly provoking, her moods
of keeping him off were so attractive, that they redoubled
the impetuous rage with which he cover'd her with kisses: and
the kisses that, whilst she seemed to shy from or scuffle for,
the cunning wanton contrived such sly returns of, as were
doubtless the sweeter for the gust she gave them, of being
stolen ravished.
Thus Emily, who knew no art but that which nature itself,
in favour of her principal end, pleasure, had inspir'd her
with, the art of yielding, coy'd it indeed, but coy'd it to
the purpose; for with all her straining, her wrestling, and
striving to break from the clasp of his arms, she was so far
wiser yet than to mean it, that in her struggles, it was
visible she aim'd at nothing more than multiplying points of
touch with him, and drawing yet closer the folds that held
them every where entwined, like two tendrils of a vine inter-
curling together: so that the same effect, as when Louisa
strove in good earnest to disengage from the idiot, was now
produced by different motives.
Mean while, their emersion out of the cold water had
caused a general glow, a tender suffusion of heighten'd
carnation over their bodies; both equally white and smooth-
skinned; so that as their limbs were thus amorously inter-
woven, in sweet confusion, it was scarce possible to distin-
guish who they respectively belonged to, but for the brawnier,
bolder muscles of the stronger sex.
In a little time, however, the champion was fairly in
with her, and had tied at all points the true lover's knot;
when now, adieu all the little refinements of a finessed re-
luctance; adieu the friendly feint! She was presently driven
forcibly out of the power of using any art; and indeed, what
art must not give way, when nature, corresponding with her
assailant, invaded in the heart of her capital and carried by
storm, lay at the mercy of the proud conqueror who had made
his entry triumphantly and completely? Soon, however, to be-
come a tributary: for the engagement growing hotter and
hotter, at close quarters, she presently brought him to the
pass of paying down the dear debt to nature; which she had no
sooner collected in, but, like a duellist who has laid his
antagonist at his feet, when he has himself received a mortal
wound, Emily had scarce time to plume herself upon her vic-
tory, but, shot with the same discharge, she, in a loud ex-
piring sigh, in the closure of her eyes, the stretch-out of
her limbs, and a remission of her whole frame, gave manifest
signs that all was as it should be.
For my part, who had not with the calmest patience stood
in the water all this time, to view this warm action, I lean'd
tenderly on my gallant, and at the close of it, seemed'd to
ask him with my eyes what he thought of it; but he, more eager
to satisfy me by his actions than by words or looks, as we
shoal'd the water towards the shore, shewed me the staff of
love so intensely set up, that had not even charity beginning
at home in this case, urged me to our mutual relief, it would
have been cruel indeed to have suffered the youth to burst
with straining, when the remedy was so obvious and so near at
Accordingly we took to a bench, whilst Emily and her
spark, who belonged it seems to the sea, stood at the side-
board, drinking to our good voyage: for, as the last observ'd,
we were well under weigh, with a fair wind up channel, and
full-freighted; nor indeed were we long before we finished our
trip to Cythera, and unloaded in the old haven; but, as the
circumstances did not admit of much variation, I shall spare
you the description.
At the same time, allow me to place you here an excuse
I am conscious of owing you, for having, perhaps, too much
affected the figurative style; though surely, it can pass no-
where more allowably than in a subject which is so properly
the province of poetry, nay, is poetry itself, pregnant with
every flower of imagination and loving metaphors, even were
not the natural expressions, for respects of fashion and
sound, necessarily forbid it.
Resuming now my history, you may please to know that
what with a competent number of repetitions, all in the same
strain (and, by-the-bye, we have a certain natural sense that
those repetitions are very much to the taste), what with a
circle of pleasures delicately varied, there was not a moment
lost to joy all the time we staid there, till late in the
night we were re-escorted home by our squires, who delivered
us safe to Mrs. Cole, with generous thanks for our company.
This too was Emily's last adventure in our way: for
scarce a week after, she was, by an accident too trivial to
detail to you the particulars, found out by her parents, who
were in good circumstances, and who had been punish'd for
their partiality to their son, in the loss of him, occasion'd
by a circumstance of their over-indulgence to his appetite;
upon which the so long engross'd stream of fondness, running
violently in favour of this lost and inhumanly abandon'd child
whom if they had not neglected enquiry about, they might long
before have recovered. They were now so overjoyed at the re-
trieval of her, that, I presume, it made them much less strict
in examining the bottom of things: for they seem'd very glad
to take for granted, in the lump, everything that the grave
and decent Mrs. Cole was pleased to pass upon them; and soon
afterwards sent her, from the country, a handsome acknowledge-
But it was not so easy to replace to our community the
loss of so sweet a member of it: for, not to mention her
beauty, she was one of those mild, pliant characters that if
one does not entirely esteem, one can scarce help loving,
which is not such a bad compensation neither. Owing all her
weakness to good-nature, and an indolent facility that kept
her too much at the mercy of first impressions, she had just
sense enough to know that she wanted leading-strings, and
thought herself so much obliged to any who would take the
pains to think for her, and guide her, that with a very little
management, she was capable of being made a most agreeable,
nay, a most virtuous wife: for vice, it is probable, had never
been her choice, or her fate, if it had not been for occasion,
or example, or had she not depended less upon herself than
upon her circumstances. This presumption her conduct after-
wards verified: for presently meeting with a match that was
ready cut and dry for her, with a neighbour's son of her own
rank, and a young man of sense and order, who took her as the
widow of one lost at sea (for so it seems one of her gallants,
whose name she had made free with, really was), she naturally
struck into all the duties of their domestic life with as much
constancy and regularity, as if she had never swerv'd from a
state of undebauch'd innocence from her youth.
