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Time: March 29, 2014 to March 31, 2014
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Latest Activity: Mar 20, 2014
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Black Moon is a reference to one of four astronomical events involving new or dark moons. There is a range of, often contradictory, definitions of a black moon, some suggesting it is when there are two dark cycles of the moon in any given calendar month, and others where no full moon is present in a calendar month, being contradictory as one can only ever happen in a February, and the other can only ever occur in any other month. It is treated by Wicca s a powerful astrological period in which any magical works performed would be more effective.
Definition | Notes |
1. The second occurrence of a new moon in a calendar month.[2] | Cannot occur in February. Analogous to the common calendrical definition of a blue moon for months with two full moons. |
2. The third new moon in a season that has four of them. | Analogous to the Farmers' Almanac definition of a blue moon for seasons with four full moons. |
3. The absence of a full moon in a calendar month. | Can only occur in February, thus January and March will each have a second full moon (a calendrical blue moon). |
4. The absence of a new moon in a calendar month. | Can only occur in February, thus January and March will each have a second new moon (see definition 1). New Moon – Jan 30, 2014 – 21:41 (GMT) - second new moon in January New Moon – Mar 30, 2014 – 18:48 (GMT) - second new moon in March 30 October 2016 |
Gary G Sharp Brown 8:39in the mornin' Jan 30
Mystic Crone of all time
We ask your presence and your blessing
All things must pass through you
though death & darkness are yours to dwell
you promise rest & peace
your gift is life
You have the hand that turns the wheel and cuts the chord
Be with us this dark moon night
Give each of us your wisdom & bless us all
Dark Lady of the dark moon
We ask & thank you for your presence
& your blessing
To worship you as the Crone!
keeper of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth.
you turn the wheel, the shadow of the Moon.
You rule the tides of women and men & give release
& renewal to weary souls.
Brothers and sisters,
we are children of the Lord and Lady
May we all be as one.
May they always dance within our hearts.
)()( So mote it be! )()(
Christine Narducci 5:04in the evenin' Jan 30
Sidhe Moon Esbat Ritual
This one is very long and also this Esbat requires more advance preparation than others. It is performed on the Second Dark Moon in a Solar month. Because it is Otherworld oriented, the entire ritual is presented, including the Circle Casting and Simple Feast (Fairy Tea and Cookies) with Otherworld references.During the day, try to avoid eating; meat, poultry, or seafood.
Eat instead; roots tubers, vegetables, soy or dairy products.
Preparation Before Casting The Circle
1. Set Altar or table at so that you face the West and cover with a cloth of white, purple, or gray.
2. Have three Altar candles of gray or pale lavender with centre candle lighter in color than the outer two.
3. Working candle maybe gray or lavender pillar style; wand should be elder, hazel, or hawthorn; bowl of spring water; bowl of burdock root; incense with an earthy, green, or misty scent; libation bowl containing a small amount of flower petals; bowl of milk; bowl of crumbled mugwort to drop into pillar candle.
4. Ground and center, then bathe with an herb bag of lavender, linden, marigold, & rosemary in a room scented with patchouli incense and lighted by 1-3 gray candles.
5. Dry off and robe lightly or be skyclad; boil a kettle of water; warm the teapot, then prepare the Beverage; Fairy Tea, saying as the ingredients are dropped into teapot:
3 teaspoon black tea: Black for power
1/2 teaspoon chamomile: apple of night
1 teaspoon dandelion root: root of the sun
½ teaspoon elder flower: lady's Blessing
1 1/2 teaspoon hops: Lord's leap for joy
1/2 teaspoon mugwort: then between the worlds
1/2 teaspoon raspberry leaf: to Fairy bramble
1 1/2 teaspoon rose hips: with token of love.
Add boiling water and cover to steep: brewed to bring Fair Ones close to me.
Quarters may have crystals or candles:
N and S – pale green; E and W --pale gray.
1. Put sweetener, milk, cup, teapot, and plate of tea cookies on Altar/table for Simple Feast portion of the Ritual.
Circle Casting1 Sweep Circle deosil, starting at West, with a besom not made of broom plant (can be straw, pine, palm, oak leaves, etc.) and then say:
As I sweep this circle, may it be cleansed and made ready for my work.
2. Light incense, Altar candles, and the working (pillar) candle, ring a tiny bell or clap hands three times while saying:
The circle is about to be cast and I freely stand within to greet the Other People with blessing of my Lady and my Lord of Greenwood.
