Drago's Adventures at the Vet Home


Day one arrived about 1030 in morning and started in here. After answering several pages of questions.  I found that the pee testing was also a requirement. Thus the body and their time did not agree. So I was put in a waiting area. That turned out to be the common seating area and where now the chairs have been removed and the sleeping cots set.

Meals I have found are 730, 1200, 17oo you stand in line and sign a roster.  Pick and choose food then sit eat throw away plate and return to what you were doing. For me it was sitting in the common area most of the day.

Showers are mandatory for cot allowance it seems.  Simple folding metal cots with a grey plastic covered 3-inch mattress.  In addition, a sheet and blanket are given out as the settings for them are done.  My pillow is my highway coat and liner stuffed in my hooded pullover.

Perhaps on the morrow I will be told more of how things are to progress. If one leaves they must sign out. Then back in when returns. Must be back by 2300, will find out if that is when things close down then.

I also have been told that when the medical clears you and a bed is available up stairs you are moved from common room to a 6 or 8 person room.

Showers to use right now are on the 2nd floor. Know nothing of the third at this time. You are given a simple shower kit. Moreover, right now no big towels are viable so got two what I would call dishtowels and two hand cloths to assist and dry with.  Currently they hang off the edge of the cot to dry overnight.

This eve in the common, area is a big TV it is ran with a vote with what is watched.  So far this eve true grit and a dvd movie that stuck in mid play so now we have the basketball game weeeeeeeeeeee.

Everything here is sign in sign that and if one messes up he sheet we have to refill out and resign allover that just happened with the cot list. Is first in line get the metal cot and mattress.  When those dozen are gone then mattress on floor is what is left.

I have reshuffled the bag contents. Now all the clothing and black bag of stuff is in the new brown bag that found this winter on a trip to the market in Dec it still had the red holiday bow on it when I found it.  New still folded up and ready to be given.  The back pack has the rest of things. Like meds laptop camera and other things that are small and easy carried. Been told where to store the clothing bag in a hallway with the other ‘common roomers’.  If important then keep with you hence why the shuffle to ensure if something goes it is clothing and not the other things.

So far some seem friendly. I have already been tagged with it is the Viking by the director here.  In addition, by one of the staff Hercules when I helped move the benches out of the common area so cots could go in.  Because I picked up the metal one in the center by self and moved them.

The outlets are limited, also in demand. Many here have some sort of cell phone that needs charged.  I was quick enough to get near one so could pug the laptop in to type this eve. Moreover, seemed to upset someone else that had sighted and planned to be where I currently am.  Nevertheless, was doing other things when the chair to cot common area shuffle started.

There are two resident dogs here an older white muzzled black lab, which has been dubbed ‘Sarge’.  The other is a cinnamon Shepard dubbed ‘Major”.  Very friendly and tolerates many things I see throughout the day.

I figure that after the 1700 meal I will sign up for shower and get it out of the way. Will at that time change into the track paints I have brought to sleep within.

A 1930 bible class in the mess hall was also called for those whom wanted.  Not mandatory that is good.

Oh desert has been called must go see.  To put that into perspective.  It is now 2157 and a lemon crumb like square just was consumed.  Lunch was two hot dogs with a bean mix and French fries.  Eve meal was meatloaf, mixed veggies, mashed potatoes with gravy.  Hell this is more than I have been eating per day at where I just came from for several months.  I did have one last pkg of the Italian sausage I have grown to enjoy before I left this morning as well.

All the items that were walked away from were stacked in a neat and orderly way in the room I was within. I do not know what or how he is to react nor do with them. After two weeks I have had no place to be. This place was the last resort for me to be at.


It did bother me that within he questions the drinking was repetitively brought up and hashed about.  How long did I, how long have I not, And other questions of it.

AN Hour left till pill time and their sign in dead line. Then I will find of what happens then.  I will see if I can do this each eve, the next step is finding a hot spot or open wireless system to get things going in that area as well.

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Well after the first three days of MRS job skills assesment I cna honestly say they have found out I show up on time and know how to hang plasick clothing hangers. On the correct pole on the sorting table. Pants ones with clips go on bottom. THen the shirt hangers on the next. The third up goes the small baby hangers clip or regular. Then on the top one more of the standard hangers for extra stock. These are pulled out of Pallet boxes set beside the table, jumbled and hooked all toghter.


Picked up new perscription glasses this morning and trying to get used to the idea of them. Bronze metal colored frames and squared oval lenzes.