These desertions had, however, now so far thinned Mrs.
Cole's brood that she was left with only me like a hen with
one chicken; but tho' she was earnestly entreated and encou-
rag'd to recruit her corps, her growing infirmities, and,
above all, the tortures of a stubborn hip-gout, which she
found would yield to no remedy, determin'd her to bread up her
business and retire with a decent pittance into the country,
where I promis'd myself nothing so sure, as my going down to
live with her as soon as I had seen a little more of life and
improv'd my small matters into a competency that would create
in me an independence on the world: for I was, now, thanks to
Mrs. Cole, wise enough to keep that essential in view.
Thus was I then to lose my faithful preceptress, as did
the Philosophers of the town the White Crow of her profession.
For besides that she never ransacked her customers, whose
taste too she ever studiously consulted, besides that she
never racked her pupils with unconscionable extortions, nor
ever put their hard earnings, as she call'd them, under the
contribution of poundage. She was a severe enemy to the
seduction for innocence, and confin'd her acquisitions solely
to those unfortunate young women, who, having lost it, were
but the juster objects of compassion: among these, indeed,
she pick'd but such as suited her views and taking them under
her protection, rescu'd them from the danger of the publick
sinks of ruin and misery, to place, or do for them, well or
ill, in the manner you have seen. Having then settled her
affairs, she set out on her journey, after taking the most
tender leave of me, and at the end of some excellent instruc-
tions, recommending me to myself, with an anxiety perfectly
maternal. In short, she affected me so much, that I was not
presently reconcil'd to myself for suffering her at any rate
to go without me; but fate had, it seems, otherwise dispos'd
of me.
I had, on my separation from Mrs. Cole, taken a pleasant
convenient house at Marybone, but easy to rent and manage from
its smallness, which I furnish'd neatly and modestly. There,
with a reserve of eight hundred pounds, the fruit of my defer-
ence to Mrs. Cole's counsels, exclusive of cloaths, some
jewels, some plate, I saw myself in purse for a long time, to
wait without impatience for what the chapter of accidents
might produce in my favour.
Here, under the new character of a young gentle-woman
whose husband was gone to sea, I had mark'd me out such lines
of life and conduct, as leaving me at a competent liberty to
pursue my views either out of pleasure or fortune, bounded me
nevertheless strictly within the rules od decency and discre-
tion: a disposition in which you cannot escape observing a
true pupil of Mrs. Cole.
I was scarce, however, well warm in my new abode, when
going out one morning pretty early to enjoy the freshness of
it, in the pleasing outlet of the fields, accompanied only by
a maid, whom I had newly hired, as we were carelessly walking
among the trees we were alarmed with the noise of a violent
coughing: turning our heads towards which, we distinguish'd a
plain well-dressed elderly gentleman, who, attack'd with a
sudden fit, was so much overcome as to be forc'd to give way
to it and sit down at the foot of a tree, where he seemed
suffocating with the severity of it, being perfectly black in
the face: not less mov'd than frighten'd with which, I flew
on the instant to his relief, and using the rote of practice
I had observ'd on the like occasion, I loosened his cravat
and clapped him on the back; but whether to any purpose, or
whether the cough had had its course, I know not, but the fit
immediately went off; and now recover'd to his speech and
legs, he returned me thanks with as much emphasis as if I had
sav'd his life. This naturally engaging a conversation, he
acquainted me where he lived, which was at a considerable
distance from where I met with him, and where he had stray'd
insensibly on the same intention of a morning walk.
He was, as I afterwards learn'd in the course of the
intimacy which this little accident gave birth to, an old
bachelor, turn'd of sixty, but of a fresh vigorous complexion,
insomuch that he scarce marked five and forty, having never
rack'd his constitution by permitting his desires to overtax
his ability.
As to his birth and condition, his parents, honest and
fail'd mechanicks, had, by the best traces he could get of
them, left him an infant orphan on the parish; so that it was
from a charity-school, that, by honesty and industry, he made
his way into a merchant's counting-house; from whence, being
sent to a house in CADIZ, he there, by his talents and acti-
vity, acquired a fortune, but an immense one, with which he
returned to his native country; where he could not, however,
so much as fish out one single relation out of the obscurity
he was born in. Taking then a taste for retirement, and
pleas'd to enjoy life, like a mistress in the dark, he flowed
his days in all the ease of opulence, without the least parade
of it; and, rather studying the concealment than the shew of a
fortune, looked down on a world he perfectly knew; himself, to
his wish, unknown and unmarked by.
