Fertility Spells


Repeat to each direction (east, west, etc.)

"To you my child, my body is open,
To you my child, my mind is open.
To you my child, my heart is open.
By Earth, Fire, Wind, and Sea,
Into my arms you will be."

(Last two lines are said while looking at your cradled arms).



You will need:

1 watermelon
1 tbs. powdered Palo Dulce
1 cup mixed rice and beans
1 tbs. shredded coconut
2 tbs. fresh basil leaves
1 tbs. anil powder
1 tbs. river water
1 tbs. sea water
2 cups molasses
3 cups olive oil
7 pennies
1 wick Statue of Yemaya


Cut the watermelon in half and scoop the majority of the insides out.
Write your name 7 times on a brown piece of paper.
Place the paper at the bottom of the watermelon.
Place the 7 pennies on the paper.
Place the powdered Palo Dulce, rice, and beans, shredded coconut and fresh basil leaves in the watermelon.
Pour the river water and the sea water into the watermelon.
Pour the molasses into the watermelon.
Pour the olive oil into the watermelon.
Mix the anil into the olive oil.
Float the wick on top of the oil.
Light the wick and allow it to burn for 7 days.
Place the watermelon lamp next to the stature of Yemaya.
On the 8th day, bring the watermelon and leave it next to a body of water.

You may also want to make a lotion by adding: preparation:

Place 1 cup of unscented body lotion or body cream in a mixing bowl.
Mix well. 10 drops coconut oil 10 drops chrysanthemum oil 20 drops watermelon oil



"On an egg whose shell is brown or pink,
Sign these signs in grass-green ink.

[a simple sun, a male symbol, an encircled equilateral cross, a female sign, then an upside-down 5-pointed star]

Bury it deep in an earth-filled pot,
Let this stand where the sun is hot;
Sow on its surface seeds of grass,
Water them well while nine weeks pass
Gather the crop, bind it with thread
Let it hang always above your bed.



Patchouli oil
Sandalwood incense
2 pine cones
3 wheat heads
Green Candle
Green marker and paper

Rub the oil on the candle and anoint yourself around the womb area with a drop of oil.

Light the candle and incense and place the pine cones and wheat into a cauldron or container.

Visualize your magickal goal and use the marker to draw yourself on the right hand side of the paper as you are now - draw yourself as you want to be on the left side (flat belly - pregnant belly will do just fine) visualize your goal while drawing - when you feel you've visualized enough tear the paper in half and fold the left side with your goal drawn on it into a small square and place it in your pocket then light the other paper in the candle flame and place it in the cauldron to burn.

Chant or pray for your goal to be realized as you watch the paper burn. Bury the
contents of the cauldron in your yard - preferable a garden - leave an offering of a small crumb of cake on a crystal plate for any good spirits or fairies who might happen by.

Stay positive so you don't attract the attention of any jealous or bad fairies! Keep the paper with your goal drawn on it with you at all times until your wish is granted then you can place it in a safe place for luck.



To be used in the bath or as a dream pillow to soothe away the discomforts of

1/2 tablespoon lemon balm
1 teaspoon lemon verbena
3 tablespoons lavender
2 tablespoons rose petals
1 teaspoon mugwort
7 drops of pure jasmine oil

Mix together all of the ingredients in your cauldron or a wooden bowl.
Cut a three-inch square piece of light blue cloth (a natural fiber always works

Place some of the herbal mixture in the center and tie up the loose ends with some matching yarn. While doing this, visualize the discomforts being soothed away.

When you're ready, either toss it into a warm bath or hide it in the batting of your favorite pillow (or, if you want it to stay your favorite pillow for very long, put it in your pillowcase) and you've got a special dream pillow. Pleasant dreams!



Apple scented body cream
string of pearls (faux are fine)
perform when ovulating

Take a shower then massage cream into your body pay special attention to belly
imagine that you and your partners hands are glowing w/ a warm golden light
which is filling you stomach with warm all over.


Visualize that you are pregnant as you place the pearls around your neck and repeat the following:

"Precious jewels of lunar, I offer this adornment
in honor of your power let fertile light shine through me.
Blessed be"



You will need the following:

--ace of wands, 10 of cups, the SUN,
--something for a baby you bought specifically for this ritual
(a bib, a small blanket...etc.....),
--9 red candles.

Light the candles and lay out the tarot cards one by one.
Visualize yourself finding out your pregnant, staring at a positive pregnancy


Repeat the following:

With these cards and with this spell - I call upon the good and helpful powers.
I desire to start a family - I desire energy and love to continue.
This small item (hold up the baby item) is the token of the commitment we are ready to make.
We are ready to love our children - we are ready to teach our children and we are ready to have our children. so it is - so it shall be!
Seal this spell with kisses and hugs followed by the actions necessary to start a family.
Seashells represent fertility. She can create a small seashell altar in her bedroom.
If she wants to add a deity, I'd use the Goddess of Willendorf.
Any round and fertile/pregnant goddess will work, and there are many!
Holed stones are also symbols of fertility.
Have her carry one her person or have her wear one around her neck as a charm.
Placing one by the bed or between the matters is also good. Eat healthy!
Diet plays an extreme part in fertility. Use visualization.
She must be relaxed. Also, studies show that when the man and woman climax
together, the woman has a higher chance of conception. Full moons... In tribal times and pre-electricity, women would ovulate around the Full Moon and menstruate around the Dark or New Moon.
One way to get yourself onto this cycle is to start paying more attention to the phases of the moon and also going out under the moon for even a minute or two.