Doctors appointment Fri morn early. And looks like I will be kiddnapped to the Vikings once againthis weekend. Will see what I cna picture, make and enjoy as well

 So doctors appointment was a full poke and prod and answer questions for most of morning. Then off to get a full battery of x-rays for left knee and hip. By it was all over hip throbs and knee pops. So now to wait and see what is done or not done after this appointment. Have no clue what is thought of doctor. But do know hardly could understand the thick not of this area accent he spoke in. And seemed to irritate him when asked what was said asked or did not answer waiting to figure out words used.


Next is packing for the weekend and finding out what I can fit where and take within the bags I have available to me.



Well the weekend was not too bad. A bit of rain sat afternoon, but good crowd for a new first year faire.


Two things of it: got armed escorted and face in the news once again.


The Lady which kidnapped me for the event was not having the best of directions to site so I intoned she was cuter then I an would be accepted better by strangers of asking for directions. The Site it self turned out to be near a line of pubs. She balked as asking so out of the side of the van I went. One group ran, one group professed of knowing nothing because not form there. Then the first security guy knew nothing and went to get some over 6'6" high and 4 foot wide with a gun strapped to his leg to deal with me. Hence he walked me up the road to the street we needed to find.


The next was Sunday morning I was shown my face on a local news site. Saturday they came out and took pictures. Then posted them upon the web site.


Mostly the weather was comfortable little bugs and some wind after the little rain. Made a sheath for 'Bone Cleaver" and a leather capped tube for me eye glasses. Look to me artist group for pictures.


SO off on the morrow to shorting hangers I guess once again. Dad is off to the hospital as well for his treatment. Right now they sit without power after the storm on generator power. Cori is off to school. Vicki is some where. And I have yet to be told of the Package I sent to Powder Monkey.

Well a week and things have changed. I growled and stomped at MRS for what I thought they meant was told of 'soft skills' and that was what were checking for. Never heard of soft skills. Then again I am not the social expert of the categories of what a job market holds either. So after a second meeting on Friday after the growling on tuesday I have been taken out of the evaluation program. ANd not reissued a monthly bus ticket. Told to wait till Oct. So basically I have been thumped to behave and conform or will be not given things. Basically the person I deal with at MRS  stated that it was not his fault that he could not enplane to me well enough nor his fault that he could not understand what I was trying to explain to him.  Meaning I am the problem right? I do not understand him nor can I talk or communicate in a matter that he can understand either. Wow what a way of telling some they are below their intelligence level of communication skills. Better yet perhaps it is because he enjoys the fact he has power and many others have also stated he is well .... bad words are used to explain him.


So the month of Sept I will be trying to figure things out. Hoping that a place I have called does not call me just to be told I can't get there because they took my bus ticket away for stating my true and open thoughts.


So now will see what this week brings. So far the Visiting Prez and crowds have made this morning interesting. For all were out for it and the police in force as well. I walked in the opposite direction. The Center being on the edge of downtown was too close to the rucuss for me.


Think I will find something to watch and enjoy on the internet and perhaps let mind just drift vice thinking.

Well defiantly cooler this day rain and rain and rain at this time. Got a couple of appointments on the morrow afternoon. Left with out the highway coat damn I will get wet this day yet it seems. Cori's birthday today and I have not to send to her I am a terrible dad inside this day. People coming and going all bundled up from the cold and I sit here in a short sleeved shirt. Got laundry done and dried this day after three cycles of the dryer. That sucked but it is not done and away as well. Hope jeans did not shrink much in the process. Debating going back early this eve or not kind of tired for the lazy grey of the day has found me. As has the hollowness within that I have been trying not to allow but has been creeping ever nearer in the last week. Will see what messages have arrived and things to do on the Hearth as well, perhaps that will help the mind to focus.

Rain most of the day and cooler here now at 2100 it is 65. More water for the morrow is also told of. Made my appointiment at 1430 this day reviewed of the MRS shuffle with them. As well as got a applicataion to fill out and return for something.


Guts are better this day but still not fully back to how was. Eating is seeming more appealing to me but no by much.


Tired for some reason will try to figure more out in my head. But within is falling into the hollowness and feelings of dispair again. Guess having no one to do for nor reason just is not helping. No one to shre with no one to hold no one to enjoy. Just games of head and the wanting of more when ever do something. Always wants more or what is done or given is not enough always more reaching and wanting. Not one to share with jsut ones to want more from.

Well dentist rechecked gum line and referring me to gum specialist. Do not think VA cover that. Also drilled tooth in fount of hole on lower center right and filled in cavity there. Also noted on other side tooth is cracked and will take care of that as well. Oct 3/5 when the next two times I go back. So no eve meal for got out just before 1700 and could not walk the distance to get there easy. Also have to let the filling set up for hour to ensure hardness fully had. Will see if later put out leftovers and see if want something then.


