Seven Categories of Crystals


There are at least a hundred thousand different kinds of crystals. But they can all be put into seven categories; cubic, trigonal, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic. Six of those systems, used for organizing all known crystals, are derived from the cube, one of the Platonic solids. It's a matter of which angle you are viewing the cube from--the square, hexagonal or rectangular view as opposed to the normal 90-degree cubic angle. The seven crystalline classes represent a repeating pattern of symmetry and organization that can be found throughout the many kingdoms of nature, including the human kingdom.

The trigonal or rhombohedral system (quartz, corundum, tourmaline, calcite) contains crystals that continually give off energy. They are always in a spinning motion that is of neither a positive nor a negative nature. They give off energy of a balanced nature. Crystals belonging to the trigonal class may be useful in balancing the subtle energies of the human body, especially when there is a particular lack of energy in one of the component systems such as the meridians. They can help balance energies of the brain as well as the subtle bodies. Although they are similar to crystals of the hexagonal system and possess certain common energetic qualities, trigonal crystals tend to be more varied in their uses. They assist in achieving sharper clarity than stones of the hexagonal class, which are both giving and receiving in their qualities. The trigonal system corresponds to all the chakras, which relate to the kundalini energies.

Crystals of the cubic system (garnet, metallic pyrite) have an energy pattern that can assist in the repair of damaged cellular structures, from the molecular level of DNA on up to the bones of the skeletal system. The cubic system also tends to resonate most with the sacral chakra in the human subtle energetic anatomy. Crystals of the hexagonal classification (beryl, apatite, ice or snowflakes) are of a more complex nature than those with cubic lattice arrangements. They tend to give off energies, and to encourage processes of growth and vitality. Quartz is considered both hexagonal as well as trigonal. Crystals of the hexagonal classification can also be used for healing, energy balancing, communicating, and storing information. These crystals have an energy that tends to be associated with service. They can be helpful in focusing healing energy into the organs and endocrine glands, and also into the acupoints and meridians. They can assist in rebalancing the energies of all the chakras and subtle bodies. Additionally, crystals of this class can have beneficial effects upon consciousness in assisting the development of creativity and intuition, enhancing psychic abilities, and increasing attunement with the Higher Self. They tend to resonate most strongly with the solar-plexus chakra.

Stones belonging to the tetragonal system (zircon, wulfenite, idocrase) are half-giving and half-receiving crystals that are of a balancing nature. Crystals of this class have qualities allowing them to absorb many negative qualities of the Earth, yet they are also able to give forth positive vibrations. These stones act to transmute negativity. Through the lessons of the heart, there is a balancing of the soul's nature. Crystals of the tetragonal system channel vibrations into the Earth and create connections between basic structures and higher dimensions.

Stones belonging to the orthorhombic system (olivine, topaz, baryte) have a unique aspect of encircling and encompassing energy patterns, problems, and thought forms. They can assist in bringing greater perspective to issues that may seem out of focus. Such crystals help to magnify and clear away that which is irrelevant. They magnify consciousness in a way that allows one to switch from the perspective of the microcosm to the macrocosm and vice-versa. Crystals of the orthorhombic class help an individual isolate problems and contain them until they can be worked out at various levels of experience. Our problems cannot be dissolved, released, or transmuted until their inner meaning has been thoroughly grasped. All problems contain potential lessons for soul growth and are often external reflections of our inner struggles. .

Crystals of the monoclinic system (gypsum, azurite, orthoclase) have a unique, constant pulsating action. Their nature is that of continual expansion and contraction, which helps serve as an impetus to action and growth as well as to the expansion and contraction of consciousness. Crystals of the monoclinic class also have a directional aspect. They can point the way to go by helping clear away obstructions to our inner vision. These stones can help clear our paths by dissolving trivial problems via their influence at higher energy levels. The monoclinic system corresponds to the third-eye chakra. By holding such crystals up to the third-eye chakra, one can be assisted in perceiving self and others on a multidimensional level of spirit.