3. Take center Altar candle widdershins staring at West to address the Quarters and light the Elemental candles (if used):
(W): I call upon the Light between the Waters to illuminate and protect the circle (envision the glow of bioluminescence).
(S): I call upon the Light between the Fires to illuminate and protect the circle (envision the blue glow of marsh light called the will-o-the-wisp).
(E): I call upon the Light between the Airs to illuminate and protect the circle (envision the sparking blue flames of ball lightning).
(N): I call upon the Light between the Earth to illuminate and protect the circle (envision the pale glow of cavern deposits of phosphorescence).
4. Set the candle back on the Altar/table and raise the athame while saying: I draw this circle in the presence of the Lady and the Lord of Otherworld to be a place where the Other People may manifest and bless me who am their kin in this world, and known as (name).
5. Cast Circle widdershins, starting at the West, envisioning blue light coming from the tip of the athame while saying: This is the boundary of the Circle in which only love shall enter and leave.
6. Touch athame tip to spring water and to burdock root as saying: Spring water is the purity of the Lady and the Fount of Life Eternal; and burdock is the Lord's root of purification, protection, and warding of the negative. I bless this water and root to be used in the Circle in the names of the Lady and the Lord, the Queen and the King of Otherworld.
7. Drop 3 athame tops of burdock root into the water and stir 3 times while saying:
In the names of the Lady and the Lord of Otherworld, I consecrate and cleanse this water to be used in this Circle.
8. Take water bowl and sprinkle blessed water around Circle widdershins, starting at West while saying:
I consecrate this Circle in the names of the Queen and King of Fairy. This Circle is charged by the Powers of the Ancient Ones! Only love shall enter and leave!
9. Fume the circle widdershins, starting at the West, with incense smoke while saying:
May the smoke consecrate this Circle that it be purified and sealed, and may the fragrance be pleasing and welcoming to my visitors and helpers, visible and invisible. This Circle is conjured a Circle of Power. So Mote It Be!
10. Make the Solar/lunar sigil with the blessed water over the third eye, while saying:
I, (Craft Name), am consecrated before the Lady and Lord of Otherworld, in this Their Circle.
11. With wand, greet the Elementals widdershins starting at the West while saying:
(W): I call upon you Elemental Water to attend this rite and guard this Circle, for as I have blood and feeling, we are kith and kin! (Envision a silkie).
(S): I call upon you Elemental Fire to attend this rite and guard this Circle, for as I have the spark of life and strength of will, we are kith and kin! (Envision a will o' the wisp or fire dragon).
(E): I call upon you Elemental Air to attend this rite and guard this Circle, for as I have breath and thought, we are kith d kin! (Envision a sylph).
(N): I call upon you elemetal Earth to attend this rite and guard this circle, for as I have body and fortitude, we are kith and kin! (Envision a gnome or cobalt).
12. At altar, draw the cosmic lemniscate (sideways 8)with wand.
13. With both hands, hold wand overhead while saying:
Hail to the Elementals at the Four Quarters! Welcome Lady and Lord to this rite! I stand between the worlds with love and power all around! I call upon my Lady and my Lord as Queen and King of the Sidhe to bless my communion with the Other People. I affirm my joy of union with the Divine in all realms and worlds, and I acknowledge your blessings upon me. What I send returns to me, and I conduct my Craft accordingly.
14. Set wand down, pick up athame and point tip to teapot and say:
Great Lady, bless this creature of Water and of Earth to your service. May I always remember the cauldron waters of rebirth and the many forms of being. Of Water and Earth am I.
15. Put down the athame and hold up teapot while saying:
I honor you, Great Lady!
16. Set the teapot down and hold the wand over the incense while saying:
Great Lord, bless this creatur of Fire and Air to your service. May I always remember the sacred fire that dances within all life and hear the voices of the Divine. Of Fire and Air am I .
17. Put down the wand and hold up censer and say:
Power and Grace; Beauty and Strength are in the Lady and the Lord. Patience and Love; Wisdom and Knowledge; you are Endings, Passages, and beginnings; in all worlds are you. I honor your both!
18. Pour some of the tea from the teacup into the bowl of flower petals; take a sip from the teacup.
19. Raise arms in an open gesture while saying:
Hail to the People of the Land of Mist. Greetings I send to the People of the Undying Lands of Otherworld. Hear my call and let the Gateway be opened between This World and Otherworld. In the names of the Lady and the Lord, do I call upon the Fair Ones in peace and love.