Weekend was ok a forced picnic on sat. Head was pounding with the change of storm but was dragged out anyway. Ate was seen then returned as soon as could to once again lie down in dark quiet room. Till all arrived back then dragged my self down to work on the site.


Derrick back as well from dealing with family, but blew the engine in his care because of no preventive maintenance or looking after it. I told him but he puts off and is easy distracted by cute bouncy non persons.


Have a voice mail from some place on the morrow for something MRS related well they are not going to like the response I have. I got no bus ticket for the month so no way to get there. But will call and be civil as much as needs.

Well is official I am broken. I am now classified as 10% disabled Veteran. With four more things to perhaps affect that rating as well. So we will see what happens in the weeks to come. Unavailable for military pension as well.


MRS thingy has been told to me through someone else that I do not have to go. But still I have not been called and talked to by any one there. Have left several messages.


This morning went to the computer room to find that a screen and surge bar had been taken out of the room. Seems there is one that deems the I have done nothing in their actions. Also the room is nothing but spare parts to come and get what and when ever they want to. I was also told when asking of this the room was to be closed till further notice. Hence it is now a dead resource that none can use. Well all the time wasted it seems.


So it is walking out to find a hot spot to use for connection. Well starfucks, coney, McD's, and Biggby will become my next best places to go it seems. Coney is a dinner restrunt that will have to buy stuff at to sit for long periods. Starfucks and Biggbys I can sit and connect with no problems. McD's router recycles every 2 hours so the connection breaks. So those the closest choices in one direction. There is a couple of restaurant/dinners int he other direction as well, but then again the purchasing of things is the logistical.


Sent another package to Isabell & Powder Monkey yesterday will see how long it takes to learn of this one. Have not heard of the contents of the last one sent before his birthday. Dad is in chemo today on his birthday. But like what I was able to send him as well, talked to him yesterday. Cori I was not able to figure out something for nor know what or where she was doing till after her b-day. She was home in Denmark for the weekend. I missed her when I called.


So back and forth I go, paperwork and waiting for things once again. Rain to come soon this day then cooler temptures


WOW calling and calling to MRS has done something. The Supervisor Manager just called and cancelled the I was to go to. Then Johnson called and re placed me back into it. And is coming to me to drop off bus tickets to get back and forth upon. It is the 'soft work skills'. The new and different crap of resume and how to conduct self at employ thingys. Basically what I consider work ethics and being. Has become the new and up and coming thing to teach people now. So thurs and fri from 10oo till 1300, I will be doing this. Will explain further after figure it out.

So now two days later I have sat in a room with 13 others. Listening to what 'Soft Skills" are. Learning of interview clothing and body language. How to answer questions. What to do and what not to do int he work place. All of which I would call either work work ethics or a level of professionalism. Many of the issues they covered are for the normal standard social stereotypical things of the city dwelling ones.


How certain things were not to be done in the work place or not discussed. My words fell on certain ears and was relayed as because I do medieval things and not a bible believer was considered evil and horror based. Which lead to me being waved off by one of the instructors for the safety of the person. Guess he could tell I was ready to bury them in words and meanings.


So will see what is next of this idea. Also I was not told that I was to come 'dressed' in a certain way, ie as if I was going to an interview for a job. So the first day I showed up in the Blue Monkey Side Show shirt jeans and boots. Today I wore a button up shirt over a dark plain t shirt again with jeans and boots. Hence I am being refered to being issued 'interview clothing' that they deem socially correct.


In the mean time I wait to see what else happens. Also I have signed a Vet Schooling form to set up a rehabilitative schooling Councillor appointment to be retaught something to be marketable int he work force. Or that is the premiss.


Weekend over another week starts. Rain for most of the day. Was out earlier and went back in. Then the cry of 'bible study' drove me back out this eve. So cleared more messages. Then typed upon here.


Got message the box arrived. That is good. Will have another one to go soon. Hopefully it does not take so long to be told of.


Typed quickly to Cori as well this day. Told 101 things to do and no time for me was felt when was typing. She has school and things. I am just somewhere as well with her out of sight out of mind. Seems that is the way I will be for many right now. Very much out of minds at this time.


But I continue to fill out paperwork and wait for things to get to the place where I am contacted because of the forms.

A week has gone another year has passed. The time of balance and change is once again upon me.  Falling back into the Hearth and doing things. Soon the weather will turn fully upon the cool and wet. This day is gray with rain and also within is reflected as well.


Not much upon the week but for this morning I went to refill pills that have not arrived. And light of last  Finn arrived and took be to eat for the year celebration meal. I was glad of the action. But not of his news that is the event next week may be without me once again.

I wait for the mail to reveal the choices of the four issues they have upon the disable status. As well for MRS to contact me of next hoop they have for me to perform upon.

Will see what the weekend brings.



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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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