Richmond Battlefield Park, Richmond, KY
June 24 – 25, 2006
July 1 – 2, 2006




Company Name: __________________________________________________________
Owner Name: ___________________________________________________________
EIN/SSN [must submit]:  __________________________________________________
Name Of On-Site Contact [if different from owner]: ______________________________
Address:  ______________________________________________________________
Phone: [including area code]:  ________________________________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________________________________________
Web Page: http://________________________________________________________
Where did you hear about us? _______________________________________________

DESCRIPTION OF MERCHANDISE    [in order to avoid duplication remember to be very specific; include PHOTOS (mandatory) showing ALL merchandise you wish to sell at the faire.  You may show multiple items in some photos but you must submit individual photos of five (5) hand crafted items for jurying purposes] ______________________________________________________________________

DO YOU DO DEMONSTRATIONS IN YOUR BOOTH?   Note that a stipend will be offered at the end of faire to those artisans/crafters who have shown good quality demonstrations throughout their stay at the faire. [Describe type of demonstrations]

DESCRIPTION OF YOUR BOOTH [please be descriptive, including sizes.  Please include photos showing your booth, including sleeping space if it is attached]: ______________________________________________________________________


2006 MERCHANT FEES:   1 week:    $150
                                           2 weeks:  $225
A deposit of $ 50 may be submitted with your application prior to March 1, 2006 with the balance due by April 1, 2006.  Full regular fees must be sent with any application postmarked after March 1, 2006.   Any application postmarked after May 15, 2006 must be paid by certified check.

Standard Booth size is 12’ x 12’.  If you need additional booth space, add another $25 per weekend.

My booth size needs to be: ____________________ 

I have enclosed $_________ additional for the space.

Mail this application with your check made payable to Monarch Enterprises, Inc.
and mail it to:

Kentucky Medieval Fantasy Faire
Attn:  Merchant Director
P O Box 24228
Lexington, KY 40524-4228






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Please fill out the following application and return with photos or samples of your product(s) as soon as possible. The information sheets are yours to keep. If you have more than one booth please fill out one application for each booth.

Applicant’s Full Name
Business Name (As it appears on shop sign)
Applicant’s Permanent Street Address City State Zip
Telephone Fax E-Mail Web Address

Guest Vendor spots are available upon request and approval. Are you interested in being a guest Vendor?_______
How many weekends are desired?______. You must include dates_____________________ Please contact the Craft Director for approval. (If you do not include dates and you leave early without notification you may not be invited back following years.)

List and identify names of all persons and role of each whom you plan to participate in your shop (i.e., salesperson, apprentice, etc…Limit of two)Me Isabell and our son less then 2 at this time don’t know artist’s schedules or if available for working demo and custom orders on the spot

Other juried shows in which you have participated, include year(s):
Ft Myers last three and way long time ago Hoggetown last three
Pensacola from the first opening Virginia all but first half of the 1st year
Bay Village 92 til closed KYFR first year after Va run
Most on our yearly sheet schedule Silver Leaf for 13 years Helped Raleigh start for first 4 or 5
Been in ant out of faires new old and closed for 20 or so years most on the east coast a few out west

Briefly describe the process and materials used in your craft: we use basic materials, leather wood metals cloth clay glass and other things, Drago multi venue artist leather, wood metal all types, cloth, Isabell does maille and chain as well as Glass beads, we represent help work with desigin and other artists in the Us and Cananda

Will you be demonstrating your craft during Festival hours? _____ Yes we always tinker on site and create things when we can or someone has a need for something to be made fixed or ……… as long as we have what is needed we will do so
If so, please give a brief description of your demonstration She does maille and chain with link form 1/8’ ISD to standard armor link or bigger with over 14 weaves and 12 different metal materials, has a torch with acopper dragon cover for doing glass beads as well, Drago tinkers and does what he is needed to, when have artists with us we can set up two different areas for demos in the back of the tent and have room for forge by Vardar in back as well if we bring one.
Where does your demonstration take place? in booth not needed additional space but handy any hazardous materials, just tanks of gas and the usual craft liquids or cleaning stuff
Duration of demonstration15 20 min if on the clock How many times per day do you perform your demonstration if on route will do so three times if not then a all day of tinkering will be had ask and we shall see what can be done, if artist is there then work shop in back is open and up for custom on the spot what ever Your schedule will also be advertised in the Festival Program.

ITEMS TO BE JURIED – Please list ALL items you wish to be juried and enclose slides or photos of these items. At its discretion, the jury may require you to submit samples, at your expense, to permit closer examination. You will not be allowed to display or sell any items not listed or juried. If you send product, it will not be returned unless you pick it up at the office within 30 days of jury notification or make other arrangements for its return. If you are approved, the slides/photos will be retained in your file. If you are not accepted, your booth fee and slides/photos will be returned to you. Sending disk of what have done what have currently and remember we are artists not mass producers we may only make one of some thing of a limited run not the same every time all the time just varying the color materials and left or right, But may see how many combinations of color we a can do and then not do it again for a while



What sort of sales area would you prefer: Temporary/Pavilion (must be pre-approved by the Festival, see information sheet) Size 50 X 50 tent as was there last time (must be include) Cart or Wagon_____.Build_____ (Call Site Director for details) 859-519-6914 or e-mail: You must have your structural plans to the Site Director included with this application.