But, as I propose to devote a letter entirely to the
pleasure of retracing to you all the particulars of my ac-
quaintance with this ever, to me, memorable friend, I shall,
in this, transiently touch on no more than may serve, as
mortar to cement, to form the connection of my history, and
to obviate your surprize that one of my high blood and relish
of life should count a gallant of threescore such a catch.
Referring then to a more explicit narrative, to explain
by what progressions our acquaintance, certainly innocent at
first, insensibly changed nature, and ran into unplatonic
lengths, as might well be expected from one of my condition
of life, and above all, from that principle of electricity
that scarce ever fails of producing fire when the sexes meet.
I shall only her acquaint you, that as age had not subdued
his tenderness for our sex, neither had it robbed him of the
power of pleasing, since whatever he wanted in the bewitching
charms of youth, he aton'd for, or supplemented with the ad-
vantages of experience, the sweetness of his manners, and
above all, his flattering address in touching the heart, by
an application to the understanding. From him it was I first
learn'd, to any purpose, and not without infinite pleasure,
that I had such a portion of me worth bestowing some regard
on; from him I received my first essential encouragement, and
instructions how to put it in that train of cultivation, which
I have since pushed to the little degree of improvement you
see it at; he it was, who first taught me to be sensible that
the pleasures of the mind were superior to those of the body;
at the same time, that they were so far from obnoxious to, or
incompatible with each other, that, besides the sweetness in
the variety and transition, the one serv'd to exalt and per-
fect the taste of the other to a degree that the senses alone
can never arrive at.
Himself a rational pleasurist, as being much too wise to
be asham'd of the pleasures of humanity, loved me indeed, but
loved me with dignity; in a mean equally remov'd from the
sourness, of forwardness, by which age is unpleasingly char-
acteriz'd, and from that childish silly dotage that so often
disgraces it, and which he himself used to turn into ridicule,
and compare to an old goat affecting the frisk of a young kid.
In short, everything that is generally unamiable in his
season of life was, in him, repair'd by so many advantages,
that he existed a proof, manifest at least to me, that it is
not out of the power of age to please, if it lays out to
please, and if, making just allowances, those in that class
do not forget that it must cost them more pains and attention
than what youth, the natural spring-time of joy, stands in
need of: as fruits out of season require proportionably more
skill and cultivation, to force them.
With this gentleman then, who took me home soon after
our acquaintance commenc'd, I lived near eight months; in
which time, my constant complaisance and docility, my atten-
tion to deserve his confidence and love, and a conduct, in
general, devoid of the least art and founded on my sincere
regard and esteem for him, won and attach'd him so firmly to
me, that, after having generously trusted me with a genteel,
independent settlement, proceeding to heap marks of affection
on me, he appointed me, by an authentick will, his sole
heiress and executrix: a disposition which he did not outlive
two months, being taken from me by a violent cold that he
contracted as he unadvisedly ran to the window on an alarm of
fire, at some streets distance, and stood there naked-breast-
ed, and exposed to the fatal impressions of a damp night-air.
After acquitting myself of my duty towards my deceas'd
benefactor, and paying him a tribute of unfeign'd sorrow,
which a little time chang'd into a most tender, grateful
memory of him that I shall ever retain, I grew somewhat com-
forted by the prospect that now open'd to me, if not of hap-
piness at least of affluence and independence.
I saw myself then in the full bloom and pride of youth
(for I was not yet nineteen) actually at the head of so large
a fortune, as it would have been even the height of impudence
in me to have raised my wishes, much more my hopes, to; and
that this unexpected elevation did not turn my head, I ow'd
to the pains my benefactor had taken to form and prepare me
for it, as I ow'd his opinion of my management of the vast
possessions he left me, to what he had observ'd of the pru-
dential economy I had learned under Mrs. Cole, of which the
reserve he saw I had made was a proof and encouragement to
But, alas! how easily is the enjoyment of the greatest
sweets in life, in present possession, poisoned by the regret
of an absent one! but my regret was a mighty and just one,
since it had my only truly beloved Charles for its object.
Given him up I had, indeed, compleatly, having never once
heard from him since our separation; which, as I found after-
wards, had been my misfortune, and not his neglect, for he
wrote me several letters which had all miscarried; but for-
gotten him I never had. Amidst all my personal infidelities,
not one had made a pin's point impression on a heart impene-
trable to the true love-passion, but for him.
As soon, however, as I was mistress of this unexpected
fortune, I felt more than ever how dear he was to me, from
its insufficiency to make me happy, whilst he was not to
share it with me. My earliest care, consequently, was to
endeavour at getting some account of him; but all my re-
searches produc'd me no more light than that his father had
been dead for some time, not so well as even with the world;
and that Charles had reached his port of destination in the
South-Seas, where, finding the estate he was sent to recover
dwindled to a trifle, by the loss of two ships in which the
bulk of his uncle's fortune lay, he was come away with the
small remainder, and might, perhaps, according to the best
advice, in a few months return to England, from whence he
had, at the time of this my inquiry, been absent two years
and seven months. A little eternity in love!