Crystals of the triclinic system (axinite, plagioclase feldspars) possess aspects of completion within their makeup, in that they form a triad. The triad is a repeating form within nature and in the hierarchical structure of the universe. Triclinic crystals have an aspect of totality or completeness. They also help to balance the yin and yang energy within an individual. They assist in merging and harmonizing polarities of any type of energy that is unbalanced. Gemstones of the triclinic classification can help to balance personalities and attitudes that are too polarized or unbalanced. The triclinic system of crystals corresponds to the crown chakra--the highest energetic level in humans. Through the energies of this system and the crown chakra, there comes the highest form of understanding, of giving and receiving, and of all things that can be accomplished.

The Human Crystal

The key to understanding the assimilation of energy into our physical structure is through the awareness of our bodies as a series of synchronous, interacting crystal structures. Oscillating solid and liquid crystals form an overall energy pattern for the total body, linking the body on this level. Each organ, gland, nerve system, cell and protein structure--even the tissue salts in the body--shows a level of organization with some degree of crystalline-like function. Marcel Vogel, the world-renowned crystal expert, has pointed out that the human energy field exists as an array of oscillating energy points which have a layered structure and a definite symmetry. He points out that these properties fulfill the definition of a normal crystal in material form. Our bone structure has long been recognized as a solid crystal structure with piezoelectric properties. A piezoelectric effect is the creation of an electromagnetic field pulse when a crystalline structure is physically stressed or pushed out of its normal shape.

As a solid crystal, it has the ability to convert vibrational energy, such as sound or light, into magnetic and electric energy. Crystals can absorb, store, convert, amplify, transduce and transmit vibrational energies, which have biological effects. Psychic healing energies alter the measurable electromagnetic pattern of a crystal, suggesting that subtle energies can alter the physical structure of a crystal. When physical stress or an electromagnetic field (EMF) is applied to a piezoelectric crystal, the crystal will change shape and generate an EMF. Bone, quartz crystal and tourmaline are among the few crystal forms with piezoelectric properties. Studies suggest that the crystalline-like components of the extracellular matrix of bone, such as collagen and proteoglycans, possess piezoelectric qualities. It has also been established that mineralized tissue such as cartilage, dentin, teeth in general and relatively non-mineralized tissues such as keratin in skin, elastin, artery tissue, connective tissue (tendons and ligaments), and even some amino acid crystals (glysine, proline and hydroxyproline) all have piezoelectric properties.

The main forces, which create pulsed piezoelectric EMFs in bone, are the anti-gravity muscles, the cardiovascular system, voluntary muscles, and impact with the environment. Projected EMFs have the ability to create a piezoelectric response in bone. These EMFs have biological activity. These piezoelectric fields affect: cell nutrition, local pH control, enzyme activation and suppression, orientation of intra and extra cellular macromolecules, migratory and reproductive activity of cells, synthetic capacity and specialized function of cells, contractility and permeability of cell membranes, and energy transfer. Another type of electric or electromagnetic field response is also found in bone structure, called streaming potentials, an electrical field created by the flow of ions, charged solutes, and cells such as red blood cells, through the tissues, carried by extra cellular fluids such as blood through the extra cellular matrix. When the bone is even subtly bent from pressure by such events as walking or even by the pulse of our arteries, the extra cellular fluids are pumped through the bone. An electrical charge is created as a result of the electrostatic interaction of the electrically charged fluids moving past the fixed charge in the crystalline bone structure. These electrical fluids can also interact with the piezoelectric fields of the bone.

Liquid Crystals

There are other forms of crystalline-like systems in the body, and one of the most important is the liquid crystal. A liquid crystal is technically defined as having form, liquid properties, stored information and a measurable electromagnetic field. A liquid crystal can act simultaneously as liquid and crystal. The larger liquid crystal systems include fatty tissue, muscle and nerve tissue, the lymphatic system, white blood cells, and the various pleural and peritoneal linings. Muscle and nerve tissue exist as liquid crystal systems held in shape by bone and skin systems. The muscles have also been shown to have some piezoelectric properties. On a cellular level, all cells and cell membranes are considered liquid crystals. These include the plasma membrane, mitochondrial membrane, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membranes and chloroplast membranes. Bodily fluids also have crystal qualities. A water molecule contains the potential forms of all crystals in its primary form of a tetrahedron. Water can bring all different forms of ions into a crystalline state and hold them in solution. The more structured the water is, the higher concentration of ions it can hold. One of the most important ion solutions is the dissolved cell salts.