What dimensions are you interested in50 X 50 tent
Should you have any questions regarding this application, please contact the Craft Director, Ludmilla Lowery at 859-519-6913 or e-mail at Send completed application(s) forms, pictures/slides or samples with checks to:

Kentucky Renaissance Faire, LLC
Ludmilla Lowery, Crafts Director
2150 E. Leestown Rd.
Midway, KY 40347

Please review above application and mail to the above address along with appropriate checks. If checks are not included you will not be juried for our 2008 season. Checks are not cashed until you have been juried in, you will receive a letter or phone call notifying that you have been accepted. Contracts will be mailed upon acceptance and must be received no later than March 30, 2008.

Camping Fees: Full Hook-up $250.00 (limited space and for those living on-site for full 8 weeks, not weekends), Partial hook-up $200.00 (water & electric), Tent/camper (electric) $150.00, Primitive $25.00.

All items listed below must be submitted with your application:
Signed application(s) Photos of your booth/display/products/crafts
Check for Booth Fees, Vendor Fees, Advertising Fees, Camping Fees, & Insurance fees (if purchasing Faire Rider)
Separate check for $50.00 refundable damage deposit with SASE-Check will be deposited in escrow account.

Vendor Fees $150.00
Plus +
Space Fees _________ ( $250.00 if building, $100.00 for pavilion space, $50.00 for cart)
Advertising fees _________ ($60.00 full page, $30.00 half page, $15.00 quarter page (must include artwork)
Camping Fees _________ (See above)
Insurance ________ ($75.00 – No Late Add-ons)
Damage Deposit $50.00 (Unless carried over from last year)

Total amount $_________
Guest Vendor dates: ____________________________________
Please make all checks to: Kentucky Renaissance Faire, LLC

Kentucky Renaissance Faire, LLC – The Highland Renaissance Festival
Eminence, Kentucky

2008 Festival Rules

1. This is a drug free environment. If you are caught with any illegal substances, you will be turned over to the local authorities and not be offered a contract in the future. If you are a Vendor/Merchant your booth will be closed for the duration of the Festival, you will also not receive a refund on your booth fee.

2. Vendors/Merchants are not allowed to enter through the front gate at any time. You must have your ID badge and enter through the back gate only.

3. Vendors/Merchants & their employees are not permitted to keep alcoholic beverages in their booths.

4. Vendor/Merchants & their employees are not permitted to bring outside foods & beverages into the Festival during Festival hours. This includes coolers. If you keep a cooler in your booth it must be covered and out of site of patrons. This includes having food delivered during Festival hours.

5. Any foods & beverages consumed by Vendors/Merchants during Festival hours must be out of site of patrons, or in period containers.

6. All booths, pavilions & carts must look as period as possible, no fake flowers or vines, no plastic or wire shelving, all tables will be wood or completely covered. All pavilions must have no metal showing and have dagging around the top edge.

7. No smoking in public view PERIOD. There is a designated smoking area for Vendor/Merchants and their employees.

8. Absolutely no cell phone useage during Festival hours in site of patrons.

9. All doors to storage areas must be closed during Festival hours.

10. Absolutely no trimming of trees, branches, bushes or nodes growing on trees. If there is a problem contact the Site Director.

11. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times and not allowed to run free around the faire. This includes children in booths, booths must be run by an adult only. If you cannot comply by this rule you will be asked to leave and not be invited back to this faire.

12. Each Vendor/Merchant must have a certified fire extinguisher in their booth/pavilion.

13. All vehicles must be off loaded and off Festival grounds by 9:30am. No vehicles will be allowed on Festival grounds after closing until 7:30pm and until grounds are cleared of patrons. If you are told not to drive on festival grounds at any time and do so you will be asked to pack up and leave and not offered a contract in the future. There will be times, due to inclement weather, that you will not be allowed to drive on Festival site, period. This is upon discretion of management. No vehicles will be allowed in vendor area during festival hours covered or otherwise..

14. Under age drinking will not be tolerated within the Festival grounds. This includes the camping area. If caught, you will be turned over to the local authorities and not be offered a contract in the future. If you are a Vendor/Merchant your booth will be closed for the duration of the Festival and you will also not receive a refund on your booth fee.

15. Curfew Rules will be in effect, Bonfires & Drum Circles will cease at 10:00p.m. Be considerate of others camping near you. If you cannot comply to this rule you will be asked to leave.

16. Camping is restricted to Performers, Vendors and their employees ONLY. You will be issued a camping permit/pass upon arrival, anyone in the campground area without a permit and proper I.D. will be asked to leave.

17. Campfires must be contained. A pit must be dug 12” below ground level and be attended at all times.

18. You must keep your campsite clean at all times. Trash, cans & bottles left laying around will not be tolerated, period…

19. No vehicles are to be parked in lower camping area at any time NO EXCEPTIONS.

20. We do have a dress code: No bottom cheeks or nipple areas are to be exposed. This is a family Festival….Think before you do.

21. You are required to be in garb/costume 15 minutes before the Festival opens until after closing 7:30pm every day. NO EXCEPTIONS.

22. No lurid comments or gestures are to be made to the public.

23. Period weapons are not allowed on Festival grounds unless it/they are properly peace tied. Persons carrying period weapons that are not secured must peace tie the weapon immediately or exit the Festival. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to carry ANY weapon at any time. Non-period weaponry will not be allowed on-site or in the campground.

Please comply with the applicant information sheet, pet rules, posted shower house rules and contract.


Important (read & understand)

How to Contact us:Preferred Contact point

Skype: Travelingraggyman


Email and Instant Messenger:

TravelerinBDFSM @ aol/aim;  hotmail;; live & yahoo


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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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