You cannot conceive with what joy I embraced the hopes
thus given me of seeing the delight of my heart again. But,
as the term of months was assigned it, in order to divert
and amuse my impatience for his return, after settling my
affairs with much ease and security, I set out on a journey
for Lancashire, with an equipage suitable to my fortune, and
with a design purely to revisit my place of nativity, for
which I could not help retaining a great tenderness; and might
naturally not be sorry to shew myself there, to the advantage
I was now in pass to do, after the report Esther Davis had
spread of my being spirited away to the plantations; for on
no other supposition could she account for the suppression of
myself to her, since her leaving me so abruptly at the inn.
Another favourite intention I had, to look out for my rela-
tions, though I had none besides distant ones, and prove a
benefactress to them. Then Mrs. Cole's place of retirement
lying in my way, was not amongst the least of the pleasures I
had proposed to myself in this expedition.
I had taken nobody with me but a discreet decent woman,
to figure it as my companion, besides my servants, and was
scarce got into an inn, about twenty miles from London, where
I was to sup and pass the night, when such a storm of wind
and rain sprang up as made me congratulate myself on having
got under shelter before it began.
This had continu'd a good half hour, when bethinking me
of some directions to be given to the coachman, I sent for
him, and not caring that his shoes should soil the very clean
parlour, in which the cloth was laid, I stept into the hall-
kitchen, where he was, and where, whilst I was talking to him,
I slantingly observ'd two horsemen driven in by the weather,
and both wringing wet; one of whom was asking if they could
not be assisted with a change, while their clothes were dried.
But, heavens! who can express what I felt at the sound of a
voice, ever present to my heart, and that is now rebounded at!
or when pointing my eyes towards the person it came from, they
confirm'd its information, in spite of so long an absence, and
of a dress one would have imagin'd studied for a disguise: a
horseman's great coat, with a stand-up cape, and his hat
flapp'd . . . but what could escape the piercing alertness of
a sense surely guided by love? A transport then like mine was
above all consideration, or schemes of surprize; and I, that
instant, with the rapidity of the emotions that I felt the
spur of, shot into his arms, crying out, as I threw mine round
his neck: "My life! . . . my soul! . . . my Charles! . . ."
and without further power of speech, swoon'd away, under the
pressing agitations of joy and surprize.
Recover'd out of my entrancement, I found myself in my
charmer's arms, but in the parlour, surrounded by a crowd
which this event had gather'd round us, and which immediately,
on a signal from the discreet landlady, who currently took him
for my husband, clear'd the room, and desirably left us alone
to the raptures of this reunion; my joy at which had like to
have prov'd, at the expense of my life, power superior to that
of grief at our fatal separation.
The first object then, that my eyes open'd on, was their
supreme idol, and my supreme wish Charles, on one knee, hold-
ing me fast by the hand and gazing on me with a transport of
fondness. Observing my recovery, he attempted to speak, and
give vent to his patience of hearing my voice again, to
satisfy him once more that it was me; but the mightiness and
suddenness of the surprize, continuing to stun him, choked
his utterance: he could only stammer out a few broken, half
formed, faltering accents, which my ears greedily drinking
in, spelt, and put together, so as to make out their sense;
"After so long! . . . so cruel . . . an absence! . . . my
dearest Fanny! . . . can it? . . . can it be you? . . ."
stifling me at the same time with kisses, that, stopping my
mouth, at once prevented the answer that he panted for, and
increas'd the delicious disorder in which all my senses were
rapturously lost. Amidst however, this crowd of ideas, and
all blissful ones, there obtruded only one cruel doubt, that
poison'd nearly all the transcendent happiness: and what was
it, but my dread of its being too excessive to be real? I
trembled now with the fear of its being no more than a
dream, and of my waking out of it into the horrors of find-
ing it one. Under this fond apprehension, imagining I could
not make too much of the present prodigious joy, before it
should vanish and leave me in the desert again, nor verify
its reality too strongly, I clung to him, I clasp'd him, as
if to hinder him from escaping me again: "Where have you
been? . . . how could you . . . could you leave me? . . .
Say you are still mine . . . that you still love me . . .
and thus! thus!" (kissing him as if I would consolidate lips
with him!) "I forgive you . . . forgive my hard fortune in
favour of this restoration."
All these interjections breaking from me, in that wild-
ness of expression that justly passes for eloquence in love,
drew from him all the returns my fond heart could wish or
require. Our caresses, our questions, our answers, for some
time observ'd no order; all crossing, or interrupting one
another in sweet confusion, whilst we exchang'd hearts at our
eyes, and renew'd the ratifications of a love unbated by time
or absence: not a breath, not a motion, not a gesture on
either side, but what was strongly impressed with it. Our
hands, lock'd in each other, repeated the most passionate
squeezes, so that their fiery thrill went to the heart again.