20. Lower arms, lift gray pillar (working) candle and say:
As this light shines before me, let the light of Otherworld reach into this place.
21. Set down the candle and add mugwort to the flame of the pillar (working ) candle.Perform Otherworld Meditation, Companion Quest, other Ritual or Craft Work.
Donna Morgan 4:34in the evenin' Jan 30
Blyssful Dark Moon Thor's Day my Legionnaires~
Blyssful Dark Moon Thor's Day my Lovely Crone Sisters!
When is the Dark Moon?:
Also known as the "dead" Moon, this is the time when there is no solar reflection, leaving the lunar face in darkness. The dark lasts about three days before the new crescent appears.
Is this the same as the New Moon?:
For many, the new Moon begins at the moment of the Sun-Moon conjunction, but for others it remains the dark Moon until that crescent is in view. As the Moon wanes toward those final days of darkness, there's often a turn inward. In those contemplative moments, the inner reality is presented through dreams and waking visions. It's fertile ground for the new Moon intentions to be conjured.
How does the Dark Moon differ from the New Moon?:
The dark of the Moon is the most powerful time psychically. It seems to lure us toward the deepest self, the longings of the soul, and restful listening is a great way to receive these messages. It's been compared to the dormant seed under the winter snow, or the cocoon holding the butterfly. You might feel tired, or crave quiet solitude. It's important to make space for the unfolding of the spirit at this time. Like death itself, it's preparation for the new beginning that begins with the crescent.
The Dark Moon and Women's Cycles:
You've probably heard about the "menstruation hut" of matriarchal and so-called primitve cultures. The dark of the Moon was one of those times when women gathered together to draw wisdom from the powerful psychic energy afoot. Often there was a merging of women's cycles -- as there is now when women live in close quarters -- and this created an amped up collective power. In the hut, women could share visions, divine messages and open to higher wisdom.
The Dark Moon and grief:
Whenever we experience a deep loss, we are changed profoundly, which is a kind of death. This is considered a dark Moon phase, and lasts as long as it takes to fully integrate the experience. Sometimes others are made uneasy by our personal confusion, melancholy, soul angst, etc, and try to prevent us from fully dwelling in the dark. But taking a cue from nature, we can see that everything dies for a time, before coming alive again in a new form. Just like that, there are times when we die to our old self and are reborn to a new life.
The Dark Moon and the Seasons:
During the Winter Solstice, when the days are short (in the Northern Hemisphere), it's an inward time with a cozy intimate feeling. It's always a surprise to see the green things come to life again after being stripped to such a bare state. The growth at this time is underground, hidden, but powerful because it's often the base, the roots.
The Dark Moon and Growing Older, Dying:
In our own lives, there's a dark Moon phase toward the end as we prepare to enter the mystery of death. Often there is a convergence of memories, making time seem to run together. So many traditions believe the spirit carries on, but to where? This is the great unknown, and a dark Moon period that is taken on faith, with the hope of new life to come. The dark Moon is associated with the underworld, a separate plane where the dead and almost born are together.
Are we living in a Dark Moon phase?:
In her book, Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George presented this concept. We live on a dying planet in the sense that her form is changing, from the rain forest floor to the air encircling her. Part of the dark Moon is a break-down of old systems, and letting go, and there's some review going on of how we've been living, what we believe, our relationship with the natural world. The new seeds are being planted, but there's still a lot of uncertainty and fear -- darkness. Seeing this time as a dark Moon period can put it in a broader perspective, with hope for a new beginning.
The Power of the Dark:
The dark Moon is private, intimate, richly renewing and full of depth. The waning Moon is a time of letting go, and as you're stripped of what you've known, there's a moment of standing naked, not knowing who you are. This might be what dying is like, an awesome mystery that makes us feel fully awake at that final moment. What comes next, we wonder?
I've found the dark Moon to be the most powerful time for organically unfolding soul-searching. The inner Self starts to grow in power, and make its presence known. Ideally, you can listen, integrate, and set intentions that will bring you into harmony with yourself during the waxing Moon.
Stillness is the key word for the dark Moon. Restful, rich solitude gives you the chance to hear that inner voice. With the lunar face hidden, the intuitive-psychic self takes over. Make space for a clearing of the mind and spirit, so that you can be ready to receive.
There's a historic pattern of fearing the dark, and denying death. But it's a fact of nature, and if embraced, can be met as the winding down before the next new beginning. The Moon is associated with women, and many Goddesses like Hecate, Kali, Lilith, represent her dark aspect. The dark Moon reminds us of nature's cycles of death and rebirth. The grave and the womb become the same place, a transition when you're held in the mystery beyond physical existence.
