CALL - To contact spiritual or elemental forces to participate or oversee a magickal working, devotion or celebration.
CANDLE MAGIC - The process of using candles to create change in one’s environment. The scent, shape, color and size of the candle can all affect the outcome of a candle spell. Many methods of candle magick have been developed. Meditation and intensive focus on the result both help to bring a witch’s desires into being. Candles can also be lit and left to drip wax on a sigil or drawing of the desired effect or they can simply be burned a short time each day over a specified period of days. Some witches even light their candle and just allow it to burn down entirely. When the candlewick is no more, their desire passes from the microsm to the macrosm where it manifests in physical reality.
CASTING A CIRCLE - Creating a circle (though more commonly visualized as a sphere) around a specific area that one intends to use for ritual or spell work and/or devotions. Creating the circle, cleansing the confined space within, and creating specific barriers to prevent energy flows are all steps in creating a strong circle. The circle can be created visually or physically with an athame, wand, finger, hand or any other instrument the caster wishes.
CAULDRON - A fire proof ritual tool (usually made from metal, but also made from stone) used for burning incense, creating brews or burning ritual objects such as herbs, wood or pieces of parchment paper with statements of ritual intent inscribed on them. This tool represents the feminine side of nature and the element of water.
CENSER - A fire proof ritual tool used specifically for burning incense for ritual or devotional workings. This tool represents the masculine side of nature and element of air.
CHAKRA - The seven energy centers of the body Chakras are the energy centers of the body, where body and Spirit most strongly connect. There are thousands of Chakras in every part of the body, which are connected to each other by meridians, or energy pathways. This is the basis of such systems of medicine as acupuncture, shiatsu, and moxidermy, which treat physical illness by applying stimulation to the Chakra points. In general practice however, most people work only with the seven major Chakras which correspond to the seven spheres of existence and the Seven Heavenly Bodies: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and the Moon.
These are the Root Chakra, at the prostate in males and the paraurethral gland in females, corresponding to the physical plane.
The 2nd Chakra, at the testicles in males and the ovaries in females, corresponding to the emotional plane.
The Solar Chakra, roughly at the navel, corresponding to the mental plane.
The Heart Chakra, at the heart, corresponding to the astral plane.
The Throat Chakra, at the throat, corresponding to the soular or egoic plane.
The Third Eye, at level of he pineal gland, corresponding to the monadic plane.
And the Crown Chakra, at or above the top of the head, corresponding to the Divine
Chakras - from the Sanskrit term to mean, "wheel of light". The chakras refer to the seven energy centers in the body. Each is associated with a color:
Crown - Violet
Third Eye - Purple
Throat - Blue
Chest - Green
Naval - Yellow
Abdomen - Orange
Groin - Red
CHALICE - a cup with similar meaning to the cauldron. Represents the Element Water, marriage, abundance, and inexhaustable sustinence.
CHANNELING - a disincarnate entity is that is permitted to speak through a living being in order to communicate with others. This term differs from possession in that the host grants permission for the spirit to "borrow" his or her body for a time.
CHARGE, THE - originally written in modern form by Doreen Valiente and also known as the "Charge of the Goddess", this poem is a spiritual passage from the feminine side of nature.
CHARMS - either an amulet or talisman that has been charged by saying an incantation over it and instilling it with energy for a specific task.
CHARGING - to infuse an object with personal power. This is an example of Mental Magick.
CHARLES GODFREY LELAND - Folklorist and author who studied Witchcraft extensively at the turn of the last century. Published the Vangelo Delle Streghe.
CHAOS - Primordial Deity, God/dess before creation. Both female and male, spiritual and physical, dark and light, Chaos is both order and disorder combined. From this boundless store of energy, what appear to be random occurrances in nature can form into non-random patterns. Chaos energy is the basis of magickal theory, of creating change through esoteric forces.
CHEIROMANCY - the act of reading palms (Palmistry).
CHI - The Asian theory of universal energy force that flows through all matter.
CIRCLE - A boundary created by a Magician or Witch to hold energy in and/or keep spiritual entities, unwanted energy sources and thought forms from harming those inside. Also referred to Sacred Space. See also casting a circle. The term "Circle" can also refer to a group of witches similar to (though usually less formal than) a Coven.