Thus absorbed, and concentre'd in this unutterable de-
light, I had not attended to the sweet author of it, being
thoroughly wet, and in danger of catching cold; when, in good
time, the landlady, whom the appearance of my equipage (which,
by-the-bye, Charles knew nothing of) had gain'd me an interest
in, for me and mine, interrupted us by bringing in a decent
shift of linen and cloaths, which now, somewhat recover'd into
a calmer composure by the coming in of a third person, I prest
him to take the benefit of, with a tender concern and anxiety
that made me tremble for his health.
The landlady leaving us again, he proceeded to shift; in
the act of which, tho' he proceeded with all that modesty
which became these first solemner instants of our re-meeting
after so long an absence, I could not contain certain snatches
of my eyes, lured by the dazzling discoveries of his naked
skin, that escaped him as he chang'd his linen, and which I
could not observe the unfaded life and complexion of without
emotions of tenderness and joy, that had himself too purely
for their object to partake of a loose or mistim'd desire.
He was soon drest in these temporary cloaths, which
neither fitted him now became the light my passion plac'd
him in, to me at least; yet, as they were on him, they look'd
extremely well, in virtue of that magic charm which love put
into everything that he touch'd, or had relation to him: and
where, indeed, was that dress that a figure like this would
not give grace to? For now, as I ey'd him more in detail, I
could not but observe the even favourable alteration which
the time of his absence had produced in his person.
There were still the requisite lineaments, still the
same vivid vermilion and bloom reigning in his face: but now
the roses were more fully blown; the tan of his travels, and
a beard somewhat more distinguishable, had, at the expense
of no more delicacy than what he could well spare, given it
an air of becoming manliness and maturity, that symmetriz'd
nobly with that air of distinction and empire with which
nature had stamp'd it, in a rare mixture with the sweetness
of it; still nothing had he lost of that smooth plumpness of
flesh, which, glowing with freshness, blooms florid to the
eye, and delicious to the touch; then his shoulders were
grown more square, his shape more form'd, more portly, but
still free and airy. In short, his figure show'd riper,
greater, and perfecter to the experienced eye than in his
tender youth; and now he was not much more than two and
In this interval, however, I pick'd out of the broken,
often pleasingly interrupted account of himself, that he was,
at that instant, actually on his road to London, in not a
very paramount plight or condition, having been wreck'd on
the Irish coast for which he had prematurely embark'd, and
lost the little all he had brought with him from the South
Seas; so that he had not till after great shifts and hard-
ships, in the company of his fellow-traveller, the captain,
got so far on his journey; that so it was (having heard of
his father's death and circumstances) he had now the world
to begin again, on a new account: a situation which he
assur'd me, in a vein of sincerity that, flowing from his
heart, penetrated mine, gave him to farther pain, than that
he had it not in his power to make me as happy as he could
wish. My fortune, you will please to observe, I had not
enter'd upon any overture of, reserving to feast myself with
the surprize of it to him, in calmer instants. And, as to
my dress, it could give him no idea of the truth, not only
as it was mourning, but likewise in a style of plainness and
simplicity that I had ever kept to with studied art. He
press'd me indeed tenderly to satisfy his ardent curiosity,
both with regard to my past and present state of life since
his being torn away from me: but I had the address to elude
his questions by answers that, shewing his satisfaction at
no great distance, won upon him to waive his impatience, in
favour of the thorough confidence he had in my not delaying
it, but for respects I should in good time acquaint him with.
Charles, however, thus returned to my longing arms,
tender, faithful, and in health, was already a blessing too
mighty for my conception: but Charles in distress! . . .
Charles reduc'd, and broken down to his naked personal merit,
was such a circumstance, in favour of the sentiments I had
for him, as exceeded my utmost desires; and accordingly I
seemed so visibly charm'd, so out of time and measure pleas'd
at his mention of his ruin'd fortune, that he could account
for it no way, but that the joy of seeing him again had swal-
low'd up every other sense, or concern.
In the mean time, my woman had taken all possible care
of Charles's travelling companion; and as supper was coming
in, he was introduc'd to me, when I receiv'd him as became my
regard for all of Charles's acquaintance or friends.
We four then supp'd together, in the style of joy, con-
gratulation, and pleasing disorder that you may guess. For
my part, though all these agitations had left me not the
least stomach but for that uncloying feast, the sight of my
ador'd youth, I endeavour'd to force it, by way of example
for him, who I conjectur'd must want such a recruit after
riding; and, indeed, he ate like a traveller, but gaz'd at,
and addressed me all the time like a lover.
After the cloth was taken away, and the hour of repose
came on, Charles and I were, without further ceremony, in
quality of man and wife, shewn up together to a very handsome
apartment, and, all in course, the bed, they said, the best
in the inn.
And here, Decency, forgive me! if once more I violate
thy laws and keeping the curtains undrawn, sacrifice thee for
the last time to that confidence, without reserve, with which
I engaged to recount to you the most striking circumstances
of my youthful disorders.
As soon, then, as we were in the room together, left to
ourselves, the sight of the bed starting the remembrance of
our first joys, and the thought of my being instantly to
share it with the dear possessor of my virgin heart, mov'd
me so strongly, that it was well I lean'd upon him, or I
must have fainted again under the overpowering sweet alarm.