Fertility, you might assume from the title that this is a ritual for becoming physically fertile so you may procreate, and it certainly may be used for that. These days with the problems of fertility in people who want children this is a valid concern and should be addressed and this ritual will help with that. The other, and often more frequent, where I am concerned, use of this ritual is to bring ideas to you. To spark your creative juices, to promote fertility of mind and spirit, rather than body. There are no differences in the ritual other than purpose.



Moon Phase: Waxing to Full Time of day: The time you are usually most creative, for me it is the morning

Props: Sandalwood incense for mental fertility, Peach incense for physical fertility.
Tools: Incense burner.
Gods/Goddesses to Call (choose 1 or 2): Diana, Freyer, Ishtar, Liber, Liberia, Brigit, Cerridwen, Cernunnos.
Food and Drink: Salad of shredded carrots, cucumber, and rice with an olive oil and garlic dressing (served cold, use brown rice) a banana for dessert.
Tea: Peach

Do what you need to do to prepare for ritual. cast a circle and invoke your deities.
State your purpose and goal. Make it VERY specific.
Light your incense. Imagine the incense filling that part of you that you wish fertility to touch.
It must fill you, grow around you and touch every part of you.

Starting in the east you face each of the four directions imploring them:

East: "Watchtowers of Air send your winds to wash the stagnant part of me away"
South: "Watchtowers of Fire send your heat to fire my (brain, womb, loins)"
West: "Watchtowers of Water fill me with fertility
North: "Great Goddess, Mother, I make me as fertile as your rainforests, your
oceans you are fill me with life and hope"

Lie on the floor head toward the north arms and legs outstretched. If you are not alone have your significant other or coven mates place their hand above your loins (not touching) or head and send you healing energy.

"Oh great _____ I implore you to fill me with ripened fruit that I may bear
Fill my (womb/loins/mind) with power and light."

Feel your body fill with power. Feel the power emanate from the place you wish
to be fertile.
Kneel before your alter: The HPs blesses the food and tea.
You eat the food with your fingers imagining the food feeding that which about you is infertile, you then drink the tea in one draught. (This is not meant to be a meal, merely fill you with the energy of the food).
Close your circle in a normal manner. Ground and center.

If you are doing the spell to be physically fertile be sure and have unprotected sex within 24 hours.

*for female physical fertility this spell should be done 14 days after a woman's
cycle begins. For a man it does not matter.



Materials needed:

--Cast off Fur from a Female Cat
A Small cloth bag
Statue or picture of Kitten
--Also one of Bast
Incense of Jasmine or Wisteria
Timing: Whenever necessary preferably before birth pains start.

Set up a little altar or sacred space in a place where it can be left until the birth is completed.
Arrange the statues in the center at the rear of this space.

Light the Incense and say:

Gentle Bast hold me in your loving hands
Let the birth of the coming child be easy
Keep all fear and negativity far from me
Be at my side as the child enters the world
Place my trust in you Bast

Gently brush the cast off fur against your cheeks, thinking of Bast's love and goodness.
Put the fur into the bag and leave it by the statue on the altar. Leave it there until the birth is over.
Whenever you feel or dread of the coming birth, open the little bag and breathe you fears gently into it.



This spell requires both parents participation

Materials Needed: a small apple shaped bowl A starfish Soil from Mother Earth
Milk (preferably fresh, unprocessed.. but store bought will do if you can't
obtain fresh milk)
A seed (any kind) Wooden Matches
A pink candle if you wish for a girl, a light blue candle if you wish for a boy

Cast your circle and invite Goddess ____ to join you.
The woman say aloud: (add each thing to the apple as you speak it)
To the image of the sacred apple I add the following:
A starfish from the waters of life
Soil from Mother Earth
Milk to symbolize the nectar of a mother's breast
A seed for growth, new life and fertility
(light a match and touch it to the contents)
A flame for the fire that burns within and the spark of creation

Place the pink/blue candle in your cauldron, as you light it say aloud:

Within my cauldron I light the (pink/blue) candle to represent the Maiden, the Mother,
the Crone and the (daughter/son) of my heart.
Goddess, I ask of thee
Grant to us fertility
Sperm join egg and blessed it be
(man's name)'s babe to be born from me
With harm to none
New love to many
So mote it be

Allow the candle to burn, gaze into the flame and visualize yourself holding your child in your arms as long as possible. If the candle goes out, the man should relight it, if not, allow it to continue burning on its own. When you are ready, have the man take the apple bowl & matches in his hands. Open a doorway in your circle and proceed outside.