When the body cells and tissues become diseased or cancerous, the crystalline protein structures no longer have the proper configuration to maintain the water in a structured state. Ions and other solutes in the cell consequently become redistributed by the new pattern of unstructured water. If the water in the cell, extra cellular fluid or blood plasma becomes structured, it will then be able to attract and hold more ions by virtue of its hydration shell patterns. Identical crystal resonant fields emanated by micronutrients are attracted to larger resonant fields emanated by the organism's larger crystalline and liquid crystalline patterns. This explains how micronutrients, homeopathic remedies, etc., through vibrating crystalline fields, are drawn to the appropriate resonating crystalline sites.

In An Atlas of Cellular Oscillators by P.R. Rapp, research in over 450 papers is cited in cataloging an atlas of biological and biochemical oscillators with a periodicity of one hour or less. This includes oscillations in enzyme-catalyzed reactions such as photosynthesis, oscillations in protein synthesis, and oscillations in cell membranes, secretory cells, neuronal cells, skeletal cells, smooth cells, heart muscle cells and cell movement.

In a healthy state, the body's structures are a multi-leveled series of interacting systems and subsystems that resonate harmoniously. From this perspective, disease occurs when this synchronicity is thrown into disharmony. Each organ system or subsystem gives off a specific measurable electromagnetic field. The EMFs are measurable, subtle vibratory fields that can have great effect on the behavior of an organism. When one uses natural quartz crystals to heal the body, energy transference occurs partly because of a resonance effect between the quartz crystal and those cellular crystal systems with quartz-like properties. These same biocrystalline elements amplify certain aspects of the life force or Ch'i in special energy circuits called meridians that run throughout the body.


The first five Platonic solids relate to the five notes of the pentatonic musical scale. The octave has seven diatonic notes, the last two corresponding to the cuboctehedron and the rhombic dodecahedron. Five additional shapes form the chromatic scale, and there's a thirteenth one, the return. Thus there are 13 polyhedrons that form the chromatic scale of music. From those 13, 13 more are formed that are the same, only stellated, to total 26 shapes--two octaves within each other. In terms of form, those 26 shapes are the key to all the harmonics of the Reality.

The Periodic Table of Elements shows that every element, with a few exceptions that cannot be determined because they will not crystallize, is related to the cube. But on almost all the other elements we find this cubical relationship, except the fourth-dimensional atoms that fall outside the natural Table of Elements and those that are synthetic or man-made. They don't happen naturally in nature. Each atomic element has an associated crystalline structure. In every single case scientists have found that the different crystalline structures associated with atoms can be reduced to the structure of a cube.

Both the sphere and the cube can perfectly contain the other four Platonic solids and each other symmetrically, by their surface, assuming you have the right sizes. The cube is the only Platonic solid with this special characteristic: You can take a sphere, slip it inside a cube, and it will touch the six faces perfectly and symmetrically. And a tetrahedron will slide down one of the axes and become the diagonals of the cube, fitting perfectly and symmetrically. A star tetrahedron will also fit perfectly inside a cube. The octahedron is actually the dual of the cube; if you connect the centers of the adjacent cube faces, you get an octahedron. What is important here is that only the sphere and the cube have this capability. The cube is the father, the most important male form. The sphere is the mother, the most important female form. So in the entire reality, the sphere and the cube are the two most important forms and will almost always dominate when it comes to primary relationships in creation.

Crystals grow very much like people in lots of ways. Our fields grow hexagonally, just as crystals do. Though the silicon molecule is a tetrahedron, when it forms quartz, it links with another silicon tetrahedron to form a cube. Then it throws out a long line of little star tetrahedrons or cubes to form a row. Then the row begins to spin, changing direction exactly at 60-degrees to form a hexagon, the same structure seen around the human body from above.

Crystals have genders. They're either male or female or both. If you know what to look for, you can look at a crystal and see where the next face is. If it is on the left, then it is rotating clockwise, and that crystal is female. If it is on the right, then it is rotating counterclockwise, and it is male. If there are faces on both sides at just about the same height, you should see two spirals moving around this crystal in opposite directions, and that crystal would be bisexual. Often, two crystals are joined at the base and wrap somewhat around each other. These are called twined crystals, and these are almost always male and female. It's rare for them to do it differently.

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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