Each dark Moon is a chance to be renewed, to experience unknowing, and to gain timeless wisdom. The dark Moon opens a door to the past, and it reaches back far into the collective memory. Make it a sacred time for yourself each month, a time to connect to the great mystery of life.
Mortisha Adams
Mortisha Adams 4:26in the evenin' Jan 30
the new moon is almost upon us
I pray today to the lady of fire
Great Bridget, triple Goddess
There is someone here who needs you
Someone who is sick
I ask you to bring your healing flame
The warmth of life, into them
Burning away all that is making them sick
That i might always have cause to praise you.
You lift your snake entwined staff , great healer,
And send out healing knowledge
You know each drug and its effects
Each technique and when it should be used
Each symptom and what it means
Each illness and how to treat it
Each patient and what to do
May my hands be yours
So mote it be
9 Steps to writing your
New Moon Abundance Check:
1.) Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a check
from your check book. (New Moon dates found here)
(or print out the Abundance checks I created)
Where it says “Pay to,” write your name.
2.) In the little box on the same line where you
would fill in a dollar amount write
“Paid in full.”
3.) On the line underneath your name, where
you would write out a dollar amount,
write “Paid in full.”
4.) Sign the check: “The Law of Abundance”
Under the signature line, write “Thank You”
(I write Thank You on all the checks I write, on
the Abundance checks
it’s already there for you!!!)
5.) Leave the date blank (or you can date it with
a specific date that you “believe” this amount will
come to you.)
6.) Many times we have beliefs with in our sub
conscious mind that thinks we don’t deserve
You can leave the specific amount open or to try
this out, use a dollar amount you are comfortable
receiving… perhaps $500 (who couldn’t use an
extra $500 in the next couple of weeks?)
7.) To add some fun and playful energy sing a song
while holding the vision of the item or funds
flowing to you easily and gracefully!
Here is a fun lil ditty I wrote to the tune of
“Row Row Row Your Boat”
Flow, flow, flow your way,
visioning the dream,
happily, happily, happily now,
success is guaranteed! ©
or this little diddy sung to the tune of
“Whistle while you work” from the Disney Snow White movie
I choose to be Happy while I wait, Happy while I wait,
happy happy happy happy happy while I wait!©
8.) Put it in a safe place and forget about it.
The Universe will take it from there.
(Get out of the HOW)
9.) NEW!!! Sign your name to the back of your new
moon check! As if you are preparing it for deposit to
the Universal Bank of Manifesting!!!
Later (after 2 weeks or longer) you can burn
(or tear it up and flush it down the toilet if fire is not an option)
the check on one of the upcoming full moons, expressing Gratitude
for receiving abundance in your life while the check is burning.
Many people are skeptical about trying this until they do it.
After the first time they realize the power of these
checks and do them routinely every month!
Rhianna Galvin Hughes 10:56in the mornin' Jan 30
You will need the following supplies:
a basket (size, color, and decoration are your choice)
a square piece of felt or fabric measured to fit into the bottom of the basket (This keeps the glitter in place.)
a dozen pinecones any other decorative or symbolic items you'd like to add (holly, ivy, or evergreen are great winter choices)
1. If desired, decorate the basket.
2. Place the felt in the bottom of the basket
3. Arrange the pinecones (and anything else you want to include) in the basket
4. Hold your hands over the pinecones and imagine the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water swirling around you. Picture this energy being funneled through your hands into the basket.
5. Sprinkle the glitter onto the pinecones as you repeat this charm 3 times:
Pinecones are a natural symbol of fertility,
I enchant these to bring us good luck and prosperity,
By the winter winds that blow, and the sparkling snow that falls,
I call for joy and abundance to come bless us, one and all.
Pinecones are a natural symbol of growth for my family,
I enchant these to bring us good luck and prosperity,
By the winter winds that blow, and the sparkling snow that falls,
I call for joy and abundance to come bless us, one and all
Also by placing a pine come under your bed it will encourage good health
Skype: Travelingraggyman
Email and Instant Messenger:
TravelerinBDFSM @ aol/aim; hotmail;; live & yahoo
Travelingraggyman @ gmail and icq ***
10,000 votes - Platinum Award
5,000 votes - Gold Award
2,500 votes - Silver Award
1,000 votes - Bronze Award
300 votes - Pewter Award
100 votes - Copper Award
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
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