Charles saw into my confusion, and forgot his own, that was
scarce less, to apply himself to the removal of mine.
But now the true refining passion had regain'd thorough
possession of me, with all its train of symptoms: a sweet
sensibility, a tender timidity, love-sick yearnings temper'd
with diffidence and modesty, all held me in a subjection of
soul, incomparably dearer to me than the liberty of heart
which I had been long, too long! the mistress of, in the
course of those grosser gallantries, the consciousness of
which now made me sigh with a virtuous confusion and regret.
No real virgin, in view of the nuptial bed, could give more
bashful blushes to unblemish'd innocence than I did to a
sense of guilt; and indeed I lov'd Charles too truly not to
feel severely that I did not deserve him.
As I kept hesitating and disconcerted under this soft
distraction, Charles, with a fond impatience, took the pains
to undress me; and all I can remember amidst the flutter and
discomposure of my senses was some flattering exclamations of
joy and admiration, more specially at the feel of my breasts,
now set at liberty form my stays, and which panting and ris-
ing in tumultuous throbs, swell'd upon his dear touch, and
gave it the welcome pleasure of finding them well form'd, and
unfail'd in firmness.
I was soon laid in bed, and scarce languish'd an instant
for the darling partner of it, before he was undress'd and
got between the sheets, with his arms clasp'd round me, giv-
ing and taking, with gust inexpressible, a kiss of welcome,
that my heart rising to my lips stamp'd with its warmest
impression, concurring to by bliss, with that delicate and
voluptuous emotion which Charles alone had the secret to
excite, and which constitutes the very life, the essence of
Meanwhile, two candles lighted on a side-table near us,
and a joyous wood-fire, threw a light into the bed that took
from one sense, of great importance to our joys, all pretext
for complaining of its being shut out of its share of them;
and indeed, the sight of my idolized youth was alone, from
the ardour with which I had wished for it, without other cir-
cumstance, a pleasure to die of.
But as action was now a necessity to desires so much on
edge as ours, Charles, after a very short prelusive dalliance,
lifting up my linen and his own, laid the broad treasures of
his manly chest close to my bosom, both beating with the
tenderest alarms: when now, the sense of his glowing body, in
naked touch with mine, took all power over my thoughts out of
my own disposal, and deliver'd up every faculty of the soul
to the sensiblest of joys, that affecting me infinitely more
with my distinction of the person than of the sex, now
brought my conscious heart deliciously into play: my heart,
which eternally constant to Charles, had never taken any part
in my occasional sacrifices to the calls of constitution,
complaisance, or interest. But ah! what became of me, when
as the powers of solid pleasure thickened upon me, I could
not help feeling the stiff stake that had been adorn'd with
the trophies of my despoil'd virginity, bearing hard and
inflexible against one of my thighs, which I had not yet
opened, from a true principle of modesty, reviv'd by a pas-
sion too sincere to suffer any aiming at the false merit of
difficulty, or my putting on an impertinent mock coyness.
I have, I believe, somewhere before remark'd, that the
feel of that favourite piece of manhood has, in the very na-
ture of it, something inimitably pathetic. Nothing can be
dearer to the touch, nor can affect it with a more delicious
sensation. Think then! as a love thinks, what must be the
consummate transport of that quickest of our senses, in their
central seat too! when, after so long a deprival, it felt
itself re-inflam'd under the pressure of that peculiar scep-
ter-member which commands us all: but especially my darling,
elect from the face of the whole earth. And now, at its
mightiest point of stiffness, it felt to me something so
subduing, so active, so solid and agreeable, that I know not
what name to give its singular impression: but the sentiment
of consciousness of its belonging to my supremely beloved
youth, gave me so pleasing an agitation, and work'd so
strongly on my soul, that it sent all its sensitive spirits
to that organ of bliss in me, dedicated to its reception.
There, concentreing to a point, like rays in a burning glass,
they glow'd, they burnt with the intensest heat; the springs
of pleasure were, in short, wound up to such a pitch, I
panted now, with so exquisitely keen an appetite for the emi-
nent enjoyment that I was even sick with desire, and unequal
to support the combination of two distinct ideas, that de-
lightfully distracted me: for all the thought I was capable
of, was that I was now in touch, at once, with the instrument
of pleasure, and the great-seal of love. Ideas that, ming-
ling streams, pour'd such an ocean of intoxicating bliss on
a weak vessel, all too narrow to contain it, that I lay over-
whelm'd, absorbed, lost in an abyss of joy, and dying of
nothing but immoderate delight.
Charles then rous'd me somewhat out of this extatic dis-
traction with a complaint softly murmured, amidst a crowd of
kisses, at the position, not so favourable to his desires, in
which I receiv'd his urgent insistance for admission, where
that insistance was alone so engrossing a pleasure that it
made me inconsistently suffer a much dearer one to be kept
out; but how sweet to correct such a mistake! My thighs, now
obedient ot the intimations of love and nature, gladly dis-
close, and with a ready submission, resign up the soft gate-
way to the entrance of pleasure: I see, I feel the delicious
velvet tip! . . . he enters me might and main, with . . . oh!
my pen drops from me here in the extasy now present to my
faithful memory! Description too deserts me, and delivers
over a task, above its strength of wing, to the imagination:
but it must be an imagination exalted by such a flame as mine
that can do justice to that sweetest, noblest of all sensa-
tions, that hailed and accompany'd the stiff insinuation all
the way up, till it was at the end of its penetration, send-
ing up, through my eyes, the sparks of the love-fire that
ran all over me and blaz'd in every vein and every pore of
me: a system incarnate of joy all over.
