Imbolc is a time when the Wheel of the Year has reached a crossroads between light and dark. The earth is about to quicken, and yet no one knows exactly what lies ahead of us. There are twists and turns on the path to come, although where it leads is anyone's guess.
Among her many aspects, Brighid is considered a goddess of the crossroads. She is said to be able to see where we've been, and where each road might take us, should we choose to follow it. A Brighid's Cross unites the four elements, and creates paths which travel in the four directions. Because of this, Imbolc is an ideal time for divination. Not sure where your headed this year, or what choices lie before you? Let Brighid help guide you as you weave a crossroads of your own in her honor. As you create a Brighid's Cross as part of this divination, ask her to inspire you, and guide you towards the right path in the coming months.
For this divination, you'll want to find a place where you can be alone and undisturbed. If it's warm enough, try to get outside, perhaps out in the woods where two paths intersect. Before you begin, read the instructions here on how to Make a Brighid's Cross. Have all your supplies on hand prior to beginning your divination ritual.
Begin by closing your eyes, and thinking about where you've been in the past year, spiritually, emotionally, even physically. What things have you done that bring your regret? What things have brought you joy? Is there anything you wanted to do, but didn't get a chance to? Picture yourself wandering along a path, out of the past and into the present. Let your mind roam freely, and visualize yourself approaching a crossroads. Perhaps it's a place in a forest, where a pair of deer trails run together. Maybe it's in the mountains, where streams intersect. Or maybe you picture yourself out in a wide open space, with roads connected in the middle of nowhere.
Regardless, see yourself at that crossroads. You are at the center, and branching out from where you stand are many paths. Each leads in a different direction. Each path will take you to something new. make your cross, and as you weave the straws together, think about what may lie in each direction. As you look out over your choices, thinking about which way to travel, Brighid herself is standing beside you. Continue weaving your cross, and watch her. She points out one of the roads.
When you've finished your cross, close your eyes once more, and meditate on the path which Brighid indicated for you. What lies in that direction? Is it something familiar and comforting? Something new and unknown? Focus on the cross you've made, and let this newly chosen path inspire you. Know that it will ultimately bring you to something good and positive and strong.
When you've finished, you may wish to make an offering to Brighid as a gesture of thanks for her guidance.