Madonna of the Arc Cult

The cult legacy begins towards the end of the 15th century.  Some young people were playing a ball to mallet game, we call this croquet.  One player hit the ball, and it hit the image of Madonna and Child, painted under an aqueduct arch (Hence Madonna of the Arc) and landed on her cheek.  It is said, that the image 'wound' began to bleed.  The young man who hit the ball was condemned to hang, for having committed blasphemy.  This occurred the Monday, after passover.  The  word spread quickly all over Naples. He was hanged shortly thereafter, close to the Arc and in front of all the witnesses, this man was healed by the Madonna.  The image used to represent the Madonna of the Arc, is the Madonna of the Seven Arrows.  The Arc, is a legendary place of healing and redemption.  To this day, processions are made in her honor. 

This image, is found in nearly every procession:

In Naples, they call this Madonna the "Madonna of thieves and prostitutes."  More than 50,000 barefooted believers flock to the street in procession - it's hard to believe that all of these people have
fallen subject to prostitution and thievery.  I found a quote from an Anthropologist who resides in Naples, here's what he had to say:

The Neapolitan anthropologist Marino Niola, who studies popular forms of religiousness, reminds us that these devotees usuallybelong to the common people, to the lowest parts of society: the working classes, the agricultural
labourers from Naples and the other Campania's districts.


She is called, the Madonna of Outcasts.

The processions are not limited to Italy, I found over 100 videos on youtube of people celebrating it in various parts of the world. 

The Sanctuary

The faithfuls wide of were offered and wanted that a Tempio was constructed.

Pope Clemente VIII sent from Saint Rome Giovanni Leonardi of  Lucca. These favoured desires of all and began in the 1593 construction of it put into effect them Sanctuary.

To the departure of the Leonardi, 1° August 1594, the Tempio  was entrusted to the Dominican Order that guards still it.

In the 1621 Fathers they wanted to embellish of precious marbles the sacred Image and entrusted the task to Architect Bartolomeo Picchiatti who in that time was executing in Naples important works. It came some outside a true jewel of art and the Vergine showed appreciate the filial homage operating a new miracle. During the intense activities it was stated that a large vesuviana stone touched with one of to its intonaco it where tips was painted the face of the Vergine; the Image
could not estrarla without be damaged.

The Fathers addressed to the  Madonna and She them esaudì. 15 February of 1621, the stone was fallen apart from himself and part remained intonaco to support it, part fell in the hands of Picchietti architect.

Other miracles followed. We remember between the many that one  of 7 March 1630, when the Image bled of new from the wounded cheek; and  that one of 25 March 1675, when it was seen from all the faithfuls, for  various days encircled from stars fulgidissime.

It is impossible to remember all the miracles and all thanks operated from the Madonna of the Arc.

The walls of the Sanctuary, in great part covered of votive tablets, are eloquent witnesses of how many consolations It have scattered and scatter on who the invoca.

To acknowledgment of such squanderers, Its Devout Holiness IX,  than 13 December 1849, esule from Rome, one had oed venerare in solemn form the portentosa Image, decreed that day 8 september 1874 solemn was incoronata from S. and. Mons. Tommaso Sparrow, Dominican bishop of

Recent developments

In 1946 the cupola, true jewel of art, was restored and covered of copper.

In 1948, in sight of the Saint Year, the restorations of the Sanctuary were begun, lead with wide criteria of renewal.

In preparation to the celebration of the 5° Centennial of 1°  the miracle from the 11 september 1949 to 22 January 1950, the image of the Madonna has visited great part of the Campania: six Diocese and
beyond a hundred of city and countries.

Anywhere it was received with the alive manifestations than faith and of filial mercy.

During all the Year Mariano (1954), a multitude of pilgrims has paused in prayer in the renewed Sanctuary. To closing of it the Bishop of Trouble, Mons. Adolph Binni, indisse a Conference Mariano Diocesano that succeeded truly imposing. Others dates to remember are the
following ones:

In 1952: restoration of the image.

In 1974: celebration of the Chapter General it of the Dominican Order.

In 1993 Celebration of the centennial IV° of the foundation of the Sanctuary and the come one of the PP. Dominican.

to recite every day

Maria, you receive to me under your powerful Arc and protect
to me! Invocata with this title gives it beyond five centuries, you
explains open and solemn the affection of Mother, the power and the
misericordia of Queen towards the plagued ones. , the full one of faith,
thus t'invoco: amami like Mother, you protect to me like Queen, it
raises my pains, or Merciful! Hail, Hail, Maria! Saint Maria of the Arc,
prays for we! 


Maria, Mother of God, you that you are the Dispensatrice of
thanks, the Aid of the Christians, especially of those which they visit
your Sanctuary and invocano you with the beautiful title it of the Arc,
turn them your look on we, poor sinners, than prostrati to your feet,
imploriamo your mercy and misericordia.

Be, for we and how many they suffer in this world, what it was
the celestial Arc to the fathers ours, symbol of clemenza and

Impètraci, now and in the point of the dead women, a true pain
of our sins and the forgiveness of all ours colpe.

It removes from we the illness, the misery and every kind badly
and like that Arc, your figure, was to the peace earth nunzio, thus you
grants it to our hearts, to the spirits ours; and directing our steps
on the way of the virtue, fa' that we can a day come in the Sky, ov'è
perpetual peace, to ringraziarti for all the centuries. men.
" [2}

Sources for my research:

1. Roberto Olivato, "Sacrari, Saints, Patrons and Prayers"
2. The Dominican Fathers, Translated using Babelfish

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

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