I had now totally taken in love's true arrow from the
point up to the feather, in that part, where making now new
wound, the lips of the original one of nature, which had
owed its first breathing to this dear instrument, clung, as
if sensible of gratitude, in eager suction round it, whilst
all its inwards embrac'd it tenderly with a warmth of gust,
a compressive energy, that gave it, in its way, the hearti-
est welcome in nature; every fibre there gathering tight
round it, and straining ambitiously to come in for its share
of the blissful touch.
As we were giving them a few moments of pause to the
delectation of the senses, in dwelling with the highest
relish on this intimatest point of re-union, and chewing the
cud of enjoyment, the impatience natural to the pleasure soon
drove us into action. Then began the driving tumult on his
side, and the responsive heaves on mine, which kept me up to
him; whilst, as our joys grew too great for utterance, the
organs of our voices, voluptuously intermixing, became organs
of the touch . . . and oh, that touch! how delicious! . . .
how poignantly luscious! . . . And now! now I felt to the
heart of me! I felt the prodigious keen edge with which love,
presiding over this act, points the pleasure: love! that may
be styled the Attic salt of enjoyment; and indeed, without
it, the joy, great as it is, is still a vulgar one, whether
in a king or a beggar; for it is, undoubtedly, love alone
that refines, ennobles and exalts it.
Thus happy, then, by the heart, happy by the senses, it
was beyond all power, even of thought, to form the conception
of a greater delight than what I was now consummating the
fruition of.
Charles, whose whole frame was convulsed with the agita-
tion of his rapture, whilst the tenderest fires trembled in
his eyes, all assured me of a prefect concord of joy, pene-
trated me so profoundly, touch'd me so vitally, took me so
much out of my own possession, whilst he seem'd himself so
much in mine, that in a delicious enthusiasm, I imagin'd such
a transfusion of heart and spirit, as that coalescing, and
making one body and soul with him, I was he, and he, me.
But all this pleasure tending, like life from its first
instants, towards its own dissolution, liv'd too fast not to
bring on upon the spur its delicious moment of mortality; for
presently the approach of the tender agony discover'd itself
by its usual signals, that were quickly follow'd by my dear
love's emanation of himself that spun our, and shot, feel-
ingly indeed! up the ravish'd in-draught: where the sweetly
soothing balmy titillation opened all the juices of joy on my
side, which extatically in flow, help'd to allay the prurient
glow, and drown'd our pleasure for a while. Soon, however,
to be on float again! For Charles, true to nature's laws, in
one breath expiring and ejaculating, languish'd not long in
the dissolving trance, but recovering spirit again, soon gave
me to feel that the true-mettle springs of his instrument of
pleasure were, by love, and perhaps by a long vacation, wound
up too high to be let down by a single explosion: his stiff-
ness still stood my friend. Resuming then the action afresh,
without dislodging, or giving me the trouble of parting from
my sweet tenant, we play'd over again the same opera, with
the same delightful harmony and concert: our ardours, like
our love, knew no remission; and, all as the tide serv'd my
lover, lavish of his stores, and pleasure milked, over-flowed
me once more from the fulness of his oval reservoirs of the
genial emulsion: whilst, on my side, a convulsive grasp, in
the instant of my giving down the liquid contribution, ren-
der'd me sweetly subservient at once to the increase of his
joy, and of its effusions: moving me so, as to make me exert
all those springs of the compressive exsuction with which the
sensitive mechanism of that part thirstily draws and drains
the nipple of Love; with much such an instinctive eagerness
and attachment as, to compare great with less, kind nature
engages infants at the breast by the pleasure they find in
the motion of their little mouths and cheeks, to extract the
milky stream prepar'd for their nourishment.
But still there was no end of his vigour: this double
discharge had so far from extinguish'd his desires, for that
time, that it had not even calm'd them; and at his age, de-
sires are power. He was proceeding then amazingly to push it
to a third triumph, still without uncasing, if a tenderness,
natural to true love, had not inspir'd me with self-denial
enough to spare, and not overstrain him: and accordingly,
entreating him to give himself and me quarter, I obtain'd,
at length, a short suspension of arms, but not before he had
exultingly satisfy'd me that he gave out standing.
The remainder of the night, with what we borrow'd upon
the day, we employ'd with unweary'd fervour in celebrating
thus the festival of our re-meeting; and got up pretty late
in the morning, gay, brisk and alert, though rest had been a
stranger to us: but the pleasures of love had been to us,
what the joy of victory is to an army; repose, refreshment,
The journey into the country being now entirely out of
the question, and orders having been given over-night for
turning the horses' heads towards London, we left the inn as
soon as we had breakfasted, not without a liberal distribu-
tion of the tokens of my grateful sense of the happiness I
had met with in it.