Both the man and woman should kneel in a private place on the property as the
woman digs a small hole into the ground.

The man then says aloud: (as he places the contents of the apple into the hole)

Goddess ______, please join us here in this place
From the image of the sacred apple, I place the following within Mother Earth:
A starfish from the waters of life
Soil returning to Mother Earth
Milk to symbolize the nectar of a mother's breast - may it also feed the land
A seed for growth, new life and fertility
(he lights a match and places it in the hole)
A flame for the fire that burns within and the spark of creation
Within the cauldron burns the (pink/blue) candle to represent the Maiden, the Mother,
the Crone and the (daughter/son) of my heart.
Goddess, I ask of thee
Grant to us fertility
Sperm join egg and blessed it be (woman's name)'s babe to be fathered by me
With harm to none
New love to many So mote it be


(the man then replaces the removed soil to refill the hole)

He should now thank Goddess ____.
Return to your circle, both of you again giving thanks to the Goddess.
Allow the candle to burn out. Close the circle and make love.



Red Raspberry Leaf = This is an herb rich in numerous vitamins and minerals, especially iron. It also nourishes the uterus, soothes nausea, helps prevent miscarriage, eases labor pains and builds a healthy breast milk supply.

Nettles = This contains high levels of calcium, iron and protein, and is an excellent herb for nourishing mothers who are feeling depleted.


Oatstraw = This is high in calcium and magnesium. It also calms nervous stress and tension, and is an effective remedy for yeast infections.

Alfalfa = This is one of the few plant sources of vitamin K (necessary for blood clotting). It also contains eight digestive enzymes, numerous trace minerals and high quantities of vitamins A, D and E.

Chamomile = This is a great calming agent and helps with digestive disorders including nausea. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties.

Rose Hips = These are a great source of vitamin C and help fight infection and exhaustion.



FOR LOVE- Prior to a love encounter, the body should be rubbed from head to toe
with powdered cinnamon. A small stick of cinnamon should be placed in the mouth
before addressing the person desired. Oshun should be invoked during the encounter.

FOR MOTHERHOOD- A honeydew melon is bought in Oshun's name. A short letter
asking Oshun for a child is written on a piece of brown paper, which is then placed inside the melon through a narrow slit made on its side. The fruit is then wrapped in a yellow handkerchief and a white candle is burned in Oshun's name. At the end of five days the melon is brought to the river with twenty-seven cents.



Drink 2 cups of the following tonic before turning in for the night and apply some of it to the base of your lower spine as well. By the light of a red candle, bring one quart of water - if possible use rainwater or mountain spring water - to a boil in your
"cauldron". Add three and a half Tblsp of fenugreek seed, cover and simmer for five minutes. Remove from heat, add two handfuls of savory, and then steep for an hour before using.



To bring more passion into your lives, use the following potion for yourself and/or your lover. -- not very tasty, but very effective -- By the light of a red candle, bring one quart of water to a boil in your cauldron. Remove from heat and add two cups of coarsely chopped fresh parsley herb. Cover the cauldron and allow the potion to steep for an hour. Drink two cups of the passion potion at least twenty minutes before making love with your partner. Be certain this brew is very warm when you drink it.



For Men or Women to overcome infertility, increase sperm count and strengthen the sex drive, burn one stick of musk incense as an offering to the fertility deity of your choice, and take twenty milligrams of royal jelly every day. -- not only does royal jelly possess sexual rejuvenating properties, it is also reputed to increase the size of the male genitals is used often enough. and eat this!

Globe Artichoke Cynara scolymus. Globe artichokes are under the Dominion of Venus.



This is a list of various charms to use/carry to help promote fertility.

~Men should carry a piece of mandrake root to ensure their won fertility and sexual prowess, while the jasmine flower, does the same for women.

The first seven herbs listed above can be added to food and take internally to ensure proper fertility, or they can be introduced into sachets, as can acorns, myrtle and nuts.

~Bull Amulet: To increase fertility in women and men, wear a bull shaped amulet, or place on under the bed before making love.

~Fish Amulet: An amulet shaped like a pair of fish and made of gold or mother of pearl will increase fertility and virility, bring prosperity and offer you protection from
people you hate or who have evil intentions.

~Goat Amulet: The symbol of the goat (sacred to Aphrodite and the Horned God) increases fertility when worn or carried as an amulet, and is especially favorable for
those born under the sign of Capricorn.

~Ram Amulet: An amulet in the shape of a ram will increase fertility in women.

~Unicorn Amulet: The unicorn is a ancient symbol of chastity and protection, and it's fabled born was said to be used in medieval times as an amulet to detect poisons in the food or drinks of kings, queens, pontiffs and popes. To promote fertility or increase sexual magnetism, wear any type of amuletic jewelry shaped like a unicorn

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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