CLAIRAUDIENCE - Phantom intuitive hearing, perceiving messages either as an inner or an outer sound.
CLAIRSENTIENT - Intuitive feeling or awareness. Sometimes this can include the ability to perceive odors, tastes, emotional feelings or touch.
CLAIRVOYANT - Intuitive sights or vision. Perceiving images through inner sight. More advanced clairvoyants are able to perceive spirit beings, as well as physical entities and auras.
CLEANSING - The act of removing any negative energy by using positive psychic energy.
COLOR THERAPY - Healing by the use of certain colors to treat certain illnesses & diseases.
CONE OF POWER - Psychic energy raised & focused by an individual or a group to achieve a definite purpose.
CONSECRATION - Act of blessing an object or place by instilling it with positive energy.
CONSCIOUS MIND - Analytical, rational part of consciousness.
CORRELLIAN CALENDAR - The twelve Ages of the Correllian Calendar derive their names from the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Instead of running from Aries (the first sign of the Zodiac) to Pisces (the last sign), the signs run backwards. Pisces just ended in 1999 and Aquarius has just begun. Each Age lasts 1600 years and represents a cyclical depiction of time rather than the linear model used by the Christian Calendar. When the last Age in the zodiacal group (Aries) ends, Pisces will begin again.
CORRESPONDENCES - Correspondences are items and ideas which witches and magicians use to create change through a form of magick called Natural Magick. Correspondences can be anything from herbs, oils, and incense to moon phases and astrological signs. Much of this magickal system utilizes the ideas of Sympathy first described in P. E. I. Bonewits’ book, Real Magic. By manipulating certain correspondences, a witch can set up a mini universe (the microsm) which represents his specific desires. The natural energies that certain correspondences bear are either in harmony with or in opposition to a witch’s desires. Through the ever-present relationship between the microsm and the macrosm (As Above, So Below), a witch can arrange certain correspondences from nature so that his desires manifest into reality. The true strength of Natural Magick is in creating the proper atmosphere for further magickal actions to take place through Spiritual Magick or Mental Magick. However, the Correspondences of Natural Magick can also be used entirely on their own to create change. For more information on correspondences and Natural Magick, see Nature Correspondences FAQ.
COVEN - A group of witches. The number of participants in the group depends on the House or Tradition of the members. Usually there are no fewer than three Coven members, but there can be any number. Most traditions have a maximum of 13 members who must undergo an initiation before joining the group.
COVENSTEAD - A place where a Coven, Circle or Grove meets to conduct magickal operations or religious ceremonies.
COWAN - A derogatory term for a person who practices witchcraft without formal initiation from another initiated witch. It can also refer to a witch who does not follow another person or group’s ideas of witchcraft, paganism, magick or the occult in general. This term should be used with caution to avoid the same discrimination that people who follow the mainstream religions use against pagans.
THE CRAFT -- Another name for Witchcraft, "the craft of the wise".
CRONE - An archetype that represents the aged form of the feminine side of nature. This includes all feminine forces in nature. An aged, experienced and knowledgeable woman can be called "crone", a title of respect and reverence. Other forces in nature that are represented by the crone include the waning moon and the aged form of the Goddess. The age of croning in most traditions is usually 50.
CRONING - Ritual performed to celebrate the transition a woman makes when she achieves an age of full wisdom. The age of Croning begins at 50.
CROSS QUARTERS - Seasonal midpoints, the most important of the eight Sabbats of the pagan calendar. Also called the Greater Sabbats. The cross quarter sabbats include: Imbolc: Feb 2, Beltane: April 30 or May 1, Lughnasadh: Aug 2, and Samhain: Oct 31 or Nov 1. These dates are approximate for three reasons:
1. Astrological movements of the stars in the solar system vary and thus our seasons slightly vary from year to year,
2. Different locations on the globe mean that there are different times when the seasons change,
3. Pagan traditions vary greatly throughout the world and many have different times that they prefer to observe the seasons.
There is no right or wrong way.