Charles and I were in my coach; the captain and my com-
panion in a chaise hir'd purposely for them, to leave us the
conveniency of a tete-a-tete.
Here, on the road, as the tumult of my senses was toler-
ably compos'd, I had command enough to head to break properly
to him the course of life that the consequence of my separa-
tion from him had driven me into: which, at the same time
that he tenderly deplor'd with me, he was the less shocked
at; as, on reflecting how he had left me circumstanc'd, he
could not be entirely unprepar'd for it.
But when I opened the state of my fortune to him, and
with that sincerity which, from me to him, was so much a
nature in me, I begg'd of him his acceptance of it, on his
own terms. I should appear to you perhaps too partial to my
passion, were I to attempt the doing his delicacy justice.
I shall content myself then with assuring you, that after
his flatly refusing the unreserv'd, unconditional donation
that I long persecuted him in vain to accept, it was at
length, in obedience to his serious commands (for I stood
out unaffectedly, till he exerted the sovereign authority
which love had given him over me), that I yielded my consent
to waive the remonstrance I did not fail of making strongly
to him, against his degrading himself, and incurring the
reflection, however unjust, of having, for respects of for-
tune, barter'd his honour for infamy and prostitution, in
making one his wife, who thought herself too much honour'd
in being but his mistress.
The plea of love then over-ruling all objections,
Charles, entirely won with the merit of my sentiments for
him, which he could not but read the sincerity of in a heart
ever open to him, oblig'd me to receive his hand, by which
means I was in pass, among other innumerable blessings, to
bestow a legal parentage on those fine children you have
seen by this happiest of matches.
Thus at length, I got snug into port, where, in the
bosom of virtue, I gather'd the only uncorrupt sweets: where,
looking back on the course of vice I had run, and comparing
its infamous blandishments with the infinitely superior joys
of innocence, I could not help pitying, even in point of
taste, those who, immers'd in gross sensuality, are insen-
sible to the so delicate charms of VIRTUE, than which even
PLEASURE has not a greater friend, nor than VICE a greater
enemy. Thus temperance makes men lords over those pleasures
that intemperance enslaves them to: the one, parent of
health, vigour, fertility, cheerfulness, and every other
desirable good of life; the other, of diseases, debility,
barrenness, self-loathing, with only every evil incident to
human nature.
You laugh, perhaps, at this tail-piece of morality, ex-
tracted from me by the force of truth, resulting from com-
par'd experiences: you think it, no doubt, out of place, out
of character; possibly too you may look on it as the paltry
finesse of one who seeks to mask a devotee to Vice under a
rag of a veil, impudently smuggled from the shrine of Virtue:
just as if one was to fancy one's self compleatly disguised
at a masquerade, with no other change of dress than turning
one's shoes into slippers; or, as if a writer should think to
shield a treasonable libel, by concluding it with a formal
prayer for the King. But, independent of my flattering my-
self that you have a juster opinion of my sense and sincerity,
give me leave to represent to you, that such a supposition is
even more injurious to Virtue than to me: since, consistently
with candour and good-nature, it can have no foundation but
in the falsest of fears, that its pleasures cannot stand in
comparison with those of Vice; but let truth dare to hold it
up in its most alluring light: then mark, how spurious, how
low of taste, how comparatively inferior its joys are to those
which Virtue gives sanction to, and whose sentiments are not
above making even a sauce for the senses, but a sauce of the
highest relish; whilst Vices are the harpies that infect and
foul the feast. The paths of Vice are sometimes strew'd with
roses, but then they are for ever infamous for many a thorn,
for many a canker-worm: those of Virtue are strew'd with roses
purely, and those eternally unfading ones.
If you do me then justice, you will esteem me perfectly
consistent in the incense I burn to Virtue. If I have painted
Vice in all its gayest colours, if I have deck'd it with flow-
ers, it has been solely in order to make the worthier, the
solemner sacrifice of it, to Virtue.
You know Mr. C*** O***, you know his estate, his worth,
and good sense: can you, will you pronounce it ill meant, at
least of him, when anxious for his son's morals, with a view
to form him to virtue, and inspire him with a fix'd, a
rational contempt for vice, he condescended to be his master
of the ceremonies, and led him by the hand thro' the most
noted bawdy-houses in town, where he took care he should be
familiarized with all those scenes of debauchery, so fit to
nauseate a good taste? The experiment, you will cry, is
dangerous. True, on a fool: but are fools worth so much
I shall see you soon, and in the mean time think
candidly of me, and believe me ever,
Yours, etc., etc., etc.,
Skype: Travelingraggyman
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TravelerinBDFSM @ aol/aim; hotmail;; live & yahoo
Travelingraggyman @ gmail and icq ***
10,000 votes - Platinum Award
5,000 votes - Gold Award
2,500 votes - Silver Award
1,000 votes - Bronze Award
300 votes - Pewter Award
100 votes - Copper Award
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
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